Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Philosophy
Maria Cochran
Purpose of education
What is the role of the student, teacher, and community?
Life doesnt make any sense without interdependence. We need each other and the sooner we learn
that the better for us all. Erik Erikson
Working from Urie Bronfenbrenners ecological model, the child is at the centre of a vast array of
interconnected factors which contribute to their development and education. The exosystem, that is the
community, plays an integral role in the development of an individual. The community includes
neighbours and family, the media, the government, and the health system, all of which affect the child
as an individual. The teacher is part of a childs microsystem, a group of individuals who are in direct
contact with the child. The teacher has a unique role, in that they act as a link between the child and the
outer systems the community. What this means is that teacher, family and community all play an
important part in the growth and development of the individual student. They are interconnected and
interdependent. The teacher does not work in isolation from the community, but rather works to create
connections between school and the rest of the childs world.
Enactment of goals
What teaching methods do you use?
A student-centred approach to learning would be used, with the teacher acting as a facilitator and
guide. Students explore content and concepts on their own and together to develop an understanding
and to make learning more meaningful. There are times when direct instruction is necessary, but a
balance between that and inquiry-based and cooperative learning is beneficial to students.
How do these methods contribute to your goals for students?
If students are to make learning applicable, it is more meaningful. Knowledge has less meaning when it
is given and not experienced. With guidance, students can uncover much of their own learning and that
extends beyond the classroom. Students can be more successful if they are engaged in the learning
process, and if they can celebrate their learning by sharing it with others.