Minutes 2010 02 16

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IUSA Congress Minutes – 16 February 2010

Call to order – 9:10pm

Jack – bringing in directors (to IUSA Congress) to give reports

Suzie Hsieh – director of gym cams task force. Moved away from gym cams. Requesting $920-$1380 for
4-6 8-GB iPod touches (2 for SRSC, 2 for HPER, 2 for backup)

Ily Rekhter (chief of transportation for IUSA) – zipCar on campus by McNutt and the IMU. IUSA got
plenty of positive coverage from IDS. ZimRide coming along. Bus tracker is too – spent $1500; Chicago
spent $2 million on their system. Still some bugs in bus tracker, but usually accurate to within 20 ft.
Website, monitors, all over campus. Updates: kiosks across campus.

Attendance – quorum reached – 31 members of 57 attending.

Resolution 09-10-27— Reallocate Congress Seats – non-binding recommendation passes with

unanimous ‘aye’

Resolution 09-10-28—Set IUSA Polling Locations for the Spring 2010 IUSA Election – non-binding
recommendation, 15-15 tie, VP of Congress Shobha Pai votes ‘no’, breaking tie.

Resolution 09-10-29—Diversity - tabled until next meeting

Kirkwood presents “Kirkwood Promise”

iUnity presents platform and ideas

Meeting adjourned at 10:00pm

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