Minutes 2008 09 09
Minutes 2008 09 09
Minutes 2008 09 09
I. Call to Order
a. 8:33 PM
II. Roll Call
a. Members Present (40): Sarah Colan (Ashton); Mike Powell (Business);
Thomas Little (Business); Danielle Loewenthal (COAS); Jennifer Conley
(COAS); Skylar Edwards (COAS); Smita Das (COAS); William Yu (COAS);
Christian Hines (Collins); Mark Shadiow (Education); Jessica Schul
(Eigenmann); Zac Ventress (Greek-Extension); Alexandra Geller (Greek-
North Jordan); Darian Stahl (Honors); Benjamin Agley (HPER); Jaron Kient
(HPER); Erik Kiser (Informatics); Kyla King (Journalism); Benjamin Lawson
(Law); Melissa Block (Music); Valerie Vandenberg (Nursing); Alexander
Mieure (Off-Campus); Andrew Conley (Off-Campus); Ben Blair (Off-
Campus); Jim Snaza (Off-Campus); John O'Hara (Off-Campus); Kevin
Rippey (Off-Campus); Laura Wyman (Off-Campus); Omair Ali (Off-
Campus); Sheila Ellis (Off-Campus); Veral Patel (Off-Campus); Eric Weigel
(Optometry); Megan Busam (Social Work); Mike Coleman (Teter); Ashley
Reller (University Division); Elizabeth Schrader (University Division);
Hannah Bennett (University Division); William French (University Division);
Nicole Hakes (Willkie); Anuraag Tripathi (Wright)
b. Members Absent Without Proxy (12): Jimmy Lambert (Briscoe); Paris
Gray (COAS); Oscar Amador (Family Student Housing); Patricia Spiccia
(Foster); Sarah Bielski (Graduate School); Matt Tyner (Greek-South
Campus); Jenny Kim (Music); Katherine Iaria (Off-Campus); Laura DeWald
(Off-Campus); Matt Corsaro (Off-Campus); Timothy Williams (Off-Campus);
Allison Shearer (SPEA)
III. Introductions by Executives and Officers
IV. Executive Reports
a. Luke Fields—IUSA President
i. 5 platform issues to continue this year
1. Weekend Health Center hours
a. Discussion of Committee on Fee Review (CFR)
i. Determine student fees for the next 2 years,
Luke will chair the committee
ii. Fee increase perhaps to get weekend Health
Center hours
iii. Need to look into how much increase would be
2. Student section
a. Meeting of Luke Fields and Andrew Hahn with Jeff
Cieply—Marketing Director for IU Athletics
i. Regarding incentives for students to get to
games on time
1. Ex. Seating arrangment
ii. Continuing to explore opportunities
3. Fall break
a. How can we find a happy medium for a fall break?
i. Appointments for Calendar Committee in
Bloomington Faculty Council
4. Tax free textbooks
a. System-wide work over entire state of Indiana
b. Have met with president of Purdue Student
5. 100% meal point rollover
a. This year’s I-Bucks mean students have one full
semester from spring to fall with 100% rollover.
b. We want to push for a full year.
ii. Current Issues:
1. Bookstore has removed ISBN’s from cards with books needed
for classes
a. TIS still carries numbers
b. We are talking to the Board of Trustees regarding the
2. “Sharp Object” attack near Briscoe over weekend
a. Safety issues:
i. Lack of lighting?
3. IUSA Internship Program
a. Get it up and running by Oct. 13
4. Robin will talk about IUSA Budget
5. Campus Committee Appoinments
a. 125-ish Campus Committee Appointments
b. Includes students to help for search for Vice Provost;
Dean of Students; etc.
6. Bloomington Faculty Council
a. Will be making several appointments to Sub-
Committees—we may be coming to Congress for some
7. Athletics issues:
a. Tickets will be the same for BBall as last year at $15
iii. Upcoming Events:
1. Luke report on state of Student Body
a. Sept. 19
2. IUSA Reunion
a. Oct. 10 and 11
3. Interns begin Oct. 13.
4. Dean of Students Search/Screen
5. Other Searches
6. Union Board/IUSA Partnership Lecture Series
a. “Let’s Talk About…”
i. Will be a continuing project with Union Board
this year
7. Luke’s Email:
a. lufields@indiana.edu
b. Dan Sloat—IUSA Vice President
i. “Let’s Talk About…” Speaker Series
1. Bring in speakers regarding a variety of issues throughout the
2. One of many partnerships we’d like to see this year both with
UB and with other organizations
ii. Meal Plan
1. As recent as 2001, we had no rollover for meal points
2. I-Bucks is a bit confusing, but we feel it is a step in the right
iii. Freshman Internship Program
1. Apps Avail Sept. 17
2. Due Sept. 31
3. Interns begin Oct. 13
c. Robin Featherston—IUSA Treasurer
i. Revision of the Elections Code
1. Need interested individuals from Congress
2. Email refeathe@indiana.edu
d. Andrew Hahn—IUSA Vice President for Congress
i. Be sure you are getting Oncourse Emails for IUSA
ii. Congress items will be available for Congress meetings on Oncourse
website Monday night before meeting
iii. Will be appointing Standing Committees later this week
V. Director Reports
a. Bryan Stuart—IUSA Director for Student Rights
i. What is IUSA Student Rights?
1. Advises students in the Campus Judicial System
2. Help students understand the system
3. Everything that goes through them is confidential
4. Happy to speak to your constituents
5. Ready to take on complaints
VI. New Business
a. Resolution 08-09-1 Director Appointments
i. Approved Unanimously by voice vote
b. Resolution 08-09-2 Officer Appointments
i. Approved Unanimously by voice vote
c. Resolution 08-09-3 Appointment of IUSA Supreme Court Chief Justice
i. Tara Maloney Addresses the Congress
1. The Court is the 3rd Branch of IUSA, will usually not be at
a. Sits on Hearing Commissions in Campus Judicial
b. Will hear disputes regarding IUSA Constitution if need
ii. Tara Maloney selected as Supreme Court Chief Justice Unanimously
by voice vote
d. Resolution 08-09-4 Supreme Court Appointments
i. Ms. Erin Chapman, Mr. Dylan Pittman, Mr. Austin Hall approved
Unanimously by voice vote
e. Resolution 08-09-5 Approval of Operating Budget for FY 2008-2009
i. Overview of budget by Robin Featherston
1. Line item discussion of each item and justification for it
2. Entire budget will be approved and money will be allocated to
approved areas except for Elections item, which is contingent
on passage of a new IUSA Elections Code
a. $1250 in that line will be allocated in Elections Code
b. If no new Code is approved, money will be transferred
to general budget.
ii. Luke Fields—Overview of IU Sports Properties spending
1. Sponsor Crimson Rewards Plan
a. IUSA will be sponsoring rewards program to encourage
students to attend various sporting events aside from the
big ticket items of basketball and football.
iii. 2008-2009 Operating Budget approved Unanimously by voice vote
VII. Congress Elections
a. Election of Speaker of Congress for Fall 2008
i. Candidates:
1. Tom Littel-Kelley School of Business
a. 15 votes
2. Skylar Edwards-COAS
a. 3 votes
3. Mike Powell-Kelley School of Business
a. 22 votes
ii. Mike Powell wins with majority of votes cast on the first Ballot; will
be Speaker of Congress for Fall 2008.
VIII. Adjourn
a. 9:45 PM