Art and Math Lesson Plan 2
Art and Math Lesson Plan 2
Art and Math Lesson Plan 2
GCO: 3.1.1 explore line, shape and form, space,
colour, value and texture and the principles of pattern
and repetition in the visual environment
PR1: Demonstrate an understanding of
increasing patterns by: describing, extending,
comparing, creating patterns using manipulatives,
diagrams, sounds and actions
SCO: I will be able to make my own patterns using
different materials.
Objective(s) for this lesson: Students will be able to
understand that patterns can be done in various ways
and with various materials.
The PowerPoint entitled Tessellations (Appendix
A) will introduce the topic of tessellation by asking
the following question:
What do you know about tessellations?
Write their answers on the board so we can have a
brainstorm of what they know.
We will begin the PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint titled Math and Art
(Appendix A)
Station 1
Appendix B
Piece of paper for each student
Pre-cut shapes
Station 2
Appendix C
Activity Pattern Blocks (triangles,
squares, hexagons, trapezoids,
and rhombuses)
Station 3
Appendix D
Piece of paper for each student
Index Cards (one for each
Directions for table
Pencil Crayons
Special Concerns
Students who are unable to see
the images on the PowerPoint
can look closer at them after the
presentation, before station
For station rotation, students
will be at each station for 10-15
minutes. If you run out of time,
it is okay if they only do 2 of the
3 stations.
their seat or from near the board) what they see in the
images. While looking at the pieces, students should
be thinking about how they were made (material or
- Escher liked to do mental gymnastics, and to play
with our perception (the way we see things)
Waterfall this is an impossible construction.
Is the water running from high to low? Where
is the highest part? How do you know?
Reptiles What is happening in this image?
Sky and Water I This piece of art uses
tessellations. Is there a pattern here? How
did he change from a bird to a fish?
- How do you think Escher made these images? (Take
suggestions). He used woodcuts, where he carved the
image in wood; he used lithographs, where he drew
the image on a piece of rock, and used something to
make some parts hold ink and other parts not; and he
used mezzotints, which is where he scratched the
image into a piece of metal.
- Would these ways be easier or harder than using
paint or a pencil? Why?
- Today we are going to make some art like Eschers.
We are going to make our own tessellations. And like
Escher, we are going to use a few different methods to
make our art
We then move in to stations.
Station 1:
In this station, students will use precut,
simple shapes (squares, triangles, trapezoids,
and octagons) to make their own tessellation
It is up to them to choose their shapes and
their colour pattern for the tessellations. We
want their imagination to run free.
Station 2:
Instruct the students to make patterns with
the blocks, making certain that they leave no
gaps or spaces. After each student or group
of students has a pattern, have all of the
students look at each others at the table.
Discuss the patterns. Discuss the
relationships between the blocks
Questions to consider: Which shapes fit
together easily? Which shapes don't seem to
fit with the others? Which patterns could be
repeated over and over again in the plane?
What shapes fit together making a pattern
using only one type of block?
Have students describe what
they see as they are looking at
the images on the power point.
By having different types of
stations, we are appealing to
most of our students. Some of
the stations are easier than
others while some are more
challenging. No one is being held
back because they eventually
get to the station where they
get to make their own. If they
are more advanced, they may be
more creative. If the student
wants to do something simpler,
they are able to do so as well.
The more difficult station will
have the directions printed on a
piece of paper so that students
can refer to something visually,
and not just in an auditory
In-Class Support
Because of the amount of help
that we have in the class, there
can be one adult at each station.
If you have less, have adults
supervising and rotating stations
so that students are able to ask
questions and that there is
maximum observation being
Assessment (formative/summative)
Formative assessment for this lesson will be to see the
accuracy of their own tessellations. Will they follow
the single shape pattern, zero space, full plane
coverage etc.
Cross-curricular Connections
Through this lesson, students
will touch on both math and art
(and a bit of art history)
simultaneously. The curricular
outcomes, for both subjects, are
listed under the outcome
To finish, we want to reiterate how often we see
tessellations in the real world and in art. Ask the
students the following question: