Tim Kingsbury Resume

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304-282-7480 tkingsbu@mail.wvu.


D. Kingsbury
D. Kingsbury


2012 2015
West Virginia University Morgantown, WV
BS in Business Administration (Summa Cum Laude)
Major Management Information Systems GPA: Cumulative - 3.89/4.00

May 2015 - Current
Website Designer & Builder
Created custom websites for clients and trained them how to manage
their content
Designed wireframes for organizations across a wide range of
Boosted client web presence utilizing several SEO tools such as Google
Spring 2014 January 2015
WVURC Tech Transfer - Morgantown
Legal Clerk, Database Consultant and Maintenance
Prepared confidential legal documents and contracts for our lawyer
such as non-disclosures and license agreements.
Read 1000+ page Knowledge Sharing System Database manual in order
to understand system and help other users.
Consulted on WVURCs Knowledge Sharing System Database design;
recommendations were accepted and implemented.
Created Tech Transfers website
Fall 2012 January 2015
Clear Mountain Bank - Morgantown
Customer Service Representative
Utilized various financial systems and tools to solve customer problems
and serve business needs
Informed customers of our product mix and advised them in selecting
the best option to match their needs
Handled transactions in excess of $100,000 daily



WVU Management Information
Systems Association (MISA) President
As the peer elected president of MISA,
I led a revitalization of the
organization, boosting meaningful
membership over 80% while
spearheading the transition to
financial solvency by implementing
strong cash raising and saving
Taught Credited Honors Course at WVU
Founding member of the WVU Supply
Chain Management Association
Regular Student Representative for
B&E Events and the WVU Foundation
Sole Student Member of the B&E
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Studied Abroad in Japan Fall 2015 to
study cultural and product differences
WVUs International Bowersox Supply
Chain Challenge Team (Placed 4th of 16
WVU Ethic Case Study team
Won 1st in 2 of 3 competitions
Pro Bono technology work for local
childcare center


WV Promise Scholarship

National Merit Scholarship

WVU Honors College

Presentation and Public Speaking

WVU Presidential Scholar

Relational Database Design

WVU President's List

Procurement Strategy

WVU Deans List

Web & Experience Design

Beta Gamma Sigma Honorary

Microsoft Suite (including Visio & Project)

B&E Seelinger Scholar

Deep Understanding of Business & Technology Ethics

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