Analysis of Westside Retail Store
Analysis of Westside Retail Store
Analysis of Westside Retail Store
Established in 1998 as part of the Tata Group, Trent Ltd. operates Westside, one of
India's largest and fastest growing chains of retail stores. The Westside stores have
numerous departments to meet the varied shopping needs of customers. These include
Menswear, Womens wear, Kids wear, Footwear, Cosmetics, Perfumes and Handbags,
Household Accessories, lingerie, and Gifts. The company has already established 36
Westside departmental stores (measuring 15,000-30,000 square feet each) in
Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad & Noida (to be
considered as 1 city), Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Lucknow,
Mumbai, Mysore, Nagpur, Pune, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara and Jammu. The company
hopes to expand rapidly with similar format stores that offer a fine balance between
style and price retailing.
Trent ventured into the hypermarket business in 2004 with Star Bazaar, providing an
ample assortment of products made available at the lowest prices, aptly exemplifying
its Chota Budget, Lambi Shopping motto. At present Star Bazaar has 4 stores in 3
cities located in Ahmedabad, Mumbai and Bangalore. This store offers customers an
eclectic array of products that include staple foods, beverages, health and beauty
products, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, consumer electronics and household items
at the most affordable prices. Star Bazaar also includes a large range of fashionable inhouse garments for men, women and children, exclusively available at the store.
In addition, Trent recently acquired a 76% stake in Landmark, one of the largest books
& music retail chains in the country. Landmark began operations in 1987 with its first
store in Chennai with a floor space of 5500 sq. ft. At present Landmark have 10 stores,
varying in size from 12,000 sq. ft. to 45,000 sq. ft, 3 in Chennai and 1 each in
Bangalore, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Vadodara, Gurgaon, Pune, Lucknow and Ahmedabad.
Until 1996, Landmarks product portfolio comprised books, stationery, and greeting
cards. It was later that music was added to it. Landmark also sparked the trend of
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stocking curios, toys and other gift items. What separates Landmark from other stores
of its kind is the range and depth of its stock.
This story began circa 1998 when The Tatas acquired Littlewoods a London based
retail chain. This acquisition was followed by the establishment of Trent Ltd (a Tata
enterprise that presently operates Westside). Littlewoods was subsequently renamed
In a rapidly evolving retail scenario, Westside has carved a niche for its brand of
merchandise creating a loyal following. Currently, the company has 36 Westside stores
measuring 15,000-30,000 square feet each across 20 cities. With a variety of designs
and styles, everything at Westside is exclusively designed and the merchandise ranges
from stylized clothes, footwear and accessories for men, women and children to wellco-coordinated table linens, artifacts, home accessories and furnishings. Well-designed
interiors, sprawling space, prime locations and coffee shops enhance the customers
shopping experience.
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Objective of the study
1. To develop the satisfaction level for their customers.
2. To understand the marketing strategies of west side
3. To know the strategy to face the rival competition
1. Primary data:
The primary data is been collected by the onsite store of west
side and through articles and employees of west side
2. Secondary data:
The secondary data is collected through the internet on various
sites and west side site and retail information
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Literature Review
The concept of store loyalty is derived from the concept of brand loyalty
which refers to the tendency to make repeat purchases of products of the same
brand. Store loyalty refers to the tendency to repeatedly shop at the same store
for similar or other products. A loyal customer would give preference to a
specific store and would tend to be far more forgiving of errors of the store.
There are three main set of variables that have been found to have an impact
on loyalty of customers:
1. Store Related Variables
2 .Shopper Related Variables
3. Situation Related Variables
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belonging to different age groups prefer different stores. There have been
researches done which suggests that the greater the congruence between selfimage and store image, the greater is the probability that the customer is loyal.
(Pathak, D.S., W.J.E .Crissy, and R.W Sweitzer 1974, Customer Image Versus
the Retailers Anticipated Image, Journal of Retailing, Vol.50).There is a
direct linkage between personal values and desired consumer benefits. This
means different customers have different levels of desired consumer benefits
which vary according to their own perceived values.
Loyalty is also influenced by the situation related variables. These factors
include task definition, level of involvement, shopping orientation and usage
of information. These indicate the intensity of need and the comfort of the
shopper in taking a purchase decision. The store choice has been found to
depend on buying situations that differ with the level of involvement (Moschis,
G.P .1976, Shopping Orientations and Consumer Uses of Information)
Thus we can say that the existence of the customer is integral to the existence
of the retailer. The ability to understand consumers is the key to developing a
successful retail strategy. A key factor in understanding customers is
identifying the customers for product or service, which means the target
segment, and the demographics of this segment, their needs and buying
Recognition of the need for a product or a service is the first stage that may
lead to a consumer buying. The need may be psychological or functional.
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Retail Industry: An Overview
Retailing is the interface between the producer and the individual consumer
buying for personal consumption. This excludes direct interface between the
manufacturer and institutional buyers such as the government and other bulk
customers. A retailer is one who stocks the producers goods and is involved in
the act of selling it to the individual consumer, at a margin of profit. As such,
retailing is the last link that connects the individual consumer with the
manufacturing and distribution chain.
Retail has played a major role world over in increasing productivity across a
wide range of consumer goods and services .The impact can be best seen in
countries like U.S.A., U.K., Mexico, Thailand and more recently China.
Economies of countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Sri Lanka and
Dubai are also heavily assisted by the retail sector.
Top Retailers Worldwide: Rank Retailer Home Country
1. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. U.S.A.
2. Carrefour Group
5. Metro
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The retail industry in India is of late often being hailed as one of the sunrise
sectors in the economy. AT Kearney, the well-known international
management consultancy, recently identified India as the second most
attractive retail destination globally from among thirty emergent markets. It
has made India the cause of a good deal of excitement and the cynosure of
many foreign eyes. With a contribution of 14% to the national GDP and
employing 7% of the total workforce (only agriculture employs more) in the
country, the retail industry is definitely one of the pillars of the Indian
Retail sales in India amounted to about Rs.7400 billion in 2002, expanded at
an average annual rate of 7% during 1999-2002. With the upturn in economic
growth during 2003, retail sales are also expected to expand at a higher pace of
nearly 10%. Across the country, retail sales in real terms are predicted to rise
more rapidly than consumer expenditure during 2003-08. The forecast growth
in real retail sales during 2003- 2008 is 8.3% per year, compared with 7.1% for
consumer expenditure. Modernization of the Indian retail sector will be
reflected in rapid growth in sales of supermarkets, departmental stores and
hyper marts. Sales from these large-format stores are to expand at growth rates
ranging from 24% to 49% per year during 2003-2008, according to a latest
report by Euro monitor International, a leading provider of global consumermarket intelligence.
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A. T. Kearney Inc. places India 6th on a global retail development index. The
country has the highest per capita outlets in the world - 5.5 outlets per 1000
population. Around 7% of the population in India is engaged in retailing, as
compared to 20% in the USA.
In a developing country like India, a large chunk of consumer expenditure is
on basic necessities, especially food-related items. Hence, it is not surprising
that food, beverages and tobacco accounted for as much as 71% of retail sales
in 2002. The share of food related items had, however, declined over the
review period, down from 73% in 1999. This is not unexpected, because with
income growth, Indians, like consumers elsewhere, have started spending
more on non-food items compared with food products. Sales through
supermarkets and department stores are small compared with overall retail
sales. Nevertheless, their sales have grown much more rapidly, at almost a
triple rate (about 30% per year during the review period). This high
acceleration in sales through modern retail formats is expected to continue
during the next few years, with the rapid growth in numbers of such outlets
due to consumer demand and business potential. The factors responsible for
the development of the retail sector in India can be broadly summarized as
Rising incomes and improvements in infrastructure are enlarging consumer
markets and accelerating the convergence of consumer tastes. Looking at
income classification, the National Council of Applied Economic Research
(NCAER) classified approximately 50% of the Indian population as low
income in 1994-95; this is expected to decline to 17.8% by 2006-07.
Liberalization of the Indian economy which has led to the opening up of the
market for consumer goods has helped the MNC brands like Kelloggs,
Unilever, Nestle, etc. to make significant inroads into the vast consumer
market by offering a wide range of choices to the Indian consumers.
Shift in consumer demand to foreign brands like McDonalds, Sony,
Panasonic, etc.
The internet revolution is making the Indian consumer more accessible to the
growing influences of domestic and foreign retail chains. Reach of satellite
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T.V. channels is helping in creating awareness about global products for local
markets. About 47% of Indias population is under the age of 20; and this will
increase to 55% by 2015. This young population, which is technology-savvy,
watch more than 50 TV satellite channels, and display the highest propensity
to spend, will immensely contribute to the growth of the retail sector in the
country. As India continues to get strongly integrated with the world economy
riding the waves of globalization, the retail sector is bound to take big leaps in
the years to come.
The Indian retail sector is estimated to have a market size of about $ 180
billion; but the organized sector represents only 2% share of this market. Most
of the organized retailing in the country has just started recently, and has been
concentrated mainly in the metro cities. India is the last large Asian economy
to liberalize its retail sector. In Thailand, more than 40% of all consumer goods
are sold through the super markets and departmental stores. A similar
phenomenon has swept through all other Asian countries. Organized retailing
in India has a huge scope because of the vast market and the growing
consciousness of the consumer about product quality and services. A study
conducted by Fitch, expects the organized retail industry to continue to grow
rapidly, especially through increased levels of penetration in larger towns and
metros and also as it begins to spread to smaller cities and B class towns.
Fueling this growth is the growth in development of the retail-specific
properties and malls. According to the estimates available with Fitch, close to
25mn sq. ft. of retail space is being developed and will be available for
occupation over the next 36-48 months. Fitch expects organized retail to
capture 15%-20% market share by 2010. A McKinsey report on India says
organized retailing would increase the efficiency and productivity of entire
gamut of economic activities, and would help in achieving higher GDP
growth. At 6%, the share of employment of retail in India is low, even when
compared to Brazil (14%), and Poland (12%).
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Malls in India
Over the last 2-3 years, the Indian consumer market has seen a significant
growth in the number of modern-day shopping centers, popularly known as
malls. There is an increased demand for quality retail space from a varied
segment of large-format retailers and brands, which include food and apparel
chains, consumer durables and multiplex operators. Shopping-center
development has attracted real-estate developers and corporate houses across
cities in India. As a result, from just 3 malls in 2000, India is all set to have
over 220 malls by 2005. Today, the expected demand for quality retail space in
2006 is estimated to be around 40 million square feet. While previously it was
the large, organized retailers with their modern, up-market outlets, and direct
consumer interface- who had been a key factor driving the growth of organized
retail in the country, now it is the malls which are playing the role.
Factors such as availability of physical space, population densities, city
planning, and socio-economic parameters have driven the Indian market to
evolve, to a certain extent, its own definition of a mall. For example, while a
mall in USA is 400,000 to 1 million sq. ft. in size, an Indian version can be
anywhere between 80,000 sq. ft. And 500,000 sq. ft. By 2005, total mall space
in the 6 cities of Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, and
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Westside- season of promotion and sale
It begins usually at the end of October and carries through the fourth quarter
ending in January.
Festivals like Dusherra, Diwali, Halloween, Christmas and New Year Eve bring
more customers.
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2. Customers- At Westside
1. Men
While guys tend to prioritize fashion to a lesser degree than girls, rightlook and the dude image is still important to them.
Boys tend to spend more money on electronic gadgets, food, sports goods
and music.
2. Women
Tween girls represent a lucrative opportunity for retailers. They are going to
become the future buyers.
Teen girls are more trend savvy. Its not just the clothes and accessories, but
the whole look that the teen girls aspire to define.
Post teen girls spend more on jewelry and household items and thus they
contribute a lot more in terms of revenue.
3. Geographical Location
The location of the retail store had, for a long time, been considered the most
important P in retailing. If a retail store was located in the right place, it was
considered to be adequate assurance for success. Over the years, with advent
of non-store retailing and the rise in web-based retail, merely choosing the
right location cant be considered adequate. However, the retail location is an
important part of the retail strategy, as the location of the store conveys a fair
amount of its image. It also influences the merchandise mix and the interior
layout of the store.
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While a retailer can change his merchandise mix, adjust prices, improve
communication with consumers and offer better services, once a store comes
into existence, it is fairly difficult to change the location. Moving from one
location to another may result in the loss of customers and employees.
Moreover, the new location may not always have the benefits of the earlier
Types of Locations
Various options are available to the retailer, for choosing the location of this
store. The choice of the location of the store again, depends on the target
audience and the kind of merchandise to be sold. For ex, the location of a
convenience store would not be suitable for that of an expensive jewelry
boutique. Typically, a store maybe,
1. Freestanding/ Isolated Store,
2. Part of a business district, or
3. Part of a Shopping Center- A shopping center has been defined by the
International Council of Shopping Centers as a group of retail and other
commercial establishments that is planned, developed, owned and manager
as a single property. The availability of parking is an important feature of
every shopping center. Westside Mall in Rajouri is a part of the shopping
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Mission Statement
To be regarded by our customers as the most relevant retailer in the country.
In order to achieve this goal, we shall develop a comprehensive understanding
of their needs, strive to win their confidence, and offer them best-in-class
products and services at affordable prices. We shall always be in the forefront
of fashion and services by anticipating and exceeding the expectations of our
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It is their policy to satisfy our customers with the range, quality and value of
the products we offer. However, if they are dissatisfied with any item that they
might have purchased they would take the necessary measures to assist them.
The customers are expected to return unused merchandise along with its
receipt within 30 days. We would exchange the returned items or give our
customers a complete refund. In the event that they do not have the receipt we
would offer them an exchange or provide them a gift voucher to the current or
last known selling price. We have complete confidence in the quality of our
merchandise however should our customers have any grievances, we would be
happy to address them once they are brought to our attention said an
Style, affordable prices, quality: these are the factors that have shaped
Westsides success story in the retail fashion stores business. Launched in 1998
in Bangalore, the Westside chain has, ever since, been setting the standards for
other fashion retailers to follow. Westside stands out from the competition for a
variety of reasons. One is that a majority of the brands the chain stocks and
sells are its own, unlike retailers who store multiple labels. About 90 per cent
of Westsides offerings are home-grown, and they cater to different customer
segments. The other 10 per cent includes toys, cosmetics and lingerie.
Westside has recently expanded its range of merchandise by offering outfits
from some of Indias best-known fashion designers, among them Wendell
Rodericks, Anita Dongre, Krishna Mehta and Mona Pali. This is an interesting
marketing shift, since it means moving away from the chains only-our-ownbrands concept. Westside is a departmental store having several product
line & according to ET 500 list out of top four retail companies Trent
ranked 3rd as
Pantaloons retail
Shoppers shop
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Children Section
Household items
Women Section
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2. 1st Floor
Mens Section
Casual Clothing
Formal Wear
Ethnic Wear
Urban angel
David Jones
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To irrigate the space better Westside have the entrance on the ground floor and
exit on the first floor (Andheri infinity mall). In case of visual merchandising
all the category of clothes of all sizes and varieties are displayed and hence the
consumption of space for shelves is reduced. And it is convenient for
customers to choose and for the attendants to support buying. Profitability of
Westside Delhi is more than that in Pune and Bangalore because youth here
have much spending power. It is also driven from strong demand backed by
quality products and latest fashion.
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Services & Store Atmosphere in Westside
It provides post purchase service including shipping & delivery, gift wrapping,
adjustments & returns, alteration & tailoring
With the sole objective of rewarding its loyal customers for their patronage,
Westside has lined up a bonanza of surprise gifts. Every shopper gets a
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scratch-and-win card which entitles them entry into a contest. Those making
purchases above Rs 1,500 are also entitled to receive other pleasant surprises
The trendy household section has a complete new range of bed linen in
elephant motifs, floral motifs and paisley design. The color palette for the
festive collection includes flaming orange, royal blue and other vibrant colors
to depict festivity.
The gift section has a plethora of gifts terracotta pots, urns, knick-knacks
and Diyas in beautiful colors, shapes and sizes. The store has also introduced
a new range of furniture and other household goods, including cabinets, butler
trays and mirrors in wood with an antique finish. An innovative range in
wrought iron and rope has been introduced in utility items which include
magazine racks, folding stools, jam pots on trays and Ganesha in brass and
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The other challenge for Westside is that the retail fashion business in the
country is becoming increasingly crowded with new players, Indian and
foreign. Among the new entrants have been Wills Sport, Lifestyle, Raymonds
(Be), Primus Globus, Nike, Crocodile, Mango and the latest, and Marks &
Marketing and Promotional Strategies By West Side
1. Club west card program
An assured return-and-exchange policy reinforces customer confidence in
the chain. Another winning Westside idea is Club West, a customer loyalty
programme launched in May 2001. The 30,000-plus members of this club get
rebates at restaurants and on holiday packages from the Taj Group of Hotels,
home delivery of alterations, and best of all, special shopping hours on the first
day of any discount sales event organized by the chain.
Easy to operate
Extra convenience
2. Fashion Logy
Westside has launched a new ad campaign titled 'Fashion Logy'. The campaign
is designed to provide the buyer with not just clothing, but also guides and aid
on dressing smart, styling and accessorizing. The campaign sees on-ground
activities and promotions designed to interact with the consumer about their
style. It includes womens corporate wear, girls wear, and glam denim.
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3. The Three Cs
Corporate clothing is a major component of Westside merchandise. The
emphasis here is on the three Cs: Comfort, Crispness and Coordination, and
the goal is to provide the complete corporate look, where color, clothes and
accessories are mixed and matched in a manner that creates harmony between
the person and the clothes he or she wears.
Westside employees are given regular training for better interaction. Some
things may take longer. The wish list, a tool for customers to let Westside
know their preferences, cannot be realized immediately. Only if there is an
optimum demand can the store look at fulfilling it. Gia, Westsides brand for
larger-sized requirements, was the outcome of one such need.
The company identifies star employees in each store and designates them as
coaches responsible for the training of their own store staff. Today, each store
has three kinds of coaches a customer service coach, an IT skills coach and
a product knowledge coach. The success of this programme has made it a
benchmark for all Tata Group companies.
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Self-selection- Customer find own goods, although they can ask for
Full Service- Sales people are ready to assist to any phase of the locate
compare select process. Customers who like to be waited own prefer these
types of stores.
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Pantaloons A Takeover By Aditya Birla
Pantaloons Fashion & Retail, one of the top clothing brands in the world, is India's
fastest growing premium lifestyle company. With innovative designs, concepts
and products, the company brings the latest trends in fashion and clothing styles to
the apparel market. Pantaloons, previously controlled by the Future Group, has
been recently taken over by Aditya Birla Nuvo Limited, a US $4 billion premium
diversified conglomerate and India's largest manufacturer of linen fabric.
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A typical Pantaloons store comprises a brand portfolio that runs across a gamut of
styles that spell class. The collection includes ready-to-wear western and ethnic
apparel for men, women and kids, complemented by an exhaustive range of
accessories. The variety of products and brands has helped propel Pantaloons to
become one of the best clothing brands in India.
Pantaloons offer its customers a collection of apparels and accessories from the
stables of globally renowned brands. The private labels for men in western wear
include Lombard, Rig, Bare Denim, Bare Leisure, SF Jeans, Byford, F Factor and
JM Sport apart from trendy brands like Urbana, Scullers, John Miller and Indigo
Nation. Akkriti provides a wide selection of ethnic wear.
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The womens section houses the private labels Bare Denim, Bare Leisure, Rig,
Annabelle, Honey, and Ajile in western wear, as well as the choicest ethnic
wear from RangManch, Trishaa and Akkriti. Popular brands like Lee Cooper, Biba
and W are also available. The formal wear section offers a range of crisp and welltailored collection by popular international brands such as Van Heusen, Allen
Solly, Peter England and Louis Philippe.
Kids can choose from private labels like Bare Denim, Bare Leisure, Rig, or
indulge in exclusive brands like Lee Cooper Juniors, Chalk, Poppers, Pink &
Blue, and Sach in addition to international brands like Barbie and Disney. For the
ethnic look, they can opt for traditional wear from Akkriti. The portfolio of brands
also includes infant wear by Chirpie Pie.
Pantaloons offer much more than just apparel. Customers can shop from an
assortment of watches from renowned international brands, including Tommy
Hilfiger, Esprit, Kenneth Cole, Citizen, Timex, Titan and others.
Trendy sunglasses from Polaroid, Guess, Police, Scott, I Dee and Allen Solly are
also available. The accessories and beauty segments display an attractive
collection of ladies handbags from Lavie, Caprese, Fiorelli and FastTrack. Also
available are products from colour cosmetic brands such as Bourjois, Chambor,
Deborah, Faces, Revlon, Maybelline, and Lakm, as well as a wide collection of
exotic fragrances. In its endeavour to meet the consumers ever-changing fashion
needs, Pantaloons has introduced new brands that include Candies, Alto Moda,
Turtle, Spykar, 109F, AND, Chemistry, Global Desi and Giny&Jony.
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Loyalty programme
The Pantaloons Payback Green card which is a unique loyalty programme has
been designed exclusively for Pantaloons' customers to enhance customer
experience. Presently offered to over 4 million members, the programme
entitles members to discounts, points and special privileges at all Pantaloons
The card has four tiers depending on the year's shopping. As a customer shops,
the card upgrades with increasing privileges and discounts. The benefits
covered under Green card include discounts, Payback points, complimentary
parking, complimentary home drop of altered garments, relaxed exchange
policy, complimentary shipping across India, exclusive sale preview, exclusive
billing counters and assisted shopping among others
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Retail chain Pantaloons plans to invest Rs 125 crore this fiscal as it plans to
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In 2012, Aditya Birla Nuvo had entered into an agreement with the Future
Group to infuse Rs 1,600 crore into Pantaloons and acquire a majority stake in
the store chain.
1. 2004-Westside case
In 2004, the Indian retail market was at INR.8, 000 billion, with the organised
sector accounting for a measly 2%. The case examines the foray of Tatas, one
of the largest business houses in India, into organised retailing with Westside
a chain of department stores.
The case highlights the key decision variables and the winning elements in
Westsides business model from private labelling strategy to its merchandise
management, to its customer centric approach. It also details out Westsides
style of functioning in terms of operations, marketing, customer relationship
management, customer services and human resource management the
chains emphasis on pricing, merchandise mix, store interiors and training their
employees. It reflects on how Westside identified and implemented a retail
model: the success that followed.
1. To discuss the growth strategies followed by Westside for its growth in
Indian retail market
2. To understand the Indian retail industry
3. To discuss the retail model adopted by Westside and its success in the
competitive environment.
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2. Westside in endorsement
In 2002, Westside signed on a leading Indian cricket player, Yuvraj Singh, as
its celebrity endorser for a period of 3 years. Westside sources announced that
Yuvraj Singh would promote Westside stores in Bangalore, Chennai,
Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune and Delhi.
Commenting on signing on Yuvraj Singh, Himanshu Chakrawarti,
general manager, marketing, Trent, said, "Yuvraj epitomizes the Westside
name in every aspect, he is stylish and trendy, Yuvraj personifies all the
qualities that a modern successful India needs - indomitable spirit, abundance
of talent, great energy and uncontrollable enthusiasm." This move surprised
industry analysts, as it was the first time an Indian retailer was going in for a
celebrity endorsement.
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1. Signing a celebrity who is in and out pitch in fashion trend
2. Getting the sales and marketing through celebrity and most loved by
Taping the sale force through celebrity endorsements
Getting an edge over other retailers
Making an impact through the aggressive marketing on core states
Improving the footfalls in the store of the westside
1. To know how the Westside brand are catered to high and middle class
2. To understand how to maintain a brand even sold to middle level
3. To know how to position the brand even of aggressive marketing strategy
4. To update the product life cycle and maintaining the pricing strategy.
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Over the years Westside has also developed and successfully introduced
a range of new brands especially suited to the Indian palate. These
brands like 2F 4U have been a tremendous success amongst the new
generation. What has also given Westside a competitive edge is that in
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All the floors are carefully structured. Ground floor and 1 st floor caters
exclusively to Women and Men respectively. Thus giving them privacy
and more freedom to look into their products.
Womens need more space and look for comfort. They are less likely to
buy if the place is congested and makes them feel uncomfortable. At
Westside sofas have been placed in the women section so as to make the
females more comfortable.
They are catering to different age groups less than one roof. For ex. On
the 1st floor which is mens section both formal and college wear is
available. This way they are able to build a huge customer loyal base.
Westside caters to not only the clothing needs and desires of its
customers. They have bed sheets, kitchenware, jewelry, perfumes, baby
products, household items, etc. This way a customer who enters
Westside just to buy one or two items usually ends up buying a lot more.
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Since Westside is not only catering to apparel need of the society a few
additions like Books, Music items, Electronic gadgets etc. can also be
added to the products available inside their store. The demand for the above
products is always in the market.
Allowing more space between the entrance of a store and a product gives it
more time in the shoppers eye as he or she approaches it. It builds a little
visual anticipation.
The number of trial rooms available at Westside is very less as compared to
the number of people coming. This usually results in long queues and
waiting by customers.
Install more full length mirrors inside the store so as to assist the customers
to make better purchase decisions.
Play light music inside the store to make the shopping a pleasurable
They can also exhibit their new line of clothing through events like fashion
Baskets should be scattered throughout the store, wherever shoppers might
need them. Many customers dont begin seriously considering merchandise
until they have browsed a bit.
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There are studies which have contributed for extending the consumer
benefit/loyalty framework to the retail branding context. Customer satisfaction
is an antecedent of word of mouth communication, but customer loyalty must
be present to mediate the relationship. This finding is important for theory
building in this and other marketing and consumer contexts.
In the increasingly competitive environment faced by today's retailers, the
pursuit of consumer loyalty is paramount. In order to be competitive, retailers
must identify the key ingredients of consumer loyalty and the relationships
between the benefits delivered to the consumer and important outcomes (i.e.
satisfaction, loyalty, word of mouth communication).
This study doesnt identify two types of benefits mostly desired by the
consumer. Retailers should understand this if they expect to provide utilitarian
benefits to consumers by way of having the right product on hand at the right
place and time. In addition, they must recognize that the consumer also desires
a hedonic benefit in terms of the shopping experience. The results of this study
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