Art 2 Unit 5
Art 2 Unit 5
Art 2 Unit 5
Unit title
MYP Year
Unit 5: 3D Sculpture
Grade 9, Grade 10
Related concept(s)
Arts: Visual arts
Global context
Statement of inquiry
Personal and cultural expression influences the form used to present new innovation.
Innovation influences the form used to express ideas.
Inquiry questions
Factual What characteristics make up Cubism?
What prompted the start of abstract
expressionism? What does abstract art
communicate? In what ways do abstract artists
change the way they view the person?
Summative assessment
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D: Responding
ii. create an artistic response which intends to
reflect or impact on the world around them
iii. critique the artwork of self and others.
Approaches to learning (ATL)
Learning Experiences
Students will research different images of cubism and
read artist statement and description to match them.
Students will then learn the characteristics and artists
that comprise Cubism.
Learning Experiences
Students will apply their knowledge of Cubism to their
own artwork by transferring their ideas and the
concepts of Cubism into a new 3d medium.
Learning process
Learning Experiences
-Cubism emerged in
-Cubism came from
-Artist information
-Information about
3d Sculpture
Wire and Plaster Strips
Line, Shape, Form, Cubism
DuChamp, Picasso, Braque
Part 1:
Day 5: Students will learn about the movement of Cubism and some of the Cubist artist that make up that
Day 6 - 9: Make a 2D Cubist portrait. Students will use their DW assignment to create a Cubist portrait. They
will be graded on whether or not they have done the following:
Divided the portrait into at least four parts
Have at least two rearranged components
At least five geometric shapes.
A component of cutting and collaging present.
Day 7- 14: Students will choose between creating their own 2D portrait in two dimensions, or they will need to
bring in a copy of a 2D work from one of the artists studied. Students will create a 3D sculpture from a hanger,
and use paper mache to cover it. Students will be graded on the following:
Whether it resembles the 2D image
Students should use a color scheme from earlier in the year.
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Text types and Purposes
b. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims
fairly, supplying evidence for each while
pointing out the strengths and limitations of
both in a manner that anticipates the
audiences knowledge level and concerns.
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DW #22
On a museum website, find a Cubist sculpture and create a full page drawing of it. This might require a bit of
research. Choose a piece that will take you 25 minutes or more to draw. Due Monday.
DW #21
Draw a persons face from 4 different angles. You will create 4 full page portraits (DO NOT USE BOTH SIDES OF
THE PAPER- we will be cutting these) of the same person from any of the following angles: Straight front, left
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side front, left side back, right side front, and right side back, below, and above (below and above could also be
from an angle.)
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take at least ten minutes. Choose an object that will be interesting from many angles. Pay attention to contour
lines in each. Then, fill in values. Take up the entire page with as much positive space as possible.
9:00 AM
Research a Cubist piece of art and analyze it for elements and principles,
reflecting on the artists' intention for meaning
9:00 AM
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Draw sketches of human heads in different perspectives, which will connect the
Cubism style.
9:00 AM
Explore with the new medium of wire plaster to transform the 2d drawings into a 3
d sculpture.
9:00 AM
Paint the sculpture created with a color scheme and reflecting sketches and idea
of Cubism.
9:00 AM
Describe how you will differentiate teaching & learning for this unit?
Learner Profile
Thinkers: Students will need to use critical thinking skills to apply knowledge they learned to their own artwork.
Risk takers: This is a new art form students are starting to work with, so they will need to step out of their comfort zone.
Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry
Prior to teaching the unit
During teaching
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