hd341 Syllabus sp1 2015
hd341 Syllabus sp1 2015
hd341 Syllabus sp1 2015
Praxis: Ability to observe, critically reflect, implement theories and empower others.
Program Learning Outcomes
PLO 1: Development: Students comprehend and analyze developmental theories.
PLO 2: Diversity: Students value diversity, demonstrate commitment to social justice, and are able to
analyze the dynamics of institutional and individual biases and use of power.
PLO 3: Communication: Students communicate clearly and effectively. They implement and analyze
individual, dyad and group communications for appropriate audience reception, authenticity, and
collaboratively between the students as well as student and instructor. This is true for online classes as
well as face to face classes.
An integral component of the learning community is pedagogy - the art of teaching. There are many
ways of teaching. None of these ways are right or wrong. A variety of things are taken in to
consideration when an instructor balances various approaches and weaves them into a learning
community. One philosophical aspect of selection of an approach has to do with the instructors
preference between learner and instructor centered pedagogy
As noted, one way of categorizing the pedagogical approach is to know where it is on the continuum
described by being learner centered at one end and teacher centered at the other. Pacific Oaks generally
prefers pedagogy that is towards the student centered portion of the continuum. Because of this, it is
valuable to focus on the learner for a moment, considering some of the ways for students to increase the
likelihood of success during their time at Pacific Oaks.
In order to ensure growth and transformation, which is primary to the educational experience, the
student has a responsibility. Some of the student related items that pertain to this responsibility are as
ask questions
contribute to discussions
take risks
approach. In addition to the centeredness aspect of the pedagogy, there is another issue to consider. In
reviewing the approach that I use in teaching (interactive, collaborative and constructivist), an integral
dynamics is dependence on the presence of others. Therefore, an essential aspect of learning in a Pacific
Oaks class has to do with relationships.
Relationships are essential for the kind of learning were seeking. Therefore it is useful to explore the
role of the relationship in the classroom. Being aware of the interrelated aspect of learner and peers
requires some attention to the interpersonal aspect of relationships. It is important to get to know others
in the class - everyone has something to contribute, a piece of the puzzle. Establishing ground rules is a
useful starting point. Exploring what happens when conflict arises can provide a valuable structure, if
needed. Discussion of group dynamics can also be useful in terms of relationships.
In conclusion, in order to promote a learning community that supports transformation of its participants,
student and instructor alike, being mindful of the pedagogical approach and relationships between
participants is useful.
Assessment is an aspect of your learning at Pacific Oaks College. Pacific Oaks wants to be sure
students are receiving the education that is being provided. In order to do this an assessment process is
part of your classroom experience. This provides you with feedback as to your progress and learning. It
also provides the institution with feedback which enables Pacific Oaks to see how well they are doing
and make adjustments when necessary.
There is an expectation that you will demonstrate value added and mastery at the end of this class.
Value added is just what it sounds like: what do you know now that you didnt know before you took
this class. Mastery refers to your level of competency of understanding the course material (the
integrating of content and your life experience). Both of these will then be looked at to assess how you
are doing. Lets examine how we will look at it, and I do mean we because it is process where your
input is important also.
The main instruments we use to measure your progress are scoring rubrics. Throughout the session we
will be addressing one or more of the student learning outcomes. Selected assignments will be reviewed
for how they address the student learning outcomes noted with the appropriate Scoring rubric.
So you might wonder about the Student Learning Outcomes and where they come from. They are an
integral part of the overall learning plan. Heres how it goes: Mission Statement Institutional
Outcomes Program Level Outcomes Student Learning Outcomes. All of these are related. Program
Level Outcomes are what each department (Human Development) want you to know when you
complete your program. The student level outcomes help you attain the program level outcomes.
An ongoing part of this process is feedback. As your instructor, I will give your feedback throughout
the class. This is formative feedback. At the end of the class, youll receive summative feedback in the
form of a narrative evaluation. As a way of understanding these processes, think about making soup. As
you make it, you taste it maybe add more salt, cook it a little longer, a dash of this and that well that
is formative feedback. When the soup is done, you taste the soup and then critique the completed
soupthis is summative feedback.
So this assessment process, on a class level, a program level and on an institutional level is about how
you are doing, providing feedback for you to reflect on and use to grow. The process is also providing
feedback for Pacific Oaks College to continually work to improve delivery of your education.
7. Connect with your classmates in the discussions, and immerse yourself in the topic.
8. It is the policy of the Human Development program to assess by narrative evaluation and convert the
narrative into a letter grade for the final grade. As noted in the Syllabus, 50% of your grade is based on
the quality of your participation in the discussions, and 50% is based on the quality of your written
work, with respect to the SLO's. There are also points specified for each written assignment. The
combination of the narrative and points will be converted to a letter grade. The letter grade scale is one
that is commonly used: 90%-100%=A (Advanced), 80%-89%=B (Skilled), 70%-79%=C (Sufficient),
60%-69%=D (Minimal), below 60%=X (No credit).
9. Ask any and all questions.
10. Remember that learning goes hand-in-hand with empowerment and transformation. Each one of us
can make a difference as you take theory and put it into practice.
Course Bibliography
Bridging Differences: Effective Intergroup Communication, William B. Gudykunst, Sage Publications
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csiksznentmihalyi, Harper Perennial
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey, Simon & Shuster
Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thin inking, M. Neil Browne Stuart M. Keeley,
Prentice Hall
Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament types, David Keirsey, Marilyn Bates, Distributed by
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company
The Dance of Connection, Harriet Lerner, Harper Collins Publisher
Listening: The Forgotten Skill, Madelyn Burley-Allen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The Argument Culture, Deborah Tannen, Ballentine Books
Thats Not What I meant!, Deborah Tannen, Ballentine Books
African American Communication, Michael L. Hecht, Mary Jane Collier, Sidney Ribeau, Sage
Sitting in the Fire, Arnold Mindell, Lao Tse Press
Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high, Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron
McMillian, Al Switzler, McGraw-Hill
Black and White Styles in Conflict, Thomas Kochman, The University of Chicago Press
Intercultural Communication, A Reader, Larry A. Samovar/Richard E Porter, Wadsworth Publishing
Appendix A: B.A. Program Learning Outcomes
PLO 1: Development: Students comprehend and analyze developmental theories.
PLO 2: Diversity: Students value diversity, demonstrate commitment to social justice, and are able to
analyze the dynamics of institutional and individual biases and use of power.
PLO 3: Communication: Students communicate clearly and effectively. They implement and analyze
individual, dyad and group communications for appropriate audience reception, authenticity, and
experience of empowerment for self and others.
PLO 4: Research: Students are able to distinguish between observations and theory (reality and fantasy,
data and inferences/assumptions). Students collect verifiable and reliable data, present their findings,
and link their research with existing literature in the field.
PLO 5: Praxis: Students implement a philosophy of education integrating developmental theories
guided by observation and critical reflection, and analyze these actions according to results and impact
on other persons (ethics, values, principles and empowerment). Students recognize and apply
developmentally and culturally appropriate practice with children and adults. Praxis experience may
involve activities such as practicum, field work, or student teaching.
Appendix B: SLO Assessment Rubric
Student Learning Outcomes
SLO1: Student demonstrates knowledge of theories about personal and intercultural communication.
SLO2: Student demonstrates understanding of self from a developmental as well as socio-cultural
aspect in light of course concepts, and effective verbal and non-verbal communication dynamics.
SLO3: Student demonstrates developmental and socio-cultural understanding of others in light of the
course concepts, and effective verbal and non-verbal communication dynamics.
SLO4: Student demonstrates the ability to apply learning of theory to bring about change on a personal,
professional, societal as well as intercultural level.
SLO5: Student demonstrates growth in the class, indicated by an improvement in one or more of the
following: writing or critical thinking skills, a willingness to take risks and authentically engage with
course material and classmates, and openness to new information and perspectives.
Appendix C: Credit Hour Policy
A credit hour for a lecture or seminar course represents 15 hours of instructional activity (e.g.,
classroom instruction, engagement with web-based instructional materials) based upon a 50-minute
hour toward achieving specified student learning outcomes. For distance education courses, the 15
Theory (SLO1)
Student summarizes and synthesizes
material from books demonstrating
comprehension of salient points of
communication theory. Student's work
is distinguished by its completeness,
thoroughness, creativity, expresses
original ideas and critical thinking.
Self (SLO2)
Student demonstrate comprehensive, a
detailed and deep understanding of self
from a developmental as well as sociocultural aspect in light of course
concepts, and interpersonal,
intercultural and professional
Others (SLO3)
Student demonstrates enhanced
developmental and socio-cultural
understanding of others in light
of course concepts, and
Minimal Sufficient Skilled
Praxis (SLO4)
Student demonstrates the ability to
apply learning of theory to bring about
change in interpersonal, intercultural
and professional communication.
Change (SLO5)
Student demonstrates growth in the
class, indicated by an improvement in
one or more of the following: writing or
critical thinking skills, a willingness to
take risks and authentically engage with
course material and classmates, and
openness to new information and
Rubric for Participation
Papers turned in on time, address all the
points in the assignment demonstrating
critical thinking and reflection, and are
academic in nature. There is depth, details,
examples/sources are cited, points are
developed. A Title Page is created, as is a
Reference List for sources cited. There is
attention to organization, presentation,
including grammar and punctuation.
Minimal Sufficient Skilled Advanced
Participation - Quality
Contributions to the discussion reflect
curiosity, risk-taking, compassion for
others, engagement, support for the
learning community. Student listens as
well as shares. Student challenges self
and asks others to do the same.
Student asks questions. Students
responses are inclusive and sharing of
own experience is balanced. Student
works to add depth and details to the
Participation - Quantity
Student demonstrates a rhythm, give
and take, meaningful dialogue, and
consistency in the discussions. Length
and number of posts meet
specifications of the assignment.
Student is an active member of a small