House of Saud

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House of Saud


Saud redirects here. For the Pakistani actor, see Saud

(actor). For the Romanian village of Sud, see Bunteti.




Al Farhan Branch

Al Mishari Branch



The House of Saud (Arabic: l Sad) is the

ruling royal family of Saudi Arabia. The family has thousands of members. It is composed of the descendants of
Muhammad bin Saud, founder of the Emirate of Diriyah,
known as the First Saudi state (181891), and his brothers, though the ruling faction of the family is primarily
led by the descendants of Ibn Saud, the modern founder
of Saudi Arabia.[1]

Abdul Aziz





Al Thunayyan Branch


(1834-38; 1843-65)

Abdul Rahman
(1865-71; 71-73; 76-89) (1875-76; 1889-91)





(1871; 1873-75)

Abdul Aziz

Sa'ud al-Kabir Branch



Al Juluwi Branch

(2015 - )

Imams of the first Saudi dynasty

Imams of the second Saudi dynasty
Kings of Saudi Arabia
* Ruled as Ottoman viceroy

The most inuential member of the Royal family is the

King of Saudi Arabia, currently King Salman. The
succession to the Saudi Arabian throne was designed to
pass from one son of the rst king, Ibn Saud, to another. The next in line, Crown Prince Muhammad bin
Nayef is also from the ruling House of Saud, and the
king-appointed cabinet includes more members of the
royal family. While the monarchy is hereditary now, future Saudi kings will be chosen by a committee of Saudi
princes, in line with a 2006 royal decree.[2]

** Various titles until 1932; King of Saudi Arabia 1932-53

Genealogical table of the leaders of the l Saud

ernment though they are not in line of succession to Saudi

throne. Many cadet members intermarry within the Al
Saud to reestablish their lineage and continue to wield inuence in the government.

Sons and grandsons of King Abdulaziz are referred to in

the style "His Royal Highness" (HRH), diering from the
The family is estimated to be composed of 15,000 mem- royals belonging to the cadet branches which are called
bers, but the majority of the power and wealth is pos- His Highness (HH).
sessed by a group of only about 2,000.[3][4]
The House of Saud has gone through three phases: the
First Saudi State (17441818), marked by the expansion
of Wahhabism, the Emirate of Nejd, the Second Saudi
State (1824-1891), marked with continuous inghting,
which wields considerable inuence in the Middle East.
The family has had conicts with the Ottoman Empire,
the Sharif of Mecca, the Al Rashid family of Ha'il, and
numerous Islamist groups both inside and outside Saudi

2 History
2.1 Origins and early history

House of Saud is a translation of Al Saud. The latter

is an Arabic dynastic name formed by adding the word
Al, meaning family of or House of,[5] to the personal
name of an ancestor. In the case of the Al Saud, this is the
father of the dynastys 18th century founder, Muhammad
bin Saud (Muhammad, son of Saud).[6]

The earliest recorded ancestor of the Al Saud was Mani'

ibn Rabiah Al-Muraydi who settled in Diriyah in 1446
1447 with his clan, the Mrudah.[7] Although the Mrudah are believed to be descended from the Rabi'ah tribal
confederation, it is unclear whether they trace their ancestry to the Banu Hanifa or the 'Anizza branches of
the Rabi'ah.[7] Mani was invited by a relative named Ibn
Dir. Ibn Dir was the ruler of a set of villages and estates that make up modern-day Riyadh.[8][9][10] Manis
clan had been on a sojourn in east Arabia, near al-Qatif,
from an unknown point in time. Ibn Dir handed Mani two
estates called al-Mulaybeed and Ghusayba. Mani and his
family settled and renamed the region al-Diriyah, after
their benefactor Ibn Dir.[11][12]

Today, the surname Al Saud is carried by any descendant of Muhammad bin Saud or his three brothers
Farhan, Thunayyan, and Mishari. Al Sauds other family branches are called cadet branches. Members of the
cadet branches hold high and inuential positions in gov-

The Mrudah became rulers of al-Diriyah, which prospered along the banks of Wadi Hanifa and became an important Najdi settlement. As the clan grew larger, power
struggles ensued, with one branch leaving for nearby
Dhruma, while another branch (the Al Watban) left for



the town of az-Zubayr in southern Iraq. The Al Migrin 2.3 Second Saudi state
became the ruling family among the Mrudah in Diriyah.
The name of the clan comes from a certain Shekh Saud Main article: Emirate of Nejd
A few years after the fall of Diriyyah in 1818, the Saudis
ibn Muhammad ibn Muqrin who died in 1725.[13]


First Saudi state

The Emirate of Diriyah, the First Saudi State, was

founded in 1744. This period was marked by conquest
of neighboring areas and by religious zeal. At its height,
the First Saudi State included most of the territory of
modern-day Saudi Arabia, and raids by Al Sauds allies
and followers reached into Yemen, Oman, Syria, and
Iraq. Islamic Scholars, particularly Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab and his descendants, are believed to have
played a signicant role in Saudi rule during this period. The Saudis and their allies referred to themselves
during this period as the Muwahhidun or Ahl al-Tawhid
(the monotheists). Later they were referred to as the
Wahhabis, a group of particularly strict Sunni, named for
its founder.

Flag of the Second Saudi State

were able to re-establish their authority in Najd, establishing the Emirate of Nejd, commonly known as the Second
Saudi State, with its capital in Riyadh.
Compared to the First Saudi State, the second Saudi period was marked by less territorial expansion (it never reconquered the Hijaz or 'Asir, for example) and less religious zeal, although the Saudi leaders continued to go by
the title of imam and still employed Sala religious scholars. The second state was also marked by severe internal
conicts within the Saudi family, eventually leading to the
dynastys downfall. In all but one instance, succession occurred by assassination or civil war, the exception being
the passage of authority from Faisal ibn Turki to his son
Abdullah ibn Faisal ibn Turki.

Leadership of the Al Saud during the time of their rst

state passed from father to son without incident. The rst
imam, Muhammad ibn Saud, was succeeded by his eldest
son Abdulaziz in 1765. In 1802, Abdulaziz led ten thousand Wahhabi soldiers into an attack on the Shi'ite holy
city of Karbala, in what is now southern Iraq and where
Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad
is buried.[14] Led by Abdulaziz, the Wahhabi soldiers
killed more than two thousand people, including women
and children.[14] The soldiers plundered the city, demol2.4 Saudi Arabia
ishing the massive golden dome above Husseins tomb and
loaded hundreds of camels with weapons, jewelry, coins
Main articles: Unication of Saudi Arabia and Saudi
and other valuable goods.[14]
The attack on Karbala convinced the Ottomans and
the Egyptians that the Saudis were a threat to regional
peace.[15] Abdulaziz was killed in 1803 by an assassin, be- After his defeat at Mulayda, Abdul-Rahman ibn Faisal
lieved by some to have been a Shi'ite seeking revenge over went with his family into exile in the deserts of eastthe sacking of Karbala the year before. Abdul-Aziz was ern Arabia among the Al Murra bedouin. Soon afterin turn succeeded by his son, Saud, under whose rule the ward, however, he found refuge in Kuwait as a guest of
Saudi state reached its greatest extent. By the time Saud the Kuwaiti emir, Mubarak Al Sabah. In 1902, Abduldied in 1814, his son and successor Abdullah ibn Saud Rahmans son, Ibn Saud, took on the task of restoring
had to contend with an Ottoman-Egyptian invasion in the Saudi rule in Riyadh. Supported by a few dozen followOttomanWahhabi War seeking to retake lost Ottoman ers and accompanied by some of his brothers and relaEmpire territory. The mainly Egyptian force succeeded tives, Abdul Aziz was able to capture Riyadhs Masmak
in defeating Abdullahs forces, taking over the Saudi cap- fort and kill the governor appointed there by Ibn Rashid.
ital of Diriyyah in 1818. Abdullah was taken prisoner and Abdul Aziz, reported to have been barely 20 at the time,
was soon beheaded by the Ottomans in Istanbul, putting was immediately proclaimed ruler in Riyadh. As the new
an end to the First Saudi State. The Egyptians sent many leader of the House of Saud, Abdul Aziz became commembers of the Al Saud clan and other members of monly known from that time as Ibn Saud.
the local nobility as prisoners to Egypt and Istanbul, and Ibn Saud spent the next three decades trying to rerazed the Saudi capital Diriyyah.
establish his familys rule over as much of the Arabian


Saudi Arabia

into many of the noble clans and tribes within his territory, including the chiefs of the Bani Khalid, Ajman, and
Shammar tribes, as well as the Al ash-Sheikh (descendants of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab). He also arranged for his sons and relatives to enter into similar marriages. He appointed his eldest surviving son, Saud as heir
apparent, to be succeeded by the next eldest son, Faisal.
The Saudi family became known as the royal family,
and each member, male and female, was accorded the title amir (prince) or amira (princess), respectively.
Ibn Saud died in 1953, after having cemented an alliance
with the United States in 1945. He is still celebrated ofcially as the Founder, and only his direct descendants
may take on the title of his or her Royal Highness. The
date of his recapture of Riyadh in 1902 was chosen to
mark Saudi Arabias centennial in 1999 (according to the
Islamic lunar calendar).

Ibn Saud

Upon Ibn Sauds death, his son Saud assumed the throne
without incident, but his lavish spending led to a power
struggle with the new crown prince, Faisal. In 1964, the
royal family forced Saud to abdicate in favor of Faisal,
aided by an edict from the countrys grand mufti. During
this period, some of Ibn Sauds younger sons, led by Talal
ibn Abdul Aziz defected to Egypt, calling themselves the
"Free Princes" and calling for liberalization and reform,
but were later induced to return by Faisal. They were fully
pardoned but were also barred from any future positions
in government.

Peninsula as possible, starting with his native Najd. His

chief rivals were the Al Rashid clan in Ha'il, the Sharifs
of Mecca in the Hijaz, and the Ottoman Turks in al-Hasa.
Ibn Saud also had to contend, however, with the descendants of his late uncle Saud ibn Faisal (later known as the
Saud al-Kabir branch of the family), who posed as the
rightful heirs to the throne. Though for a time acknowledging the sovereignty of the Ottoman Sultans and even
taking the title of pasha, Ibn Saud allied himself to the
British, in opposition to the Ottoman-backed Al Rashid.
From 1915 to 1927, Ibn Sauds dominions were a protectorate of the British Empire, pursuant to the 1915 Treaty
U.S. President Barack Obama oers condolences on death of
of Darin.
Saudi King Abdullah, Riyadh, 27 January 2015

By 1932, Ibn Saud had disposed of all his main rivals and
consolidated his rule over much of the Arabian Peninsula. He declared himself king of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia that year. Previously, he had gone through several titles, starting with Sultan of Najd and ending with
King of Hijaz and Najd and their dependencies. Ibn
Sauds father, Abdul Rahman retained the honorary title
of imam. In 1937 near Dammam, American surveyors
discovered what later proved to be Saudi Arabias vast oil
reserves. Before the discovery of oil, many family members were destitute.[16]

Faisal was assassinated in 1975 by a nephew, Faisal ibn

Musaid, who was promptly executed. Another brother,
Khalid, assumed the throne. The next prince in line had
actually been Prince Muhammad, but he had relinquished
his claim to the throne in favor of Khalid, his only full

Khalid died of a heart attack in 1982, and was succeeded

by Fahd, the eldest of the powerful "Sudairi Seven", socalled because they were all sons of Ibn Saud by his wife
Hassa Al Sudairi. Fahd did away with the previous royal
Ibn Saud sired dozens of children by his many wives. title of his Majesty and replaced it with the honoric
He had at most only four wives at one time. He di- Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, in reference to
vorced and married many times. He made sure to marry the two Islamic holy sites in Mecca and Medina, in 1986.


A stroke in 1995 left Fahd largely incapacitated, and the

crown prince, Abdullah, gradually took over most of the
kings responsibilities until Fahds death in August 2005.
Abdullah was proclaimed king on the day of Fahds death
and promptly appointed his younger brother, Sultan bin
Abdulaziz, the minister of defense and Fahds Second
Deputy Prime Minister, as the new heir apparent. On
27 March 2009, Abdullah appointed Prince Nayef Interior Minister as his second deputy prime minister and
Crown Prince on 27 October.[17] Sultan died in October
2011 while Nayef died in Geneva, Switzerland on 15 June
2012. On 23 January 2015, Abdullah died after a prolonged illness, ending his nine-year rule as the King of
Saudi Arabia, and Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz
Al Saud was declared the new King.

Political power

Deputy Crown Prince and Defence Minister Mohammad with

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, Pentagon, 13 May

The head of the House of Saud is the King of Saudi Arabia who serves as Head of State and monarch of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The King holds almost absolute
political power. The King appoints ministers to his cabinet who supervise their respective ministries in his name.
The key ministries of Defence, the Interior, and Foreign
Aairs are usually held by members of the Saud family,
as are most of the thirteen regional governorships. Most
portfolios, however, such as Finance, Labor, Information, Planning, Petroleum Aairs and Industry, have traditionally been given to commoners, often with junior Al
Saud members serving as their deputies. House of Saud
family members also hold many of the Kingdoms critical military and governmental departmental posts. Ultimate power in the Kingdom has always rested upon the
Al Saud, though support from the Ulema, the merchant
community, and the population at large has been key to
the maintenance of the royal familys political status quo.
Long term political and government appointments, such
as those of King Abdullah, who was Commander of the
National Guard from 1963 to 2010, former Crown prince
Sultan bin Abdulaziz, who was Minister of Defence and

Aviation from 1962 until his death in 2011, Prince Mutaib Minister of Municipal and Rural Aairs from 1975
to 2009, former Crown Prince Nayef who was the Minister of Interior from 1975 to 2012, and the current King
Salman, who was governor of the Riyadh Region from
1963 to 2011, have perpetuated the creation of efdoms
where senior princes have, often, though not exclusively,
co-mingled their personal wealth with that of their respective domains. They have often appointed their own
sons to senior positions within their own efdom. Examples of these include Prince Mutaib bin Abdullah as
assistant commander in the National Guard until 2010;
Prince Khalid bin Sultan as assistant minister of defence
until 2013; Prince Mansour bin Mutaib as assistant minister for Municipal and Rural Aairs until he replaced his
father in 2009; and Prince Mohammed bin Nayef as assistant minister in the Interior Ministry. In cases, where
portfolios have notably substantial budgets, appointments
of younger, often full, brothers have been necessary, as
deputies or vice ministers, ostensibly to share the wealth
and the burdens of responsibility, of each efdom. Examples of these include Prince Abdul Rahman who was
vice minister of defence and aviation under Prince Sultan; Prince Badr, deputy to King Abdullah in the National
Guard; Prince Sattam, who was Deputy Riyadh Governor
during King Salman's term; and Prince Ahmed, who held
the deputy ministers portfolio under Prince Nayefs interior ministry.
Unlike Western royal families, the Saudi Monarchy has
not had a clearly dened order of succession. Historically, upon becoming King, the monarch has designated
an heir apparent to the throne who serves as Crown Prince
of the Kingdom. Upon the Kings death the Crown
Prince becomes King, and during the Kings incapacitation the Crown Prince, likewise, assumes power as regent.
Though other members of the Al Saud hold political positions in the Saudi government, technically it is only the
King and Crown Prince who legally constitute the political institutions.

4 Succession
Succession has been from brother-to-brother since the
death of the Founder of modern Saudi Arabia. Ibn Saud
was succeeded by his son Saud. Saud was succeeded by
his brother Faisal. Faisal was succeeded by his brother
Khalid who, in turn, was succeeded by his brother Fahd.
Fahd, as before, was succeeded by his brother Abdullah
and Abdullah succeeded by his brother Salman, the current King. Salman appointed his half-brother Muqrin
as Crown Prince in January 2015 and removed him in
April 2015. Even Abdulazizs youngest son was to turn
70 in 2015. Abdulaziz, in 1920, had said that the further succession would be from brother-to-brother not
from father-to-son. King Salman ended the brother-tobrother succession and appointed his 56-year-old nephew

Muhammad bin Nayef as Crown Prince in April 2015.
He appointed his young son Mohammad, who is believed
to be 30 years old (in 2015), as Deputy Crown Prince,
thus making the next succession from cousin-to-brother,
as Mohammad is the cousin of Crown Prince Muhammad.


Juhayman al-Otaybi, leader of the Grand Mosque seizure

Luxury yacht Kingdom 5KR owned by Saudi royal family,

docked in Antibes, French Riviera

GIGN commandos did convert to Islam.[23] All surviving

males, including Al-Otaybi himself, were beheaded publicly in four cities of Saudi Arabia.[24]

In June 2015 Forbes listed Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal as

the 34th-richest man in the world, with an estimated net
worth of US$28 billion.[18] Prince Al-Waleed had a net
worth of $20.4 billion in 2014.[19]

7 Heads


See also: Human rights in Saudi Arabia and Censorship

in Saudi Arabia
Due to its authoritarian and theocratic rule, the House of
Saud has attracted much criticism during its rule of Saudi
Arabia. There have been numerous incidents, from the
Wahhabi Ikhwan militia uprising during the reign of Ibn
Saud to various coup attempts by the dierent branches
of the Kingdoms military.
On 20 November, 1979, the Grand Mosque seizure saw
the al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca violently seized by
a group of 500 heavily armed and provisioned Saudi
dissidents led by Juhayman al-Otaybi and Abdullah alQahtani,[20] consisting mostly of members of the former
Ikhwan militia of Otaibah[21] but also of other peninsular
Arabs and a few Egyptians enrolled in Islamic studies at King Salman bin Abdulaziz in 2013
the Islamic Islamic University of Madinah.
The Saudi royal family turned to the Ulema who duly issued a fatwa permitting the storming of the holy sanctu- 7.1 First Saudi state
ary by Saudi forces, aided by French and Pakistani special
1. Muhammad ibn Saud (approx.
ops units, although ocially, non-Muslims may not enter
ruled 17441765
the city of Mecca.[22] According to Lawrence Wright, the

1710[25] 1765)


2. Abdul-Aziz ibn Muhammad ibn Saud (died 1803)

ruled 17651803

4. King Khalid bin Abdulaziz (13 February 1913 13

June 1982) ruled 19751982

3. Saud ibn Abdul-Aziz ibn Muhammad Al Saud (died

1814) ruled 18031814

5. King Fahd bin Abdulaziz (16 March 1920 1 August 2005) ruled 19822005

4. Abdullah ibn Saud (died 1818) ruled 18141818

6. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz (1 August 1924 23

January 2015) ruled 20052015


Second Saudi state

1. Turki ibn Abdallah (17551834) ruled
1824[26] 1834
2 and 5. Faisal ibn Turki Al Saud (1785
1865) ruled 18341838 and 18431865. Son
of Turki

8 Most notable current members

8.1 Sons of King Abdulaziz

3. Khalid bin Saud ibn Abdul-Aziz ibn

Muhammad ibn Saud ruled 18381841. Distant cousin

Main article: List of sons of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud by


4. Abdullah ibn Thunayyan ruled 18411843.

Distant cousin

The list of King Abdulaziz's surviving sons, except for

current Saudi monarch Salman, are as follows:

6, 8, and 11.
Abdullah bin Faisal bin
Turki Al Saud ruled 18651871, 18711873,
18761889. Son of Faisal

Bandar bin Abdulaziz (born 1923) Eldest surviving son, who is reportedly still alive.

7 and 9. Saud ibn Faisal ibn Turki (died 1875)

ruled 1871 and 18731875. Son of Faisal
10 and 12. Abdul-Rahman bin Faisal (1850
1928) ruled 18751876 and 18891891. Son
of Faisal


7. King Salman bin Abdulaziz (born 31 December

1935) since 2015

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Mishaal bin Abdulaziz (born 1926) Former minister of defense and governor of Makkah Province.
Close condant of King Abdullah, and chairman of
the Allegiance Council, Mishaal is one of the Kingdoms wealthiest royals with extensive interests in
real estate and a wide range of business interests.
Abdul Rahman bin Abdulaziz (born 1931) Deputy
defense minister from 1978 to 2011.
Mutaib bin Abdulaziz (born 1931) Minister of
municipal and rural aairs from 1975 to 2009. He
has a long-standing family alliance with King Abdullah.
Talal bin Abdulaziz (born 1931) Held the ministerial portfolios for nance and communications in the
1950s. Major businessman, special envoy to UNESCO and chairman of AGFUND. He had a leading
role in the Free Princes movement of 1958 which
sought government reform. He resigned in 2011
from the Allegiance Council.

Royal Standard of the King

1. Abdulaziz ibn Saud (15 January 1876 9 November

1953) ruled 1932[27] 1953
2. King Saud bin Abdulaziz (15 January 1902 24 January 1969) ruled 19531964
3. King Faisal bin Abdulaziz (April 1906 25 March
1975) ruled 19641975

Turki II bin Abdulaziz (born 1934) Businessman

after he was forced to resign as Deputy Minister of
Defense in 1978.
Abdul llah bin Abdulaziz (born 1939) Former governor of Al Jawf Province. He was special advisor
to King Abdullah from 2008 to 2015.
Mamdouh bin Abdulaziz (born 1940) Former governor of Tabuk region who was removed from the
post by King Fahd for insubordination. Later he was
made director of Saudi Center of Strategic Studies.

Ahmed bin Abdulaziz (born 1942) Deputy minister of interior from 1975 to 2012; minister of interior from June 2012 to 5 November 2012.

[4] Milmo Cahal (3 January 2012). The Acton princess leading the ght for Saudi freedom. The Independent. Retrieved 3 January 2012.

Mashhur bin Abdulaziz (born 1942)

[5] Wynbrandt, James; Gerges Fawaz A. (2010). A Brief History of Saudi Arabia. p. xvii. ISBN 978-0-8160-7876-9.

Muqrin bin Abdulaziz (born 1945) Director

general of the General Intelligence Directorate
from 2005 to 2012; former governor of Ha'il and
Madinah provinces. He was appointed second
deputy prime minister on 1 February 2013 and he
was made crown prince on 23 January 2015 when
his half-brother Salman became king. On 28 April
2015 Muqrin was granted resignation based on his
request to start the next generation of the royals.


Daughters of King Abdulaziz

Al Jawhara bint Abdulaziz Al Saud

Latifa bint Abdulaziz


Living grandsons of King Abdulaziz

See also: List of grandsons of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud

by seniority

[6] Wahbi Hariri-Rifai; Mokhless Hariri-Rifai (1990). The

heritage of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. p. 26. ISBN
[7] Stig Stenslie (21 August 2012). Regime Stability in Saudi
Arabia: The Challenge of Succession. Routledge. p. 53.
ISBN 978-1-136-51157-8.
[8] Counter-Narratives: History, Contemporary Society, and
Politics in Saudi Arabia and Yemen by Madawi AlRasheed (Editor), Robert Vitalis (Editor) p. 64
[9] History of the Kingdom. Ministry of Foreign Aairs.
Retrieved 20 March 2015.
[10] Al Saud Family Saudi Arabia History. Arab Royal Family. Retrieved 20 March 2015.
[11] G. Rentz (2007). al- Diriyya (or al-Dariyya)". In P. Bearman; Th. Bianquis; C.E. Bosworth; E. van Donzel; W.P.
Heinrichs. Encyclopaedia of Islam. Brill. Retrieved 8
September 2007.
[12] H. St. John Philby (1955). questia Saudi Arabia Check
|url= value (help). London: Ernest Benn. p. 8.

Due to practice of polygamy and easy divorce (on the [13] John Pike. King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Almale side), as of 2015, King Abdulaziz has close to a
Saud. Global Security. Retrieved 20 March 2015.
thousand grandsons, some of whom are notable.

See also
Al ash-Sheikh
Bani Hareth
Bani Yas
Banu Thaqif
Banu Yam
King of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Royal Guard Regiment



[1] The House of Al Saud - A View of the Modern Saudi

Dynasty. 18 September 2015.
[2] Meet the worlds other 25 royal families The Washington
Post. 22 July 2013.
[3] HRH Princess Basma bint Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
BBC. 28 July 2011. Retrieved 7 April 2013.

[14] Mark Weston (2008). Prophets and princes: Saudi Arabia

from Muhammad to the present. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
p. 101. ISBN 0470182571.
[15] Wayne H. Bowen (2008). The history of Saudi Arabia (1.
publ. ed.). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. p. 73.
ISBN 0313340129.
[16] Abdullah Mohammad Sindi (16 January 2004). Britain
and the Rise of Islam and the House of Saud. Kana'an
Bulletin IV (361): 78.
[17] Saudi Arabia names Prince Nayef as heir to throne.
BBC. 27 October 2011. Retrieved 28 October 2011.
[18] The Worlds Billionaires. Forbes. Retrieved 2 July
[19] "Meet The Richest People In The Middle East". Forbes.
24 March 2014.
[20] J.A. Kechichican (1990). Islamic Revivalism and
Change in Saudi Arabia: Juhayman al-'Utaybis 'Letters
to the Saudi People'". The Muslim World 50: 116.
[21] Joseph Kostiner (8 July 1997). State, Islam and Opposition in Saudi Arabia: The Post Desert-Storm Phase. The
Middle East Review of International Aairs (MERIA) 1
(2). Retrieved 9 November 2012.
[22] Yaroslav Tromov (22 September 2007). Did 'Siege of
Mecca' Give Birth to Al-Qaida?. Interview with Jacki Lyden. NPR (National Public Radio).


[23] Wright Lawrence (2006). The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda

and the Road to 9/11 (1st ed.). Alfred A. Knopf (US).
p. 110. ISBN 978-0141029351. Retrieved 25 January
[24] Mecca. Global Security. 9 July 2011. Retrieved 29 December 2006.
[25] Timeline Saudi Arabia. Retrieved 25 June 2012.
[26] Turki ibn Abdallah ruled various parts of the area between
1819 and 1824. The Second Saudi State was ocially
founded in 1824.
[27] Abdul-Aziz ruled various parts of the area between 1902
and 1932. The Kingdom was ocially founded in 1932.


Further reading

Alexei Vassiliev, The History of Saudi Arabia, London, UK: Al Saqi Books, 1998
David Holden & Richard Johns, The House of Saud,
Pan, 1982, 0-330-26834-1
Madawi Al-Rasheed, A History of Saudi Arabia,
Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0-52164412-7
The House of Saud by David Holden and Richard
Johns. Contains 538 pages, plus bibliography, index, and family history, also sections of Black and
White plates. (Detail taken from The House of Saud,
a reprint. First published by Sidgwick and Jackson
in 1981 with an ISBN 0-283-98436-8.)


External links

A Chronology: The House of Saud, PBS (Public

Broadcasting Service), Frontline, 1 August 2005
The House of Saud: A View of the Modern Saudi
Dynasty, PBS (Public Broadcasting Service), Frontline, 1 August 2005
Structure of the House of Saud (PDF), Global Security
Saudi Royal Family Directory. Datarabia.
Saudi Royal Family Website. Royal Families of
the World.



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Kegg, DVdm, Bgwhite, Ravenswing, YurikBot, Wavelength, T.woelk, RussBot, Arado, Porturology, Briaboru, Epolk, Gaius Cornelius,
Cunado19, Welsh, Awiseman, D. F. Schmidt, Alex43223, Lockesdonkey, Nkharrat, Calvin08, Numba1xclusive, 2over0, Arthur Rubin,
NielsenGW, HansM, Fatih Kurt, Yvwv, SmackBot, Emoscopes, Brammers, Srnec, Gilliam, Chris the speller, Bluebot, Qwiksilver, KMF,
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Hemlock Martinis, Cydebot, Flyingcarpet, BrandonofElwood, Tawkerbot4, Whiskey Pete, Underpants, Deepak232, Omicronpersei8, Finn
krogstad, Muhammadponce, Biruitorul, Untermenschen, Sobreira, Vertium, AntiVandalBot, Dr.gonzo.xl, Tigeroo, THEunique, Srihariramadas, DOSGuy, JAnDbot, Athkalani~enwiki, Ffaze1, Hassanfarooqi, Dricherby, Jarkeld, AJWittenberg, Menasim, Rich257, Gabriel
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KramerNL, Interplanet Janet, Reedy Bot, MarceloB, Sublimeport, Ultatri, Snake bgd, Molly-in-md, Sl0o0m, Slackerlawstudent, Cometstyles, Jevansen, GrahamHardy, VolkovBot, Managerpants, Brando130, Sagrnajd, TXiKiBoT, Khutuck, Natg 19, Michaeldsuarez, Yk Yk
Yk, PeaceLL, Dick Shane, Ezrado, SieBot, TJRC, WereSpielChequers, Markdask, Gotipe, Flyer22 Reborn, KP-TheSpectre, Bodhi-Baum,
Mhavril39, Vanished user ewsn2348tui2f8n2o2utjfeoi210r39jf, ImageRemovalBot, TonyDodson, ClueBot, LP-mn, PipepBot, Fyyer,
Zuzuinyourhouse, Ndenison, Fahad24, Mild Bill Hiccup, Auntof6, Drh104, Eeekster, Rui Gabriel Correia, Rainbow87, Teacherbrock,
DumZiBoT, AlanM1, F717, Ism schism, Surtsicna, FactStraight, Addbot, Bahoevel, LaaknorBot, Chzz, Smeagol 17, Yobot, Bunnyhop11,
Fraggle81, Cool123man, Hinio, AnomieBOT, Tryptosh, Rubinbot, Message From Xenu, JackieBot, , Kingpin13, Materialscientist, The High Fin Sperm Whale, -, Talib ilm007, Fmph, Tomdo08, Anonymous from the 21st century, Frosted14,
Alumnum, Fkjms73, Sophus Bie, Joaquin008, Alssa1, FrescoBot, Tobby72, D'ohBot, XeBot, DrilBot, le ottante, Full-date unlinking
bot, PrinceRegentLuitpold, Francis E Williams, Xanderliptak, Vrenator, IRISZOOM, RjwilmsiBot, Elium2, Mubarakbawas, Letdemsay,
EmausBot, John of Reading, Racerx11, GoingBatty, S Q1, Maplesoon, AnonymousHoward, ZroBot, Sundostund, Iaki Salazar, Aeonx,
OnePt618, BigCoolGuyy, Samoojas, Donner60, DeCausa, Chaosking69, Mni9791, ClueBot NG, Cwmhiraeth, Gareth Grith-Jones,
Leakingisgood, Masssly, Petey Parrot, North Atlanticist Usonian, Electronscope44, Helpful Pixie Bot, Edoardo Cavaleri, Benefac, Razorbliss, Darkness Shines, Marcocapelle, Mark Arsten, Mosborn, Mackavee, Darth81, JoolsTwo, Loverofarabia, BattyBot, KjUaiKlqOpSmq,
Vignesh.Mukund, YFdyh-bot, SD5bot, Egeymi, Makecat-bot, Syrian Rebel1, ZackCannata, Graphium, KingQueenPrince, Nakashchit,
900mill, Rupert loup, Killuminator, Pratama26, Chicago Style (without pants), Dustin V. S., Le Grand Bleu, Nawabmalhi, Scabos98,
Jackmcbarn, Hpcn8888, Stamptrader, OJOM, FathAliShah, Monkbot, Landingdude13, Dot.dash-01, Septate, Alhadramy Alkendy, TranquilHope, Poohmama2950, Ns sai, Tinyeditor, K scheik, Yara167, Tat'dpuoC, SummerPhDv2.0, JohnnyBerridge, InatableSupertrooper,
SAbbasMalik, Usapostguard, Khalid157, Caroline A. Murphy and Anonymous: 366



File:A_coloured_voting_box.svg Source: License: Cc-bysa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

File:Abd_Al-Aziz_ibn_Saud1927.jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Coat_of_arms_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg Source:
Arabia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Anuskafm
File:Crown_of_Saint_Edward.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: No machine-readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original
artist: No machine-readable author provided. Greentubing~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims).
File:Flag_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: the actual ag Original artist: Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:
Wikidata-logo.svg/30px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 1.5x,
40px-Wikidata-logo.svg.png 2x' data-le-width='1050' data-le-height='590' /></a>
File:Flag_of_the_Second_Saudi_State.svg Source:
Saudi_State.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: based on Image:Saudi_state_1860-1890_1902-1930.JPG Original artist:
Guilherme Paula
File:House_of_Saud_rulers.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: File:House of Saud rulers.jpg Original artist:
Original image: Slackerlawstudent
File:Juhayman_al-Otaibi.jpg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Original artist: ( )- spa
File:Kingdom_5KR.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Transfer was stated to be made by Original artist:
FrummerThanThou at English Wikipedia




File:P_vip.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Original artist: ?

Family.jpg Source:
King_Salman%2C_Shake_Hands_With_Members_of_the_Saudi_Royal_Family.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: President and
First Lady Obama, With Saudi King Salman, Shake Hands With Members of the Saudi Royal Family Original artist: U.S. Department of
State from United States
File:Question_book-new.svg Source: License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
File:Royal_Standard_of_Saudi_Arabia.svg Source:
Saudi_Arabia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, based on Flags of the World - Saudi Arabia: Royal Standard, Flag of
Saudi Arabia.svg and Coat of arms of Saudi Arabia.svg. Original artist: Thommy
File:Salman_bin_Abdull_aziz_December_9,_2013.jpg Source:
Abdull_aziz_December_9%2C_2013.jpg License: Public domain Contributors:
photostream/ Original artist: Secretary of Defense
150513-D-NI589-527c.jpg Source:
Mohammed_bin_Salman_Al_Saud_to_the_Pentagon%2C_May_13%2C_2015_150513-D-NI589-527c.jpg License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: DoD photo by
Glenn Fawcett


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