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Anecdotal Component

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Developmental Checklist

Physical Growth/Motor Development

Copies circles
Manipulates clay, puzzles, scissors

Runs around obstacles
Walks on a line
Hops/balances on one foot
Steers and pedals tricycle
Throws ball overhand
Jumps with two feet
Begins to use zippers, buttons to dress

Social/Personal Development
Tells name
May continue to play alongside others
or join in the play
Takes turns
Identifies others
Accepts responsibility
Demonstrates self-control
Begins dramatic play/pretends
Cognitive/Language Development
Solves problems
Listens attentively
Follows simple directions
Completes a task
Can express self verbally
Compares size
Recognizes and matches colors
Draws picture, can explain it to an adult
Asks why questions
Knows name
Knows age
Has short attention span
Can group objects
Talks in sentences
Begins to understand time concepts
Refers to self as I or me
Speech is understandable, using sentences

3 Year Olds

Not Observed








Emotional Development/Feelings
Is developing self-confidence
Expresses feelings in an appropriate manner
Accepts constructive criticism
Developing humor, may be silly
Can revert to toddler behavior of sucking thumb,
crying, etc. if unhappy


Anecdotal Record #1
Childs ID: C
Date of Observation: 2/13/15
Location of observation: 3 year old classroom
Time began: 9:00am

Time ended: 10:00am

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Coloring a picture
Building a tower out of blocks
Cleaning up
Snack time

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing and/or saying:

The child was coloring a picture (FM)

The child was trying to build a castle from a picture she seen on the box (FM) (C)

The child cleaned up her mess before circle time and put everything she used where
it belongs. (P)

The child was singing songs during circle time (L)

The child cleaned up her mess after snack time and washed her hands. (P)

Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the child:

None observed


Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

She told a boy in the classroom he was not allowed to help her.

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays observation?

She used her fine motor skills while coloring a picture. I noticed she was using her left
hand while coloring. She used her fine and cognitive skills to try and build a castle she seen
on the box of blocks. She did not have to be told to clean up when it was time to stop. When
the teacher said 5 minutes she started cleaning up her stuff. She did not talk much to
anyone but she did sing every song during circle time.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

I will focus on her language skills and interactions with others.


What questions do I have regarding the childs development and learning?

Does she use age appropriate language?
Who are her friends?

Anecdotal Record #2
Childs ID: C
Date of Observation: 2/20/15
Location of observation: 3 year old classroom and playground

Time began: 9:00am

Time ended: 10:00am


Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Children were playing on the playground


Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing and/or
Riding a tricycle (G)
Riding around a track (G) (F)
Walking on a balance beam (G)
Playing in the sand box (F)


Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the child:

Teacher praised her for getting out what she wanted and for putting her stuff
away when she was done.


Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

She was riding other children around in the back of the tricycle
She was helping a child build a castle in the sand box

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays observation?
When not in a classroom setting she will interact more with other children more than she
does in the classroom. She is very timid and shy but will do what she is asked to do. She
seemed to really enjoy riding the tricycle.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

Who she plays with.

What questions do I have regarding the childs development and learning?
Does she play with other children while in the classroom?

Anecdotal Record #3
Childs ID: C
Date of Observation: 2/27/15
Location of observation: 3 year old classroom at
Time began: 9:00am
Time ended: 10:00am

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

It was pajama day.
Helped make popcorn bags.
Watched a movie.
Went on a bear hunt.

Colored a picture of a bear.

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing and/or saying:

She was not talking during the movie. During the bear hunt she gave her opinion on
where the bear could be. I think the bear is in the closet.
Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the child:

She asked me If I knew where the bear could be.

The teacher asked her if she wanted a safari hat and binoculars.

She walked with the teacher holding her hand while looking for the bear.
Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

She was talking to other children during the bear hunt but I could not hear what she
was saying.
Code observation notes

She used her cognitive abilities and fine motor skills to help the teacher measure the
amount/ put that amount of popcorn to put in each bag. (C) (FM)

She used her cognitive ability to pay attention and focus on the movie. (C)

She used her cognitive abilities to think about where she though the bear was hiding.
She used her Gross motor to walk around the school and up and down the stairs to look for
the bear, and her social emotional skills in her excitement when they found the bear. (C)
(GM) (SE)

She used her fine motor skills to color the picture of the bear. (FM)
Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis
What did I learn about the childs development from todays observation?
She will sit and watch a movie and not move or talk. When presented with something that
she enjoys she is more outgoing rather than shy like she is when she doesnt like an activity.
What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?
I would really like to focus on her social emotional skills. She does not seem to really talk to
many children.
What questions do I have regarding the childs development and learning?
Does she know her shapes and colors?
Anecdotal Record #4
Childs ID: C
Date of Observation: 3/6/15
Location of observation: 3 year old classroom
Time began: 10:15am

Time ended: 11:15am

Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Playing with sand.
Working on learning colors with puzzles
Working on learning shapes with puzzles
Riding the tricycle.

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing and/or saying:

I would ask C what color something was and she would answer to the best of her

I asked her what shape something was and she would answer to the best of her
Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the child:

The teacher was helping her with her letters when she was playing with the sand.

She would only answer a question I would ask her about a color or shape if she knew
exactly what it was. If she had any doubt she wouldnt answer me.
Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

She rode children around on the back of the tricycle.

Code observation notes

She used her fine motor skills when playing with the sand. (FM)

She used her cognitive skills when working on learning her colors and shapes. (C)

She used her fine motor and cognitive skills when working with the color and shape
puzzles. (FM) (C)

She used her gross motor skills when riding the tricycle. (GM)

She used her language skills when telling me what color or shape I showed her. (L)
Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis

What did I learn about the childs development from todays observation?
She knows 3 primary colors
She knows what a triangle and circle are.
She is very unsure of herself.

What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?
What numbers and letters she knows.

What questions do I have regarding the childs development and learning?

When is her birthday, and does she know more colors than she answered.

Anecdotal Record # 5
Childs ID: C
Date of Observation: 3/13/2015
Location of observation: 3 year old Child Care Center
Time began: 10:00am
Time ended: 11:00am
Note the activity or activities occurring during the observation:

Child was playing a game, jumping on different shaped mats (she was told which
ones to jump on and she had to choose the right ones)

Child was making shapes out of shaving cream.

Record brief, nonjudgmental notes describing what the child is doing and/or saying:

She would jump up and down when she stepped on the right shaped mat. (G) (SE)

When working with the shaving cream she told another child This is my favorite
thing to do at my school (SE)

She made circles in the shaving cream. (F)

She used other items such as a car she was pretending to wash with the shaving
cream. (FM)

Note significant interactions between the teacher(s)/adult(s) and the child:

The teacher was guiding her in the activities.


Note significant interactions between the child and other children:

She was talking to the child sitting next to her about playing with the shaving cream.

Anecdotal Record Reflective Analysis


What did I learn about the childs development from todays observation?
I learned she enjoys playing with shaving cream
She can identify circles.


What should I focus on the next time I observe this child?

This was my last observation


What questions do I have regarding the childs development and learning?

This was my last observation.

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