National Candidates' Profiles (2010 Elections)
National Candidates' Profiles (2010 Elections)
National Candidates' Profiles (2010 Elections)
The information in these profiles was taken from a research, mainly using various websites including
the official websites of the candidates. The initial drafts of most of these profiles were presented to
and discussed at seven (7) regional consultations last July – August 2009 that also discussed the draft
of the Development and Reform Agenda for 2010-2013. The feedback from those consultations was
used to improve the profiles. After the deadline for the filing of candidacies last December 1, 2009,
we added a handful of profiles, particularly for the candidates that we had not expected before.
This research and publication were undertaken by the Caucus of Development NGO Networks
(CODE-NGO) with the intention of helping Filipino voters in critically assessing and evaluating the
national candidates. CODE-NGO encourages the use, translation, adaptation and copying of this
material for non-commercial use, with appropriate credit given to CODE-NGO.
We acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of the researchers, Ms. Anne Marie Lim and Ms.
Paula Bianca Lapuz, the project staff, Mr. Tristan Frederick Tresvalles, Mr. Patrick Lim and Ms. Ma.
Magdalena Labios-Demata, and the lay-out artist, Mr. Ignacio Chiong. We also thank the National
Endowment for Democracy (NED) for its support for this project.
A more comprehensive version of the National Candidates Profiles may be viewed at and downloaded
from our website. Please visit
The Development and Reform Agenda for 2010-2013 is also available at that website.
For comments and suggestions regarding the National Candidates Profiles, you may write to or
contact us at:
This is why the first qualities I seek from our He is in favor of the additional 2 years basic
next president are the credibility and moral education proposal because it will increase
ascendancy to lead our country back to the level of competitiveness of students and
make us at par with the global education
the path of a just society, where notions of standards.
right and wrong matter, where corruption is
vigorously rejected, where crime does not He will not impose new taxes or increase tax
pay. rates because the problem is the tax collection
Do I best find these qualities in Joseph
Regarding the proposal to give the late
Estrada? In Manny Villar? In Gilbert Teodoro? President Ferdinand Marcos a hero’s burial,
Or in Noynoy? Each can make his own Aquino did not endorse it and suggested
choice. I choose Noynoy.” instead that a commission be created to study
the issue (The Manila Times, Feb 22, 2010).
Educational Attainment During his term, he focused on the poor, the youth
• B.A. in Theology - Franciscan and cooperatives.
University of Steubenville,
Ohio, U.S.A. His free legal assistance program under an
informal project named JUSTICE CRUSADE has
• Public Administration been widely successful among his constituents.
(graduate studies) - University He is presently prioritizing the institutionalization
of the Philippines of the Barangay Human Rights Action Centers,
• Bachelor of Law - Saint Louis the office mandated by law for the protection
University and prevention of human rights violations in the
Professional/Public Service Record
• Councilor - Olongapo City - He has also spoken out and campaigned against
1995-1998, 2007-Present illegal drugs, rampant violations of worker’s rights
at Hanjin, Subic Bay and has campaigned against
illegal fish cages in the area. He has also led protests
Significant Achievements against the proposed coal power plant and has
been outspoken in criticizing government’s plan
He helped propagate the National to open more casinos in Subic.
Renewal Movement and the Ang
Kapatiran National Political Party or The boldest statement he has made for good
the Alliance for the Common Good, a governance is the filing of numerous cases before
registered political party that seeks to the Ombudsman against high ranking government
promote the politics of genuine social officials where he himself is the complainant.
His passion and vision is to unceasingly work to
fight and defeat massive, enslaving poverty, a
He is presently the national animator mission to be accomplished not only in Olongapo
of Solidarity Philippines, a movement but in the whole country.
to pro-actively advance the Social
Justice Agenda of the Church and De los Reyes ruled out a population campaign
Executive-director of Breaking the that would promote the use of contraception,
Yoke of Poverty Foundation whose although he conceded that rapid population
project is Jubilee homes for the Poor, growth is hindering economic development in the
a housing project for 60 families. country. His approach is to curb population growth
by educating couples on responsible parenthood
In the 2007 elections, among 27 local and through natural means of family planning.
and national candidates, he was the He is against the Reproductive Health Bill, adding
lone winner of Ang Kapatiran Party, that he is against abortion in all cases and the use
placing second among ten slots for of birth control pills and condoms even among
the Olongapo City Council. This was married couples.
achieved despite a decade of absence
from local politics. On political dynasties, he will strive to have
implementing legislation that will give life to the
Constitutional provision against political dynasties.
Joseph M. “ERAP”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Engineering – Mapua Institute of Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
On March 21, 2000, President Joseph
Professional/Public Service Record Estrada declared an “all-out-war” against
the MILF. During the war, the Catholic
• President of the Philippines – 1998-
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
2001 (CBCP) asked Estrada to have a cease-fire
• Vice President of the Philippines – with MILF, but Estrada opposed the idea
1992-1998 arguing that a cease-fire would cause more
• Senator – 1987-1992 terrorist attacks. For the next three months
• Mayor of San Juan – 1969-1986 of the war, Camp Abubakar, headquarters
of the MILF, fell along with 13 other major
Significant Achievements camps and 43 minor camps. The MILF later
declared a jihad on the government. On
In 1972, he was selected as one of the Ten July 10 of the same year, the President went
Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) in Public to Mindanao and raised the Philippine flag
symbolizing victory. After the war Estrada
Administration by the Philippine Jaycees.
said, “... will speed up government efforts
to bring genuine and lasting peace and
He established the Movie Workers Welfare development in Mindanao.”
Foundation (MOWELFUND), Inc. which has
now become a robust organization that As President, he ordered the removal of
provides industry workers with financial and all sovereign guarantees on contracts for
professional assistance. public projects which would require the
people to assume the financial losses of
As a senator, he was one of the so-called private companies doing business with the
“Magnificent 12” who voted to terminate government.
the RP-US Military Bases Agreement in
Under the Estrada administration,
1991 leading to the withdrawal of American
agriculture received greater priority, while
servicemen from the Clark Air Base in the national government likewise took
Pampanga and the Subic Naval Base in steps to bring down the cost of medicine.
Mr. Estrada’s administration has been
In 1989, the Free Press cited him as one criticized for its slow pace of land
of the Three Outstanding Senators of the distribution under CARP and for its actions
Year. on the coconut levy funds that favored his
ally Eduardo “Danding” Cojuangco.
Jamby A. “JAMBY”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform Agenda and Other
• No data on tertiary Major Advocacies
Senator Madrigal co-authored the Magna Carta for Women and
the Anti-Child Pornography Act. While she expressed support for
Professional/Public Service CARPER, she did not vote for it.
• Senator – 2004 - Present She voted against the ratification of JPEPA. The senator also filed
• Presidential Adviser a bill repealing the Mining Act of 1995 and a bill for the imposition
for Children’s Affairs – of a total log ban. She likewise authored a bill defining and
1999-2001 penalizing enforced or involuntary disappearances as well as the
• U n d e r s e c r e t a r y , proposed Human Rights Act.
Department of
Social Welfare and She met with the peace negotiations panel of the National
Democratic Front in Utrecht, The Netherlands and issued a
Development – 1992- statement reiterating her call for the immediate resumption of the
1998 formal talks in the peace negotiations between the government
and the NDF.
Significant Achievements:
Senator Madrigal filed an ethics case against Sen. Manny Villar
Senator Madrigal is currently the for allegedly benefitting from the construction of the C-5 road
chairperson of four committees extension project in Paranaque City. In turn, she is the respondent
in the Senate, namely, the in a case filed before the Senate Committee on Ethics by former
Committee on Environment and Rep. Gilbert Remulla of Cavite. Remulla said that Madrigal used
“vile language unbecoming a senator” within the premises of the
Natural Resources; Committee Senate. She recently earned the ire of Filipino bloggers for the
on Youth, Women, and Family yellow beaded bracelets that were being given away during the
Relations; Committee on memorial services for former President Corazon “Cory” Aquino.
Cultural Communities; and The bracelets included a picture of Madrigal who, incidentally, had
the Committee on Peace, announced on July 31 that she would run for President in 2010.
Unification, and Reconciliation.
She would support more stringent measures on the production
She is from a family of nation- and advertising of unhealthy food products. If elected president,
builders and public servants. her administration will be very strict and will limit advertising of
such products (and) tax softdrinks.
She is the granddaughter of
a national hero and martyr, Regarding the divorce bill, she would put it to a referendum to
Supreme Court Chief Justice concretely determine if the people favor it. Congress should not
Jose Abad Santos. Her enact this by themselves.
granduncle, Assemblyman
Pedro Abad Santos, was the On the OFW issue, she states that the OFW problem is a creation
founder of the Socialist Party of the Arroyo administration because of the Omnibus Code that
of the Philippines and a well- has been passed that in effect legalizes trafficking and slavery
known defender of the poor of OFWs to Middle East countries. She intends to reverse this
though economic growth by collecting taxes and stopping
and the oppressed. technical smuggling.
On the pork barrel, she said that she does not accept it because
of the corruption it generates if you try to use it. She further stated
that “it is the source of major corruption in the country. If elected
presented, short of abolishing it, there will only be certain places
where the pork barrel can go that can be completely audited”.
She also said that she will veto insertions because tens of billions
are wasted due to these. She will use the savings from these
insertions for agriculture, SMEs, environmental protection, health
care and education.
Website: 7
Jesus Nicanor P. “NICK” Major Positions on Development and Reform Agenda and Other
Secretary Teodoro was named by On his opinion on the Sangguniang Kabataan, he said that there
must be a transition from the SK to regular politics. He proposes
former Senator Vicente Paterno, a reduction of the age to elect councilors to 18. He recognizes
vice chairman of the Bishops- that there are benefits to SK, like being taught leadership and
principles of governance but it also has problems like the nature
Businessmen’s Conference of the political contest and how some SK Chairs are elected. “We
(BBC), as one of the most honest have to streamline the organization to cure its ills” said Teodoro.
government officials along with If made to choose one important sector, he said he would
DSWD Secretary Esperanza choose agriculture because “our food security is an important
Cabral. aspect of our economy that must not be forgotten.”
Website: 11
Jejomar C. “JOJO”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Arts, Major in Political Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Science – University of the
Philippines Mayor Binay said that “While the
• Bachelor of Laws – University of the implementation of CARP (Comprehensive
Philippines Agrarian Reform Program) needs to
be reviewed, the net effect should
Professional/Public Service Record always be beneficial to the farmers.” He
• Mayor (Makati City) – 1986-1998, institutionalized quality health care in Makati
2001-2004, 2007-Present through an efficient health care program.
• Chairman, Metropolitan Manila He is also credited for directing funds for
Development Authority (MMDA) -- maintenance of roads and infrastructure
1998-2001 even in the poorest districts of Makati.
• Acting Mayor (Makati City) -- 1986-
1987 There is no data about Binay’s position on
• Lawyer JPEPA.
Bayani F. “BF”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Science, Major in Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Mechanical Engineering – Mapua
Institute of Technology While he has been described as having a
strong political will and as having the capacity
Professional/Public Service Record to instill discipline, he has been criticized for
• Secretary, Metropolitan Manila having an iron rule approach. He authorized
Development Authority (MMDA) – several demolitions of shanties, food stalls,
2002-Present etc. around Metro Manila without regard
• Director, Department of Public to ensuring the availability of relocation
Works and Highways (DPWH) sites for the displaced families. He has said
- National Capital Region – that “It’s as if we are rewarding people who
2003-Present squat. So we will see to it that only those
• Mayor, Marikina City, – 1992-2001 who are qualified will be relocated.”
• Mechanical Engineer
Chairman Fernando has also been criticized
Significant Achievements for the MMDA’s illegal cutting of trees.
Numerous documents from the DENR
During his stint as Mayor, Marikina City was are clear proofs to BF’s illegal tree cutting
accorded 55 citations and distinctions. activities. He has also said that “Recycling
waste is not viable in the Philippines, and
He has been conferred the Doctor of it has cost the Metro Manila Development
Humanities, Honoris Causa, Ateneo de Authority millions of pesos to operate three
Cagayan, The Outstanding Filipino(TOFIL) of its Materials Reduction Facilities.”
Award for Government Service, the H.R.
Reyes Academic Medallion of Honor, He has expressed that he is in favour of a
Central Colleges of the Philippines and constitutional convention only after the
Doctor of the Public Administration, 2010 elections.
Honoris Causa by the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines. Website:
Loren B. “LOREN”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Arts, Major in Broadcast Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Communications – University of the
Philippines Senator Legarda called for a complete
• Special Studies towards assessment of CARP – how much land was
Professional Designation in distributed, the government’s ability to
Journalism – University of California provide for the landowners’ compensation
• Master’s in National Security and if the beneficiaries were indeed
Administration – National Defense emancipated from poverty – and filed
College of the Philippines Senate Resolution 449 to determine
remedial measures to reform CARP.
Professional/Public Service Record
• Senator -- 1998-2004; 2007-present She started her campaign for environmental
• Broadcast Journalist protection and preservation during her
stint as a broadcast journalist. As Senator,
Significant Achievements she actively espoused the passage of
important environmental measures such as
She was awarded by the United Nationals the Philippine Clean Air Act and Ecological
Environmental Program (UNEP) for her Solid Waste Management Act. She founded
significant contributions for the protection Luntiang Pilipinas and is president of Trees
of the environment. for Life Foundation and Save our Seas
Foundation, Inc.
She served as negotiator for the release of
journalist Ces Drilon, who was kidnapped in She is a known opponent of charter change.
Southern Mindanao.
Senator Legarda co-authored the Magna
Carta for Women and supports informed
choice for women but not abortion.
Eduardo B. “EDU”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelors Degree – De La Salle Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Mr. Manzano is famed for his anti-piracy
Professional/Public Service Record advocacy. He has said that “Companies
• Chairperson, Optical Media Board should monitor their software licenses
(OMB) – 2004-2009 to avoid disruption of business and
• Vice Mayor (Makati City) -- 1998- the embarrassment of raids… Piracy is
2001 detrimental to the national economy. It
• National President, Vice Mayor's deprives our workforce of high paying job
League of the Philippines – 1998- opportunities, prevents us from competing
2001 globally and hampers the growth of creative
• Actor and TV Personality industries.”
Manuel A. “MAR”
ROXAS Major Positions on Development and Reform
Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Website: 17
Significant Achievements
Pefecto R. “KIDLAT”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Laws, University of the Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Philippines 1972;
• Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, He states in his website that:
Central Philippine University 1967
“Aside from continually increasing the budget
Professional/Public Service Record for education proportionately with the growing
• Chairman, Board of Trustees, Central population of children, we must regularly review
Philippine University, Iloilo City. the adequacy and suitability of the facilities
• Chairman, Securities and Exchange
Commission, July 1995 to March 25, that we have for education … competence of
2000; teachers, and other costs needed for primary
• Associate Commissioner, SEC, March education, even the quality of our educational
1993 to June 1995; programs and curricula, and the reasons for
• Senior Partner, San Jose Yasay & Santos significant dropouts, if any…
Law Offices, 1987 to 1993;
• Senior Partner, Yasay & De Castro, We should not be afraid to introduce urgent
Esqs., 1985 to 1990, New York, New changes in our Constitution under an
York; environment where those tasked with the process
• Senior Partner, Maceda Yasay & are solely motivated by the national interests
Tolentino Esqs., 1979 to 1985, New and not by a desire to perpetuate certain
York, New York; personages in power…these must be done only
• Managing Director, Philippine News, through a constitutional convention… It is also
New York Bureau, 1983 to 1987; my view that only specific provisions with limited
• Manager, Legal Department Rizal impact or application, such as whether or not
Commercial Banking Corporation, 1973 to continue making the Ombudsman removed
to 1979. only by impeachment, and the designation of
other offices as constitutional bodies …should
Significant Achievements
be amended by a constituent assembly or the
The EDSA People Power Freedom Award, for so-called people’s initiative.
Undaunted Courage in proclaiming the truth as
a key witness in the Impeachment Trial of Former I believe in the enactment of more laws that will
President Estrada, February 25, 2001; protect and preserve our environment, properly
manage our natural wealth and resources and to
Named by BusinessWeek in its July 3, 2000 issue effectively address and prevent destructive and
as one of “The Stars Of Asia”. 50 Asian leaders imprudent practices that have been the cause
recognized as being at the Forefront of Change, of many needless loss of lives and properties to
and striving for a firmer foundation for Asia by our people than the natural calamities that have
mending a social fabric torn by crisis; the only been associated with these tragedies.
Filipino chosen in the area of Policymakers;
Indeed, we must all raise the level of awareness of
Gold Vision Triangle Award, Highest award our people about this delicate balance and their
granted by the YMCA of the Philippines for calamitous effect on climate changes. But more
community service particularly in the area of importantly we need the political will to enforce
youth leadership development on November 9, our laws against big industries that pollute
1996; our seas, rivers and waterways, unscrupulous
Outstanding Achievement Award, U.P. Law Class real estate developers that build on lands that
1972, July 24, 1996; impede the free flow of rivers and streams to the
open sea and illegal loggers and miners who
Was featured and editorialized in various U.S. - ruthlessly denude our forest and destroy nature’s
based Philippine newspapers, for successfully way of regulating floods preventing land erosion
representing and championing the cause of and dangerous avalanches.”
Filipinos in criminal and in deportation and
de-naturalization proceedings in the United Website:
Congressman Acosta was the Project Director of He co-authored the Reproductive Health Bill and has
BINHI, a rural development NGO. represented the Philippines in numerous international
fora on population and development.
He has earned numerous accolades including the
Oscar Escobar Environmental Award and the Citizens' Website:
Movement Against Pollution Award in 2002. He was
included in NewsBiz-Asia's 100 Most Influential Filipinos
(2002), and was cited by Asiaweek as representing the
“youthful, hopeful change for the country.”
Silvestre III H. “BEBOT”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Arts - Manuel L. Quezon University, Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
• College of Law, Bachelor of Law (LIB) - Ateneo
de Manila University, 1966-1970 According to Bello, "Only with lasting peace can
we achieve meaningful and lasting progress in the
Professional/Public Service Record country. What we need is not a temporary ceasefire
• Cabinet Secretary - Office of the President, July of 15 or 30 days but a lasting peace in our country.
25, 2008 to present We need to have a final resolution of the armed
• Presidential Adviser on New Government
Centers - Office of the President, July 2007 to conflict between our government and the CPP-
present NDF-NPA."
• General Manager/CEO –Philippine Reclamation
Authority, Jan. 2006 to Dec. 31, 2006 Bello said it was very important to push the peace
• President/CEO - PNOC-Development & process to its logical conclusion through patience
Management Corp., Nov. 18, 2004 to Dec. 31,
2005 and political will.
• Chairman - GRP Panel for talks with CPP-NPA-
NDF, January 2001 to 2004 The Cabinet Secretary, who is running under the
• Secretary of Justice - Department of Justice, Lakas-Kampi-CMD banner, said he will try to end
January 1998 to June 30, 1998 insurgency in the country through peaceful means
• Solicitor General - Department of Justice, Sept.
23, 1996 to January 1998 if he is elected into the Senate.
• Secretary of Justice - Department of Justice,
July 16, 1990 to February 7, 1992 Website:
• Undersecretary of Justice- Department of
Justice, March 7, 1986 – July 15, 1990
• Member - Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG)
Ramon, Jr. “KAP” Nacionalista Party
BONG REVILLA Guest Candidate
He jumped onto a bus being held hostage in the He has also been criticized for continuing to
Philippines in order to ensure the safety of the appear on television and movies despite his
students on the bus and try and talk the hostage poor legislative record.
taker into giving themselves up.
During his incumbency, San Juan On the MOA-AD, he said that “Dureza and Esperon apparently
gained the reputation of being one of have knowledge of the `unconstitutional provisions’ of the MOA-
the most progressive municipalities and AD with the Muslim secessionist group that were `kept secret’"
the Most Peaceful Municipality in the from the public.”
The senator was charged, along with his father, former President
Estrada, with violations against the Anti-Plunder Law but was
acquitted by the Supreme Court.
During his second term, the LMP founded the Mayor’s To guarantee the faster delivery of social services to
Development Center (MDC), a first in Philippine local the people, there is a need to further empower local
government organization, and even the first in Asia. governments. Local governments can serve faster as
The MDC now serves as the development and training they are closer to the people.
arm of the LMP for improving municipal governance
and leadership. Website:
Liberal Party
Teofisto III D. “TG”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Arts in Economics – Ateneo de Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Manila University
• Juris Doctor – Ateneo de Manila University Cong. Guingona is a staunch proponent of
Alternative Budget Initiative (ABI) that calls for,
Professional/Public Service Record among others, an increase in the government’s
• Representative, 2nd District of Bukidnon -- education budget. He has filed several
2004-Present budget reform bills, the first of which is the
• Lawyer Anti-Impoundment Bill seeking to curb the
uncontrolled practice of withholding the release
Significant Achievements/Other Info of appropriations in the General Appropriations
TG Guingona and his colleagues in the Ateneo
student government joined a protest rally of the He has pushed for the privatization of NAPOCOR
opposition party LABAN or Lakas ng Bayan to to lower electricity rates. He also filed an
protest the massive cheating by the dictator impeachment complaint against President
Ferdinand Marcos during the elections for Arroyo.
the 1978 Interim Batasan Pambansa. While
marching along Espana avenue, in Manila, TG Cong. Guingona is undecided on the RH Bill.
and the entire Ateneo student government
were arrested together with other prominent Website:
opposition personalities. At the tender age of 19
years old, TG was incarcerated at Bicutan Center
26 together with Nene Pimentel, Joker Arroyo, Soc
Rodrigo, and Lorenzo Tanada Sr.
Bangon Pilipinas
Ma. Katherine L. R. “KATA”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• University of the Philippines Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Raul L. “RAUL”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development
• Bachelor of Arts in Political Science - University of and Reform Agenda and Other
• Bachelor of Laws - University of Pangasinan Major Advocacies
Liberal Party
Yasmin B. “YAS”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Psychology - Far Eastern University Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
The US government conferred on her the Ninoy She established the Al-Mujadilah Development
Aquino Public Service Award for her work in Foundation (AMDF), which was inspired by a
uplifting the plight of the marginalized. Koranic verse that means either “The Woman who
Pleads,” “The Woman who Seeketh (Justice),” or
Yasmin Lao's desire for independence and the “The Woman who Disputeth.” The group’s focus
sense of fairness was believed to be influenced is social justice, working on issues of women’s
by her great grandmother, who died when she rights, good governance and peace-building. The
was eight. Her father, Mama Busran was a judge popularization of the Code of Muslim Personal
in Jolo and later, in Cotabato City who often Laws, which has been translated into local
criticized the Marcos administration and opposed languages, is another of the foundation’s concerns.
the militarization in Mindanao. Her father was also
the first Muslim judge in the Court of Appeals. She has been called a model of the modern,
questioning Moro woman, who seeks to reconcile 29
her personal and social identity with her role as a
citizen, leader and change-agent.
Slowly, and with the help of his fellow He authored and filed bills and resolutions that
Kapampangans, Lito Lapid set in motion a will provide comprehensive benefit packages to
comprehensive rehabilitation program which our overseas workers, athletes, educational and
made businesses in the province boom. scholarship support programs and expanding
the protection and benefits of our elderly women
and children, and advance national pride and
expand the use of the native language.
Professional/Public Service Record Principal author of the SARS bill. The bill
• Representative, 5th district, Negros proposes to empower the government to
Occidental, 2001-2004 take such steps as isolating large areas where
• Chairman, House Committee on Foreign suspected carriers may live and enclosed public
Relations, 12th Congress places like shopping malls that infected persons
• Former Malacañang chief of protocol might visit. The bill also proposes identifying
government facilities where infected persons
Significant Achievements/ Other Info could be quarantined.
No Data Available
Nacionalista Party
Ferdinand, Jr. R. “BONGBONG”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics - Oxford Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
• Master of Business Administration- Wharton Gov. Marcos' developmental programs focused on
School of the University of Pennsylvania agriculture, education, tourism, health and sports.
In the agricultural sector, the governor's vision was
Professional/Public Service Record the total transformation of the province into an agro-
• Vice Governor, Ilocos Norte – 1980-1983 industrial center.
• Governor of Ilocos Norte – 1983-1986, 1998-
2007 Additional tourism enterprises were launched
• Representative, 2nd district of Ilocos Norte – leading to the construction of the Museo Iloko, Dap-
1992-1995, 2007-present ayan center and Ilocos Norte Tourism office and the
restoration of the Rest Area in the Ilocos Norte-Ilocos
Significant Achievements/ Other Info Sur boundary. Marcos also started the construction
of the P472 million Hotel and Convention Center
In 1992, following his return from exile abroad, at Barangay Balacad Laoag City. In addition, eco-
he won election to the House of Representatives. tourism projects, like the promotion of lesser known
In his first stint as legislator, he won support for tourist destinations of Ilocos Norte, were undertaken.
legislation, even as an opposition congressman,
notably the National Youth Commission Act. Website:
Professional/Public Service Record Liza Maza is the principal author of the Anti-
• Party-list Representatve – GABRIELA, 2004- Trafficking in Persons Law and the Anti Violence
2010 Against Women and Children Act. These laws are
• Party-list Representative – BAYAN MUNA, very important in the Philippine context because in
2001-2004 2005 alone 750,000 women were exported to over
• Activist 203 countries. 30% of the women being exported
• Development Worker from the Philippines end up in the sex trade.
Significant Achievements/ Other Info She is the author of the controversial Philippine
Divorce Bill.
Maza has been an activist since her student days at
the University of the Philippines, Diliman. She then She has played a pivotal role in reflecting in law the
started working with the University Alliance which issues of women on the Philippines and their vision
did work with the urban poor. After graduation, for themselves and their country.
she worked as a researcher and taught for St.
Scholastica College. Liza started working with
GABRIELA Philippines, the largest and most
militant alliance of women’s organizations in
the Philippines. She eventually became part of
the editors collective for LAYA magazine. Liza
was elected Secretary General of GABRIELA,
a post she held for fourteen years. Liza was a
founding member of the Asia section of Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom and
a member of the executive committee of the
Women’s International Democratic Federation.
Nacionalista Party
Ramon B. “MON-MON”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and Reform
• Philippine Military Academy – 1988 Agenda and Other Major Advocacies
Professional/Public Service Record Mitra, who is also the director of the Philippine
• Platoon Commander and Captain – National Oil Company and PNOC Exploration
Philippine Marine Corps Company which is engaged in oil and gas
explorations and coal trading, said that cleaner and
cheaper energy as alternative fuels will completely
Significant Achievements/ Other Info eradicate, if not lessen the importation of fuels.
Ramon “Mon-Mon” Mitra, a bemedalled Moreover, Mitra will also focus on the Agriculture
Former Marine Captain and son of the late and Fisheries Modernization Act (RA 8435) once he
Speaker Ramon Mitra Jr. is also a recipient of the gets into Senate.
Distinguished Conduct Star, the second highest
military award in the country given to soldiers He said that rationalization of the existing
who perform beyond the call of duty against institutional mechanisms should be implemented
overwhelming odds. to strengthen private-public partnership and make
such more efficient in expanding agri-food exports,
He is backed by an extensive experience in facilitating modernization and growth of the sector.
administrative and operations management
Likewise, he would ask the government to allocate
acquired from over 18 years experience in the
substantial resources to rehabilitate affected places
military, private business and family-owned and crops in areas devastated by tropical storm
corporations, particularly in the fields of Ondoy and typhoon Pepeng as well as come
information technology, transportation, and up with measures to augment farmers’ incomes
32 agribusiness. including the provision of agricultural production.
Nacionalista Party
Ariel O. “MARINES”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and
• Philippine Military Academy – 1979 Reform Agenda and Other Major
• Masters Degree in Defense Studies - University of Advocacies
Canberra, Australia
Querubin’s career has been marked by
Professional/Public Service Record involvements in “military adventurism.”
• Commander - 1st Marine Brigade As co-founder of the military fraternity
• Philippine Marine Colonel Young Officers’ Union (YOU), he and his
men joined about 3,000 rebel troops in
Significant Achievements/ Other Info
the bloodiest coup attempt against the
The most bemedalled officer in the history of the Aquino administration in December 1989.
republic, Querubin gained notoriety after a seven-hour They were imprisoned but later pardoned
standoff in Fort Bonifacio during an alleged coup plot and reinstated in the service in 1995,
against President Macapagal-Arroyo in February 2006. after retired general Fidel Ramos, who
was elected president in 1992, granted
Interestingly, he has practically earned all the awards the amnesty to military rebels.
Armed Forces could give, including the coveted Medal
of Valor, all except the Wounded Personnel Medal, an website:
award he would have been given in December 1989,
when he was wounded in the coup attempt against then
President Cory Aquino -- if he was on the government
Nacionalista Party
Gilbert Cesar C. “GILBERT”
Educational Attainment Major Positions on Development and
• BA Mass Communication, major in Reform Agenda and Other Major
Broadcasting - University of the Philippines Advocacies
Diliman, 1992
• Masters in International Affairs (International Gilbert Remulla is a strong advocate for
Media and Communication, East Asian population management.
Political Affairs) - Columbia University, New
York, 1999 He was one of the youngest members of
Congress. However, his legislative record
Professional/Public Service Record includes legislation such as Republic Act
• Representative of the 2nd District of Cavite – 9165, or the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002,
2001-2007 and Republic Act 9287, or the Act Increasing
the Penalty for the Illegal Numbers Game.
Significant Achievements/ Other Info He had a number of bills which are pending
in Congress, including House Bill No. 185
After obtaining a degree in Broadcast seeking the abolition of the Sangguniang
Communication in 1993, Gilbert Remulla joined Kabataan and replacing it with a youth
ABS-CBN as part of its news team. Gilbert Remulla representative; House Bill No. 2452 which
started as a production assistant, and then became seeks to lower the cost of cellular phone
a reporter and a regular in the morning and usage and House Bill No. 5310 which
evening news. aims at minimizing the use of plastic bags
and plastic utensils that damage the
His experience in the Ivy League school gave him environment.
the opportunity to work for CNN and the United