Cia Family Style

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Vacation with a purpose!

July 7-10, 2016

Continuing the tradition of the longrunning Catholics In Action youth

service program, CIAFamily Style
is an exciting new opportunity for
families to serve, learn, play and
pray together.
Research on families shows that
praying, serving, and talking together
are three of the most important
things families can do to thrive.
CIAFamily Style incorporates all
three with the additional benefit of
getting support from other families.
The program is designed to make
family life better while improving
the lives of others in the community.
Who can attend?
Any family and any age. Examples:
mom, dad, child(ren); single parent,
child(ren); grandparent(s) and grandchild(ren), etc. All are welcome!
When does the program start
and end?
Families arrive by 6:30 PM on July 7
(Day 1). The program ends by 3 PM
on July 10 (Day 4).
What is the program fee?
$45/person, or $200 maximum/
family. Includes lodging, meals, and
all program materials.

Ss. Mary & Mathias

Mazzuchelli Center,
What are the sleeping
Three lodging options:
1. In Mazzuchelli Center
classrooms. Bring air
mattresses/cots and
sleeping bags.
2. Tents/Campers on
Center grounds. Bring
your own and camp out.
3. At home. Only for Muscatine
What happens each day?
Day 1: Welcome, light meal,
Orientation Session.
Days 2-3: Breakfast, prayer, service
sites, process time, dinner,
evening program, night prayer.
Day 4: Breakfast, general session,
Mass, lunch, wrap-up/

Will family units serve together?

Yes! Some service sites may have age
restrictions. Every effort will be made
to ensure that all family members
can serve together. Daycare for small
children can be arranged at no cost.
When and how can I register?
Registration opens April 11, and will
continue until the program is full.
Register online at http://

Is there a limit on participants?

For more information

Yes. No more than 50 participants.

Contact the Office of Faith Formation

at 563-888-4240.

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