Summer 2019
Summer 2019
Summer 2019
M A RY ’ S Y O U T H
Movie Nights this
Summer for Parish CATHOLIC SOCIAL
A Quarterly Newsletter for
St. Mary’s Youth & Families TEACHING
Christopher Robin
CALENDAR Saturday, July 6, 6:30—9:00 pm
The Church's social teaching is a rich treas-
ure of wisdom about building a just society
and living lives of holiness amidst the chal-
JULY 6 —6:30 - 9:00 pm Ferdinand lenges of modern society. The 7 themes are:
Movie Night Saturday, Aug. 17, 6:30—9:00 pm
“Christopher 1. Life and Dignity of the Human Per-
Robin” son—The Catholic Church proclaims
We’ll begin with a POTLUCK, that human life is sacred and that the
so bring a dish to share. dignity of the human person is the foun-
The movie will begin at 7:00 pm dation of a moral vision for society. This
with popcorn provided! belief is the foundation of all the princi-
—————— ples of our social teaching.
ALL are Welcome! 2. Call to Family, Community & Partici-
AUG 17—6:30 - 9:00 pm
Movie Night pation—The person is not only sacred
“Ferdinand” but also social. How we organize our
STEP OUT TO society -- in economics and politics, in
law and policy -- directly affects human
SERVE dignity and the capacity of individuals
to grow in community. Marriage and
Our diocese is encouraging us to the family are the central social institu-
25—10 am - 12 pm be the hands and feet of Jesus tions that must be supported and
Parish Picnic strengthened, not undermined.
and Step Out to Serve our 3. Rights & Responsibilities— The Cath-
—————— parish and community olic tradition teaches that human dignity
SEPT 8—9:00am—? pm this summer. can be protected and a healthy commu-
Step Out to Serve nity can be achieved only if human
We are looking for service rights are protected and responsibilities
@ Iowa City
projects for youth and their are met. Therefore, every person has a
families. fundamental right to life and a right to
Check us out on those things required for human decen-
We are looking for adult cy. Corresponding to these rights are
Social Media: duties and responsibilities--to one anoth-
———— team members to help serve
er, to our families, and to the larger soci-
Website: alongside the youth/families. ety.
stmaryyouthff. 4. Option for the Poor & Vulnerable—A We will participate in the basic moral test is how our most vulner-
———— Diocesan event on Sunday, able members are faring. In a society
Facebook Sept. 8, in Iowa City with marred by deepening divisions between
& Pinterest: other parishes from our rich and poor, our tradition recalls the
“St. Mary’s Youth” diocese to celebrate the story of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-
———— 46) and instructs us to put the needs of
fruits of our service. the poor and vulnerable first.
Instagram 5. The Dignity of Work & the Right of
Twitter Contact Diane if you know of a Workers—The economy must serve
stmaryyouthff need in our community OR if people, not the other way around. Work
you can help on team for this
is more than a way to make a living; it is
YouTube effort. Watch the bulletin and a form of continuing participation in
“St. Mary’s Youth facebook page for our summer Gods creation. If the dignity of work is
Fairfield” to be protected,
service opportunities. Cont’d page 2
Catholic Social Teaching cont’d Pope Paul VI taught that if you
want peace, work for justice. The
then the basic rights of workers Gospel calls us to be peacemak-
must be respected--the right to ers. Our love for all our sisters
productive work, to decent and and brothers demands that we
fair wages, to the organization and promote peace in a world sur-
joining of unions, to private prop- rounded by violence and conflict.
erty, and to economic initiative. 7. Care for God’s Creation—We
6. Solidarity—We are one human show our respect for the Creator
family whatever our national, ra- by our stewardship of creation.
cial, ethnic, economic, and ideo- Care for the earth is not just an
logical differences. We are our Earth Day slogan, it is a require-
brothers and sisters keepers, wher- ment of our faith. We are called
ever they may be. Loving our to protect people and the planet,
neighbor has global dimensions in living our faith in relationship
a shrinking world. At the core of with all of Gods creation. This
the virtue of solidarity is the pur- environmental challenge has fun-
suit of justice and peace. damental moral and ethical di-
mensions that cannot be ignored.
of the
Cross in
Mission Statement:
St. Mary’s Youth Ministry
To guide our youth to truly
know Jesus and serve Him ONGOING FUNDRAISER
in our parish and the
world. Pop Can Drive
Bring your empty refundable pop cans Your generosity helps support
Diane Tone or plastic pop bottles to the hallway the programming for
Youth Ministry Coordinator behind the kitchen and put them in the Youth Ministry. marked containers.
Cell: 319-217-0148 Thank you for your
Last quarter we raised $34.15 continued support!!