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The Crusades Chart

First Crusade

Second Crusade

Third Crusade

Fourth Crusade


1096- 1099




Participants (name and


Alexius Comnenus I (Byzantine Emperor)

Pope Urban II
Peter the Hermit (monk from Amiens)
William of Tyre (reported anger of
Godfrey of Bouillon
Baldwin and Raymond of Toulouse
(brothers of Godfrey). For Clermont, the call
for a crusade spread throughout Europe,
but the people who rallied to this first call
were primarily from France, southern Italy,
and Sicily. The Normans who had recently
conquered England were still consolidating
their control over that land; the Christian
knights of Spain were fighting their own
crusade against the Moslems there and
only a few nobles from Germany
responded to the call. Yet, thousands of
others responded to this call and sewed
crossed to their clothes to announce
themselves as Crusaders. The First
Crusade was estimated to be between
5,000 and 10,000 mounted knights,
between 25,000 to 50,000 foot soldiers and
an equal number of non-combatants.
Knights and nobles under the command of
Godfrey, Baldwin and Raymond began to
reach Constantinople by the same overlord
route. Unlike Peters motley followers, they

Pope Eugenius
Bernard of
Clairvaux to form a
second crusade to
reconquer Edessa.
King Louis VII of
France and
Roman Emperor
conrad lll raised
large armies to attack
Damascus. Saladin,
a courageous
moslem leader and
warrior who aimed to
reclaim jerusalem,
defeated the main
crusader army and
captured the king of
Guy of Lusignan.

Frederick Barbarossa of the

Holy Roman Empire, Philip
Augustus of France, and
Richard the Lionhearted of
England all participated in the
third crusade. They were the
three most powerful rulers in
Europe. Pope Innocent III
pushed RIchard and Philip
Agustus to put a new tax on
their subjects in order to pay
for the crusade.

Pope Innocent III called for a new

crusade to regain the
Holy Land
The doge (ruler of
Venice)told the crusaders
they could pay for
their transportation by
capturing the city of

were organized armies. As each leader

arrived in the Byzantine capital, the
emperor, Alexius exacted a promise that if
the Crusaders captured a city the Turks had
seized from the Byzantine Empire, the city
would be returned to Byzantine control. In
exchange of these promises the emperor
agreed to supply the Crusaders with
supplies, such as, ships, guides, money
and provisions for the march to Jerusalem.
The first city the Crusaders reached was
Nicaea, about 5fifty miles southeast of
Constantinople. They began their siege
only to awake one morning and find the
Byzantine flag flying from the ramparts.
Alexius had secretly negotiated with the
defenders of Nicaea to surrender the city to
the Byzantines. After the march through
Asia Minor, the Crusaders laid siege to
Antioch in northern Syria. Betrayed from
within the city collapsed to the Crusaders,
but the Turkish army soon came to defeat
the Crusaders. Alexius then betrayed, in
the Crusaders opinion, because he
attacked the Crusaders. Peter found the
nail from the across from Jesus who died
on the cross, which allowed the Crusaders
to gain strength and keep going. Next, the
Crusaders moved towards the Turkish
armies to fight back. The Crusaders
reached Jerusalem in 1099 and laid siege
to the city. Godfrey of Bullion then broke
through the walls and entered the holy city.

Journey/Route (include an

The massacre then allowed the Crusaders

to move their control to Syria and Palestine.

Specific Objective

Miscellaneous Information

The Moslems aimed

to drive the
crusaders out of the
Middle East once
and for all. However,
once they captured
Edessa, the
crusaders aimed to
reconquer it and thus
the second crusade
The purpose of the Crusade was to aid the
Christians of the East and to liberate the
Holy Land from the infidels. P. Urban

The day of the

conquest of
Jerusalem by the
muslims was the
anniversary of the
prophets ascension
to heaven.

The objective of the third

crusade was to take
Jerusalem back from the
hands of the Muslims.

The objective was to

regain the Holy Land
from the Moslems.

When the churches

and palaces were
robbed instead of
restoring the Emperor
to the throne the
Crusaders pushed
him off the top of a tall

marble column.
PositiveResults of all crusades:
- Shattered parochialism of medieval europe - howe book pg. 373
- Increased trade between europe and the eastern mediterranean
- Crusading knights developed an appreciation of byzantine and moslem culture
- Increased the pace of economic changes
- Many ports were built around the empire
- Constantinople gained their own city the trading monopoly they hoped for
- Helped give Venice their economic power

Negative1st Crusade: Crusaders lost an ally;

2nd Crusade: The outcome of the second crusade was negative because the christians lost the important city of Jerusalem to the
Muslims. This left them with only the port city of tyre, and a huge loss of power.
Third Crusade: the outcome of the third crusade was negative because it failed in its main objective to take back Jerusalem. Little
was accomplished throughout the entire crusade and it simply highlighted the rivalries that divided the most powerful Christian rulers
in Europe.
Fourth Crusade: The pope replaces the Greek orthodox clergy of Constantinople with priests loyal to the Roman Catholic tradition

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