Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Unit Rachael Celia 5 Grade Spring 2016
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Unit Rachael Celia 5 Grade Spring 2016
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions Unit Rachael Celia 5 Grade Spring 2016
Section 1
Unit Planning
Unit Objective
When multiplying a
fraction equation, multiply
the numerators then
multiply the
When multiplying a
fraction equation, there is
no need to find a common
When dividing a fraction
equation, use the
reciprocal and change the
division to multiplication.
When multiplying, the
commutative property can
be used.
Section 2
Summary Page
I will teach the content of this unit with a combination of my personal teaching
philosophy in guiding students to become their own teachers and with my cooperating teachers
methods of teaching so that students will be able to still have an understanding of what they are
expected to learn and do throughout the unit. It is always difficult to mold oneself to anothers
style, particularly when two teachers have different philosophies. Throughout this unit I kept in
mind my cooperatings methods of very direct instruction combined with a skill and drill type
practice. While this method does not necessarily align with my personal philosophy, I did not
feel that the students would benefit from a sudden and complete shift in what they have become
accustomed to in the year.
I believe that it is important to make connections to their previous learning and to the
world around them when learning. I felt it best to guide students to making small connections
throughout the unit and then be able to put all of those connections into a culminating activity or
project. This guiding of students and culminating application falls in line with my teaching
philosophy of guiding students to be their own teachers. It is my hope that at the end of the unit
students will be able to identify situations where they can connect what they have learned to the
real world and to more advanced fractional thinking as they progress through math.
I think that it is important to have students be able to have one place that they can keep
their vocabulary. For this reason I created a Vocabulary section in my fraction foldable. This
way, when a student encounters a word they are unsure about, they know where to look it up
rather than having to wait and ask the teacher or interrupt another student to ask them. If they
come across a vocabulary word they are unsure about, they know exactly where they can find it.
This promotes students to becoming their own teachers and being able to solve their problems
independently. I also think that it is important for students to be able to define vocabulary in
their own words and be able to apply the vocabulary term by means of a student created
In mathematics, it is important that students be able to apply critical thinking to problems,
particularly word problems. I dedicated three lessons to teaching and working with students on
how to think critically about word problems and multiplying and dividing fractions. This
included modeling my thinking and connecting information to the previous lessons on solving
simple equations. It is important to take time on this and model thinking and writing, focus on
showing work and making sure students understand the questions and are able to read into the
questions to understand what they are really asking. Questioning really helped in this aspect as
well. It is important that students are able to understand the true questions, for example,
multiplied by 6 is really asking what half of six is. Being able to answer those questions and
explain what the true question or meaning of a word problem or equation is essential for
understanding the concept.
If students are not focused on the teaching, they are not going to be able to fully learn the
concepts and material that they need to. It is important that students have something to focus on
while learning the material. To serve this purpose, I am a big supporter of foldable notes
because they hold students attention more than just taking notes on a piece of notebook paper
because they can be made with colorful construction paper. It also helps students organize their
information in a neater manner and helps them be better able to quickly look up information
while they are practicing or studying the material. Having students stay focused through the
notetaking process and having steady questions helps to promote active learning throughout the
unit. I also use equity sticks to promote active learning and help guide myself to ensure that all
students have equal chances to participate in class. This also helps assure them that I am not
specifically calling out a certain student but raises the expectation that they are supposed to be
purposeful and staying focused throughout the lesson.
Having the foldable makes it easy to bridge between days of the lessons. A quick review
by tasking students to review the last part of the foldable is a quick way to ensure that all
students understand where we left off. This can also help introduce the new content because
often math concepts build on each other, and that is true for this unit. In order to understand how
to divide fractions, the students have to be able to understand how to multiply fractions.
When giving opportunities for practice, it is important that students have the chance to
work with each other and with the teacher to fully develop their understanding of the material. It
is difficult in a departmentalized school to give students the full time that they need to have to
have truly in depth practice, but I think it is important to give them time before leaving class and
after instruction to partner or small group work with practice problems. While students are
working in small groups, the teacher should be circulating to answer independent questions and
clarify information for students. When designing opportunities for practice, I believe in the
phrase practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. I believe that students
benefit more from correctly solving fewer problems and being able to understand and explain
their thinking than being given multiple problems to practice and being able to just do them
without fully understanding why they are doing what they are doing.
With introducing and closing the unit, it is much easier with older students who are able
to understand the concept of units and are able to refresh themselves after a summative
assessment to learn something new. They were able to make the connection between addition
and subtraction and multiplication and division. They assumed that after they learned how to
add and subtract fractions, they would move on to multiplying and dividing fractions. Therefore,
the introduction of the unit was simple and required only a quick review of basic fractional
concepts such as numerators and denominators, mixed numbers, and improper fractions.
In closing the unit, I think it is important to have a culminating activity that allows the
student to apply what they have learned in a real world type setting. Problem based and Project
based activities are a good way to close out a unit and I chose a Project based activity for the
students to better understand how multiplying and dividing fractions are used in real world
settings and problems.
denominators. Now all together I can multiply a fraction by a fraction with like and
unlike denominators. Great! And if you thought that I was excited about adding and
subtracting fractions, wait until we start multiplying them.
The teacher will call the students table by table to get two pieces of construction paper from
the table.
o Before we begin learning how to multiply the fractions, we are going to make a
foldable, because if there is one thing I love more than fractions it is working with
construction paper. Clear your desks, the only thing that you need out is a pencil and
you really dont even need that yet. I will be calling you up table by table to get two
pieces of construction paper. They can be the same color or two different colors, it
does not matter. Choose quickly so that we can do this fast, we have a lot to get
through today. Table 3 is sitting nicely, go up and get your paper. Table 1 is doing a
great job, Table 4 looks ready. Table 5 is sitting quietly, Table 6 is ready to go, and
Table 2 is ready.
The teacher will instruct the students on how to fold the construction paper correctly to create
the Fractions Foldable.
o The first thing that you are going to do is take one of your pieces of paper and fold it
hamburger style, leaving about an inch, inch and a half, space between the two
shorter edges. Fold and press the crease. Now you are going to need to take your
other piece of paper and stick the folded piece so that you have the same amount of
space between the edge of the folded card and the edge of the unfolded paper. Now
take the top part of the unfolded paper and fold it over the already folded piece. Press
down the crease. You should now have four tabbed edges. I am going to pass the
staplers around. You only need to have two staples on the top crease, here and here.
How many staples should you have? Yes, two. No more, no less.
As the staplers are being passed around, the teacher will direct the students what to write on
the different tabs of the foldable.
o As the staplers are going around, I am going to go over what you are going to write
on your foldable, you are going to need to multitask a little.
o In the Vocabulary tab: Make 3 columns and 8 rows
o In the Multiplying tab: Make 3 columns that go across both the top and bottom flaps
of the tab. Split the columns in half along the fold of the two pieces.
o In the Dividing tab: Make 3 columns that go across both the top and bottom flaps of
the tab. Split the columns in half along the fold of the two pieces.
The teacher will review the fraction vocabulary that has been previously learned by the
o I know that weve already gone through a lot of the fraction vocabulary in the last
unit, but you can never have too much review. This way, all of your vocabulary
words for fractions are in the same place. Also, when we get to dividing next week,
we are going to be learning some new words that maybe you arent as familiar with.
In the first column under the Vocabulary tab, you are going to write the words:
Equivalent Fractions
Mixed Number
Improper Fraction
o These are all words that you should be familiar with. Now, because you are fairly
familiar with these words, I am not going to give you a definition. You are going to
create the definitions in your own words, and then come up with an example. Lets
do numerator together. When I think of the word numerator I think of the top
number in a fraction. For example, in the fraction 2/3, the numerator would be 2.
Now I have a definition and example of the word numerator. So when Im studying
or working on homework or classwork, and I forget the word numerator, I just flip
open my vocabulary tab and there it is!
The teacher will give the students time to create definitions and examples for the vocabulary
words. Students may work individually, with a partner at their table, or with their table as a
o Now that you know what to do, I am going to give you about 7 minutes to work either
by yourselves, with a partner who is already at your table, or with your table to finish
the rest of the words. Ready, go!
The teacher will use the equity sticks to call on the students to share either one of their
definitions or examples to review the vocabulary. (Day 1 will possibly end here).
o Now that you have your vocabulary filled out, my lovely example still looks a little
empty. I have my handy dandy Popsicle sticks. When I call your name, I either want
you to pick a definition or an example to share with me. If you really like someones
definition or example, feel free to put it on your foldable as well.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will instruct the students where to write their notes on the foldable.
o Our notes for today will go in the Multiplication tab in the first column on the top
half of the tab.
The teacher will go through step by step the process of multiplying a fraction by a fraction.
The teacher will write under the ELMO for students better visualization.
o Label the top of the column Fraction by Fraction
o Write Step 1: Line up your fractions
o Write Step 2: Multiply the numerators straight across
o Write Step 3: Multiply the denominators straight across
would choose that! So am I going to hear any of that? No thank you. If you need
some extra space to write down the problem, feel free to use your whiteboards. Now
I want to know what you know, not what your partner knows, so when you get the
answer, just submit it and keep it to yourself please.
1. What is x 2/3 in simplest form?
2. What is 2/5 x 4/9 in simplest form?
3. What is 1/10 x 3/7 in simplest form?
4. What is 4/6 x 3/5 in simplest form?
5. What is x 5/10 in simplest form?
6. What is 3/5 x 8/11 in simplest form?
7. What is 6/9 x 2/3 in simplest form?
8. What is 7/8 x 1/7 in simplest form?
9. What is 9/10 x 2/4 in simplest form?
10. What is 4/11 x 5/6 in simplest form?
Students will take the Kahoot Quiz and the teacher will pull the results and test analysis for
IV. Closure:
Fraction Bingo
o Personally, I love to play games, and I think that you guys do too. However, because
were still in school, the games have to be educational. One of my favorite games is
BINGO. I have made some BINGO cards, I need two people to help me pass them
out and two people to help pass out the counters. What you have on your cards are
the answers to multiplication problems. In my bag, I have cards with the problems. I
will pull out a card and place it on the board so you can see it. You may use your
whiteboards to help you work out the problem. Once you have your answer, place a
counter over the fraction. Now, the answers on your board are in the most simplified
form. If youre solving your problem and dont see the answer you got, think of your
equivalent fractions. Like always in Bingo, the first person to get a row, column, or
diagonal of five in a row wins. What do you do when you win? Raise your hand and
you can shout Bingo! This is just about the only time you can shout in class, so hope
that you get Bingo if you like to be loud.
Materials and Resources:
2 pieces of Construction Paper per student
ELMO and Projector
Math Spiral Notebooks
Equity cards/sticks
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Fraction Bingo Cards
Bingo markers/counters
Bingo calling cards (index cards with the coordinating problems written on them)
Fraction pieces (for differentiation)
Chromebook/Student devices.
Butcher paper, markers, blank paper (for differentiation)
Kahoot Quiz
difficulty answering within the time limit. She was able to correctly answer the questions when
given enough time. This may be something that I need to adjust in the future and give the
students more time to work out the problems. The biggest difficulty that I noticed was when it
came to simplifying, a fourth grade standard. I may need to review that with some students
during Intervention.
After being given think time, the teacher will have the students turn and talk. After they have
discussed their ideas, the teacher will use equity sticks to call on students to share their
groups thoughts on the question(s). The teacher will call on 3-4 students in different tables.
o Now that weve all been thinking, turn and talk to your partner, or if youre a group
of three, thats fine, share what youve been thinking about. Talk about any ideas or
connections that you made. When I pull your number using my equity sticks, share a
thought or connection that your partner made that you really liked.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will instruct the students where to write their notes on the foldable.
o Yesterday, we learned how to multiply fractions and other fractions. Today, who can
take a guess at what we are going to be doing? Think about your bell-ringer. We are
going to be learning how to multiply fractions and whole numbers!
o We are going to be taking our notes today in the Multiplication tab in the second
column on the top half of the tab. This should be right next to your notes from the
other day.
The teacher will go through step by step the process of multiplying a fraction by a whole
number. The teacher will write under the ELMO for students better visualization.
o Label the top of the column Fraction and Whole Number
o Write Step 1: Turn your whole number into a fraction
Once we turn our whole number into a fraction, its exactly like multiplying a
fraction by a fraction!
o Write Step 2: Line up your fractions
o Write Step 3: Multiply the numerators straight across
o Write Step 4: Multiply the denominators straight across
o Write Step 5: Simplify if needed
Again, are we always going to need to simplify? No, sometimes we will get a
product that is as simple as it is going to get.
The teacher will go through the step by step process of multiplying a fraction by a fraction
connecting the steps with an example problem. The students will follow along with their
personal foldable.
o For the example 5 x 3/4
o Step 1: Turn 5 into a fraction by turning it into 5/1.
Now why does 5 get turned into 5/1? Yes, because 5 is really five groups of
one whole. It really helps to think about fractions as pieces. If my fractions
are pieces of pie, and I have five pies, I have 5/1. When weve talked about
turning whole numbers into fractions, weve typically used the same
numerator and denominator, for example 5/5. Why would we not do that
Remember, threes a crowd. After you spend a little bit of time finishing up and
collaborating with a partner, we will go over this as a class.
III. Assessment
Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers homework.
o Now, as much as you all know I hate homework, sometimes you have to do thinks
you dont want to do. Luckily for you, your homework shouldnt take you more than
15 minutes. Its only ten questions. I need 2 people to help pass these out, make sure
everyone gets a copy. Lets take a look at this on the board while its coming around.
The directions say Solve the problems below. Write your answers in the
lowest/simplest form possible. Does this mean that you will leave me any improper
fractions? No. Does this mean that if you get 2/8ths as an answer you will leave it?
No. If you do not simplify, I will only give you half credit. There are only 10
problems. You can do that math. Its not very good. Simplify! Show all of your
work in the space below the problem. What does it mean to show your work? It
means to write down the steps, you do not have to label the steps, but if you multiply
3 and 5 and get 15, I should see 3x5=15 written down. If you do not show your work,
do you think you will get full credit? Nope. These are all problems that you should
know how to do. This should go in as an easy 100 for you. Now that you all should
have a paper in front of you, the first thing that you should be doing, right now, is
putting your name and number at the top. If you turn in a paper that does not have a
name and number, do you think I am going to grade it? Nope.
IV. Closure:
The teacher will read aloud the book Multiplying Menace: The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin by
Pam Calvert.
o Alright, so I love to read picture books, especially after having to read really long
chapter books. Today, I have this book, which I thought was really funny. Are all of
you familiar with the story of Rumpelstiltskin? Good. Now, as youre listening, I
want you to think about what is happening in the story and start making some
connections with what weve been learning today.
Materials and Resources:
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Markers/crayons/colored pencils (for differentiation)
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers assessment worksheet
Bell-ringer question
Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers with Visual Models Worksheet (for
ELMO and Projector
Multiplying Menace: The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin by Pam Calvert
1. 6/7 x 3 = _____
6. 6 x 9/10 = _____
2. 5/8 x 7 = _____
7. 3 x 2/9 = _____
3. 3/9 x 5 = _____
8. 5 x 2/3 = _____
4. 1/5 x 6 = _____
9. 3/2 x 5 = _____
5. 6/7 x 7 = _____
Answer Key
1. 6/7 x 3 = 24/7
6. 6 x 9/10 = 52/5
2. 5/8 x 7 = 43/8
7. 3 x 2/9 = 2/3
3. 3/9 x 5 = 12/3
8. 5 x 2/3 = 31/3
4. 1/5 x 6 = 11/5
9. 3/2 x 5 = 71/2
5. 6/7 x 7 = 6
/9 x 3 = 22/3
we learn yesterday? Thats right, multiplying fractions and whole numbers. How do
we do that? Yes, thank you! Alright, so now that you have everything in front of
you, you are going to go onto Kahoot, your game pin is up on the board. Remember
to only use your first name as your nickname.
The students will complete the Kahoot questions and the teacher will print the resulting data
while the students are putting away their devices.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will instruct the students where to write their notes on the foldable.
o In the Multiplication tab in the third column on the top half of the tab.
The teacher will go through step by step the process of multiplying a fraction and a mixed
number. The teacher will write under the ELMO for students better visualization.
o Label the top of the column Fraction and a Mixed Number. Remember that the
commutative property applies in multiplication. Does it matter if the mixed number
is the first or the last number? No, it does not. Keep that in mind because when we
move onto division next week that is going to change.
o Write Step 1: Change your mixed number into an improper fraction
How do we move from a mixed number to an improper fraction? We multiply
the denominator by the whole number. Add the numerator, and the whole
number goes over the original denominator. Think of it like a circle. Once
we do that, than it is pretty much the same process that weve been doing for
our other fraction multiplication problems.
o Write Step 2: Line up your fractions
o Write Step 3: Multiply the numerators straight across
o Write Step 4: Multiply the denominators straight across
o Write Step 5: Simplify if needed
Are we always going to need to simplify? No. Are you going to give me an
improper fraction ever again unless I specifically ask for it? No.
The teacher will go through the step by step process of multiplying a fraction by a fraction
connecting the steps with an example problem. The students will follow along with their
personal foldable.
o For the example 2 and 3/4 x 1/9
o Step 1: 2 and 3/4 into an improper fraction of 11/4
How do we turn 2 and into an improper fraction? We go in a circle. We
multiply the denominator and the whole number, 4 times 2, which gives us 8.
We add that to the numerator, 8 plus 3 equals 11, and then that goes over the
original denominator, giving us 11/4.
o Step 2: 11/4 x 1/9 with the numerators and the denominators lined up next to each
o Step 3: 11 x 1 = 11
o Step 4: 4 x 9 = 36
o Step 5: 11/36 cannot be simplified.
The teacher will visually demonstrate how to represent a mixed number equation model in
the students Math notebooks.
o Now, mixed numbers are probably the hardest to visualize, so there is a method that
you can if you get a bit stuck on understanding the equation or process. Lets think
about area. To start with, we can draw a rectangle and at one end of the rectangle
draw a line. Lets say that our equation is 2 and 3/5 x . Label the short end of the
rectangle with . The longer side is going to be our mixed number. In the smaller
rectangle, label 3/5, and the larger end label 2. We can find the area of the two
rectangles and then add them together. What is times 2? 2/4 which is simplified to
. And times 3/5 equals 3/20. plus 3/20 is equal to 10/20 plus 3/20 which is
going to equal 13/20. Now lets try that using our step by step method and we should
get the same answer. 2 and 3/5 turns into 13/5. Line up our fractions, 13/5 x . 13
times 1 equals 13. 5 times 4 equals 20. 13/20 cannot be simplified anymore.
3 /5 x /6 =
/7 x 4 /5 =
5 /10 x /8 =
12 /5 x /9 =
/7 x 3/4 = _____
6. 6
/8 x 7 1/2 = _____
7. 3
/6 x 2/9
= _____
8. 5
/8 x 2/3
= _____
1. 5
/5 x 6 2/9 = _____
= _____
/7 x 7 2/3= _____
/2 x 5 2/5 = _____
/9 x 3 3/5= _____
Answer Key
/7 x 3/4 = 4 11/28
6. 6
/8 x 7 1/2 = 4 11/16
7. 3
/6 x 2/9
= 23/27
8. 5
/8 x 2/3
= 3 7/12
1. 5
/5 x 6 2/9 = 1 11/45
= 1 7/9
/7 x 7 2/3= 6 4/7
= 6 3/100
/2 x 5 2/5 = 8 1/10
/9 x 3 3/5= 3 1/5
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will explain how to identify key words to look for when reading word problems
for multiplying fractions.
o Remember, when we are talking about multiplying fractions, we are really looking for
that question What is blank of blank? Thats what we have to do when we are
solving word problems as well.
The teacher will model finding the equation from the word problem and solving the resulting
o Jack in the Beanstalk has 512 magic beans. He will plant 5/8 beans and save the rest
for next year. How many beans did he plant?
o Know, I look at this question and Im going to highlight the important parts. I know
Im going to need the numbers, so Im highlighting 512 beans, we always label our
numbers, and 5/8 beans planted.
o When I look at this question, I can see that the real question is what is 5/8 of 512?
o When Im writing my equation, I know that I can replace the multiplication sign with
what? Of. Good, well the reverse is true. I can replace the of with what? A
multiplication sign. Yes.
o So, I end up with 5/8 x 512. I can solve this.
o What is my first step? Make my whole number a fraction.
o What is 512 as a fraction? 512/1
o What do I need to do next? Line up my fractions.
o Now what do I do? Multiply my numerators.
o What are my numerators? 512 and 5.
o What is 512 multiplied by 5? 2560
o Alright, now what do I do? Multiply my denominators.
o What are my denominators in this equation? 1 and 8
o What is 1 multiplied by 8? 8 good.
o Now what do I do? Put my numerator and denominator together.
o So I have 2560/8. Am I finished? No. What do I need to do now? Simplify.
o What type of fraction is this? An improper fraction.
o What do I do with improper fractions? I make them into mixed numbers.
o Work with a partner and find out what 2560/8 is as a mixed number. 320. Its
actually a whole number.
o Lets go back to our problem and see if that makes sense.
o Is it logical, or rational, that Jack would plant 320 beans? Yes!
o Do you think it would be rational or logical that Jack would plant a fraction of a
bean? I dont think so, that doesnt quite make sense.
o Now weve gotten our answer, lets write our summary sentence.
o Jack in the Beanstalk planted 320 beans this year. My sentence fully answers the
question and Ive shown all of my work.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
The students will work in pairs to create three word problems involving multiplying
fractions. They will write out their solutions.
o Okay, now were going to do something a little different. Instead of me just giving
you the problems and you working with each other to solve them, you are going to be
creating the problems for yourselves and each other. You have 10 seconds to find a
partner. If you cannot find a partner in that time, then I will find one for you. Ready,
o Once you have your partner, you are going to need two pieces of paper.
o In your neatest handwriting, you are going to create three multiplication fraction word
problems. On the other piece of paper, you are going to create your answer key,
solve your problems. Im going to give you 8 minutes to work.
The students will switch problems with another group and solve that team pairs problems.
o Alright, now when I say go you are going to exchange your problems with another
group. Keep your answers with you. You are going to work with your partner to
work out the other groups problems. Im going to give you another 8 minutes to
solve these. Ready, Go.
The students will meet back with the partners that they switched with and check to review
their problems.
o Now that everyone has finished solving, find the group who you switched problems
with and join up to be a group of four. Among your groups, discuss your answers and
how you solved the problems.
III. Assessment
The teacher will hand out the teacher-made assessment for the students to do as homework.
o Here is your homework. There are only five problems. I want to see all of your work
and your summary sentence. If you do not show your work, is it going to be correct?
No. If you do not simplify ALL THE WAY, is it going to be correct? No. If you do
not label, is it going to be correct? No.
The teacher will review the problems before the students work on them.
o Can I get someone to read the directions? Thank you.
IV. Closure:
The students will play word problem BINGO using the teacher made multiplying fractions
BINGO cards.
o Now, I think we have enough time to get one or two rounds of Bingo in before the
end of clas..
1. The Smiths had 9/10 of a tank of gas before going on a road trip.
They used 3/5 of their gas on their trip. How much of a tank did
they use?
2. Nicole had 4/5 of a yard of fabric to make a scarf. She cut 3/10
of a yard off to make it the right size. How much fabric did she
Answer Key
6. The Smiths had 9/10 of a tank of gas before going on a road trip.
They used 3/5 of their gas on their trip. How much of a tank did
they use?
9/10 x 3/5 = 27/50 of a tank of gas
7. Nicole had 4/5 of a yard of fabric to make a scarf. She cut 3/10
of her fabric off to make it the right size. How much fabric did
she cut?
4/5 x 3/10 = 12/50 = 6/25 of a yard off.
8. Old McDonalds farm is 7/9 of an acre. If he plants 3/8 of the
farm with carrots, how many acres of the farm are planted with
7/9 x 3/8 = 21/72 = 7/24 of an acre are planted with carrots.
9. Susan has 7/8 of a pound of butter. She uses 2/3 of it to make
cookies. How much butter did she use?
7/8 x 2/3 = 14/24 = 7/12 of a pound of butter.
The teacher will create a KWL chart of what the students know about fractions and division,
what they want to know, and will finish up the lesson with a review of what they learned
about dividing fractions by fractions.
o So, before we get too far into Dividing Fractions, have you guys ever done a KWL
chart? No, well, we start with what you already know about dividing fractions or
fractions in general. Then, well talk about what you want to know about dividing
fractions. When we finish, well come back and talk about what we learned.
o Lets get started on what we already know about fractions and about dividing them.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will introduce a new vocabulary word: Reciprocal and discuss what it means.
o Open your fraction foldable to the vocabulary section. You should have at least one
more space in your chart. In that last space you are going to add the word
Reciprocal. Does anyone have any idea what that word means? Reciprocal means
the opposite of a number. For example, if we have a fraction like 1/2, we are going to
flip it upside down and get the fraction 2/1 which equals two. So what is the
reciprocal of 1/2? 2. Excellent. What would the reciprocal be of 3/5? 5/3, which
simplifies to 1 and 2/5.
The teacher will guide the students through how to solve a division problem using a model of
the equation.
o Now that weve got our vocabulary taken care of, lets get to dividing fractions. Lets
think about what exactly it means to be dividing fractions. When we multiply
fractions, were really asking how many fractions of another number we have. For
example, 1/2 x 6 is really asking what 1/2 of 6 is. When we divide fractions and
another number, we are really asking how many times that fraction will go into a
number. For example, if my problem is 1/2 divided by 1/8, then what Im really
asking is how many 1/8ths will be in that 1/2. Lets model this. If I have a rectangle,
and I split it in half, because thats what I want to know first. Then, Im going to
break my rectangle into eighths. Now that Ive done that, how many of those eights
fit into that half? 4, absolutely.
The teacher will work through the step-by-step process of dividing two fractions using
multiplication and the reciprocal number.
o Alright, so now that we understand that concept behind what it really means to divide
fractions, lets find out the shortcut. Do we remember that new vocabulary word that
we just learned? Reciprocal. Well, here is where we are going to be using it. Take
out your foldable and turn to the Division flap. Just like we did with our
multiplication, we are going to write the steps out on the top flap and then have an
example in our bottom flap. Our first step is going to be to keep our first number the
same. Step 2 is to change the division sign to a multiplication sign. Our third step is
going to be to take the reciprocal of the second number. Step 4 is to solve the new
multiplication problem. What is always our last step when we have fractions? To
Simplify. Now for our example, lets take that same problem we modeled. 1/2
divided by 1/8. We are going to keep our 1/2, change our division sign to a
multiplication sign, and then take the reciprocal of 1/8, which is going to be 8/1. We
arent going to simplify this 8/1 yet, because now were multiplying and we want to
have two fractions to multiply together. Now that we have 1/2 x 8/1, what is our
answer going to be? 8/2. Which simplifies to 4/1, and we know that any number over
1 is a whole number, so we get 4. Thats the same number we got when we modeled
this problem, so we can check our answer that way. Fantastic!
II. Opportunity for Practice:
The students will work with a partner on their whiteboard to show the model of equations as
well as the multiplication of the reciprocal.
o Take your whiteboards and you are going to work with a partner to solve these
problems. You can model or use the reciprocal, whichever is going to make the most
sense to you. Make sure you are checking your work and simplifying all the way.
o 5 divided by 1/2.
o 3 divided by 1/3.
o 2 divided by 1/4.
o 7 divided by 2/3.
The class will come together to discuss the relationships between the fractions being divided
and the answer.
o So, what do you notice about the numbers within the equation and the quotients, the
III. Assessment
The teacher will have students pass out the assessment homework and review the problems.
o Coming around is your homework. I need someone to read aloud the instructions.
What was that last part? Show all of your work. That means everything! Make sure
you simplify as well. Looking over some of your other work, Ive noticed that many
of you simplify once and then dont go back and do so again. You need to be
checking to ensure that you have simplified all of the way.
IV. Closure:
The students will revisit their KWL chart and complete a sticky note with what they learned
during the lesson. On their way out, students will place their sticky note on the chart,
highlighting one thing they learned.
o While youve been working Ive placed a sticky note at your desk. What I want you
to do is to write one thing that youve learned today on the note. Put your name on
the back of the note, on the sticky side. As you leave, you are going to put the sticky
note on the chart that we made earlier. What column do you think you are going to
place the note on? The L column, excellent.
Materials and Resources:
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Sticky notes
KWL chart
Teacher made assessment
Graph paper
ELMO and Projector
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Students who are struggling with understanding the concept will work one-on-one or in a small
group on modeling equations dividing fractions.
Students who really understand the concept will explore practical application for dividing
fractions in the real world.
Data Analysis:
Dividing Fractions Worksheet Analysis:
Answered 8-10 Questions Correctly: 25
Answered 5-7 Questions Correctly: 0
Answered 0-5 Questions Correctly (pull for morning intervention): 1
I was really surprised and proud of how well my students did on this lesson. Once I
discussed the reciprocal, they were able to make the connection between division and
multiplying fractions. I think conceptually they understood this more than multiplication of
fractions, understanding that you are dividing fractions among others and questioning how many
in, rather than of. My expectations were proved by the assessment data. I had a discussion with
the one student who missed five of the problems and he was able to sit down and explain the
material and why he made the mistakes he did. On the Assessment I ended up including some
division with whole numbers to see how they did and they were able to pick up on it very
quickly and use what they knew about multiplying with fractions and whole numbers to solve the
division with fractions and whole numbers. This makes me confident that I will not have to
spend as much time on the next lesson as I had planned, which is good because of time
constraints Im afraid that I will not have as much time to focus on division as I had originally
planned to have.
Dividing Fractions
Directions: Solve the problems below. Write your answers in the lowest/simplest form
possible. Change improper fractions answers to mixed numbers if needed. Show all of your
work in the space below the problem.
/4 = _____
/8 = _____
/4 = _____
3. 4
/6 = _____
4. 2
/2 = _____
5. 6
/7 = _____
10. 9
1. 5
2. 3
/4 = _____
/6 = _____
/4 = _____
/2 = _____
Answer Key
Dividing Fractions
Directions: Solve the problems below. Write your answers in the lowest/simplest form
possible. Change improper fractions answers to mixed numbers if needed. Show all of your
work in the space below the problem.
/4 = 3
/8 = 24
/4 = 2 2/5
3. 4
/6 = 4 1 /2
4. 2
/2 = 4
5. 6
/7 = 42
1. 5
2. 3
/4 = 20
/6 = 24
/4 = 2 1 /2
= 18
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The students will take out their whiteboards, foldable, markers, and erasers.
o I need table leaders to get your tables whiteboards, erasers, and yellow folders out.
Remember, if you do not have a dry erase marker, you will need to use a pencil and
paper. Once you get your yellow folder, you need to take out your fraction foldable.
We are not going to be writing our notes on the lesson just yet. First, we are going to
be using a model. But, what do you think we are going to model? Yesterday we
learned about dividing fraction with other fractions. Today, we are going to learn
about dividing fractions and whole numbers.
The teacher will demonstrate how to solve an equation using a model.
o Now, remember what type of question Im really asking when I have a fractional
division equation? Im really asking how many in? Lets work through the
equation 4 divided by 1/3. What Im really asking with this equation is how many
1/3s in 4 wholes? Lets start with our model. Say that I have 4 cakes. I want to cut,
to divide, my cakes into 1/3s. How many friends am I going to be able to feed if they
all get 1/3? How many 1/3s in four cakes? There are 12 pieces of cake. I can feed
12 friends. There are 12 1/3s in four cakes.
The teacher will walk through how to divide an equation using multiplying and the
o Now lets go use our shortcut methods in our foldable. What tab are we in?
Dividing, thats correct. Our first step is going to be to change our whole number into
a fraction. How do we make a whole number into a fraction? We make the
denominator one. Now I have a fraction divided by a fraction. We know how to do
that. We are going to keep our first number the same. Then we change the division
symbol to a multiplication symbol. Next, we take the reciprocal of the last number.
What does that mean? It means that we flip the number upside down. The numerator
becomes the denominator and the denominator becomes the numerator. Now, we
solve like we would a regular multiplication equation. We multiply our numerators,
multiply our denominators, and get our answer. Are we finished? No, what do we
always do for fraction equations? We Simplify.
o Lets use the same equation that we modeled earlier. I have 4 cakes that I want to cut
into 1/3 pieces and I want to know how many friends I can have if they each get one
piece. 4 divided by 1/3. My 4 gets turned into a fraction, making it 4/1. My division
symbol turns into a multiplication symbol. I take the reciprocal of 1/3, which is 3/1.
Now I line up my fractions and just multiply like a typical multiplication fraction
equation. Multiply my numerators, 4 x 3 equals 12. Multiply my denominators, 1 x 1
equals 1. I end up with 12/1. Any number with one as the denominator is really the
numerator as a whole number. 4 divided by 1/3 equals 12.
Student Devices
1. 5
2. 3
4. 2
/8 = _____
5. 6
6. 9
3. 4
/4 = _____
/6 = _____
/2 = _____
/7 = _____
/2 = _____
Answer Key
1. 5
2. 3
4. 2
/8 = 24
5. 6
6. 9
3. 4
/4 = 20
/6 = 24
/2 = 4
/7 = 42
/2 = 18
when they divide a fraction and a mixed number. The teacher will ask guiding questions to
promote the students discussion and critical thinking.
o What do we know about fractions and division? What have we learned so far?
o What are some vocabulary words that we need to know with division?
o Take a moment and think about what we do when we multiply fractions and mixed
numbers. How do you think that will relate to dividing fractions and mixed numbers?
o What do you think it means to be dividing fractions and mixed numbers?
o Can we make a prediction about what type of quotient we will get when we divide a
fraction and a mixed number? Will it be smaller than the fraction? Smaller than the
mixed number? Larger than the fraction? Larger than the mixed number? Why?
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will model and explain how to solve an equation using a visual model.
o Lets go to our model first, and work through that before I show you the short cut.
Lets say that my equation is 3 divided by 2/3. What am I really asking here? I am
asking How many 2/3 in 3 and a half? Remember, this is not multiplication, I am
not asking what is 2/3 of 3 and a half?
o What number do you think Im going to start off with? 3 and , good, why?
Because it is the first part of my equation. This is division; we cannot use the
commutative formula. Im going to draw 3 and 1/2 cakes using my graph paper.
Now, Im going to DIVIDE my cakes into 2/3. How many 2/3 did I end up with?
21/4. Now, when I write that as my answer, is that how Im going to leave it? No, I
have to simplify. Now, I can see that this is an improper fraction, so I know that it
has to be changed to be a mixed number. I can divide 4 into 21 5 times, so 5 is going
to be my whole number. 4 x 5 is 20, 21 20 equals 1, and I put that over the same
denominator, and end up with 5 and 1/4. I know that 3 and divided by 2/3 equals 5
and . Turn and talk with your partner about how the quotient, the answer, relates to
the other numbers in the equation. Did it match the predictions we made earlier?
The teacher will indicate where the students are working in their foldable.
o Alright, are we ready to learn the shortcut? Good. Take your foldable out of your
yellow folder and where do you think we are going to be working? In the Division
Tab. And weve already filled up our first two columns, so its pretty obvious where
we are going to be writing.
The teacher will work through the steps to solve an equation without a model.
o Our first step is going to be to change our mixed number into a fraction. What type
of fraction will it be? An improper fraction. How do we make a mixed number into
an improper fraction? We multiply the denominator by the whole number, add it to
the numerator, and then place that number over the same denominator. Remember to
think about it like a circle. Now I have a fraction divided by a fraction. We know
how to do that. We are going to keep our first number the same. Then we change the
division symbol to a multiplication symbol. Next, we take the reciprocal of the last
number. What does that mean? It means that we flip the number upside down. The
numerator becomes the denominator and the denominator becomes the numerator.
Now, we solve like we would a regular multiplication equation. We multiply our
numerators, multiply our denominators, and get our answer. Are we finished? No,
what do we always do for fraction equations? We have to Simplify.
o Lets work through the same example we modeled earlier. 3 and divided by 2/3.
My first step is to change that mixed number into an improper fraction. 3 x 2 = 6,
6+1 = 7. Put 7 over the same denominator of 2. Now I have 7/2 divided by 2/3. We
know how to divide a fraction and a fraction. We keep the first number the same, 7/2,
change that division symbol into a multiplication sign, and get the reciprocal of 2/3,
which is 3/2. Now I have a fraction multiplied by a fraction. Multiply our
numerators, 7 x 3 = 21. Multiply our denominators, 2 x 2 = 4. 21/4 am I done? No.
What kind of fraction do I have? An improper fraction. And how do I simplify
those? I make them into a mixed number. How many times can I put 4 into 21? 5
times. 5 x 4 = 20. 21 20 = 1. I have 5 and . Is that the same answer that I got
when I modeled?
improper fractions, so its really important that you take your time and check your
The students will review the problems as a class before working on them individually.
o Lets take a look at the problems that you need to complete.
IV. Closure:
Students will play Fraction Bingo as a way to review dividing fractions and fractions,
fractions and whole numbers, and fractions and mixed numbers.
o We have some time before the end of class, so we can get a couple of games of
BINGO in. This BINGO game has multiple types of equations in, dividing fractions
with fractions, fractions and whole numbers, and fractions and mixed numbers.
Materials and Resources:
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
ELMO and Projector
Graph Paper
Fraction Bingo Cards
Bingo counters
Teacher Made Assessment
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Students who are struggling with the concept will work to create their own bingo cards to be
used as a review for the test.
Students who quickly understand the concept will create a poster with a verbal explanation of
what it means to divide a fraction and a mixed number.
Data Analysis:
Due to time constraints I was not able to teach this lesson explicitly, but I reviewed the
material with the students and they did very well. The only issue they had was with simplifying,
something that has been a bit of an issue throughout the unit, though it is something they should
1. 5
2. 3
3. 4
/8 1/4 = _____
4. 2
/8 = _____
5. 6
/2 1/6 = _____
6. 9
/7 1/2 = _____
/6 1/7 = _____
/6 1/2 = _____
Answer Key
1. 5
2. 3
3. 4
/8 1/4 = 20 1/2
4. 2
/8 = 28
5. 6
/2 1/6 = 27
6. 9
/7 1/2 = 4 6/7
/6 1/7 = 47 5/6
/6 1/2 = 18 1/3
The teacher will explain how to identify key words to look for when reading word problems
for dividing fractions.
The teacher will model finding the equation from the word problem.
I. Teaching:
The class will discuss what they know about multiplying and dividing fractions with word
The teacher will model how to justify their answers using word problems.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Students will play to work out whether a word problem is asking to multiply or
III. Assessment
The teacher will hand out the assessment and review the problems before the students work
on the problems individually as homework.
IV. Closure:
The students will revisit the word problems from the beginning of class and be able to
understand the differences between multiplying and dividing the word problems.
Students will solve the problems.
Materials and Resources:
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Green and Red cards
Word problems
Student devices
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Students who are struggling with understanding the concept will work one-on-one or in a small
group to create their own fraction word problems and then work to understand the concept of
how to put multiplying and dividing fraction equations into word problems.
Students who quickly understand the concept will work to turn multiplying fraction word
problems into dividing fraction word problems and vice versa.
Data Analysis:
Due to time constraints I was not able to teach this lesson.
about anything that you may have noticed or remembered if you had an experience
where you used fractions and division or multiplication.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
The teacher will split the students into groups of two and three to work on the investigation.
o I am going to split us up into groups of three by pulling your equity sticks in threes.
Dont get up and move yet, just take note of who you are going to be working with.
The teacher will introduce the 1st letter, recipes, and ingredients list using the ELMO.
o Alright, lets take a look at this letter that I have. (The teacher will read the letter and
highlight the important information).
o Get up and get into your groups, make sure you spread out. Once you have found a
spot, one person from each group come up and get your papers. The only paper that
you should write on is your scratch paper and your letter template. Do not write on
my ratings booklet, ingredient list, or recipes.
o So, what we need to do to help the catering company is to figure out how to convert
these recipes to serve 200 people. We need to know how much that is going to cost
for each recipe, how many ingredients we need to buy, and then consider the ratings.
All of these factors need to be included in your explanation.
The teacher will introduce the 2nd letter, recipes, and ingredients list.
o So now that we have a good understanding of how to work with these recipes and
ingredients, theyve thrown us a curveball. Now we find out that there are going to
be some vegetarians at the party. Are vegetarians going to be eating meatballs?
Nope. They need vegeballs. You have to figure out how to get 10 servings of
vegetarian meatballs and how much they are going to cost. Again, tell me which
recipes to use and why.
II. Opportunity for Practice:
The students will work in their groups to work through the problems.
The teacher will circulate while the students are working.
o I will be coming around if you have any questions while youre working. Before you
ask me anything, make sure that there isnt someone in your group who can help you
first. Thats why we are working in groups.
III. Assessment
The students will work on their final letter to the catering company individually.
o Lets take a look at our rubric once more and see what I am looking for when I am
going to be grading your letters. (the teacher will project the rubric on the ELMO and
read through the categories and discuss what a 4 is in each category). I know that you
can all get a 24 out of 24 on this. Remember, I am counting neatness as well!
IV. Closure:
The students will have a class congress to share and discuss their results and conclusions.
o Before we get up and start switching partners and groups, here is what we are going
to do. You are going to find 2 people who were not in your group and you are going
to pair up with them. You are going to share your final list and justification and
explanation. Discuss why you did what you did and how you feel about each others
methods for solving this issue.
While the students are sharing, the teacher will Circulate and listen to the conversations and
offering input on the methodologies or keep the conversations moving between groups.
Materials and Resources:
Fractions Foldable
Concept Maps for brainstorm
Equity Sticks/cards
Cumulative Catering Activity
o Student Letter Templates
o Ingredient List 1 and 2
o Recipes 1 and 2
o Letters from the company
o Rubric
ELMO and Projector
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Students who are struggling with the concept can work on the splitting candy bars activity to
enhance their understanding of the concept.
Students who quickly understand the concept can research their own recipes and determine how
to edit the recipe for numerous people and compare ingredients.
Data Analysis:
According to the Rubric
20-24 Points: 20
15-19 Points: 5
10-14 Points: 2
5-9 Points (Pull for Intervention): 0
4 Points (Pull for Intervention): 0
I feel like I definitely learned more than my students for this lesson. Overall I really
liked the lesson and I will definitely do this project again if Im able, but there were a lot of
changes that Id make if I were to do this again. I think many of the students really needed
some more structure in this lesson, and I ended up giving them much more time than I had
originally planned. I think they enjoyed this project and it really helped them to explain
their thinking.
Section 3
Summary Page
In working with the assessments, I found it a little difficult to offer a wide variety of
assessments. The majority of the class time needed to be focused on the teaching and practicing
of the content rather than the assessment. My solution was to have the majority of the
assessments be done as homework, as a way to cement what students have learned. It also
helped me to see how the students solved the problems and identify specific areas of difficulty.
While I am typically not a supporter of homework, for the purpose of this unit it was
required to have tangible data for assessments. I made sure while working with my cooperating
teacher and team that the assigned problems would not take the students a long time to complete
but would still give them extra problems. I also made sure that the problems were similar to
ones that we covered in class. The assessments were also helpful to use with students during
Intervention as a way to see what the students were able to do on their own and where the focus
skills of the intervention needed to be.
For quick checks during the lesson, Im a bit proponent of the thumbs up, thumbs
sideways, or thumbs down method of quickly assessing how students feel about the material.
This particular method is difficult to script because I use it mainly when I feel that not all of my
students are comfortable with the material and dont want to ask questions. After taking not of
which students have a thumbs sideways and thumbs down, I like to ask the sideways students
what exactly they are unsure about and usually it is something that I can quickly clear up. I like
to go to the students who are completely lost while the other students are working individually or
in partners and talk with them about what is troubling them so much. I feel that this does not put
them in the spot and makes students more comfortable with sharing that they are not confident
with the material. In my class with very high achievers, the students can sometimes react badly
when another student gets an answer or a concept incorrect. While in an ideal classroom with a
carefully constructed failure free environment this would not be an issue, the reality with my
students was that they did not follow this idea and there was not much I could do in two weeks to
completely erase that behavior. It is important that students are comfortable with sharing that
they do not understand rather than waiting to see it in the assessment and not being able to focus
that much time on the material needed to be reviewed.
Assessment Matrix
Lesson #
Lesson Objective
Formative Assessment
Using a teacher-made Kahoot quiz,
students will answer fraction
multiplied by a fraction problems
with at least 80% accuracy.
4, 5, 10, 11
1, 3, 6, 7, 9
1, 3, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
2, 8, 13, 14,
15, 16
2, 8
1, 2, 3, 8, 10,
1, 2, 3, 8, 10,
11, 13
Adding and Subtracting Fractions Quiz
Divide the line below into third and sixths. Label all fractions.
1. 6/7 x 3 = _____
6. 6 x 9/10 = _____
2. 5/8 x 7 = _____
7. 3 x 2/9 = _____
3. 3/9 x 5 = _____
8. 5 x 2/3 = _____
4. 1/5 x 6 = _____
9. 3/2 x 5 = _____
5. 6/7 x 7 = _____
Answer Key
1. 6/7 x 3 = 24/7
6. 6 x 9/10 = 52/5
2. 5/8 x 7 = 43/8
7. 3 x 2/9 = 2/3
3. 3/9 x 5 = 12/3
8. 5 x 2/3 = 31/3
4. 1/5 x 6 = 11/5
9. 3/2 x 5 = 71/2
5. 6/7 x 7 = 6
/9 x 3 = 22/3
/7 x 3/4 = _____
6. 6
/8 x 7 1/2 = _____
7. 3
/6 x 2/9
= _____
8. 5
/8 x 2/3
= _____
1. 5
/5 x 6 2/9 = _____
= _____
/7 x 7 2/3= _____
/2 x 5 2/5 = _____
10. 10.
/9 x 3 3/5= _____
Answer Key
/7 x 3/4 = 4 11/28
6. 6
/8 x 7 1/2 = 4 11/16
7. 3
/6 x 2/9
= 23/27
8. 5
/8 x 2/3
= 3 7/12
1. 5
/5 x 6 2/9 = 1 11/45
= 1 7/9
/7 x 7 2/3= 6 4/7
= 6 3/100
/2 x 5 2/5 = 8 1/10
10. 10.
/9 x 3 3/5= 3 1/5
1. The Smiths had 9/10 of a tank of gas before going on a road trip.
They used 3/5 of their gas on their trip. How much of a tank did
they use?
2. Nicole had 4/5 of a yard of fabric to make a scarf. She cut 3/10
of a yard off to make it the right size. How much fabric did she
Answer Key
1. The Smiths had 9/10 of a tank of gas before going on a road trip.
They used 3/5 of their gas on their trip. How much of a tank did
they use?
9/10 x 3/5 = 27/50 of a tank of gas
2. Nicole had 4/5 of a yard of fabric to make a scarf. She cut 3/10
of her fabric off to make it the right size. How much fabric did
she cut?
4/5 x 3/10 = 12/50 = 6/25 of a yard off.
3. Old McDonalds farm is 7/9 of an acre. If he plants 3/8 of the
farm with carrots, how many acres of the farm are planted with
7/9 x 3/8 = 21/72 = 7/24 of an acre are planted with carrots.
4. Susan has 7/8 of a pound of butter. She uses 2/3 of it to make
cookies. How much butter did she use?
7/8 x 2/3 = 14/24 = 7/12 of a pound of butter.
5. Nikki was jogging for 5/7 of an hour. He ended up walking of
that time. How long did Nikki walk?
5/7 x = 5/28 of an hour.
Dividing Fractions
Directions: Solve the problems below. Write your answers in the lowest/simplest form
possible. Change improper fractions answers to mixed numbers if needed. Show all of your
work in the space below the problem.
/4 = _____
/8 = _____
/4 = _____
3. 4
/6 = _____
4. 2
/2 = _____
5. 6
/7 = _____
10. 9
1. 5
2. 3
/4 = _____
/6 = _____
/4 = _____
/2 = _____
Answer Key
Dividing Fractions
Directions: Solve the problems below. Write your answers in the lowest/simplest form
possible. Change improper fractions answers to mixed numbers if needed. Show all of your
work in the space below the problem.
/4 = 3
/8 = 24
/4 = 2 2/5
3. 4
/6 = 4 1 /2
4. 2
/2 = 4
5. 6
/7 = 42
10. 9
1. 5
2. 3
/4 = 20
/6 = 24
/4 = 2 1 /2
/2 = 18
1. 5
2. 3
4. 2
/8 = _____
5. 6
6. 9
3. 4
/4 = _____
/6 = _____
/2 = _____
/7 = _____
/2 = _____
Answer Key
1. 5
2. 3
4. 2
/8 = 24
5. 6
6. 9
3. 4
/4 = 20
/6 = 24
/2 = 4
/7 = 42
/2 = 18
1. 5
2. 3
3. 4
/8 1/4 = _____
4. 2
/8 = _____
5. 6
/2 1/6 = _____
6. 9
/7 1/2 = _____
/6 1/7 = _____
/6 1/2 = _____
Answer Key
1. 5
2. 3
3. 4
/8 1/4 = 20 1/2
4. 2
/8 = 28
5. 6
/2 1/6 = 27
6. 9
/7 1/2 = 4 6/7
/6 1/7 = 47 5/6
/6 1/2 = 18 1/3
Summative Evaluation
2. Four friends went to dinner. They shared three pizzas equally. What portion of a pizza did each person
of a pizza
of a pizza
of a pizza
of a pizza
Of the 45 houses on Bridlewood Drive,
Drive have swingsets?
A. 15 houses
B. 3 houses
C. 5 houses
D. 30 houses
5. Evaluate.
2/5 x 4/7
6. Which symbol corectly completes and explains the number sentence below?
x 20 ______ 20
>, because multiplying any number by
B. <, because multiplication results in a product that is greater than the original number
C. >, because multiplication results in a product that is greater than the original number
D. <, because multiplying any number by results in a product that is less than the original number
of a pie and she needed to give it to 3 people. How much pie would each person get?
of a pie
of a pie
of a pie
of a pie
9. Johnny had 20 marbles. If he sold of them, how many marbles did he sell?
a. 80 marbles
b. 5 marbles
c. 1/5 of a marble
d. 1/80 of a marble
In Tom's refrigerator, of the cans are orange soda. of those orange soda cans are cold. What
fraction of all the cans in the refrigerator are cold orange soda?
of the cans
of the cans
of the cans
of the cans
11. Paris spent 2/7 of her day at school. If 1/5 of her school day was spent in her math class,
what fraction of Paris entire day was spent in math class?
12. A recipe uses 1 and tablespoons of sugar for a serving. How many tablespoons of sugar are
needed for 6 servings?
a. 4 and 4/5 tablespoons
b. 6 and tablespoons
Which equation represents the number of pieces Mary Kate has now?
16. Thomas wants to divide a 6-slice pizza into smaller slices for his friends. If Thomas divides each
slice by 1/3, how many slices will he have?
a. 2 slices
b. 9 slices
c. 12 slices
d. 18 slices
I thought that this data accurately reflected student learning. Overall my students did
very well. The three students who scored a 75% were absent for the entire first week of the unit
and though we worked to catch them up, I think their absence was visible in their results.
If I were to use this assessment in the future, I think that I would have changed the
formatting. Because the assessment was taken from the computerized assessment bank, the
formatting did not transfer very well and I think a lot of the students were intimidated by the
multiple pages of the assessment rather than the questions themselves.
Section 4
Summary Page
My classroom was a fairly homogeneous class. Due to my school being
departmentalized, my classes were broken up by ability level and the class that I wrote this unit
for was made up of students the majority of whom were in the Gifted and Talented Education
program. The remaining students were consistently high achievers. This made considering
diversity difficult. The majority of students were from traditional, middle class families. In my
other classes, the lessons were differentiated to the point that many of them ended up looking
quite different from my original lesson plans, therefore I wrote and took data from my
homeroom class who moved at the pace and with the expected material that I planned for.
I like to use a variety of grouping methods to ensure that students arent being left out.
For the groupings I mainly used the equity sticks pulled out in groups of however many students
I wanted in a group. My cooperating teacher also had playing cards made specifically for
grouping students and I used these occasionally, but found that this took longer than I had
planned for. My class as a whole tended to work with each other well and so I felt confident in
letting them choose their own groups many times.
I observed and found that technology and challenges really motivated my students. They
really enjoy getting to use their own technology in the classroom and using that as a motivation
to focus and move through the lesson at an appropriate pace really helped them stay focused.
Offering problems specifically identified as challenging problems is also a way to ensure that
they are motivated to think critically and apply their learning. With a class of such high
achievers and competitive students they thrive with the prospect of a challenge and are incredibly
motivated and feel accomplished when they successfully complete or explain a challenge. The
question why is a good way to get them to think critically and move beyond the answers they
think that I am looking for. It is not enough that they are able to find the answer, they need to be
able to communicate why.
One thing that I think really helps ensure that all my students have the opportunity to be
successful is that in the morning there is a time set aside for Intervention groups. During this
time, it is easy to pull students with specific concerns and work with them one on one or in small
groups to correct any misunderstandings or clarify the concepts and materials. This is helpful
because it is not detracting the student from other academic work and doesnt interfere with their
Specials or Recess, the common time to review material in other schools. Students who have to
miss Specials or Recess are often not going to be accepting of additional help, but rather be
resentful, and it is not fair to other teachers to interrupt their own academic classes. All students
have the ability to be successful; some just need different explanations of the material or
additional practice that should not come with a cost to their other subjects or their enjoyment.
Group Work
Class Discussions
Partner Work
Individual Assignments
One-on-One instruction
Class Discussions
Turn and Talks
Mathematical Concept
Mathematical Reasoning and Critical
out problems.
Literacy Strategies
Used in Lessons
Think Aloud
Exit Slips
Comprehension Check
ELL Accommodations
While none of my classes had any students with limited language proficiency, my unit can easily
be adapted to accommodate those students. With mathematics, it is often easier for students with
this limited proficiency to understand
Section 5
Summary Page
In a school where students do not all have equal access to technology, it can be hard to
fully integrate it into the lesson plans. Throughout my unit, I did not have access to the gradelevel cart of chrome books. Thankfully many of the students have access to their own, personal
devices. That in combination to the two classroom desktops helped me be able to incorporate
technology more than I would have been able to otherwise.
The main technological instrument that I plan to utilize is the ELMO. Due to the set-up
of the classroom it is difficult to teach from the front of the room and ensure that all students are
focused on me. Using the ELMO I can more easily survey the students and ensure that they can
see the enhanced and zoomed in images of my modeling, notes, and equations.
The other Technology component that I most utilized was Kahoot. My students are very
competitive with each other and with themselves. Kahoot allows them to compete against the
clock, with their class, without embarrassing anyone, and allows the students to use their devices
in school, which they really enjoy. It also provides extensive feedback for the teacher and is
editable, making it a good tool for differentiating between my classes and small groups.
Technology Chart
Student Devices
1, 3, 6, 9
1, 3, 6, 9
Section 6
Cross Curricular Standards
Summary Page
One of the biggest difficulties with Mathematics is that the concepts do not often transfer
to many other academic subjects. Being in a departmentalized school helped in being able to
focus purely on the mathematics. Working with the Science teachers, I did note that there is a lot
of math that the students are tested on during the ACT Aspire tests they take. This helped me be
able to make some connections with the Science classes, though it did not necessarily connect to
what the students are currently learning in class.
The biggest concept that can be used when discussing fractions is growth. Fractions have
an effect on numbers when they are multiplied or divided, be those numbers other fractions,
whole numbers, or mixed numbers. The product or quotient will be either larger or smaller in
relationship to the numbers used. Students need to be able to apply their critical thinking to
understand why.
11.) Compare distances from the sun to
planets in our solar system.
Relating the size of Earth to the size
of other planets in our solar system
Identifying technology used to study
Examples: Hubble telescope, space
probes, Mars Exploration Rover
Students will
objects in the
solar system
Use scale to
measure the
objects and
the Sun.
Students will
create a chart
of the solar
system with
the distances of
the objects
from the Sun
and each other
measured and
stated using
Students will
be able to
identify the
between the
Use wooden
blocks to
count meter
signatures to
identify the
growths of
on the
Students will
match the
meter signature
with the
correct audio
pattern when
Students will
be able to
describe how
leads to the
growth in the
and longevity
of the heart
and lungs
Perform and
research the
exercise and
exercise and
how they
affect the
heart and
Students will
conduct a
research based
study of the
effect of
exercise and
the heart and
Section 7
Culminating Activity
Missy Mix-It
14 Peppermint Street
Miami, FL 33056
February 20, 2016
Mrs. Apples Class
25 Macaroni Way
Miami, FL 33186
Dear Chefs:
We are pleased to announce that Fancy Fractions Catering Company (FFCC) will be catering a
party for 200 people next weekend. We have five different recipes in which to choose from. We
need you help in changing the recipes to serve 200 people. We also need your help to see how
much all the materials will cost: either buying the brand name or the store brand.
Here is some information that will help you achieve this. The original recipes will be included
and the date table with all the prices for each of the ingredients. It will also include the customer
ratings and cook times for each of the recipes. Make your choices wisely in order to have an
awesome party! Look over all the data given to you and decide what will be your next step in
helping us out.
When you have completed both parts, please write back to us with your results. In your written
response please provide: why you choose the recipe, how you rated each of the recipes, the cost
of each of the recipes and how you used the fractions to change the amounts.
Missy Mix-It
President of Fancy Fractions Catering Company
Eggs (1 dozen)
Milk (1 cup)
Pork (1lb)
Sirloin (1 pound)
Spaghetti (16oz)
Veal (1 lb.)
Worcestershire Sauce (2 tsp.)
1 lb. sirloin
2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
cup bread crumbs (dried)
1 egg
cup parmesan cheese
2 garlic cloves
tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
4 garlic cloves
1 small onion
1 onion
2 Garlic cloves
2 tbsp. parsley
1 cup milk
lb. mozzarella
1 lb. spaghetti
cup oil
1 onion
3 garlic cloves
1 lb. beef
1 lb. pork
1 egg
2 tbsp. oil
lb. pork
4 garlic cloves
lb. beef
1 bay leaf
2 eggs
1 cubano chile pepper
Missy Mix-It
14 Peppermint Street
Miami, FL 33056
June 26, 2013
Mrs. Apples Class
25 Macaroni Way
Miami, FL 33186
Dear Chefs:
Thank you for all your help in changing our recipes to 200 people and finding the cheapest way
to make it. After receiving your letter we were told that now there will be vegetarians at the
party. This means we will need to change the recipe once again, this time omitting the meatball
for 10 of the meals. Instead of meatballs for these meals we will be adding vegetarian balls.
Please change the amounts needed to make this happen! We will be providing you with a new
recipe which includes the tofu balls and the new grocery list as well. Please explain to us in a
letter how you came up with the new measurements and how much it will cost.
Thank you so much for your hard work. Please reply to us as soon as possible since the big day
is almost here. We cant wait to hear from you.
Missy Mix-It
President of Fancy Fractions Catering Company
Eggs (1 dozen)
Garlic (4 cloves)
Milk (1 cup)
Onion (3/4)
Onion Soup (1pck)
Spaghetti (16oz)
Walnuts (1 cup)
lb. mozzarella
1 lb. spaghetti
cup oil
1 onion
3 garlic cloves
2 (28-oz) can whole peeled San Marzano tomatoes
cup basil leaves
cup basil
1 cup mushrooms
cup sunflower seeds
1 cup cooked black beans
1 cup brown rice
2 eggs
cup parmesan cheese
4 garlic cloves
cup bread crumbs
cup parsley
1 cup oil
1 lb. spaghetti
_______________________________ # ________
Explanation shows
understanding of
the mathematical
concepts used to
solve the
Explanation shows
understanding of
the mathematical
concepts used to
solve the
Explanation shows
understanding of
the mathematical
concepts needed to
solve the
Explanation shows
very limited
understanding of
the underlying
concepts needed to
solve the
problem(s) OR is
not written.
Uses effective
Some evidence of
Little evidence of
Most (75-84%) of
the steps and
solutions have no
Explanation is
detailed and clear.
Explanation is
Explanation is a
little difficult to
understand, but
includes critical
Explanation is
difficult to
understand and is
missing several
components OR
was not included.
Neatness and
Typically, uses an
efficient and
effective strategy to
effective strategy to solve the
solve the
The work is
presented in a neat,
clear, organized
fashion that is easy
to read.
The work is
presented in an
organized fashion
but may be hard to
read at times.
The work is
presented in a neat
and organized
fashion that is
usually easy to
Section 8
Rationale for Unit Design
Rationale Discussion
When selecting the topic, instructional strategies, assessments, and resources for this unit
I worked a lot with the other fifth grade math teachers during CAD meetings once a week and
with my cooperating teacher. Many of the resources that I used came from previous lessons that
she had accumulated in the past years. I also incorporated what I had already observed other
fifth grade math teachers and classes use when teaching and learning this subject. It was a unit
that I felt confident on and felt like I could teach successfully. It was also the only complete unit
that happened to fall during my student teaching period.
When working with the specific content I made sure to explain the material in multiple
ways so that students had multiple exposures to the same concepts. This is a research based
strategy that Ive often seen utilized in Language Arts, but I have also found it useful when
applied to multiple subjects, including Math. I also used my cooperating teachers math
notebook to better teach myself the material and fully understand how to work out the modeling
aspect of the equations. I think that it is important to continue to learn as a teacher in order to
better teach your students and I was able to do that with this unit.
One of the most prevalent practices that I use is the use of equity sticks. This keeps me
reminded on choosing students who I wouldnt normally pick to answer or share, something that
I often find myself doing, gravitating towards a particular student or group to answer the
questions or share their thinking. It also ensures to the students that I am not singling out a
particular student or students and reminds them to stay focused on the current lesson.
While this unit does not fully fall into line with my personal Philosophy of Education due
to the nature of the class system and learning styles, it does a good job of maintaining what
students are accustomed to and blending in aspects of my own teaching style and methods.
Philosophy of Education
John Dewey, an education reformer, once said that Education is not preparation for life;
education is life itself. I believe that his words ring true in more ways than one. Just as every
human being has a right to life, so too do they have a right to a high-quality, well-rounded
education. Students should not be segregated in the classroom; they should have the opportunity
to work with all students in a variety of settings, rather than be grouped into levels for every
subject area. Dewey also brings into focus the fact that education is not simply reading what is
written in a textbook or what is evaluated by an exam; it is the discovery that knowledge can be
found in whatever you do and wherever you go. The role of an educator is not only to provide
that fundamental education, but to encourage students to become their own teachers. I believe
that this is done by giving students access to a wide variety of learning materials in the classroom
that they can use to answer their questions that are not related to curriculum material.
Every person, no matter their ethnicity, age, or socio-economic status deserves an
education. Not only do they deserve an education, but they deserve a learning environment that
will foster a life-long thirst for knowledge and the skills needed to quench that thirst. They
deserve to feel encouraged, safe, and challenged by their teachers and peers. It is experience that
shapes us, and a successful educator is one that creates in their students a passion to learn from
those events. I believe that these events are created by providing hands-on learning experiences
and through problem and project based learning models that get students physically involved and
engaged with the learning process.
One of my goals as an educator is to find what makes each of my students passionate,
what they are interested in, and incorporate it into the classroom. This can be accomplished
through providing students materials that allow them to learn more about their interest and giving
the students options so that they can be creative with assignments and connect them to their
interests. One of my goals for my students is that they become independent learners. This
means that they have the knowledge to answer questions they have on their own and do not need
adult instructions constantly. For example, if students are unsure what book to read next, instead
of going to the teacher and asking, they are able to use the Dewey Decimal system to find books
similar to other books they have read, because they have been taught the system and understand
what the numbers mean.
Section 9
Resources and Materials
Summary Page
With a large classroom with a larger than average class size, materials have to be easy to
access, inexpensive, and able to be equally distributed. The most utilized material that I used
throughout this lesson was the Fraction Foldable. This student created guide to multiplying
fractions was a way for students to keep all of their notes and examples in one location,
something difficult for many fifth grade students. It was kept in a folder that stays in the
classroom and if students chose to take it home than they accepted the specific responsibility of
ensuring that it returned to class. This foldable was a huge success and I created examples for
the other math teachers on my team. The students had a math spiral, but at this point in the year
I observed that many of them were falling apart and students were not able to carefully sort their
notes into categories that made sense to them.
The materials that I used helped the students better understand their notes. Using Graph
Paper for much of my modeling also helped students visualize the fractional parts and
multiplying and dividing those parts. When trying to incorporate some reading into the unit, I
chose some funny math picture books that did not take a long time to read and that the students
would find funny and be able to use to introduce or conclude the specific lesson topic.
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Markers/crayons/colored pencils (for differentiation)
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers assessment worksheet
Bell-ringer question
Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers with Visual Models Worksheet (for
ELMO and Projector
Multiplying Menace: The Revenge of Rumpelstiltskin by Pam Calvert
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Bell-ringer: Question #5 (5th Grade Bell Ringers from Interim 1 Assessment)
Math Spiral Notebooks
ELMO and Projector
Lesson 3 practice problems
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Word Problem Bingo cards and counters
Teacher made assessment
ELMO and Projector
Graph Paper
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Sticky notes
KWL chart
Teacher made assessment
Graph paper
ELMO and Projector
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
The Multiplying Menace Divides by Pam Calvert
Graph Paper
ELMO and Projector
Student Devices
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Fractions Foldable
Personal Whiteboards
Dry Erase Markers and Erasers
Equity Sticks/cards
Green and Red cards
Word problems
Student devices
Fractions Foldable
Concept Maps for brainstorm
Equity Sticks/cards
Cumulative Catering Activity
o Student Letter Templates
o Ingredient List 1 and 2
o Recipes 1 and 2
o Letters from the company
o Rubric
ELMO and Projector
Additional Resources
Section 10
Calvert, P., & Geehan, W. (2006). Multiplying menace: The revenge of Rumpelstiltskin.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Pub.
Calvert, P., & Geehan, W. (2011). The multiplying menace divides!: A math adventure.
Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. - free printable bingo card generator. (n.d.). Retrieved February, 2016,