Procedures - New Family Orientation

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Our policy on orientation, located in our Parent Handbook, states:

Innovation Station LLC has developed programs to support and challenge children
to learn and grow. We view each child as an individual with his/her own learning
style and experiences. We will include all children regardless of limitations or age,
race, sex, political persuasion, and/or national origin. Integrations of a child with
special needs will require the development of a strong relationship between the
parents, support services, and the center to ensure the proper programming.
Necessary information will be shared with all teachers caring for that child with
special conditions. Innovation Station LLC is non-discriminating and adheres to the
American with Disabilities Act.
A family must complete the following steps before starting:
Tour Visit the center to see the classrooms, meet the teachers, and learn
more about the program
Classroom Visitation - Spend time with your child in the classroom prior to
their first day.
Interviews Meet with a member of the management team to ask any
questions about our program
Register - Complete a registration form, submit registration fee, and agree
upon a start date with management team
Receive Welcome Packet and Classroom Information
Schedule Before First Day Visit
o Meet with teachers to share any further information about your child
o Drop of your childs supplies (diapers, wipes, crib sheets, etc.)
o Submit paperwork
Enrollment form with start date (DCF62 Child Enrollment Form)
Health history and emergency care plan (DCF 2345)
Intake form for infants and toddlers only (DCF 61)(Child Care
Intake for Under 2 Child)
Immunization records within 30 days (DCF 4192)
Health report within 90 days (DCF 60 Child Health Report)
Alternate Drop-off/Pick-up form - (DCF 104 - Alternate
Arrival/Release Form)
o Submit first week of tuition
Upon registration, a member of the administrative team will begin both the New Enrollment
Checklist and the New Family Orientation Checklist. Each form is to be kept within the
childs file once the file and the orientation process have been completed.
Documents to review:
Parent Handbook Orientation Policy
New Enrollment Checklist
New Family Orientation Checklist with parent sign off

Updated 3/2016

Orientation Procedure


New Enrollment Checklist

File Folder made Labeled with Last Name, First Name and DOB
Licensing Paperwork Completed (Childcare Enrollment Form, Health History,
Immunizations, Health Report) grouped with paperclip
Under Two Intake original for file, copy for classroom
IS-CCC Paperwork completed (Photo Release)
Inform teachers of allergies and add to allergy lists (if applicable)
Mark outside of the file with a check and the month, if completed
Enter information into ProCare

Add Account (KEY=last name)

Add Payer (Both parents, if applicable)

Add Child (dont need to add address and phone number, but KES code is needed for door
system typically use birthdates)
Information & Relationships to add emergency contacts/doctor; also add to primary
Enrollment Status Double click on Status area to enroll
Schedule calendar button Add typical schedule for the child. Be sure to change the end
date to 12/31 of the next year
Immunizations & Requirements to add physical and shot records. For Requirements it is
the physical. If the child is over 2 years old, enter the date on the form for the physical. Add a
second date 18months after that. That will notify us that the physical isnt due for 2 years.
Double click on Additional Tracking (below each child entered) for i.e. sunscreen, allergies,
Add Billing Box Contract billing Cycle(weekly) Description (tuition-infant, etc.) Note
(days/week) Amount (weekly rate)
Double click on Tracking (To the right of the parent) Select applicable payments and activate
the account

Print an emergency contact form

Click Information and Relationships button for desired child Select Child: Information
Sheet from the Reports button on the bottom

Set up log in information

Double click on Primary Payer Select New Register button and print
Go to ProCare check-in computer and use the Register button to select personal id and
passcode Fill in information in top half of this form for the new family

Set up KES code

Go to the check-in computer and exit the check-in screen

Open ProCare and log in
Select Utilities ProCare Extras KES System
Stop and unplug the white Ethernet cord from the back of the computer. Count to 10 and plug
it back in.
Select Transmit, then Start
Test door code!

Enter family into emails

Updated 3/2016

Classroom email
Center-wide email

Orientation Procedure


New Family Orientation Checklist




Center Tour Provided

Classroom Visitation
Management Interview




Receive Welcome Packet

Schedule Before First Day Visit
Select Start Date





Meet with Teachers

Drop of Childs Supplies
Submit State Enrollment Forms
(Enrollment form; Health history and emergency care plan, Intake form
for infants and toddlers only, Immunization records within 30 days,
Health report within 90 days, Alternate Drop-off/Pick-up form
Submit IS-CCC Enrollment Forms
(Sunscreen Authorization, Photo Release, Child Information Form, ASQ


Receiving Email Newsletters (First Week)

Questions or Concerns About Care (Second Week)
Paperwork Check (Third Week)



Center Administrator


Updated 3/2016

Orientation Procedure



To sign in each day:
1. Click Start Here
2. Enter personal id number:
3. Enter passcode:
4. Click the box with your childs name to sign in.
You will use the same process to sign out when picking up.

Updated 3/2016

Orientation Procedure

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