January 2024 Parent P&P Fillable
January 2024 Parent P&P Fillable
January 2024 Parent P&P Fillable
Parents will use Brightwheel to CLOCK IN/OUT, send messages, updates, health checks and
much more. It is a time-saving tool that is 100% free for you.
1. Create a free Brightwheel account. When you receive an invitation via email or text,
please create a free parent account using either the web or mobile app. Make sure to
use the same e m a i l address or cell phone number that the invitation was sent to. Here is
a q u i c k video overview.
2. Confirm your child’s profile. You will see your child’s profile after you create an
account - you must add or update all information including birthday, allergies, and
additional contacts. If you do not see your child’s profile, please contact us with the
email address or phone number you used to sign up. You will not see updates within
Brightwheel until we start to use it regularly.
3. Set your account preferences. You can adjust your notification preferences within
y o ur profile settings on the app.
If you require a translator for any or all documents, conferences with staff, parent meetings or
general information, an interpreter will be provided.
Young Tracks, Inc. operates with the purpose of offering quality early childcare and education to
residents of our community and surrounding communities.
We believe in a program and staff which:
• Provide warmth, affection, and unconditional acceptance of each child
• Know and follow the interests of children
• Allow children to move at their own pace
• Maintain a relaxed atmosphere
• Accept and plan for individual differences
• Use a wide variety of materials
• Provide many sensory experiences
• Allow for thinking and discovering
• Provide nutritious meals and model acceptable "table manners"
• Promote the development of self-esteem in children
You will be asked to fill out an enrollment application that includes an income survey as well as an
"Individual Care Plan (ICP)" form for your child. An initial, non-refundable, registration charge of
$150.00 per family is required, thereafter an annual enrollment fee of $130.00 will be added to
each family’s September bill. Should you unenroll from Young Tracks for any reason, for any
amount of time and choose to reenroll, and regardless of the length of time your child does not
attend, you will need to pay a new enrollment fee. Once a spot for your child has been secured, all
enrollment forms in this packet including; the CACFP food program form, emergency contacts,
other than yourselves, authorization and release, intake record, medical form signed by your
child's physician, and an up to date immunization form must be completed and returned prior to
After you are enrolled it is your responsibility to update all changes in your child’s information,
including keeping the emergency contact form up to date. All information regarding your child
must also be kept up to date on their account on Brightwheel.
Young Tracks requires all children to be enrolled no less than 3 days per week.
Teaching Strategies GOLD assessments are used in each classroom and are provided to parents
during Parent/Teachers Conferences held twice annually in each classroom. Assessment is the
ongoing process of observing, recording and otherwise documenting the work children do and
how they do it, to provide a basis for a variety of educational decisions that affect the child.
Assessment is integral to curriculum and instruction. In early childhood programs, assessment
provides a basis for: 1) planning instruction and communicating with parents; 2) identifying
children with special needs; and 3) evaluating programs and demonstrating accountability.
Assessment involves the multiple steps of collecting data on a child's development and learning,
determining its significance in light of the program goals and objectives, incorporating the
information into planning for individuals and programs, and communicating the findings to
families and other involved people. The information is recorded and stored electronically and
reevaluated several times during the year.
We encourage parents to volunteer at least 5 hours of their time per year, which can be
coordinated with the director.
Tuition is paid in advance. You will be billed by the 25th of the current month for the upcoming
month’s tuition. (I.e. November tuition will be billed by October 25th). Payment is due by the 5th
of the month. Should the balance owed not be paid by the 5th a late fee of $25.00 will be assessed
to your account. Any account not paid in full within 30 days, will be assessed for discontinuation of
It is expected that families pay for the days, with the school, which they reserve and contract for,
for their children. If a child does not attend a day that has been reserved and contracted for, the
family is still responsible for payment for that day. If a family desires to withdraw their child from
the school, for any length of time, we reserve the right to fill that space on a permanent basis.
Families are responsible for tuition in the event that a two-week notice is not given.
Infant Program
Cougar and Puma Classrooms $90.00 $100.00
Toddler Program
Pollywogs & Bear Cubs $88.00 $98.00
Pre School Program
Pre School 3 Year olds & 4 Year olds $85.00 $95.00
A sibling discount of 5% will be applied to families with multiple children enrolled in the program.
Families who receive other forms of Tuition Assistance are not eligible for sibling discounts.
If you contract for an additional day, you are responsible for payment of that day. Added days,
cancelled without 24 hours’ notice, will be billed at the added day rate.
An Account will be considered delinquent when an account invoice has not been fully paid by the
5th of the month after invoicing.
Once an account is delinquent, the child (ren) will not be allowed to attend until the account has
been paid in full, further, any scholarship dollars awarded will be revoked and the family may no
longer be eligible for any scholarship assistance through Young Tracks.
There are several programs available for families to apply for tuition assistance. Qualifying families
can apply for the Colorado Childcare Assistance Program (CCCAP): Child care assistance |
Colorado Department of Human Services
Families that do not qualify for CCCAP, may also apply for assistance through First Impressions of
Routt County: https://routtcounty.smapply.io/ or directly through Young Tracks:
Screen time, including TV and videos, is not a part of the regular curriculum at the center. Special
events or activities may include some screen time, based on holidays or a theme that the
classroom may have planned. An alternative activity is always offered for those children who do
not wish to view the video.
We will attempt to go outside every day, when the weather is 20 degrees or higher. We will be
aware of “real feel” temperature and go out or stay in accordingly, and do what is best for each
• When inclement weather or excessive heat limits outdoor activities, indoor physical daily
gross motor activities, with or without equipment or materials, will be provided to all
• In the event that negative outside temperatures exceed -30 (and if the Steamboat Springs
public schools are closed) Young Tracks will also be closed.
• In the event that the air quality is compromised due to smoke, particles in the air, or other
environmental factors, the children will not go outside.
We will base all outdoor excursions and center closures on day-to-day, case-by-case
events. Please check local radio stations and Facebook for school closings. We will try to
notify all families timely through Brightwheel for closures.
Parents of children with extreme food allergies, or with significant dietary needs, will be asked to
bring food from home. All children with allergies must have a signed Individual Healthcare Plan,
outlining allergies, reactions, steps to take in the event of an emergency. If we are to provide
substitutions for foods we also need a signed Special Diet Statement on file, this form will need to
be updated every six months. All Children are allowed to bring their own food; we ask that parents
provide a sound, nutritional substitute for the meal we have planned.
Parents must provide diapers and 2 packs of wipes monthly for full time children, 1 pack monthly
for part time children. We follow the Health Department's policy on sanitary diaper changing using
gloves and proper hand washing techniques.
We will work in conjunction with the parents on toilet learning. We do not encourage starting the
toileting process until the child is at least two years of age. When the time comes, we ask parents
to provide MANY changes of clothes each day and take all soiled clothes home each night.
Clothing that is easy for the child to remove, recommended. We will not use a reward system, but
will give lots of positive reinforcement. We will not discipline a child for accidents. We do reserve
the right to recommend waiting if the attempt seems too early.
Only staff that are certified in medication administration are permitted to administer medicine to
children. All medication must be prescribed by a doctor and come to school in the original
prescription bottle. The “Permission for Medication” form must be signed by parents as well as by
a prescriptive authority.
Medication will be stored in locked “Medication Boxes". All over-the-counter medicine also
requires a doctor's note. Medical Marijuana does not fall under the guidelines of Young Tracks
Medication Administration Policy as Marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance
according to the DEA, thereby having no accepted medical use in the United States. Young Tracks
must abide by this ruling as we receive federal funding and must comply with federal laws.
Children who are in the Preschool and Pre K classrooms, take frequent field trips in the summer
and less frequent field trips in the other months. Teachers carry cell phones and can be in contact
with the center or emergency authorities whenever they need to be. The staff is responsible for
the proper supervision of all children while on field trips. Field trips are scheduled on the monthly
calendars. If a child's class has already left for a field trip, it is the parent's responsibility to find
the child's group and drop the child off with his/her group. A child cannot be left with another
class at school. Whenever the children leave the building, a notice will be posted at the school, so
that you may always locate your child. Parents will be required to sign a permission form for each
field trip.
Hours of operation are: 7:30am to 5:30pm. Please be here before closing time (5:30) to pick up
your child. Staff are not scheduled after 5:30. Please call us if you know you are running late, so
we can reassure your child that you are on your way. You will be charged a late fee, which is as
✽1st offence $1.00 per minute ✽ 2nd time $2 per minute ✽ 3rd time $5 per minute,
after this you may be asked to unenroll your child.
It is imperative and also required by Colorado Dept. of Human Services Childcare Licensing that
you add someone OTHER than yourselves AND someone local on your emergency contact form
who will be able to pick up your child!
In the event you are not here by 5:30, we will notify parents first and then begin to call people on
your list of emergency contacts. If the child is still at the center one hour after closing without any
contact with the family, we are required to call Routt County Department of Human Services to
report an abandoned child.
In the event of a lost child, (includes a child that has been out of sight of the teachers for any
period of time), the Director will be notified immediately. The Director will then notify the parents
and the Department of Human Services. If a child is not found immediately, the police will be
Conferences are offered in all classrooms both in the fall and spring on a sign-up basis. At any time
during the year, any parent may request a conference. At any time during the year, a staff
member or the Director may request a conference with a parent. Depending on circumstance,
these all will be done via Zoom.
All the children at the center rest in the early afternoon (excluding the infants, under 12 months of
age, who follow their individual schedules). Children under the age of one will sleep in a crib; all
others will sleep on a cot or mat. In the classrooms other than in the Infant rooms, you will need
to provide a standard size crib sheet to put on your child's cot or mat. All bedding must go home
weekly to be laundered. If your child has a special blanket that he/she sleeps with he/she may
bring that as well.
Infant Program:
All infants must be sufficiently taking bottles, infants who are not bottle fed will not be able to
enroll in the program. There will be a 2-week trial period for introduction of bottles, after this time,
infants who will not take a bottle from staff will be unenrolled.
Breastmilk may be stored frozen on site and formula is available, if you choose to use the YT
Toddler Program:
Children over the age of one, enrolled in the Pollywog room, are not allowed to drink from
bottles while at school.
Please label all clothes and any other items brought in from home. Young Tracks is not responsible
for lost or missing items.
Your child will be assigned a cubby for his/her belongings. Art and other items will be sent home
We want you to be involved in your child's school. If there are any books, traditions or rituals that
your family celebrates, please share them with us and we'll try to incorporate them into your
child's day at school. All families are expected to volunteer at least five hours a year annually. A
variety of ways you can help are available; from parent workdays, to helping with fundraisers, or
even volunteering to be on the Board of Directors or a subcommittee of the board.
Birthdays are generally celebrated during afternoon snack. If you would like to bring a special
birthday treat for your child’s birthday, please alert us first, the treat must be commercially made
based on Health Codes and licensing requirements.
We recommend simple, comfortable clothing that is easy to get on and off, is sturdy and
appropriate for the weather. Some of our activities are messy, and we cannot be responsible for
HAVING WEAR AND TEAR. During the winter months, we will go outside, when temperatures are
20 degrees and above. Boots, waterproof mittens, hats and snowsuits are required. In the
summer, children are asked to bring a sun hat, bathing suit, towel and sturdy walking shoes.
If children are sent home from school with any illnesses, they may not attend the next day.
There are three main reasons to keep sick children at home and three main reasons we will send
your child home from school:
1. The child is not well enough to take part in normal center activities
2. The child needs more care than teachers or other staff can give while still caring for the
other children.
3. The child exhibits any of the following conditions:
Frequent hand washing with soap and running water is a necessity. Children and Staff need to
wash their hands (at minimum) before preparing or eating snack and lunch, after toileting and
after coughing or nose wiping.
Children will wash hands immediately after entering the classrooms after drop off.
Children are ONLY allowed to bring nap items (sheet, blanket) at least 3 sets of extra clothes (to be
stored at school), hat and a jacket. No toys or other items from home, should be brought to
school. Nap items and hats will be sent home weekly for laundering. You will be notified if any
items are missing or not brought daily and you will need to either provide them or take your child
for the day. We will not have any extra school clothes or shoes available to loan out.
Drop off/Pick up
• Please contact the staff when you are here, through the Brightwheel app. Scan the code
posted on the classroom doors for signing in/out. Families MUST sign in/out every day,
this is not the staff’s responsibility.
Infants and Toddlers will not be transported by the center. All older children, who go on
fieldtrips will either walk, ride the City bus, or ride in licensed contracted, insured, “People
movers”. Each fieldtrip will require a parental permission form, signed prior to event. All
state-regulated staff to child ratios will be followed when traveling, emergency contact
information will be kept with staff, children will be required to be seated while the vehicle
is moving and teachers will be situated where proper supervision can be achieved. In the
event of an emergency, the proper authorities, The Director or Person in charge and the
families will be notified.”
Parents have the right to call the Department of Human Services to voice a complaint about the
health and safety of their child at any time (970) 879-1540. If the complaint is more program
related than regulation related the staff and/or director will be available to talk at any time except
when it endangers the children on the premise, (ex. If only one teacher is present, that teacher
must remain with the children.)
In case of emergency call 911 or (970)-879-1144 (non-emergency) for Routt County Dispatch.
As a client of Young Tracks, Inc. you have the right to report any suspicion of abuse, neglect or
non-compliance with licensing regulations to: The Colorado Dept of Human Services 970 879 1540
Or by mail: Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Early Care and Learning Attention:
Complaint Intake
1575 Sherman Street, 1st Floor Denver, CO 80203
If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program
Discrimination Complaint Form, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov./complaint_filling_cust.html, or
at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of
the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at US
Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington DC
20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@usda.gov
- American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, National Resource Center for
Health and Safety in Child Care, Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance
Standards, Second Edition, Elk Grove Village, IL 2002
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools, Elk Grove
Village, IL 2005
- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Communicable Disease Epidemiology
Program, Infectious Disease in Child Care Settings:
Guidelines for Child Care Providers, Denver, CO., December 2002
Kendrick AS, Kaufman R., Messenger KP, Eds. Healthy Young Children: A Manual for Programs. Washington,
D.C. National Association for the Education of Young Children
Young Tracks Pre School and Childcare Center 2024
Parent Handbook/ Policy and Procedures Sign-Off
Sheet (updated December 2023)
I have read, understand, and agree to all terms within the Young Tracks Pre School and Childcare Center Parent
Handbook and Policies and Procedures. This form must be signed and on site for a child to attend Young Tracks.
Home Address:
Mailing Address: _
Health Information
Name, address, and phone number of child’s doctor:
Yampa Valley Medical Center 1024 Central Park Dr, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 Phone: (970) 879-1322
Other: ______________________________________________________________________
Does your child have a health care plan? ________ If yes, the health care plan must be provided on
or before the first day the child is in care.
Is your child fully immunized? _________ Note: Completed immunization records must be provided on
or before the first day the child is in care.
Food Allergies/Preference
I give consent for my child’s health care provider, childcare provider, and other Health/Development
professionals to discuss and share information regarding my child’s health, behavior, and development.
Including, but not restricted to, sharing assessment information with other schools that they may
attend. If further screening/ assessment is deemed necessary, families will be referred to the
appropriate agency. IE; BOSCES, Horizons, Part B or Part C. If you need information follow this link;
http://www.firstimpressionsofrouttcounty.org or see the office for a list of resources available in
Routt County.
I give the Director or Acting Director permission to take whatever steps may be necessary to obtain
emergency medical care for my child and will be responsible for my child and will be responsible for any
expenses incurred in obtaining emergency medical care for my child. These steps may include, but are
not limited to the following:
*Attempt to contact a parent or guardian
*Attempt to contact the child’s physician
*Attempt to contact persons listed for emergencies on the Emergency Contact Card, which is my
responsibility to keep updated when changes occur
*Contact another physician or paramedics
*Have the child take to the hospital in the company of a staff member.
I understand that:
*The school will not be responsible for anything that may happen as a result of false information
given at the time of enrollment.
*I am responsible for providing all information pertinent to the care of my child at the time of
enrollment and to keep the information current.
*The school will not release my child to anyone not authorized by me or the other parent or
*The school will not assume responsibility for a child who has not been properly signed in and
I have been given a copy of the school’s Child Care Policies and have had the opportunity to ask
questions and obtain explanations.
HEALTH CARE PROVIDER Please complete after parent section has been completed.
*The AAP recommends Well Child Visits at 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, and 30 months, and annually after 3 years.
The form was created by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Colorado Chapter and Healthy Child Care Colorado to satisfy
childcare and Head Start requirements in Colorado. While accepted by most schools, childcare programs and camps, this is not an
official government form. Updated 01/2021.
Children’s Intake Record
This information is designed to help us understand your child and better meet their personal needs,
and as they transition into our Young Tracks Family
1. Reason for choosing childcare for your child? Has your child had any previous experiences
in childcare?
2. Family Relationships:
a. Who are the child’s primary caregivers and what is their relationship to the child?
3. Communication:
a. What is the primary language spoken at home?
4. Eating:
a. What is your eating/feeding schedule at home?
c. If there are problems about sleeping, do you have a special way of handling them?
b. Do you use a pacifier and are there any rules about it? What do you call it?
e. How does your child express frustration, joy, excitement, and anger?
9. What are your goals for your child while enrolled at our center?
10. Does your child have any allergies, illness, or special needs that we need to be aware of?
Please fill out the chart below, this information is used as a tool to help identify families who
may qualify for tuition assistance. It is also used anonymously for demographics when Young
Tracks is applying for various grants and funding opportunities. Your information will be kept
strictly confidential.
Providing infants with a safe place to grow and learn is very important. For this reason, Young
Tracks has created a policy on safe sleep practices for infants up to 1-year-old. We follow the
recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Consumer Product Safety
Commission to provide a safe sleep environment and reduce the risk of sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is “the sudden death of an infant under 1 year of age, which remains
unexplained after a thorough investigation.” The staff, substitute staff, and volunteers at Young
Tracks follow the AAP safe sleep policy.
Sleep Position:
• Infants will be placed flat on their backs to sleep every time unless there is a physician,
practitioner or clinician signed sleep position medical waiver up to date on file. In the case of
a waiver, a waiver notice will be posted at the infant’s crib without identifying medical
information. The full waiver will be kept in the infant’s file.
• Infants will not be placed on their side for sleep.
• Devices such as wedges or infant positioners will not be used since such devices are not
proven to reduce the risk of SIDS.
• Infants who use pacifiers will be offered their pacifier when they are placed to sleep, and it
will not be put back in should the pacifier fall out once they fall asleep.
• Pacifiers will be cleaned between each use, checked for tears, and will not be coated in any
sweet or other solution.
• Parents are asked to provide replacement pacifiers on a regular basis.
Sleep Environment:
• Our program will use Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines for safety-approved
cribs and firm mattresses.
• Crib slats will be less than 2 3/8” apart
• Only one infant will be placed to sleep in each crib. Siblings, including twins and triplets, will
be placed in separate cribs.
• The crib will have a firm tight fitting mattress covered by a fitted sheet and will be free from
blankets, loose bedding, toys, and other soft objects (i.e., pillows, quilts, comforters,
sheepskins, stuffed toys, etc.)
• To avoid overheating, the temperature of the rooms where infants sleep will be checked and
will be kept at a level that is comfortable for a lightly clothed adult.
• Sleep clothing, such as sleepers, sleep sacks, and wearable blankets, may be used as
alternatives to blankets.
• Bibs and pacifiers will not be tied around an infant’s neck or clipped on to an infant’s clothing
during sleep.
• Smoking is not allowed in or near Young Tracks.
• When infants are in their cribs, they will be within sight and hearing of staff at all times.
• A staff member will visibly check on the sleeping infants at least every 10-15 minutes.
• When an infant is awake, they will have supervised “tummy time.” This will help babies
strengthen their muscles and develop normally.
• Infants will spend very limited time in car seats, swings, and bouncer/infant seats when they
are awake.
• All staff, substitute staff, and volunteers at Young Tracks will be trained on safe sleep policies
and practices.
• Safe sleep practices will be reviewed with all staff, substitute staff, and volunteers each year.
In addition, training specific to these policies will be given before any individual is allowed to
care for infants.
• Documentation that staff, substitutes, and volunteers have read and understand these policies
will be kept in each individuals file.
• All staff, substitutes, and volunteers at Young Tracks will be trained on first aid for
unresponsive infants as well as what to do when they have a question or need assistance
before they are allowed to care for infants.
Date: _____________________
This policy is effective January 1, 2023 and will be reviewed annually or as needed.
The information contained in this publication should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your
pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and
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