Najat Abdulkarim

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MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Najat Abdulkarim


Grade Level: 2
Date: 1.3.16

E = Excellent, G = Good, S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal and US = Unsatisfactory

Competency Area
Planning for Learning (including Knowledge and
Understanding of Content)
Implementing and Managing Learning (including behaviour
management, language and delivery)
Monitoring, Assessment and Evaluation




Critical Reflection

Strengths of the lesson:

LOs are clear (plan). Reminded them of the rewards before starting- group reward system used from
the beginning.
Reviewed vocabulary previously taught. Asked children the meaning of the vocabulary words and
reading the words. Clear visuals with pictures to support meaning. Reminded them rewards are given
to people sitting and not calling out.
Used strategy to bring them back class,class,class. Using leaders of each group to collect puzzle
The charades game motivated them.
Differentiating the activity involving reading and writing (HA and MA)
Some nice activities although these could have been used to introduce the concept of being blind.
Involve them in writing that they can connect to personally e.g. when the light is out in my bedroom I
am in darkness. (sentence fluency/word choice as well as coventions).You did this for the last activity
but this could have been the main activity that they would have spent longer on.(they had only 5
minutes for the last activity).

Areas for development:

Make sure the words are read correctly imitate not imitated.
Go smoothly from one activity to another not to allow talking in between.
Discourage children from shouting the words
Make a strong connection between the vocabulary words and Helen Keller as these were identified in
isolated and not in relation to her .e.g. Helens world was in darkness as she could not see.
When giving the boy at the back the group reward use that time to remind him that he needs to sit
without calling out otherwise he will stop the group getting more rewards as he is motivated by the
reward system.
Get to activities sooner (20 minutes) to reduce the challenging class time
.Rather than children writing the definition as they have gone over this twice before, get them to put the
words into meaningful sentences of their own (HA)
Apart from reading the instructions the MA had more reading in their task. LA did not engage in reading
or writing only letter identification.
Praise children by name if they are doing what you want followed by a reward.
Use the children to give out papers so they get them more quickly and it is used as a reward.
Model the correct punctuation and capitalization, when showing the last slide two words had capital
letters the others didnt and they had full stops which is not needed.
Use a plenary/closing to summarise the aim of the less

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