Night Blogs Weeks One and Two

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Week One Discussion Preparation: The Ways We Lie To


Read up to page 50 of Night, and answer the following

What are the reasons the Jewish people give for not acting more decisively? Find at
least 5 different places where the Jewish people give excuses for not doing more to
save themselves.

Why do you think they make these excuses, rather than act? Please explain your

What tends to happen to the people who do speak the truth? Support your answer
with at least three different examples.

What are four ways the Nazis try to control the identity of their prisoners?

BLOG ENTRY QUESTION: What does the novel suggest about the reasons
we lie to ourselves and why we are so good at lying to ourselves? Relate

this idea to something you have experienced, or have ready about, in the
real world.

Week Two Discussion Preparation: The Relationship

between Power and Lying
Pages 50-60:

Why does Idek threaten Elie? What is he afraid of people finding

Why does Elie not tell anyone?

Why do you think Elie is telling people now, by writing this novel?

Pages 61-70

What are two lies Elie tells himself in these ten pages?

What are two lies Elie can no longer tell himself in these ten pages?
Why can he no
longer believe these things?

Pages 71-80

Who is the only person who Elie trusts in these 10 pages? Why?

What reason does the guard give for washing the wooden floor?

Pages 81 95
What do you think about the fact Elie writes about seeing
barbed wire as his salvation?

What excuse does the rich lady give for causing the children to fight
each other to the
death? What does she convince herself she is

Pages 96-109
What are at least three examples that demonstrate Elie can no
longer lie to himself
about being a good person by the novel?

BLOG QUESTION: What does the novel suggest about the relationship
between power and lying? How does this idea relate to something you
have experience, or have read about, in the real world?

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