Lord of The Flies Blogs 3 and 4

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Lord of the Flies - TICKET-IN #3: Social Isolation (pages 118-170)

Idea: Piggy and Simon are less concerned about social isolation . . . they
understand who they are . . . Ralph doesnt understand who he is or his
place in things . . .feels the effect more and more
1. What does Ralph do that seems to separate him from most the boys?
2. What does Jack do in an attempt to turn people against Ralph? Why doesnt it
3. Who starts drifting off from the group? Why do they leave?
4. Why do people think Simon is strange? What does he do that isolates him
from the group?
5. Why do the kids leave the pigs head? How might the idea of the beast be
working to keep them together as a group?
6. Now that he is more socially isolated, what seems to be happening to Ralph?
7. What is Piggys reaction to the kids leaving? In what way does he seem to
draw strength from the situation?
8. What about Jacks visit to Ralphs camp makes him become more respected
and feared?
9. When Simon talks with the pigs head, what does the head tell him will
happen if he tells the kids the truth? What is the truth?
10.Of the characters Piggy, Simon, and Ralph, who do you think knows and
understands himself best? Who understands himself the least? Please explain
your reasoning.
Blog # 3
Section 1: Using at least three characters from the novel, discuss:
a) How insecurity and/or an inability to fully understand ones self linked to
feelings of social isolation? How can these characters attempts to be seen as
important backfire on them?
b) How a characters security and acceptance of himself is connected to not his
worrying about being socially isolated.
Before your write section 2, think about the following: What was your
experience with the social media challenge? How do your own ideas and
experiences with the challenge compare to the ideas of others? What are some of
the reasons why people did or did not do well with this challenge?
Section 2: Using the ideas from section 1, discuss how your, and your classmates,
experiences with the social media challenge relate to the ideas about isolation in
the novel. Talk about a time you felt isolated and discuss how it connects to the

experiences of either Piggy, Ralph, or Jack. What is an insight into this experience
the novel provides?

Lord of the Flies - TICKET IN #4: Lying and Phoniness (pages 171-225)
1. What are three ways Piggy lies about what happened at the feast?
2. Why do you think it is important to Piggy to keep himself from admitting what
really happened?
3. What are two lies Jack tells his tribe? What does he gain by telling these lies?
4. Why does Ralph pretend he hasnt forgotten what the smoke was for?
5. What is it that Ralph says that makes Jack mad enough to fight? Why do you
think this makes Jack so mad?
6. What are Piggys last words?
7. As Ralph tries to sleep, alone, what reason does he give for the fact he is all
8. What are 2 lies Ralph tells the officer? Why do you think he tells him these

Blog #4
Section 1: Making between 3-5 specific references to the novel, discuss places in
the novel where we see boys lying to others and, more importantly, to themselves.
Some questions to consider are: What is the truth this person is hiding from? How is
he trying to hide this truth from himself? Why is this person trying to hide the truth?
In what way can his decision to hide the truth be linked to his fear of being
Section 2: Write about a time where you successfully lied to yourself, or to
someone else. How could this lie be explained as a reaction to feeling powerless, or
less powerful than the person to whom you were lying? In what way did the lie
hide this imbalance in the power dynamic?

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