Cyberbullying Argumentative Essay Castro
Cyberbullying Argumentative Essay Castro
Cyberbullying Argumentative Essay Castro
anyone ever thought how cyberbullying changes the life of the victim for the rest of their
live? The world is full with problems and cyberbullying is a big problem that is only
growing with more and more for example on social media. Cyberbullying is such a major
problem in the U.S. that it should be taken more seriously so it doesnt lead to an
Fake identities can mislead many people about the life of the person they
think they know. The identity people make you interpret may only be the side they want
you to see which can be even more misleading if they lie completely about who they are.
(From the Radio interview) In 2008, Lori Drew was convicted of violating the Computer
Fraud and Abuse Act after creating a fake Myspace account. Drew used the account to
flirt with, and then later break up with, Megan Meier. The result of having fake accounts
with people faking identities makes these events take place. The Megan Meier Cyber
Bullying Act was trying to be passed to prevent these events from happening. The Megan
Meier Cyber Bullying Prevention Act helps define what is covered under the term
cyberbullying For instance, in order for a behavior to be defined as cyberbullying, it
must be repeated, hostile, and severe with intent to embarrass, threaten, or harass.
Cyberbullying isnt just worse than the regular case of being bullied, its
even harder to get away from. Cyberbullying is harder to flee because of how much
harder it is to make the person stop the insults. With the statements now being on the
internet it is on there forever and there is no way to take it back. 60% of targets get
negatively affected from cyberbullying which carries on to school, home, with friends.
This can make the victim feel frustrated, angry, and sad. 82% of teens think others
cyberbully because they think its funny. A survey token in 2006 had 1 in 3 teens
admitting to being a victim of cyberbullying. (Evidence from fact sheet)
What if the solution to cyberbullying wasnt to prosecute the people in the
crime but to educate people on how to avoid offense situations? Even if that were the
solution you cant just expect people to listen to whatever you say. With kids being more
involved in social media you cant tell them not get on the internet at all because of how
essential electronics are in homes. With people wanting also to join groups online or on
social media them being excluded on purpose. 45% of 11-18 year olds say they have seen
people being mean to each other on social media. Electronics are used for more things
than just the simple things like calling a parent during an emergency. With people being
more involved online according to senators they are being trolled, that there should be a
consequence for such rude behavior. With new advancements in electronics and social
media makes cyberbullying much harder on the victim to get away from.
With all the people now being part of the online community
cyberbullying should be taken more seriously, there should be
consequences for such rude behavior. Cyberbullying shouldnt give
anyone more publicity, the people help responsible for these kinds of
acts should be prosecuted because bullying is not something to laughy
about. Cyberbullying is what should not be tolerated, there has to be
rules on what you can put out there because there is no way to take it
back. With cyberbullying being such a big problem in the U.S. it should
be something that people will never think about doing.
Has anyone ever thought how cyberbullying changes the life of the victim for the
rest of their live? The world is full with problems and cyberbullying is a big problem that
is only growing with more and more for example on social media. Cyberbullying is such
a major problem in the U.S. that it should be taken more seriously so it doesnt lead to an
extreme. Therefore people who cyberbully should be prosecuted for their terrible actions.