Arts Lesson Plan Done

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Lesson Plan Template

(Teacher Facilitated Arts Integration)

Students Name: Sabrina Ezzeddine
Subject Area(s): Literacy & Art
Concept/Topic: Paintings and Poetry

Date: April 15, 2016

Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Time: N/A


Big Ideas/Key Concepts:
This lesson introduces 2nd grade students to a form of writing poetry.
In this lesson students will look at the exhibit by CY Twombly called Fifty
Days at Iliam, which is located at the Philadelphia Museum. Students will
look at the images and pick one in which they wish to observe closer.
Students will then be writing their very own poem about a piece of art
through the directions that will be given. This lesson will help students to
understand this effect this artist will have on them and how its affect
helped shape their poem. The teacher must be informed about
information regarding the artist s of the piece, this exhibit, poetry
elements, and how to guide students in expressing their thoughts through
What art form is making a connection:
Students will create a poem after examining Twomblys pieces from his Fifty
days of Iliam exhibit that describes the emotions and thoughts that came to
mind when viewing the pieces.
What other area of curriculum is connected or activated by using arts
Literacy- Poetry- Writing skills
Students will be able to
-Describe the painting using their own thoughts and feelings.
-Condense their poem after the pre-writing activity.
-Students are able use a variety of rich vocabulary incorporated in their final
Curriculum Standards:
STANDARD 9.3 Critical Response- Understand that works in the arts have
STANDARD 9.4 Aesthetic meaning- Know how to communicate an informed
Individual opinion about the meaning of works in the arts.
STANDAR 1.4- Write narrative pieces (stories, poems and plays)

Standard - CC.1.4.1.K 0-Use a variety of words and phrases.

Standard - CC.1.5.1.A- Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and
larger groups.


This lesson will allow for differentiation because students are able to use their
own unique ideas during this activity which creates a safe space where there
is no right or wrong answer.

Materials and Technology:

-Field Trip to the Philadelphia Art museum or access to images from CY Twomblys art
- Worksheet
Step-By-Step Procedure:
Be very specific about the details of the lesson plan, such that someone, in your
absence, could use the plan to teach it the way you intended. For example, if you
want to discuss something, how will you facilitate the discussion? What will you
say? Make sure you ask students to explain their thinking and engage
with the content on a higher level.
1. Launch:
a. Hook/Lead-in: Students will enter the exhibit with no prior knowledge
of the artist or paintings and will be allowed to freely explore the
exhibit observing the paintings.
b. Activate Prior Knowledge:
2. Instruction:
1.)Students will enter the exhibit and begin observing
2.)Soon after I will be given the students the instructions to start
brainstorming ten words that come to mind while walking around
the exhibit.
3.)Then I will give the students a ten times two chart where
students will write down the first ten words that come to mind.
4.)Next I will ask the students to go around the room and share the
phrases they came up with.
5.)Then the students will be asked to observe the art work one last
time and challenge themselves to come up with ten new words.
6.)The students will then be asked to cross out ten words total from
their list of 20 words.
7.)From that list students will create a condensed poem in the last
box of their activity sheet.
8.)Finally I will then have students share the poems they have
created with the class.
a. Modeling: I will share some words that come to my mind when
observing the paintings in the exhibit before the students start. I will
remind them its all about what they think when they view the work. I

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will also explain why I chose those couple words to get the students
minds flowing.
b. *Guided Practice: This is the most important part of the
When will have discussions as a class about what we all have written
down in our charts. I as well will coach the students through each part
of the activity by giving them the steps we will take.
3. Independent Practice: Students will be working on their own to think of the
words or phrases that come to mind in the activity and will form their own
Application: Based on if the students came up with ten words in each box
and used a variety of terms will determine if the students accomplished the activity.
Also I will check to see if the students eliminated enough words to create the
condensed poem.
5. Closure: Students will share their poems and discuss the differences
between the poems and the students relations to the art in the exhibit.

During this lesson I will ask the students questions about their art work and
why they chose their descriptive words to check their understanding.
During this lesson I will give concise directions of what will be doing in the
lesson. In order to deepen their understanding of things I will model each part
of the lesson.

What I am looking for:
-Students use a variety of phrases to describe the artwork
-Students can eliminate enough words and form a condense poem with
those words.
-Students share their words and poetry at the end.
-Students engage in discussion with class about the artwork and the
activity the will be doing.
Listed in Lesson Plan
Analyze the evidence you collected and reflect on how the lesson went:

What did the students learn? How do you know?

What went well? What makes you think so?
What would you change if you were to teach the lesson again? Why?
Explain how the evidence that you collected is also useful in thinking
about something more than the success of this particular lesson.

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How will this lesson tie into the lessons that follow or a larger overall
thematic unit?


Review your lesson plan to make sure you have addressed the six
o Deep Content Understanding
o Coherence & Continuity
o Real World Connections
o Active Learning
o Critical & Creative Thinking
o Teacher Reflective Thinking
Revise, if necessary, to ensure all standards are included.
Be prepared to explain how your lesson plan addresses the TTS.

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