Wvsu Lesson Plan Format Guide (Updated 1/13)

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Teacher Candidate: Jenna Criner

School: Poca Middle School

Date: April 11, 2014

Grade/Subject: 7th Grade Art

Lesson Topic: Art That Tells a Story

The students will explore art from different cultures that tell stories. Students will analyze each work of
art, explaining what story each work tells and how each artist is using the elements of art and principles
of design to communicate. The students will produce artwork that tells a story. Students will explain
what is going on in their own artwork, as well as how they are communicating their ideas.
select a media, technique, technology, or process to communicate a personal
experience or an idea.
VA.O.7.2.15 use the elements of art and principles of design to effectively communicate ideas.
NATIONAL STANDARDS-National Art Education Association
1. Content Standard: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
4. Content Standard: Understanding the visual arts in relation to history and cultures
Overall Time - 45 minute lesson
Time Frame 5 min. teacher intro/review/ demonstration
30 min. work time
10 min. Sharing of the stories in students artwork/clean-up

Project-based learning
Drawing prompt
Class discussion


Learning differences: For students who are

struggling with the project, I will give them
extended time if needed, and I will assist them

Behavioral differences: I will give reinforcement

for proper behavior and expectations in the class.
Multiple Intelligence Addressed (check all that
X Verbal/Linguistic
X Spatial
X Bodily/Kinesthetic

Enrichment: The objects that students are going

to draw will differ in the difficulty it will take to
draw them, so students who are good artists will
be challenged. I could also give accelerated
students, or students who finish their projects
early, clay to work with, and they could try
completing the assignment using clay, which is
more challenging.
Attention differences: I will walk around the class
to make sure students are on-task

Introduction/ Lesson Set

Ask the students if they have ever read a comic book. After they answer, explain how comics
use pictures as the main form of communication when telling a story.
Images of art that tells a story (Egyptian art, Leon Cogniets Massacre of the Innocents, Norman
Rockwell paintings) will be shown on the projector.
Have the students answer questions that analyze the content and form of each artwork.

Body & Transitions

Explain the assignment and what the expectations are:

Students are to draw an image that tells a story.
The students can draw something based on one of the prompts from the handout I will
give them, or if they have a different idea, then they can use that.
Allow students to get paper and pass out the prompt handout.
Check students progress by walking around the room and asking students what they decided to
Help students who are having difficulties.


Have a few students come up to the projector and share the story that they depicted in their
Collect papers and clean up area.

Have each student write down what is going on in each work, and how the artist is
communicating this (what elements did he or she use in his or her artwork to communicate that
meaning.) Each question is worth 5 points, and points can be taken off for incomplete answers.
Walk among the students and question them about what story they are telling in their artwork. If some
of the students artwork looks the same (if they are at the same table and are clearly copying each
other), have them add something that makes their artwork look different.
Score students work using a rubric. Have them write down what is happening in their own work, and
how they are communicating this.
- Paper
- Drawing Prompt worksheet
If Student Finishes Early
If a student finishes early, then they can work on a second drawing using a different prompt, or they can
add color to their first drawing. Students can also have the option of using clay to create a piece that
tells a story.
If Lesson Finishes Early
If my lesson is finished early and all students have completed their work, then several students can
share their work by putting it on the projector and talking about what they chose to do. If there is still a
significant amount of time after this, then I can ask the students what difficulties they had while
completing this assignment, and I can ask them what they liked/didnt like about the project. I could
also teach them how to work with clay if there is enough time.

The students came up with some very original ideas for this project. While some of the students
followed a prompt closely, others added their own twist to it. There were several students that chose
the same prompt and their drawings were very similar, so I had to tell them to add something to each of
their drawings so that they would look different from each others. Some of the students used rulers to
draw buildings, and I had to help some of them with perspective so that their buildings looked right. I
think that the projector made this lesson better because students were able to look at a variety of
examples of famous works, and the students who had the best work were able to show the rest of the
class what they did. Without the projector, students would have to move to be able to see the students
drawings, so there would be a longer transition between the activities.
Maybe, at the beginning of the lesson, I could have done a few drawing exercises with the
students to make sure that they knew how to draw basic shapes, proportions, etc. This is a lesson that
should be taught near the end of the nine weeks since it requires students to know how to draw certain
things. Ideally, this lesson would be taught over the course of two or three days instead of one, but
since I couldnt be there the next day, I had to teach a lesson that would only last one day. I would also
have the students either shade their drawings or add color to them using chalk or oil pastels. I think
another thing I could have done to improve the assignment is to tell the students not to draw people
because several students drew figures that looked like elementary school students drew them.
According to the standards, students learn how to draw figures using the correct proportions in
seventh grade, but none of the students who did draw people used correct proportions, which shows
that this is a skill that they need to review before completing this assignment. In art, there are some
circumstances where figures dont have to have the correct proportions, but that is only when the artist
is using the right style (example- Edvard Munchs The Scream). This is another concept that I could
teach my students. I would have them research different styles of art on the internet, and they would
compare and contrast them. I would also tell them that they cant depict violence in their drawings
because I noticed that a few of them included violent scenes, which is inappropriate.
If technology fails, I will have the students pass around print-outs of each of the images.


Drawing Prompt Lesson


Percentage Grade




I had to finish the lesson in one day, so students werent able to shade or add color to their
drawings. Several students did poorly on the pre-questions because they had trouble analyzing each
work of art. I think that they greatly improved because they knew what types of things to look for when
they were analyzing art after I went over it with them. Based on the data, the next time I teach this
lesson, I would first go over the ways that artists communicate ideas to their audience because several
of them didnt know what the elements of art were. As I said in the reflections, several of the students
had trouble with proportions and perspective, and a few students copied off of each other, which
affected their scores, so the next time, I would review these skills with them, and I would tell them that
they are not to cheat off of each other. The students who scored highly added creativity to their
compositions, they were able to explain what was going on in their images, and they were able to justify
their choices.

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