Tool For Marketing

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I Ravi Kumar Ambati a student of Tata institute of Social Sciences pursuing Master of
Hospital Administration doing a project on Developing Marketing Strategies for
Hospitals in Tier II Cities as a part of masters degree. This questionnaire is only for
academic purpose seek your consent at ______________________hospital mainly to
understand the existing strategies by collecting relevant data.


1. Year of Establishment
2. What are the core services you offer in your hospital?
a. General

b. Cancer

c. Diabetics

d. cardio


F. Nephro

g. Ortho

h. derma

i. Pediatrics

j .Obstetrics

k. Gynecology

L. Neuro

m. Any other


3. What are the additional services you offer?

Please specify _________________________
4. What types of patients do you target?
5. a)How many beds did you have at the time of the establishment of the
b) How many beds do you have at present?
6. Opinion about the following.

Do you Agree (1) Strongly Agree (2) Disagree (3) Strongly Disagree (4)
Neither Agree or Disagree (5)

a. Growth in the
health care
sector has led
to increased
b. Patients have incomplete
information about the services
c. Patients are not aware of what
they need without assistance
d. Hospitals have to provide
information about services
e. Doctors should be allowed to
e. Sustained
profitability are through
marketing efforts

7. How does marketing approach help your Professional Services? :


An Insurance for survival

e. To make awareness of services
An opportunity to increase turnover f. To serve effectively
To overcome competition
g. To achieve social benefit?
To maximize profit
h. To overcome insufficient demand
Any other(please specify____________________________)

8. What makes your organization more profitable?

a. service development alone

c. Time and Fortune
e. Others(Please

b. Service development along with

marketing efforts
d. effective strategy

9. Have you got any marketing strategies?

1. Yes

2. No

If yes, in which method?

a. Traditional methods and avoiding advertising techniques
b. Minimum use of advertising like fancy brochure and new letters.
c. Extensive advertising in electronics and print media.
d. Conducting and participating in seminars
e. Prepaid health care services
f. Attending and organizing Special Health Camps
g. Offering Special Schemes like master health checkup, discounts
on onetime payment etc.

10. Do you communicate with your Patients?


2. No

If yes, what are the modes of communication you use?

a. Telephone

b. Letters

c. E-mail

11. What makes you to develop marketing strategies?

a. Fluctuating demand

b. Organizational image

c. Service Expansion

d. To identify prospective

e. Desire for sustained demand, growth and profitability

f. Any other please specify____________


12. Do you analyze the following environment while formulating strategy planning?
a. Internal Environment

b. Market environment(Patients)

c. Public environment

d. Competitive environment

e. Macro-environment (Economic, Technological, Social and Political)

F. Any other
13. Do you advertise your services?
1. Yes

2. No

If yes, what are the modes?

a. Advertisement in print media

b. Advertisement in electronic media


d. Wall Posters

Telephone Directory

e. Advertisements through hoardings f. Maintenance of parks

G. Others
14. Who are your target audience?
a. Business People

b. Salaried Persons

d. Others

e. All

c. Senior Citizens

15. Which of the following is the most effective for marketing in your service?
(Give in the order of preference)
A. Widening and deepening of personal sources
B. Favorable awareness programmes (Association, Membership,

Seminar, Scholarship, Awards, Camps)

C. Service and Market Specialization
D. Replacing Patients

E. Any other

16. How do you motivate and influence the prospective patients to seek your
a. Best quality service

b. Sharp pricing and discounting

c. Slick brochures

d. Social Service

e.Any other

17. Do you seek feedback from your patients about their satisfaction?


If yes, how do you measure this satisfaction?

a. Repeated Calls

b. Influencing other patients

c. Appreciation

d. Presenting Memento

e. Soliciting (Doctors) for social and family function

18. How much time do you allocate to listen to your patient's problems?
a. Sufficient time allocated while meeting the patients (patients)
b. After working hours, time is allocated
d. No time allocation

c. During informal chat

e. Any other

19. Do you reward patients for frequent use of your services?

1. Yes

2. No

If yes, by?
a. Giving discount

b. No fee for certain consultation

c. Free medicines

d. Others

20. Do you offer additional service and benefits to your patients?



If yes, what are they

a.Easy payment option

b.Accept Credit Cards

c.Free supply of educational materials

d.Free Medical Certificates

e.Samples at free of cost

f.Service out of office

21. What are the sales promotion activities that you undertake?
a. Executive Health Checkup

b. Smart-card

c.Insurance Schemes

d.Health Card

e. Discount on Smart card

f. Other

22. What are the objectives of fee setting
a. Profit maximization

b. Market Penetration (lower fee)

b. Market skimming (higher fee)

c. Cost Oriented

c. Demand Oriented

f. Competition Oriented

g. Satisfying patients

h. Sufficient returns to shareholders

23.How do you fix your fee?

a. Fixed Fee
c. Fee depends on patients

b. Fee depends on services

d. No rigid formula

b. Any other
24.What are the tactics followed while fixing fee?
a. Offering Packages

b. Demanding Premium

c.High Fee, High Quality

d. High Expectation

d. Low Fee

f. Reasonable Fee

25.Indicate your response to the following

Agree (1) Strongly Agree (2) Disagree 3 Strongly Disagree 4 Neither Agree Nor
Disagree 5

Low fees amounts to
rendering low quality of
Fixing of low fee
stimulates rapid market
High Fee is an indication
of high quality of service
A low fee would
discourage actual and
potential competition
Patients are to be
informed about fees
before they actually
receive the service

Checklist identifying an organizations existing and potential markets

1. Who are all your major markets and publics?

2. How large is the service area covered by the hospitals market?
3. What are major segments in each market?
4. What are the present and expected future size profit and characteristics of
each market or market segment?
5. What is the expected growth rate of each segment?
6. Where do hospital patients come from geographically?
7. What are the benefits that customers in different segments derive from the
product: economics, better performance, displaceable cost?
8. What are the customer attitudes in different segments: brand awareness,
brand image (mapping)?
9. What is the lifecycle status of the product?

Checklist the marketing program

1. Does the hospital have a high level officer to analyze, plan and implement its
marketing work?
2. Is there a need for more training, incentives, supervision or evaluation for other
marketing staff?
3. Does the organization personnel understand and practice the marketing concept?
4. What is the organization core strategy for achieving its objectives and its likely to
5. Are the marketing resources allocate optimally to the major elements of the
marketing mix i.e. product quality, personal contact, promotion and distribution?
6. Does the organization carry out periodic studies to determine the contribution and
effectiveness of various marketing activities?
7. Does the organization have an adequate marketing information system to service the
needs of managers in planning and controlling various markets?


What are the general outstanding characteristics of each product or service?

What services are most heavily used? Why? Are there distinct group of users?
What is the profile of patients who use the service?
How many services have been dropped?
What are the most common complaints against services?
What services could be added that would make the hospital more attractive to patients,
medical staff and non medical personnel?
7. Does the hospital have any other features that individualize its service or give an
advantage over competitors?
What is the pricing strategy of the organization?
A. Cost plus
B. Return on investment

C. Stabilization
D. Demand
How are prices for services determined?
How often price are reviewed? What factors contribute to price increase/decrease?
How are the hospitals pricing policies viewed by patients, physicians, third-party payers,
competitors and regulators?
How are price promotions used?

What is the purpose of the organizations present promotional activities (including
A. Protective
B. Educational
C. Search out new markets
D. Develop all markets
E. Establish a new service
Has this purpose undergone any change in recent years?
To whom has advertising largely directed:
a) Donors
b) Patients (former, current or prospective)
c) Physicians (on staff or potential)
What methods have been used for measuring advertising effectiveness?

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