Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design 2014
Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design 2014
Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design 2014
Foreword ...........................................................................................................................................- 4 MEANING OF GEOPATHOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURE (by Tommaso Laezza, Azat Dzhunushev) .......................6
Waterways Underground(or water veins) ................................................................................................... 8
Underground water courses ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Grid systems of the Earth .......................................................................................................................... 10
Geological Fractures .................................................................................................................................. 14
Impact on Health ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Electromagnetic Fields ............................................................................................................................... 17
Radon Gas .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Observe the Nature ................................................................................................................................... 19
FengShui - A mathod of enviromental design ........................................................................................... 20
The fengshui in architecture ...................................................................................................................... 20
FengShui Applications in Residential Buildings .......................................................................................... 21
Contemporary Environmental Design Principles ....................................................................................... 22
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 23
SOLAR RADIATION CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 24
Direct solar radiation (by Katsyarina Laikova) ...................................................................................... 24
Shading device control ............................................................................................................................... 28
Solar reflection .......................................................................................................................................... 29
Daylight Glare Probability (DGP) ............................................................................................................... 32
Building control systems ............................................................................................................................ 34
Active solar space heating ......................................................................................................................... 35
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Passive Solar Radiation (by Diana Markovskaja) .................................................................................. 38
Windows Orientation and Shading ............................................................................................................ 39
Impact of the Thermal Mass and Insulation ............................................................................................. 45
Isolated Gain, Sunspaces........................................................................................................................... 50
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 53
The Academic Book named by its authors Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design: a Way to
Better Buildings focuses on one of the most important aspects of sustainable urbanism and architectural
design. This original research report is Volume 5 of annual research publication drafted by the team of
students of Architecture at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. It continues the tradition of the Design
Studio project Recreation Complex in Natural Environment to collect, analyze and present individual
research topic in a comprehensive publication and is performed by the students of Arfu-13 group at the
Department of Urban Design at the Fall Term of 2014.
We strongly believe that the method of learning through design brings new understanding, skills
and professional capabilities for planning and designing recreational spaces and buildings of the most
diverse function, structure and architecture in natural and rural sites of Lithuania. The group of students
and their tutors had a pleasure of going through theory and practice of Bioclimatic Principles in
Architectural Design as much as it concerns quality of for the environment and functional benefits for its
users. This years series Vol. 5 Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design: a Way to Better Buildings
continues the departments tradition as it is produced along with the design studio project. The previous
volumes of the book focused on other topics of recreational architecture and urbanism: Sustainable Water
Management 2013, Sustainable Design in Architecture 2012, Environment Elements and Details in
Recreation 2011 and Sauna in Recreation 2010.
The topic of Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design is analyzed in these chapters: Solar
radiation control; Heat cold control; Managing internal gains, Providing natural ventilation and
geopathology, all seen as the way towards better buildings in sustainable and healthy urban environment.
The collected, reviewed and designed material with its texts, references and numerous figures is a perfect
study resource for students, researchers and many of the senior colleagues as well as for the wider public.
All those concerned in sustainable urbanism and Bioclimatic Design will find a reliable and professional
roadmap that will bring more understanding for making our buildings more comfortable and pleasant to
use as well as easy to build and maintain.
Four working groups of students have generated the presented Chapters of this Book. The study
program of Architecture at VGTU will cover more and more aspects of green urbanism and sustainable
design in the next years so this book is a high step forward made by the second-year scholars in
architecture. We all strongly believe that this result will certainly build up their professional career and
shape personal life-style towards the highest quality and efficiency required by the society. This Book is the
must reading for senior students in bachelor and master studies of Architecture, Urbanism, Landscape and
related study fields.
The material presented herein is a peer-reviewed and co-edited by the Editorial Board comprised of
all representatives of the students working groups. Contents of the book are based on international
experience of Bioclimatic Design as this topic in Lithuania is still at its roots. The book reveals multiple
methods and tools that could be used in the projects of the most different nature. It helps to translate the
ideas of Bioclimatic Design from theory of books to practice of urban and architectural design.
The Vol. 5 as well as the previous volumes of the Book is also available for its readers on the website
of the Department of Urban Design Vilnius Gediminas Technical University at
The authors will appreciate all comments and proposal from the interested readers on the topic of
Bioclimatic Principles in Architectural Design that will help to improve the skills of the authors who created
in this Book.
Prof PhD Gintaras Stauskis
Tutor and supervisor
The reaction of a person depends on the intensity of the situation geopathic, as well as the amount
of time spent there. Reactions starting with sleep disturbances, lack of concentration, a constant state of
fatigue, allergies, migraines, back pain, etc. Under continued stress, a person may experience more severe
conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma and chronic diseases of the skin. Consequently,
for a long period of time, with the immune system seriously compromised, serious diseases such as cancer
can occur.
Before you build a building, the architects of antiquity, carefully controlled with the soil to prevent it
were to create zones unhealthy for the future inhabitants. They were well aware of the energies of the
earth, the Chinese; in fact, never built on some land lines they called "dragon veins". Currently, to detect
the existence of anomalies in the telluric radiation, can be used for electronic instruments, such as the
geomagnetometro and detectors of ionizing particles.
In 1929, the German aristocrat Gustav Freiherr von Pohlbegan an experiment in the small town of
Vilbisburg. He dowsed the entire city for the energies of the earth harmful underground streams and fault
lines in the earth. Every day was accompanied by a police officer to ensure that he would not talk to
anyone.After a week he had finished his work and the judge of the city from its hand-drawn map with a list
of all the homes of cancer patients over the past 10 years.He found a correlation of 100%.The experiment
was repeated several times over the following years in many cities with several variables.The results were
always the same - 100% agreement between cancer patients and geopathic stress zones.
In 1995, a seven-year study with over 8200 patients conducted by the Institute for natural medicine
and geopathology in Kassel, Germany evaluated the effects of geopathic stress on the health of people.
Every medical treatment is it traditional or alternative seemed to be drastically prolonged or even blocked
due to geopathic stress zones. As soon as these structures have been avoided or shielded, medical
treatment promptly taken and showed positive results.
Fig.2 Gustav Freiherr Von Pohl Vilsbiburg Map of Waterways Underground 1929
Water veins emit an energy that is draining our bodys bioenergetics field and can be harmful if a
person is spending long period of time above those areas. It makes no difference how deep the water is
down in the earth of how many floors a person lives above the ground. Even on the 20th floor of an
apartment building the effect can be clearly felt, sometimes even stronger due to enhancement of iron
reinforced concrete in the ceiling.
Fig. 3 In this picture you can see how water flows under the ground
If your bed happens to be right over an underground water stream, your sleep will likely be affected.
It might take you a long time to fall asleep or youll toss and turn all night. Waking up between 2 and 3 am
is typical, because Geopathic Stress reaches a maximum at this time of the night, especially with full moon.
Getting out of the bed in the morning then feels impossible. Babies and small children often fall out of their
beds instinctively trying to avoid the Geopathic drain. They wake up several times at night or come to their
parents bed.
Fig. 5 In this pictures you can see that bed and the guy is located directly on the crossing of two water
Fig. 6 Benker-grid is 10 x 10 m
10 x 10 Meter Grid or Benker-Grid named after Anton Benker, a German dowser from
170 x 170 Meter Grid carries a specific energy similar to that of underground watercourses.
250 x 250 Meter Grid carries the strongest negative energy, sometimes 45 60 cm.
400 x 400 Meter Grid with secondary lines 100 feet off the sides of the main structure.
3.6 x 3.6 Meter diagonal Grid or Curry-Grid, named after Manfred Curry.
The Benker-grid is a 10x10 m grid, which means the distance between 2 grids lines is about 10 m. The line
itself has a thickness of 20 cm 30 cm. Dimensions and intensities can vary depend on geographic latitude
and the specific location. Earth grid system have been studied extensively over the last century. They are
often named after their discoverer, The Hartmann-grid after Ernst Hartmann, MD, or the Curry-grid after
Manfred Curry, MD.
Ernst Hartmann (10 November 1915 in Mannheim - 23 October 1992 in Waldkatzenbach, a suburb of
Waldbrunn (Odenwald)) in Germany was a German medical doctor, author and publicist.
The point of overlap is the most dangerous point for the geopathology stress. We need to know
where is exactly for a correct urban planning and architecture planning. It is better if in this point there will
be the wall.
Geological Fractures
Its naturally occurring fault lines of the earth, but they can also be caused by blasting or
quarrying.Here are the most important types of grids of land that were found and documented over the
past few decades.Dowsers find these lines using the tools that help them respond to the energies of the
Stress earthquake-The key to understanding the importance of analysis geobiologic of the site where you
sleep is so "stress overland". Two people with similar diseases and overall life situation may vary very much
like the answer to the care and treatment if one is exposed to stress telluric while the other is not. Last
night in the hotel at a high voltage cable and out of a zone of earthquake under stress will leave the only
sign of stress in the memory of a troubled sleep and malaise and fatigue of the morning, just recovered
from a little 'outdoors or a good rest in your own bed. But if, instead, is just the bed where we sleep
forever to be in that condition after a while 'the body is forced to give in and get used to those feelings so
strong, and will put more warning signs.
Fig. 12 Geological Fractures in cross-section of the earth that create geopathology stress
Geological Fractures are naturally occurring earth fault lines, but also can be caused by
blasting or quarrying. Vortexes, an irregular type of geologic energy, are considered in this category, too.
Impact on Health
Although European research, for more than 80 years, shows convincing evidence that detrimental
earth energies affect and diminish a persons health, there is little known about the mechanism in our body
of how this happens. Often experienced as general feeling of discomfort of irritating at first, they soon
develop into chronic pattern from insomnia to mood swings and many of those indifferent symptoms which
doctors dont have time nor resources to find out where they come from.
Discomfort and pain is how the body communicates that something is wrong. Taking away the signals does
not resolve the problem. Suppressing the symptoms will just increase the pressure until the problem
insidiously pops out somewhere else.
Health Challenges
Here is a list of health challenges associated with people exposed to Geopathic Stress in their
environment. Strong electromagnetic fields lead to similar issues and are now receiving increased
attention. Studies show that when the sleeping location is changed or shielded properly, symptoms often
disappear by themselves or at least improve significantly. In many cases applied medical treatments show
better results as the resistance to the healing process has been removed.
- Sleep disorders,
weakness, fatigue
- Headache, dizziness
- Feeling of discomfort
- Difficulty in
- Depression,
- Memory loss
- Visual disruptions
- Irritability
- Hearing disruption
- Skin problems
- Cardiovascular
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea
- Attention deficit
- Electrohypersensitivities
- Neurological diseases,
such as MS
- Parkinson (not yet
- Autism (not yet
- Immune system
- Leukemia in children
and grownups
- Skin melanoma,
- Bladder and other
Electromagnetic Fields
The study also includes geopathology of artificial electromagnetic pollution. Because of the relevance
of the use of wireless technology, in particular, we believe that electromagnetic fields (EMF) will be one of
the biggest challenges of environmental health for generations to come.
Until the twentieth century, the largest emitter of electromagnetic radiation was the sun. Today, the
fields overlap of radiation permeates our entire modern world. As a result of current technology, including
mobile phones, computers, wireless devices, we spend our lives every day in a multitude of fields of
electromagnetic radiation at low and high frequency. Some of the worst culprits are the kitchen and
personal care products such as hair dryers and blenders. Few people are aware that their healthy smoothie
involves an overdose of electromagnetic fields (Produced by the powerful electric motor), spoiling the of
having fresh fruit and vegetables.
Every object that generates an electric charge creates electromagnetic fields, some much more
than others.
Interest in electromagnetic fields has taken on increasing importance in recent years due to the
contemporary fast-paced development of new telecommunications systems, whose plants have spread so
widespread in urban areas, raising doubts and concerns about their dangers. Even the intensification of the
electricity transmission network, following the increase in demand for electricity, as well as the
urbanization of previously uninhabited areas and are characterized by the presence of power lines or radio
and television, have helped to give rise to concerns about the possible health effects resulting from the
prolonged stay in the vicinity of such installations.
The phenomenon commonly called "electromagnetic pollution" is linked to the generation of electric
fields, magnetic and electromagnetic artificial that is not attributable to natural background terrestrial or
natural events.
Radon Gas
What is Radon? - In chemistry, Radon is classified as one of the rare gases such as neon, krypton and
xenon. Radon is radioactive, is spread through the air from the ground or water where it can melt. In the
open space is diluted by air currents and reaches only low concentrations. In enclosed spaces, however, can
accumulate and reach high concentrations, making it very dangerous. Those who live in areas where radon
is present, it is in fact subject to its harmful radiation that can even cause lung cancer in those individuals
who are already predisposed. Radon gas is generated continuously by soil and in some volcanic stones
rocks in particular by lavas, tuffs, the pozzolans, some granite, and so on. It seems that the concentration of
radon is higher in volcanic materials; however, happen to find a high level even in sedimentary rocks such
as marble, marl, flinch, and so on.
Because it dissolves in the water can reach great distances from the place of training. Because of its
origin does not arouse surprise to know that it is sometimes present in building materials.
How to get Radon in our homes? - In nature, radon is present in porous rocks and sands Uranium. It
may therefore come from outside, exhaled from the ground through a dirt floor or a concrete
cracks. Another step you can find it at the cables and pipes. It can also come from the walls, if they are
made of materials loaded with radon or water flowing from the tap if it is present in the dissolved gas. For
the construction of buildings are particularly dangerous: tuff, aluminous cement and pozzolan rock, this is
much less the Portland cement. When it comes to building materials, there is a big difference in the level of
radon present in the various areas of extraction. There is research to catalog the land most at risk, but
there is still no comprehensive list.
Before building a new home inspect the property for the trees crippled or dead, wet earth and
anthills. This is often an indication for waterway underground and fault lines of the earth.
Observe your garden. Trees with trunks split or knotted bark, as well as the holes in a row hedge signs of
grid lines crossing.
Move designed home in another part of the property, its solution.
Feng-Shui (wind and water)is a metaphysical naturalist science; the discipline is aimed at finding the
"best orientation," as the right location in space so that a person can enjoy more favorable influences to
her, at any given time and in a given context.
If this process of maintaining energy balance could be facilitated by contact with sources of vibration
related and therefore "nutrients" such as those found in nature, modern life in artificial environments by
vibrational frequency absolutely incompatible makes adaptation more difficult and tiring for the man.
"Quality vibrational "energy of the environment, and its" balanced flow "are the two elements that
should be considered to help maintain an optimal level, and frequency of the energy in our bodies, in
relation to the space in which we live.
The evaluation of the plan of the house with respect to this map, suggests appropriate actions to
balance or enhance an otherwise missing or insufficient. From the combined analysis of these factors we
can then derive valuable guidance for bring balance and harmony in the energy of our environment, so as
to promote a healthier lifestyle and satisfactory in all respects.
For Taoism, the origin of Feng-Shui, the choice of a building site is a very important and delicate
phase: we must consider the winds that determine the climate, the topography of the area and the
presence or absence of water courses. Not less important is the theory of the five elements, in contrast to
the Aristotelian theory that enumerates only four. The five elements and the relationship between man
and nature
In the Chinese view the vital breath (ch'i) is at the origin of the principle of Yin and Yang, which in
turn causes climate change and then the four seasons, whose interactions originate the five elements.
Difficult to explain the infinite reciprocity between Yin and Yang, the four seasons and the five elements,
but it is fundamental to understand that proper interaction between these elements is the bearer of
harmony, well-being and health for both humans and the environment.
For the Chinese, there is no perfect configuration in the relationship between man and nature, but
simply an acceptance of natural changes cooperating with them in their mutual interest. This could perhaps
explain our need, in time, to make changes in the arrangement of furniture in our homes.
The energy for the fact Feng-Shui is constantly moving and the task of a good interior designer is to
go in the right direction. And with this awareness might explain why we feel the need to have a home
entrance large well bright, if it had little energy would remain imprisoned without being able to oxygenate
the other rooms. We could understand the reason that leads us to prefer an apartment with many
windows, with a few doors, with large spaces devoid of unnecessary frills and furnishings. In Feng-Shui,
there are no strict rules since its study places at the center of his research the habits of the people who
inhabit the apartment. The general rules that can be formulated specifically to interior design, so they are
absolutely valid as daughters of common sense.
Fengshui originated from the observations and understanding of the natural environment
that developed when ancient Chinese searched for desirable places to live. Over the years, rules and
methods for selecting a housing site emerged; these techniques considered the major elements rivers,
mountains, sun, soil, underground water, and the surrounding environment of the site. The ancient
Chinese believed that these major elements could influence the formation and circulation of chi. The
ultimate goal of fengshui is to find a place where chi is abundant, so that the site can maximize its benefits
for those who live there. Because fengshui is applied on a case-by-case basis, every factor should be
considered in the context with others.
There are two major applications of fengshui: site selection of buildings and sites for human
settlement. Whether the person searching for a site is an emperor or an ordinary person, the surrounding
environment and its effects on housing are very important. This explains why yang house fengshui became
a major component in practice and literature. This school originally developed as a means of selecting
housing sites in mountain areas, where the natural environmental impacts were primary factors. Detailed
methods of yang house fengshui were developed for various locations. Most of these methods are still
used with little adjustment since the original transcripts were written hundreds of years ago. In this
research, the most commonly used texts are selected to support the interpretation. The literature also
shows that the ancient Chinese summarized the basic fengshui principles into illustrated patterns. In the
pictures below shows two patterns with the same content: a housing site that is between two parallel
roads is not desirable. The one on the left was first published in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) (Wang,
1985), and the one on the right is a later interpretation (Wang, 2000).
differentiated into exterior layout and interior design. Four groups of principles further separate the
traditional methods when aplied to houses that are located in cities or suburban areas.
site analysis
building /construction
tree / rock shape of
exterior appearance
building side wing
room arrangement
construction time
interior design
furniture color
After careful research into the immense world of geopathology you can understand how there is still
much to study and understand. But the first bold step by having to do would be to recognize the subject in
the academic, and not considers it only as a mysterious science and not based on scientific texts. Do not
forget that he studies prepared on this subject dating back more than 3000 years ago; could almost be
compared to mathematics.
The geopathology as we could see is fundamental for a better life and because of a bad preventing
many people die every year and many times without being able to trace the real cause.
A preliminary study of the land before building or restoration should be mandatory in all buildings; then I
would add that apply the principles of geopathology to prevent bad situations of life is not only a right for
everyone, but a must for design.
The study of geopathology started many years ago and still doesnt stop nowadays. Many
professionals are trying to solve this problem and a lot of architects trying to avoid plots where they find any
slightest hint on it. Huge amount of equipment where used in previous and it developing to a huge amount
of technologies that are used nowadays. Im sure that people wont stop on that and we could make the
The daylight reaching buildings on the surface of earth is not entirely made up from light coming
directly from the sun. Some of the beams are diffused by the atmosphere and some of them are reflected
from the ground or other surfaces before reaching buildings. Daylight design is trying to solve the problem
of equal distribution and efficient use of all sorts of light (mainly the natural sunlight) that building receives
by carefully assessing the quantity and quality of light that a particular site receives.
The intensity of illumination from direct sunlight on a clear day varies with the thickness of the air
mass it passes through - a function of the angle of the sun with respect to the surface of the earth. (Atti
Della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi Anno LXVII N.2) Light is less intense at sunrise and sunset than at noon,
and less intense at higher latitudes than at lower ones. Sun angle also affects the luminance of overcast
skies - at any latitude an overcast sky may be more than twice as bright in summer as it would be in winter.
The variations in sky luminance caused by the weather, season and time of day are difficult to codify. (Atti
Della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi Anno LXVII N.2)
The other source of daylight is light reflected from surrounding surfaces - ground, water, vegetation,
and other buildings. Reflected light is an important source of indoor daylight for apertures facing away from
the sun, particularly in southern Europe where cloudless dark blue skies provide less diffuse light than the
cloudy skies of northern latitudes do. The color and the texture of surfaces around a building have critical
consequences for both the quantity and the quality of reflected light. (N. Baker 1993).
Shading effect
The extent of shading effects due to neighboring buildings depend on sun position, buildings
geographical location and target building geometry and orientation (Fig.20) Dynamic calculation of shaded
area can be performed following the computational fluid dynamics algorithm with the ESP-r system
introduced by Clarke, J. A.
Starting with a collection of target and potential obstruction objects, any vertex consisting of a
polygon is defined by a relative co-ordinate system of XYZ, then all the vertices of the obstruction (in this
case, adjacent building) are projected parallel to the suns rays onto the target surface and the projected
area is shaded area in that exact moment. It is logical that the greatest shading effect by adjacent building
appears in the winter due to the low solar altitude and least shading effect in the summer due to high solar
altitude. Therefore, the heating energy consumption increase in the winter usually cannot leverage cooling
energy consumption deduction. It should be understood that this is exactly opposite to the shading effect
given by designed shading device attached on top of the window whose greatest shading effect is in the
The use of shading device is an important aspect of many high-performance building design
strategies. It has been proved that the use of shading devices could improve building energy performance,
prevent glare, increase useful daylight availability (between 100 ~ 2000 lux (the SI unit of illuminance and
luminous emittance, measuring luminous flux per unit area)) and create a sense of security. Realizing these
potential benefits, a varied of shading configurations have been invented and put in the market, such as
fixed, manual and automatic movable, internal and external shading devices.
Adjacent buildings
Solar reflection
Sky luminance
the sun. Of these, the CIE Standard Overcast Sky model is the one most commonly used in simulation
programs and for the definition of standards and recommendations. Whereas this may be appropriate for
northern European countries, it will generate misleading results if applied in southern European conditions
with clear blue skies. There are at present no standard models (though some formulae have been
proposed) to represent the intermediate, partially cloudy or changing skies, which are so often seen in
of the CEC (Civil and Environmental Consultants) has generated estimated figures for global and diffuse
illuminances for the horizontal plane and for the four vertical planes facing North, East, South and West.
The results are presented in the form of graphs showing daylight availability at each test site during winter,
mid- season, summer and for the year as a whole. The test sites were located in Belgium, Denmark, France,
Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and the UK. A separate project has produced similar data for four sites in
Germany. Graphs showing illuminances at all 33 sites can be found in Daylighting in Architecture (University
College Dublin, Energy Research Group 1994).
between the diffuse window and the ambient conditions determined by the split flux method are
considered in EnergyPlus.
Ground reflectance
Material reflectance
Surface reflection can be divided into specular reflection and diffuse reflection. For the surfaces like
glass or polished metal, specular reflection is predominant such that reflectivity will be close to zero at all
other angles except at the reflected angle defined by the law of reflection. Ground is a mixture of many
surfaces with distinct properties, diffuse reflection accounts for a major part for most surfaces like grass,
concrete, and asphalt.
Snow Covered Ground reflectance
Ground reflectance increases dramatically in the presence of snow, which can vary from 75% to 95%
of ground reflectance for fresh snow cover and 40% to 70% for old snow cover (Muneer 2004). Modeling
snow effect can be very difficult as snow type, snow depth, ambient temperature, and human activity all
influence ground overall reflectance to a certain extent. However, snow reflectance will largely depend on
the surrounding of the land. For instance, at the city center the building surface may not see much snow
as it is surrounded by other buildings, trees and parking lots.
It is most simple to automatically configure the building facade using direct environmental factors,
which can be sensed. Most modern energy simulation programs allow the scheduling of whether windows
and blinds are opened or closed in response to relevant environmental criteria, such as those listed
CO2 / Air Contaminants
Solar Radiation / Illuminance
Wind speed
Occupant Behavior
Occupant behavior is difficult to predict; every person has different thermal and visual conditions at
which they are comfortable. Thus this is one reason that the ASHRAE 55 thermal comfort standard
(Thermal comfort is the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is
assessed by subjective evaluation) is a range of temperatures and humilities rather than an absolute goal of
perfect human comfort. However, the changes, which a human can enact on a facade, are not so varied. If
there is too much sunlight or if a human is experiencing glare, they will likely close the blinds. If someone
feels too warm, too cold or too humid while inside a building, with the appropriate exterior conditions, they
will open a window. The main difficulty is to decide the threshold at which an occupant will see fit to
change the facade state (Goulding 1993).
Daylight availability is a design concern that varies throughout the day. The contact with changing
natural light is physiologically, psychologically and architecturally important. Le Corbusier said:
Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses brought together in light.
The lighting level in the space is very important. Daylight factor, which is defined as the illuminance
received at a point, indoors, from a sky of known or assumed luminance distribution; direct sun- light is
excluded from both values of illuminance. Daylight should be maximized subject to the constraints of glare,
increased solar gains and possible greater heat loss. Problem of potential thermal discomfort due to direct
solar gain at such a position, demand some form of solar control like solar windows.
Even when the main reason of effective use of daylight is to reduce artificial energy consumption,
sometimes there is a possibility to make heat gain usability. The art lies in finding the right balance one
key element of which is reducing the heat loss at night by orientating the house to the west or using angled
In many areas of the world, systems that are design particularly for direct sunlight are not suitable
sunlight is often short in supply. What is more, these systems cannot enhance the diffused light or reduce it.
Thus it could seem that these solutions are meant to be for buildings in sunny climates.
Passive solar refers to methods of collecting the heat energy of the sun without using any moving
parts. In its simplest form, called a direct gain system, passive solar is just a matter of orienting the house
so that its longest side faces south, putting most of the windows on the south side, putting an overhang
over them so the sun does not come in during the summer. In the simplest cases, called sun tempered, the
amount of glass is not large, but gets more heat from passive solar, some mass is required. There are
essentially five components to a passive solar building (Nick Baber & Koen Streemrs 2013):
In sunny southern locations, protecting your windows from the sun is an important component of
good window management. The first step is to know how the sun moves through the sky and to orient the
building and place the windows in it so as to minimize direct solar admission through your windows. In the
northern hemisphere summer the sun rises north of due east and sets north of due west, climbing rather
high in the sky at solar noon on the summer solstice. In the winter the sun rises south of due east and sets
south of due west, climbing not very high in the sky at solar noon on the winter solstice. (Window
Orientation And Shading 2007)
Fig. 32 Sun path on summer solstice at southern latitude. (Window Orientation And Shading 2007)
Fig. 33 Sun path on winter solstice at southern latitude. (Window Orientation And Shading 2007)
You can see from these illustrations (Fig.32; 33) that it is easy to protect south-facing windows with a
roof overhang for all but the lowest winter sun. In climates with cool or cold winters, it might be desirable
to allow some solar radiation into south-facing windows, so do not make roof overhang too wide in such
cases. In hot climates, however, it might be best to make the overhang wide enough to block the midday
winter sun year round.
North-facing windows hardly need any shading, since the only time the sun impinges on them is early
in the morning or late in the afternoon in summer, and at those times the angle of incidence is so great that
much of the radiation is reflected from the glass or blocked by the walls on either side of the window,
especially if the window is recessed somewhat into the wall.
The biggest problems with solar heat gain and the glare which direct sun entry can produce are
experienced with east- and west-facing windows. In the middle of the morning and afternoon the sun can
be low enough in the sky that only a very wide overhang can be effective (Prowler 2008). In such cases it is
best to block the sun outside, before it reaches the glass, using tress, awnings, shutters, or other shading
Another alternative, is to reduce the glazed areas in the building facing the east and west directions
and/or to place unoccupied or non-air conditioned spaces on the east and west sides of the building, to
serve as buffering or insulating zones.
Fig. 34 Best ways of building position. (Window Orientation And Shading 2007)
Generally, buildings with long axes running east and west have greater solar-heating potential if their
window characteristics are chosen accordingly, this means half the units face south and half face north. A
partial solution could be a south-facing central atrium or solar heater that pre-heats and delivers air for the
north-facing units. Buildings with east-and west-facing orientations have greater potential for overheating
in the non-heating season and get little solar gain in winter.
Fig. 35 Analysis and position of the building in Anykiai(Project of Recreation Complex in Natural
Environmentby Diana Markovskaja, 2014 y.)
For example, we can analyse plot in Anykiai, which was selected as the place for the Project of
Recreation Complex in Natural Environment course work. The main problem of this plot (on Fig. 35 borders
of the plot are marked with black line) is that the lowest part which make of the whole plot is swampy
(brown colour on (Fig. 35), and the best way for building position, on my opinion, is on the slope.
Furthermore this option of building position gives an opportunity for an attractive view of gardens which
are situated in the swampy area.
The building consists of two main parts, two volumes, one of which is with long south-north axes,
other with east-west axes. As it was noticed before, the long south-north is not a good axe for buildings,
but in this particular situation it will not be a problem, as the facade from the west (south-west) is going to
be integrated to the relief, so from this side overheating will not be a problem. Furthermore, this decision
protects this part of the building from street noise.
Now, lets take a look at other plot analysis, at the site in the village of Trallong, South Wales. (Pren
Analysis of the seasonal sun paths determined the buildings location in order to maximise solar gain,
views over the valley, and provide a south-facing garden to grow produce. The radical design was backed by
a forward-looking planning department, who recognised the potential for the building to set a precedent
for future sustainable housing. The compact design is 20m long and 6m deep, forming a sealed box that
opens to the south and selectively frames the northern views. Internally, the building is less than 6m deep,
enabling natural light and optimal cross and stack ventilation throughout.
The south facing elevation (Fig. 37) and fenestration use optimal proportions of glazing;
approximately 30% of the south elevation is glazed compared with about 5% of the northern elevation Fig.
In other example from village of Porthtowan, England (Simon Conder Associates 2013), south
orientation has been also used to create passive solar gain houses to minimise the use of fossil fuels and
energy costs (Fig.40, 46). This has been achieved partly by fully glazing the southern elevations of the
But, to minimise the possibility of overheating in summer the glazed southern elevation is set back
behind hardwood verandas, which provide full width balconies at upper ground floor level and protect the
interiors from the high summer sun, while allowing the much lower winter sun to penetrate deep into the
two houses.
Conclusion and main rules for orientation and shading (Keith Robertson & Andreas Athienitis
When there are not that many south facing windows, there is generally not enough solar gain to
cause the building to overheat, but as the south glazing goes above, mass is needed to absorb the
additional heat (Fig.41; 42). (Passive Solar 2011) The mass serves not only to keep the afternoon
temperature comfortable, but to release this extra heat during the night when the sun is not out (Fig.32). In
order to be particularly effective in storing solar gain, the sun should shine directly on the mass, and the
mass should be a dark colour so it absorbs it all (since the suns energy is all radiant). If the mass is not
directly in the sunshine, the air temperature will climb and the mass will absorb heat by conduction from
the air, but this process is very slow, especially if the mass is on the floor, because solar gain can easily
create highly stratified air.
Fig. 41 Thermal mass in the interior (floor) absorbs the sunlight. (Thermal Mass 2009)
Fig. 42 Thermal mass in the interior absorbs the sunlight and radiates the heat at night. (Passive
Solar 2011)
Thermal mass is most useful in locations that have large swings of temperature from day to night
(Fig. 43 46), such as desert climates. Even if the thermal mass does not prevent heat energy from flowing
into or out of occupied spaces, like insulation would, it can slow the heat flow so much that it helps
people's comfort rather than causing discomfort (Passive Heating: Thermal Mass 2011).
In climates that are constantly hot or constantly cold, the thermal mass effect can actually be
detrimental. This is because all surfaces of the mass will tend towards the average daily temperature; if this
temperature is above or below the comfortable range, it will result in even more occupant discomfort due
to unwanted radiant gains or losses. Thus, in warm tropical and equatorial climates, buildings tend to be
very open and lightweight. In very cold and sub-polar regions, buildings are usually highly insulated with
very little exposed thermal mass, even if it is used for structural reasons (Passive Heating: Thermal Mass
Masonry walls also provide good thermal mass. Recycled materials can be used (e.g. reused bricks).
Avoid finishing masonry walls with plasterboard as this insulates the thermal mass from the interior and
significantly reduces its capacity to absorb and re-release heat. Reverse brick veneer is an example of good
thermal mass practice for external walls because the mass is on the inside and externally insulated. In
traditional brick veneer, the mass of the brick makes no contribution to thermal storage because it is
insulated from the inside and not the outside.
Insulation can be extremely valuable in preventing direct gain from being conducted to the ground or
outside air, where it is lost. The understanding of how insulation works helps to understand heat flow,
which involves three basic mechanisms - conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is the way heat
moves through materials, such as when a spoon placed in a hot cup of coffee conducts heat through its
handle to your hand. Convection is the way heat circulates through liquids and gases, and is why lighter,
warmer air rises, and cooler, denser air sinks in your home. Radiant heat travels in a straight line and heats
anything solid in its path that absorbs its energy (Clarke Snell & Tim Callahan 2005).
Most common insulation materials work by slowing conductive heat flow and convective heat flow.
Radiant barriers and reflective insulation systems work by reducing radiant heat gain. To be effective, the
reflective surface must face an air space.
Regardless of the mechanism, heat flows from warmer to cooler until there is no longer a
temperature difference. In a home, this means that in winter, heat flows directly from all heated living
spaces to adjacent unheated attics, garages, basements, and even to the outdoors. Heat flow can also
move indirectly through interior ceilings, walls, and floors - wherever there is a difference in temperature.
During the cooling season, heat flows from the outdoors to the interior of a house.
In an indirect gain system, thermal mass is located between the sun and the living space. The thermal
mass absorbs the sunlight that strikes it and transfers it to the living space by conduction. The indirect gain
system will utilize 30 45% of the suns energy striking the glass adjoining the thermal mass. The thermal
mass is located immediately behind south facing glass in this system. Operable vents at the top and bottom
of a thermal storage wall permit heat to convection from between the wall and the glass into the living
space. When the vents are closed at night radiant heat from the wall heats the living space (Fig.49).
In rooms with good access to winter sun it is useful to connect the thermal mass to the earth (Fig.45).
The most common example is slab-on-ground construction. Less common examples are brick or earthen
floors, earth-covered housing or green roofs. A slab-on-ground is preferable to a suspended slab in most
climates because it has greater thermal mass due to direct contact with the ground. This is known as earth
coupling. Deeper, more stable ground temperatures rise beneath the house because its insulating
properties prevent heat loss.
It is recommended to the exterior of the mass wall (toward the sun) to be a dark colour.
It is better to use a minimum space of 10 cm between the thermal mass wall and the glass.
Vents used in a thermal mass wall must be closed at night.
Thermal wall thickness should be approximately 25-35 cm for brick, 20-45 cm for concrete, 20-30
cm for adobe or other earth material.
Direct-gain windows should be oriented due south, although the orientation may be varied by as
much as 30 degrees east or west of south without losing much efficiency.
Thermal mass floors that receive solar radiation should not be carpeted.
In direct gain storage thin mass is more effective than thick mass.
Locating thermal mass in interior partitions is more effective than exterior partitions. The most
effective internal storage wall masses are those located between two direct gain spaces
The most common isolated-gain passive solar home design is a sunspace that can be closed off from
the house with doors, windows, and other operable openings. Also known as a sunroom, solar room, or
solarium, a sunspace can be included in a new home design or added to an existing home. Sunspaces
should not be confused with greenhouses, which are designed to grow plants. Sunspaces serve three main
functions - they provide auxiliary heat, a sunny space to grow plants, and a pleasant living area. The design
considerations for these three functions are very different, and accommodating all three functions requires
A popular passive solar direct gain heating strategy is the sunspace. The sunspace can be very
important in any strategy to retro-fit an existing house with a new sustainable energy source.
Fig. 50 First generation sunspaces (a) usually protruded from the house.
New sunspaces (b) are often two story designs set into a house's south wall
Fig. 51 One-story (attached) sunspaces: winter, thermo siphoning sunspace isolated from the
house (Section A); Winter, sunspace helps the lower story via open doors (Section B);
Summer, sunspace helps cool the lower story by pulling in air from the north windows (Section C)
A good instance for sunspace can be the garden cabin in London, England (Liddicoat & Goldhill
2012).One of zigzagging facades that angles south towards the sun creates one large south-facing window
which maximises natural daylight and passive solar heating to the interior. The garden room is used as a
space for both work and entertaining. Also, if we look on the faade of the sunroom, commonly it is whole
covered with glass which gives opportunities for good view and lots of possibilities to design you faade in
the unique way, using different types of frames and shading.
A thermal wall on the back of the sunroom against the living space will function like the indirect gain
thermal mass wall.
A well-designed overhang may be all that's necessary to keep the sun out when it's not needed.
To minimize night time losses and maximize comfort, you may want to include movable window insulation
in your design and investigate some of the new high tech glazing.
Passive solar energy is nothing new - if you have ever sat in a car during a sunny day you will have
noticed how hot it can sometimes get. About 15% of space heating in an ordinary house comes from solar
energy through walls and windows. Passive solar design tries to optimise the amount of energy that can be
derived directly from the sun, by careful planning of buildings to collect the suns heat, thus reducing the
need for heating. Similarly careful consideration of building materials and fabric can help to further reduce
the need for space heating, ventilation and artificial lighting.
The best part about Passive Solar applications is that they have no moving parts. They can
perform effortlessly and quietly without mechanical or electrical assistance. Most design consideration can
be made and implemented using standard building materials and basic construction skills. Reductions can
be made to heating bills by as much as 40% annually, and also improve the comfort of living spaces. Simple
techniques can make a huge difference in the comfort and energy consumption through the years.
Fig. 54 Picture showing the percentage of air that some constructions leak (Major Sources of Air
Leaks (Data source: U.S. Department of Energy)
Air infiltration is the exchange of air through cracks and gaps in the outside shell of a building.
Infiltration increases heating and cooling costs and reduces the comfort for the people living. Loose fitting
windows and doors, cracks between the house and the foundation, and gaps around plumbing and
electrical penetrations are typical sources of leaks. (The Municipal Art Society of New York 2012)
Mostly air leaks through floors, walls and ceiling, as some gaps might have been missed during the
construction; some electric outlets leak air through. Fireplaces are also a common place for the air to leak
through since it has a direct access to outside air. Gaps between windows, as well as between doors might
provide air infiltration (Fig 54).
Reducing air infiltration is often the first action item of a weatherization plan after the energy audit
has been completed. Caulking cracks (Fig 54), sealing an unused fireplace, and adding weather-stripping are
simple, low-cost improvements that can reduce air infiltration. Caulking should be done with care to ensure
that the function of a building element is not impaired. For example, caulking may be added to close a gap
between window frames and the outside wall if needed, but not between window sash and the jamb which
would prevent the window from opening (Fig 56). Instead, weather-stripping can be added to exclude air
and allow the sash to operate. (Technical Preservation Services 2014)
Fig. 57 Cold air flow seen in blue from the badly fitted doors
Badly fitting windows and doors (Fig 57) are a big contributor to large heating and cooling bills.
Solutions are relatively easy and cheap to install. Products including brush seals, foams, sealants, strips and
shaped rubber and plastics are cost effective ways of dealing with the problem. (Energy Efficiency Solutions
All air movement may not be eliminated after infiltration in these areas has been addressed.
However, air movement is not necessarily a sign of energy inefficiency, but can be a factor in occupant
comfort. It can cause occupants to feel uncomfortable and to assume that energy is being lost. In warmer
climates, air movement can make occupants feel cooler, and in cooler climates it can make them feel chilly.
If uncomfortable drafts continue after air infiltration has been addressed, consider other options for
making interior comfortable with hanging drapery or rearranging furniture placement to avoid the air
movement. (Energy Efficiency Solutions 2011)
The consequences of air infiltration are interior performance, excessive energy consumption, an
inability to provide adequate heating (or cooling) and drastically impaired performance from heat recovery
devices. (Energy Efficiency Solutions 2011)
Conclusion: air leakage cannot be eliminated completely, but can be reduced if one has taken a look
at window and door gaps, fireplaces or ducts and taken some actions like caulking all those cracks,
weather-stripping, sealing unused fireplaces.
Conventional wisdom seems to tell us that the best place to position a radiator is directly under the
window. This will allow the cool air from the window opening to heat before it passes into the room. The
cold air would be heading down and the warm air from the radiator would be heading upwards to meet it.
This was certainly a good idea when all windows were single glazed to avoid draught. Now that most
buildings have double glazing, the heat loss through windows is much less and the draughts coming in have
all but disappeared. (Diyfixit 2014)
Fig. 58 Even when the windows have double glazing, radiators are being installed under them, which is
not the best place because the drafts are no longer that much of an issue
Another reason why radiators might be placed under a window is that they are much less likely to
interfere with furniture placement. Most people do not put their couch under the window due to the
draughts and so the radiator would always be in a clear position. (Diyfixit 2014)
Fig. 59 The worst possible place for a radiator. When a radiator is warming the air, air is going upwards,
then goes towards a window, condensate is formed, the person is losing his body heat, heat is lost
through the windows, and cold air is flowing through ankles
It is thought that having a radiator on the wall opposite the window is one of the worst
places to have it. The cold air will sink to the floor before being dragged across the room to be heated by
the radiator and sent upwards. This circulating air can cause cool spots in the room (down the window,
across the floor around your ankles, up the radiator and across the ceiling).
Radiators on internal walls will lose less heat than those placed on an external wall. The wall
itself will be warmer and the heat absorbed into the wall will be released into the building rather than to
the outside. The stored heat will also stay longer and stay warmer. One disadvantage to this is that
furniture against the external wall can cause damp issues. Having a radiator on an external wall will prevent
the wall from becoming cold or being affected by condensation. (Diyfixit 2014)
Fig. 60 Underfloor heating pipes, before they are covered by the screed
Fig. 61 Thermographic images of a room heated with low temperature radiant heating shortly after
starting up the system
Under floor heating offers an effective, efficient heating medium thats out of sight and makes no
demands on wall space. It works by effectively turning the entire floor area into a radiator, via warm-water
pipes or electric mats concealed within the floor structure. The resulting gentle heat (due to the floors
large surface area, it only needs to be a couple of degrees warmer than room temperature) rises steadily
upwards, and there are no cold spots or draughts, making for a very comfortable environment. To add to
that, under floor heating is the perfect partner to a heat pump, which is effective at producing the low
temperature required. (Home Building 2014)
Conclusions: one should not be fooled by conventional thinking that radiators should be put under the
window. Put them on internal walls, or even better under the floor air circulation will be pleasant and
drafts will be avoided.
The role of glass in a buildings thermal efficiency and comfort is huge. Window size has a major
impact of the energy efficiency of a building. Large expanses of standard, clear-glazed windows can make a
house uncomfortably hot in summer and hard to keep warm on cloudy winter days and nights. The most
appropriate size of windows for smart energy design can be guided by building orientation and amount of
thermal mass in the internal building materials. (Build 2014)
Fig. 62 Showing that summer sun is easily shaded and when needed winter sun is admitted
Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb heat energy. A lot of heat energy is required to
change the temperature of high density materials like concrete, bricks and tiles. They are therefore said to
have high thermal mass. Lightweight materials such as timber have low thermal mass. Appropriate use of
thermal mass throughout a building can make a big difference to comfort and heating and cooling bills.
Larger areas of glass are better suited to homes with higher levels of thermal mass and larger north-facing
windows. A home with less thermal mass, such as timber flooring, should aim to minimise large areas of
ordinary glass. As a general rule, keep the total glass area of a house (using ordinary windows) between 2030% of the total floor area. (Reardon, Thermal mass 2013)
Table 1 Ideal window size based on floor area for standard clear glazing
Floor material/sun
Window size as a % of
total floor area
Concrete slab
Up to 25%
Up to 10%
Up to 20%
Less than 8%
Less than 5%
Less than 5%
Less than 3%
The WWR is a ratio of window (glazing) area to wall area. This relationship can also be expressed as a
window to wall percent (or glazing percent). Too high a WWR can result in too much light in the building,
creating glare on computer screens and fading upholstery, artwork, printed materials and carpets. It can
also contribute to the building being too cold in the winter from the heat lost through windows, and too
hot in the summer from all the sunlight and heat coming in.Based on many published strategies for
daylighting a building, we found that a whole building WWR = 0.20 to 0.30 ratio of window area to wall
area is preferred. An overall WWR < 0.20 does not provide enough daylight, WWR > 0.30 allows too much
heat loss in winter and too much heat gain in summer. Our overall WWR comes out to about 0.24, falling
into the preferred range to achieve both thermal and daylighting performance.
A common rule of thumb states that the window to wall ratio should be 40% or lower for adequate
insulation in cold climates, though more advanced windows with higher R-values (lower U-values) allow
higher ratios. In warm climates, higher ratios can be acceptable even without well-insulated windows, as
long as the windows are well shaded from the sun's heat.
WWR per exposure
South side: In cold climates, it's recommended that you maximize the WWR on the south side to
allow sufficient daylight in with the maximum heat gain in the winter. There is less heat gain from south
windows in the summer than there is from east and west windows because of the sun's angle. Our south
side is shaded by the building next door, which will further reduce the amount of light and heat entering
our building from that side.
North side: It's recommended that you minimize the WWR on the north side because of high winter
heat loss through windows on that side. Our north side faces another building, which will further reduce
the amount of reflected light coming from that side. The amount of reflected light also depends on the
surfaces the light is reflected from and how far the surfaces are from the window. The building adjacent to
our north side is very close and has a low reflectance value material (red brick). For these reasons, we
chose to reduce the WWR on this side of the building to around 0.16, which will still allow some daylighting
from the windows without causing too much heat loss through them.
East and West sides: Because of the angle of the sun, the east and west windows can interfere with
the activities inside by introducing too much direct light into a space, which can cause glare in addition to
contributing to heat gain issues in the summer. Our east side is shaded by the building next door, so this
will not be a problem most times of the year. Our west side faces Second Ave. and is considered the front
of our building. Because we are in an historic district, this facade needs to be restored to its original
configuration, which was much more glass than the other walls. The WWR for this elevation is around 0.40,
10% higher than the recommended overall WWR, and 20% higher than what's recommended for this
elevation in this climate. We have compensated for this by choosing a low solar heat gain coefficient and
perhaps adding some internal shades to control the glare and heat gain associated with this high WWR.
(Green Garage Detroit 2014)
Conclusion: Window-to-wall and window-to-floor ratios are calculated so better thermal
efficiency can be achieved keep WFR to 20-30%and WWR to 40% or lower.
Most people do not realise that simply planting a tree in a right place can result in energy
savings. The right tree in the right place provides wind protection, shade, and cool air, while adding beauty,
privacy, and wildlife habitat to the landscape.
Deciduous trees (that lose all of their leaves each fall) save energy in summer by shading
houses, paved areas, and air conditioners. Small deciduous trees and shrubs, and especially those with low,
dense branches, also can serve as effective wind barriers. Large and small evergreen trees and shrubs save
energy by slowing cold winds in the winter. They also provide shade, but since they often have branches
near the ground, their shade is most effective when the sun is not directly overhead. Both deciduous and
evergreen trees save energy in summer by directly cooling the air. This cooling happens as water
evaporates from the leaf surfaces, much as our skin is cooled when we perspire. (Kuhns 2014)
Using vegetation as shade for buildings
Fig. 64 (left) Strategic placement of deciduous plants will help when keeping a person cool in summer
and warm in winter as trees lose their leaves
(right)A house is surrounded by trees that help managing winds and sunlight
Shade from trees reduces the demand of air conditioning (Fig 64; 65). Planting deciduous
trees will create shade for east-facing walls and windows from 7 to 11 a.m. and west-facing surfaces from 3
to 7 p.m. during June, July and August. Trees with mature heights of at least 7 metres should be planted 3
6 metres east and west of the house. (Kuhns 2014)
Planting smaller deciduous or evergreen trees with lower limbs northwest and northeast of
the building will provide late afternoon and early morning shade. Trees planted to the southeast, south or
southwest of a building for summer shade can provide significant cooling and energy savings if properly
chosen and located. Such trees must be close enough for some branches to extend out over the roof. Trees
must be chosen that will develop single trunks with fairly high, wide crowns and strong branches, such as
many oaks, hackberry and Norway maple. Trees with low dense crowns, such as flowering pears,
Fig. 65 In this anykiai site masses of vegetation can be used as shade from intense sun in the afternoon.
Blue color indicates space which is mostly lit. Yellow shade from the morning sun, orange for afternoon
and red is for evening.
Fig. 66 Example in Russia of using linear planting or shrubs as shelter from wind
crab-apples, some lindens, and many others, will cast significant shade even in the winter
after their leaves have dropped. To avoid winter shading, locate such trees no closer than 2 times their
mature height to the south of a building. Such trees planted to the southeast or southwest should be about
four times their mature height from the building. Trees should also be planted to shade paved areas. Light
energy striking dark pavement like asphalt is absorbed, causing the air above to be heated. Light coloured
pavement absorbs less energy, but can reflect it toward a building. Tree leaves reduce heat and reflection
as they absorb light energy and use it to evaporate water. (Kuhns 2014)
Fig. 68 Scheme for positioning evergreen windbreaks and shades for a house
Planting precautions:
Its important to learn mature size and crown characteristics of any tree that is being planted. Plants are
growing, so they might be too big one day.
Trees should be planted far enough from sidewalks, driveways, and buildings so the crown can grow. Trees
that can readily be pruned as they grow, like most deciduous trees, can be planted closer and allowed to
overhang low obstructions.
Power line location should be taken into consideration. Trees that grow into power lines cause electrical
Wildfire hazard. In areas where grass, brush, or forest fires are likely, planting trees and shrubs near a
building may not be the best idea. Local fire department should be your consultant. (Forestry 2014)
Conclusion: planting the right tree in a right place can reduce your energy savings planting a deciduous
tree next to a window will help managing heat in the summer but will let the sun get through branches in
winter. Evergreen trees and shrubs will break wind and make the atmosphere cosy and not so cold.
Fig. 69 For beamed or in-hill Positioning of the rooms rooms like living room, kitchen and bedrooms
require sunlight, differently from bathrooms or storage
A common plan is to place all the living spaces on the side of the house facing the equator.
This provides maximum solar radiation to bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchen spaces. Rooms that do not
require natural daylight and extensive heating such as the bathroom, storage and utility room are typically
located on the opposite (or in hill) side of the shelter. (Fig 69)This type of layout can also be transposed to a
double level house design with both levels completely underground. This plan has the highest energy
efficiency of earth sheltered homes because of the compact configuration as well as the structure being
submerged deeper in the earth. This provides it with a greater ratio of earth cover to exposed wall than a
one story shelter would. (Anselm 2012)
Fig. 70 in this site in Anykiai wind is coming from the river and the row of trees are
immediately blocking it. As we go more to south, there is another tree mass that softens the wind,
leaving the space quiet and calm.
With an atrium earth shelter the living spaces are concentrated around the atrium. The
atrium arrangement provides a much less compact plan than that of the one or two story beamed/in-hill
design; therefore it is commonly less energy efficient, in terms of heating needs. This is one of the reasons
why atrium designs are classically applied to warmer climates. However, the atrium does tend to trap air
within it which is then heated by the sun and helps reduce heat loss. (Anselm 2012)
Air infiltration
Adequate ventilation must be carefully planned when building an earth-sheltered
dwelling.(Fig 70). Generally, well-planned, natural ventilation or ventilation by exhaust fans can dissipate
ordinary odours. Any combustion appliances that are installed should be "sealed combustion units," which
have their own, direct source of outside air for combustion, and the combustion gases are directly vented
to the outside. In addition, indoor pollutants emitted by formaldehyde foam insulation, plywood, and some
fabrics can accumulate and become an irritant if ventilation is not properly planned. See our section on
ventilation for more information. ( 2014)
Fig. 71 Passive annual heat storage: showing how heat flow is coming through the earth and how to
control humidity in the construction with various materials
Building underground provides energy savings by reducing the early heating and cooling
loads in comparison with known conventional structures. Not only is the temperature difference between
the exterior and interior reduced, but mostly because the building is also protected from the direct solar
radiation. (Anselm 2012)
Potential of energy savings is based on several unique physical characteristics. The first of these
characteristics is in the reduction of heat loss due to conduction through the building envelope because of
the high density in the earth. In an earth sheltered building even at very shallow depths and given normal
environmental conditions, the ground temperatures seldom reaches the outdoor air temperatures in the
heat of a normal summer day. This condition allows the conducting of less heat into the house due to the
reduced temperature differential. (Anselm 2012)
In the case of colder climates, it was noticed that during winters the rate of heat loss in bermed
(earth supported) structure was less in comparison to that in on-grade structures. This indicates through
results that the floor surface temperature increased by 3O C for a 2 metre deep bermed structure due to
lower heat transfer from the building components to the ground, thus suggesting the presence of passive
heat supply from the ground even at the extreme cold temperatures of winter. (Anselm 2012)
What is more, air infiltration is reduced. Within the dwelling which is mainly surrounded by earth
walls with very little surface area, there is not much exposure to the outside air.
Waterproofing can be a challenge in earth-sheltered construction. Keep in mind these three ways
reducing the risk of water damage in your house: choose the site carefully, plan the drainage both at and
below the surface of the house, and waterproof your house. ( 2014)
There are several waterproofing systems currently in use, including rubberized asphalt, plastic and
vulcanized sheets, liquid polyurethanes, and bentonite. Each has its advantages and the one you choose
will depend on your site and house plan. ( 2014)
Rubberized asphalt combines a small amount of synthetic rubber with asphalt and is coated with a
polyethylene layer to form sheets. It can be applied directly to walls and roofs and has a long life
expectancy. Plastic and vulcanized sheets are among the most common types of underground
waterproofing. Plastic sheets include high-density polyethylene, chlorinated polyethylene, polyvinyl
chloride, and chlorosulfonated polyethylene. Suitable vulcanized membranes or synthetic rubbers include
isobutylene isoprene, ethylene propylene diene monomer, polychloroprene (neoprene), and
polyisobutylene. For all these materials, the seams must be sealed properly, or the membranes will leak.
Liquid polyurethanes are often used in places where it is awkward to apply a membrane. Polyurethanes are
sometimes used as a coating over insulation on underground structures; however, weather conditions must
be dry and relatively warm during their application. Bentonite is natural clay formed into panels or applied
as a liquid spray. The panels are simply nailed to walls; the spray is mixed with a binding agent and applied
to underground walls. When the bentonite comes in contact with moisture, it expands and seals out the
moisture. ( 2014)
Humidity levels may increase in earth-sheltered houses during the summer, which can cause
condensation on the interior walls. Installing insulation on the outside of the walls will prevent the walls
from cooling down to earth temperature; however, it also reduces the summer cooling effect of the walls,
which may be viewed as an advantage in hot temperatures. Mechanical air conditioning or a dehumidifier is
often necessary to solve the humidity issue. Proper ventilation of closets and other closed spaces should
keep the humidity from becoming a problem in those areas. ( 2014)
Conclusion: having an earth-sheltered building construction reduces air infiltration, as most of
the exterior is surrounded by earth, humidity might be the issue, but when selected sustainable materials
such as bentonite, can be solved.
Humidity issues in conventional buildings that are above the ground are different than in
beamed or in-hill constructions. In the second part, condensation and humidity levels will be discussed.
Rainwater intrusion. Moisture present in building materials and on the site during construction can
be a source of problems. Significant amounts of moisture can also result from water leaks within
building systems or through the building envelope. In hot, humid and temperate climates,
rainwater leaks are a major source of building moisture and fungal growth problems.
Infiltration of outside moisture-laden air. Infiltrated humid air, whether introduced by wind or
through the HVAC system, can cause condensation on interior surfaces, including inside building
cavities. Condensation and high relative humidity levels are important factors in creating an
environment conducive to mould growth and are the primary problems in hot, humid climates. The
issue of infiltration caused by negative pressure of the building created by HVAC systems is detailed
in HVAC Design and Construction in Humid Climates.
Internally generated moisture. After construction, occupant activities and routine housekeeping
procedures can generate additional moisture, contributing to the mould problem. Normally, if no
other significant sources exist, well-designed and properly operating HVAC systems can adequately
remove this moisture.
Vapour diffusion through the building envelope. Differential vapour pressure, which can cause
water vapour to diffuse through the building envelope, is a less significant cause of moisture
problems in buildings in hit humid climates. However, it can be a significant moisture movement
mechanism, particularly in cold climates, and especially as it relates to wall system vapour retarder
construction. (Etter 2014)
Condensation can cause serious damage to the interior and structural elements of a building.
If condensation occurs frequently enough and for prolonged period of time, materials in contact with the
moisture may be damaged. (Homeowner Protection Office 2014)
Drywall and wood finishes around windows are two examples of materials in a building that
can readily absorb moisture and become damaged if they remain wet for a sustained period of time. If left,
unchecked, condensation problems can cause:
Crumbling or soft spots in drywall
Decay in wood framing or corrosion of steel framing
Controlling humidity
Fig. 76 Cross ventilation is helpful when reducing overall humidity in the room
Fig. 78 Higher temperatures usually mean less humidity installing an insulation in wall heightens the
temperature and makes humidity lower
To prevent moisture from the space under a floor getting into the building and increasing the
levels of internal moisture:
Ensure there is good ventilation under suspended timber floors clear openings of 3500 mm2 per square
metre of floor area must be provided
Cover the ground with a vapour barrier such as polyethylene sheet where there is high ground water
content under the building or where sufficient under floor ventilation cannot be provided. (Even with a
vapour barrier, minimum subfloor ventilation openings of 700 mm2 per square metre of floor area must still
be provided.) (Level 2014)
The most effective passive ventilation to remove internal moisture is simply to open
windows. These should preferably be on opposite sides of the building to maintain a good cross air flow.
Vents in window frames allow air movement while maintaining security when the house is
closed up. The recommended minimum vent area is 4000 mm2 of air opening per room space for an
average size room. This can be achieved by a 600 mm long vent in a window frame. (Level 2014)
Conclusion: humidity entry can be prevented by having a good roof construction, range hood
being installed in the kitchen, proper insulation in the walls and routinely ventilating the rooms.
Fig. 80 Too little humidity induces chronic physical symptoms like sore throat, dry skin, sinus irritation,
can contribute to static build-up leading to painful static shocks. Moreover, it makes you feel colder
regardless the temperature and can cause wood furniture, woodwork and plaster to crack or split.
Though too much humidity can make you feel clammy, sweaty or sticky, cause warping in wood, peeling
of paints and wallpaper, and mildwe in paper-based materials. It also increases allergens like dust mites,
moulds and fungi, which thrive at higher humidity levels.
The recommended relative humidity level varies between winter and summer, and by
location. As a rough rule of thumb, interior air temperatures should generally be maintained between
18OC and 24OC with relative humidity falling between 35% and 60% for the coastal temperature climate
regions. During the winter months in colder and drier regions of the province, interior humidity levels
should be limited to between 25% and 40%. A maximum indoor relative humidity of 55% RH may be
acceptable, 50% RH is better, 45% RH is best. Humidity cannot be eliminated from the air altogether. It is
needed to maintain a comfortable and healthy interior environment. Without humidity we would suffer
from chapped lips and dry skin, breathing problems, static electricity and etc.
Conclusion: it is important to know that humidity and temperature are huge factors in human
comfort a human feels most comfortable between 18 to 24 degrees Celsius,, humidity should be about
TecTem materials
Recently Knauf created a system TecTem that is perfectly suited to insulate from inside all
sorts of rooms and accommodation, no matter what exterior walls are made from if theyre masonry or
light or heavy concrete, or mixed with clay. Their thermal conductivity is =0.045 W/mK. This system is not
only good for its warmth properties, but it also keeps a positive microclimate and secures comfortable and
healthy atmosphere it regulates the climate in the room and maintains proper humidity. (Karka 2014)
TecTem Insulation Board Indoor are made from natural perlite and mineral bonders. They
are capillary-active, thus absorbing condensation that has occurred because of the dew point on the
exterior construction internal side and later gradually carrying it to both exterior walls (absorbing) and
interior (evaporating it to inside room). It is scientifically proven that insulating a building this way exterior
wall surface temperature exceeds the critical point, consequently theres no reason for condensation to
form, which guarantees no mildew. (Karka 2014)
TecTem is made from natural ecological materials. They are resistant to mould and fire it
belongs to A1 class materials that are inflammable. (Karka 2014)
Conclusion: if Germans rely on this, why others would not TecTem is a great material to
maintain human comfort in a room, with its capillary-active characteristics.
Air leakage cannot be eliminated completely, but can be reduced if one has taken a look at
window and door gaps, fireplaces or ducts and taken some actions like caulking all those cracks, weatherstripping, sealing unused fireplaces. What is more, one should not be fooled by conventional thinking that
radiators should be put under the window. Put them on internal walls, or even better under the floor air
circulation will be pleasant and drafts will be avoided. Ratios like window-to-wall and window-to-floor are
calculated so better thermal efficiency can be achieved keep WFR to 20-30% and WWR to 40% or lower.
Considering the natures role in designing, planting the right tree in a right place can reduce ones energy
savings planting a deciduous tree next to a window will help managing heat in the summer but will let the
sun get through branches in winter. Evergreen trees and shrubs will break wind and make the atmosphere
cozy and not so cold. Other solution is considering having an earth-sheltered building. The construction itself
reduces air infiltration, as most of the exterior is surrounded by earth, humidity might be the issue, but when
selected sustainable materials such as betonies, can be solved. In conventional buildings, humidity entry can
be prevented by having a good roof construction, range hood being installed in the kitchen, proper
insulation in the walls and routinely ventilating the rooms. But it is important to know that humidity and
temperature are huge factors in human comfort a human feels most comfortable between 18 to 24
degrees Celsius,, humidity should be about 45%. What is more, TecTem is a great material to maintain
human comfort in a room, with its capillary-active characteristics. When having in mind all these
bioclimatic design principles one can feel like truly living with architecture that is sustainable without all
unnecessary expensive gadgets, but using physics and nature aid instead.
Reducing heat transfer is one way of improving energy efficiency. Sometimes we want to keep
things cool. In summer we use air conditioners to keep our homes and offices cool and comfortable.
Electrical energy is saved if heat entering our rooms are minimized by good insulation. The amount of heat
loss in your home can help the environment, and it can save you a lot of money. Some heat loss reduction
methods may require an investment, but it will be worth it when the electric bill comes (Energy efficiency
by reducing heat transfer 2012)
External surfaces
External Wall Insulation is a modern and advanced method that is estimated to save buildings losing
45% of their heat, mostly those that are constructed from brick, solid masonry, and concrete. With
different systems of building materials which were mentioned before heat loss can change properties of
carbon emissions and save energy costs, prolonging the life of existing properties, all of which is essential
for our health and financial issues in our current environmental and economic climate. (External Wall
Insulation , 2011)
Timber-framed construction is the preferred type for houses in Scandinavia and North America. They
often differ little in outward appearance from traditional walls, owing to the brick outer leaf that is often
Many dwellings built before 1976 had very low standards of insulation, which may now be in poor
condition. Insulation can be added quite easily, but the process can be very disruptive to householders,
and is best carried out during major refurbishment. However, timber-framed houses built after 1976 are
fairly energy-efficient because of the technological advancement and the better quality of materials.
(Reducing Heat Lost Through Walls, n.d.)
Thermal conductivity of prefabricated timber frame wall (typical density 460480 kg/m2) = 0.12
Solid Walls
Mostly constructed of brick, solid walls can also be built of stone or concrete. Solid walls are mostly
less than 25 cm thick, although sometimes in older properties they are over 33 cm thick.
Heat loss through these walls is generally high, but they can be insulated internally or externally. To
insulate solid walls internally, insulation boards to the walls can be fit. This is otherwise known as dry lining.
It involves fixing insulation material to the inner side of a solid external wall, and then covering it with
plasterboards or cladding. To insulate solid walls externally, a layer of insulation material needs to be fixed
to the walls with adhesive, then covered with cement or cladding. Both will change the appearance of your
house externally, so this is less appealing than insulating internally for many home owners. (How can I
insulate my house if I don't have cavity walls n.d.) The thicker the board the more effective it will be in
insulating the house, but if the walls are too thick, it can be impractical as it reduces the amount of floor
space in a room. Most boards are around 100mm.
Applying insulation to solid walls is usually only considered cost-effective as part of major works to
repair existing walls, such as repairs to plaster or to the exterior. Your builder can advise you about
insulation, if you decide to repair your solid walls. (Reducing Heat Lost Through Walls, 2010)
Log Walls
In many countries (such as Baltic or northern countries), simple log walls do not fulfil todays energy
efficiency demands without an additional insulation layer. To add this layer, put up a timber frame with
insulation on either the inner or outer side of the log structure. Design the studding so that log wall can
settle normally. Thermal conductivity of a log wall 120 mm = 0.12 W/mK (Log Walls, 2010)
Building insulation materials are thermal insulation materials used in the construction to reduce heat
transfer by conduction, radiation or convection and are employed in varying combinations to achieve the
desired outcome (usually thermal comfort with reduced energy consumption).
Greenloft is an Ofgem approved, flexible, low density, high performance thermal insulator designed
primarily for loft insulation. It is made almost entirely from waste plastic bottles, providing a high
performance eco-friendly alternative to more traditional mineral wool insulation. 200mm of Greenloft
reduces heat loss by up to 90% through the ceiling compared to an insulated loft. Greenloft performs
extremely well both thermally and acoustically and, unlike mineral wool insulation, it is non-irritant and
there are no floating fibres that could potentially be inhaled. Environmentally, Greenloft not only helps to
save energy in use it also helps to reduce energy consumption in its manufacture because it is made from
recycled materials. (Thermal Insulation, 2010.)
SteicoCanaflex hemp fibre insulation material is an excellent building heat insulator. Flexibility of the
material allows it to be conformed to surface while at the same time providing durability and longevity
without losing quality. By choosing SteicoCanaflex as insulation material, you will obtain great result,
excellent quality and reliable service for years to come. Natural hemp fibre will provide breathability of
insulated surface as well as moisture regulation thus providing healthy and pleasant micro-climate indoors.
Effect after material deposition: heat insulation, acoustic insulation, moisture regulation indoors,
healthy micro-climate and cosiness. (STEICO Focus on Healthy Fabric,2007)
Building geometry
Building geometry is an important factor to consider from a design standpoint. It influences heat loss,
heat gains, infiltration, and solar gains which influence the heating and cooling load. Typically, the more
wall (including windows) area available, the higher the heating and cooling loads. (Compact Building Form
Cuts Heat Loss, 2009)
The key difference between the designs is the surface area of the building's thermal envelope. The
compact two-story design has 185 sq. m. of surface area-30 percent less than the complex, one-story
design and 26 percent less than the ranch. More surface area means more heat loss. The complex design
requires up to 24 percent more energy for space heating. As these examples show, building form has a
major impact on heat loss. That doesn't mean every house should be a two-story rectangle. But it does
suggest that simplicity can save energy (as well as construction costs). One good tool for making design
decisions is a computer program that estimates energy use. Several good energy analysis programs are
available. (Compact Building Form Cuts Heat Loss, 2007)
Optimal insulation
Heat has a tendency to rise, it also has a tendency to flow to the coldest point until the temperature
becomes even. To stop this flow we use things such as walls, ceilings and floors, however the materials that
they are made of are not necessarily the best insulators so we add insulation to them. We are trying to stop
or at the very least reduce thermal transmission. This is the flow of heat or cold.
Wind blowing against an end wall creates drafts If the air can enter the upwind end and travel the
length of the building without obstruction. These drafts can be controlled by corner
extensions, partitions and swirl chambers. (Natural Ventilation for Livestock Housing, 2009.)
Fig. 93 Shutters
Fig. 94 House in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura, Portugal
The difference between double glazing and single glazing over the total cost of glazing to a home is
not a great deal and you will be surprised by the amount of money it saves you and the quality of life in
your home that it brings.
Modern double glazing is now often filled with an inert gas in the sealed area between the panes of
glass. This helps with the insulation properties of both heat transfer and to an extent, sound. It reduces
solar gain in the summer as well as heat loss in the winter. (House Insulation, 2011.)
Another method of double glazing is to actually double window. This was a very common method in
the buildings in Europe. The double windows do the same job as the double glazing but in the summer the
second set of internal windows are kept open. The other advantage of double windows to a building is that
they are very good sound insulators if the gap between them is 4 to 6 inches or more. As an interior
designer another way of achieving this system is to use bi folding shutters to the insides of the windows.
This is particularly suited to older and rustic homes. (Architects)
Window shades to the exterior of the building will help with reducing solar gain to the building
through the glazing and reduce the use of air conditioning in those hotter parts of the world. (House
Not only can the heating requirement be lowered by increasing thermal inertia in buildings, but also
the need for cooling. This can become more and more important with an increasing interest in low energy
buildings and the potential problem with overheating in the summer. One method making use of heavy
constructions already used today in many offices and larger buildings, mainly to reduce the cooling load, is
by using hollow core concrete slabs as ceilings/floors in buildings (Fig.97). In summer the slabs are cooled
during the night using cold outside air and during daytime the ventilation air passes through the hollows
thus being cooled down before entering the room. At the same time excess heat from people and
equipment can be absorbed into the slabs. In the winter excess heat during the day is stored in the slabs to
be released during the night, lowering the need for space heating after office hours. (Gawin) (The effect of
wall thermal capacity and thermal resistance in the energy efficiency of small office, 2010)
Historically, many ancient civilizations erected buildings that happened to have high thermal inertia.
In places with high daily amplitude of air temperature and intense solar radiation, buildings made of heavy
elements with high thermal capacity showed improved interior thermal environment conditions. Due to
environmental concerns, recent studies have taken up this concept, indicating its potential in improve
thermal comfort while reducing energy consumption in HVAC in small buildings exposed to various
different weather conditions. Other studies have also revealed the main factors affecting building thermal
inertia. One that stands out is the position of thermal insulation in the building envelope, which provides
different thermal responses of buildings for the same value of thermal resistance. (G. S. Barozzi)
The left thermal image shows the walls of this building before insulating. After insulation was added,
the cooler and, thus darker exterior walls evidence how much the heat loss has been reduced.
PCM provide thermal mass, but on a much smaller scale. PCMs work by melting and solidifying at a
specific temperature heat is absorbed at the solid state, and when the material reaches a predetermined
temperature, it changes to a liquid and releases the stored energy (heat). When the temperature falls
below a predetermined degree, PCM re-solidifies and the process repeats. The most common PCMs come
in the form of paraffin, fatty acids and salt hydrates, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
Most PCMs must be encapsulated to be stored and prevent evaporation and absorption. (Green Living ,
There are several sectors in building industry that are looking to incorporate PCMs into their
materials and products some examples of this include drywall, windows, concrete and insulation. For
example, when PCMs are embedded into drywall, an entire building is capable of storing energy, rather
than just its exterior walls (where masonry is typically used). All walls that are sheathed with PCM
embedded drywall are able to absorb and release heat around-the-clock to maintain a predetermined and
desired temperature. By using drywall embedded with PCMs as thermal mass, instead of masonry or
concrete, the building gains square footage that typically would've been lost to thick walls, and needs less
structural support, which can get very expensive. (Green Living ,2012)
BioPCM: BioPCM can be integrated into new construction or retrofitted into existing. It is a
rolled mat that contains PCM; the mat is installed between insulation and drywall layers and can be
located in walls and ceiling.
GlassX: GlassX is an insulated glazing unit that can be used as full glass walls and windows.
The unit has an outer pane of glass that reflects high-angle sun and allows low-angle sunlight to
pass. Sunlight that is transmitted through this outer pane of glass passes through inner
polycarbonate channels that are embedded with salt-hydrate PCMs. These PCMs store the heat
from the sunlight, and release the heat to the interior of the building as the temperature cools.
The heat loss can be reduced in several ways. External Wall Insulation is a modern and advanced
method that is estimated to save buildings losing. The insulation in the walls depends on the materials used
for building. Building geometry is an important factor to consider from a design standpoint. Simplicity can
save money, the more compact is the building the less heat he gives away. Insulation in walls, ceilings and
floors helps to equalize cold and hot temperature. Heating requirement can be lowered by increasing
thermal inertia in buildings and also the need for cooling. For that there are phase changing materials which
collect and store heat throughout the day, and then slowly release it as the temperature drops by changing
its material.
Physiology in general is branch of biology that studies the functions and activities of living organisms
and their parts, including all physical and chemical processes. When talking about physiological cooling, we
are considering the physiology of humans specifically and how the human body temperature can be
regulated with the help of different methods. The ultimate goal of physiological cooling is to achieve
human thermal comfort and there are many factors determining this state (Reardon, Design for Climate
2013). These factors affecting thermal comfort of people are both physical (physiological) and psychological
and they include but are not limited to:
Temperature of surrounding atmosphere
Humidity of the surrounding area
Air movement in the room or other confined space (breezes, draughts)
Exposure to radiant heat sources
Exposure to cool surfaces to radiate, or conduct to, for cooling.
This chapter will investigate results of different factors affecting physiological cooling. It will deal with
the problem of how these factors interact with human physiology and how we can manipulate them to
benefit from it.
Humans are comfortable only within a very narrow range of conditions. On average, the human body
temperature is considered to be about 37C. Despite the fact that the body generates heat even while at
rest, to achieve comfort, body must lose heat at the same rate it is produced and vice versa - gain heat at
the same rate it is lost. The diagram below (Fig104). (Graph by Steven Szokolay) shows the various ways by
which human bodies achieve this equilibrium:
Even when one is unaware of perspiration, physiology texts quote an amount of about 600 grams
per day of "insensate loss" of moisture from the skin. As part of the physiological regulation of body
temperature, the skin will begin to sweat almost precisely at 37C and the perspiration will increase rapidly
with increasing skin temperature. Increased humidity levels decrease the bodys ability to cool it through
sweating. If the air already contains large amounts of water vapor, body sweat will not evaporate as readily,
and the body temperature will not drop as quickly. While evaporative cooling is very effective in dry
climates, there is a major drawback - the rapid loss of water and salts from the body through sweat. This
can be fatal in less than a day if they are not replaced. (O'Neil 2009)
The results show that mainly the local thermal sensation votes of the body parts which are not
covered by clothing influence the whole-body thermal sensation. (Fig.116) shows how 2 different subjects
described their body sensations in 2 different conditions (Condition 1 and 4).
temperature of human body at a relative humidity of 50%. This is a one-off physiological cooling effect
resulting from heat being drawn from the body to evaporate perspiration. Air movement exposes the skin
to dryer air. Increased air speeds do not increase cooling at lower relative humidity but air speeds up to
1.0m/s can increase evaporative cooling in higher humidity. Air speeds above 1.0m/s usually cause
discomfort. (Clarke 2013) Sensible air velocity however can be relied on to provide physiological cooling as
mentioned before. The critical point is to ensure an air velocity at the body surface of the occupants.
Physiological cooling, the apparent cooling effect of air movement (dT) can be estimated as: =
6 1.6 2 Where the effective air velocity is = 0.2 and is air velocity (m/s) at the body
surface and the expression is valid up to 2m/s. This formula estimates the effect of physiological cooling,
which can be achieved with the wind effect, or by electric fans, most often by low-power ceiling fans. As
tack-effect, relying on the rise of warm air cannot be relied on for this purpose. First, it would only occur
when T i >T o , and that T i would be too high if T o is too high. Second, even if it works, it may generate a
significant air exchange, but not a noticeable air velocity through the occupied space. Cross ventilation
demands that there should be both an inlet and an outlet opening. The difference between positive
pressure on the windward side and negative pressure on the leeward side provides the driving
Fig. 108 Increased winds speed due to difference in size of outlet and inlet
force. Also, as visible on (Fig. 108), pairing a large outlet with a small inlet increases incoming wind
speed. The inlet opening should face within 45 of the wind direction dominant during the most
overheated periods. To produce the maximum total airflow through a space, both inlet and outlet openings
should be as large as possible. The inlet opening will define the direction of the air stream entering. To get
the maximum localized air velocity, the inlet opening should be much smaller than the outlet. Positioning
the inlet opening, its accessories (e.g. louvres or other shading devices) as well as the aerodynamic effects
outside (before the air enters) will determine the direction of the indoor air stream. (Szokolay 2004)
Control of Openings
Effect of sashes
Sashes, canopies, louvres and other elements controlling the openings influence the indoor air flow
pattern. Sashes can divert the air flow upwards. Only a casement or reversible pivot sash will channel it
downwards into the living zone
Effect of canopies
Canopies can eliminate the effect of pressure build-up above the window, thus the pressure below the
window will direct the air flow upwards. A gap left between the building face and the canopy would ensure
a downward pressure, thus a flow directed into the living zone
Effect of louvres
Louvres and shading devices may also present a problem. The position of blades in a slightly upward
position would still channel the flow into the living zone (up to 20 upwards from the horizontal)
Air Quality
The following is an excerpt, introduction, to research by Spengler, J.D. and Chen, Q. about
indoor air quality factors in design a healthy building.
Current guidelines for green buildings are cursory and inadequate for specifying materials and
designing ventilation systems to ensure a healthful indoor environment, i.e. a healthy building, by design.
Public perception, cultural preferences, litigation trends, current codes and regulations, rapid introduction
of new building materials and commercial products, as well as the prevailing design-build practices, pose
challenges to systems integration in the design, construction and operation phases of modern buildings.
We are on the verge of a paradigm shift in ventilation design thinking. In the past, thermal properties of air
within a zone determined heating, ventilating, and air- conditioning (HVAC) specifications. In the future,
occupant-specific and highly responsive systems will become the norm. Natural ventilation, displacement
ventilation, micro zoning with subfloor plenums, along with the use of point of source heat control and
point of use sensors, will evolve to create a "smart" responsive ventilation-building dynamic system.
Advanced ventilation design tools such as the modeling of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) will
be used routinely. CFD will be integrated into air quality and risk assessment models. Introduction At the
beginning of the 21st century, green building design can be seen as being at the confluence of emerging
societal interests, all seeking to use resources wisely in the design of health-promoting environments. The
last decade saw the concept of the global village emerge through terms such as sustainable
development, ecotourism, ecotaxation, socially responsible investment , and green architecture,
among others.
Organizations representing private and public sector interests lay claim to these terms and attempt
to establish the consensus to operational definitions, often suited to their perspective and constraints.
Others are asking for a civil society that promotes social justice equality, and conservation through the ac
tins of the public and private sectors. Green building concepts are simply a manifestation of these changes
in our western society
Are healthy buildings a subset of green buildings? In the absence of widely accepted definition
criteria, the answer is unclear at this time. The concept of a healthy building is still polemic, with no
consistent guidelines. It is important to recognize that, although indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important
determinant of healthy design, it is not the sole determinant, as occupants experience the full sensory
world. Other parameters include lighting, acoustics, vibration, aesthetics, comfort and security, along with
safety and ergonomic design factors. Drawing up on contemporary accounts of inner city asthma rates and
cases of sick buildings, the building professions need more than cursory and inadequate guidance to
incorporate indoor air quality considerations into their healthy building design. Problems with IAQ have
traditionally been associated with older and poorly maintained construction (e.g., threats arising from the
degradation of asbestos fireproofing or from Legionella contamination in cooling towers). Increasingly,
however, building-related illnesses caused by poor air quality are being documented in newly constructed
or recently renovated buildings. Poor IAQ is being blamed for a host of problems ranging from low worker
productivity to increased cancer risk, and the resulting responses have produced action as severe as
building demolition. Our building interiors once thought of as providing safe havens from the pernicious
effects of outdoor air pollution and harsh climates may actually be more polluted than the surrounding
ambient environment. As recently as 1994, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA,
Washington, DC) considered concerns with IAQ as overblown by activists who continue to portray IAQ as
an epidemic sweeping the nation. OSHA proposed rule on non-industrial workplace air quality was
published in the US Federal Register April 5, 1994. BOMA, in response, said that reports of IAQ problems
were overplayed in the media, and that current concern for IAQ represents mass hysteria...fueled by
misinformation rather than conclusive scientific evidence.
Rather than being the product of a newly vocal minority, however, the increased publicity regarding
IAQ at this time is representative of the convergence of many factors. These multifaceted attributes include
a heightened public perception, litigation trends, and the current regulatory status, as well as long-term
changes in construction systems, coupled with a shift in building occupancy and functional types. Rising
expectations of occupants for healthy work environments are forcing building owners, operators, and
managers to re consider the importance of IAQ. In a more recent survey conducted by the International
Facility Managers Association, IAQ and thermal comfort were the top operational issues in all types of
buildings. According to a recent telephone survey of building tenants commissioned by BOMA, control and
quality of air was the fourth most important criteria for attracting and retaining tenants. The study also
showed that quality heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) is extremely important for retaining
The problems with defining good IAQ are both multimodal and unprecedented, requiring a
multidisciplinary approach for their investigation and resolution. This article 1 BOMA seemed to reflect
concerns from building owners and construction professionals, who pointed to the need for source control
by manufacturers. At the time BOMA urged federal efforts looking at causes, such as carpets, paints and
coatings, and emissions from office equipment. Fundamentally their argument emphasized prevention at
the manufacturing level, not management, once the sources were in the building. 3 begins with a
description of several factors that lead to the wide acceptance that buildings and their IAQ can adversely
impact occupants health. It continues with an offering of design guidance and evaluation tools to advance
the state of practice. The article concludes with practical advice for evaluating the healthfulness of IAQ.
(Spengler 2000)
Example of building designed with physiological Cooling and air quality control
Dubai has experienced one of the greatest architectural booms in history. The most famous city of
the United Arab Emirates is known for its unbearably hot climates, however, todays technological
advancements made it possible for Dubai to be one of the best commercial cities in world. Because of the
extreme climate, all the buildings require cooling so that they become habitable and bearable by humans.
In general, humans strive to have comfortable habitats. The human physiological comfort is one of
the most important factors to consider as an architect, since the designed buildings are firstly made for
humans to occupy. Lots of factors are included in determination of the physiological comfort, an important
factor is the human thermal factor. A person should physically be calm in the designed building and
temperature plays a big role in this. Physiological cooling considers this important human comfort factor
and tries offers different solutions to control and affect the human temperature inside the designated
building. The methods include controlling and integrating natural ventilation, planning carefully the air
conditioning and taking into consideration the climate of the surroundings.
Another very important factor, and compared to thermal comfort, more vital, is healthiness of the
surroundings where humans spend time. In this case I am referring to the quality of air in the buildings.
Since late 20th century, this has been looked at many times and throughout the years, along with
advancement of technology, possibilities of controlling the air quality have greatly changed. Today its even
possible to have healthy air in the middle of polluted city, if desired. The advanced technology offers tools
like modeling of computational fluid dynamics which will be integrated into air quality and risk assessment
Overall, physiological cooling methods and air filtering are more varied and manageable than they
have ever been, thanks to the advancement in technologies. For an architect, it is vital to think about how
the architectural design will use different methods to achieve human thermal comfort and healthy air
quality indoors.
Air Cooling
Based on various information starting Wikipedia and ending David's Etheridge "Natural Ventilation of
Buildings", air cooling is a very important aspect in ventilation. Air cooling can be produced by a numerous
amount of technologies, but in this report the main goal is to show the less costing and energy draining
methods of air cooling through simple steps from explaining: what is air cooling, what is natural ventilation,
why it's important to ventilate a buildings, what are the types of air cooling and etc.
It's a process of lowering air temperature by scattering heat. It provides increased air flow and
reduced temperature. Air cooling should be taken seriously like a really important aspect of living houses.
Along with this process, when it is necessary or appropriate, the air is filtered, heated or cooled and
moistened or drained. Such a change being enclosed air space provides:
There are also several reasons why it is necessary to ventilate certain premises:
Factories that produced or used in an explosive and flammable substances (e.g., Paints, varnishes,
etc.). Unventilated premises would face a real risk of fire or explosion.
In wet areas (e.g., Basins) ventilation is necessary to remove excess moisture, because otherwise
there is mould, moisture from decaying different structures and properties of thermal insulation material is
Recommended ventilation conditions
Housing that the air is dry and clean, fresh stream must flow from the vent in unventilated spaces. If
the room is sealed and the air enters through the windows, it is desirable that the air in the room change
from 0.5 to 0.8 times per hour.
Natural ventilation
Is the process of supplying and removing air through an indoor space without using mechanical
systems? It refers to the flow of external air to an indoor space as a result of pressure or temperature
differences. There are two types of natural ventilation occurring in buildings: wind driven
ventilation and buoyancy-driven ventilation. While wind is the main mechanism of wind driven ventilation,
buoyancy-driven ventilation occurs as a result of the directional buoyancy force that results from
temperature differences between the interior and exterior.
Fig. 115 Section ofhow natural ventilation works through the gaps of the building flooring
A disadvantage of natural ventilation is that it is limited in the extent to which it can provide cooling
in hot climates and particularly ones that are also humid. For natural ventilation to be acceptable in some
climates, it is necessary to combine it with some form of sustainable (low-energy) cooling system.
From the commercial viewpoint, it is often claimed that natural ventilation systems offer reduced
capital cost and lower operating costs (energy, maintenance) than mechanical systems.
For a simple building like a house, this seems reasonable, although energy reductions rely on
ventilation losses being kept lower than those achievable with a mechanical system. With on-domestic
buildings, other commercial issues may override the savings associated with natural ventilation e.g.
maximising the use of floor area; integration of the ventilation system with heating and cooling; close
control of conditions for equipment and processes. Natural ventilation does not require space for plant
rooms or networks of ducts, but space is often required for stacks (chimneys, atria). Particular disadvantage
is that errors in the design of a natural ventilation system may be more difficult to correct. Mixed-mode
systems offer away round this problem.
The role of natural ventilation in providing a comfortable and healthy environment forms the
basis for the design criteria for most domestic and non-domestic buildings. The common requirement for a
minimum fresh air flow rate of about 10 litres s1 per person is based on the removal of body odours and
this is usually sufficient to cope with other contaminants generated within buildings. In a free-running
building during the cooling season the flow rates are likely to be much larger. There are, however, specific
safety issues in which ventilation plays a role. Accidental release of flammable gas in buildings is an acute
example. Such incidents are rare and it would be unrealistic to base the design of a ventilation system on
their occurrence. There are other ways to reduce the risk of explosion e.g. colourisation of the gas and gas
Direct ventilation cooling and night cooling are passive techniques. The temperature
reduction provided by night cooling can be quite small. However, there are ways that it can be enhanced,
yet still remain purely passive. One way is the use of additional mass, such as concrete beams in.
The aim is to maximise the thermal contact with the internal air, so the material needs to be
fully exposed. A more recent development is the use of wallboard containing a phase change material
(PCM). The latent heat storage capacity of the material is a way of increasing the thermal mass of the
envelope with a small increase in the actual mass.
Three active systems are considered: passive downdraught evaporative cooling (PDEC), passive
downdraught cooling (PDC) and active PCM. The first two systems are described as passive in their title.
However, they have high COP values, particularly the PDEC system. As its name implies, the PDEC system
cools the air by the evaporation of water. High rates of evaporation are achieved by injecting water into the
space in the form of a spray. The latent heat of evaporation leads to cooling of the surrounding air, which
increases its density (the increase in humidity leads to a smaller reduction in density). By injecting the water
at high level, top down ventilation is promoted so that the cooled air flows into the occupied spaces. The
system is most suited to hot and dry climates and this limits the extent of its application.
The PDC system also cools the air at high level to promote top-down ventilation but this is done by
means of a cooling coil containing chilled water (or a similar device). The PDC system is inherently less
passive than PDEC, but it is not limited to dry climates.
An active PCM system is one where heat transfer from the air to the PCM and vice versa is enhanced
by forced convection. Typically, the PCM material is placed in a container and during the day the warm
room air is passed over the PCM by means of a fan. During the night the heat absorbed by the PCM Is
removed by passing cool air from the outside over it. The increased heat transfer rates are sufficient to
allow the internal air temperature to be controlled in much the same way as a conventional cooling system
(subject to the storage limitation imposed by the mass of the PCM). This model includes simulation of the
control algorithm for the system. It can be seen that the system is capable of controlling the air
temperature to a set value (until such time as the latent thermal storage is exhausted). Since the internal
temperature is less than the external temperature, the daytime ventilation rate is kept at
a low value.
Evaporative cooling
Evaporative cooling is the oldest form of air conditioning ever used. The ancient Greeks used
to fill terracotta pots full of water and leave them by doors and windows to benefit from evaporative
cooling. The Arabs hung wet blankets over doors and windows to achieve the same effect
Dry air temperature can be dropped significantly through the phase transition of liquid water
to water vapour (evaporation), which is a part of natural ventilation because it uses less energy than
refrigeration. In extremely dry climates, evaporative cooling has its strengths of condition the air with more
moisture for the comfort of people living in the building.
1. Ground cover
2. Water sprinkler
3. Insulated roof
4. Shading trees
5. Water trough
The relatively low thermal capacity of air means that quite small internal heat gains generate
uncomfortable temperatures. Natural ventilation alone can remove heat directly and in this sense
(prevention of overheating) it provides cooling. This process requires that the internal temperature be
greater than the external temperature and is not cooling in the strict meaning of the term. However,
evaporative cooling of occupants by high air speeds can be significant. Removal of internal heat gains is
limited by several factors e.g.
The acceptable internal temperature and the ventilation rate that can be achieved. This means that
minimising the internal heat gains during the summer is usually an important part of the building design. In
an office building, a large part of the internal gain will come from occupants, and this cannot be reduced.
Reducing the heat gains from lighting, solar radiation and equipment is therefore an important design
issue. As a rough guide, in a Northern European climate, the internal heat gains should be less than 20 to
40Wper m2 of floor area. Larger values probably require some form of purpose-designed cooling (passive
Fig. 127 Upward flow induced by a chimney to provide cross-flow ventilation: (i) single-cell building; (ii)
four-cell building (includes chimney as a cell) (Etheridge, Natural Ventilation of Buildings 2010)
(Fig. 126-127) illustrate what might be termed the classic natural ventilation strategy. Some form of
stack with a high-level outlet is used to generate cross-flow ventilation through the occupied spaces.
Provided the wind pressure coefficient at the stack outlet remains negative compared with the coefficients
at the inlet openings and provided the internal temperatures are greater than the external temperature,
the upward flow pattern should be reliably maintained.
Fig. 128 Upward flow induced by an atrium to provide cross-flow ventilation, single-cell building
(Etheridge, Natural Ventilation of Buildings 2010)
Fig. 129 Upward flow induced by chimneys to provide cross-flow ventilation. Provides internal fresh-air
entry (Etheridge, Natural Ventilation of Buildings 2010)
Underground ducts can provide cooling and heating of the inlet air, by virtue of heat transfer
between the air and the surrounding ground material, which remains at a moderate temperature
throughout the year. When driven by mechanical fans, the COP can be high. Underground ducts raise
questions about air quality, but this does not seem to be a barrier to their use. In passing, it can be noted
that the age of air entry is increased byVd=Qd; where VdandQd denote the volume and the volume flow
rate of the duct, because that is the average age at the outlet of the duct is much less than the volume of
the building, the increase in age will be small.
Fig. 130 Top-down ventilation induced by cooling of air at top of light well (and possibly heating of
chimneys) (Etheridge, Natural Ventilation of Buildings 2010)
These types of air circulation have a natural impact on architectural design. The architect finishes his
main concept on the building and then researches what kind types he should choose for his project. I chose
the (Fig. 129) Upward flow induced by chimneys to provide cross-flow ventilation, because it seem to me
the most accurate choice and it provides internal fresh-air entry. This is how it looks on my project:
Fig. 131 Section of Administrational building for Recreational Complex in Nature (by Alanas Segalis 2014
Fig. 132 This section shows how the under floor ventilation is used and how it works. (Products 2013)
Air cooling is important aspect for buildings and for people living in the buildings. Regarding the
advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation, the less energy costing air cooling is what it should be
picked. It's natural, sustainable, and environment-friendly. Natural ventilation can satisfy these needs,
whereas a conventional air-conditioning system does not.
However, a disadvantage of natural ventilation is that it is limited in the extent to which it can
provide cooling in hot climates and particularly ones that are also humid. For natural ventilation to
be acceptable in some climates, it is necessary to combine it with some form of sustainable
(low-energy) cooling system. Thats where the evaporative cooling and underground duct system comes in
and shows what are the best solutions for air cooling. It's semi mechanical and semi natural, low-energy
cooling system. This provides less power consumption, environment-friendly work and less cost.
Those are the main arguments for what is air cooling, what kind of air cooling it should be and why
it's important.
Envelope Cooling
There are many ways how a building can be protected from overheating. One of the most used ways
is ventilation. There are multi ways of ventilating a building, for instance, natural or mechanical, cross or
stock ventilation. These methods provide different results, which concern energy consumption, harm to the
environment, maintenance costs and many others. Three ventilation types are going to be introduced:
buoyancy driven ventilation, night ventilation (thermal mass), cross ventilation. Each type is going to be
explained to get an understanding how it works. Advantages and disadvantages are going to be presented
accordingly to know how well each type of ventilation can be used to different kind of plots.
Buoyant (rising) type ventilation is commonly used for high rise buildings. It is considered to be
natural ventilation type, because no mechanical interference is required for the building to ventilate on its
own. This type of ventilation arises due to different air density inside and outside of the building. Simply
put, when different masses of air adjoin, the one which is warmer will be less dense therefore it will be
more buoyant and it will rise above the cold air (Fig. 133). This process creates and upward stream of air. In
order for a building to be ventilated via buoyant driven ventilation, the outside and inside temperatures
have to be different from one another so that warmer indoor air would rise and escape the building via
higher apertures and cold air would enter the interior thus creating a flow of air (Fig. 134) Buoyancy driven
ventilation increases with greater temperature difference. To prevent displacement ventilation the height
difference between the higher and lower apertures has to be at its maximum.
As we can see from the pictures (Fig. 134; 135) the advantages of buoyant ventilation can be clearly
seen from the stability of the system. This system is stable because there are basically no parts that are
need to be mechanized therefore the energy consumption of his type of system is significantly less. The
system is self-sustainable because air is the main driving force also because of this, the system does not
require wind to be present or other air conditioning units that would intake air into the building.
Taipei Public Library which is located in the Beitou Branch was nominated as one of the 25 most
beautiful libraries in the world. The public library applies outward- opening windows, one on the top and
the other in the bottom. This opening of windows creates buoyancy effect and it produced buoyancy driven
ventilation. This process not only saves energy but also improves the indoor air quality of the building.
Ventilating this building requires an air conditioner, but this air conditioner is only used till October and the
reason it is used in the first place is to reduce the indoor air temperature because the normal air
temperature of the building from the inside is 28 degrees.
Night Ventilation
Night-Purge ventilation can mostly be used in situations where daytime air temperatures are too
high to be used for ventilating the interior of the building but night time air is cool or cold. This strategy can
provide passive ventilation in weather that might normally be considered too hot for it. The success of
night-purge ventilation is determined by whether additional cooling and ventilation systems were used and
by how much heat energy is removed from a building.
Fig. 137 Night-Purge ventilation principle (Etheridge, Natural Ventilation of Buildings 2011)
Night-Purge ventilation works by opening up pathways for wind ventilation and stack ventilation
throughout the night so that the thermal mass inside a building could be cooled down by convection. Early
in the morning when the temperature begins to rise the building is closed and kept sealed throughout the
day so that warm air from outside would not enter. During day time, the cool mass absorbs heat from
occupants and other internal loads. This is done by radiation, convection and conduction.
The principle behind this scheme is that a building is required to have large areas of exposed internal
thermal mass (Figure 4), because the cold is stored in thermal mass. Therefore, the interior should also
have little to none interior pieces such as carpets, coverings, many cupboards and panels, ceilings with
drop-panels. Using natural ventilation would require relatively unobstructed interior so that air flow could
be promoted.
Night cooling refers to the operation of natural ventilation at night in order to purge excess heat and
cool the buildings fabric. A building with sufficient thermal mass, which can be exposed to nighttime
ventilation, can reduce peak daytime temperatures by 2 to 3 using this strategy.
Night cooling offers the potential to minimize or even avoid the use of mechanical cooling and improve the
internal conditions in naturally ventilated buildings. Good control of night cooling is required in order to
achieve maximum free cooling whilst avoiding overcooling and subsequent re-heating or thermal
discomfort the following day.
One of the best known materials which absorbs energy, stores it and then releases large amounts of
heat is concrete and masonry. The best thing about concrete is that this material is used in the main
structure of most buildings therefore no additional materials have to be used to make the thermal mass.
Using thermal mass as a way of ventilation will result in less energy usage, shift of energy demands.
Fig. 138 Example of concrete nad masonry building (Concrete Thinking 2014)
Cross Ventilation
The wind generated pressure is complex but basically it is positive on the windward side and negative
on the roof and leeward side of the building (Fig. 139).
Fig. 139 Scheme of pressure created by wind (The Royal Institute of British Architects 2009)
Fig. 140 Scheme of wind movement (The Royal Institute of British Architects 2009)
Wind-induced ventilation uses pressures generated on the building by the wind, to drive air through
openings in the building. It is most commonly realized as cross-ventilation, where air enters on one side of
the building, and leaves on the opposite side, but can also drive single sided ventilation, and vertical
ventilation flows.
When wind meets an obstruction such as a building, it is deflected and due to its momentum this
creates positive and negative pressures over the surface of the building (Fig. 139). The pressure distribution
map is complicated and non-uniform, even over an individual surface (Fig 140), but is generally positive on
the windward side and negative over the roof and leeward side. Ventilation air will flow between any two
points on the envelope at a different pressure provided there is an opening in the envelope at that point.
Wind speed and direction is very variable. Openings must be controllable to cover the wide range
of required ventilation rates and the wide range of wind speeds.
The more the opening area is distributed, the more likely it is that there will be a pressure
difference between openings to drive the flow i.e. many small openings are better than one large
As with stack ventilation, the internal flow path inside the building must be considered.
For cross-ventilation, bear in mind that the leeward space will have air that has picked up heat or
pollution from the windward space. This may limit the depth of plan for cross-ventilation.
If windows are used, consideration must be given to their controllability and ergonomic design, and
the effect of air flows to the immediately adjacent occupants
Fig. 141 Scheme of air paths (The Royal Institute of British Architects 2009)
The Environmental Protection Agency which is located in Region 8 Headquarters, Denver, Colorado
and was designed by Zimmer GunsulFrasca Architects is known to have received a Gold LEED rating. It is a
good example of cross ventilation system. This building has an under-floor air distribution system which is
used throughout all office floors. This lets air to flow through the buildings envelope and cool the building.
Also the openings of the floors are fully controllable so the inflow of air can be adjusted to get the most out
of this type of ventilation system.
Fig. 142 Fascade of the Enviromental Protection Agency (Green Team 2013)
The main force behind buoyancy driven ventilation is air. Of course the air has to be hot, well of
higher temperature than the air below the warmer mass of air for the physical phenomenon of convection to
occur (Fig.135). It has some defined rules where this system can be installed and the cost to achieving this is
initially more than to build mechanical ventilation system but there are basically no maintenance costs. This
makes the natural system more beneficial to the well-being of the inhabitants in the ventilated building and
in the long run the will be saved and might even be earned from this type of natural system.
Night time ventilation can be closely interpreted as convectional (buoyant) type of ventilation which is
also basically ran by movement of hotter air which is possible by placing ventilation ducts and windows at
specific places to make flow of air possible inside the building. But this system has to be closely watched
over or it needs to be a mechanized, because only during the night time air needs to enter the building
because it is in cool condition and it will push the warm air out which is outside. Also the buildings interior
has to have an exposed large thermal mass because the warmth and the cold are going to be stored there.
But there are drawbacks too. Weather changes influences whether the windows or ducts can be opened so
that the interior of the building would not be damaged. Temperature is also not a stable unit which is
changing constantly so it might be risky to install this type of system.
Cross ventilation is driven by power of wind. Ventilation is possible by making controllable openings
(Fig149) in the envelope of the building. Also some specific regulations regarding the interior arrangement
of walls has to be taken into consideration because otherwise wind will not flow. Also some specific
requirements have to be taken into consideration for the envelope itself. The envelope has to be airtight and
the ventilating needs to be controllable. The maintenance cost is lower in comparison to the mechanical
ventilation. However, evaluation of the site has to be made, in order, to determine if the site is eligible for
this type of ventilation. Evaluation includes sound and air pollution matters, overall urban plan to determine
General Conclusion
The study of geopathology started many years ago and still doesnt stop nowadays. Many
professionals are trying to solve this problem and a lot of architects trying to avoid plots where they find any
slightest hint on it. Huge amount of equipment where used in previous and it developing to a huge amount
of technologies that are used nowadays. Im sure that people wont stop on that and we could make the
heaven on Earth.
The light that we receive from the sun is altered by the atmosphere, from all the light that is initially
sent by the sun, more than half is reflected or absorbed before it is received by the earth. The orientation of
buildings depends largely on the solar radiation during the day.
Passive solar design tries to optimize the amount of energy that can be derived directly from the sun.
The best part about Passive Solar applications is that they have no moving parts. They can perform
effortlessly and quietly without mechanical or electrical assistance. Most design consideration can be made
and implemented using standard building materials and basic construction skills. All these lead to lower
annual bills and also improve the comfort of living spaces. Simple techniques, that were presented today, he
can make a huge difference in the comfort and energy consumption through the years and the way of living.
Considering the air infiltration, air leakage should not and cannot be eliminated, but sealing window
and door gaps can reduce it to a minimum. To avoid inappropriate temperatures in rooms one should have
in mind window-to-wall and window-to-floor ratios that are from 20 to 40%. What about humidity and
temperature levels, a person feels best when the humidity is about 45% and temperature is between 18 to
24 degrees Celsius.
Heat losses occur through conduction in the walls, floor, roof, windows and doors or via ventilation in
the form of air leakage. It can be reduced in several ways. The exterior wall construction and the
geometrical shape of the house can help the environment, and it can save you a lot of money. Also heat loss
occurs in a house with drafts wind blowing against an end wall. The most innovative way to reduce heat loss
is by higher thermal inertia and phase changing materials (PCM) which collect and store heat throughout
the day, and then slowly release it as the temperature drops by changing its material.
Main goal of physiological cooling is to achieve thermally comfortable environment for humans.
There is variety of methods to achieve the human physiological comfort, and throughout the years, the ways
of manipulating human temperature have become more diverse and effective. Controlling air flow, using
natural winds and controlling draughts and breezes are some of the possible ways to affect human body
temperature. Besides striving for human thermal comfort, it is also equally important to consider air quality
in the enclosed space that architects design.
Air cooling is needed in every building and for people living in the building. Natural ventilation is really
important and eco-friendly types of ventilation which should be picked by people. Only few problems are
with natural ventilation: less energy consumption so that means that the hot climate is a challenge to
ventilate. But there is a way to use evaporative cooling which is a really great concept of air cooling. It
makes the area more humid and more refreshing and cooled. As it was mentioned, air cooling is really
important, the text should have proved that why is air cooling important, for what it is used for and what
kind of air cooling should be picked to save our planet Earth.
Buildings that have natural ventilation systems installed are friendlier to the environment. They can
sustain themselves because these systems of ventilation do not consume large amounts of electricity. These
ventilation systems can be used to make electricity using flow of air generated inside the system. Because of
maintenance costs in certain amount of time it is cheaper to not have mechanical ventilation in buildings.
Air which is a product of natural ventilation is better for your health than air coming out of mechanical
ventilation systems. The well-being of people inside the building is also improved with better quality of air.
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List of Figures
Fig. 1 Radiation detected in the vertical on beds ............................................................................................. 7
Fig.2 Gustav Freiherr Von Pohl Vilsbiburg Map of Waterways Underground 1929 .................................. 8
Fig. 3 In this picture you can see how water flows under the ground ............................................................ 9
Fig. 4 Underground water courses from satellite (Norway, Europe)............................................................... 9
Fig. 5 In this pictures you can see that bed and the guy is located directly on the crossing of two water
veins. ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Fig. 6 Benker-grid is 10 x 10 m......................................................................................................................... 10
Fig. 7 Benker Line Crossing .............................................................................................................................. 11
Fig. 8 The Hartmann Grid ................................................................................................................................ 11
Fig. 9 The Curry Grid ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Fig. 10 Planetary Grid System ......................................................................................................................... 12
Fig. 11 The point of overlap of Benker-grid and Waterways Underground .................................................. 13
Fig. 12 Geological Fractures in cross-section of the earth that create geopathology stress ........................ 14
Fig. 13 Geological fractures ............................................................................................................................. 15
Fig. 14 Electro Smog ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Fig. 15 Radon Movement in soil ...................................................................................................................... 18
Fig. 16 Solution to remove Radon Gas in house ............................................................................................. 19
Fig. 17 Particular case in woods of Ryazan Russia ....................................................................................... 19
Fig. 18 Two feng shui patterns ........................................................................................................................ 21
Fig. 19 Four groups of feng shui ...................................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 20 Shading effect according to sun position ............................................................................................ 24
Fig. 21 Solar position in the sky....................................................................................................................... 26
Fig. 22 Adjacent buildings shading effect ...................................................................................................... 27
Fig. 23 Shading device properties ................................................................................................................... 28
Fig. 24 Solar reflection ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Fig. 25 Standard skies ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Fig. 26 Availability of outdoor light as a function of site latitude ................................................................. 31
Fig. 27. Daylight Glare Probability .................................................................................................................. 32
Fig. 28. Ground reflected solar radiation scheme .......................................................................................... 33
Fig. 29 Building control system ....................................................................................................................... 34
Fig. 30 Solar domestic hot water system ........................................................................................................ 35
Fig. 31. Photovoltaic system ........................................................................................................................... 36
Fig. 32 Sun path on summer solstice at southern latitude. (Window Orientation And Shading 2007) ......... 39
Fig. 33 Sun path on winter solstice at southern latitude. (Window Orientation And Shading 2007)............ 39
Fig. 34 Best ways of building position. (Window Orientation And Shading 2007) ......................................... 40
Fig. 35 Analysis and position of the building in Anykiai(Project of Recreation Complex in Natural
Environmentby Diana Markovskaja, 2014 y.) ................................................................................................ 41
Fig. 36 Ground floor plan of the Ty Pren house (Pren 2011) .......................................................................... 42
Fig. 37 South elevation (Pren 2011) Fig. 38 North elevation (Pren 2011) .................................................. 42
Fig. 39 Sections. (Pren 2011) ........................................................................................................................... 43
Fig. 40 Ground plan of the houses. (Simon Conder Associates 2013) ............................................................ 43
Fig. 41 Thermal mass in the interior (floor) absorbs the sunlight. (Thermal Mass 2009) ..................... 45
Fig. 42 Thermal mass in the interior absorbs the sunlight and radiates the heat at night. (Passive Solar
2011) ................................................................................................................................................................ 45
Fig. 43 Insulation prevents thermal gain ........................................................................................................ 46
Fig. 44 Insulate coverings can interfere with thermal mass .......................................................................... 46
Fig. 80 Too little humidity induces chronic physical symptoms like sore throat, dry skin, sinus irritation,
can contribute to static build-up leading to painful static shocks. Moreover, it makes you feel colder
regardless the temperature and can cause wood furniture, woodwork and plaster to crack or split.
Though too much humidity can make you feel clammy, sweaty or sticky, cause warping in wood, peeling
of paints and wallpaper, and mildwe in paper-based materials. It also increases allergens like dust mites,
moulds and fungi, which thrive at higher humidity levels............................................................................. 73
Fig. 81 Use of TecTem ...................................................................................................................................... 74
Fig.82 Timber framed wall............................................................................................................................... 77
Fig. 92 Log wall................................................................................................................................................. 77
Fig. 93 Solid brick wall ..................................................................................................................................... 77
Fig. 94 Greenloft material ............................................................................................................................... 78
Fig. 95 Steico Canaflex ..................................................................................................................................... 78
Fig. 96 Building geometry prices ..................................................................................................................... 79
Fig.88 Building geometry comparison ............................................................................................................ 79
Fig.89 Ilustration showing main heat loss points ........................................................................................... 80
Fig.90 Way of stopping drafts ......................................................................................................................... 80
Fig. 91 Insulation in a house ............................................................................................................................ 81
Fig.92 Insulation work in a house ................................................................................................................... 82
Fig. 93 Shutters ................................................................................................................................................ 82
Fig. 94 House in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura, Portugal ............................................................................. 82
Fig. 95 House in Miramar 348 Arquitectura, Portugal, plan .......................................................................... 83
Fig. 96 House in Miramar / e|348 Arquitectura, Portugal, section ............................................................... 83
Fig. 97 Thermal photo of a building ................................................................................................................ 84
Fig.98 Stone wall.............................................................................................................................................. 85
Fig. 99 New Englan house................................................................................................................................ 85
Fig.100 Work of PCM ....................................................................................................................................... 86
Fig. 110 CH2 Melbourne City Council House 2; DesignInc, Bioclimatic section night ................................... 87
Fig. 111 CH2 Melbourne City Council House 2; DesignInc, Bioclimatic section detail .................................. 87
Fig. 112 CH2 Melbourne City Council House 2; DesignInc, Bioclimatic sectiont ........................................... 88
Fig. 104 Thermal equilibrium methods ........................................................................................................... 90
Fig. 105 Different processes during evaporation of perspiration .................................................................. 91
Fig. 106 Thermo-physiological test room ....................................................................................................... 92
Fig. 107 Different body part responses........................................................................................................... 93
Fig. 108 Increased winds speed due to difference in size of outlet and inlet ............................................... 94
Fig. 109 How sashes effect ventilations .......................................................................................................... 94
Fig.110 How canopies effect ventilations ....................................................................................................... 95
Fig. 111 How louvres effect ventilation .......................................................................................................... 95
Fig. 112 Sheth Tower ....................................................................................................................................... 97
Fig. 113 Air Space Providing Table .................................................................................................................. 99
Fig. 114 Enclosed Space Without Ventilation Spieces Table .......................................................................... 99
Fig. 115 Section ofhow natural ventilation works through the gaps of the building flooring .................... 100
Fig. 116 Section of Ventilation ...................................................................................................................... 101
Fig. 117 House of Isaac Newton .................................................................................................................... 102
Fig. 118 Section of Natural Ventilation ......................................................................................................... 103
Fig. 119 Graph of Controlled Air Temperature Differences ......................................................................... 104
Fig. 120 Evaporative Cooling Explanation..................................................................................................... 105
Fig. 121 Graph of Heat of Vaporization ........................................................................................................ 105
Fig. 122 Air Coonditioning Principle .............................................................................................................. 106