Signature Assignment Sed 322
Signature Assignment Sed 322
Signature Assignment Sed 322
330 S. Farmer Ave, Tempe AZ, 85281
I am dedicated to making a difference in students lives by educating, motivating, and instilling healthy lifestyles through nutrition and
exercise in the youth of today.
Bachelors of Arts in Education - Secondary Education (Physical Education)
Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ
Fingerprint Clearance Card, State of Arizona
CPR & AED adult, child, infant
Student Teacher, Basha High School, Chandler, AZ
January 2016 April 2016
Create daily lesson plans that promote the importance of character and healthy living through interactive exercises and activities
Maintain confidentiality regarding student information and conflicts which resulted in building a trusting and respectful
Attended collaborative meetings between staff, administration, and outside agencies, which resulted in networking and building rapport
Student Teacher, Lehi Elementary School, Mesa, AZ
August 2015 December 2015
Taught daily lesson plans in laboratory and classroom settings for classes of 25-30 students
Built a tight-knit community by being an active and positive role model with an emphasis on teaching respect and sportsmanship
Ensured the safety of children by utilizing cones, providing water breaks, and keeping a close supervision of all classes
Organized and planned activities for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot and the Running Club
Student Intern, Roosevelt Elementary School, Mesa, AZ
August 2014 - December 2014
Taught students how to work with others while promoting basic locomotive movements and simple athletic skills
Resolved conflict by establishing an acceptable classroom behavior guide which minimized daily classroom issues
Developed excellent time management skills, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic by managing personal projects
Student Intern, Campo Verde High School, Gilbert, AZ
January 2015 May 2015
Coordinated a lunch time program where students could participate in sports and lively activities in order to improve health and
fitness among all students
Suggested exercise modifications to individual students to avoid strain and injury
Provide ongoing support and mentoring to each student throughout the year in order to improve academic and social performance
Brand Ambassador, InTheMix Live Marketing & Special Events, Phoenix, AZ
October 2014 - May 2015
Built consumer awareness and loyalty for specific brands by educating consumers about numerous products and performing
product demonstrations
Organized fun and exciting contests to showcase products which increased nightly sales and increased brand awareness
Member, Epsilon Delta - Kappa Kappa Gamma
September 2012 May 2015
Participated in intramural flag football and softball teams which promoted team spirit and collaboration
Volunteered at multiple underprivileged schools in the Phoenix area to support literacy, which resulted in donating over 1500
books and reading to children
Encourage and develop high scholastic achievement by attending weekly study hours to further support academic excellence and
become a well-rounded member of my organization
Athlete, Arizona State University Cheerleader
August 2011 May 2012
Competed in multiple competitions on the West Coast as well as attend ASU events such as Homecoming
Volunteered at Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night Walk, and Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
The physical education program is for students to become a physically and pursue a
lifetime of health enhancing physical activities. This means our students; have learned
skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities. Know the implications of the
benefits from involvement in physical activity. Do participate regularly in physical
activity, are physically fit, and have the knowledge to maintain and develop their fitness
values physical activity and its contribution to a healthful lifestyle.
We strive to:
Dear Parents,
My name is Ms. Mesker and your child is enrolled in my physical education class this
semester. I am looking forward to an exiting year. It is my goal to provide all students
with an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in my classroom.
However, your child has not brought home his/her course syllabus that both of you need
to read and sign the syllabus contract. I have written this contract to ensure that both
the students and their parents understand how this course will run. If you have any
questions regarding the syllabus or the course, please contact me.
I have extremely high expectations of all my students, and want to help them in any way.
I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your child
periodically to make sure their work is being done. I am available to help students
individually before school, during my prep periods, and after school. I have included a
copy of the course syllabus with this letter. If you would like me to notify you of test
dates and/or update you on your childs progress, please fill out and return the e-mail
form included with this letter. Please do no hesitate to contact me at 000-000-0000 or if you have any questions or concerns during the year.
Lauren Mesker
Lauren Mesker
Dear Families,
It is my pleasure to teach your child Physical Education this year. I thought it would be
beneficial to let you know some information about me and policies and rules in this class.
I am from Palos Verdes, California and this will be my first year teaching in the Chandler
School District. I obtained my Bachelor Degree in Secondary Physical Education from
Arizona State University.
Your students grade will be based on participation, wearing tennis shoes, and meeting
the skills practiced at his or her grade level, and behaving appropriately for physical
education class. If you have any questions regarding my grading policy, please feel free
to speak with me. All students are expected to wear tennis shoes to every gym
class. When a student does not wear tennis shoes, he or she receives a minus for the
day and will not be allowed to participate in class. Tennis shoes are soft-soled shoes that
cover the toes, heel, and top of the foot. Boots, sandals, and dress shoes are not
acceptable. This policy is based on my desire to create a safe environment and only
tennis shoes provide the appropriate protection and support for the activities the
students are expected to perform.
Occasionally, children try to avoid participation by telling me that they are ill or hurt.
Therefore, it is my policy that unless a student has a note from a parent or doctor,
he or she must participate in physical education class. If the injury is serve, such
as a broken bone, I will need a note from a doctor regarding when your child can return
and any restrictions he or she may have upon returning. Also, please alert me to any
restrictions or serious medical conditions your child may have by filling out the
second page of this note.
I believe physical education is important in all of our lives, and it is my job to teach your
children the skills necessary for them to enjoy in physical fitness and exercise throughout
their lives. I will encourage all of the students to be physically active in a safe, controlled
way. I look forward to being a significant person in your childs life, so please feel free to
contact me with any questions or concerns. My e-mail address is
Lauren Mesker
Lauren Mesker
Introduction Letter to Principle
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Lauren Mesker and I am a recent graduate from Arizona State University with
a degree in Secondary Physical Education from Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. I am
originally from Palos Verdes, California, but have spent my last two years interning and
student teaching in the Mesa and Chandler School District in which I had a wonderful
With much consideration, research and in-class experience, I have made the conclusion
that this district is the one I wish to teach in; and not only that, but this particular school.
My first experience with Basha High School was during my last semester of Student
Teaching through the iTeach AZ program. High School students have long been my
desired grade level, and my experience at Basha High only furthered that. I feel that
there is a strong desire for the Physical Education programs and organizations at Basha
that I would love to head or simply be apart of. It would be an honor to have to
opportunity to serve this district, school, community, and students. Please feel free to
contact me at any time at the below information:
Phone: (000) 000-0000
Thank you for your time,
Lauren Mesker
Lauren Mesker
Making-Up Points: Students may make up EXCUSED absences or Non-Dress only by making an
appointment with their teacher to make arrangements for making up his/her grade. The
appointment needs to be arranged within ONE week after the absence/non-dress.
Non-Dress: It is imperative that the student is in the required dress for every class as this
assists in security and hygiene. Students will not be allowed to participate without the Physical
Education Uniform; this will result in a deduction of 10 off their grade. The following chart is the
list of consequences for non-dress.
First Non-Dress=Phone call to parent will be made to explain consequences. 10 points can be
made up.
Second Non-Dress=Phone call to parent will be made. 8 points can be made up
Third Non-Dress =Referral to the Administration, Possible Removal from Class with NO Credit!
Absence Policy: Students absent from class excessively may be dropped from class after 9
absences. Parents will be notified after 5 absences, administrators will be notified after 8.
Behavior Policy: Profanity will not be accepted in any of the Physical Education Facilities. The
following will occur when behavior becomes an issue. (For example, inappropriate language,
disrespect to peers, equipment, staff members etc.)
First Offense= Student-Teacher Conference
Second Offense= Call home, and referral to Administration.
Diversity Statement: All individuals have a right to an educational environment free bias,
prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Physical Educational community, students are
expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean
another students race, gender, ethnicity, religious preferences, disability or sexual orientation.
Security: Theft occurs when a student leaves their belongings in an unsecured area, failed to lock
locker, or they have given someone his/her combination to their lock.
1. Students will be provided a lock for PE. Each student is ultimately responsible for his/her
belongings. Teachers will not store clothing and personal items in their offices.
2. Do Not Bring valuable items to school! We are not responsible for them if they are lost or
stolen. This includes excess money, cell phones, or other electronic equipment.
If you have any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact your childs teacher first,
and please allow them 24 hours to respond.
Miss Mesker=
Unit Plan
Environmental Analysis:
Joe is a 3rd grader who was in a accident that lead to him being a wheel chair. It has
been about three years since the accident and it looks like he has adapted to his wheel
chair. Joes attitude tends to vary on the activity at hand. Joe doesnt like activities such
as kickball, and soccer because he is not allowed to play. On the other hand he does like
football and pickelball because he can use his hands. Overall Joe loves Physical
Education and does not use his wheel chair as an excuse to get out of activities.
Bob is in the 1st grade; he was born with Down Syndrome. I have noticed that Bob lacks
object control skills. Bob will participate in activities but will sometimes need assists.
Most students will help him and love to work in any way possible with Bob. The best way
that Bob learns is by clear and direct instructions. Also he always wants you to
demonstrate the goal. Bob needs a lot more practice then other students. When Bob
does the action or activity correct, it is a must that the teacher gives Bob positive
Ashley is a 5th grader that suffers from Autism. During Ashleys normal classes she needs
an aid to help her on her work. On the other hand, Ashley can do all activates during
Physical Education. In class Ashley loves to interact with his best friend Kim. Ashley will
only be partnered up with Kim. If she is not then she will want to sit out or be mad. Since
Ashley has been with me for six years she knows my rules and expectations. Overall
Ashley loves Physical Education and is not a distraction.
Block Plan:
Fitness Animal
Four cornerParachute
Attach to Modified
Standards: 1,2,3,5
Objective-to be able to perform tossing, balancing, and catching of the beanbag in
different ways
Equipment: Cones, beanbags, animal signs, radio
Informal observation, ask questions to check for understanding, student demonstration,
and make sure students are performing the cues correctly. Formal assessment will
include a checklist that includes the cue balancing the bean bag for five seconds on one
hand, and all students will be assessed during the lesson focus activity.
Introductory Activity: Airplane-3 minutes
Children pretend to be airplanes. They take off, zoom with arms out, swoop, turn, and
glide. On signal, they drop to the floor in prone position. To take off again, they must
restart their engines by doing a couple of push-up challenges while making a vroom,
vroom engine sound.
Fitness Activity: Animal Fitness-8 minutes
Lesson focus- During the beanbags activity I will not modify a lot since he will be working
alone on throwing and catching the bean bags.
Game- in animal tag I will give him a noodle so he can tag other students while someone
pushes him around.
Intro- no modifications needed since he can see and do what the other students are
Fitness- an aid will help him with the stretches and movements.
Lesson focus- the aid will work with him to throw and catch the beanbag. Bob will only do
basic movements till he can throw and catch with out an aid.
Game- Bob will hold another persons hand and run when they go so he can react with
the rest of the class.
Intro- no modifications needed since Ashley has been in the class for five years she
knows what to do.
Fitness- Ashley will do the regular fitness but will partner up with Kim so she doesnt
Lesson focus- I will allow Kim and Ashley to work together so that she can have fun and
participate in the class activity
Game- I will separate Kim and Ashley so she can try to tag and chase Kim.
Objective-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe and demonstrate
various football skills including throwing, catching, and kicking.
Equipment: Radio:30/15 interval ,Cones, Footballs, jackpot signs,
Informal observation, ask questions to check for understanding, student demonstration,
and make sure students are performing the cues correctly. Formal assessment will
include a checklist that includes the cue step towards target and follow through to
target, and all students will be assessed during the lesson focus activity.
Introductory Activity: European Running- 3 minutes
-Students move around the area to the beat of a tambourine.
-The step is a trot with the knees lifted.
-Emphasize proper spacing and moving rhythmically.
-Stop on a double beat of the tambourine.
-Have the leader move in different shapes and designs.
-Have class freeze and see if they can identify the shape or formation
Fitness Activity: Jackpot Fitness 8 minutes
-3 different jackpots are filled with fitness exercises and activities are placed around
the teaching area.
-One jackpot filled with strength on small index cards.
-Second, flexibility. Third, aerobic activities.
-Begin at one jackpot and randomly pick out an activity to perform.
-Must rotate to a different box each time.
-Cannot select an activity they previously performed.
Objective-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe and demonstrate
various football skills including kicking and centering.
Equipment: Cones, Footballs, hexagon hustle signs, rule book , whistle, pennies
Informal observation, ask questions to check for understanding, student demonstration,
and make sure students are performing the cues correctly. Formal assessment will
include a checklist that includes the cue Keep eyes on the ball, and all students will be
assessed during the lesson focus activity.
Introductory Activity: Move and Freeze- 3 minutes
Have students move throughout the area using a variety of loco motor movements. On
signal (whistle), they quickly freeze. Try to reduce the response latency by reinforcing
students who stop quickly on signal.
Fitness Activity: Hexagon Hustle- 8 minutes
Intro- no modifications needed the student will be doing the basic move and freeze.
Fitness- an aid will help him with the stretches and movements but also guide him to the
right station and read him the sign.
Lesson focus- the aid will help Bob learn the rules of football by further demonstrating
and teaching him the rules in detail.
Game- Bob will play with his classmates and participate but the game will be played with
a beach ball instead of a football.
Intro- no modifications needed since its move and freeze.
Fitness- Ashley will participate with the class as normal and act out all the movements.
Lesson focus- I will separate Kim and Ashley so they dont interrupt the class or me while
I teach them about football and the rules.
Game- I will put Kim and Ashley together on a team so they can play together. I will let
them play with students that will allow Ashley to score and be successful.
Thursday/Friday Pickelball:
Objective (Explicit): By the end of the lesson students will be able to define and
demonstrate how to forehand, backhand strokes and the proper technique of the serve.
Organization Student will be partnered with another student to make groups of two
throughout the lesson.
Equipment and Set-Up: court, ball, net, paddle, Cones, radio
Assessment/Evidence of Mastery): Informal observation, ask questions to check for
understanding, student demonstration, Formal assessment will include a checklist that
includes if the students forehand, backhand strokes and, serve the ball properly. All
students will be assessed during the lesson focus activity.
Intro-in fastest tag in the west I will give him a noodle so he can tag other students while
someone pushes him around.
Fitness-During the four corner fitness Joe can push himself around or have someone push
him. During the fitness portion he can do upper body stretches.
Lesson focus- During the pickle ball activity I will modify a lot since we will be forehand
and back handing with partners. Joe and his partner will use a bigger paddle and ball so
Joe can hit it
Game- during the modified game Joe will play with someone that can be able to hit the
ball directly to him. Points will be given for a rally.
Intro- no modifications needed since he we are playing a tag game / the aid will help him.
Fitness- an aid will help him with the stretches and movements. He will also help him
move from cone to cone at the appropriate time.
Lesson focus- the aid will work with him on forehand and backhand in pickelball in detail.
Game- Bob will partner with another student and play hit a game. A point will be given to
Bob every time he hits the ball.
Intro- no modifications needed since Ashley has been in the class for five years she
knows what to do.
Fitness- Ashley will do the regular fitness and participate in all parts.
Lesson focus- I will allow Kim and Ashley to work together on forehand and backhand in
pickle ball then they will switch partners so she can work with others.
Game- I will separate Kim and Ashley so they can play against each other. Ashleys
partner will be someone that is patient and willing to work and play with her.
Football Task Sheet
Observer Name:_________________________
1. Did they catch the ball
2. Did they catch the ball with
their hands
3. Did the ball hit the floor less
then 3 times
1.Did they have eyes on target
2.Did they use the cues taught
3.Did they accurately throw it
Hitting/ kicking
1.Did they make contact the ball
2.Did they have proper technic
3.Did they have the eye on the
Darst, P.W. and Pangrazi, R.P. Dynamic Physical Education for Secondary School
Students, 17th Edition. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2009.
Pangrazi, R.P. Lesson Plans for Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School
Children, 17th Edition. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings., 2009.
National association for sport and physical education