100 Basic Hebrew Phrases - Teach Me Hebrew

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100 Basic Hebrew Phrases



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76-100 - TeachMeHebrew.com

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Translitera on

Good morning.

bo-ker tov.

Good evening.

e-rev tov.

Good night.

lai-la tov.

Thank you very much.

to-da ra-ba.

You're welcome.

al lo da-var.

Let's go.

bo ne-lekh.

How are you?

ma shlom-kha?
ma shlo-mekh?

What's up?

ma nish-ma?

What's going on?

ma ko-re?
ma ho-lekh?
eikh ho-lekh?

I'm ne.

a-ni be-se-der.

Nice to meet you.

na-im me-od.

I speak a li le Hebrew.

a-ni me-da-ber ktsat iv-rit.

a-ni me-da-be-ret ktsat iv-rit.

Please correct my Hebrew


ta-ken be-va-ka-sha et ha-ta-u-yot she-li be-iv-rit.






I don't understand.

100 Basic Hebrew Phrases - Teach Me Hebrew

a-ni lo me-vin.
a-ni lo me-vi-na.

Could you repeat that?

a-ta ya-khol lakh-zor al ze?

at ye-kho-la lakh-zor al ze?

What did you say?

ma a-mar-ta?
ma a-mart?

What's your name?

ma shim-kha?
ma shmekh?
eikh ko-rim le-kha?
eikh ko-rim lakh?

My name is

ko-rim li

Where are you from?

me-ei-fo a-ta?
me-ei-fo at?

I'm from the US.

a-ni me-ar-tsot ha-brit.

Where do you live?

ei-fo a-ta gar?

ei-fo at ga-ra?

I live in Tel Aviv.

a-ni gar be-tel a-viv.

a-ni ga-ra be-tel a-viv.

How long have you been in Israel?

ka-ma zman a-ta nim-tsa ba-a-rets?

ka-ma zman at nim-tset ba-a-rets?

I've been in Israel for one and a

half years.

a-ni ba-a-rets sha-na va-khe-tsi.

How long do you intend to stay in


ka-ma zman a-ta mit-ka-ven le-hi-sha-er be-is-ra-el?

ka-ma zman at mit-ka-ven-et le-hi-sha-er be-is-ra-el?

I'm staying in Israel for two years.

a-ni nish-ar be-is-ra-el shna-ta-yim.

a-ni nish-er-et be-is-ra-el shna-ta-yim.

I need to go now.

a-ni tsa-rikh la-le-khet akh-shav.

a-ni tsri-kha la-le-khet akh-shav.

How old are you?

ben ka-ma a-ta?

bat ka-ma at?




note: gramma cally correct is "ka-ma", but "ka-ma" is

much more common"
I'myears old.

a-ni ben
a-ni bat

Are you married?

a-ta na-su-i?
at ne-su-a?

I'm married.

a-ni na-su-i.
a-ni ne-su-a.

I'm single.

a-ni ra-vak.
a-ni ra-va-ka.




100 Basic Hebrew Phrases - Teach Me Hebrew

Do you have children?

yesh la-khem ye-la-dim?

We don't have any children.

ein la-nu ye-la-dim.

We have three kids.

yesh la-nu shlo-sha ye-la-dim.

Why are you in Israel?

la-ma a-ta ba-a-rets?

la-ma at ba-a-rets?

I'm here for ten days.

a-ni po le-a-sa-ra ya-mim.

I work at

a-ni o-ved b
a-ni o-ve-det b

I'm studying

a-ni lo-med
a-ni lo-me-det

When do you go back to the US?

ma-tai a-ta kho-zer le-ar-tsot ha-brit?

ma-tai at kho-zer-et le-ar-tsot ha-brit?

What is that?

ma ze?

What's wrong?

ma ka-ra?

It doesn't ma er.

lo me-sha-ne.

I have no idea.

ein li mu-sag.

I'm red.

a-ni a-yef.
a-ni a-ye-fa.

I'm hungry.

a-ni ra-ev.
a-ni re-e-va.

I'm sick.

a-ni kho-le.
a-ni kho-la.

I don't feel well.

a-ni mar-gish lo tov.

a-ni mar-gi-sha lo tov.

I'm thirsty.

a-ni tsa-me.
a-ni tsme-a.

I'm hot.

kham li.

I'm cold.

kar li.

I'm bored.

a-ni me-shu-a-mam.
a-ni me-shu-a-me-met.

Good luck. (literally: with success)


Congratula ons. (literally: good


ma-zal tov.

I forgot.

sha-khakh- .

No problem.

ein be-a-ya.

Don't worry.

al d-ag.

Is this the bus to?

ze ha-o-to-bus le?

Is this the train to?

zot ha-ra-ke-vet le?

Stop here, please. (to taxi driver)

a-tsor kan, be-va-ka-sha.

What me is it?

ma ha-sha-a?

Has bus number 123 come by yet?

o-to-bus mis-par me-a es-rim ve-sha-losh kvar a-var?

I don't know.

a-ni lo yo-de-a.


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100 Basic Hebrew Phrases - Teach Me Hebrew

a-ni lo yo-da-at.
Come here.

bo he-na.

Good job/Well done. [all the


kol ha-ka-vod.

It's beau ful here.

ya-fe po.

The weather is nice today.

me-zeg ha-a-vir nekh-mad ha-yom.

It's very hot today.

kham me-od ha-yom.

That's mine.

ze she-li.

No smoking. (forbidden to smoke)

a-sur le-a-shen.

I want to go to the beach.

a-ni ro-tse la-le-khet la-khof.

a-ni ro-tsa la-le-khet la-khof.

What's your phone number?

ma mis-par ha-te-le-fon shel-kha?

ma mis-par ha-te-le-fon she-lakh?

What's your email address?

ma ha-i-mel shel-kha?
ma ha-i-mel she-lakh?

Tell me.

ta-gid li.
ta-gi-di li.

What me do you open?

be-ei-zo sha-a a-tem pot-khim?

What me do you close?

be-ei-zo sha-a a-tem sog-rim?

Could you take my picture,


a-ta ya-khol le-tsa-lem o- , be-va-ka-sha?

at ye-kho-la le-tsa-lem o- , be-va-ka-sha?

It's too expensive.

ze ya-kar mi-dai.

I'm just looking.

a-ni rak mis-ta-kel.

a-ni rak mis-ta-kel-et.

Do you have? (at a store)

yesh la-khem?

I'm (not) Jewish.

a-ni (lo) ye-hu-di.

a-ni (lo) ye-hu-di-a.

I'm religious.

a-ni da- .
a-ni da- -ya.

I'm secular.

a-ni khi-lo-ni.
a-ni khi-lo-nit.

I'm vegetarian.

a-ni tsim-kho-ni.
ani tsim-kho-nit.

How much does it cost?

ka-ma ze o-le?

Can I pay by credit card?

ef-shar le-sha-lem be-khar- s ash-rai?

Cash only.

me-zu-man bil-vad.

Is this kosher?

ze ka-sher?

Want to drink a beer with me this


a-ta ro-tse lish-tot i- bi-ra ha-yom ba-e-rev?

at ro-tsa lish-tot i- bi-ra ha-yom ba-e-rev?

Can I help you?

a-ni ya-khol la-a-zor le-kha?

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a-ni ye-kho-la la-a-zor le-kha?




100 Basic Hebrew Phrases - Teach Me Hebrew

Are you ready to order?

a-tem mu-kha-nim le-haz-min?

Are you ready?

a-ta mu-khan?
at mu-kha-na?

Do you want something to drink?

a-ta ro-tse lish-tot ma-she-hu?

at ro-tsa lish-tot ma-she-hu?

Who has the best hummus in


le-mi yesh et ha-khu-mus ha-khi tov ba-a-rets?

A glass of water please.

kos ma-yim be-va-ka-sha.

Anything else?

od ma-she-hu?

Check, please.

khesh-bon be-va-ka-sha.

Can you break this? (big bill into

smaller bills)

ef-shar lif-rot?

Where's the restroom?

ei-fo ha-she-ru- m?

Same thing.

o-to da-var.

I need to prac ce my Hebrew.

a-ni tsa-rikh le-tar-gel et ha-iv-rit she-li.

a-ni tsri-kha le-tar-gel et ha-iv-rit she-li.


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