GARCIA - The Beautiful Queen of Persia - CC

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Garcia, Joanalyn M.

BSED 3A November 23, 2020

Comprehension Check

Answer the following questions:

1. How does the story of Esther begin? What are the high and low points?
 The story begins when a young girl named Hadassah, or Esther, a name which means
“Star.” Her father and mother had died, and she had been left alone; so Mordecai brought
her up as his own daughter. Esther was very beautiful – as lovely in her heart as she was
in her face. She was taken to the palace along with the other beautiful young women, to
be brought before the king.
2. What did Queen Vashti do to upset the King?

 Vashti did not obey the King for showing her face in front of the drunk men as she
believe that it was considered wrong for a woman to allow her face to be seen by any
man except her husband.
3. How do you think Esther felt being asked to be part of the King's harem?
 I think she felt so grateful and thankful because it would be so much privileged to be
chosen as a Queen.
4. What is a harem? Why would that be frightening?
 A harem is a group of women, consisting of wives, concubines, and servants, who live in
the king’s court. It is frightening as it may create quarrel and competitions among
women who are wish to be more powerful than the other.
5. What did Esther ask the King at dinner?
 She asked that the king and Haman shall come again to a dinner with her tomorrow. On
the next dinner she asked the king to kill her and her people.
6. What takes place following the hanging of Haman?
 And on that day the king gave Haman’s place to Mordecai, and set him over the princes.
He gave to Mordecai his own ring with its seal. And, according to the cruel way of doing
things in those times, all the family of Haman, including his sons, were put to death for
their father’s evildoing.
7. What feast of the Jews is established and why is it celebrated even to this day?
 A feast of thanksgiving to God for His mercy in saving the Jews from their enemies. It
is called the feast of Purim. It as being celebrated up to this day to reminisce the story of
Esther, the beautiful queen of Perish.
8. How does the story end in Chapter 10 that shows how God’s hand was upon the Jews?
 The Jews prayed together for and fast for three days and through Queen Esther, God has
shown his power and spared their lives from the enemy.
9. What does Mordecai’s position enable him to do and how can this be a personal application.
 He remained and lived what he believed as a Jew, bowing, giving praise and honor only
to God. This is the best example as Christian, having a time to praise and honor the only
creator, God and make him feel that he was being followed.
10. In your situation, will you be surprised if the king chose you to be his bride?
 Yes. I would be surprised if the king chose me as his bride because it’s such an honor to
be called as Queen.

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