Synthesisofchapter 23
Synthesisofchapter 23
Synthesisofchapter 23
Chapter 2: Setting the Stage
Practicing Literacy
Cycling of Literacy
Establishing routines is
important in the literacy
classroom. Students will
develop a habit of reading
and writing in your classroom.
Selecting a Topic
Framing a Topic
Create student-friendly
objectives. After reviewing
your standards and your
topic, you will want to create
objectives or ideas of what
you want your students to
know for the unit and for the
daily lesson.
These student-friendly
objectives need to be short
and precise. If you use a lot
of hard language, the
students wont know what it
means and will disregard the
Objectives should be
measurable. Stating that
students will learn
something is not measurable.
Stating that they will explain
in three paragraphs is.
Moore, D.W., Moore, S.A., Cunningham, P.M., & Cunningham, J.W. (2011). Developing readers
and writers in the content areas K-12 (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
Although I am not an English teacher, I found this website very useful. When providing my
students with informal assessments so I know if they are comprehending content, I use journals
or exit passes or something of the like. This website provided resources for me to create other
meaningful assessments for the students. This is not only allowing for content knowledge, but
also allowing for literacy. I also like the links to projects for teachers as well as for parents or
after-school providers. This website also provided information on professional development and
videos for teachers to use. English teachers or teachers of any content could use this
invaluable resource!