Blocking Punts For Fun & Profit

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Ted Seay

Copyright 2009 Edmond E. Seay III

Blocking Punts

Why Go For The Block?

No faster way to turn a game around - at
any level
Easy to teach, hard to counter
Encourages aggressive attitude
Builds Esprit de corps among S/T
Blocking Punts

Keep Schemes Simple

May only use one scheme at youth level,
two in high school, etc.
Much more important to drill techniques
than teach schemes
ID potential blockers, then drill
techniques, THEN install schemes
Blocking Punts

Find Potential Blockers

Choose from among quicker kids
Time them over 10 yards from stances
Work with selected kids on stance,
timing, etc.
Drill daily in pre-season, twice a week inseason
Blocking Punts

NOT sprinter's stance - sprinters stand
up as they run
Hand forward, close to tip of ball
Low, coiled-spring stance

Blocking Punts

Eyes on the ball, move when it does
Get small - no surface to block
Explode forward, stay low, clear blockers
Once past blockers' heels, adjust course

Blocking Punts

Scout depth of kick, not punter
Place cone at kick depth for practice
Once past blockers, adjust to cone
Sprint across block point @ angle
Shoot hands at last second - FORWARD
If blocked, work outside (clear path)
Blocking Punts

Scheme One - Rush 10

Blocking Punts

Scheme Two - Rush 8

Blocking Punts

Coaching Points for Blocks

Work as team on paths to cone (Red X in
Have snapper use part-deflated ball
Call out number of one player -- all others
fade outside, he goes for block
Take ball right off punter's foot
Blocking Punts


Fake protection can be man, zone
Possible to set up block one side, return
Even if you don't block punts every game,
don't get frustrated
Blocks WILL come -- so will shanks, etc.
Blocking Punts


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