Kicking Game Plan Checklist - Jackie Sherrill - Texas A&M
Kicking Game Plan Checklist - Jackie Sherrill - Texas A&M
Kicking Game Plan Checklist - Jackie Sherrill - Texas A&M
PUNT RETURN Kicking Game
I. Where Kicker Places Ball.
2. Can We Block The Punt (What Block)?
3. Who Must We Hold Up To Get A Return?
4. Fake Or Special Plays.
and Reminders
I. What Type Of Return Do They Use?
2. What Type Of Block Do They Use?
3. Who Not To Punt To.
4. SpecialReturn Or Reverse.
I. Return Used (Any Special).
2. Who Not To Kick To.
3. Best Type Of Kick And Coverage Coordination.
I. Return To Use (Vs. Coverage).
2. Who Must We Block? . .,
3. Ready For UnusualType Of Kick.
I. Can We Block It?
2. What Type Of Block To Use.
3. Do They Do Anything Special? ~.)
I. Type Of Rush Used.
2. Who Must We Block?
3. Any Special Blocks.
I. Work versus a punter so we are conscious of
forcing punter to kick on rhythm. Know average
PUNTERS distance of punt.
2. Average 10 yards a return. Make a Ist down.
I. Time punter and snap.
2. Time - Hang time. ONSIDE KICK
3. Punting out of bounds. I. Goal: Kick at least one onside kick each game.
4. Poocher. 2. Make sure to use two safeties when covering
onside kick.
S. Punt snap (work on) low-high-to both sides.
6. Punt from end zone (practice). Don't step on end DEFENSE KICKING GAME
line. I. K.O. Coverage and Returns.
7. What to do on a bad snap on 3rd down - on 4th 2. Punt Returns, Punt Rushes and Safe Punt.
(a) Drill for Punt Block.
8. Punting out of end zone on 3rd and 4th down 3. Extra Point and Field Goal Defense.
(bad snap).
(a) Fake.
9. When to take a safety on a bad snap. (b) Two-Point Try.
10. What to do versus ten-man rush - Free man (c) Rush from right, left, or wide side of field.
rushing. 4. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Down Punt Defense.
II. Develop 2-step punters.
S. Quick Kick Return.
PUNT RECEIVERS (a) Automatic Left or Right.
I. Handlingpunts - pick ballup as it leaves punter's (b) Safety play deep on quick kicking team.
foot - watch to see if ball turns over. 6. Handling blocked punts behind the line of scrim-
2. Don't let the ball hit the ground - 17 yards mage.
average loss. (a) Ist, 2nd, 3rd Down.
3. Handling a sliced punt - if you can't handle it, (b) 4th Down.
peter the ball. 7. Handling deflected kicks that cross line of scrim-
4. Up backs will handle short punts - align wide mage.
enough to catch sliced punts. 8. Onside Kick, Squib Kick.
S. Fair catch rule (all facets). (a) Coverage.
6. Peter the ball(inside 10-yardlineor a short punt). (b) Return.
7. Peter ball at end of game or half-time or in 9. Time opponent's punter in pre-game warm-ups in
inclement weather. scouting and before our game. Also get distance
and hang time.
8. Versus quick kicks,automatic return Rt.
10. Emphasize"5 Don'ts" of kickinggame (punt).
9. Standingon 10-yardline and punt going over your
head simulate fair catch - go through receiving (a) Don't be offside.
motions - be an actor but do not block. This may (b) Don't rough kicker.
cause the punt coverage to pull up and allow the (c) Don't block below the waist.
ball to go in the end zone. (d) Don't clip.
10. Catch punts - with defenders distracting you. (e) Don't let ball hit the ground.