Parent Teacher Conference Reflection
Parent Teacher Conference Reflection
Parent Teacher Conference Reflection
brought Jane back into the room and had her explain the way she felt
about the class. She told us that she was very overwhelmed and
stressed because the homework and the outlining was a lot for her to
do especially when she is absent for a class. Jane had been absent
recently for 3 days due to her braces. Mrs. Muccia and I told Jane that
yes work needs to be completed, however she needs to relax because
the work that she hands us is her best work. As long as she tries her
best the homework will not affect her in a negative way. We explained
that even if she did poorly on multiple homework it would not affect
her grade because it was only worth 20%. We also talked about how
Jane needs to ask questions and clarify answers. We told her that
asking questions does not show weakness, it shows strength because
she wants to know the information so she gets it right on the
assignment. We told her that even though she has outlining and
homework we usually dont check the outlined notes until after the
lesson is over. We told her she just needs to learn how to manage her
time so that she is not working on homework 100% of the time. She
needs to have a life outside of school as well.
I thought this meeting went well because Jane felt a lot better
after we finished the meeting. She understood that she can ask
questions and that Mrs. Muccia and I are there to answer questions.
She knows that she can make mistakes on homework because that is
where mistakes are suppose to be made. Homework is for mistakes so
that she can learn better. We came up with a plan for Jane, we made
sure she knew to ask questions and to manage her time so that she
wasnt outlining a lot every night. Now that I know Jane struggles with
getting questions wrong, having too much work
N- Grammar difficulties: Student came from a public school in which
Grammar is not taught the way we teach grammar at SGGA. Student is
struggling. The parent is a reading specialist and she is very involved
with her childs learning. She wants to learn and be explained the way
grammar is taught at our school so she can practice it with him at
home. Student has improved in grades and in mood ever since the
T- Not doing homework or studying: The parent was concerned about
how her child was not getting homework done. She wanted us to come
in for a meeting with the child and talk to him about how his homework
and studying habits are not getting him the grades that he wants. This
was a sort of wake up call towards the student.