Social Science Unit For EDU 383 Social Science Methods Name: Logan Allen

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Social Science Unit for EDU 383 Social Science Methods

Name: Logan Allen

Social Studies Unit Topic:

Grade Level: 2

Pioneers and Westward Expansion

Enduring Understanding To understand and appreciate the Pioneers and their impact on


Essential Questions for the Unit (2-5)
1. How did the pioneers
shape the United States?
2. Why were the pioneers
inspired to go West?
3. What did the
government look like in early
America? How does it compare to
4. What was life like in this

Background Materials Used:

Ideas from Dr. Frazier
Scholastic Book Wizard

time period?
5. How did the pioneers get
what they needed to survive?

Introductory Lesson East to West

1) TSW understand what it means to

be a pioneer.
2) TSW understand basic roles and
items needed during pioneers.

Content Areas Addressed

Literacy, Physical Education,

SS: History, Sociology/Anthropology

Possible Lesson Activities/Integrated Learning

Play kahoot pioneer version (teacher generated questions - preassessment)

Read the mentor text You Wouldnt Want to be an American Pioneer
Play the game East to West (based off of the game Ship to Shore)
Discuss Pioneers as a whole group

Day #2 Lesson Pioneer Travels

Content Areas Addressed

1) TSW examine a map from pioneer

times and compare it to a current
United States map.
2) TSW write a persuasive letter
about why the pioneers should move

Literacy, Writing,
SS: Geography, History, Economics,
Sociology/Anthropology, Civics,

Possible Lesson Activities/Integrated Learning

- Use the smartboard to examine the United States map of then and now
- Group discussion: brainstorm reasons why the Pioneers wanted to go West
- Reread part of the mentor text You Wouldnt Want to be an American Pioneer
- TSW write a persuasive letter, create a commercial, or poster about why the
pioneers should go West

Day #3 Lesson Westward Expansion

1) TSW understand the different

paths across the United States and why

Content Areas Addressed

Math, Literacy, Writing,

the pioneers chose them

2) TSW know the parts of a map

SS: Geography, Civics, Economics,


Possible Lesson Activities/Integrated Learning

- Create a KWL chart on pioneer travel and daily life

- Examine maps of trials across America from pioneer times
- Discuss the reasons why pioneers would choose certain paths
- Discuss the obstacles pioneers would face and their daily life
- Play the Oregon Trail game
- TSW draw a path they would take across the united states and write 3
sentences why they chose that route (geographically, animals, weather.etc.)

Day #4 Lesson Life as a Pioneer *Field Trip


Content Areas Addressed

Literacy, Physical Education,

1) TSW understand the everyday life
of a pioneer
2) TSW compare our modern
standard of living to that of a pioneer in
the 1800s.

SS: Geography, History,

sociology/Anthropology, Civics, economics

Possible Lesson Activities/Integrated Learning

- KWL chart on daily life of a pioneer

- Read mentor text Your Life as a Pioneer on the Oregon Trail
- Discuss the different life skills pioneers needed (hunting, cooking, cleaning,
hygiene, etc.) and create an anchor chart comparing our modern standard of living to
that of a pioneer
- Discuss how their location in the U.S. changed how they lived and gathered
- Leave for field trip to Missouri Town Students will need to
make lots of observations
- Come back to school and debrief on what the students have learned (Share
Day #5 Lesson Government in the 1800s

1) TSW draw connections to the

pioneer government to todays
2) TSW understand the importance of
elected officials, their qualities, and

Content Areas Addressed

SS: Civics, History, Sociology/Anthropology,

their role in society

Possible Lesson Activities/Integrated Learning

- Watch video on pioneer government

- After watching, have a group discussion about the ways their government is
similar to ours
- Create a then and now anchor chart
- TSW make a placemat of a person in government from either then or now (the
name will be given to them). TSW partner with the student who was assigned the
same person as them to generate ideas on what should go on the placemat.
- TSW complete the placemat, then participate in the group placemat activity.

Day #6 Lesson Food and Pioneer kids

1) TSW describe the ways pioneers

obtained and made various foods while
2) TSW relate the way the pioneers
obtained and made food to the way we
do in modern times

Content Areas Addressed

Science, Physical Education, math,

SS: History, Sociology/Anthropology,
Geography, Economics

3) TSW understand the roles of

pioneer children
4) TSW compare and contrast the life
of a pioneer child to their own life

Possible Lesson Activities/Integrated Learning

- Read mentor text Going to Town

- Discuss the roles Laura had in this book and the roles that children of this time
would have
- Compare and contrast the life of a pioneer child to the students lives
- Watch video on Pioneer food
- Discuss the types of foods the pioneers would eat and how the kids would help
prepare meals
- TSW make ice cream in a bag
- The class will debrief on the experience while eating the ice cream

Day 7 - Possible Assessments to assess

STUDENT performance (list ideas you will
plan to elaborate on when completing the
Assessment Plan template)

Personal reflection on what was most

challenging and most rewarding for YOU
during the planning of this unit

Formative assessment

Performance assessment

Traditional assessment

List some of the ways you addressed the

Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor needs
of students within this unit plan

The most challenging part of this unit

plan was coming up with a way to touch on
everything I wanted the students to know. In
reality I think this unit could be completed
over the span of a few weeks because there
is so much to do and talk about. For the
purpose of this assignment I couldnt include
everything I could possibly want to.
The most rewarding experience was
getting to see how many materials and ideas
are out there to help you with lesson
planning. I didnt realize that there are so
many resources that you can use and I loved
being free to explore and find new resources
that I can use one day in my real life

List some differentiated instruction

techniques you have used based on:

Content = Process = Product =

C= The students will learn about the
Or based on Student Characteristicspioneers and understand how they impacted

the United States

A= The students will gain an appreciation for

the life that they have and understand the
privilege they have compared to the

Readiness = Interest Level = Learning


I differentiated by product several times

during my unit.
Day 2, day 3, day 5

P= The students will learn through hands on

activities and a field trip to better
understand the pioneer lifestyle.

I differentiated by interest level by having

different ways for the students to display
their knowledge. The students got to pick
which one they wanted to do based on
personal preference. This also is helping
differentiate by learning styles because the
student gets to choose the way they think is
best for them. Learning style and interest
level go hand in hand. An example is that a
quiet student may choose to do the
persuasive letter because they like working
quietly by preference. This is also the way
the student learns best.

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