Final Relection

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Nicholas Meyer

Mrs. Thomas
UWRT 1103
24 March 2016

Final Reflection
1. Choose a song or musical composition that communicates your experience
with writing and UWRT 1102. Consider including a video of the song. Explain
your choice.
2. If you were to teach this class, what ideas would you emphasis?
3. Explain how your understanding of rhetorical knowledge has changed over the
course of the semester using at least three examples from your writing. Ex. Did
you shift an assignment to better fit a particular genre like a proposal?
4. Explain how your critical reading has improved during the semester. Ex. In what
ways did you read across texts for connections and patterns in your inquiry?
5. Discuss your composing processes. Ex. Did you conduct additional research
while revising or after consulting a colleague? Provide at least three examples to
support your assertion.
6. Provide at least three examples of your knowledge of conventions Ex.
sentence level changes, MLA citations.
7. Critical Reflection: A) Explain the importance of reflection in learning processes.
B) Explain what you think is important in providing commentary on others work
and receiving commentary on your own. C) Provide at least three examples of
your nuanced use of commentary in your writing projects.
The song that I choose to communicate my experience throughout my writing
career during this class War by Edwin Starr. Overall I really like this song and find it
quite funky if I can be frank. The message of the song coincided with the main idea for a
majority of the writing and research that I conducted for this class. My inquiry Proposal

was the introduction to why we fight war with a brief history of war throughout times and
the reasons that we fight them. After that I started doing a bunch of research on different
wars and I remembered a few songs that have strong war themes to them. I was torn
between this song and sympathy for the devil by the Rolling Stones. Both of these song
have strong messages. I thought that War was more specific to my topic plus I really
enjoyed it in the movie Cody Banks 2:Destination London.
If I was able to teach this class I would emphasize a few different main ideas. I
think that this class was constructive and helped me improve as a writer, but I felt there
could have been things added or cut. One thing that I would have added was more to
do with reading. Reading and writing go so closely that the best way to learn how to
write is by observing other people. One problem I can see is that apathy is a strong
opponent when it comes to students and mandatory reading. It is hard to get people to
enjoy and learn from reading stuff that they dont care about. One way I might possible
go about this would be to have the students provide their own books that I would
approve. Some things that I would cut from the class would be the emphasis on the
day-books. While I see the educational merit to them I find them to not be as helpful to
improving writing as one would hope. Overall there are no major changes I would make
because the class seemed to do an adequate job at producing better writers.
My understanding of Rhetorical Knowledge has definitely improved during this
course. I always felt that my writing was very choppy and had no flow, but now I feel that
I can somewhat hold a flow together when writing a paper. The first draft of my Thesis
was a disaster. This usually would be bad because most papers I write our one draft
only because I wait till the last minute to write them. But on my thesis when I wrote the

second half I completely rearranged some of my paragraphs and it really helped my

paper make sense and flow together. Another example I had where I had to take a step
back from writing and think about my rhetorical knowledge was in my inquiry proposal. I
had begun to lose focus of my audience and purpose and needed to regain focus.
Finally in my annotated bibliographies I had to adapt to a new kind of writing where I
would separate the facts on my sources and my opinions on the sources into two
different paragraphs. This was different than the rest of my writing which had a mix of
Critical Reading is a very important part of learning. While I was reviewing over
my inquiry proposal I really liked usage of rhetorical questions like why would they live
such hard lives? so I decided to use similar methods in my Thesis. I also included
some rhetorical questions like But why are they so contrastingly different in my thesis.
I felt after reading both that these help connect the reader with my writing, making them
contemplate the ideas that I am presenting in my writing.
Composing processes was a tricky one. I tend to not put much thought into the
planning of my paper and just jump right in. For my inquiry proposal I thought quickly
about some past wars that I was fairly familiar with and that I would be able to form
information about without too much extra research. For my thesis I planned out a table
that included the main idea I wanted to talk about for each part of my paper, I later went
back and changed around the format of some of the paragraphs to help it all flow better.
Finally in my Annotated Bibs while we were in the library I quickly did searches for
books about my topics and the first mildly interesting books that related to my topic were

the ones I choose. I feel this could be the reason that my annotated bibs covered such a
broad range of different topics, because I choose them in such random ways.
Knowledge of conventions was one I also struggled with. I write my papers at a
pretty rapid pace and with that come careless errors. I have a bad habit of not reading
back over my work when it is finished. One problem I saw when I reread over my
annotated bibs was that I had many cases when I would repeat words. I looked over all
my other papers to see if this was a common occurrence and it appears that it is. One
way that I could help fix my errors would be to slow down when Im writing or to reread
each paragraph as I write it to make sure there are no careless errors. Another
example I found in my writing was in my Thesis, when I would transition in between
main ideas I would use a similar sentence structure to make it more clear that I was
transitioning. I really liked this and thought it helped add some flair to my paper.
I do find it a little Ironic that the last thing that I write for this class is about critical
reflection. Critically reflecting is the best way for an individual to improve. The only
person that you can compare your writing to is your own to see if it is improving. In this
class we did a lot of peer review on our writing. I think this was helpful for me as a fresh
set of eyes on your work can always help you see things in different ways. On my
literacy narrative I felt lost and not sure what to write about until I was able to read other
people's drafts and have them comment on mine. Being able to look back at comments
made on my peers was very helpful on my Thesis to. It helped me bring my thesis in a
new and better direction. Overall I had a great time in this class and I definitely feel like
a better writer.

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