New Practice - Assessment 2

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Practice 2 - Assessment

For questions 15, look at the focus of assessment and the three activities listed
A, B and C.
Two of the activities are appropriate for the focus of assessment. One is NOT.
Choose the activity (A, B or C) which is NOT appropriate for the focus of

knowledge of subject content

A Write a definition for the following two ways of varying the beat: offbeat,
B Sketch a plan of a standard symphony orchestra. Label the different
C Underline the connectors which indicate the order of the performance.

knowledge of language structures

A Highlight the indirect questions the geologist used in his interview.
B Circle the words which give examples of plants and animals living in the
Sahara Desert.
C Copy any comparatives used to describe different features of deserts and
write them in the table.

knowledge of both subject content and language

A Circle the prefixes or suffixes of ten words used in the text on plastics.
B Read about the uses of different natural materials in industry and then
give the text a title using only three words.
C Write a description of a natural plastic.

communication skills
A Imagine you lived in Ancient Egypt. Think of three questions you would
have liked to ask the pharaoh.
B Find out about the social structure of Ancient Egypt using one book and
one internet site.
C Using the computer, create a presentation about the life of a scribe in
Ancient Egypt.

practical skills
A Make an electrical circuit using two lamps, two batteries and one switch.
B Suggest a change to the circuit which will make the light brighter.
C Draw a circuit diagram to represent the circuit then another to show the
change that was made.

UDEP | CLIL Principles | ER | Apr. 2015


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