Engineering: Inside Listening and Speaking 1 Unit 1 Answer Key
Engineering: Inside Listening and Speaking 1 Unit 1 Answer Key
Engineering: Inside Listening and Speaking 1 Unit 1 Answer Key
Page 2
A. Use the target words, or forms of them, to complete the paragraph.
1. approaches
2. awareness
3. transportation
4. sources
5. environment
Page 2
B. Write the examples from the box under each head in the chart. With a
partner, add two more ideas to each column.
Page 3
C. Match the dictionary definitions with the example sentences.
approach (verb)
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. b
approach (noun)
1. b
2. c
3. a
Page 3
D. With a partner, match each item with its source. Take turns making
sentences with the information.
Answers will vary. Possible answers below.
1. d- Wind is a source of energy.
2. c- The Internet is a source of information.
Page 4
Mark each sentence as T (true) or F (false). Work with a partner. Restate false
sentences to make them correct.
1. T
2. F He talks about three ways cities help the environment.
3. T
4. T
5. F In Curitiba, Brazil, people get bus tickets when they recycle.
6. F In Barcelona, Spain, they have different colored bins for different kinds of
Page 5
Learn A. Complete the three main topics or approaches the speaker talks
Eco-friendly cities – 3 approaches
1. Building design
2. Drive less
3. Recycling trash
Page 5
Apply A. Write down the three main topics from the notes above. Go online to
listen to the lecture again. Write details and examples under each main topic.
Use the following outline to help you organize your notes.
1. Building design
• Rooftop gardens. Where: Malmo, Sweden, NY, Singapore
• Wind to cool buildings. Where: Singapore
2. Drive less
• Ride bikes/bike trails. Where: Copenhagen and Portland
• Hydrogen powered buses. Where: Reykjavik
• Fewer roads, better bus system. Where: Curitiba, Brazil
3. Less trash
• Recycle 70%, get food and bus passes. Where: Curitiba
• Colored recycling bins. Where: Barcelona
• Ban plastic bags. Where: Many cities
Page 6
A. Use the target words, or forms of them, to complete the paragraph.
1. approaching
2. alternative
3. vehicles
4. alternative
5. approach
Page 7
B. Match the word on the left with something it affects on the right.
1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. e
Page 7
C. With a partner, match each person to a good vehicle for his or her abilities.
1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. e
Page 7
D. For each sentence, write N if the word alternative is a noun. Write Adj. if
alternative is an adjective.
1. N
2. Adj
3. N
4. Adj
5. N
Page 8
Read the questions about driverless cars .Work with a partner to ask and
answer the questions.
1. One type uses WiFi to control the cars. The other type uses a truck that controls a
convoy of cars.
2. Google headquarters in California and in Spain.
3. No not yet due to the expense and more testing needed on safety.
4. There are more good points than problems.
Page 9
Apply A. Go online to listen to the audio again. Check (✓) the person who does
each thing.
Ben Lidia Charles Grace
Didn’t prepare ✓
Doesn’t listen ✓
Doesn’t ✓
Isn’t polite ✓ ✓
Talks too ✓
Page 9
Apply B. One way to have a good group discussion is to assign roles. Read
about each role. Write the name of the person in each role in the listening.
1. Lidia
2. Grace
3. Charles
Page 9
Apply C. Go online to listen to the audio again. Take notes about the good and
bad points of driverless cars. Add your own ideas to the chart.
Answers will vary. Possible answers below.
Good points:
They use less gas.
They are smaller.
They are safe
They are better for the environment.
Bad points:
They are expensive.
The still need more testing for safety on real roads.
Page 9
D. Follow the guidelines for participating in a group discussion. Work in a
group of three and assign roles. Answer the questions below. Share your ideas
with the class.
Answers will vary. Possible answers below.
1. They are smaller and use less gas.
2. If no one is actually driving who is responsible if you get in an accident.
3. Yes, they cause less pollution.
4. Maybe if they are cheaper and the test well for safety on real roads.
Page 10
Apply A. Go online to listen for the intonation. Draw an arrow showing the
intonation. Then raw a line ( | ) to show a pause.
1. That's great, | Ben.
2. Charles, aren’t you listening?
3. How about you, Charles?
4. Ben, please stop talking.
5. Grace, what do you think?
Page 11
A. Look at the Japanese folding car below. With a partner, discuss some good
things about this design. Then discuss some possible problems.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. They might be hard to fold or unfold.
2. They are very small.
3. They might break easily.
Page 11
B. Listen to the podcast about eco-friendly cars. Check (✓) the things the
speaker talks about.
✓hybrid cars
✓electric cars
driverless cars
✓cars with sails
Page 12
D. List the types of cars the speaker discusses in the podcast. For each one, list
good and bad points about it. The group leader make sure everyone