It doesnt matter if it is one-out-of-five women who get sexually assaulted, what matters is trying
to put an end to it ("Myths and Facts.")While it isnt possible to reverse this problem, there is a
way to try to minimize it which is always better then leaving the problem alone. The goal is to
stop blaming women who have been and to educate men from a young age this is wrong. Making
men aware of the negative effects it has from a young age will make them realize how wrong it is
and helping women out will make them feel better.
Sexual assault is a problem everywhere and it happens all the time. It occurs at the places you
would think should be the safest like college campuses. ("Myths and Facts.") To many people it
isnt seen as a problem, especially to men. Men have the mentality that they are in control and
they are always right which makes this happen a lot more. (Educating Our Young Men About
Rape.") It all starts from how men are raised. Which then starts the blaming of women because
of what they wear or how they act. Women cannot dress the way they want because men cannot
seem to control their sexual urges. (Women 'to Blame' for Being Raped.") Men are the problem,
not women. Women should be able to wear what they want and men need to learn that they are in
control of what they do.
In order to minimize sexual assault and to educate young men about how wrong it is, and this
must start at home. Parents need to have serious talks with their kids from a very young age so
they begin to slowly understand. Having groups where parents can go to and be taught how to
talk to their kids will be very helpful. Some parents may not know what to say and will need to
be taught as well. Teaching young men to recognize sexual assault when it occurs, how its
wrong and the negative affects it causes will help.
Conducting advertisements and public service campaigns will also help. The advertisements and
public service campaigns need to show how sexual assault is wrong and that women are not the
blame for why it occurs.
A support group for women who have been sexually assaulted will provide a place where women
feel safe to talk. Many women dont talk about what happened because they are afraid of being
judged or put the blame for it. Other people who have been through it will be able to understand
and they will not judge, which will make these women feel more comfortable.
Minimizing sexual assault will make the community a better place and women will not have to
worry about it occurring because of what they are wearing or the way theyre acting. Sexual
assault is not something that can come to an end but by taking baby steps it will begin to
Works Cited
Educating Our Young Men About Rape." Cognoscenti. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015"
"Myths and Facts." Myths and Facts. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2015
Women 'to Blame' for Being Raped." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, n.d. Web. 14 Sept.