Violence Against Women
Violence Against Women
Violence Against Women
Wrtten by: Dave P. Samson G10 Flores
“The one and simple problem that we could not resolve because of ignorance”. As centuries past our country
the “Philippines” passed through many changes and technological advances. Our People for example have grown
and changed. Yet one thing stays the same, it was never change nor eradicated. “Violence” is an act of physical
force that causes or is intended to cause harm. Violence is a plague that has never been eradicated and has live
alongside us since the beginning of time. One Good example of violence is “Violence Against Women”.
Before violence on women discrimination and ideology was first set. Even before modern times women are
already being discriminated as the past society believes that women are lesser than men and are incapable of doing
what men can do a good example of this is the teleserye Maria Clara and Ibarra in which one of the scenes where the
protagonist argue about the credibility of women. Even with that prejudice ideology women of history standout tall
and proves that they are more than equal than men like Gabriela Silang one of the greatest revolutionist.
People might say that there are more important topics to be discussed other than Violence Against Women
like timely topics, Maharlika Wealth Fund Bill, Latest update on our territory on West Philippine Sea, or has our
economy truly becoming better or worse. This Topic of Violence Against Women are nowhere near important as
this said topic and only affect the small percentage of our society.
Exactly, people are to focus in great issues on that they forgot to overlook small ones. Violence Against
Women must be seen in the society as not a small problem but a part of all issue they are trying to solve.
Furthermore neglecting on the issues of violence against women and girls can affect many people resulting in long-
term physical, sexual, and mental consequences for women and girls can be devastating, including death in rare
cases. Following, there are many reason why this issue must be notice and must be taken action but I will only give
one and solution taken to apprehend this issue.
Violence Against Women should be stopped as it is inhumane and against to the teaching of our creator and
savior “Jesus Christ”. Women must be treated fairly and respected as equals. The inadequacy of a woman must be
filled by a man and not to take advantage or abuse them. Other than the disadvantage of size and strength compared
to men, Women are completely capable of anything and yet in fact according to Stasta 2012-2021 the female labor
force participation rate in the Philippines was at 39.33 percent. Much smaller than our neighboring countries whose
labor force participation are above 50 percent like Malaysia and Indonesia.
There many ways to solve a problem but in my opinion the best way to solve a problem is to find its roots and
to think outside the box. In truth Violence Against Women cannot be eradicated rather it can be lessen as violence is
natural to us humans even though we know it is fully wrong. My first proposal is education, as people know more
they become more considerate to their action. Second is to change their ideology even with education if ideology is
not change their course of action is always to their ideology. Third, if possible all people should go under
psychosocial to see their behavior is normal as not all people realizes that most people who are perpetrators for
(VAW) also need help. Fourth, Improving proper guidance towards children by parents if possible the government
should take action as Jose Rizal said children are the future of our nation as this children become adults they are
already fully aware that violence is not a proper action, for that action future generation well results for fewer
violence against women. Other factors may play like addiction and etc that would result for violence, the only
solution I can offer is self discipline and wise decision making.
In conclusion, violence negatively affects women's general well-being and prevents women from fully
participating in society. Ideology must be change in to our modern society where women is maybe at physical
disadvantage but are more than equal to other aspects. (VAW) should not be seen as a tiny problem and be left with
a blind eye rather it should be part of the whole issue towards the society.(VAW) should be stopped as it is
inhumane and contradicts to the teaching of our savior “Jesus Christ” as he said to love one another. Many things
affect why (VAW) is being committed like Ideology, Discrimination, Inadequacy, physical disadvantage,
Background and etc.