Lesson 3

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Summary of Major Teaching Strategies

In this Underground Railroad unit, the goal is for students to grasp more than just
the content. The students should walk away from the unit understanding that people in
the past, present, and future go to great lengths to secure their freedom. This is executed
by having the lessons specifically thought out and designed for every type of learner. The
objective is for the instruction to move beyond just telling, having students more
engaged in meaningful conversation and making connections to the content and concept.
The teacher will set the foundation on the first day by introducing to the students what
freedom is and why people go to great lengths to secure it. The teacher will connect the
concept to the students by making them think about the freedoms that they have in their
own lives. The students will fill out a graphic organizer and the content will be built upon
each day during instruction. The goal for each day of instruction is for students to see
why slaves went to great lengths because of their physical conditions, education, and
opportunities, how they went to great lengths on the Underground Railroad, and study life
in the north and have the students analyze if they believe it was worth the slaves going to
great lengths to obtain the freedom. Lesson 1 will highlight freedom and provide a
framework of where this is taking place. Lesson 2 will focus on the physical conditions of
slaves on the plantation, the preparation for escape and places where slaves stayed on
their journey, and the physical conditions of fugitives in the north. Lesson 3 will center
on the education of slaves on the plantation, the famous conductors of the Underground
Railroad, and education opportunities when slaves reached the north. Lesson 4 will focus
on the limited opportunities that slaves had in the south, transportation on the
Underground Railroad, and opportunities that African Americans had in the north.

Lesson 5 will encompass the concept of great lengths focusing on how the Civil War and
Emancipation Proclamation were great lengths that ended slavery and connecting the
concept to other examples in history and in todays world. The lessons flow from one day
to the next but may be subject to change. A daily blog reflection will serve as a bridge or
connection between each day of instruction. This is to help students to see how the
content and concept carries over each day.
The teacher will start out each lesson by engaging them through a Readers
Theatre. This serves to excite the students about the content and provide a framework for
what they will be learning. After students engage in that activity, the teacher will start off
by accessing the students prior knowledge through questioning and reviewing previous
days material. Throughout the unit the students are challenged to think deeply and relate
the concept to the content presented to them each day. The teacher scaffolds their
thinking by providing them with thinking routines and resources such as Jigsaws, concept
maps, 3-2-1 bridges, case studies, a Step Inside, and 4 Cs. these thinking routines
serve to help the student reflect on what had been taught and organize the students new
knowledge in a way that they can remember it.
Throughout the unit students are given hands-on practice opportunities to
collaborate with their peers and explore the material. As the teacher presents each day in
an interactive and engaging way, the students are completing a note-taking guide to
support their intake of knowledge and new vocabulary. This ensures that even when the
teacher is explicitly telling the students information instead of engaging in discussion that
the students are actively involved in some way. In this unit learning is student directed

and student focused through note-taking guides, visuals, cooperative learning groups,
questions, discussions, simulations, hands-on activities, and problem solving.
The teacher will assist students abstract thinking by discussing the content and
the content and the concept with students daily. The teacher will use student responses in
addition to her own examples to help students access higher levels of Blooms
Taxonomy. The teacher will use questions and formative assessments to assure that
students are on track and to support the daily instruction. The teacher will have each
student use reading, writing, listening, and speaking when engaging in each lesson and
activity in so that she can get a full understanding of his or her strengths and weaknesses
with the content. A PowerPoint that includes visuals to help the students make
connections to what they are learning will present the content each day.
The teacher will close out each lesson with practice and assessment where the
students will have the opportunity to show what they have learned by working
collaboratively and independently. Each was created to fit the content of the lesson and
encompass every learning style. Each section of this unit is made to challenge each
student to their highest level and potential of learning.

Design for Learning: Lesson 3

Instructor: Lindsey Harding
Lesson Title: Education
Curriculum Area: Social Studies

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Date: NA
Estimated Time: 1-2 days

Standards Connection:
11.) Identify causes of the Civil War, including states' rights and the issue of slavery.
Describing social, economic, and political conditions that affected citizens during the
Civil War (viewpoint of slavery)
Learning Objective(s):
When given a 3-2-1 students will list and discuss how slaves went to great lengths to
secure their freedom by changing their education scoring at least 5 out of 6 points.
Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Today you are going to learn about the education of slaves and how they went to great
lengths to obtain it.
Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
The teacher will evaluate the students by giving them a 3-2-1 worksheet. The teacher will
ask the students to list 3 reasons why slaves didnt have an education,
list 2 key figures who had an education that we talked about and explain how they helped
slaves on the Underground Railroad, and discuss 1 way that education impacted the life
of a slave. The teacher will walk through the sheet with the students before passing it out
to them. They will turn their sheets into the social studies bin before they move onto the
next class. The teacher will check their work with a key. They will be expected to score 5
out of the 6 points to be considered proficient.
The teacher will begin by activating the students prior knowledge and then move on to
engaging students in the content being learned today. Alright class, we are going to be
moving on in our readers theatre today. Can someone remind us what has happened so
far in our story? Student explains what has happened so far. Thank you! Who is ready to
hear about the escape to freedom? Okay, everyone please get out your red folder with
your character on it. We are going to be doing Scene 3 and 4 today! Teacher waits for
students to get their character assignments out. I need Narrator 4, John Jordan, Ben,
Rose, Mary Jordan, Daniel Cooper, Mary Cooper, and Narrator 5. Same routine as
yesterday, you will have 2 minutes to read over your script. The teacher hands the script
to the students. If I did not call your name please put your sheet back in your folder.
Teacher waits a moment. Table 1 will you come to the carpet quietly and start a semicircle? Table 234Thank you for doing this quietly. I am so proud of how all of you
have been listening and respecting your peers. Keep it up! Are my performers ready?
Lights, camera, action! Students perform their script of the readers theatre. When they
are finished the teacher and class applauds them and the teacher refocuses their attention.
Thank you for participating and thank you class for being such great listeners and

supporters. You may have a seat in the circle. Can I have all eyes and ears on me please?
This is crazy! What do you all think is going to happen? We will have to wait until
tomorrow to find out! Before we move into what we are going to be talking about today I
want us to think back to yesterday for a minute. What conditions did we talk about
yesterday that made slaves take the risk to escape to freedom? Physical conditions, good!
What do we mean when we say physical conditions? Food, clothing, shelter, family,
and oh no! Who can remember the last one?! Safety! Good job! The physical
conditions of the slaves were really bad that they were willing to go to great lengths to
secure it. What were their physical conditions like when they reached freedom? Students
discuss what they learned yesterday as a class. So the slaves still had a lot of limitations.
Do you think it was worth it for them? Turn and talk to your neighbor about that for a
minute. The teacher waits a moment and listens to the students responses. Student A,
what did you say? Student K, I heard you say something interesting, would you share it
with the class? Thank you! These slaves were willing to take anything other than what
they had on the plantation. Today we are going to talk about the slaves education and
how they went to great lengths to obtain it too. We will see in the end if it was worth
escaping and risking their lives. Before we begin, I want you to think about the education
that you have. Think about school and what you learn daily. I know that for some of you
learning is not your favorite thing, but just think about what it would be like if you never
were able to learn how to read and write. You didnt get to learn about science, math, or
history. I know that may seem like the dream to some of you, but now I want you to think
about the future. If you didnt get an education, do you think it would be easy to find a
job? No. Why not? We need these skills to help us function in society. You all are given so
many opportunities to learn and explore. Today we are going to talk about the education
of slaves or that lack there of. We are going to talk about why they didnt have a good
education or any at all and we will look more at what they went through on the
Underground Railroad to gain the freedom of education.
Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
Today we are going to work at our tables. Before I call you back to your tables, please
come get the note-taking guide for today. I hope that you all are keeping track of these
and taking great notes! It is going to really help you! I noticed yesterday that Student Gs
notes were really good. Student G, would you mind showing us how you have done your
notes so far? The student goes and gets her notes. Look at how she did hers. The teacher
shows the class the example. She filled in what was there, but she even added extra notes!
How do you think this will help her? It will help her on her test, thats right. Good job,
Student G. I have seen some others that are really great too. Keep it up. Alright Table 1
come get your guides and go sit back at your table quietly please. Get whatever pen you
need out for today. Table 234. Teacher waits until the class is situated and then
begins instruction. We have already talked a little bit about what we covered yesterday,
but lets remind everyone one more time. Yesterday we talked about the great lengths that
the slaves went to in order to secure their physical conditions. Today we are going to be
talking about the great lengths that they went to in order to secure their education. What
do you all think of when you think of education? Answer that in your head for me please.
Can someone tell me what they think? Okay, Student D said learning. Someone else?

Reading and writing. Good. Anyone else have anything? Speaking. Those are all great
thoughts and also true. We learned yesterday that the slaves didnt have it so well on the
plantation as far as their physical conditions went. Do you think their education will be
similar? Well we are going to see today. Lets take our imaginations back to the
plantation. We have put ourselves in the mind of a slave and thought about how we would
feel if we were them. Right now, we are going to look at the slaves education from the
masters perspective. They were one of the main reasons why slaves did not get an
education while they were on the plantation. Remember that the slaves were their
property so they had full control over them. This is why the slaves wanted freedom so
bad because they had no rights, not even to an education. There are a few reasons why
the plantation owners did not want the slaves to get an education. The first reason was
that if the slaves got an education they would pose a threat to the white people. What kind
of threat do you think that they would pose? Teacher allows time for discussion. Those
are some good thoughts. The white people were very prideful. They viewed themselves as
higher and better people as the slaves and so they didnt believe that they should be able
to have the same rights as they did. What do you all think about that? Do you think that is
right? Teacher listens to student responses. Sometimes we can let our pride get to big to
where it blinds us and we dont realize the things that we do to people. Another reason
why slaves did not get an education on the plantation was because people were afraid
that they would forge their signature for passes to freedom. They were also afraid that
they would convince other slaves to revolt. Put yourself in the shoes of the plantation
owner. Would you forbid your slaves an education for that reason? Its a tricky question.
Turn and talk to your neighbor about what you think. Teacher gives the students time to
talk to each other. Can I have all eyes and ears back up here on me? Thank you. What did
you all say? Teacher calls on a few partner pairs. Those are interesting points of view that
all have a good point. It is important to understand all different points of view, because
everyone has a reason for why they do something whether it is good or bad. It was hard
for the slaves not to have an education, and some think it was unfair, but whatever the
belief, the master had a reason for what he was doing and his decision affected the slaves
in a negative way. The last reason why slaves didnt have an education on the plantation
was because they lacked the resources. How do you all learn? You all go to school! Some
people are homeschooled too, thats right. What kind of resources do you need to learn
how to read and write? Books! Most slaves did not have any type of text to learn how to
read or write, but there were some slaves who did! Some slaves had a formal education
from Slave Schoolmasters but others just had to learn through parents, spouses, family
members, and fellow slaves. The African Americans on the plantation were often very
religious. Remember the song we sang the other day? That was a Christian hymn that
they would sing. Many times the slaves were allowed to have a Bible with them. Some
slaves took advantage of that and taught themselves how to read and write. One of those
slaves is named Fredrick Douglass. Can everyone say that name with me? This is a very
important person involved in the Underground Railroad and you will see why later. At
the age of 7 he was sent to a plantation in Baltimore and it was there that he learned to
read. The masters wife actually taught him a little bit at first, but then the master
stopped the lessons from taking place and said that learning to read would not allow him
to be a true slave, and thats what he wanted him to be. Boys and girls, that didnt stop
Mr. Douglass. He set out on a secret and illegal mission of teaching himself. He read

newspapers, the Bible, and speeches from the Columbian Orator. He gained a lot of
knowledge from that. It motivated him and made him dream of freedom but it also made
him think of how hard it would be to escape. The teacher pulls up a quote on the
PowerPoint and reads it to the class. It was said that, In order to learn how to read,
Frederick Douglass traded food to poor white children who attended school in return for
help with reading. If you were Frederick Douglass, would you have been willing to
trade food for words? What would you be willing to give for an education today? Answer
this question in your head and then turn and talk to your neighbor about what you think?
The teacher gives the students a moment to discuss. Learning how to read and write gave
him hope for freedom, but it also made him realize how hard it would be to reach that
freedom. If you were in that position and had that power, how do you think you would
feel? You dont have to raise your hand I just want you to think about it. Teacher gives a
minute to think about the question. I have some news for you. He did decide to escape.
Not only did he escape but he also made it to freedom. And not only did he make it to
freedom, but he helped many other slaves over the years reach freedom through the
Underground Railroad. Do you all remember what an abolitionist is? Student C, can you
tell me? It is someone who is against slavery and helps fight for the slaves freedom. That
is what Fredrick Douglass was. He used the education that he gave himself on the
plantation and wrote books and newspaper articles. In the end, he was one of the most
influential abolitionists there ever was. He was not the only one who contributed to
slaves reaching freedom. Yesterday we talked about the places that slaves would stay on
the Underground Railroad. Today we are going to talk about who led the fugitives. What
is a fugitive again boys and girls? Thats right, a run away slave. I want you all to pay
close attention to the vocabulary in this section, because it is important to know. The
people that led the slaves from the south to the north on the Underground Railroad were
called conductors. They risked their lives to help these people reach freedom. The people
that led the slaves on the road werent the only people who helped. There were also
people who hosted people in their homes. Do you remember what those homes were
called? Safe houses, thats right! What else were they called? They were also called
stations and depots, good. The people that ran these were called stationmasters. These
conductors and stationmasters were free people and yet they risked their lives to save
these people. Why do you think they did that? Teacher gives students time to respond.
They must have really believed in doing the right thing. Not only believed in it, but were
passionate about it. These people were free, but they went to some pretty great lengths to
secure other peoples freedoms. When you hear the word hero, what do you all think of?
Turn and talk to your neighbor. The teacher gives the students time to talk. A lot of you
said super man and spider man. Those are good, but what do you think makes them a
hero? Do you think that these conductors and stationmasters were heroes? I do too. I
want to tell you about my favorite hero of the Underground Railroad. How many of you
have heard of Harriet Tubman before this class? What about in the news lately? If she
lived this long ago why would she be in the news now?! They are saying that she is going
to be the new face on the twenty-dollar bill. Thats a pretty big deal boys and girls. The
teacher brings out a twenty-dollar bill. Who is this that is on the front of the bill now?
Andrew Jackson. Do you all remember what he did? He was the President of the United
States, good! He was our 17th President to be exact. He served in the Revolutionary War
and the War of 1812. As president he played a big role with Indians in America. He has

been the face of the 20-dollar bill since 1928. Who can do some quick math in your head
and tell me how many years thats been? 88 years! And now they are changing it and
putting Harriet Tubman on the front. Teacher shows a picture of the new 20-dollar bill on
the PowerPoint. I dont know what you guys think, but whenever anything has been the
same for a long time, people arent too happy when things get changed. Why do you all
think they are changing it after all these years? Theres no right or wrong answer, I just
want to hear what you all think. Turn and talk to your neighbor about this. The teacher
gives time for the students to talk and then hears some of the groups discussions. Those
are all great ideas, boys and girls. This is a current event and it is so new that I am still
learning about it. So if Harriet Tubman is going to be the new face of our 20-dollar bill,
dont you want to learn more about who she is? Me too! If she is going to be replacing
Andrew Jackson who did some amazing things for our country, what does that tell you
about the kind of person she was? Teacher calls on a few students. That she helped
others, good. She did more than just help others; she risked her life to save them. We
have read some quotes from her, but we are going to find out a little more about why she
was so amazing. Harriet was a slave herself. She escaped when she was young, but there
was something missing. We read her quote the other day, but I want us to read it again.
The teacher pulls it up on the PowerPoint and reads it to the class. I had crossed de line
of which I had so long been dreaming. I was free; but dere was no one to welcome me to
de land of freedom, I was a stranger in a strange land, and my home after all was down
in de old cabin quarter, wid de ole folks, and my brudders and sisters. But to dis solemn
resolution I came; I was free, and dey should be free also; I would make a home for dem
in de North, and de Lord helping me, I would bring dem all dere. She knew what she
had to do, my friends. And let me tell you that she did it. She was a conductor of the
Underground Railroad for 8 years and she never lost a single person. She brought
hundreds of people to freedom in the north. She was called the Moses of the slaves. Do
you all know who Moses is? He is a character in the Bible that led a people group to
freedom away from slavery into what they called the promise land. Harriet Tubman
relied on God and she also relied on the North Star to get them where they needed to go.
They would follow the constellations and the drinking gourd was one of those. It
became a well-known thing and many people began using that as an encouragement to
trek on along the Underground Railroad. I want us to pause for a moment and I want to
read you a story. Harriet Tubman did not have an education like Fredrick Douglass did,
but she still made an impact. We are going to talk about what education was like once
slaves reached the north in just a moment, but I think it is important for you all to
understand how incredible this woman was. The teacher turns the slide to a picture of the
book cover and begins to read the book Moses to the class. I really love that book. And I
love the pictures. It makes me feel like I am there. What did you all think of that? Teacher
leads the class in a discussion about the book. She asks them What part of that would
have scared you the most? Why? Why doesnt Harriet tell anyone her plans? Would you
be able to keep that secret? What do you think the phrase Your faith has wings means?
How does Harriet prove her faith? The teacher gives time for students to discuss. That
was a great discussion. Before we talk about the slaves education when they reached the
north by the help of Harriet Tubman and other conductors I want you to draw a picture
that represents the saying Your faith has wings. You will have time to work on it later,
but I want to go ahead and give you the page for you to do your artwork on. Keep track

of this paper and really give me your best work. I would love to hang these on our
bulletin board in the classroom. The teacher passes out the sheet and gives the students 5
minutes to brainstorm and start their sketches since the information and discussion is
fresh on their brains. Okay friends, its time to put those aside for now, but we will come
back to them. We need to finish talking about the education of slaves in the north! So we
know that on the plantation that the slaves rarely received any education at all and that is
one of the reasons that they wanted to escape. Do you all think that when they reached
the north that they were able to get an education? Teacher listens to student response. In
the north, education of African Americans was not forbidden. They had greater access to
formal schooling and reading and writing like we have. Quakers played a very important
part in raising the literacy rates of African Americans in the north by supporting
education programs. Lets pause there for a minute. Who are these Quaker people? They
were abolitionists! Who are abolitionists again? People who were against slavery, good!
The Quakers were also very religious people and believed that slavery was against their
moral law. They believed that all people should be equal. BUT they also believed in
obeying the government. And the government said that people could be property. There
was a conflict here. In this case, the Quakers believed that their religious duty came
before the law of the land, which meant helping fugitive slaves or giving them an
education. Their duty was to suffer rather than to obey. This is a tricky thing. If you were
a Quaker and a slave came to your door and asked for help, what would you do? Would
you follow the government law, or would you follow your religious convictions? We are
going to do a Tug-of-War activity. There are two different sides. The left side of the
classroom is people that believe you should obey the law of the land and return slaves as
property. They believe that slaves do not deserve a full education. The right side of the
classroom is the opposing view. You all are Quakers and you want to hold to the law of
the land, but your religious convictions have you stand for what you think is morally
right. You do not believe that slaves should be treated as property and you are willing to
suffer the consequences for this sake. Whether you believe in the side you are or not, you
all are going to have 3 minutes to come up with as many tugs or reasons that pull you
toward to support your side. Write these on a sticky note. The teacher gives students
time to write their tugs. In the mean time she walks around observing the students and
she draws a rope line on the board. Okay class, can I please have your attention? We
are going to look at each sides tugs now, and we are going to determine which side is
the strongest. The stronger ones are going to be put on the end of the rope on the board
and the weaker ones will go towards the center. I want you all to ask questions about
these in your head as we talk through them. You are trying to defend your side, remember
that! The teacher leads the students in this activity for 5-10 minutes and then redirects
their attention. Thank you for your participation in that, boys and girls! So the Quakers
decided to do the right thing, even though it was against the law, and helped slaves
escape as well as get an education once they reached the north. Although the Quakers
helped free African Americans learn, schools struggled to stay open because of the lack
of support from white people. They also had to work, so it gave them little time to
dedicate to learning. Even though they had a lot going against them, they were
determined to succeed. Some people like Fredrick Douglass and Harriet Tubman wrote
narratives about their life as a slave or life after freedom. This gave people hope, and so
they fought to build schools over the course of the years even though they faced

segregation, violence, and intimidation. Remember when we sang Swing Low Swing
Chariot yesterday? That was one of the ways that they were able to express their minds
and passions. Even though many of them were not given the opportunity to read and
write they used gifts of music, dance, art, spoken stories, quilts, and many other things to
prove their worth was more than just an education. They were strong people boys and
girls. How would you feel if everyone else around you was able to get an education and
you were not? Teacher gives students a moment to think. These slaves went through a lot
to escape and reach freedom and they still were not treated great. It makes me wonder if
it was worth it. You all are going to talk about that in your blog assignment for
homework, but right now I want us to practice what weve been talking about!
II. Opportunity for Practice:
Students will be analyzing primary documents of two different slaves. They will
determine what kind of education they received by looking at their speech and writing.
They will also discuss with their group the content of the passage and how it relates to
what they have learned so far about slavery, freedom, and the Underground Railroad.
Students will be divided up into groups to work on this assignment. After each group
finishes, the students will pair up with another group and share their questions and
responses. We are really learning a lot! It is time for you all to grasp the material on
your own. You all are going to work with your table groups for this. I have two primary
documents from two different slaves. What have we been talking about today besides the
Underground Railroad? Education, good. Well you all are going to determine how much
education you think the person had by looking at these primary documents. What kinds of
things might we look for to tell us the kind of education they received? Teacher waits for
student response. Good! Their handwriting. What else? Maybe their speech? As you are
reading it think to yourself, does this sound right? You all are also going to discuss with
your group what the passage is talking about. I am simply going to give you a
brainstorming sheet that you will write your ideas down on. While you do that though, I
want you to hear me asking you What makes you say that? You all need to support
your ideas from what weve learned today and so far about slavery, freedom, and the
Underground Railroad! I expect to hear some good ideas bouncing around as I walk
around. Who all should be participating in this? Everyone! Thats right. After you
discuss with your group, you will pair up with another table and share with each other
what your groups talked about. You will have 10 minutes to work with your group and 5
minutes to share with the other table group, so please be diligent with your time and do
not goof off. I will be walking around and sitting in on some of your discussions! Does
anyone have any questions about this activity? The teacher passes out the primary
sources and walks around the room to observe the student learning and participation.
III. Assessment
Students will be given a 3-2-1 worksheet before they move on to the next subject. The
teacher will give students directions before passing it out. You all were such great
learners today. I was very impressed by the thinking that was going on just a minute ago.
I want you to show me one last time what you have learned today. Right now I am
passing out a 3-2-1 worksheet for you all to complete before we move on. Once the
teacher has passed out all of the materials she explains what they will be doing. Everyone

look at the sheet that I just gave you please. You are going to List 3 reasons why slaves
didnt have an education, list 2 key figures who had an education that we talked about
and explain how they helped slaves on the Underground Railroad, and discuss 1 way that
education impacted the life of a slave. Does anyone have any questions? This is
something that you are to work on by yourself. You all will have 10-15 minutes to
complete it. When you are done, please put it in the social studies box and come see me
for your next assignment.
IV. Closure:
The students will respond to the blog post on the class Weebly account. (Link:
http://misshardings5thgradeclass.weebly.com)The question for today is Today we
learned about the education or lack of education that slaves received. How does it make
you feel about the education that you receive? Do you think it was worth the slaves going
to great lengths to secure their education? Why or why not? The students will be
expected to complete this as homework. It will be due 2 days after it is assigned.
Materials and Resources:
Note-taking guide
3-2-1 quiz
Moses by Carole Boston Weatherford
Class Website http://misshardings5thgradeclass.weebly.com
Readers Theatre
2 Primary Sources sheet
Brainstorming ideas sheet (What Makes You Say That?!)
Visualizing Sheet (Your Faith Has Wings)
Promethean Board
Primary Sources What make you say that? guide
PowerPoint clicker
3-2-1 key
Sticky notes
Twenty dollar bill
Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Have students select a project from a choice board.
Use examples and non-examples to explain the education of slaves compared to
education today


List 3 reasons why slaves didnt have an education



List 2 key figures who had an education that we talked about and
explain how they helped slaves on the Underground Railroad



Discuss 1 way that education impacted the life of a slave.


Primary Sources:
I looked forward to a time at which it would
be safe for me to escape. I was too young to
think of doing so immediately; besides, I wished
to learn how to write, as I might have occasion
to write my own pass. I consoled myself with
the hope that I should one day find a good
chance. Meanwhile, I would learn to write.
Fredrick Douglass
Why, der language down dar in de far South is
jus' as different from ours in Maryland, as you
can think. Dey laughed when dey heard me talk,
an' I could not understand 'dem, no how.
Harriet Tubman


Note Taking Guide

Life on the Plantation
Three reasons why slaves didnt have an education
Who was Fredrick Douglass?

Life on the Underground Railroad

A _______________ is someone who led slaves on the Underground
Railroad from the south to the north.

____________________ ran the safe houses and hosted people in their

homes and businesses.

True or False: Harriet Tubman never lost a slave on the Underground


Harriet Tubmans nickname was ________________


The ____________ ______________ is what people followed to give them

direction at night on the Underground Railroad.

Life in the North

True or False: African Americans received a great education in the


_________________ were people who believed that slavery was wrong and
helped give free slaves an education.
Name 2 things that slaves did to express their passions since they
could not read and write.


Your Faith Has Wings

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