An English Reader For Academic Purposes

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An English Reader for

Academic Purposes

The English Language I
Mechanical Engineering


Ksenija Mance

The Faculty of Engineering in Rijeka,
Rijeka University



Some useful phrases for your discussion 4



Core Text GEARS 88
Core Text PROPELLERS 100








Core Text

Core Text

Core Text

LECTURE 15 Revision 282



My class you will learn to think for yourself again. You will learn to savor
words and language. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can
change the world.
Robin Williams as English Teacher John Keating

This issue/book includes a number of articles that address the teaching and learning of
technical vocabulary. Vocabulary learning goals should be integrated into speaking
activities, i.e., planned vocabulary learning should not compromise the communicative
nature of spoken activities. Therefore, each unit of these texts is an interdisciplinary
look at a topic which provides a focus for debate. My aim is to provide a good,
intellectually challenging language education. All areas including engineering,
engineering ethics, technology, language arts, social studies, mathematics, science and
business English are covered.

I suggest techniques involving all students as active participants in selecting topics and

Cooperative learning, put quite simply, is a type of instruction wherby students work
together in small groups to achieve a common goal. Cooperative learning has become
increasingly popular as a feature of Communicative language teaching (CLT) with
benefits that include increased student interest due to the quick pace of cooperative
tasks, improved critical thinking ability, and the opportunity to practice both the
productive and receptive skills in a natural context. The array of benefits extend beyond
increased language learning to include increased self-esteem and tolerance of diverse
points of view. (Johson and Johnson 1989; Kagan 1995; McCafferty, jacobs, and
iddings 2006; Slavin 1995).

Johnson and Johnson (1999) indicate five features of a successful cooperative learning

1 students learn that their success depend upon working together interdependently
2 students are individually accountable while achieving group goals
3 students support and assist one anothers success through face-to-face interactions
4 students develop social skills by cooperating and working together effectively
5 students as a group have the opportunity to reflect on the effectiveness of working

When these principles are realized, cooperative learning creates a rich environment for
students to learn language and simultaneously develop their capacities for collaborative
twenty-first-century communication and problem solving.
English Teaching Forum, Volume 47, Number 4, 2009

I also suggest techniques as elicitation the process of drawing out something, of
provoking a response. Using elicitation as a questioning strategy in the language
classroom focuses discussion on the learners on their ideas, opinions, imagination,
and involment.

Classroom discussions that use elicitation as a technique allow students to draw on what
they know on existing schemata/scaffolding and provide for a rich sharing of ideas
within sociocultural context (Huong 2003).

Classroom discussions can so build on the experiences and language of learners by
inviting them to discuss their experiences. I would also like to use students as resources
by letting them share their knowledge and expertise with others in the class
emphasizing their experience and knowledge and taking the focus off of the text as the
source of authority. Therefore, elicitation helps learners become more self-reliant. The
student could help by sharing their ideas, interests, and aims and by being engaged
members in collaborative learning.
Through the strategies of elicitation, gapping extension or adaption, students interact
more, construct solutions together and with this e-mail book have the tools to
participate in and contribute to their education.

My students will also be systematically taught English grammar and creative writing.

My curriculum was thus developed to provide students of all the necessary support in
the form of the group work, i.e. roundtable discussion, which could give them
opportunities to speak in front of a small audience with confidence, enlarge their
vocabulary and give them chances to learn from classmates - their colleagues. Any
'general statement' whether such a statement is made on human behaviour, art, science
or history must be questioned.

Man's knowledge of his world could be built up by analytical observation and pieced
together rather like a jigsaw puzzle. Our history has taught us that objective observation
is impossible because of the various strata of human and individual consciousness.
Therefore, involving the science, technology and social studies, we not only lighten the
curriculum and ideas but also allow students to see natural ties across curriculum and
across cultures.

I would also like to stress the genius of students by having students engage in this
curriculum, dialogue with each other, sharing their attitudes and experiences with each
other. We emphasize communication, scientific outlook, and deep insight into various
phenomena by reassessing the common views and outlooks. Feature films are also
important because they capture the imagination of people and shake up new lexical
items so that they remain accessible to the student.

Therefore, various units that are presented emphasize more student-centred approach
that may fit their interests. Students shouldnt be afraid of holistic approach, an
approach from various standpoints and an approach including activities such as
listening, watching movies, reading, writing and discussing. So, they should not be
afraid of reassassing. Therefore, I offer you various texts, texts with various registers,
styles and standpoints.

In the end, you might also share with me how you go implementing your English.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new academic year full of exciting
opportunities, high motivation, goodwill, good feelings, good intentions and good
Your teacher of English
Ksenija Mance


Making a point/Stating an argument

Whats your opinion / point of view . ?
How do you feel about .?
What do you think of .?
In my opinion . . ..
From my point of view .
I reckon .
Personally, I think/ feel . . .
I believe (that). . .
The point is this: ...
If you ask me. I think. . .
I'd like to say this: .. .
As far as I'm concerned, ...
But speaking of it, could you tell me .
It seems to me that ..
As I see it, .
I strongly believe that .....


What I said/meant was: .. .
I did not say. . . . What I did say was. . .
I think you (must have) misunderstood me/what I said.
Let me repeat/rephrase what I said.
I'm not saying that. What I am saying is (that)...
Yes, but don't forget I was only referring to.. .

Disagreeing with an argument

(I'm afraid) I disagree.
On the other hand, of course, ...
That's not (entirely) true, . ..
I can't possibly agree with/accept that.
I hate to disagree with you, but. . .
Yes/All right, but don't you think.. .

Asking for an opinion

Well? What do you think?
Do/Don't you agree?
What's your view (then)?
How do you see it (then)?
Let's have your opinion.


Challenging an argument

That can't be (true/right). But what about. . . ?
What's your answer to that?
Do you mean to tell me that. . . ? If you don't. .,
then you should say what you mean.
Are you seriously suggesting that. .. ?

Agreeing with an argument

Quite. Exactly. That's (very) true.
So (do) I. Neither/Nor (do) I.
I entirely agree. I agree with you entirely.
You're absolutely right. That's a good point.
I couldn't agree with you more.
That's just what I think.
How interesting.

Interrupting an argument

Excuse me, did you say/do you mean (that). . .
Before you make your next point. ..
So what you're saying is (that)...
Qome to the point! What you really think k (that)...
Does this make sense to you?
Hoping to hear from you again before long.
I must go home immediately, give my apologies to Mister XY
Thats it. It was on the tip of my tongue.
I cant help thinking
I dont doubt that

You have Some Difficulties in Understanding
What Your British or American Friends Say

Did you understand what I said?
No, Im sorry but I didnt quite catch what you said.
I beg your pardon?
No, Im afraid I didnt understand.
No, Im sorry, but I missed what you said.
Would you say it again, please?

Summarizing a discussion

Then we agree.
(Basically), we're in agreement.
(I think) we'd better agree to differ.
Can you admit that you are wrong?



Section 1
An Introductory Lecture to the Course as a Whole

Section 2
Placement Tests
Listening Comprehension Test -
A talk about human brain

Section 3
Where Does English Come from?
Assignment - Additional Text

Every beginning is difficult.

Practice makes perfect.

As you sow, so you shall reap.


The English language has come a long way since it first
took shape in the island of Britain, sometime in the 5

century AD. It took another 700 years of evolution
before it sounded anything like the English we
recognise today. And when Shakespeare was writing,
in what is often thought of as the golden age of the
language, only about four million people spoke it.

Now in the early 21
-century, English has become the
pre-eminent global language. Nearly a quarter of the
worlds population is estimated to have some
knowledge of English and 400 million people speak it
as their mother tongue.

If beings from outer space landed on Earth tomorrow
they would most likely assume that the human
language was English.

What is the future of the language?
Will it be more important than ever or could it be
supplanted as the global lingua franca by another
language German, Spanish or Chinese perhaps or
even by the artificial language Esperanto?

Assignment 1

Watch this video!

BBC Documentary English Birth of a Language
English Goes Underground - History of English language 2


Assignment 2: Read and write notes!
Core Text
Where does English come from?

English is not the language that has always been spoken in the British Isles, nor indeed is it the only
language that is spoken there today. English was originally a foreign language, imported by foreign
invaders. These invaders were two Germanic tribes living in what is now Northern Germany, along the
North Sea coast. They were called the Angles and the Saxons, and they spoke different dialects of the
same language. It is from these dialects that the modern English has descended.

Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, as historians of the language prefer to call it, remained the language of
English from about A.D. 450 to about A.D. 1150. The reason why it is not still the language of England
is that there were two more foreign invasions of the Island by people speaking different tongues - first
the Northman or Vikings from Denmark, and then the Normans from Normandy in France.

The result of these further invasions, particularly the second by the French-speaking Normans in A.D.
1066, was to modify Old English very considerably, and turn it, in the course of the next three
centuries, into a compound language which is known as Middle English. Middle English is recognizably
the ancestor of the English spoken, today (which Old English is not, and it was the common language
of the inhabitants of England from about A.D. 1150 to about A.D. 1500.

As there were no more foreign conquests of the Island the language was from then on able to develop
under its own impetus. There were no more radical changes and so the Middle English merged
imperceptibly into the Early English of Shakespeare's age and then into the language spoken now.

Anglo-Saxon is now, of course, a dead language, but a good deal of its vocabulary has survived, in one
form or another, to the present day. Most of the very common words in modern English are Anglo-
Saxon in origin: nouns like father, mother, food, drink, bed, hunger most of the propositions and
conjunctions, and nearly all of the strong verbs. When it was mixed with Norman French there were
three main results: the grammar was simplified, the pronunciation and spelling became -and still are-
much more complicated, and the vocabulary was enormously extended. French is a Latin language so
the major part of the English vocabulary is now Latin in origin. That is also one reason why there are
so many synonyms. In pairs of words like "wed" and "marry",

fat and

"corpulent", and "lively" and
"vivacious", the first word is derived from Anglo-Saxon, the second, from Latin.

A language never stands still. It is always changing and developing. These changes are rapid in
primitive societies, but slow in advanced ones, because the invention of printing and the spread of
education have fixed traditional usage.

D.H. Spencer and A.S. Hornby

Assignment 3: Cover up this passage, write down what you remember
and check your composition.


Assignment 4: Vocabulary practice
Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as the following:
a) from/in the beginning
b) have as ancestors, pass by inheritance, come from earlier times
c) during
d) language, one's mother language
e) much; a great deal
f) made up of two or more combined parts
g) forerunner
h) defeat or overcome enemies (vb.)
i) conquering a country (n.)
j) enlarge
k) since then
l) impulse
m) slightly, gradually and not perceivable
n) greater or more important part
o) words that that join other words, clauses, e.g. and, but, or.

Assignment 5: Explain the aspects of the underlined verbs.

English is not the language that has always been spoken in the British Isles, nor indeed is it the only
language that is spoken there today. English was originally a foreign language, imported by foreign
invaders. These invaders were two Germanic tribes living in what is now Northern Germany, along the
North Sea coast. They were called the Angles and the Saxons, and they spoke different dialects of the
same language. It is from these dialects that the modern English has descended.

Assignment 6: Put the articles where necessary.

........ English is not ....... language that has always been spoken in ......... British Isles, nor indeed is it
...... only language that is spoken there today. ....... English was originally ....... foreign language,
imported by ....... foreign invaders. These invaders were ....... two Germanic tribes living in what is now
....... Northern Germany, along ....... North Sea coast. They were called ....... Angles and........ Saxons,
and they spoke different dialects of ....... same language. It is from these dialects that ....... modern
English has descended.

....... Anglo-Saxon, or ........ Old English, as ....... historians of ....... language prefer to call it, remained
....... language of ....... English from about A.D. 450 to about A.D. 1150. The reason why it is not still
....... language of ....... England is that there were two more foreign invasions of ....... Island by people
speaking ....... different tongues - first ....... Northman or ....... Vikings from Denmark, and then .......
Normans from ....... Normandy in France.

The result of these further invasions, particularly ....... second by ....... French-speaking Normans in
A.D. 1066, was to modify ....... Old English very considerably, and turn it, in the course of ....... next
three centuries, into ....... compound language which is known as ....... Middle English. Middle English
is recognizably ........ ancestor of ....... English spoken, today (which Old English is not, and it was .......
common language of ....... inhabitants of England from about A.D. 1150 to about A.D. 1500.

........ language never stands still. It is always changing and developing. These changes are rapid in
....... primitive societies, but slow in ....... advanced ones, because ....... invention of ....... printing and
....... spread of ........ education have fixed ......... traditional usage.

Assignment 7 : Repeat plural of nouns.
What about the use of the article with the names of countries and languages?


Informative Text Additional Reading

Assignment 1.
Jot down the subtitles for the passages in question forms.

Where does English come from?

Up to now nobody has been able to count all the languages spoken in the world today. But there
must be about 3,000, two of which are far more common than any of the others: Northern Chinese,
which is spoken by almost six hundred million people, and English, which is spoken by three
hundred and sixty million people in Europe, India, Africa, America, Australia and New Zealand;
1,000 among American Indians, 750 in Sub-Sahara, 150 in India, 750 just on one island: New Guinea.
Though international conferences are often conducted simultaneously in three or four languages,
more often than not scientists and politicians from Russia, Japan, Germany, India, France and some
remote African state will speak English together.

However, English is not the language that has always been spoken in the British Isles, nor indeed is
it the only language that is spoken there today. So, where have all the English words come from?
Only very few have survived from the time when Britain was inhabited by the Ancient-Britons, a
Celtic tribe. They were masters of the island from the 6th century B.C. up to 55 B.C. when the island
was invaded by the Romans, who ruled the country for several centuries. During that time Britain,
was a province of the Empire, but very few Latin words from that period have remained: castra (a
camp) appears in Lancaster, Leicester, Gloucester and Worcester; strata (a paved way) in
Stratford, etc. By the fifth century the Roman Empire was falling to pieces, and the occupying
forces had left the country.


English as a separate identifiable language is over 1,200 years old. As it was originally a foreign
laguage, imported by foreign invaders, English, like German, belongs to a group of related
languages which may ultimately be said to have descended from Common Germanic (or proto-
Germanic) as a distinct branch of the Indo-European group of languages. Ethnic and linguistic
differentiation within the Germanic language community sooner or later put an end to the original


So, it all began with the biggest invasion of all, the invasion of the island of Britain by three
Germanic tribes from northern Europe the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, in the year 499 A.D.
Anno Domini. Although the Island had been inhabited since pre-historic times indeed
Stonehenge was built by ancient Britons some 3,500 years ago the beginning of English dates
from this invasion, when the pagan adventurers from Denmark and the lowlands of the Continent,
what is now Northern Germany, along the North Sea coast, drove the native Celts and Romans out
of what is now England, into the mountains and protective regions of Wales, and Scotland where
the Celtic languages have survived, as in Brittany (France). The languages that these invaders spoke
were three forms of Germanic; they spoke different dialects of the same language which had many
words in common. It is from these dialects that the modern English has descended.

From the tribe of Angles comes the name Englalond, Land of the Angles, and the name of the
language but it was primarily the dialect of the West Saxons which became the standard speech,
and developed into Old English. The first written records in English date from 700 A.D. and about
this time Britain was invaded yet again by Scandinavian adventurers the Vikings.


Anglo-Saxon, or Old English, as historians of the language prefer to call it, remained the
language of English from about A.D. 450 to about A.D. 1150.
The Germanic tribes took over very little from the Celtic or Latin apart from a few place
names. Different though it is from "Old English", modern English contains many words
from it. Indeed, most of the vital every day words are of Germanic origin:

and, bright, come, find, good, hand, in, Tuesday, through, two, under, was, we,
well, when,

all of which remind us of German words which we, too, use every day.
The reason why it is not still the language of England is that there were two more foreign
invasions of the Island by people speaking different tongues - first the Northman or
Vikings from Denmark, and then the Normans from Normandy in France.

Toward the end of the eighth century the Danish Vikings started invading the coast of
England and settled among the natives. This was quite natural since the languages
spoken by the Danes were not unlike the language spoken by the Angles and Saxons, all
these languages being of Germanic origin. However, a very large number of new words
were added:

call, fellow, get, hit, knife, leg, skin, sky, Thursday, happy, wrong, egg, bank.

After some 200 years of fighting with the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings came to an
agreement with the Saxon King, Alfred the Great, to divide the island the Saxons in the
west the Scandinavians, who were Norse speaking, in the east. England was therefore
bi-lingual until the two groups, through intermarriage, became one people. The linguistic
blend of Saxon and Norse was also a marriage. In the verb to be, for example, the third
person singular he is is pure Saxon, but the plural, they are pure Norse. The word wife is
Saxon, but the word husband came from the Norse arm from the Saxon, but leg from
the Norse. Duru was the Saxon word for door, but vindu was the Norse word which gave
us window so from this marriage, we have one language which we call Old English. It
was a very complicated language compared to modern English: it was highly inflected
that is, had many different endings for all words as in Latin or modern German and
Russian. It also gave grammatical gender to nouns masculine, feminine and neuter
like modern German and not only did it have singular and plural, but a third form called
the dual form to indicate precisely two
no more and no less. For example, in addition to the pronouns I and we in the first
person, Old English had wit which means the two of us... both of us... you-and me but
not them.
Many words in Old English are still close enough to modern English for us to understand
them. See if you can guess what these Old English words mean:

Thencan cild wifmann muth nosu god niht

Perhaps you could hear that thencan is the verb to think, cild in modern English is child,
wifmann became woman, muth mouth, nosu nose, god niht good night.

But most of Old English is unintelligible today without studying it as a separate language.
Anglo-Saxon is now, of course, a dead language, but a good deal of its vocabulary has
survived, in one form or another, to the present day. Most of the very common words in
modern English are Anglo-Saxon in origin: nouns like father, mother, food, drink, bed,
hunger most of the propositions and conjunctions, and nearly all of the strong verbs.


The next invasion of Britain and incidentally the last foreign invasion of the island in
English history was in the year 1066. This invasion was far-reaching in many ways: the
invading forces were again Scandinavians, but with a difference these Norsemen called
Normans came from the north coast of France and were French speaking. Their leader
William of Normandy, known as the Conqueror, conquered the Anglo-Saxons and had a
claim on the throne of England. As his forces were victorious, William established himself
as king and set about building London's two greatest tourist attractions: The Tower of
London and. Westminster Abbey. Norman French became the language of the court, the
aristocracy of England, and the country once again became bi-lingual. We often say
history repeats itself and this is just what happened to the language: in the course of
300 years, Old English absorbed Norman French and emerged as one language, much as
had happened with Saxon and Norse before. Linguistically, the Norman Conquest meant
the domination in England of a non-Germanic language, which over a period of almost
three and a half centuries was to play a significant (although progressively decreasing)
role as a means of communication among certain sections of the population. Unlike the
Germanic Conquest of the larger part of Britain in the fifth and following centuries and
the later Scandinavian invasions, the establishment of Norman rule in England did not
lead to large-scale immigration and mass settlements of compatriots of the conquerors.


As a consequence of the Norman Conquest, political and economic power became
concentrated in the hands of a small group of great feudal landlords, which included the
king himself, the clergy and the vassals of the king (feudal aristocracy).
The Normans were descendants of the "Norsemen" who had come from Scandinavia and
settled in the north of France. They had adopted French as their language. William set up
a kingdom on the island, and for three hundred years all the kings and the nobility spoke
Norman-French. Thus two languages were spoken from 1066 till early in the fourteenth
century. The result of this invasion was to modify Old English very considerably, and turn
it, in the course of the next three centuries, gradually into a compound language which is
known as Middle English.


Middle English is recognizably the ancestor of the English spoken today (which Old
English is not), and it was the common language of the inhabitants of England from
about A.D. 1150 to about A.D. 1500.

When Anglo-Saxon was mixed with Norman French there were three main results: the
grammar was simplified, the pronunciation and spelling became - and still are - much
more complicated, and the vocabulary was enormously extended. French is a Latin
language so the major part of the English vocabulary is now Latin in origin.

That is also one reason why there are so many synonyms. In pairs of words like:

wed - marry, fat corpulent, lively vivacious, child infant, freedom
liberty, love charity, a hearty welcome a cordial reception, the first word is
derived from Anglo-Saxon, the second, from Latin.

Norman French enriched the language and gave English its unique blend of Germanic
and Latinate structures and vocabulary. This is why today we can say the world's
population or the population of the world and why only English has different
words to distinguish the names of animals from their flesh which we eat: from the cow,
we get beef; from the calf we get veal; from the sheep, mutton; from the pig, pork;
and from the deer, venison. The names of the animals are Saxon, and the words for the
meat are from French. This is not only interesting as a point of language, but as a point
of sociology, because it reflects that the animals were raised by farmers who spoke Old
English, but eaten by the aristocrats who spoke French.


Because England was bi-lingual, many phrases appeared in the language which
contained one word of Saxon origin coupled with a word of the same meaning, coming
from French such as law and order. This way everybody knew the meaning, whether
they only understood the Old English word law or they only understood the French
ordre order. Many of these set phrases dating from the Middle Ages are just as
common today in modern English. How many politicians in Britain and in the U.S.A.
call for more law and order at election time! In the U.S. Senate, as in the British
Parliament, there is a ways and means committee to find the methods of achieving a
goal. The word ways from the Saxon the word means from the French the phrase
ways and means still common after some seven or eight hundred years in the
language. This merger of Saxon and Norman French we call Middle English.
Bilingualism obviously remained a more or less widespread phenomenon in the ranks
of the lesser nobility throughout most of the thirteen century and could even be found
in the fourteenth century.
But on the whole, the importance of French in England was declining rapidly in the
course of the fourteenth century (especially the latter half) until it approached the
status of an ordinary foreign language in the early fifteenth century, which is about
three hundred and fifty years after the Battle of Hastings.


The first great English poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, wrote in Middle English in the 14th
century about the same time as Dante Alighieri and Boccaccio. His best known work,
The Canterbury Tales was written in 1386 and its vocabulary reflects the blend of the
two language sources. In the following century, the printing press arrived in England
and libraries were founded at Oxford, Cambridge and in London.
The first printer, William Caxton, began to stabilize the written language and its
spelling, when he set up his printing press in the precinct of Westminster Abbey. Even
by the 15th century, Old English seemed a foreign language to him. The language was
changing even in his lifetime, which is what he wrote in 1490. As there were no more
foreign conquests of the Island the language was from then on able to develop under
its own impetus. There were no more radical changes and so the Middle English
merged imperceptibly into the Early English of Shakespeare's age and then
into the language spoken now.


The English language was destined to become still richer and more hybrid.
The Renaissance in 1500 brought about the rediscovery of the classics, and English was
greatly enriched by a profusion of words directly taken from Latin and ancient Greek.
Words of Greek and Latin origin were adopted in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries,

has been said that the greater part of the classical dictionaries was poured into the
English language at this time and even today when a new word is needed to name a new
thing, Latin or Greek words, or syllables may be used: cinema, telephone, bicycle,
television (which is a mixture of Greek tele = from a far and Latin visus = vision), from
Latin, words like accommodate, capable, persecute, investigate and from Greek,
words like apology, climax, physical, emphasis and so on.
The flood of words from Latin and Greek did not end with the Renaissance and
whenever we have needed a new word or name, we have tended to look to the classics
to provide it from Greek: aerodrome, telegraph and telephone; from Latin: escalator,
penicillin and the prefix mini for cars and skirts, for example.

There are words of Italian origin (concerto, pavement, and potato), Dutch origin (dock,
yacht) or words taken from the Indian languages, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Russian,
Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish and various African languages.


But back to the 16
century now, for what could be one of the greatest influences on the
English language the birth of William Shakespeare in 1564 appropriately enough on
the 23
of April, the day dedicated to St. George Patron Saint of England. Curiously
enough, Shakespeare also died on the 23
of April, 52 years later. It will forever be a
mystery how this man, of modest education became the greatest poet of the English
language and the worlds most produced playwright. It has been said that in the nearly
400 years since his death there has never been a day when one or more of Shakespeares
plays has not been played somewhere in the world.
But even more important, perhaps, was his contribution to the language. However
poorly educated a native English speaker may be, he cannot help using the words and
phrases created by Shakespeare they are too much a part of English. Shakespeare
gave the language, through his inventive genius, so many words, phrases and
memorable sayings which simply didnt exist before.
Today English is the richest language in the world. There are about 800 000 words. But
don't worry: you needn't learn all of them. The average speaking vocabulary of a well-
educated person is 5 000 words. And if you are able to use 2 000 common English words,
you can always make yourself understood and you will get along wonderfully.


A language never stands still. It is always changing and developing. It is also a very
variable social phenomenon in the sense that it varies through time. For language to
keep functioning as an efficient instrument of mutual communication among the
members of a continually changing society, it must constitute a system which is non-
static, dynamic, flexible and open in character. It originates and develops in the process
of social interaction between the members of a community. These changes are rapid in
primitive societies, but slow in advanced ones, because the invention of printing and the
spread of education have fixed traditional usage.
Adapted from Speak Up, 1987

After listening/reading comprehension exercise answer the
following questions in pairs!

1. Where is English mainly spoken?
2. What was the biggest invasion of Britain?
3. Who were the first foreign invaders?
4. In which parts of Great Britain have the Celtic languages still survived?
5. How is Anglo-Saxon language called by the historians?
6. State why this language is not still the language of England?
7. State some words of Germanic origin.
8. What happened after the conquest by the Northman or Vikings from Denmark?
9. What was the name of the language spoken by the Vikings?
10. What do you know about bilingualism in Great Britain?
11. What happened after Williams conquest?
12. Why it is said that history repeats itself?
13. Why is language important from sociological standpoint?
14. What languages is the present-day vocabulary of English composed of?
15. Give some examples of two words of different origin for the same thing and for the
same concept.
16. When were words of Greek and Latin origin adopted?
17. We are not free to say just what we like. Ordinary everyday conversation is narrowly
determined. It is a sort of roughly prescribed social ritual in which you generally say
what your friends expect you to say.
18. So, the world is indeed a stage and society is the author of the play. The grown man in
a modern society has to play many parts, and unless he knows his roles and his lines he
is no use in the play. If you do not know your part, there are no clues for the other and
no place for his lines either. The play then just falls through.
This is a sort of paraphrasing and analogy of Shakespeares lines from As You Like It, II,
7, 139;
All the worlds a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.


Section 1
American English
American English versus British English

Section 2
Articles (Grammar File I)
Plural of Nouns (Grammar File I)

England and America are two countries
separated by one language.

No news is good news.

Bad news travels fast.

Go abroad and you'll hear news from home.

My house is my castle.


Insert articles where necessary
Auto-corrective test page 27

Spreading of ... English throughout ... World

.. English language was carried around .. globe by . .
English merchants and .. explorers; its roots were firmly
fixed in many parts of .. new continents by .. permanent
settling there of .. whole communities of .. people from
.. British Isles who took with them their institutions, their
traditions and their way of life.
Though .. spreading of .. language through other countries
of .. vast British Empire of .. 19th century was of ..
completely different nature, linked as it was to ..
overwhelming power of .. Britain's economic, political and
military strength, its influence and utility have not been refused.
On .. contrary, language and .. concepts it conveys
form one of .. most important links in .. free association of
.. Commonwealth countries.
.. cause for .. English as .. international means of ..
communication seems, nowadays, to have been taken up by ..
England's most rebellious off-spring: .. United States. ..
US position as one of .. worlds superpowers, its wealth and
economic power, reaching world-wide through its international
companies, its advanced technology, political and military
power, have given .. English language .. good lead over
other national languages which are also competing for .. first
place as .. global tongue of communication.




America is a nation of immigrants a melting pot of English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian, African and many other cultures. As the country
absorbed these various peoples and turned them into Americans, most lost their
native language and customs. But no ethnic group left the American language
untouched. American English grew in vitality and variety along with the nation

The first English settlers to reach America arrived in Virginia in 1607 and in Massachusetts in
1620. They all spoke the English of the early seventeenth century the language of Shakespeare
and Milton. Most of them came originally from the south and south east of England. Although
some of them had spent some years of exile in Holland they spoke with the accents of the
southern part of their home country. To a large extent they kept that form of speech, but they
soon learned to give old words new uses. They also took words from the local Indian languages
for plants and animals that were new to them.
Until the Declaration of Independence in 1776 over two thirds of the settlers in what later became
the U.S. came from England. After that date many other peoples came to make a new life for
themselves in the New World. These included Irish, French, Germans, Dutch. Italians, Slavs, and
Scandinavians. All these peoples gave new words to the language of North America. The French
gave such words as chowder and prairie. Sleigh came from the Dutch settlers. The Afro-
Americans who had been taken from Africa as slaves to work on the rice and cotton plantations
added words and structures from their own native languages. Some people today think that the
very American expression O.K. comes from a similar African expression which was brought to
America by the Afro-Americans.

Although all these people contributed in various ways to the language which was to become
American English, there is one man who can be singled out as the person who did most to give
American English an identity of its own. He was Noah Webster (1758-1843) He worked as a
teacher, lawyer, journalist and essayist; he wrote on many subjects, but his two best-known works
were his Blue-Backed Speller (1783) (a book with a blue cover used to teach and improve
spelling) and his American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). He is largely
responsible for the differences which exist today between British and American spelling. So, the
famous shift was when Webster?s Dictionary decided that it was going to give up any idea that
certain uses of words were better than other uses, and it was simply going to record usage. That
is, once something is de facto the case, then it becomes de jure the case.

Webster had a practical approach to language and he simplified many of the traditional English
spellings. For example, he wrote favor, humor, and labor for the English favour, humour and
labour. Since Webster's time many of his spellings have become acceptable in England, such as
author, tailor and visitor. Public, jail and cider in their original English versions were publick,
gaol and cyder. But there are other differences apart from vocabulary between American and
British English. The idioms of American slang are often very different from those we have in
Britain. For example, Cool it!, which is a way of telling someone to calm down.

Also, like the early settlers, Americans today are constantly inventing new words and usages to
meet their needs. They have given us the verb to televisefrom the noun television and combined
the words sport and broadcast to give us sportcast.

From American English we have all learned that we park our cars. In fact the word park was
used in a slightly different way in Shakespeare's time, but the Americans have revived it and
given it a new meaning.

In terms of pronunciation, there are three main types in America. These are New England,
General American and Southern. General American is by far the most widely used. New England
is the pronunciation which was used by John F. Kennedy. President Carter, who comes from
Georgia, speaks with a Southern accent. If you listen to a recording of these two presidents you
will be able to hear the difference quite clearly. Some American pronunciations are related to
English ones. Americans say the words dance, fast and grass like people from the North of
England with a short a.

But in spite of many small variations the three American accents do not differ greatly from one
another. One reason for this is that an important fact of American life has always been travel.
People have moved to wherever work could be found and this has tended to level out differences
in pronunciation. There are more differences in pronunciation between the various areas of
Britain than there are in the whole of North America.

During the twentieth century the differences between American and British English seem to have
been getting smaller. The reasons for this include the interchange of books and newspapers and
the large numbers of American soldiers who came to Britain in the two World Wars, importing
many American expressions. But more important today are the films, television and radio
programmes which can bring the latest American slang to Britain instantly.

There are words from many different languages in English: from Latin, French and Danish as a
result of invasions throughout history, from colonized countries like India, but also from America
and many other countries.
No other language has been so quick or willing to let itself be influenced by other languages. If
the English stumble on to a new food or thing or concept, then the word for it is quickly and
wholly taken over.

From the Italians, we have piano, opera, soprano, umbrella, influenza, fresco etc.
Two Italian navigators have a special place of honor in the American language. The name of
Christopher Columbus lives on in the District of Columbia, Columbus Day and many other
towns and cities named Columbus. Amerigo Vespucci' the first navigator to recognize America as
a new continent, gave us our name from his first name. Later Italian immigrants brought us the
names of familiar foods like pizza, spaghetti, and tutti-frutti ice cream.

From Spain we have cigar, cigarette, cork, cargo and embargo.
Spanish has contributed more words to American English than any other language. The Spaniards
had an early start at it, since they were the first Europeans to explore much of the American
continent. They gave the names to many of the natural phenomena they saw such as alligators,
buffalo, and the mesa (a high, wide tableland).

In the Southwest, which borders on Mexico, Spanish words are used for food. Later immigrants
to the U.S. from Puerto Rico and Cuba also brought more Spanish words into the language.

From Portugal, we have our marmalade, verandah etc.
From Mexico come cocoa, chocolateand tomato.
The words hammock, hurricaneand maize came to England from the Caribbean.

Pyjamas, shampoo, bungalow and punch all came from India.
The words caravan and bazaar came from Persia.
Bamboo and gong are Malaysian words.
Australia provided boomerang, kangaroo and cockatoo.
From the Dutch we have yacht, deck, skipper, and cruise, smuggleand sketch.

In the seventeenth century, New York City was known as New Amsterdam. The early Dutch
settlers on the East coast introduced into the language such words as boss, hunky (which has
become hunky-dory =fine, satisfactory), and Santa Claus from Sant Klaas , or Saint Nicholas.
Because American colonists appreciated Dutch baking, the language picked up words like cookie,
from the Dutchword for little cake and waffle, a crisp pancake baked in a waffle iron.

And we shouldn't forget that large numbers of Germans emigrated to the States during the
nineteenth century, bringing with them the food and customs of their homeland. Frankfurters and
hamburgers are two of the most popular American foods today. We also love to eat pretzels,
pumpernickel, sauerkraut and other treats purchased at a delicatessen.
frankfurter a small sausage also known as a wiener or hot dog
hamburger a ground beef sandwich, from Hamburg.
Also, from the German language come Rucksack, Wanderlust, Weltanschauung,
Kindergarten and Schadenfreude.
There are still countless words alive from the old language of the British Isles, Celtic: ass, cairn,
clan, plaid, flannel, druid, bard, galore and, of course, whisky.
The English language has never stood still. It is still changing: it is shaped by those who speak it
all the time.

The Jewish immigrants loaned us schnozzle, bagel and nosh. The Scandinavians brought a
smorgasbord of foods and customs with them. Some of the words which survived the suppression
of the native African languages are gumbo and voodoo.

pretzel a brittle, salted cracker in form of a loose knot
pumpernickel rye bread
sauerkraut sour cabbage
delicatessen a store that sells food delicacies
schnozzle a large nose
bagel a hard, chewy bread
nosh a snack between meals
smorgasbord a buffet offering a wide variety of foods
gumbo a thick soup
voodoo magic or sorcery
District of Columbia the area of land on which the nation's capital, Washington, is situated.
tutti-frutti all fruits

French explorers left an early mark on the American language as well. In Canada and the
northern part of the U.S., French trappers and fur traders known as voyageurs, or French-
Canadian boatsmen and fur traders who explored much of the American continent for the first
time carried their language with their canoes from river to lake and across portages, i.e. land
between lakes over which boats have to be carried. These same adventurers gave the vast
grassland in the continental interior its name the prairie. Way down in New Orleans, the
French established their customs and language, e.g. Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday
before Lent has become a time when the city erupts into a festival of merrymaking and parades.
In the French Quarter of the city, residents-and tourists dine on excellent French cuisine.

Some passages are adapted from the text written by HUGH CORRIGAN in BBC English

Today, American English has a lot of influence on the development of the English language.
Are the American and English varieties of English very different? Are they becoming more
widely separated? The two languages have drifted apart in 200 years, and it is fairly obvious
that they will continue to drift apart. However, many linguist disagree with this statement.
Global communication is increasing, they say, and so the different varieties of English will
converge, rather than drift apart. Time will tell. What do you think?

Languages are changing all the time, of course, and the English language is no exception. Some
people welcome change as healthy; other people regard it as inevitable, but do not welcome it;
still other people welcome certain changes but not all; and still other people regard all change as
bad. Those of the last type would like to see the language as invariant. But language is not
like that luckily .
Constantly, in language, we are provided with a range of constructions and a range of words
which will enable us to be friendly at one moment, to be dignified, to be haughty, to be hurtful
even. A single form of language is not really able to do all those things. This is what human
language is about this adaptability.

Answer the following questions!

Should we try to stop languages changing?
Could we do it, even if we wanted to?
How do you decide what is correct and what is incorrect in a language?
Who can or should decide this?
Do you find it easy to understand different varieties of English British and
American, for example?






Listening to spoken English, can you tell American from British English?
Do you prefer the sound of British to American English? If so, why? And why not?
Jot down American equivalents for the British words in the text!
So which is correct - "theater", or "theatre", "center" or "centre", "labor" or "labour" color/colour,
fiber/fibre, neighbor/neighbour, sulfur/sulphur, favorite/favourite?

But this variety is not only confusing for the reader. For a copy editor, the differences between the two
versions of English can be a nightmare. Most people know that the Americans say "sidewalk" for the
British "pavement", or "subway" for "underground"; for example, in the past we've had "bond" (BE bail),
"dumpster" (BE rubbish container, skip) or "realtor" (BE estate agent), all words which are not used in
Britain. Besides, the word enjoin in British English means give an order for, urge, command, and in
American English to prohibit, especially by legal injunction, forbid; when the British say to table (a
motion) they mean to submit for discussion or consideration, whereas the Americans mean to
postpone indefinitely the discussion or consideration of (a legislative bill, motion, etc).

It can work the other way too - when listening to two English girls discussing a new rucksack one had
bought, an American bystander said: "Pardon me (American for excuse me), what's a rucksack?" She
only knew "backpack".

Often when a letter is doubled in British English, it appears singly in American English, for example:
traveling/travelling, instalment/installment. But just when you think you've understood the trick, they
then double a letter where the British only have one, as in enroll/ enrol. A word like program/me
presents the problem that even the British use the shortened version in the world of computers.

You'll read words like "percent", "defense", "check", "movie" in an article on New York, but "per cent",
"defence" "cheque" and "film" in one from London.

The United States and Britain are two countries divided by a common language. An American colleague
recalls a Canadian friend of his mother who tried to buy diapers in a store during a visit to the United
States. She asked the clerk for "nappies". The clerk gave her napkins. The woman said, no, she wanted
"nappies". The clerk kept handing her napkins. They did eventually straighten it out. Lucky for the
woman's baby.

Sometimes we run into trouble when we write our stories. We avoid the word "mad" because it means
"crazy" to a Briton but means "angry" to Americans. When writing about parliaments and their doings
Americans stay away from the verb "table", which means "introduce legislation or submit for discussion
or consideration" to the British colleagues but means "postpone action of a legislative bill" to the
Americans. Similarly, to enjoin in British English means to order someone or impose with authority,
enforce, by legal injunction, whereas in American English it means to prohibit, especially by legal

Actually, it's a complete myth that American English is much richer and more varied than British
English. The British absorb all the Americanisms, and then add a medley of regional and slang variations
of their own.

"American English" (AE) and "British English" (BE) means that when I mention a truck, elevator,
streetcar, and apartment for my American clients, I must render that is a lorry, lift, tram and flat for my
British customers. Also to contact in B.E. is to get into touch with somwbody.

Similarly, an American "undershirt" is a British "vest", an American "buddy" is a British "mate". Then
there is the problem of spelling, with Britain's "labour" becoming America's "labor", as just one example.
We have to worry about group nouns, which in AE generally take a singular verb but in BE a plural verb.
Thus, in AE "the government has" but in BE, "the government have", although a change may be
forthcoming -I heard a BBC "news reader" (in AE, "news announcer") use the singular the other night.


2.1 Write American counterparts for the following grammatical structures,
words, and spelling:

British English American English

I've lost my umbrella. Have you seen it?
I've just had lunch.
She has already left.
She hasn't finished her work yet.
Have you ever ridden a donkey?
I have never seen it before.
British speakers have a bath, a shower, a holiday, a break American speakers
Which film shall we watch?
We needn't hurry.
She demanded that I should apologise.
They insisted that it should be well organised.
My friend was injured and taken to hospital.
I went to prison to visit him.
She often goes to church.
Dinamo/ the team /like government/ police/ family are doing well.
At the weekend/at weekends
At the front/at the back
Do you live in this street?
Do you get on well with your new colleague?
My bedroom looks great now that it has been done up.
It has got better, it was burnt, spelt etc.
Please write to me soon.
Please, fill in this form.
She turned (a)round.
Apologise, organise, specialise
travelling, cancelling
theater, centre, labour
colour, fibre, neighbourgh
sulphur, favourite
pavement, underground
Excuse me, what's a backpack?
to program a computer
per cent, defence, cheque and film
to table
news reader

N. B.
kukuruzni kruh i palenta in B.E. mean maize-meal bread and maize-meal porridge and in A.E. cornpone and mush or
cornmeal mush.
In American English we say: It is a very good motion (= proposal to be discussed and voted on at a meeting), why do
you want to table it (put it ad acta) ? However, in British English it means introduce legislation.

2.2 Jot down British equivalents for the following American words:


baby carriage
doctor's/dentist's office
hall, hallway
hardware store
the movies
one-room apartment, studio
orchestra (seat) (in a theater)
pedestrian crossing
toilet (bathroom)
traffic circle


absorbent cotton
garbage can, trash can
loose leaf notebook, binder
rubber band
shopping bag
spool of thread
water heater


can (of solid food)
French fries
fruit and vegetable store
jello (gelatin dessert)
ground beef
molasses syrup
potato chips
powdered/confectioner's sugar
rare (meat)
string beans


bangs (of hair)
nail polish
ready to wear
run (in a stocking)
turtleneck (sweater)
sneakers -
athletic shoes-


attorney, lawyer
faculty (of university)
graduate student
patrolman (police)
cop, policeman


ASSIGNMENT 2.3:Fill in the correct British equivalent from the list below
for each italicized American word. The following description is written in
American English.

articulated lorries, bonnet, diversion, petrol, lorry, dual carriage-way, garage,
motorway, overtaking, windscreen, roundabout, traffic light, wing mirror

We took the freeway .. out of New York but soon got onto a
smaller divided highway in New Jersey. The traffic was heavy and cars
and trailer trucks .. kept passing ...........
us. Soon, ahead of us, we saw a detour sign just before a
traffic circl . It was confusing, so we pulled off the road into a gas station
.. . We asked for some gas and directions. The attendant
washed our windshield opened the hood to check the
oil, and gave us directions. He pointed to a stop light . .... . where a
truck was turning left. He said that was the correct route. After carefully
watching the rear view mirror . we pulled back on the road.

Freeway highway with several lanes
articulated lorries zglobom vezani kamion
trailer truck transport vehicle hauled by a truck
bonnet poklopac auto-motora, hauba
(dual) carriage way BE cesta, trak na kolniku; divided highway
diversion skretanje
traffic diversions when traffic is directed by different routes because of road repairs
motorway autostrada; road built especially for fast traffic, with dual
carriageways and going over or under other roads
roundabout zaobilaznica; traffic circle
detour a way used when the main road is blocked, diversion
traffic light prometno svjetlo, semafor; stop light

Connect the British word to its American equivalent.
1. bonnet a. trunk
2. windscreen b. tire
3. tyre c. gear shift
4. boot d. gas tank
5. wing e. license plate
6. accelerator pedal f. hood
7. indicator light g. side-view mirror
8. indicator switch h. windshield
9. gear lever i. taillight or rear light
10. wing mirror j. fender
11. registration number k. muffler
12. number plate l. gas pedal
13. petrol tank m. left/right-turn light
14. rear light n. turn signal
15. silencer o. license number

Answers: freeway motorway; divided highway dual carriageway; trailer trucks articulated lorries; passing overtaking;
detour diversion; traffic circle roundabout; gas station garage; gas petrol; windshield windscreen; hood bonnet; stop
light traffic light; truck lorry; rear view mirror wing mirror.


How was English imported from
Britain into Australia?

Why did the British become interested in Australia?
What port did Sidney develop from?
Who were the first settlers?
What did the Government take care of?

A stream of adventures and rebels from other parts
of the world poured into the newly-discovered continent.
Scots, Irish, English and others driven from the land by
the industrial revolution, which created an army of the
poor, left Europe for Australia with its seemingly*
endless, empty expanses*.
The loss of their American colonies made British
take a more serious interest in Australia, but at first,
because of its great distance, it did not seem a very
attractive economic proposition*. This distance was an
advantage, though, for other purposes.
In may 1787, a fleet of eleven vessels under the
command of Captain Arthur Phillip set sail from England
with 1 500 people on board, more than half of them
felons. After an arduous voyage lasting eight months, the
ships put in at Botany bay, where the passangers
disembarked. A few days later they were transported to
port Jackson, which was to grow into the largest
Australian city, SIDNEY. Captain Arthur Phillip was
named first governor of New South Wales, a new British
colony. The British government could now breathe a sigh
of relief, for it had found a solution for the overcrowding
in prisnons by transporting convicts to Australia. It seems,
though, that care was always taken to include a certain
proportion of honest folk, ordinary immigrants, in the

*seemingly apparently
*expanse wide and open area
*proposition matter to be dealt with
*felon person guilty of felony, major serious crime, e.g.
murder, armed robbery, arson



The Spreading of English throughout the World

The English language was carried around the globe
by English merchants and explorers; its roots were firmly fixed in many parts of
the new continents by the permanent settling there of whole communities of
people from the British Isles who took with them their institutions, their
traditions and their way of life.

Though the spreading of the language through other countries of the vast
British Empire of the 19th century was of a completely different nature, linked
as it was to the overwhelming power of Britain's economic, political and military
strength, its influence and utility have not been refused. On the contrary, the
language and the concepts it conveys form one of the most important links in the
free association of the Commonwealth countries.

The cause for English as an international means of communication
seems, nowadays, to have been taken up by England's most rebellious off-spring:
the United States. The US position as one of the worlds superpowers, its wealth
and economic power, reaching world-wide through its international companies,
its advanced technology, political and military power, have given the English
language a good lead over other national languages which are also competing for
first place as a global tongue of communication.


Which variety of English should a foreign student choose
to learn, British English or American English?
The separate and divergent growth of the American and British
peoples have brought about differences mainly
of a lexical character but which have also affected the
grammatical structure, pronunciation and accents.



Section 1

Section 2


1st reading vertical for global information.
reading pay attention to transparent words and make
predictions about the topic.
reading analytic and linear for detailed information

The dress is not the man.

Honesty is the best policy.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse for
breaking it.

Empty sacks will never stand upright.




I am an Engineer. In my profession I take deep pride, but without vainglory; to it I
owe solemn obligations that I am eager to fulfil.

As an Engineer, I will participate in none but honest enterprise. To him that has
engaged my services, as employer or client; I will give the utmost of performance and

When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the
public good. From special capacity springs the obligation to use it well in the service
of humanity: and I accept the challenge that this implies.

Jealous of the high repute of my calling, I will strive to protect the interests and the
good name of any engineer that I know to be deserving; but I will not shrink, should
duty dictate, from disclosing the truth regarding anyone that, by unscrupulous act,
has shown himself unworthy of the profession.

Since the Age of Stone, human progress has been conditioned by the genius
of my professional forebears. By them have been rendered usable to mankind
Nature's vast resources of material and energy. By them have been vitalized and
turned to practical account the principles of science and the revelations
of technology. Except for this heritage of accumulated experience, my efforts would
be feeble. I dedicate myself to the dissemination of engineering knowledge, and.
especially, to the instruction of younger members of my profession in all its arts and

To my fellows I pledge, in the same full measure I ask of them, integrity
and fair dealing, tolerance and respect, and devotion to the standards and
the dignity of our profession; with the consciousness, always, that our special
expertness carries with it the obligation to serve humanity with complete sincerity.

Note: The "Faith of the Engineer" was presented to the Eleventh Annual Meeting of Engineers Council for
Professional Development by the Committee on Principles of Engineering Ethics and received unanimous
N.B. Hippocratic Oath is the oath generally taken by students receiving a medical degree: it is attributed to
Hippocrates and sets forth an ethical code for the medical profession.


Engineers should now strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development and be
morally obliged to provide and maintain healthy environment for future generations. Also,
adverse consequences of technology can nowadays be regarded as ethically unacceptable
because technology is nothing more than an area of interaction between ourselves as individuals
and our environment. Thus, engineers need to be aware as to how their work will affect society
in the future.


Assignment 1.1
Translate and discuss this oath.
Study this WORDLIST

canon general standard or principle by which something
judged; the canons of conduct (norma, mjerila)
ethics science of morals
uphold, upheld, upheld support or approve
impartial fair in giving judgments not favoring one more
than another (nepristran)
strive, strove, striven struggle
vainglory extreme vanity or pride in oneself; excessive
elation or pride over ones own achievements and
abilities; boastful vanity, empty pomp or show;
(pobjedonosnost, tatina, hvalisavost)
jealous of taking watchful care; solicitous or vigilant in
maintaining or guarding something;
vigilant keenly watchful to detect danger, awake and alert
solicitous careful
forebear ancestor, forefather (predak)
revelation revealing, making known of something secret or
feeble weak, without energy
disseminate distribute or spread widely ideas, doctrines
pledge promise
solemn (uzvien, svean)
obligation moral responsibility
enterprise a business firm
spring, sprang, sprung to make known or cause to appear suddenly,
shrink, shrank, shrunk to draw back, withdraw, to move back and away
commitment a pledge or promise to do something

Assignment 1.2 Justify the use of the PASSIVE in the following
and turn the sentences into the ACTIVE:
Since the Age of Stone, human progress has been conditioned by the genius of my
professional forebears. By them have been rendered usable to mankind Nature's vast
resources of material and energy. By them have been vitalized and turned to practical
account the principles of science and the revelations of technology.

Assignment 1.3

The Oath of the Engineer, was presented to the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Engineers'
Council for Professional Development by the Committee on Principles of Engineering Ethics
and received unanimous approval. The American Engineers' Council for Professional
Development or simply, the Engineers' Council for Professional Development, ECPD was
established in June 1932. Conversely, a formalized engineering oath of ethics does not exist in
Croatia. Besides, there are no professional oaths in Croatia except for the Hippocratic Oath,
also called the Genevas Oath, established in 1948.


Ethics, in accordance with Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary, is that branch of
philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and
wrongness of certain actions and to the integrity and falsity of the motives and intentions of
such actions.
Engineering ethics is a type of professional ethics and, as such, must be distinguished from
personal ethics and ethical obligations, which one may have as a holder of other social roles.
Engineering ethics is concerned with the question of what the standards in engineering ethics
should be and how to apply these standards to particular situations. [1]
The Oath begins with the following sentence:

In Croatian, engineer is both a job and a title whereas engineering, a very old activity and
trade, is a relatively young profession or academic discipline in Croatia.

I n my profession I take deep pride, but without vainglory; to it I owe solemn obligations that I
am eager to fulfill.

The engineering profession is a prestigious vocation and calling, which is of paramount
importance for our society. However, engineers should neither show excessive elation and
pride over their own achievements in their profession, nor keep monopoly of the profession as
a status symbol. The moral responsibility and obligations toward society as a whole come
first. Most codes emphasize professional prestige rather than moral responsibility, obligation,
environmental stability and sustainability promotion. The termsustainable development,
first popularized by the World Commission on Environment and Development, sponsored by
the United Nations, is defined as development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.[5]

As an Engineer, I will participate in none but honest enterprise.

Honesty is an essential component of trust in stating claims or assessments based on
attainable data. Some codes of ethics imply that, without trust, an organization cannot
function effectively. Both professional responsibility and autonomy of engineers versus
managers are to be addressed by the code of an oath.


To him that has engaged my services, as employer or client, I will give the utmost of
performance and fidelity.


Many engineers face, however, the dilemma of loyalty to their company and employer versus
their responsibility to society as a whole.

When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public good.


The welfare of the public i.e. the public good (ope dobro) should be held paramount by the
engineers. What is implied by the public good? The semantic meaning of the public good
implies an ethical notion of the good and welfare in political decision-making and this
meaning should not be confused with the economic concept of public goods (javna dobra)
although these two concepts are very similar. The public good encompasses public health and
welfare programs, education, research and development, national and domestic security,
roads, and a clean environment.
One example of an irrational approach to the public good and irrational development of public
goods (pay attention to various meanings of these two phrases) is the Three Gorges Dam in
China, which spans the Yangtze River. With the reservoir over 600 km long, it is known as the
largest hydroelectric river dam and the largest hydro-electric power station in the world.
Although there are economic benefits of flood control and hydroelectric power, a lot of ethical
issues have been raised, because the impact of the dam on the environment is irreversible; the
region's wildlife, water quality, local residents valuable archeological and cultural sites, as well
as ecological damage like landslides, soil erosion, water pollution, conflicts caused by land and
water shortage have all been affected.

We wonder if our environment can be sacrificed in exchange for temporary economic
prosperity. Anyway, should this oath of the engineer be modified to include a reference to the
As an example, we can mention the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Code, which
states that engineers should be committed to improving the environment to enhance the
quality of life and that engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the
public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the
performance of their professional duties. The IEEE code of Ethics, (The IEEE Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) the world's leading professional association for the
advancement of technology, states that the members of the IEEE commit themselves to the
highest ethical and professional conduct and agree to accept responsibility in making decisions
consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that
might endanger the public or the environment; it was approved by the IEEE Board of Directors
in 2006.
So, the word environment is explicitly mentioned. The oath of the engineer has a short
linguistic form and, therefore, requires effective semantic and clear communication that
should not result in lack of communication or under-estimation of the canons of ethics. When
a new technology is introduced, its potential unintended consequences are unknown until
decades later.


That is why we have to improve the understanding of new technology, technical competence,
and its appropriate application.
When implementing new technologies, engineers must consider physical and environmental
safety. In this context, we have to keep in mind that Man and the environment significantly
influence one another. Everything is closely intertwined and the earths interconnected
ecosystems are under extreme pressure. That is why the responsibility of the engineering
profession is to sustain the balance in nature. Life and the environment evolve together as a
single system so that not only does the species that leaves the most progeny tend to inherit
the environment but also the environment that favors the most progeny is itself sustained.
[7] James Lovelock formulated the Gaia Hypothesis, which provides an interesting idea of the
interaction of physical, chemical, geological and biological processes on Earth.

From special capacity springs the obligation to use it well in the service of humanity: and I
accept the challenge that this implies.

The challenge mentioned in the faith or faith is nothing more than a compromise between
less health, safety and welfare and more health, safety and welfare for the money spent.
But how to make a compromise between progress and ecology, between reliability and
ecology, between technically practical, viable, safe and economic requirements, between
moral responsibility to people and the whole environment and obligations to future
However, we have challenged nature so far. Therefore, we could now supplement this code
with the word Nature and say that we shall use our knowledge in the service of humanity and
Since there is a universal conception of nature, and since the universe is presumed to have a
nature, [8] the word nature conveys a lot of meanings which are related just as Nature in its
totality conveys relatedness. This is the most comprehensive word which can be applicable
always and everywhere.

J ealous of the high repute of my calling, I will strive to protect the interests and the good
name of any engineer that I know to be deserving; but I will not shrink, should duty dictate,
from disclosing the truth regarding anyone that, by unscrupulous act, has shown himself
unworthy of the profession.


Ethical standards are embodied in the oath of the engineer and it is implied that if ones
manager, employer or superior do not act to undo, curb or mitigate dangers of serious
personal or social damage, it is necessary to offer honest criticism or even blow the whistle,
so as to reduce the risk, to acknowledge and correct errors, violations or negative
consequences as much as possible. The ethical inner judgment should be the final decisive
guide in deciding whether or not to blow a whistle. Being a matter of integrity and honesty,
ethical principals should always take greater priority.



Engineering professionals must minimize malfunctions, any serious harm to others, any
environmental impact and if necessary, advice should be sought from other engineering
professions. To avoid causing harm to society, engineering professionals have enormous
responsibility to define appropriate and inappropriate use of engineering resources, systems
and technology.

Since the Age of Stone, human progress has been conditioned by the genius of my
professional forebears. By them have been rendered usable to mankind Nature's vast
resources of material and energy. By them have been vitalized and turned to practical
account the principles of science and the revelations of technology.
Except for this heritage of accumulated experience, my efforts would be feeble.

Does human progress represent conflicts of values? Technology was seen by our ancestors as
a force for controlling a hostile nature and not as a threat or harm that could be inflicted upon
nature. The oath focuses on our professional forefathers i.e. on the past. However, engineers
have obligations to future generations who could be harmed by irresponsible engineering
activities. It may take decades and generations for products and facilities to have adverse
effects; e.g. according to United Nations Environment Programme, (Ozone Secretariat) air
pollution and global warming are instances where the damage done today is so irreparable
that even if we begin to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and ozone layer depletion
now, the effects will be felt over the next 300 years. Definitely, human-induced climate
change has ethical dimensions.

I dedicate myself to the dissemination of engineering knowledge, and especially, to the
instruction of younger members of my profession in all its arts and traditions.

Engineering professionals have a responsibility to share technical knowledge and professional
development, not only with younger members, colleagues and co-workers but also with the
To my fellows I pledge, in the same full measure I ask of them, integrity and fair dealing,
tolerance and respect, and devotion to the standards and the dignity of our profession; with
the consciousness, always, that our special expertness carries with it the obligation to serve
humanity with complete sincerity.


Professional competence, personal accountability for professional work, confidentiality of
information, honesty, integrity and fair dealing and the contributions of others must be
honored, properly credited and obligated not only by the oath of the engineer but also by
contract or by law. Bribery must be rejected and malicious action such as injuring others
avoided. All persons will be treated equally without regard to age, gender, race, religion,



disability, or national origin. Immoral and unethical rules and laws must be challenged by all

In conclusion we can say that the existing oaths wording is inadequate in addressing many
engineers as guardians of the environment for future generations. The political expression
public good and the expression humanity neither place the ecological consciousness of the
engineers in the first place nor address the problem of maintaining environmental quality
Consequently, professional normative standards are not abstract moral philosophies. An oath
of the type that is discussed in this article, determines the ethical foundation of a profession,
in terms of the actual content or meaning of the words that are uttered. In this case, one can
see that it gives engineers an ethical grounding which they can rely upon, or refer to, in terms
of ethical decision making whilst carrying out their professional career.
Taken from Engineering Review
Some additional information can be found on:

1.4 Discuss the following questions:

1. What is the Faith of the Engineer? What does this oath determine?

2. The principle line of argument we offer is that the oath's wording does not pay
enough attention to the environment. Where are these gray areas of this oath?

3. Should the oath treat the ethical duty that engineers have towards the environment?

4. Is the code deficient in terms of the attention it pays to the environment?
How could you substantiate your argument?

5. Can the wording public good be misinterpeted?

6. Consider the complexity of the tripartite relation between society, the
environment and the engineer, which can provide fuel for further discussion.

7. Do engineers need to be aware as to how their work will affect society in the future?

Consider the following arguments below and discuss!

When we take into consideration that engineers are often unable to predict with certainty
as to how their projects will affect the environment in the long term, one becomes aware of
how balancing the needs between society and the environment is an extremly tricky one.
We are therefore compelled into thinking more about how engineers have to find the
difficult balance between attending to the needs of present society and the needs of society
in the future. This raises a number of moral/ethical questions about whose interests
engineers should primarily serve (present society or future generation).


1. Is the wording of this oath a thought-provoking because of our wider concern about
the place of ethics in the engineering profession?

2. What would you say about the actual practice of taking an oath?

3. Does an oath of the type presented in this article determine the ethical foundation
of a profession, in terms of the actual content or meaning of the words that are

4. Does it give an ethical grounding which engineers can rely upon, or refer to, in
terms of ethical decission making whilst carrying out their profession?
It also highlights to those taking the oath that they have an ethical responsibility in
their professional career.

5. Would you feel more like engineers or would you feel the same if you were required
to take the oath? Compare it with other professions (such as medicine).

6. How far are competing institutions and countries really committed to the ideals of
ethical recruitment? In the increasing competition, the pressure is on almost every
one and in almost every field to sell (knowledge, products etc.). There could be a
risk of students and people being misled.

1.5 Discuss the questions below and think about your own
conclusions concerning the text Faith of the Engineer.
Jot them down.

1. Is engineering ethics important for society as a whole?

2. How could engineers responsibility for safe design be nurtured?

3. How could we manage risk better?

4. Can we protect ourselves from unscrupulous competitors by setting high product

5. Are engineers morally required to act on the basis of professional codes and canons?

6. Are they required to assume ethical responsibility for their activity?

7. Do you agree that the best basis for ethical responsibility is regulation and law?

8. Do you think that the oath of the engineer is unnecessary because engineers, in
general, have an inner moral duty and conscience not to deceive?

9. If a product or structure is an enormous hazard, do we have a duty through our
individual consciousness to make the problem public or do we have to protect our
organization or company?


10. Should the Oath of the Engineer also embody the ethical commitments of
engineering professionals and reflect moral values and principles which are to be put
into practice.

11. Do you agree with the statement that the oath tells us what engineers stand for when
conducting business and that it enhances the sense of community among members, of
belonging to a group with common values and a common mission? [3]

12. Do you also agree with the fact that the oath of the engineer deserves our special
attention because there are increasingly important new issues in engineering
professions lately?

13. Do you agree with the following statements?
In answers to the question why engineering schools and organizations in Croatia
should draw up the oath of the engineer and codes of the engineer, we can say:

to show moral maturity and responsibilities;
to promote high standards of engineering practice and sustainable
to show that the profession's ethical standards conform to common
regulations and law;
to show that the professions ethical standards can even transcend
commonly accepted morality because ethical issues in new technologies
must be resolved.


Probably the shortest paragraph of an essay, the conclusion should be brief and to
the point. It's worth pointing out that a good writer avoids a blatant repetition of
the thesis statement. Repeating the thesis, word for word, in the conclusion seems
lazy and is not very interesting. The conclusion should provide a restatement of the
thesis, and perhaps a solution to the problem. It is best to restate the ideas using
different language, perhaps even to create a sort of dramatic effect that comes
from repetition.



Ethical Issues in New Technologies Must Be Resolved.
Investigate with great thoroughness the article written in

Jo se ne zna dovoljno o uincima nanoznanosti. to je nanotehnologija?
Podruje primijenjene znanosti i tehnologije kojoj je zajedniko kontroliranje ma-terije na
razini atoma i molekula, najee od 1 do 100 nanometara (milijunti dio milimetra), te
proizvodnja ureaja i strojeva ije su dimenzije unutar tih parametara.

Europska komisija predloila je zemljama lanicama da usvoje kodeks ponaanja u istraivanju
nanoznanosti i nanotehnologije, budui da ne postoji dovoljno informacija o njihovom uincima
na ljudsko zdravlje i okoli a postoje i neka etika pitanja o potivanju temeljnih prava,
istaknuto je u priopenju.

Komisija smatra da je Europa predvodnik u nanoznanosti i nanotehnologiji, znanstvenom
podruju koje je u punom zamahu i koje bi moglo imati velike negativne uinke u eko-
nomskom, socijalnom ili ekolokom smislu, te se stoga predlae kodeks ponaanja koji bi
se trebao primjenjivat i u tom podruju.
Naa snaga djelomino lei i u pozornosti koju pridajemo odgovornom razvoju i uporabi tih
tehnologija. Kodeks ponaanja je instrument koji je izradila Komisija nakon javne rasprave.
Kodeks e omoguiti da se lak odgovori na legitimnu zabrinutost koju nanotehnologije mogu
izazvati - izjavio je povjerenik za istraivanje i razvoj Janez Potonik. Prema prijedlogu kodeksa,
razvoj i uporaba nanotehnologija moraju bili razumljivi iroj javnosti i potovati ljudska prava.
Pri primjeni tehnologija mora se voditi rauna o interesima drutva i pojedinaca. Zahtijeva se
takoer i da te tehnologije budu sigurne, da potuju etika naela i pridonose odrivom razvoju.




When an employee discovers unethical, immoral or illegal actions at work, the employee makes
a decision about what to do with this information. Whistleblowing is the term used to define an
employees decision to disclose this information to an authority figure (boss, media or
government official).
The purpose of this chapter is to learn more about how employees make their decisions to come
forward with potentially damaging information and in turn, avoid potentially unethical



Is whistle blowing regarded as responsible behavior towards the public?
Should whistle blowers receive legal protection or should they be regardedas
Can whistle-blowing be justified by arguments using a moral theory?
Are engineers whistle-blowing rights protected in Croatia?
When should an employee blow the whistle? When should he or she "keep

Experts have set guidelines for whistleblowing. Some of those are listed below.
This list is a guideline that will help an employee to determine if a situation merits
whistleblowing. Discuss them by using your own explanation
1. Magnitude of consequences
An employee considering whistleblowing must ask himself or herself these questions: How
much harm has been done or might be done to victims? Will the victims really be
"beneficiaries"? If one person is or will be harmed, it is unlikely to be a situation that warrants
2. Probability of effect
The probability that the action will actually take place and will cause harm to many people must
be considered. An employee should be very sure that the action in question will actually happen.
If the employee does not know if the action will happen and if the action will harm people (or
the environment), the employee should reconsider his or her plan to blow the whistle. In
addition, the employee must have absolute proof that the event will occur and that people (or the
environment) will be harmed.
3. Temporal immediacy
An employee must consider the length of time between the present and the possibly harmful
event. An employee must also consider the urgency of the problem in question. The more
immediate the consequences of the potentially unethical practice, the stronger the case for
4. Proximity
The physical closeness of the potential victims must be considered. For example, a company
that is depriving workers of medical benefits in a nearby town has a higher proximity than one
1,000 miles away. The question arises about matters of emotional proximity or situations in
which the ethical question relates to a victim with some emotional attachment to the
By Lizabeth England; English Teaching Forum Online

Background Information

Whistleblowing leads to good and bad results. First, the benefits of carefully considered
whistleblowing can lead to the end of unethical business practices. The lives of individuals and
whole communities have been saved by whistleblowers. Severe damage to the environment has
been stopped by the actions of one individual who blew the whistle on an unethical employer.
Here are some examples of serious ethical violations that have resulted in whistleblowing.

These examples represent significant consequences to businesses:

Dumping of toxic waste
Padding an expense report
Violating laws about hiring and firing
Violating laws about workplace safety
Violating health laws which lead to documented illness and even death
The actions of whistleblowers are potentially beneficial to society. Businesses that engaged in
unethical practices have been shut down because of the actions of whistleblowers. Lives have
been saved, and severe damage to the environment has been averted because of the courage and
persistence of whistleblowers.
At the same time, an employee who witnesses unethical business practices at work may want to
think carefully before making the decision to inform an authority of the practice. The
consequences of whistleblowing are often extreme and include possible firing, civil action, or
even imprisonment. Furthermore, an employee may want to follow the rule of "chain of
command" that is, begin to discuss issues of whistleblowing with his or her immediate
supervisor first, before discussing the matter with anyone else.). Company loyalty is an
internationally held value. Employees want positive work environments. Most workers do not
like to have disagreements with their bosses. At the same time, bosses and managers do not want
employees to complain to others in the workplace about a problem that the manager might be able
to solve. Complaining to ones colleagues can be harmful to morale and should not be confused
with careful thinking and action on behalf of unethical business practices. One companys
unethical practices were uncovered by an employee who was later fired for "blowing the whistle."
No employee wants to be branded as having bad judgment.


Discuss the importance of the following arguments that
employees and employers should take into consideration:

foster the open communication;
be aware of and obey the laws and regulations;
manage their business in compliance with local and international laws and
regulations, and highstandards of morale and ethics;
respects and preserve the environment in accordance with the specific local
and international regulations;
employees should be encouraged to exercise their rights;
be committed to develop a professional relationship based on openness, respect,
promote fair competition and legal behavior among competitors;
encourage diversity and respect the culture and business practices in every
act in accordance with anti-corruption laws;
protect confidential and proprietary information and communicate it only
when it is necessary for conducting our business;
not use this information for personal advantage;

respect ethical code and adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior
and business conduct ;
be cmmitted to meet all laws and regulations designed to promote fair
competition and legal behavior among competitors;
respect business relations with our dealers, resellers and other partners;
not restrain the free trade;
not obstruct competition;
develop our products and services in order to meet the expectations, needs
and requirements of our customers, partners and shareholders,
do our best for improving our portfolio of products and services;
protect our assets, including intellectual and physical property;
use all resources and assets in group's interest;
comply with all laws and regulations that govern and protect our own and
others' intellectual property rights;
be committed to avoid any conflict of interests in performing their activities,
inside the organization or outside of it;
develop a professional relationship with each other based on openness and
provide equal employment opportunity for all applicants as well as equal
treatment for all employees;
develop a professional relationship with each other based on openness and


Write a short conclusion paragraph using the above arguments




Section 2

Discuss risk management and technical failures in

Any technical disaster and failures could be classified
into the following groups with:

the role of the human operator, technical design,
organizational systems, and the role of sociocultural factors.

In recent years, numerous engineers have faced ethical
dilemmas in which engineering judgments ultimately led to
technological disasters. The various technical design flaws and
technical miscalculations are cases in point.
Some of the risks now confronting humanity are global in
nature and cannot be mitigated by individual countries or even
by regional communities. Unlike the risks of previous
civilizations, technological disasters are rooted in ecologically
destructive industrialization and are global, pervasive, long-
term, incalculable, and often unknown.

Have a deep scrutiny and analyse radioactivity, chemical
contamination, and other risks


Presentation 1
Bhopal poison gas release

In 1984, a poisonous cloud of methyl isocyanate, a chemical compound used to make
pesticides, escaped and passed over the town of Bhopal, India, eventually causing the
deaths of an estimated 14,000 people. In addition, more than 30,000 permanent
injuries (including blindness), 20,000 temporary injuries, and 150,000 minor injuries
were reported.

The Bhopal disaster may not have happened
if the refrigeration unit had not been disconnected;
if all gauges had been properly working;
if the proper safety steps had been taken upon the immediate detection of the deadly
methyl isocyanate instead of waiting an hour or so to do anything about it;
if the vent scrubber had been in service;
if the water sprays had been designed to shoot high enough to douse the emissions;
if the flare tower had been of sufficient capacity.
Such obvious violations of basic safety procedures were the unintended consequences of
the decision to cut costs.


Presentation 2
Do you remember The Paris DC-10 case which raised a host of
organizational, professional, and ethical issues because top management, a subcontractor that
designed the cargo door, had known about the faulty design from memoranda circulated by a
senior vice president of engineering, warning of the likelihood of a crash?
Do you know that management at McDonnell Douglas, the company that designed and
manufactured the DC-10 jumbo jet, as well as managing directors knew of the potentially
deadly problems associated with the rear cargo doors of the DC-10?
Consequently, they all became aware of the problem after an incident in 1972 over Windsor,
Ontario, where a DC-10 had to make an emergency landing when its rear cargo door blew
Did you read the news that On May 25, 1979, an American Airlines McDonnell Douglas
DC-10 jumbo jet crashed into a field shortly after taking off from Chicago-OHare
International Airport, killing 273 people on board.
What was the cause of the crash?


It was the result of a series of factors:
During take-off, the left engine broke loose, severing control and hydraulic cables
housed in the body of the wing.
The loss of those control cables made it impossible for the pilots to maneuver the wing
slats - extensions of the wing that provide additional lift during takeoff and landing.
Consequently, the left wing of the aircraft lost its ability to provide lift and it diped
low; at the same time, the right wing rose until the wings were perpendicular to the
ground, causing the plane to crash.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reported that the engine broke loose
of the large pylon holding it to the wing as the result of cracks in the pylon.
According to the report, these cracks were overlooked because of an improper
maintenance procedure.
The NTSB report chastised the Federal Aviation Administrations maintenance
Additional questions arose when it was learned that McDonnell Douglas knew
about the improper maintenance techniques that led to the pylon cracks.
Besides questions about the ethical adequacy of the FAAs maintenance
policies, should McDonnell Douglas have informed the FAA that airlines were
using a nonstandard method for removing the engine and pylon assembly?

A McDonnell Douglas DC-10 jumbo jet crash may not have happened if


Presentation 3

Ford Pinto rear- end collisions

In 1978 the Ford Motor Company was charged with reckless homicide in the deaths of three
teenage women whose Ford Pinto burst into flames after it was struck from behind by another
vehicle on August 10, 1978. An eyewitness to the fiery crash testified during the trial that the
car exploded like a napalm bomb when struck from behind by a van. The three women died
from burns they suffered in the accident.

The charges held that Ford executives consciously allowed an unsafe car to be manufactured
and sold to unsuspecting consumers. The controversy surrounded the design and placement of
the gas tank. The Pinto gas tank was placed behind the rear axle of the car, where it was
vulnerable to puncture if the car were struck from behind. In prototype testing, it was
discovered that the Pinto had a propensity to burst into flames if struck in its rear end at speeds
as low as 3035 mph.
Between 500 and 900 victims died as a result of rear-end Pinto collisions.
The three DC-10 crashes and the Ford Pinto rear-end collisions all involve technical design



Ford Pinto rear- end collisions may not have happened if


Presentation 4

Read the text and complete the following sentences

DC-10 crashes
In 1974 a Turkish Airlines DC-10 crashed outside of Paris, killing all 346 on board. The cause
of the crash was traced to a defectively designed rear cargo door. It blew open at an altitude of
12,000 feet, triggering rapid cargo cabin depressurization. Cabin depressurization, in turn, caused
the floorboards, which separate the cargo cabin from the passenger cabin above, to tear apart.
Unfortunately, the plane was designed to have all of the hydraulic and electrical control wires
run along directly under the floorboard. Hence, when the floorboards ripped apart, so did the
hydraulic and electrical systems that control the aircraft. With the crucial control systems
destroyed, the pilots lost all control, and the plane crashed to earth with breakneck speed.

A Turkish Airlines DC-10 crash may not have happened if

Presentation 5
Manhattan Project
The World War II Manhattan Project is known as the U.S government research
project (1942- 45) that produced the first atomic bombs. Under Manhattan Project,
the U.S. government built, in a relatively short period, such facilities as production
reactors, chemical-reprocessing plants, test and research reactors, and weapons
production facilities.
Oppenheimer (in J. Robert Oppenheimer (American physicist) ) participated in the efforts of
British and U.S. physicists to seek a way to harness nuclear energy for military purposes, an
effort that became known as the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer was instructed to establish and
administer a laboratory to carry out this assignment.


The first atomic bomb was built in Los Alamos, N.M., during World War II under a program
called the Manhattan Project. Los Alamos was approved as the site for the main atomic
bomb scientific laboratory on Nov. 25, 1942, by Brig. Gen. Leslie R. Groves and physicist J.
Robert Oppenheimer and was given the code name Project Y. One bomb, using plutonium,
was successfully tested on July 16, 1945.
American scientists, many of them refugees from fascist regimes in Europe, took steps in
1939 to organize a project to exploit the newly recognized fission process for military
purposes. The first contact with the government was made by G.B. Pegram of Columbia
University, who arranged a conference between Enrico Fermi and the Navy Department in
March 1939. In the summer of 1939, Albert Einstein was persuaded by his fellow scientists
to use his influence and present the military potential of an uncontrolled fission chain
reaction to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In February 1940, $6,000 was made available to
start research under the supervision of a committee headed by L.J. Briggs, director of the
National Bureau of Standards. On December 6, 1941, the project was put under the direction
of the Office of Scientific Research and Development, headed by Vannevar Bush.
From Encyclopedia Britannica on-line

Presentation 6

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant DISASTER

The disaster at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant in Japan on March 11, 2011, destroyed tens
of thousands of lives and had ripple effects around the world as nations reliant upon or
considering nuclear power rethought their plans.
The meltdown of three of the six nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, about 130
miles north of Tokyo, was the worst nuclear disaster since the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine
in 1986. The result of a 9.0-magnitude earthquake and associated tsunami waves that reached
heights exceeding 100 feet, the disaster demonstrated that nuclear power plant operators may
not have anticipated the full range of worst-case scenarios that could beset their facilities.
The tsunami's swift and massive waves crippled the power plant by taking out its power
supply and cooling system, with workers resorting to desperate measures to cool the reactors
to prevent an even more significant disaster.
The damage at the plant was so severe that more than 100,000 residents of the nearby
Fukushima Prefecture had to be relocated, and complex cleanup operations at the plant
In the U.S., the disaster spurred the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which is
responsible for overseeing the 100 nuclear power plants operating in the country, to
re-assess safety planning and issue some new requirements for plants that are of
similar design as Fukushima. Exelon, which is the country's largest nuclear-reactor
operator, runs 17 of the commercial reactors.
According to a New York Times report, the company expects to spend up to $500 million
upgrading its plants based on lessons learned from Fukushima.


Fukushima woke up the world nuclear industry, not just the U.S., the chairwoman of the NRC,
Allison M. Macfarlane, told the Times. It woke everybody up and said: Hey, you didnt even
think about these different issues happening. You never thought about an earthquake that could
create a tsunami that would swamp your emergency diesel generators and leave you without
power for an extended period. You never planned for more than one reactor going down at a site,
you have to think about that now.
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant disaster consequences might have been reduced if

Presentation 7

Read the text and research the most important strategies for
more sustainability that could also be implemented in Croatia;
Jot down these strategies in note form

Environmental and Resource Protection
Strategies for More Sustainability By Martin Orth

Which forms of energy will we use in the future?
How can everyone be assured access to enough water?
These important questions are closely linked to environmental and climate protection

What can Croats learn from Europes most populous country? Do we know how Germany
saves energy, lowers carbon dioxide emissions and generates power from renewable energy
sources. Germany cut its greenhouse-gas emissions by 18% between 1990 and 2005,the
magazine writes, while emissions in the USA rose by 16% in the same period.Time Magazine
paints a picture of a new Germany where wind farms, biogas plants and solar roofs have become
a normal part of the landscape. The main point is that the German Federal Government paved the
way for change early on. It introduced an eco-tax to reduce oil consumption. It built up a
recycling system to conserve resources and re-use raw materials. And above all, it passed the
Renewable Energy Act (EEG).

Indeed, the EEG, which came into force in 2000, is at the heart of German energy and climate
policy. It encourages citizens, businesses and local authorities to generate electricity for
themselves from renewable sources and to sell any excess on to the power utilities. Some people
have been making a tidy profit out of this scheme. And the proportion of power consumption
generated by renewables has risen to 14% within a few years. The target is 25 to 30% by 2020. In
the meantime, 47 countries have themselves passed legislation modelled on the German
Renewable Energy Act. After all, not only the climate benefits from the programme of market
incentives, but also the economy.


One in three solar cells and almost half the worlds wind turbines are made in Germany. The
German greentech industry is the technology leader. According to a recent study, by 2020 it
will have the potential to take over from the successful mechanical-engineering and automotive
industries as the biggest employer in Germany. Environmental protection and jobs are not a
On the contrary, the two are mutually dependent on a global scale,says Sigmar Gabriel,
Germanys Federal Minister for the Environment. People are already talking about the third
industrial revolution.

The idea is not as utopian as it may sound, because protecting the environment and climate is one
of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century and will require enormous efforts.

How can climate change be stopped?
How can an equitable and sufficient supply of water and food be assured for the worlds growing

These are the most pressing issues of our time. Consequently, environmental protection has
become an important part of German foreign policy. Diplomats speak of foreign policy for
environmental protection, and mean a three-pronged approach consisting of future provision,
conflict prevention and active security policy. After all, environmental issues (e.g. unfair
distribution of water) can lead to considerable social and political tensions. The Federal Foreign
Office is therefore promoting international environmental protection on many levels, be it in
negotiations on international environmental agreements or by organizing conferences.

The Water Unites conference and meeting launched the Central Asia Water Initiative, which
comprises a wide range of collaborations and support measures to counteract the negative
consequences of water shortages in the region.

Germany was very close to delivering on the commitment it made in the Kyoto Protocol to reduce
greenhouse-gas emissions by 21% by 2012. Furthermore, Germany is second only to Sweden in
the 2008 global Climate Protection Index, which rates the performance of 56 countries in climate
protection. In its efforts Germany applies a dual strategy of improving energy and resource
efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energies and renewable primary products. The
country is also taking the lead within the European Union. If other countries are prepared to
follow suit, Germany has said it is prepared to aim for even higher targets than some of those
specified by the EU, which envisage a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020
compared to the figure for 1990, raising renewable energys share of the energy mix to 20%, and
reducing energy consumption by 20%. On Germanys initiative the heads of state and
government of the eight leading industrial nations (G8) have agreed to halve CO2 emissions by
2050. The aim here is to limit the rise in the average global temperature to two degrees.

The key issue will be reaching agreement on a new, comprehensive climate-protection regime to
avoid international climate protection efforts coming to a standstill after the 2012 Kyoto Protocol
has run out. The integration of economically advanced NICs (newly industrializing countries)
such as China, India, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico will be high of the agenda in this context.
After all, the global challenge of climate protection cannot be mastered without these partner
July 28, 2008 Deutschland Magazine

sustainable development = odrivi razvoj
sustainability = odrivost



Assignment 7.1

Write a short composition on:

Strategies for more sustainability that are to
be implemented in Croatia


Presentation 8
Every Man For Himself? By Howard G.Eoan


A captain's flight from his sinking ship raises a debate about traditions of the
After having read this article from the magazine Time discuss ethics and traditions of the sea.

In somebody else's shoe
Imagine you were in the shoes of the captain of one sinking ship. How would you act?

The order to abandon ship automatically presupposes two rules: women and children first and
the captain is last to leave or goes down with his vessel. Romanticized by novels and films as
well as history, the maxims seem almost to have the force of law. Thus though all 571 people
aboard the Greek cruise liner Oceanos survived its spectacular sinking off the coast of South
Africa last week, the ship's captain has been widely castigated as cowardly and irresponsible.
The captain left the Oceanos aboard a rescue helicopter while some 160 passengers, including
several elderly and infirm, still awaited evacuation. He abdicated the hero's role to a South
African entertainer, who not only operated the shipboard radio and made certain everyone
was safe but also rescued the captain's' dog and released his pet canary from its cage before
becoming one of the last to quit the sinking vessel.
In reality there is no law of the sea that requires the captain to remain with his ship to the end.
And the captain backed by his employers, argued that with communications so bad on board,
the evacuation was best directed from shore. But the captain did not help his popular standing
with his statements immediately after the disaster. "When I order abandon ship, it doesn't
matter what time I leave," he said last week. "Abandon is for everybody. If some people like
to stay, they can stay."
The captain's "crime" was in not fitting the mold of tradition. That tradition was
exemplified by, among others, Captain E.J. Smith of the Titanic, who exhorted those
remaining on board the doomed liner to "be British!," made sure women and children left
first, and did, in fact, go down with his ship (and 1,500 passengers and crew).
Such nautical chivalry, however, is relatively recent. It began, coincidentally, with another
sinking off the South African coast. In 1852 the British troopship Birkenhead went to the
bottom with nearly 500 men. All 13 women and children on board were saved because
soldiers gave up their places in the few lifeboats available. Nothing of the kind had been
heard of before. Previously women were likely to be tossed overboard in emergencies so that
the men could have a greater supply of rations. The modern ideal has its own rough edges. On
the Titanic the rule of "women and children first" was enforced with guns. "Children" often
did not include little boys, who were expected to be little men. And immigrant women and
children in steerage didn't qualify for the noblesse oblige above decks.
Going down with the ship, as Smith did, may in some way have been an escape. After all, it
was he who had boasted that "I cannot conceive of any disaster happening to this vessel."
Losing one's ship to the treachery of the sea can be punishment enough, however.
From Time, August 19, 1991


Presentation 9


Hazards of navigation due to irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land are rather
common. Oil tankers are at hazards from groundings and explosions. The most likely cause of sinking
is a breaching of the hull envelope by collision. The consequenses of the resulting flooding are
minimized by subdividing the hull into compartments with watertight bulkheads. Ships that must have
a high probability of surviving a collision, are built to the onecompartment standard, meaning that
at least one compartment bounded by watertight bulkheads must be floodable without sinking the
ship. A twocompartment standard is common for larger passengercarrying shipsa measure that
presumably protects the ship against a collision at the boundary between two compartments.
However, the greatest ever disaster and the victim of the most famous sinking in the North Atlantic
the Titanic was built to the twocompartment standard, but its collision with an iceberg on its
maiden voyage just before midnight on April 14, 1912, ripped open at least five compartments. The
Titanic could not survive such damage, but its many watertight compartments did retard the flooding
so that the ship required two hours and forty minutes to sink. Aspects of this event are still being
argued. As with all great disasters, eyewitness accounts of the loss of the Titanic vary widely:
The lookout first sighted the iceberg onefourth of a mile dead ahead. Instinctively he gave three
rings on the bell above the crows nest. Iceberg right ahead! the lookout warned the bridge.
Ironically, his words doomed Titanic. In response to the warning her officerincharge tried to
reverse engines and turn hard to starboard. The reversal actually turned the ship slowly to port, and
she suffered the fatal gash in her starboard side. Had she rammed the berg headon, she would likely
have flooded only two or three compartments and remained afloat. Captain Edward J Smith, who was
not on the bridge at the time, went down with his command.
The great liner plunged to the bottom two hours and 40 minutes after the iceberg tore a gash some 300
feet long in her starboard side near the bow. Six of her 16 watertight compartments were flooded, and
as the sea rose above the watertight bulkheads, adjoining compartments flooded. Yet Titanic stayed
afloat more than an hour longer than most experts on board predicted.
Many of the 2, 227 passengers and crew had abandoned ship or been swept away when the vessel
briefly upended in the water, then settled back at an angle. All 20 lifeboats and rafts less than half
the number needed had been launched, many of them only partly filled. Nearly all had pulled away
from the ship for safety. That action doomed most survivors afloat, for the temperature of the sea was
28 F and none could last more than an hour or so. The nearest ship to respond was still two hours
With the movement of the ice southwards each year the perils of the Atlantic passages are increased.
Ships captains warn each other of the presence of these great, giant floating islands, but they are
often hidden by fog even in broad daylight there may be only a few feet of a monster visible above
the surface. Generally the portion of the berg visible above water is only oneeighth or one ninth of
its total depth. Many ships have been wrecked by these floating monsters.
Collision, grounding, fire, explosion, contact or heavy weather damage can result in water ingress or
oil outflow. So, in an emergency, the best course of action to save your ship, crew and cargo and
protect the marine environment may not be quite obvious. How could consequences of a casualty at
sea be lessened? They can be even made worse if the wrong decision is taken. In such a situation, a
full appreciation of the vessels damage stability and damage longitudinal strength is essential.
Many of the great ships met disaster on the rocks, sandbanks and reefs off the rugged coast.
Life does not get any better for seafarers. Unpaid wages, stranded and abandoned crews, traumatised
survivors of violent pirate attacks and assaults and shocked shipmates often left high and dry in ports
thousands of miles away from home, with little money and few supplies, are just some of the
problems the modern seafarer has to face.

9.1 Match the nouns with their descriptions or synonyms

1. .. ship in distress a) in danger, jeopardy
2. .. shipwreck b) wreck, wreckage; ruin or destruction
3. .. wreckage c) flowing out of oil
4. .. wrack d) remains or fragments of something that has been wrecked
5. .. oil slick e) entering of water
6. .. gash f) causing a vessel to run aground, stranding
7. .. grounding g) deep cut
8. .. in peril h) the state of a ship requiring immediate assistance, because
it is in trouble or great difficulty
9. .. water ingress i) a smooth area on the surface of water caused by the presence of oil
10. oil outflow j) a ship lost at sea or (partly) destroyed
11. ... mainstay l) a chief part

9.2 Match the verbs with their synonyms

1. ripped open a) when the ship touches the bottom, stranded
2. exacerbated b) ruined or destroyed
3. wrecked c) made worse, aggravated
4. breached d) broken through, ruptured
5. grounded e) torn apart or split open
6. plunge f) hinder or impede, make slow
7. retard g) dip
8. wreck h) to strike with great force, dash violently against
9. ram i) devastate, destroy, become wrecked (a vessel)
10. .. doom j) escape to move off
11. .. pull away from k) condemn to death
12. .. upend l) rise or set up on its end

9.3 Fill in the appropriate prepositions:
to, at , in, against, on, off

ship .. distress .. course
danger .. hazards
the boundary between close the land
its maiden voyage broad daylight
casualty sea .. an emergency
protect the ship .. a collision built the onecompartment standard

9.4 Questions
1. What are the most common casualties?
2. What are oil tankers often at hazards from?
3. What is the most likely cause of sinking?
4. What is the one and what two compartment standard?
5. What is the best course of action to save a ship in distress?
6. What is free surface effect?

9.5 SOS
SOS is an internationally recognized signal of distress in radio code ... used especially
by ships calling for help but it is also a call or request for help or rescue.


9.6 What does the descriptive note SERS stand for?

Ship Emergency Response Service SERS

This service, offered by LR, provides a rapid computer assisted analysis of a damaged ship's stability
and damaged longitudinal strength and grounding in the event of a casualty to the ship. A 24 hour,
365 dayayear service provides subscribers to SERS with rapid, independent, naval architectural
information based on computer simulations to evaluate how the stricken vessel will respond to rescue
options. Standard ship emergency exercises and oil outflow calculations are also available, helping
clients to satisfy the demands of OPA 90, the ISM Code and IMO Marpol. To prepare the data
required for SERS, the ship will be numerically modelled on the extensive computer systems. When a
ship is live in SERS, simulations of a specific casualty can be undertaken quickly and accurately to
help find the best remedial action.
Where an Owner adopts this service, the descriptive note SERS, 'Ship is registered with LR's Ship
Emergency Response Service', will be entered in the Register Book.

Presentation 10
Oil recovery ships
In 1989 the super tanker Exxon Valdez went aground and spilled millions of gallons of oil on
Alaskas coast. This hazard had a devastating impact on the ecology of this area immediately affected.
The demand for a thorough cleanup united environmentalists, the fishing and tourist industries,
NativeAmerican organizations, many ordinary citizens, and scientists, who tried to clean up oil
slicks and oilspills (or oil spillages).
Oil recovery ships are indispensable in such situations. They are intended to separate the oil film from
the surface of the water by passing a film over a weir into a collection area (weir skimmers) or by the
use of moving belts, ropes or revolving disks which pass through the oil films and the oil which then
adheres to them is scraped or squeezed off and collected (Adhesion skimmer). Other modes of
operation may also be considered. The oil thus recovered will then be collected in the ships tanks and
subsequently disposed of ashore. Operation is assumed to take place at a safe distance from the source
of oil spill with respect to the risk of fire and explosion.
The arrangement for collection, handling and transfer of recovered oil is to be such that the risk of oil
spill on deck and overflow is minimized and the operation should be performed as far away from the
accommodation spaces as possible. Steps should be taken to minimize the risk of creation of slippery
areas, i.e. working areas should if possible be made on gratings or similar arrangements.


oilrecovery ship ship for regaining the previous state of the sea
weir an embankment built by passing a film over an oil spill to hold it in its place
skim to take up or remove(floating oil) from the surface of the ocean, sea or river.
We skim cream from milk.
adhere (to) stick fast (to)
adhesion (Physics) the molecular force of attraction acting in the area of contact between
two or more dissimilar substances
scrape to remove adhering substances or matter
squeeze to press forcibly together
grating a fixed frame of bars covering slippery area

Presentation 11


10.1 Read the following text and complete the title in note form

The vessel can practically be made unsinkable if ..


The Lusitania, a passenger liner sank because of lack of damage stability. Longitudinal bulkheads
limited the flooding to one side, causing the ship to heel quickly.

The Titanic, however, is unsinkable. Her bullhead system is so complete that she cannot possibly go to
the bottom. That was the opinion of an expert, given an answer to a question as to the possibility of
getting leviathan to port.
A representative of the builders informed an interviewer that the Titanic hull was of tremendous
strength. By means of fifteen transverse bulkheads the hull was divided into separate compartments, any
two of which might be flooded without danger to the ship. Each bulkhead was fitted with watertight
doors, those giving communication between the various boiler rooms and engine rooms being arranged
on the drop system.
Each door, said the official description, is held in the open position by a suitable friction clutch,
which can be instantly released by means of a powerful electric magnet controlled from the captains
bridge, so that, in the event of accident, or at any time when it may be considered advisable, the captain
can, by simply moving an electric switch, instantly close the doors throughout, practically making the
vessel unsinkable. Moreover, as a further precaution, floats are provided beneath the floor level, which,
in the event of water accidentally entering any of the compartments, automatically lift and thereby close
the doors opening into that compartment if they have not already been dropped by those in charge of the
vessel. A ladder or escape is provided in each boilerroom, and similar watertight compartment, in
order that the closing of the doors at any time shall not imprison the men working therein; though the
risk of this eventuality is lessened by electric bells placed in the vicinity of each door, which ring prior
to their closing and thus give warning to those below
It is thus plain that the Titanic chances of reaching port depended upon the strength of the bulkheads in
the flooded fore compartments. It seems an awful lot of fuss is made over the construction and
placement of collision bulkheads. However, we know that collision bulkheads do not prevent collisions,
but what purpose do they serve?
An expert answers: You are correct. Collision bulkheads do not prevent collisions. How wonderful it
would be if they did. The purpose of collision bulkheads is to provide some added degree of safety to
help keep your vessel afloat should the unthinkable happen and you actually have a collision. As a
consequence, the stiffeners of a collision bulkhead are stronger than for other bulkheads and the plating
is made considerably thicker. This is to insure the bulkhead is sufficiently strong to withstand the
slashing of free water should the forward part of the ship be laid open to the sea because of a collision.
Naturally, such a safety member of the ship must be water tight and is usually "intact,'' that is, without
openings. It must also extend from the ship's bottom to the upper or freeboard deck. Most classification
societies require that this transverse partition be located at not less than onetwentieth of the vessel's
length aft from her stem, measured at load waterline. Lastly, but also very important, all ships are
required to have a collision bulkhead fitted. Nevertheless, we hope you never need the extra safety
these strength members of the ship provide.



Presentation 12
11.1 Translate the words in bold form into Croatian.
What concentrates our minds is the thought of possible emergency scenarios where as many as 5000
people or more have to be safely and efficiently evacuated from a stricken ship, possibly into hostile
seas and darkness, perhaps with no other vessels in the immediate vicinity or in an ocean area remote
from search and rescue (SAR) resources. Many safety devices, systems and procedures currently
employed are based largely on principles developed for a different era, and were invariably conceived
for operation by accomplished seafarers. Ships may have never been safer, but now may be the time to
assume a more proactive role in simplifying matters of safety.
Safety products as a protection emergency control and evacuation system have to comply with the
latest international requirements on their lifesaving equipment. The specially designed safety
technology should ensure uncomplicated evacuation of passengers even in extreme weather conditions.
The lifesaving outfit comprises a safety cabin that may be suspended from the rig or platform,
lifeboats, supported by one rescue boat and a further fast boat, but in addition the safety systems can
carry a pair (one each side) of a verticalchute marine escape system, each with a main raft and four
25person dropoverboard life rafts.
A lifejacket is stowed beneath each individual passenger seat. Externally, there is a pickup boat aft,
four 50 person inflatable life rafts port and starboard on the upper deck alongside the passenger
saloon, and two emergency ladders stowed port and starboard either side of the life rafts. Doors
from the upper passenger saloon are provided amidships port and starboard, and forward on the
main deck there are exit hatches in the roofs of the two luggage rooms and the air conditioning room.
The lifesaving outfit should allow the crew of a rig or platform to remain at a site during a fire
emergency. During an emergency, the crew retreats within. Fresh breathing air is supplied. Inside, there
is an emergency control centre consisting of a microcomputer with a keyboard and video display
unit. From the emergency control centre, communication can be maintained with the computers
onboard the rig or platform to operate the following systems: public alarm, processing of oil and gas,
sub sea and drilling, fire and gas, power generation and management, riser disconnect, ballast etc.,
active and passive positioning, and meteorological monitoring.
If abandonment ultimately becomes necessary, the cabin is lowered by a passive launch system,
landing 10 m to 12 m from the structure. The safety system is equipped with an azimuth thruster at its
fore body for manoeuvrability. The diesel engine develops 195 kW. The propeller is dimensioned for
pull rather than speed. A present autopilot guides the cabin in the evacuation direction.
Another safety issue that has to be brought into sharp focus is sea traffic control. Because of the ever
increasing speeds of vessels and congestion of the sea lanes, stricter traffic control rules must be
adopted. The faster we get, the more control we need. Consequently, radar and, more importantly,
satellite and land based radars and surveillance systems will have to become more important. Data will
be collected from vessels and a plot will be transmitted to each individual ship. Electronic data
interchange will bring interesting possibilities.
On board computers have already taken over some mundane tasks and freed personnel to deal with
more unusual situations.
Also, at the navigation workstation, the following facilities are to be available: radar/ARPA, position
fixing systems displays, echo sounder display, speed and distance log display, wind speed and
direction indication, steering controls and indication, rate of turn indication, course/track
monitoring system, main propulsion and thruster controls and indication, watch safety system
acknowledge, watch safety system manual initiation, internal communications system, VHF
radiotelephone, time indication, window clear view controls, navigation lights controls, whistle
controls, Morse light keys, wheelhouse/equipment lighting controls. Where automatic track
following is provided, the positionfixing systems are to initiate an offtrack alarm when the ships
position is at a given distance from the planned track. Wire rope fairleads are generally to have a
minimum diameter of 20 times the wire rope diameter. Anchor line length has to be sufficient to avoid
uplift forces occurring at the anchors in the worst damaged survival condition. That's just what we have
to do in favour of safety.

12.2 More and more we read about fires aboard ship that are caused by
gasoline igniting or that gasoline caused a minor fire to become a
catastrophe. If gas were stowed properly, couldn't many of these
fires be prevented?

The answer is that they certainly could. Gasoline is highly flammable and has been either the cause or
contributing factor to many serious fires, both at sea and ashore. Proper stowage and handling of the
volatile liquid could have prevented many of these catastrophes.
Shipboard gasoline, when carried in cans for the ship's own use, should be stowed in the paint and
flammable liquids storeroom. Where two such storerooms are available, the gasoline should be equally
divided and stowed in each. In ships not having flammable liquids store rooms, the gasoline must be
stowed on the weather deck and located so that the containers can be readily released overboard directly
into the sea. This weather deck stowage must not be located in the vicinity of hatches, galleys, heat
producing compartments, ventilation intakes or exhaust. Also, wherever practical, weather deck
stowage should be near the stern of the ship. Quick releasetype racks should be inspected frequently to
insure proper operation so if you have to jettison, it will happen quickly and properly.
Air cushion catamarans e.g. have also watertight compartments, which are fitted with bilge systems and
each engine room has fire alarm and total gas flooding systems. There is also a fire pump in each engine
room plus hydrants and fire extinguishers located around the vessel.
For fire protection, all passenger areas are to be covered by sprinklers, while the vehicle decks are fitted
with drenchers, and the machinery spaces are protected by both CO
and the soontoberequired
auxiliary equipment (Hifog high pressure water mist).
Thats how we could prevent fires aboard ships.

12.3 Match words with their descriptions and synonyms

1. launch a) a ship which experienced trouble or mishap
2. a stricken ship b) a large motor driven boat used for carrying people.
3. slice c) to get rid of by throwing
4. jettison d) to cut off
5. rack e) to act in accordance with the law, rule
6. to comply with f) a framework on which life saving equipment is arranged
7. azimuth thruster g) a propeller mounted in a transverse tunnel near the bow or
the stern to push the bow sideways without producing forward
motion or even it can be rotated in place, if the two thrusters act
in opposite directions.

12.4 Study these patterns

The more advanced technology we use, the more necessary it is to implement stricter laws
and stricter safety requirements.

Ive never travelled by the hovercraft, which is why I cant tell anything about this vessel.

Thats just what.., where.., when.., why.., how.., we , too.

We have to install a tuned damper to reduce vibrationcausing cracking of a bulk carrier shaft.
Thats what we have to do, too.

We can detect surface flaws by carrying out an ultraviolet magnetic particle test.
Thats how we detect them, too.

I carry out this test because in this way I can detect surface flaws.
Thats why I carry them out, too.


We carry out completely independent structural analyses.
Thats what we do, too.

We can determine fatigue endurance of this component only at LRs research laboratory.
Thats where I can do it, too.

12.5 Insert the articles where necessary (autocorrective test, page 278 )
Safety simulations

. human behaviour is . key element in . evacuation simulation. Such . simulation has to
take into account . ship heeling and . movements, . blackout and . smokeincorridor
situations, . panicking passengers, . passengers returning to . cabins to collect their luggage
or carrying . luggage and thus blocking . corridors. Also, . passenger age, . intoxication,
and . mobility impairment has to be included. . simulation can include . combinations of .
human behaviour in several conditions, random location of . passengers, all . passengers
gathered into . same area, and . several whatif cases.
Some real situations have highlighted . critical significance of . human behaviour in .
distress situation: for example, 15% of . passengers will be unable to act at all and 60% will not
act without . instructions from . crew. With . evacuation simulation, it is also possible to
simulate . situations with . casualties.
. most valuable benefit of . evacuation simulation is more realistic results, . most interesting
being . total time required for . evacuation under . different conditions. With . simulation
critical design, . behaviour and . environmental parameters can be found and . bottlenecks
detected, which makes it . excellent design tool for . safety improvements. . evacuation
simulation can also be used as . onboard training tool: . simulation can be run before each
departure, based on . actual number of . passengers and . correct occupancy of . cabins,
and in this way . possible evacuation situation can be practised to establish . most critical areas
in . distress situation.

12.6 Vocabulary

blackout darkness caused by an electrical power failure
panicking passengers panicstricken, terrified
intoxication drunkenness or intoxication with drugs, a gas
mobility impairment weakness of mobility
highlighted emphasized
bottlenecks narrow passageway

12.7 Study these Compounds

initial passenger evacuation simulations are initial simulations that simulate passenger
crew safety training is training of the crew with the purpose of gaining safety
vessel's technical safety status is the status of the technical safety of the vessel
new class notations are notations indicating that a new class has been appended to the

12.8 In somebody elses shoes

Imagine you were aboard a ship where an evacuation simulation is run before each
departure as an onboard training. Imagine a possible evacuation situation that could
be practiced to establish the critical areas in a distress situation.




Section 1
What are Engineering,
Technology and
Science Nowadays?

Section 2
How to write an abstract

A brain is an apparatus with which we think we think.

Thinking without learning is a dangerous thing.

A leopard cannot change his spots.

Birds of a feather flock together.

A man is known by the company he keeps.



Images of smoking chimneys and steamy factories seem out of place in the
world of 21
century, but this was public face of industry around the turn of the
last century, as six key sectors positioned themselves for take-off. The
electronics, aircraft, chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive and energy industries
have revolutionized life in the course of the 20
century, and the revolution within
the industries themselves are happening at an ever-faster rate.
We can start with electronics because it contributes so heavily to the
other five, and because it epitomizes the accelerating rate of change in industry
as a whole.
The first useful valve was developed in 1907, followed by the emergence of
the transistor after World War Two, the silicon chip in the 60s and since then a
succession of advances in computer technology. The whole term electronics is
getting out of date, because the industry is moving towards working with light.
Just about everything with which we come into contact in everyday life,
from headache tablets to jumbo jets, is a product of one of these six industries.
Industry and engineering collectively and at times individually are also likely to
reflect and influence global economics and politics.
The aircraft industry was in any case moving from a defence-based to a
mass-transit industry, developing more sophisticated civil aircraft for ever-
growing lists of customers.
The Wrright Brothers made the first flight in 1903. Not so long ago only
four-engined aircraft were deemed safe enough to cross the Atlantic; now two
engines are considered sufficient. The fact is that you can pack an aircraft with
technology, but does it necessarily make it a better aircraft?
And can the industry ensure that people are trained to the necessary
sophisticated hardware?
The chemical industry has come a long way from the 1900s and the
emergence of viscose, rayon and Bakelite. The industry is fighting to keep pace
with new environmental demands by working on production of, say, bio-
degradable plastics or to cater for animal-free diets artificial fats.
Some large companies are moving away from bulk and towards the
more expensive fine chemicals, such as the raw materials needed for
The pharmaceutical industry has come a long way since the introduction
of aspirin in 1899, with companies using advances in biotechnology to control
the deseases of old age and to combat epidemics. It is spending ever-incresing
sums of money on developing the new drugs vital for its future.
Environmentalist have long lobbed the automotive industry to produce
vehicles able to run without burning fossil fuels. The race to produce a genuinely
competitive electric car goes on.
Industrial revolutions concern not only the products but the methods of
So, Henry Ford launched the model T in 1907, and cars contain the same
basic elements today as they did then. What has hanged dramatically, however,
is the means of production. We now have robots replacing people and just-in-
time mass production.
Without energy none of the other industries can survive, let alone
advance. No other industry so affects governments social and economic policy.
That the planets natural energy resources are limited is a fact of life. It is not so
much a question any more of if our oil and coal supplies cease, but when?
And, more important, what are we going to do when they are gone?


Core Text 1

Write subtitles in question forms.

What are engineering, technology and science nowadays?
Human Ingenuity or A Step Gone Too Far?

Have Science and Technology Made Our World?

Have We really Gone A Step Too Far?

Once shaped only by the forces of nature, our world is being transformed by the products of human
ingenuity. Key inventions and technologies, which are grown from them, are changing not only our
environment but the way we live in it, our comfort, prosperity and even lifespan. Science and
technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a
speed which is quite unprecedented. There is a great technological explosion around us, generated
by science.

A simple watch-spring enabled navigators to set out across uncharted oceans. Today satellite time-
keepers in space can pinpoint shipwrecks or track missiles to their target. Impurities in a crystal
brought about the computer revolution and the ubiquitous silicon chip. Stores of knowledge ranging
from libraries to laser discs, linked by strands of glass, are weaving a network of data around our
planet. Radio and television distribute news almost as it happens, and yet engines put every nation
within reach. Even our food and drink have been transformed by technology.

The electronics, aircraft, chemical, pharmaceutical, automotive and energy industries have
revolutionized life in the course of the 20th century, and the revolutions within the industries
themselves are happening at an ever-faster rate. It is fascinating how electronics epitomizes the
accelerating rate of change in industry as a whole.
Modern engineering relies heavily on scientific principles because it has to deal with sophisticated
systems and to strive to produce and manufacture affordable and optimized products. We all know
that in 1781, James Watt invented a version of the steam engine, which gave an impetus to the
Industrial Revolution and that thermodynamics developed out of a desire to increase the efficiency
of steam engines. Undoubtedly, modern science emphasizes the importance of experiment over
trial-and-error approach. Therefore, engineering students are grounded solidly in mathematics,
physics, chemistry, biology and other calculus-based sciences before learning the art of engineering.
Engineering science studies are heavily dependent on calculus to express the laws of nature, on the
non-Aristotalian science inscribed in the work of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Maxwell
and others. The most complex engines and machines would not have been possible without the
powerful mathematical calculus given to humanity by those geniuses. Thus, critical-thinking skills

acquired in engineering science classes are needed to tackle global warming, to provide new
sustainable energy forms, fresh water, to erect optimal living spaces, to create products from the
needle to the airplane. Students at the freshman level who called for an early hands-on experience
should be taught and told that creativity and art are only two parts of engineering. The third part,
science will be and should be taught in due time although, of course, students faced with math-
heavy engineering science classes might howl that those classes are not what they signed for.
So, modern engineering as a human endeavor nowadays applies equal parts of creativity, art and
science to improve the quality of life. We have just presented the three faces of engineering.

However, the question is if all inventions and discoveries have made man happier and his life
easier? Has engineering really improved the quality of our lives?
Enormous knowledge, technology and engineering have brought great benefits but also grave perils
to mankind. Progress has always been double-edged. Thats why an array of philosophers have
stressed that progress must be directed by something more than just knowledge. Bertrand Russell
sets out to seek a means of balancing knowledge with an equivalent offsetting of wisdom. For, he
thinks that although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no
correlative increase in wisdom. There are several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I
should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a
problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be
owing to the extent and complexity of the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of

You study the composition of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and incidentally
place in the hands of powerful lunatics the means of destroying the human race.
In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may become harmful unless it is combined with wisdom,
and wisdom in the sense of COMPREHENSIVE VISION is not necessarily present in specialists in
the pursuit of knowledge. The semantic meanings of being comprehensive as well as
comprehensible come from the verb comprehend which means:
1. understand fully and be comprehensible and
2. include referring to be comprehensive
That means that if you have comprehensive vision you are able to comprehend fully because you
have a comprehensive mind and thus are capable of performing a comprehensive survey and seeing
a comprehensive and overall picture of the world. A researcher must be aware of all the
consequences his research might bring.

Knowledge must be directed by wisdom. Do we know what wisdom is?
The definition of wisdom might be as follows: power of judging rightly and following the
soundest course of action based on knowledge, experience, understanding, good judgment, sagacity,
erudition and comprehensive viewpoint.
Wisdom is inner knowledge, inner consciousness and inner conscience.
Engineering science and ethics must be directed by wisdom and comprehensive vision of the
world, i.e., that is by the fourth face of modern engineering.

Nowadays computer-based risk assessment models can provide rough estimates measuring the
probability and consequences of problems. These models might enable enineers to take systematic
approaches that can incorporate many variables that might otherwise be overlooked.


Moral responsibility is a characteristic that can only be assumed by individual human beings, not by
corporations or big companies. Engineers through their professional organizations or their
individual consciences have to assume ethical responsibility for the applications and results of their
achievements, in short they have to behave responsibly, and foster safety design. We might design a
code of ethics that all engineering societies could adopt.

The question how safe we should be may not always be answered by safer because risk
assessment is a social problem and requires social solutions that may even involve accepting or
rejecting technologies. Thus, no social technologies are immutable; as a matter of fact they change
beyond recognition and have been improving steadily.

1. Do you agree with the statement that pushing out the very frontiers of human
achievements can be very perilous and that engineers are not supposed to bridge the gap
previously thought unbridgeable but they should bridge conflicts between members who
identify with the industries and managements that employ them, conflicts that are thought
to have been unbridgeable.

2. Engineering problems require multidisciplinarity, i.e., multidisciplinary efforts from
engineers, scientists, social scientists as well as thoughtful discussions between public and
private sectors; they require once again a comprehensive vision of the projects.

3. How should the risks that are part of or by-products of the engineers work be managed?

4. Do you think that engineers have special professional responsibilities?

5. Do you think that we should offer increased protection to those who blow the whistles?
What is your attitude towards whistle-blowing?

6. Do most accidents occur in routine use or from design failures?

7. What are the four faces of modern engineering?

As we live in a technological world, taking largely for granted the benefits that science and
technology have brought us, many advances have been made at immense cost both human and
financial. Technological achievements leave much room for mistakes and also modern science has
brought grave perils to mankind.

So, what happens when we try to go a step too far, when a desire to innovate and
improve leads to disaster?
Were the failures foreseeable, what lessons were learnt and how have thay
changed our lives?
Could you examine some major advances and the disasters which followed?
Read the texts (pages)

Is crossing the border important?
Jot down your attitudes:


Core Text 2

ASSIGNMENT 2: Write subtitles in question forms.



Whether building bridges, designing machines, developing new materials or constructing
complex electronic devices, the engineer is a central figure in the progress of a modern
industrial society.


Engineers produce most of Man's material wealth, change the face of the Earth, create every new
product of modern technology and increasingly make life easier and more convenient.

According to one wit: "an engineer does for twenty-five pence what any fool could do for fifty." In
the same vein, an aeronautical engineer is described as "a man who designs a part weighing eight
ounces that any fool could design to weigh a pound." Clearly, engineers have to be cost conscious,
and some have to be weight conscious; but all have to be ecology and energy conscious. Are they
really energy minded? Do all of them think twice about all the energy they use and waste?

Certainly, almost all of them are deeply concerned with how long things will last, what they will
accomplish and with what efficiency; their reliability, safety and a thousand other factors. An
engineer's whole life is spent balancing conflicting factors like these, weighing one against another
and coming up with the best possible answer. Each of his products is a compromise: it could always
be improved if it were made more expensive; it could always be made lighter, if reliability was
unimportant and much cheaper if it did not have to last long.
In a certain sense, the successful engineer is a malcontent; a person who is never satisfied with
what has been achieved, always trying to change things for the better.

Therefore, during product development many problems deal with complex, strategic, and
influential issues that require team resolution. A poor decision on these problems may not be
easily corrected later or noticed in time to correct it. Poor results may have. significant
impact on product quality, cost, and development time.


If the team had made a poor choice, they might have ended up making a product that did not sell
well, was overpriced, or was late to market.
Teams often dont know how well they have done until long after the decision is made, so
it is imperative that they make the best decisions possible. Thus, engineers are encouraged to
generate multiple alternatives. One manager said that his engineers always had at least three
alternatives. When asked why, he responded that he would not approve a new idea unless at least
two other solutions for the problem were presented at the same time.


Experience suggests that effective team situations generate multiple alternatives as the result of
normal communications. This is especially true in a collaborative environment, when team
members have established an atmosphere of trust. Team members can easily fulfill and
implement comprehensive vision of the project and comprehensive scientific principles.


Ship construction today is also not only a marvellous blend of art and science, and obviously, a very
complicated compound of various fields of science such as hydromechanics (the study of fluids in
motion), hydrostatics (the study of fluids at rest), the study of materials and structures but also a
team work.


The design of ships employs many technologies and branches of engineering that are also found
ashore, but the imperatives of an effective and safe operation at sea require oversight from a unique
discipline which is called naval architecture. The basis of the design includes the statement of the
problem and the assumptions, conditions, restrictions that underlie the design work.


When a naval architect is required to design a vessel to carry 1, 000 tonnes deadweight at 42 knots,
he is asked to draw a design which must include the values such as deadweight (weight of cargo
plus fuel and consumable stores, and lightweight as the weight of the hull, including machinery and
equipment). He must also choose tentative values of length, breadth, depth, draft and displacement,
so that the displacement of the vessel is equal to the sum of the deadweight and the lightweight
tonnages. Then he must decide upon the finest shape of the hull appropriate to the speed. Freeboard
rules, of course, determine the draft.
Consequently, the draft enables the depth to be defined to a first approximation. The designer must
achieve a weight balance. He must also select a moment balance because centres of gravity in both
longitudinal and vertical directions must provide satisfactory trim and stability. Additionally, he
must estimate the shaft horsepower required for the specified speed, which determines the weight of

The strength of the hull is of course the overriding quality. This means that an adequate amount of
material has to be put into the structural elements in order to enable them to resist the loads
connected with the most adverse service conditions. Structural thickness of material is a very
important component of safety factors that has to be introduced. They must be reasonably high so
as to compensate for any irregularities, such as excessive working loads, impaired safe working
load capacity of parts due to their corrosion, wear and tear, pitfalls in shipyard practices, etc. But in
any case, structural elements should be of minimum weight consistent with the feasible design
adopted on a more or less sound basis. The strength of the hull must be adequate for the service
intended; detailed scantlings (frame dimensions and plate thicknesses) can be obtained from and
should comply with the rules of the classification society. These scantlings determine the requisite
weight of hull steel. The cost of a ship may increase far above average, unless the naval architect
gives due consideration to the tables and construction rules and tends to rely on standard structural
On the other hand, no standardization should preclude the design studies from creating new and
more advanced styles of construction. When this is the case, standardization provides for efficient
structural arrangements, leads to great economical gains and becomes thus a factor contributing to
progress in shipbuilding.


So, engineering as a career implies optimizing and efficiency. Efficiency costs money, safety ads
complexity, and performance increases weight. The engineering solution is the optimum solution,
the most desirable end result taking into account many factors, it may be the cheapest for a given
performance, the most reliable for a given weight, the simplest for a given safety, or the most
efficient for a given cost. Engineering is optimizing. It implies efficiency in engineering operations.


What does efficiency mean? To the engineer, efficiency means output divided by input. His job is
to secure a maximum output for a given input or to secure a given output with a minimum input.
The ratio may be expressed in terms of energy, materials, money, time, or men. Most commonly
the denominator is money; in fact, most engineering problems are answered ultimately in dollars
and cents. Efficient conversion is accomplished by using efficient methods, devices, and personnel
When great quantities must be produced at low cost, it becomes an engineering problem.
Since output equals input minus losses, the engineer must keep losses and waste to a minimum.
Losses due to friction occur in every machine and in every organization. Efficient functioning
depends on good design, careful attention to operating difficulties, and lubrication of rough spots,
whether they are mechanical or personal.
Engineering of the highest type is required to conceive, design, and achieve the conversion of the
energy of a turbulent mountain stream into the powerful torque of an electric motor a hundred
miles away.


The engineer's creations are of steel, aluminium, glass, glass fibre, plastics, concrete and
every other material used by Man. The engineer must have a deep knowledge of these
materials and may be skilled at fashioning them; His own tools are a drawing board and
notebook, pencils and pens, slide rules, typewriter, test equipment, computer, instruments
and dozens of volumes of reference books, catalogues and articles from the technical press.


More recently scientists and engineers have been seen in an a new light, as people who created and
influenced our lives by their sheer originality and breadth of vision. Therefore, it is said that all
engineers create something out of nothing. Sometimes, as with suitcases or even motor cars, the
engineering design is not really a dramatic step into the unknown; the new product is technically
very similar to what has been made before, and most of the effort is concerned with making it look
attractive while keeping down the production cost.


But other engineers spend their whole lives pushing out the very frontiers of human achievement.
Aircrafts are made to carry greater loads, trains to go faster, telephone systems to handle more traffic
with fewer breakdowns, newspaper presses to work faster at lower cost, home sewing machines to be
more versatile yet smaller and neater than before, life-support systems to enable an astronaut or
aquanaut to go where man could not go before, and a bridge to span a great river previously
thought unbridgeable.

Unlike the scientists, the engineer is not free to select the problem which interests him and he is not
reputed to have pushed out the very frontiers of human achievement;



the engineering design is not really a dramatic step into the unknown; Though some engineers do
spend their whole lives pushing out the very frontiers of human achievement they must also solve
the problem as they arise, and his solutions must satisfy conflicting requirements. The 19
gave us the Industrial revolution, the 20
century gave us a new Information revolution that
triggered a massive social upheaval and today we are at the dawn of the Quantum revolution.


Advocates of this Information Revolution have properly foreseen our future with digital
superhighways criss-crossing the globe. We are now able to shop, play, learn, and even make love
while sitting alone in our homes. The contents of the worlds best libraries are instantly accessible.
The race between computer and telecommunication companies to exploit the potential of this new
revolution is just taking place. Also, the revolution within the industries themselves are happening
at an ever-faster rate. We can give an example of electronics because it contributes so heavily to
the other fields, that it epitomizes the accelerating rate of change in technology as a whole.
Anyway, engineers will be required to solve an array of problems and to improve and develop:

Economically feasible energy sources
Transport methods
Reliable telecommunication
Waste disposal
Food manufacturing
Agricultural machinery
Monitoring and recording of peoples health
Improving the lives of the disabled
Engineering principles to reduce pollution


Write an abstract of the texts What is Engineering?
Essential ideas:


The most important information.





4 CODE TRANSFER (English Croatian)

Logical interpretation.
computer-based risk assessment models .................................................................
cost conscious ............................................................................... ...............................
drawing board .............................................................................. ................................
man's material wealth ........................................... . ..................... ................................
weight conscious .......................................................................... ................................
production cost ............................................................................ ................................
a massive social upheaval ........................................................... ...............................
at an ever-faster rate .................................................................... ................................
reference book............................................................................. ................................


1. If you were in somebody elses shoes how would you introduce engineering as a career to
beginning students of that discipline?

2. Any problem involving the low-cost production of large quantities of any item is an
engineering problem even if the item itself originated in the work of other disciplines.

3. Explain in detail why efficiency costs money, safety ads complexity, and performance
increases weight. Is this always true?

4. Can we state that the engineering solution to most problems is the most desirable end result
taking into account many factors?

5. How would you like a car you can leave to park itself? Would you be interested to know how
the experts see the hi-tech kitchen of the furniture? Could you find out about the latest
research on pollution control, space probes, high-energy physics and weather forecasting? Is it
true that much of the opposition to science and technology comes from those who have gained
little knowledge and education.

6. If you have a degree in German Literature, Naval Architecture or in any mental discipline, this
equips you to do the other. You could study the sciences because you have the necessary
analytical mind.

7. Is science regarded as the discipline which could save the world or the discipline we are afraid
of? Science links and divides people thanks to the environmental and other right movements.
8. Is science essential if the developing world is to become the developed world?

9. Have we witnessed any sudden upsurge in interest in the sciences as a result of the advances in

10. Why is Establishment frightened of science? Is there something frightening about not wanting
to know things which are evident, and always true? Why are we not able to live with the truth?
Some people run away from science because it symbolises such terrifying things: of getting to
grips* with the huge, mysterious thing that is universe.

11. Should we all have an inkling* of what is going on right now in the area of science?



12. Why science as a discipline has not been brought out of the labs and research rooms into
the living-rooms?

13. Few people have the privilege to write about new discoveries in science. The world we
live in today is shaped and affected by the discoveries (but not inventions) of the pioneer
to be at grips nositi se sa;
to come/get to grips uhvatiti se u kotac
to have not the slightest inkling of nemati pojma o, ni ne slutiti OR
to get/have an inkling of naslutiti neto


Should mechanical engineers and naval architects have an icon
to call their own? Answer this question and then read the text.

You'll report back on your decision in your own composition.
Write your own ideas on this subject.







Should mechanical engineers and naval architects have an icon to call their own? Some engineers
can convey to the general public the essence of what they do with a simple image a bridge, an
airplane, a computer.

It appears that other engineering disciplines do a much better job in defining their disciplines for
non-engineers with certain distinguishing icons, Satyandra K. Gupta wrote in Mechanical
Engineering Magazine. What should serve as an icon for mechanical engineering?
We put that question to the readers of Mechanical Engineering Magazine Online and for the past
several months they have been answering with their ideas. While there was no overwhelming
favorite so far, a few solid proposals kept recurring. Since the majority of those questioned agreed
that mechanical engieers should have an icon of some sort, we wanted to narrow the field down
to five semi-finalists.

There were, of course, many more than five submitted suggestions. They ranged from the Rubiks
Cube to the aircraft carrier to a picture of Earth. But the five listed below seem to capture the gist
of what our readers were driving at in coming up with a mechanical engineering icon.
Perhaps the most basic of the candidate icons is the wheel, which was suggested in a number of
comments. The development of the wheel by ancient people later on opened the door to human
development, wrote one person in the comments on our Web site. Another reader pointed out
that without the wheel, the work of the civil, aerospace, and electrical engineers would be

Another suggested icon was the hexagonal nut and bolt. Fasteners like this are ubiquitous in
modern society, the argument in favour of this icon went, and the hexagoon already conveys
mechanical or industrial meaning to wide swath of the population.

A number of different engines or turbines received votes, though it wasn't always clear what
exact icon was being suggested. Engines and turbines exhibit how a few of our broad fields
harness and conserve energy, one commenter wrote.

Perhaps the most popular suggestion was to use the gear as the icon of mechanical engineering.
What seemed to appeal the most to those who suggested the gear was its basic simplicity. Gears
represent physical contact, wrote one person. The gear represents motion, machines, and
mechanics, wrote another.

The reason I suggest the gear, added another reader, is because most mechanical eyuipment is
in motion and the gear is the only mechanical component that is used evrywhere, whether in
automobiles, airplanes, or in much smaller devices.

A popular nominee is the icon that Gupta suggested in his original article: the robot. A robot is
a device that has unlimited possibilities for implementation, wrote one reader.

So, for the next Question of the Month, we pose this:Do any of the above objects rise to the level
of being an icon for mechanical engineering? If the goal is, to justify why mechanical
engineering fundamentals are critical pieces of knowledge that are needed to confront some of the
biggest challenges of the 21st century, does the weel, the gear, the blade of the propeller or any
other proposed icons actually accomplish that?



Section 2

Core Text




Write a short essay/composition in your own words
focusing on or choosing one of the following ideas:

What does engineering mean to me?
A good engineer must be able to have
comprehensive vision of the world and his design
Engineering is double edged
Engineering means pushing out the very frontiers of human
Engineering always means balancing conflicting factors
Engineering has gone a step too far
The world today is forced to keep pace with increasingly difficult
Bertrand Russell thinks that although our age far surpasses all
previous ages in knowledge, there has been no correlative
increase in wisdom.



Content and organization

knowledgeable, substantive, thorough development of thesis relevant to assigned topic;
logical sequencing and fluent expression of ideas which are clearly stated and supported,
succinct, well-organized and cohesive

Some knowledge or adequate range of subject, limited development of theses that are
mostly relevant to topic, but lacks detail; ideas are logical but loosely organized with
incomplete sequencing, somewhat choppy but main ideas stand out

limited knowledge of subject and inadequate development of topic showing little substance;
ideas are non-fluent, confused, disconnected and lack logical sequencing and development

does not show knowledge of subject and it is non-substanctive, not pertinent, and as a whole
not enough to evaluate; this composition does not communicate, has no organization and it
is not enough to evaluate

Vocabulary, language use and mechanics (punctuation, spelling etc.

sophisticated and effective range of word/idiom choice and usage, i.e., word form mastery,
and appropriate register; effective and complex constructions, few errors of agreement,
tense, number, word order/function, articles, pronouns and prepositions; demonstrates
mastery of conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing

adequate range of vocabulary showing occasional errors of word/idiom form, choice and
usage but meaning is not obscured; effective but simple constructions, minor problems
in complex constructions, several errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function,
articles, pronouns, prepositions but meaning seldom obscured; occasional errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but meaning not obscured

limited range of vocabulary showing frequent errors of word/idiom form and meaning
confused and obscured; major problems in simple/complex constructions, frequent errors
of negotiation, agreement, tense, number, word order/ organisation, articles, pronouns,
prepositions and/or fragments, run-ons, deletions, meaning confused or obscured; frequent
errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor handwriting and meaning
confused or obscured

little knowledge of English vocabulary, idiom, word form, essentially translation and as a
whole not enough to evaluate; virtually no mastery of sentence construction rules and
dominated by errors, briefly it does not communicate and is not enough to evaluate;this
composition shows no mastery of conventions, it is dominated by errors of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization and paragraphing, handwriting is illegible and in short it is not
enough to evaluate




If students cannot write properly, they will never be able to express their ideas in
clear, persuasive and effective ways.

Some common grammatical errors may be acceptable in conversation but not in
writing.Therefore, check your drafts to catch awkward wording or sentence

Students have to distinguish between language used in conversation and that used
in writing. Clearly, clarity and simplicity are always preferable to complexity. The
academic tone in writing will be studied, identified and defined. Also, students
have to distinguish between central, essential, main points and ideas and the
most important supporting or peripheral ideas.

How to summarize in writing? Students can summarize an article in 80-100 words.
In this way, it is important to isolate primary, secondary, and tertiary issues. Also,
the right idiom for the type of writing must be learned.

Examine the roles played by sentences, paragraphs, parentheses, footnotes,
chapters, prefaces and conclusions. Students are encouraged to think in terms of
paragraphs. What function is served by particular paragraphs. Do they explain,
inform or persuade?

What is the logic behind footnoting and other conventions of academic writing?

The first time students are given a writing assignment, they have to examine the
issues they need to consider, e.g. study the essentials of good writing that are the
same under all circumstances.

Common mistakes the students make are:
- inconsistency in verb tense
- confusion of singular and plural
- common spelling mistakes, not to rely on computer spell checkers
- eliminate intensifiers as very etc.
- use the right idiom
- the logic of the presentation
- cohesion (povezanost) and coherence (suvislost)

coherent logically connected, consistent; clearly articulated suvisao
cohesive sticking together koji povezuje
coherence suvislost
cohesion povezanost

Reread your first draft



When writing an abstract of an engineering text, reduce the volume of the text by
keeping the following levels in mind:

1 Write the title, the topic in block letters;

If small letters are used all the initials of the words are written in capital letters
except the prepositions, conjunctions and articles; the title must be as short as
possible containing primarily the novelty of the information, a new piece of
information, the essence and the main idea of the article content that is
further elaborated in the body of the abstract;

2 Write key words, i.e. the basic engineering concepts;

Set up relations between the concepts so as to convey concise, clear and
precise information.

3 Select only the essential information of the article (cca 100 words);

4 Organize the form of the summary i.e. divide the text into:

a) the introduction, i.e. the relevant essential or core idea
b) the body which supports the basic information of the article
c) the conclusion

5 Coherence and cohesion of the summary must be ensured:

by keeping the order and logic of the article content so that one sentence
must be logically and semantically linked with another sentence; Cohesion
may be realized by reference, by the pronouns this and these, by inter
sentential links known as sentence linkers, by synonymous expressions,

6 Engineering concepts must be properly matched by the appropriate
language structures and the type of discourse used, e. g. descriptive,
expository, informative, argumentative, chronological, experiment-
result oriented, etc.

7 There are two types of abstract predominantly used in technical English:
a) the topic oriented abstract, used in the written form, where information
content is reported as given by the article;
b) the author (paper, article) oriented abstract, used in the oral report, in which
the content is reported from the point of view of the author.



This paper deals with and considers discusses..
This paper is concerned with
The concern of the article is ...
The focus is on the following aspects
This paper sets out to examine
The most interesting aspects are
This paper discusses
The object of this article is
The subject of this article is
It is the chief aim of this paper to
The main aim of this article is .
This paper treats the problem ..
This article gives a survey of
The article presents an overview of
This article provides a short account of
The basic principles of text .
The only criterion in this article is .
In this paper it is shown how .
It is argued that there is
This report explains the method
A short description is given of .
A general survey is given of
The following can be singled out .
In this article some basic concepts are given and it is shown how ...
In this paper a new formula, a method for . is derived and described.
The first part of this article offers an exhaustive analysis of
The only criterion elaborated in this text is .
The following can be singled out in this article
From the insight gained into discourse structures a synthesis may be


2.5 Sentence Linkers

1. To show addition:
and, besides, again, additionally, in addition to this, furthermore, moreover, as well as,
also, apart from, except for, possibly, more surprising, another point is that,

2. To show contrast:
although, but, however, nevertheless, despite, yet, otherwise, in spite of, unlike, while,
whereas, whilst, instead, on the other hand, in contrast to, as contrasted to, by way of
contrast, by contrast, as opposed to, on the contrary, fortunately, alternatively,
irrespective of, notwithstanding, regardless of, except, conversely, it is very unlikely,

3. To show comparison:
like, in like manner, similarly, unlike, in the same way, so, likewise, correspondingly,
in comparison with this, regarding, as regards, with reference to, regarding, concerning,
referring to, in/with relation to, without regard/respect to, regardless of, without
reference to, without referring/relation to,

4. To show emphasis:
in fact, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, certainly, indeed, above all, clearly, obviously,
really, surely, significantly, rather (tovie, zapravo), more importantly, it is worth
remembering, it is worth pointing out, it is worth noting, naturally, of course, put
otherwise, undoubtedly, interestingly enough,

5. To show concession:
even though, although, though, despite this,

6. To introduce an example:
for example, e.g. (= exampli gratia), in particular, for instance, namely, i.e. (=id est., or
that is), in other words, viz. (= vide licet, that is to say); put another way, rather (bolje
reeno, bolje rei),

7. To introduce reason or result:
as, thus, as a result, therefore, so, hence, due to, consequently, accordingly, since,
because of this, on account of, for this reason, given (the fact), inasmuch as,
in so far as, owing to, then, it follows that, no doubt,

8. To introduce conclusion:
in summary, in conclusion, (taken) as a whole, taken together, finally, briefly, overall,
to sum up, to summarize, on the whole, in short, interestingly, we can conclude,

9. To show sequence:
in the beginning, at first, initially, first(ly), second(ly), subsequently, afterwards,
eventually, next, finally, later on, ultimately, at last, lastly, not suprisingly, then, in time,

10. To show a cause effect:
due to, owing to, because of, on account of, since, as

11. To show condition:
if, unless (if not), provided (providing) that, on condition, whether

12.To show doubt or hypothesis:
possibly, probably, maybe,


3 Assignments

Write the abstracts of the following texts:

Text A
Fighting Noise with Antinoise

Text B
Keeping In Touch

Text C
Human Factors Engineering




3 DICTATION - The Science of SOUND

Sound plays a vital part in our lives, but how much do we really know
about it?
We could begin some investigation into the subject, from the mysterious
songs of the humpback whale to the stressful effects of noise pollution
in our cities. We can take a journey through the middle ear and eavedrop
on echo-locating bats; we could examine the way animals and humans
communicate through sound, we could hear a range of singing styles
from around the world, extremes of sound could also be under
investigation from the ultrasonic chatter of rats and mice to the
infrasonic calls of the elephant. There is the healing power of sound and
music on the one hand and its irritation factor on the other.

3.1 The text you have just read has helped you understand a lot more
about sound/noise control. What could you tell about applications of
noise-cancelling headphones?

In short, modern active noise control is achieved through the use of a
computer, which analyzes the waveform of the background aural or non-
aural noise, then generates a polarisation reversed waveform to cancel it
out by destructive interference. This waveform has identical or directly
proportional amplitude to the waveform of the original noise, but its
polarity is reversed. This creates the destructive interference that
reduces the amplitude of the perceived noise.

3.2 Study the following wordlist of the text
Fighting Noise with Antinoise

din a loud, continuous, deafening sound, painful to the ears
noise loud shouting, a sound of any kind, (the noise ofthe rain)
uproar loud, confused sound as of shouting, laughing
clamour loud shouting as in protest
drumming engine noise a loud, reverberating sound and noise made by an engine
ANT. quiet

electronic mufflers any of various devices for silencing, suppressing noises; a larger section with
a baffler or baffles in the exhaust pipe of an internal-combustion engine.
muffle deaden, mute, soften, silence, weaken, reduce, suppress the sound
soften reduce, weaken
baffle to hinder, impede, interfere with

midair any point in space, not in contact with the ground or other surface do
not confuse with middle ear (see also external ear and inner ear)
matte not shiny or glossy; dull
earmuffs cloth or fur coverings worn over the ears to keep them warm in cold
whine whiz, hiss, whistle, whisper
rumble to make a deep, heavy, continuous, rolling sound as thunder
deafen to make deaf
deaf unable to hear, deaf to her pleads
slinky sinuous and graceful in movement
seesaw a plank used by children at play to ride the ends so that when one goes
up, the other comes down; ljuljaka;
mute unable to speak, deaf from infancy, deaf-mute
mute soften or muffle the sound
blast to make a loud, harsh sound
eavesdropping devices device for listening secretly to the private conversation of others;
eavesdropper lit. one who stands on the eavesdrop to listen
muzzle straps fastened over the mouth of an animal to prevent its
biting; anything that prevents free speech or discussion

3.3 An example of abstract scheme:

At the beginning of the article the author gives the fundamental idea, essential relations
between and the . Moreover, fundamentals of are given in order to

Then he shows the close relationship which exists between and . Some data related
to are also offered.

Finally, the necessary steps for are defined in order to .
In the conclusion the author underlines the impact of on

3.4 Abstract of the TEXT A

An example of the abstract (109 words)

This article is concerned with reducing noise level by using
earphones, which generate sound waves 180 out of phase with
the noise that should be blocked. Thus, the noise wave and the
generated waves cancel each other out and no noise is heard. This
phenomenon is known as destructive interference.

The main use of these earphones is to block excessive noise in the
airplane and helicopter cockpits. However, this device is not
perfect, because it cannot block very high-pitched noise.

It is worth mentioning that there are many companies working on
the anti-noise systems, so that the first one to develop a perfect
system will make a fortune.



TEXT B - Assignment 3.5

Keeping in touch
A product doesn't just disappear into the ether after design; it leaves
tracks to follow in the real world.
By Jean Thilmany, Associate Editor

Write subtitles for each paragraph

TECHNOLOGY THAT HELPS ENGINEERS pass design ideas back and forth and
brainstorm with others involved in a project can be harnessed down the line in a product's
life to provide much-needed information about those early days. Equally important, it can
encourage engineers involved at the beginning of a product during its designto think
about how it will be used during its entire life. It's sort of like making sure that children are
inoculated against diseases they might encounter later in life.
By using technology to forecast and plan for the uses of products such as computers and
automobiles before they're even created, engineers and manufacturers can minimize the
environmental impact the products will have at the end of their useful lives. And the same
technology used in product creation, called product lifecycle management, or PLM,
software, can be reactivated farther down a product's lifefor instance, when the owner of a
Peugeot wants to find out what's causing that billowing smoke from the exhaust.
PLM isn't always thought of as forward-thinking technology because it's used mainly at
the front end of product creation. But it leaves a rich trail of information about original
design and marketing intent that can be called upon later.

Some companies couple PLMwhich allows engineers and manufacturers to exchange
design files and communicate about product developmentwith a mix of other technologies
to forecast a product's life and to come up with more environmentally friendly products.
Companies, such as the French automaker Peugeot, use a blend of technologies, including
PLM, to give them contact with products long after they've been driven off the lot. Peugeot
s technology, from IBM, uses a vehicle's original engineering and bill of materials
information to troubleshoot problems that crop up for owners anywhere down the road.
PLM also comes into play in a method of environmentally friendly product design called
design for the environment. Government agencies and some manufacturers have found
economic value in designing and manufacturing products with parts that can be recycled
after the product is at the end of its service life. Recycled parts might take their place as
material in a new product, rather than be tossed into a landfill, according to the Minnesota
Office of Environmental Assistance.

Ironically, it's the quickly changing technology landscape, in which new software
applications and computer upgrades are introduced at ever-faster rates, that takes a
heavy toll on the environment. It does so by introducing heavy and toxic metals into the
waste stream, according to several studies, which say that the need to design products made
partly of reused material is crucial to America's current technological state. Each computer
or television display contains an average of 4 to 8 pounds of lead. Cathode ray tubes used in
computer monitors and TV sets are hazardous waste, which is banned
from California landfills, according to a March 2001 letter from the California Department
of Toxic Substances Control.

Computers are discarded fairly rapidly these days, what with constant innovation and greater
affordability. About 315 million computers will have become obsolete between 1997 and
2004, and together they'll contain more than 1.2 billion pounds of lead, according to the

The Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance urges manufacturers to harness product
lifecycle management technology to help reduce this technological waste. In design for
environment, PLM is helpful in the very early design stages by cuing engineers as they track
design changes and exchange information to consider the environmental impacts of a
product throughout its lifecycle.
Potential environmental impacts range from the release of toxic chemicals into the waste
stream to consumption of nonrenewable resources and excessive energy use, according to
the Minnesota OEA. So, product lifecycle management might be used to link engineers and
manufacturers while they design and produce a computer made with less lead, or one that
runs on less energy than past models. Used this way, a PLM software application ties
together all stages of design and manufacturing in determining the most environmentally
sound method of production and the most suitable materials, both for the product and for the
Because mechanical and manufacturing engineers, designers, marketers, and many others
are involved in creating a product, a PLM system helps these people exchange plans and
ideas via the Internet, whatever their location, to brainstorm design and manufacturing.

The Minnesota environmental office defines five stages of a product's life. In each stage, the
PLM system can be used to consider the product's environmental impact.
During the design stage, for example, engineers determine the raw materials that will make
up the product. They can choose low-impact materials that can be more readily recycled
than other materials. At manufacture, engineers can find methods of making products that
use less energy than other production methods.
The packaging and distribution stage is the point at which the product can be minimally
packaged and sent on an efficiently planned delivery route.
The Minnesota OEA defines the use and maintenance stage as the time after the customer
buys the product until the customer is ready to dispose of it. Here, technologies tied to the
PLM system, like the one used at Peugeot, come into play.
At the end of its life, the product, of course, is recycled, remanufactured, or sent to a dump
or incinerator. If engineers chose to use easily recyclable products during product creation,
fewer materials wind up in a landfill.

Other nations have already passed laws that stipulate design for environment, such
as Japan's Electric Home Appliance Recycling Law that took effect last year. Under
the law, manufacturers must ensure that their product is recycled when it can't be
used anymore. A take-back scheme has to be in place, too, so the product can be
easily dropped off for recycling.
Since 1991, Germany, the first nation to pass packaging laws, has required
manufacturers to assume the costs of collecting and recycling used packaging.
The French automaker PSA Peugeot Citroen has found a way to incorporate its PLM system
during the use and maintenance stage of its vehicles' lives. At that stage, when a
customer is using the product on a regular basis, it might become easy for the manufacturer
to be out of the loop.


But Peugeot is using a technology system called Tele-Assistance that ties together a blend of
software and hardware applications, including the PLM system, to remotely diagnose
vehicles that might have been sold years ago. The system, which is hooked up to the car
while it's in the garage for repair, uses the vehicle's original bill of materials and
information about its current operating state to help find and fix problems. In some
particularly hard-to-diagnose cases, the engineer who helped design the vehicle might even
be consulted via the Internet.
"We give the service technician everything that he needs to do a particular repair job," said
Alan Chakra, the director of IBM's Service After Sales Solutions division, which provides
the technology to Peugeot. IBM's PLM team, which makes Enovia software, also helped to
develop the system.

Chakras division makes software that focuses on a product during what he calls its service
lifecycle; that is, during its use by consumers. Such technology helps cut warranty
expenses for manufacturers, reduces labor costs, increases parts and service business after
the warranty expires, and saves time needed to solve repair problems, he said.
"Let's say you have a Peugeot of some kind and you go into the dealership to get it fixed,"
Chakra said. "The technician may not have seen a case like this, so he might try many things
to see if they work."
But using Tele-Assistance, in place at Peugeot since 1999, the technician enters into the
computer vehicle serial number and, like a doctor, also enters a list of symptoms (black
smoke billows from the exhaust pipe when the car is moving, for example). The system tells
him of any part recalls that might be affecting the vehicle.

If a recalled part isn't the problem, the technician then plugs what's called a diagnostic
connector under the dashboard and plugs the other end into a computer attached to the Tele-
Assistance server. The connector loads all the codes from the vehicle's many minicomputers
into the system. This is like taking an X-ray of the vehicle. All its internal workings are
documented and displayed on a screen viewed by an off-site expert who helps with
"If a sensor has failed, it says why it failed, what time it failed, and under what load it
failed," Chakra said. "We know everything that's inside this particular vehicle, and we've got
the BOM, so we know how it's supposed to run. We know what software components are in
the control unit. Based on that, the server builds a profile for this particular vehicle."
The system houses information on thousands of other cars of the same make and model as
the one in the garage, Chakra said. It's a veritable database of past problems with similar
cars, attendant information on why those problems cropped up, and how they were
successfully repaired.

"The reason Peugeot launched this technology in the first place is because its vehicles went
from one computer on board, to vehicles with a local area network on board, to what they
call a canbusa controller area network," Chakra said. "In these cars you can get
up to 30 computers connected on a network. One computer operates the security system, one
the dashboard, one the radio, another window, another engine.
"Peugeot needed some kind of software to support this copulation of highly complex
vehicles," he said.
Eight thousand Peugeot automobiles are made every lay, said Jean-Philippe Fournier,
Peugeot's technical director for parts and services. The system has allowed Peugeot
technicians to diagnose and repair 80 percent of its cars within one day, rather than the

several days it might take without the Tele-Assistance system, he said.


Let's say a vehicle fails in Sao Paolo," Chakra said. "If the technician can't fix it, he can call
a number and speak to someone who speaks his language."

The expert on the other end of the line is certified by the National Institute for Automotive
Service Excellence. He or she requests the dealership identification number, asks about the
issue at hand, and then consults a computer that showslives via the Internetall the data
coming from the vehicle.
"So the expert is doing diagnostics on the vehicle with the technician on the line with him,"
Chakra said. The expert has easy access to these 10,000 past cases in the system. He can tell
the technician, 'Okay, we've seen this before. This is what you do.' "
If the diagnostic expert can't fix the problem, the engineers who originally worked on the
vehicle can be consulted. The minute the vehicle is fixed, the system is automatically
updated to include the new solution in its database for future reference.


The Tele-Assistance system grew out of similar technology developed at IBM and used for
the computers it makes, Chakra said. IBM servers that use the technology send a message
usually via a pager or cellular phone when one of their parts is about to go bad.
"When you have a server supporting a company that has 10,000 workstations attached to it,
you can't afford to have the server go down," Chakra said. "So the server is attached to a
diagnostic server. Before the server starts having problems, it can say, 'I'm getting ready to
fail. I have a component ready to fail.'
"IBM ships the necessary part to the customer before you have a failure. That's the whole
idea that spawned the automaker idea," he added.


The remote monitoring component is the next step in the Tele-Assistance system, Chakra
added. IBM officials next envision a wireless link that connects the vehicle, via a cellular
telephone, to a customer support center. Computers at the center would monitor the
vehicle to see if a part is about to break or a sensor is ready to fail.
If something is about to go wrong, the driver would get a phone call that says, for example,
the engine is about ready to overheat or the clutch is starting to slip. Taking advantage of
global positioning technology, the system could also tell the driver where the nearest
Peugeot service center is and exactly how to get there.
Sales and marketing people are currently using the Tele-Assistance system at Peugeot to
profile vehicles. They can figure out how long, on average, a model will run until it needs
servicing. Chakra expects the system to be used for more marketing efforts in the future.
PLM technology, often thought of as a tool that's useful in the first stages of product design
and manufacture, is now being used to project a product's life, to follow a product even after
it's sold, and to ensure an environmentally sound product in the first place.

September 2002, Mechanical Engineering
Vocabulary List

brainstorm a sudden inspiration, idea, or plan
harness to control so as to use the power of (to harness ones energy)
inoculated to introduce ideas
billowing a large wave,
forecast to plan in advance; foresee
the lot a quantity of material processed or manufactured at the same time


troubleshot to detect and correct faults
troubleshooter a person who locates and repairs mechanical breakdowns; a person charged
with locating and eliminating the source of trouble in any flow of work
crop up appear or arise unexpectedly
service life life of the vehicle in service
in service in use; functioning: said esp. of an appliance, vehicle, etc.
toss to throw lightly or carelessly
computer upgrades improved computers
on the upgrade improving, making progress
upgrade raise to a higher grades
hazardous waste risky, dangerous, useless, superfluous or discarded material, as garbage
obsolete no longer in general use; of a discarded or outmoded type; out of date
cue to insert and direct engineers to come in a specific place
make up form, compose, constitute
dispose of get rid of
dump heap of rubbish; place where rubbish, etc. may be unloaded and left
incinerator furnace, enclosed fireplace for burning rubbish
wind up come or bring to an end a landfill
landfill the disposal of garbage or rubbish by burring it under a shallow layer of
stipulate put forward, insist upon
veritable real, rightly named
hook up any combination of created parts; a connection, the elements as set up
for operation
bill of material written statement of charges for goods delivered or services rendered
warrantly written or printed guarantee to repair or replace defective goods
expire come to an end
When does your driving license expire?
recall revoking something
attendant information accompanying information
controller area network
spawn produce in great numbers
envision to picture mentally

Translate into Croatian

forward-thinking technology
environmentally friendly
at ever-faster rates ......
It takes a heavy toll on the environment
environmental impact ...
throughout its lifecycle ..........
non-renewable resources
excessive energy use ..
low-impact materials can more readily be recycled than other materials
pass the law .........
take effect .....

the product can be dropped off for recycling.
be tossed into a landfill
wind up in a landfill ............
current operating state
veritable database of past problems
environmentally sound project
service lifecycle

Translate the following sentence into Croatian:

The system, which is hooked up to the car while it's in the garage for repair, uses the vehicle's
original bill of materials and information about its current operating state
to help find and fix problems.



to afford affordability affordable
to sustain sustainability sustainable
to know knowledge knowledgable


Essential idea


The most important supporting information




TEXT C - Assignment 3.6

During most of the centuries of mans history, his technological progress was limited, to a
large extent, to the development of improved devices and methods of utilizing his own
manual energ.y, readily available natural sources of energy (for example, the wind in
sailing), and certain animals (for example, oxen and horses). Such progress slow and
faltering as it was may be viewed as embracing two separate but related areas. In
the first place there was the discovery of the technology as such the physical
principle or fact that made possible the development or improvement in question, for
example, the principle of the lever, which was basic to the development of such
devices as clubs, oars, axes and hoes. And in the second place, there was the
adaptation of the technology to better serve his own purposes. The oar, for example,
was adapted to human use in terms of the size and shape of the handle, to fit the
hands and of other physical characteristics (e.g., length, width and balance) that would
make it effective as a device for human use.
The process of developing tools and equipment for human use was essentially one of
evolution. Through the use of a particular device, it was possible to identify its
deficiencies and to modify the device accordingly, so that the next "generation" of the
device would better serve its purpose in actual use. Experience, then, was the primary
basis for improvement and further adaptation.
It was a combination of scientific discoveries and developments that made the
industrial revolution possible. The technological developments that have been
made in the past 1 1/2 centuries have also been accompanied by the adaptation of
tools, devices, equipment, and environments to human use. During this period,
also, the adaptation process was guided primarily by the experiences of people with
the many new types of devices that had been created.
The time during and since World War II probably will be recorded in history as a period
of scientific explosion. The epidemic of scientific breakthroughs has made possible a
wide assortment of technological developments, including entirely new types of
equipment for both military and civilian use. It has been found, often through unhappy
experiences, however, that some of these devices were not designed appropriately for
human use. It was found, for example, that some items of equipment, such as higher-
speed aircraft, radar, and fire-control systems, could not be managed effectively by
their operators, that human errors were excessive, and that many accidents occurred
because of human mistakes which were attributed to design deficiencies. Such
deficiencies probably can be attributed, in part, to the fact that such equipment, being
more elaborate than that which people previously had used, created greater "human factors"
problems than were characteristic of earlier devices. Further, since some equipment was
designed and produced "from scratch", rather than through gradual evolution, there was no
opportunity to benefit from previous experience in the use of earlier models.
The current development of complex man-machine systems such as missiles, space ships,
surveillance systems, and automated production systems creates a similar type of situation.
Such systems must be designed and produced without much opportunity for evolution from
previous generations of somewhat related equipment. The time and cost involved in retrofit
processes frequently preclude major modifications once the basic design has been created
and production has been started. (Retrofitting is the process of modifying models that
already have been created.)


Such time and cost considerations therefore place a high premium on creating original
designs which, when actually produced, will be satisfactory both from the point of view of
strictly engineering considerations and from the point of view of human use
In connection with the human factors aspects of such systems therefore, it is important that,
in the initial design of systems, human factors considerations be taken fully into account.
The solutions should be based on the availability of pertinent information about human
capabilities and limitations. In the absence of information specifically pertinent to the
problem, one would usually wish to rely upon expert judgments on the part of individuals
who are knowledgeable about the human performance characteristics in question.
The development of a body of information and principles that would be applicable is
primarily dependent upon research.
In a practical design problem, if pertinent information is not available regarding some human
performance characteristic, there are two or three alternatives from which to choose. In the
first place one can pick answers out of thin air; this obviously is a pretty risky business,
although it is, unfortunately, a fairly common practice. In the second place, it may be
possible to carry out some research project to develop the needed information; such
projects can of course range from those of a quick and dirty nature to those of a fairly
broad-scale, even basic-research nature. In the third place, it is possible to solicit the
judgments of experts in the particular area.

Write an Abstract

Key words: ............................................................................................

Essential Idea


Supporting Information





Section 1

Section 2

A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.

He that makes himself a sheep,
will be eaten up by a wolf.

Desperate diseases need desperate cures.

Might makes right.

Core Text 1

1 TRANSLATE the following texts into Croatian.

Gears are toothed wheels whose teeth mesh with one another and which serve to transmit
rotary motion or power from one shaft to another. A gear is different from a pulley in that
a gear is a round wheel that has linkages ("teeth" or "cogs") meshing with other gear
teeth, which allows force to be fully transferred without slippage. Depending on their
construction and arrangement, geared devices can transmit forces at different speeds,
torques, or in a different direction, from the power source.
The commonest situation for a gear is to mesh with another gear, but a gear can mesh with
any device having compatible teeth, such as linear moving racks.
The smaller of a gear pair may be termed the pinion and the larger may be called the
gear. The rotation speeds of the shafts are inversely proportional to the numbers of teeth
on their respective gears. These teeth may be internal as well as external.

Gear types - External vs. internal gears

Unlike most gears, an internal gear does not cause reversal direction.
An external gear is one with the teeth formed on the outer surface of a cylinder or cone.
Conversely, an internal gear is one with the teeth formed on the inner surface of a cylinder
or cone. When two meshing gears both have external teeth, then their shafts rotate in
opposite directions; when one gear has external and the other has internal teeth, the shafts
rotate in the same direction. This latter arrangement may be employed in cases where the
axes of the respective shafts are very close together. A third arrangement rack and pinion
gearing comprises a pinion with a straight toothed bar (the rack) and it can be used to
convert rotary motion into longitudinal motion or vice versa. See Fig 1.

Fig 1 Types of gear arrangement:
a - gears with external teeth, b -gears with internal teeth, c - rack and pinion



The interlocking of the teeth in a pair of meshing gears means that their circumferences
necessarily move at the same rate of linear motion (eg. metres per second, or feet per
Since rotational speed (eg. measured in revolutions per second, revolutions per minute, or
radians* per second) is proportional to a circumferential wheel speed divided by its
radius, we see that the larger the radius of a gear, the slower its rotational speed will be,
when meshed with a gear of the given size and speed.
The same conclusion can also be reached by a different analytical process: counting teeth.

*N.B. Radians

We can measure
Angles in
1 Radian is about
57.2958 degrees.
Fig 2 Radian
Radian is the angle made by taking the radius and wrapping it along the edge of a circle.
Since the teeth of two meshing gears are locked in one to one correspondence, when all of
the teeth of the smaller gear have passed the point where the gears meet i.e., when the
smaller gear has made one revolution, not all of the teeth of the larger gear will have
passed that point, the larger gear will have made less than one revolution. The smaller the
gear, the more revolutions it makes in a given period of time; it turns faster. The speed
ratio is simply the reciprocal ratio of the numbers of teeth on these two gears.
(Speed A * Number of teeth A) = (Speed B * Number of teeth B). This ratio is known as
the gear ratio.
The torque ratio can be determined by considering the force that a tooth of one gear
exerts on a tooth of the other gear.
Consider two teeth in contact at a point on the line joining the shaft axes of two gears. In
general, the force will have both a radial and a circumferential component. The radial
component can be ignored: it merely causes a sideway push on the shaft and does not
contribute to turning. The circumferential component causes turning. The torque is equal to
the circumferential component of the force times radius. Thus we see that the larger gear
undergoes the greater torque; the smaller gear the less. The torque ratio is equal to the ratio
of the radii. This is exactly the inverse of the case with the velocity ratio. Higher torque
implies lower velocity and vice versa. The fact that the torque ratio is the inverse of the
velocity ratio could also be inferred from the law of the conservation of energy. Since a
gear is not a proper circle but a roughened circle, it does not have a radius.
However, in a pair of meshing gears, each may be considered to have an effective radius,
called the pitch radius, the pitch radii being such that smooth wheels of those radii would
produce the same velocity ratio that the gears actually produce. The pitch radius can be
considered as an "average" radius of the gear, somewhere between the outside radius of the
gear and the radius at the base of the teeth. Thus, The pitch radius is a radius touching the



teeth of a gear-wheel at points where they mesh with the teeth of another gear wheel.
When selecting your gears, the three most important numbers you must know about gear
pitch are pitch, pitch diameter, and number of teeth.

Fig 3 Gears Mesh at the Pitch Circle

The pitch diameter is as shown. To calculate the pitch, simply use this equation:
Pitch = # teeth / pitch circle diameter (in inches)
For example, a gear with 72 teeth and a 1.5" pitch diameter is 48 Pitch. Gears that mesh
must both have the same pitch and pressure angle (usually 20 degrees).

2 Revision. Pair Work. Answer the following questions:

1. Describe gears. Describe the pinion and the gear (i.e., driving and driven gear). Are
rotation speeds direct or inversely proportional to the number of theeth?
2. Explain external and internal gears with reference to the rotation of their shafts.
Describe the arrangement of the rack and pinion gearing. See Fig 1
3. Give the equation for the rotational speed and explain the speed ratio known as the
gear ratio. What is a gear ratio? In other words, we say that the larger the radius of a
gear, . .
Also, the smaller the gear, .. .
4. Explain a radial and a circumferential component of gears. What is the torque ratio?
Give its equation. Explain the fact that the torque ratio can be inferred from the Law of
the Conservation of Energy. Complete the following:
Thus we see that the larger gear undergoes the torque; the smaller
gear the . Higher torque implies
velocity and vice versa. The torque ratio is .. of the velocity
5. Explain the gear pitch.


The smaller the gear, the more revolutions it makes in a given period of time, i.e., it
turns faster.



Spur gears may be used to connect parallel shafts. They are the simplest and the
commonest type, with teeth that are parallel to the axis of rotation and cause the parallel
shafts to rotate in opposite directions, i.e. these gears can only mesh correctly if they are
fitted to parallel axes.

Spur gears on non-parallel shafts can mesh, but only point contact will be achieved, not
line contact across the full width of the tooth; also the length of the path of contact may
be too short. See Fig 4.

Fig 4 Types of gears with respect to the form of teeth:
a spur gears, b - helical gears, c - double helical gears

Helical gears may also be used and differ from spur gears in the way that the teeth are
formed. Helical gears have their teeth inclined in relation to the axis. They ensure a
smoother and quieter action with a better load capacity.
They have, however, the disadvantage that the teeth set up a side pressure which causes
thrust on the bearings. To overcome this lateral thrust, double helical or herringbone gears
may be used.

Skew shafts may be connected using spiral gears. Helical gears offer an advantage of
refinement over spur gears. The leading edges of the teeth are not parallel to the axis of
rotation, but are set at an angle. Since the gear is curved, this angling causes the tooth
shape to be a segment of a helix. The angled teeth engage more gradually than do spur gear
teeth. This causes helical gears to run more smoothly and quietly than spur gears. Helical
gears also offer the possibility of using non-parallel shafts.

A pair of helical gears can be meshed in two ways: with shafts oriented at either the sum or
the difference of the helix angles of the gears. These configurations are referred to as
parallel or crossed, respectively. Because of the small area of contact, crossed helical
gears can only be used with light loads.

4 Jot down the differences between spur and helical gears



Bevel gears are employed in cases where the shafts form an angle with each other. When
the angle is a right angle, the gear is termed a miter gear. Miter is the surface forming the
beveled end or edge of a piece where a miter joint is made. Miter gears are cut with a
generated tooth form that has a localized lengthwise tooth bearing. They are offered in
various modules, number of teeth, speed ratio, materials and designs. Miter gears are made
of steel, brass, bronze, aluminium, nylon and duracon. To obtain more efficient meshing,
bevel gears may be provided with spiral teeth instead of straight teeth and are then known
as spiral bevel gears. In the case where shafts cross each other at a greater distance a part
then crossed axis helical gears may be used. See Fig 5.

Fig 5 Gearing of non-parallel shafts:
a - bevel gearing, b worm gearing

Worm gear is often used when large forces have to be transmitted. It is a gear that
resembles a screw, because it is a helical gear, but its helix angle is usually somewhat
large (i.e. somewhat close to 90 degrees) and its body is usually fairly long in the axial
direction. One of the gears is called the worm and is usually meshed with an ordinary
looking, disk-shaped gear, which is called the "wheel", the worm wheel (or more simply
the gear). Worm gears can be used to connect skew shafts and shafts at right angles. The
prime feature of a worm-and-gear set is that it allows the attainment of a high gear ratio
with few parts, in a small space. In a worm-and-gear set, the worm can always drive the

5 Jot down the differences between bevel and worm gears.



Helical and Worm Hand, ANSI/AGMA 1012-G05


Cover up the text What is a Rack and Pinion? you have just listened to or
read and write down what you have heard or read. Then check your
listening or reading comprehension.

What is a rack and pinion?

A moving rack is a moving toothed bar into which a pinion,
worm gear, etc. meshes for receiving or transporting motion.
A rack is a toothed bar or rod that can be thought of as a sector
gear with an infinitely large radius of curvature.
Torque can be converted to the linear force by meshing a rack
with a pinion: the pinion turns; the rack moves in a straight line.
Such a mechanism is used in automobiles to convert the rotation
of the steering wheel into the left-to-right motion of the tie
rod(s). Racks also feature in the theory of gear geometry, where, for instance, the tooth
shape of an interchangeable set of gears may be specified for the rack (infinite radius),
and the tooth shapes for gears of particular actual radii then derived from that. The rack
and pinion gear type is employed in a rack railway.



7 Study a speed-reducing system
Give reasons for the fact that the speed-reducing system is
introduced between the engine and the road wheels.
What do we call the device that permits one of the two
driving wheels to be driven around at a greater angular
speed than the other?
An internal-combustion engine cannot develop power unless the crankshaft can rotate at a
relatively high number of revolutions as the torque is lowest when the angular velocity is at
its minimum. It is, therefore, necessary to introduce a speed-reducing system between the
engine and the road wheels in order to permit the number of revolutions of the crankshaft to
be maintained when the vehicle is climbing a hill or carrying a heavy load.
The common practice is to introduce three or four sets of different sizes of toothed wheels,
any pair of which can be put into engagement of a single lever. The lowest of these gear
ratios, i.e., the one which allows the crankshaft to make the greatest number of revolutions
to one revolution of the road wheels, is required for starting purposes, and the highest gear
ratio, i.e., the one which allows road wheels to make the greatest number of revolutions in
relation to those of the crankshaft, is employed for high-speed travelling on the road. From
the last change-speed shaft, the power must be transmitted to the road wheels through a
differential gear and trough one or other of the types of final drive.
speed reducing system reduktor
toothed wheel zupanik
starting torque okretni moment pri pokretanju
crankshaft radilica, koljenasta osovina, vratilo
gear change lever ruica mjenjaa
change-speed gears mjenja, mjenjaka kutija
differential gear diferencijal
final drive krajnji pogon
put into engagement zahvatiti zupanike


to mesh interlock
shaft bar or rod joining parts of a machine or
transmitting power
inversely proportional concerning the relationship of two quantities
one of which increases proportionally as the other
vice versa with the conditions reversed, the other way round
inversely proportional the relationship of two quantities one of which
increases proportionately as the other decreases
smooth having a surface like that of glass, not roug
thrust a pushing force or pressure exerted by a thing or
a part against a contiguous one. (similar to tension
but acts in the opposite direction)


bearing device that supports moving parts and reduces friction
to overcome to negate, surmount, get the better of
lateral of or from the side
herringbone shaped like the bone in a herring (a sort of fish)

spiral a continuous curve winding round a central point
skew twisted or turned to one side
circumferential lying within the circumference


a) engage, interlock 1 continuous
b) completely different 2 mesh
c) set-up a side pressure 3 opposite
d) consist of 4 inclining
e) most usually found 5 ensure
f) sloping 6 lateral
g) side pressure 7 a right angle
i) ninety degree angle 8 comprise
j) uninterrupted 9 the most common
k) the other way round 10 skew
l) turned to one side 11 reversed conditions
m) pushing force 12 winding line around
the screw or nut
n) thread 13 thrust


Gear ratio
1.the ratio of the rotational speeds of the first and final gears in a train of
gears or any two meshing gears.
2. the ratio of the diameters of the pitch surfaces of any two meshing gears
or of the numbers of their teeth.


The pitch radius is a radius touching the teeth of a gear-wheel at points where
they mesh with the teeth of another gear wheel.

The circumference is the outside edge of an area of any size or shape; it is the
line enclosing a circular space.

The miter joint is a joint formed by fitting together two pieces, bevelled to a
specified angle (usually 45C) to form a corner (usually a right angle).

Rack and pinion mechanism is used in automobiles to convert the
rotation of the steering wheel into the left-to-right motion of the tie rod.

The tie rod is a rod connecting a front wheel of an automotive vehicle to the
steering mechanism. (letva volana)

10 Write definitions for the following expressions:

Herringbone gear

A moving rack



A left-hand helical gear



11 True or false?

Read the following passage:

Screw gearing or worm gearing is used to transmit power between shafts with
perpendicular, non-intersecting axes. The worm wheel is essentially a helical gear with a
face curved to fit a portion of the worm perihery. The tooth form and shape are obtained
by cutting the wheel with a special form cutter known as a hob which is essentially a
replica of the worm, furnished with longitudinal flutes to provide cutting edges.

1. Power can be transmitted between two shafts with perpendicular, non-intersecting
axes by worm gearing.
2. A helical gear is essentially a portion of a worm wheel.
3. A hob is used for cutting the form and shape of a worm wheel.
4. The flutes on a hob are a replica of those on the worm.




contiguous susjedan, koji se dotie
pulley koloturnik
pinion kota zupanika, nazubljeno kolo
the pinion and the gear pogonski i pogonjen zupanik
interlock zahvaati jedno u drugo
torque zakretni moment
inversely proportional to obrnuto proporcionalan prema
skew kos, nakriv, asimetrian
mite pravokutni spoj
miter gear zupanik pod pravim kutem
idle gear prijenosni zupanik
cog zubac zupanika (AE ka:g)
slippage proklizavanje
compatible uskladiv, kompatibilan
bevel gear konini, stoasti, kupasti zupanik
helical gear zupanik sa zavojnim zupcima, helikoidni zupanik
helix zavoj, zavojnica, spirala, spiralna linija
angling iskoenje
herringbone gear zupanik koji izgleda kao riblja kost
reverse gear zupanik za hod unazad
spur gear cilindrini zupanik pravih zubaca
spiral gear zupanik sa zavojnim zupcima
spiral bevel gear konini zupanik sa krivim zupcima
worm gear puni zupanik, puni pogon
gear box prijenosna kutija zupanika
gear box casing kuite prijenosnika
gear chain lanani prijenosnik
gear tooth zub zuanika
gear toothed rack ozubljena letva, zupasta letva
gear wheel zupanik
gearing zupanici, sustav zupanika
gear train niz zupanika
gear control ruica mjenjaa (kod automobila)
to shift gear mijenjati brzinu
rack nazupana tranica
mesh zahvaati (zupci zupanika)
meshed gears zupanici u zahvatu
meshing of gear teeth zahvatanje zubaca zupanika
thread navoj, narez
can be inferred from moe se zakljuiti, izvesti zakljuak
respectively odnosno
to pay 100 and 50 dollars respectively. Platiti 100 odnosno 50 dolara.
(jedan 100 a drugi 50 dolara)
the attainment of postignue
recede gubiti se iz vida
counterclockwise obratno od smjera kazaljke na satu
the gear ratio omjer prijenosa
the torque ratio omjer zakretnog momenta
pitch gear korak zavrtanja


circumference obujam, obodnica
circumferential wheel speed obodna brzina zupanika
c circumferential and radial component obodna i radijalna komponenta
axial osovinski
lateral thrust lateralni odriv
drive, drove, driven pogoniti
hob puasti gloda
flute uzduni lijeb, udubina


1. When two (mesh) .. gears have external teeth, then their shafts
rotate in opposite directions.
2. (Cross) axis helical gears have many functions.
3. Lubrication must be repeated at (give) . times.
4. Two external helical gears (operate) on parallel axes must be of
opposite hand.
5. Miter is the surface (form) the bevelled end or edge of a
piece where a miter joint is made.
6. An external gear is one with the teeth (form) on the outer surface
of a cylinder or cone.
7. A gear can mesh with any device (have) compatible teeth.
8. Helical gears have their teeth (incline) in relation to the axis.

14 TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH (auto-corrective exercise)
Konstruktor je vrlo esto suoen s problemom prenoenja snage s jedne osovine na
drugu odravajui odreeni omjer brzina rotacije osovina. U tu svrhu su se razvili
razliiti tipovi sustava zupanika koji rade tiho i sa malim gubicima trenja. Gladak rad
bez vibracija osiguran izborom pravog geometrijskog oblika konture zubiju. Oblici
kao i dimenzije zupanika su standardizirane. U tu svrhu postoje razliite vrste
zupanika kao to su: elni zupanici, elni zupanici s kosim zupcima, zupanici sa
spiralnim zupcima, konini zupanici s ravnim zupcima, konini zupanici s kosim
zupcima itd.*

(*be confronted with the problem of; transferring power; maintaining a definite
ratio between; spur gears, helical gears, spiral gears, straight bevel gears, spiral
bevel gears )


The designer is frequently confronted with the problem of transferring power from one shaft to another
while maintaining a definite ratio between the velocities of rotation of the shafts. Various types of
gearing have been developed for this purpose which will operate quietly and with low friction losses.
Smooth and vibrationless action is secured by giving the proper geometric shape to the outline of the
teeth. The proportions of the gear tooth, as well as the size of the teeth, have been standardized. For this
purpose there are various types of gearing as: spur gears, helical gears, spiral gears, straight bevel gears,
and spiral bevel gears.

Core Text 2


2.1 Read and translate the vocabulary in the boldface into Croatian

Propellers are revolving shafts with a central hub and radiating blades placed so that each
forms part of a helical (spiral) surface. By its rotation in water, a propeller causes a ship to
move by the backward thrust of water. A propellers thrust is proportional to the product
of the mass of water that is acting on and the accelerating rate. For the most efficient
propulsion, the mass should be large and the acceleration small. There are several types of
propellers. Mostly four-bladed propellers were in use for a long time. However, five-
bladed or six-bladed propellers are used in modern ships. Propellers are now generally
made of manganese bronze to make them stronger and to obtain a better surface. Zinc
plates must be fitted to the ships hull in their vicinity to prevent galvanic action by the
manganese bronze upon the steel of the hull.
Some propellers are supported by the propeller struts, which usually have an oval section
and are placed in the path of the streamlines to reduce resistance to their passage through
the water.
Propeller manufacturers have undertaken deep studies into the theoretical requirements for
the propulsion of high-speed vessels and, resulting from a research programme, have
succeeded in developing a propulsion system with a very high overall efficiency. The
system is based upon controllable pitch propellers (CPP), using a simple actuating
system, and includes the hull design and low drag in daily use on high speed monohulls,
catamarans and trimarans. Although the idea of the CPP has been around almost as long as
the screw propeller itself, it wasnt until the 1930s that the CPP started to become
commercially viable. Now CPPs are being used in a wide range of vessels, including
cargo carriers, tankers, passenger ships, icebreakers, offshore vessels, tugs, fishboats and
Navy ships. The conventional, fixed pitch, propeller is in no danger of becoming obsolete,
but for a number of vessel designs the CPP offers the promise of improved performance,
economy, safety, easier automation, availability and ship maintainability.
Controllable pitch propeller blades employ the latest technology to achieve the maximum
efficiency. Losses incurred by tip whirl have been considerably reduced.
The trial results showed an increase in speed from 36 knots to 38 knots. A reduction in
vibration and noise was also apparent. By using controllable pitch propellers for all
manoeuvring operations it is only necessary to fit one train of gears within the gearbox.
Gears are available in V, H, A or U drive form. The latest design is the VD 250 vee-drive
gear which has an angle of 10 between the input and output shafts.
To further reduce vibration and inboard ship noise, Servogear has designed a flexible
mounting for use with the gears. Manoeuvring is conducted by alterations of the propeller
pitch only. This reduces the frequency of failures, engine wear and maintenance costs,
particularly in respect of maneuvering clutches. The speed of the vessel is instantly
controlled at any point between zero and maximum ahead or astern. This is a distinct
advantage over fixed pitch propeller systems.



2.2 Find in the above text translations for the following noun phrases and

niska zatega
ukupna propulzivna uinkovitost
reduktori s jednim stupnjem .
skrokovi propelerskog vijka
krajevi propelerskog vijka
u brazdi (toku) strujnih linija
najgornji dio lopatice
ulazna i izlazna vratila
planetni reduktori
pozitivni potisak prema naprijed .
temeljite pokusne plovidbe .
lopatica turbine ..
lopatice brodskog vijka .
optimalna vrna zranost brodskog vijka .
popreni brodski vijak
kormilarski ureaj

2.3 Write a short paragraph comparing controllable pitch proplellers (CPP)
with fixed pitch propeller systems.


2.4 Definition of skew angle

The maximum skew angle of a propeller
blade is defined as the angle, in projected
view of the blade, between a line drawn
through the blade tip and the shaft
centreline and a second line through the
shaft centreline which acts as a tangent
to the locus of the mid-points of the
helical blade sections (see Fig. 1 Skew angle).

Fig 1 Skew angle




Continuous Aspects

Perfect Aspects

Passive Aspects

Can you match these proverbs with their meanings?
1. Forewarned is forearmed.
2. Where there is a will there is a way.
3. As you sow so you must reap.
4. Its always darkest before the dawn.
5. Help yourself and God will help you.
6. Every cloud has a silver lining.
7. To err is human.
8. Many hands make light work..
9. He is all fingers and thumbs.
10. Necessity is the mother of invention.

a. Knowledge of possible dangers and problems allows one to prepare for them.
b. We all make mistakes sometimes.
c. If you want to make a new beginning, youll have to put up with some difficulties.
d. A person with determination will find a way of doing something.
e. There is always a comforting or more hopeful side to a sad or difficult situation.
f. Every action has its reaction.
g. Your will is everything that matters.
h. Togetherness makes life easier and a task is soon completed if many people help.
i. He is very clumsy.
j. Circumstances and need force us to find a way of getting something.


Core Study


2. I am studying English right now.

3. I was studying English when you called.
while you were reading.
at seven o'clock last night.
for a long time.

4. I have been studying English since September.
for a long time when he came toAmerica.

5. I had been studying English since September when he dropped the course.

6. I will be studying English at this time next year.

7. I will have been studying English for ten years by this time next year.

The Continous aspect - active expresses:
1. activity in progress
2. temporary activity
3. possibly incomplete activity


2 Perfect Aspect is used when
the exact time of the verb action is not important
the action is completed BEFORE another time

(some time before present)
Have you ever been to America?

(some time before I arrived)
When I arrived, he had already left.

(some time before tonight)
I'll have finished the report by tonight.

Study the following perfect aspects:
I haven't finished this boring book yet;
I've read only 22 pages so far.

By the end of last year I had read only 10 pages,
and by next year I will have read two more.

Study Present Perfect Simple and Continuous, Units 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14;
Past Perfect Simple and Continuous, Units 15 and 16;
Future Perfect Simple and Continuous, Unit 24 from English Grammar in Use by Raymond


3 Passive aspect

1 [Subject or thing receiving action] +
2 [the verb to be in the required tense] +
3 [Past participle of the required verb] +
4 [by] + [thing doing action]

Active Form

Petra washed the dishes.
thing doing action verb object receiving action

Passive Form

1The dishes 2were 3 washed 4 by Petra.

1 Subject receiving action 2+3 passive verb 4 agent - doing action


They often do it. It is often done.
They are doing it now It is being done now.
They did it yesterday. It was done yesterday.
They were doing it last week. It was being done last week.
They have already done it. It has already been done.
They had done it earlier. It had been done earlier.
They will soon do it. It will soon be done.
They will soon have done it. It will soon have been done.
They have to do it at once. It has to be done at once.
They may not have done it. It may not have been done.







1.1 Breakfast or Lunch?
It was Sunday. I never . (get up) early on Sundays. I sometimes (stay)
in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I (get up) very late. I .. (look
out) of the window. It (be) dark outside. What a day! I thought.
It . . (rain) again. Just then, the telephone (ring). It
. (be) my sister Mary. I . . (just arrive) by bus,
She said. I ..(come) to see you.
But I . . .. (still have) breakfast, I said.
What . . (you do?) she asked.
I .. . breakfast, I repeated.
Dear me, she said. . (you always get up?) so late? It's one

1.2 An Exciting Trip
I . .. . (just receive) a letter from my brother, Paul. He is in China.
He .. . (be) there for two months. Paul is an engineer. He .. ..
(work) for a big firm and he .. . . (already visit) a great number of
different places in China. He .. (just go) to Peking. My brother ..
................. (never be abroad) before, so he
(find) this trip very exciting.

1.3 Too Late
The plane was late and detectives . (wait) at the airport all morning. They
.. (expect) a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.
A few hours earlier someone .. . (tell) the police that thieves . ..
(try ) to steal the diamonds. When the plane .. (arrive), some of the detectives ..
(wait) inside the main building while others . .. (wait) on the
airfield. Two men (take) the parcel off the plane and .... (carry) it into the
Customs House. While two detectives (keep) guard at the door, two others
.................... (open) the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel . (be) full of
stones and sand!


Sold Out
The play may have begun at any moment, I said
It may already begin Mary answered.
I hurryed to the ticket-office. May i have two tickets please? I asked.
Im sorry, we are sold out, the girl said.
What pity! Mary exclaimed.
Just then, a man hurried to ticket-office.
Can I return this two tickets? he asked.
Certain, the girl said.
I am going back to the ticket-office at once.
Could I have those two ticket please? I asked.
Certainly, girl said, but they are for next Wednesday performance. Do you still want it?
I might have them as well*, I said sadly.

I might as well have them = Not really, but I ll have them

III. Using Grammar Translation Techniques Effectively
Translate into English the following dialogues using the proper present, past and
future tenses
Test 3.1

1 - Jeli se juer loe ponaala u kazalitu?

2 - Moe li sada uti radio?
- Naravno da mogu. Mogu ga uti savreno.

3 - Kome si kupila knjigu? Tomici ili njegovom prijatelju?
- Kupila sam ju naravno njemu.

4 - Ide li uope ikada u kazalite?
- Da, otiao sam na dramu proli tjedan.

5 - Jesi li ve vidio najnoviji film?
- Da, upravo sam ga vidio.

6 - Zato ne narui juhu?
- Jer sam ju ve naruio.

7 - Je li stigao taksi?
- Da, upravo je stigao. Stigao je pred minutu.

8 - Jesi li ikad dobio nagradu?
- Da, dobio sam kolsku nagradu pred mnogo godina.

9 - Kako si ozlijedio svoje stopalo? -
- Ozlijedio sam ga dok sam se penjao.

10 - Gdje si bio kad su se svjetla ugasila?
- Veerao sam kad su se svjetla ugasila.

11 - to e raditi slijedei tjedan u ovo vrijeme?
- Skijat u se na Pohorju.

12 - Zato je bio tako uzrujan?
- Nisam predala obavijest Mariji.

13 - Imam vie odijela od tebe.
- Dobro, ali moja su ljepa od tvojih.

14 - Koju kuu voli vie?
- Vie volim stariju.

15 - On je paljiv voza, zar ne?
- Da, on je najpaljiviji voza kojeg sam ikada sreo.

16 - Kad je roendan tvog oca?
- etvrtog kolovoza.

17 - Petar stie slijedeeg ljeta a ja sam mislio da stie u jesen.

18 - Jesi li vidio Petra?
- itao je u knjinici kad sam ga zadnji puta vidio.

19 - Kada je poelo puhati?
- Poelo je upravo puhati kad sam zavrio sa poslom.


20 -Koliko dugo se poznajete?
-Poznajemo se od prole godine.
21 - Koliko si puta iao na taj ispit?
- Iao sam tri puta do sada.

22 - Je li ti dugo vremena trebalo da napravi projekt?
- Napravio sam ga za tri sata, nisam nikada prije tako brzo napravio projekt.

23 - On obino odsjeda u hotelu ali danas e odsjesti kod svog prijatelja.

24 - Zar si zaista bacio novine?
- To je bila pogreka. Shvatio sam to im sam ih bacio.

25 - Nikad te nisam vidio da igra ah.
- Ali ja esto igram ah. Pa juer sam ga igrao!

26 - Oni opet bue cestu. Nadam se da sutra nee vie buiti cestu.

27 - Radi li ve dugo svoje vlastito vino?
- Ne, upravo sam ga poeo raditi.

28 - Je li ih sreo na zabavi?
- Ne, vidio ih je prije nego to je otiao na zabavu.

29 - Jesu li polagali ispite?
- Da, jesu. Do sada su ih poloili osam.

30 - Vru si. to si radio?
- Trao sam.

31 - Koliko si projekata nacrtao?
- Kad napravim ovaj projekt biti e ih zajedno tri.

32 - Ja sam mu poslao mail.
- Nisi trebao! Ja sam mu ve poslala jedan.

33 - Je li uo istinu na sastanku?
- Ne, uo ju je prije nego je otiao na sastanak.

34 - Jo nisi popravio Nokia-u?
- Ne brini! Popravit u je do veeras.

35 - Koliko krumpira za olupit!
- Bojim se da je tako. Vjerojatno emo ih lupit cijeli dan.

36 - Ima li jo vijesti od Petra?
- Ne, dao sam ti sve vijesti koje postoje.

37 - Stefan me zove cijelo jutro.
- Ne pretjeruj! Zvao te je samo dva puta.

38 - Zato si vozio tako opasan auto?
- Nikad ga prije nisam vozio, pa nisam znao da je opasan.

39 - Sutra u ruati u kantini.
- Onda emo se vidjeti. I ja u ruati tamo takoer.

40 - Kada e imati vremena poslati estitke?
- Poslati u ih za vrijeme ruka.

41 - Jesi li ikad prije imao slinu nesreu?
- Nikad nisam imao niti jednu nesreu sve dok mi se nije dogodila ova.


1 - Did you behave rudely/badly at the theatre yesterday ? ( T) S/V/O/M/P/T

2 - Can you hear the radio now?
- Of course I can. I can hear it perfectly well.

3 - Who did you buy the book for? Tom or a friend of his? (one of his friends?)
- I bought it for Tom, of course.

4 - Do you ever go to the theatre?
- Yes, I do, I went to a drama last week.

5 - Have you seen the newest film yet ?
-Yes, I have, I have just seen it.

6 - Why don't you order the soup?
- Because I have already ordered it.

7 - Has the taxi arrived yet?
- Yes, it has just arrived. It arrived a minute ago.

8 - Have you ever received a reward?
- Yes, I received a reward many years ago.

9 - How did you hurt your foot?
- I hurt it while I was climbing.

10 - Where were you when the lights went off?
- I was having supper when the lights went off.

11 - What will you be doing at this time next week?
- I shall be skiing on Pohorje.

12 - Why was he so upset?
- I hadn't given Mary the note (or his message). OR ( I hadn't given the note to Mary.)

13 - I have more suits than you have.
- Well, mine are prettier than yours.

14 - Which house do you prefer?
- I prefer the older one.

15 - He is a very careful driver, isn't he?
- Yes, he is the most careful driver I've ever met.

16 - When's your father's birthday?
- It's on August 4th.

17 - Peter's arriving next summer and I thought he was arriving in the autumn.

18 - Have you seen Peter?
- He was reading in the library when I saw him last.

19 - When did it begin to get windy?
- It was just beginning to get windy when I finished work.

20 - How long have you known each other?
- We've known each other since last year.

21 - How many times have you taken the exams?
- I've taken them three times so far.

22 - Did it take long to design the project? -
- I designed it in three hours, I've never designed a project so quickly before.

23 - He usually stays at a hotel.
- Well, he's staying at (the house of) his friend today.

24 - Did you really throw away the papers?
- It was a mistake. I realized it as soon as (the moment) I had thrown them away

25 - I have never seen you play chess.
- But I often play chess! I was playing it only yesterday!

26 - They' re drilling the road again.
- I hope they won't still be drilling the road tomorrow.

27 - Have you been making your own vine for long?
- No, I've only just started making it.

28 - Did you meet them at the party?
- No, he had seen them before he went to the party.

29 - Have they been taking their exams?
- Yes, they have. They've taken eight of them so far.

30 - You look hot. What've you been doing?
- I've been running.

31 - How many projects have you designed now?
- When I've finished this one I'll have designed three altogether.

32 - I've sent him an e-mail.
- You needn't have done that. (You shouldn't have done that). I'd already sent him one.

33 - Did you hear the truth at the meeting?
- No, he'd heard it before he went to the meeting.

34 - You haven't repaired your Nokia yet?
- Don't worry! I'll have repaired it by midnight.

35 - What a lot of potatoes to peel!
- I'm afraid so. We'll probably be peeling them all day.

36 - Have you any more news of Peter?
- No, I've given you all the news there is.*

37 - Steven's been telephoning me all morning.
- Don't exaggarate! He's only telephoned you twice.

38 - Why did you drive a dangerous car like this?
- I'd never driven a car like this so I didn't know it was dangerous.

39 - I'll be having lunch at the canteen tomorrow.
- We'll be seeing us there. I'll be having lunch there, too.

40 - When will you have time to send the cards?
- I'll send them at lunch- time.

41 - Have you had an accident like this before?
- I'd never had an accident at all

Test 3.2

Translate into English the following dialogues using the proper present,
past and future tenses

1 - Jesi li juer ula dobar razgovor na radiju?

2 - Gdje je Petar?
- Bit e da jo spava.

3 - Kome si posudila novac? Petru ili njegovoj sestri?
- Posudila sam ga naravno njoj.

4 - to si juer donio Mariji?
- Donio sam joj ruu.

5 - Otiao je u Junu Ameriku. Nikada prije nije bio tamo, zar ne?

6 - Zato ne posjeti taj grad?
- Jer sam ga ve posjetio.

7 - Je li Marija nazvala?
- Da, upravo je nazvala. Nazvala je pred minutu.

8 - Jesi li se ikad penjao na planinu?
- Ne, ali sam se popeo na drvo kad sam bio dijete.

9 - Kako si sreo svoju suprugu?
- Sreli smo se dok smo bili u Rimu.

10 - Gdje si bio kad je dola susjeda?
- Kosio sam travu kad je dola susjeda.

11 - Vi ne elite jesti previe, zar ne?
- Ne brinite! Ne emo jesti puno.

12 - to e raditi slijedee godine u ovo vrijeme?
- Poet u raditi na fakultetu.

13 - Zato je bio tako ljut?
- Nisam mu pripremila ruak.

14 - Imam vie roaka od tebe.
- Dobro, ali moji su bogatiji nego tvoji.

15 - Koju haljinu vie voli?
- Volim vie duu.

16 - On je rano ranilac.
- Da, on se ujutro budi najranije od svih koje sam ikad sreo.

17 - Kad je roendan tvog strica?
- Dvanaestog svibnja.

18 - Oni stiu u subotu uveer a ja sam mislila da stiu u podne.

19 - Vi ste neko slikali portrete, zar ne?
- Da, ali sada slikam pejzae.


20 - Kada je poela padati kia?
- Poela je padati kia ba kad sam se vratio sa posla.

21 - Koliko dugo studira na ovom fakultetu?
- Studiram ovdje ve dvije godine.

22 - Koliko si puta sanjao taj san?
- Sanjao sam ga tri puta do sada.

23 - Je li ti je trebalo dugo da napravi taj posao?
- Napravio sam ga za tri sata, do sada nisam nikad prije tako brzo napravio posao.

24 - On obino putuje vlakom ali danas e putovati avionom.

25 - Zar si uistinu pustio van pse?
- To je bila greka. Shvatio sam to im sam ih pustio.

26 - Nikad te nisam vidio da nosi make-up.
- Ali ja esto nosim make-up. Pa juer sam nosila make-up.

27 - Ona ga opet eka. Nadam se da ga sutra vie nee ekati.

28 - Koristi li se dugo ovom bankom?
- Ne, upravo sam ju poela koristiti.

29 - Je li izgubio naoale u kazalitu?
- Ne, izgubio ih je prije nego to je otiao u kazalite.

30 - Jesu li posjeivali muzeje?
- Da, jesu. Do sada su ih ve pet posjetili.

31 - Mokar si. to si radio?
- etao sam po kii.

32 - Koliko ste sada napisali knjiga?
- Kad napiem ovu biti e sve zajedno pet knjiga koje sam napisao.

33 - Kupila sam ti novine.
- Nisi trebala. Ja sam ih ve kupio prije.

34 - Jo nisi prevela to pismo?
- Ne brini! Prevest u ga do veeras.

35 - Koliko testova za ispravit!
- Bojim se da je tako. Vjerojatno u ih ispravljati cijeli dan.

36 - Ima li jo informacija o nesrei?
- Ne, dala sam ti sve informacije koje postoje.

37 - Ona vie na mene cijelo jutro.
- Ne pretjeruj! Povikala je na tebe samo dva puta.

38 - Zato razgovara sa tako neuljudnim ljudima.
- Nisam s njima nikad prije razgovarao pa nisam znao da su neotesani.

39 - Sutra u ruati u kantini.
- Onda emo se vidjeti. I ja u ruati tamo takoer.

40 - Kada e imati vremena napraviti vjebe?
- Napravit u vjebe noas.

41 - Jesi li ikad prije koristio slian mobitel?
- Nikad nisam koristio nikakav mobitel sve dok nisam koristio ovaj!

1 - Did you hear a good talk on the radio yesterday? (T) S/V/O/M/P/T

2 - Where's Peter?
- I expect he is still sleeping.

3 - Who did you lend your money to? Peter or his sester?
- I lent it of course to her. (N.B. borrow from but lend, lent, lent to)

4 - What did you bring to Maria yesterday?
- I brought her a rose.

5 - He has gone to South America. He has never been there before, has he?

6 - Why don't you visit this town?
- Because I've already visited it.

7 - Has Maria telephoned?
- Yes, she has telephoned. She telephoned a minute ago.

8 - Have you ever ridden a donky?
- Yes, I rode one last week.

9 - How did you meet your wife?
- I met her while I was staying in Rome.
N.B I met her when I was in Rome.

10 - Where were you when your neighbour came?
- I was mowing the lawn.

11 - You won't eat too much, will you?
- Don't worry! We shan't eat much.

12 - What will you be doing this time next week?
- I'll be starting a job at the university.

13 - Why was he so angry?
- Because I hadn't prepared the lunch for him.

14 - I have more relatives than you have.
- Well, mine are richer than yours.

15 - Which dress do you prefer?
- I prefer the longer one.

16 - He is an early riser.
- Yes, he is the earliest riser I've ever met.

17 - When is the birthrate of your uncle?
- On July 12th.

18 - They're arriving on Saturday evening and I thought they were arriving at midday.

19 - You once painted portraits, didn't you?
- Yes, but I'm painting landscapes now.

20 - When did it begin to rain?
- It was just beginning to rain when I returned from work.


21 - How long have you been studying at this university?
- I have been studying here for two years

22 - How many times have you dreamed this dream?
- I have dreamed it twice so far.

23 - Did it take you long to finish this job (to do this job)?
- I did it in three hours, I've never done a job so quickly before.

24 - He usually travels by train, but he's travelling by plane today.

25 - Did you really let out the dogs?
- It was a mistake. I realized it as soon as (the moment)I'd let them out.

26 - I have never seen you wear make-up.
- But I often wear make-up. I was wearing it only yesterday

27 - She's waiting for him again.
- I hope she won't still be waiting for him tomorrow.

28 - Have you been using this bank long?
- No, I've only just started using it.

29 - Did he lose his glasses at the theatre?
- No, he had (he'd) lost them before he went to the theatre.

30 - Have they been visiting museums?
- Yes, they have. They have visited five of them so far.

31 - You look wet. What have you been doing?
- I have been walking in the rain.

32 - How many books have you written now?
- When I have written this one I'll have written five books together.

33 - I've bought you the newspapers.
- You needn't have done that. (You shouldn't have done that).
I'd already bought one.

34 - You haven't translated this letter yet?
- Don't worry! I'll have translated it by this evening.

35 - What a lot of tests to correct!
- I'm afraid so. I'll probably be correcting them all day.

36 - Have you any more information on accident?
- No, I've given you all the information there is.*

37 - She has been yelling (shouting) at me all morning.
- Don't exaggerate! She's yelled (shouted) at you only twice.

38 - Why did you speak to such rude people?
- I hadn't spoken to them before, so I didn't know they were rude.

9 - I'll be having lunch at the canteen tomorrow.
- We'll be seeing us then I'll be having lunch there, too.

40 - When will you have time to do your exercises?
- 'll do them tonight.


41 - Have you had a mobile like this before?
- I'd never had a mobile at all until I had this one.

* N. B.

Have you any more news of John?
No, Ive given you all the news there is.

Have you any more work, mending to give me?
No, Ive given you all the work/ mending there is.

Have you any more proof/ evidence of his guilt?
No, Ive given you all the proof/evidence of his guilt there is.

Have you any more information about the accident?
No, Ive given you all the information there is.

Have you any more washing/ironing to be done?
No, Ive given you all the washing/ironing there is.

All the news that there is = the noun is defined by a relative clause and note the omission of that

IV. Role-play. Read the texts, underline or give the correct form of the
verbs and retell the stories without making mistakes

4.1 Out of the Darkness
Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened/ happened
to her. One afternoon she set out/had set out from the coast in a small boat and was
caught/has been caught in a storm. Towards evening, the boat struck/had struck a rock
and the girl jumped/was jumping into the sea. Then she swam/was swimming to the
shore after having spent/spending the whole night in the water. During that time she had
covered/covered a distance of eight miles. Early next morning, she saw/ has seen a light
ahead. She knew/has known she was near the shore because the light was high up on
the cliffs. On arriving at the shore, the girl struggled/was struggling up the cliff towards
the light she had seen/saw. That was all she remembered. When she woke up/had
woken up a day later, she found herself in hospital.

4.2 The Mediterranean Games
The Mediterranean Games .. (hold) in our country in four
yearstime. As a great many people . (visit) the country, the
government . (build) new hotels, an immense stadium, and
a fine new swimming pool. The Games .. (hold) just outside the
capital. Workers . (complete) the new roads by the end of this
year. By the end of next year, they .. (finish) work on the new
stadium. The fine modern buildings . (design) by our architects.
Everybody . (watch) anxiously as the new buildings go
up. We are all very excited and . (look) forward to the
Games because they (never hold) before in this


4.3 Food and Talk
Last week at a dinner-party, the hostess asked me to sit next to Mrs Rumbold, a large,
unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside
her. Her eyes were fixed on her plate and in a short time, she was
busy eating. I tried to make conversation.
A new play .. (come) to the Cinemastar soon, I said
. (you see?) it?
No, she answered.
.. (you spend ?) your holidays abroad this
year? I asked.
No, she answered.
.. (you stay?) in Croatia? I asked.
No, she answered.
In despair, I asked her whether she was enjoying her dinner.
Young man, she answered, if you .. (eat) more and (talk) less,
we would both enjoy our dinner!


5.1 But Not Murder
I (test) for a driving license for the third time. I
(ask) to drive in heavy traffic and had done so successfully. After
.. (have/instruct) to drive out of town, I began to acquire
confidence. Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test. The examiner
(must/please) with my performance, for he smiled and said, !Just one more thing, Mr
Petrovich. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you. As soon
as I tap on the window, I want the car to .... (stop) immediately.
I continued driving and after some time, the examiner tapped loudly. Though the sound
.... (could/hear) clearly, it took me a long time to react. I
suddenly pressed the brake hard and we both ......... .. (throw)

6.1 Journey to the Centre of the Earth

One hundred and thirty years ago, Jules Verne sent ..... characters in his famous novel on
..... epic journey down ..... tunnels, through ..... passages and across ..... vast subterranean
sea towards ..... Earths core. Their adventures and discoveries were as vivid as their
authors imagination.
Such ..... science fiction is now ..... science fact, but ..... todays scientists use .....
instruments to probe ..... depths of ..... planet. We can set out on ..... new Journey to .....
Centre of ..... Earth, but beginning this time from ..... point in ..... space.
With ..... rockets and ..... radar we can probe ..... boundaries of ..... terrestrial influence:
where ..... Earths magnetic field begins to deflect ..... wind of ..... particles from ..... sun;
where ..... atmosphere begins; where ..... air is ionised to relay our radio programmes over
..... horizon; and where ..... rarified ozone protects us from ..... ultraviolet radiation.
Descending through ..... clouds we encounter first not ..... bedrock (i.e., the main stretch of
solid rock in the ground supporting all the soil above it) but ..... fragile veil of ..... life across
its surface, and ..... mysterious depths of ..... oceans. Only then do we go underground, to
..... remains of ..... dinosaurs, ..... roots of ..... volcanoes, ..... seats of ..... earthquakes and
..... cores white heat.


(25 points)

Early to bed, early to rise,
makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.

The early bird catches the worm.

Dont put off for tomorrow what you can do today.

A stich in time saves nine.

Make hay while the sun shines.


I. Grammar Revision (20 points)

1. Translate into English,
2. Translate into Croatian,
3. Fill in the proper tense,
4. Fill in the proper articles,
5. Write plural forms of nouns
6. Write modal forms.

Tenses Revision:
Present Simple and Present Continous, Past
Simple and Past Continous, Present Perfet
Simple and Continous, Past Perfect Simple
and Continous,
Nouns, Articles and Modals

II. Write an abstract (5 points)


Write an abstract of the following text

The first inspections of the turbine runners at the Aswan High dam power station in
Egypt, after the machines had been in operation for several thousands of hours, revealed
fatigue cracking. This article describes investigations into the phenomenon and a
subsequent repair programme carried out by a French company, which gave an
extended life to the runners.
The Aswan High dam was built between 1960 and 1970. It is a gravity dam, with
a height of 111 m above its foundations and a length of 3830 m at the top. The
stored water extends 500 km upstream, with a possible capacity of 140 x 10
that is approximately twice the average yearly flow of the Nile. The
hydroelectric power station built on the right bank, is equipped with 12
Francis turbines, each having an output of 180 MW. The energy thus produced,
transmitted to Cairo by two 500 kV lines, represents an important asset. In 1982,
the power station produced 8.6 TWh that is approximately 37 per cent of
Egypt's total electricity consumption.
The main component of each turbine is the Francis runner, with a weight of 140
t and a diameter of 7 m. The 14 blades of each runner were welded in the workshop
onto the ring and the upper crown (external diameter 7.2 m); all the components are
made of 13 per cent chrome and low carbon cast steel.
The first inspections, carried out after several thousand working hours, led to the
detection of fatigue cracks affecting most of the blades and starting at the trailing edge.
This part is very thin (1015 mm) for a length of approximately 7 m. Consequently,
there is a risk of vibration and the slightest weakness (such as a scratch or a welding
point) can lead to the start of progressive cracking.
Soviet technicians tried to stop the crack phenomenon by increasing the thickness of the
blades at the ring and crown joints, using welded reinforcements of austenitic steel. This
work was, however, carried out in difficult conditions by poorly equipped welders. The
large number of welding defects to be found in these reinforcements, where high residual
stresses existed, represented new sources from which cracking would inevitably
continue to develop. In view of this unsatisfactory result, The Egyptian Electricity
Authority (EEA) referred the problem to international experts whose conclusions
ranged from simply replacing the runners to carrying out repairs without any
guarantee, the latter requiring the runners to be dismantled. At the beginning of 1980,
the problem was referred to Elec-tricite de France (EDF).

Non-destructive tests (gamma ray, ultrasonic and dye penetrant made it possible to
locate and measure the extent of the cracking, which in some cases was as long as several
tens of centimetres. Metallurgical examinations showed that they were fatigue cracks
which had developed from numerous flaws in the reinforced areas. Measurements
confirmed the existence of high residual stress in and near the area reinforced with
austenitic steel.
A series of stress measurements by radio-transmission in the area of the joint of the
trailing edge and the upper crown led to the discovery of quite high average stress levels
(250 MPa); in addition to these, there were vibration stresses with a maximum
amplitude from crest to crest of 66 MPa. These values were recorded during operation at
full power, and no particular vibration regime was established.

The report was sent to EEA by EDF at the end of 1980. It concluded that: it should be
possible to stop the systematic cracking phenomenon by removing the faulty
reinforced areas, repairing the cracks and incorporating a suitable design (thickness and
shape) of the areas subject to the highest stress.
Repair proposal
At the request of EEA, a proposal was put forward by EDF for the repairs to the
runners without dismantling them, a solution which particularly interested the
operating staff. The proposal suggested the following processes:
carrying out non-destructive tests (gamma ray and dye penetrant) to locate the
cutting out, by arc-air, a triangular piece on each blade at the connecting area of the
trailing edge and the upper crown;
eliminating the cracks and all defects by arc-air and grinding (in several places
the cracks had progressed into the upper crown, and large cavities were necessary);
filling the cavities by a suitable welding technique, namely:
(1) buttering after pre-heating the base metal to 150C with Molinox austenitic-
ferritic electrodes (20 per cent Cr, 10 per cent Ni, 3 per cent Mo); and
(2) filling with martensitic OK 68-37 electrodes (17 per cent Cr, 4 per cent Ni) with
strict maintenance of a temperature of 100C between the layers, so as to
minimise any risk of cracking in the welds;
installing on each blade a triangular piece of 17/4 cast steel with a shape and
dimensions specially designed to withstand incipient fatigue cracking. The welding
technique used was perfected after workshop and laboratory
trials; and,
after joint grinding, applying a hammer peening treatment to the joining area of the
upper crown and trailing edge. This surface treatment was to improve the resistance
to fatigue and was carried out by equipment specially developed for the purpose.
(From INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER AND DAM CONSTRUCTION by J. P. Baetz and H. Waldura, August 1985)




Section 1

Isaac Newton and his


Paraphrase and discuss these citations:

To begin with, we may investigate the forces of
nature, and from these forces demonstrate the other

the whole burden of philosophy seems to
consist in this, from the phenomena of motions to
investigate the forces of nature, and from these forces
to demonstrate the other phenomena.


Genius is one percent inspiration
and ninty-one percent perspiration .

Great minds think alike.



Isaac Newton the Scientist His Contributions to Science

Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist who has ever lived.
It is, in fact, generally accepted that he is probably the greatest
scientist who ever will live, since no one, no matter how brilliant,
will again be in such a unique historical position.

His most famous work, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
Mathematica, was published in 1687. His discoveries span all
aspects of the physical world with special emphasis on
experimental and theoretical physics and chemistry and on
applied mathematics. He invented virtually the entire science
of mechanics and most of the science of optics. During this
work, he invented such mathematics as he needed or as
interested him including the discipline known as calculus.

Isaac Newton the Scientist Discoveries and Inventions

Isaac Newton was both an experimental and theoretical scientist.
He personally constructed the models and machinery with which
he carried out extensive experiments in chemistry and physics.
For example, when he invented the reflecting telescope, he first
built a brick oven. In that oven he carried out metallurgical
experiments to formulate the composition of the mirror. He then
made the mirror with which he constructed the telescope.

Of unequaled mental ability during his entire adult life until his
death at age 85, Newton's powers are legendary. It is often told,
for example, how later in his life a problem in mathematical
physics posed by the great mathematician Bernoulli, was
forwarded to Newton from the Royal Society.
The problem, to determine the curve of minimum time for a
heavy particle to move downward between two given points,
had baffled the famous 18th Century mathematicians of Europe
for over six months. Receiving the problem in the afternoon,
Newton solved it before going to bed. Although the solution
was sent to Bernoulli anonymously, he is said to have exclaimed
upon reading it, "tanquam ex ungue leonem as the lion is
known by its claw" in reference to his recognizing Newton's


Section 1
Core Text 1

The science of mechanics has as its object the study of the motions of material bodies, and its aim
is to describe the facts concerning these motions in the simplest way. From this description of
observed facts, generalizations can be formulated which permit valid predictions as to the behavior
of other bodies. The motions occurring in nature are the result of interactions between the various
bodies which make up the system under consideration. That portion of the subject of mechanics
which describes the motion of bodies, without reference to the causes of the motion, is called
kinematics, while that portion which studies the relationship between the mutual influences and
the resulting motion is called kinetics. These two subjects are usually combined under the name
The Laws of Motion. The principles of dynamics are founded upon extensive experimental
investigations. The first noteworthy experiments were performed by Galileo (1564-1642). Other
investigators followed Galileo, among them being Newton (1642-1727), who, after carrying out a
large number of experiments, formulated the statements which are now known as Newton's
Laws of Motion:
(1) Every body persists in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line, except in
so far as it may be compelled by force to change that state.
(2) The time rate of change of momentum is equal to the force producing it, and the
changes take place in the direction in which the force is acting
F = (mv); or, for constant m, F = ma; m = F/a kg or Ns/m *
(3) To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, or the mutual actions of any two
bodies are always equal oppositely directed.
These statements are interpreted as summing up the results of experimental investigations, and
their validity rests upon the fact that all observations subsequent to Newton's time are in
agreement with them. The study of Dynamics consists of the development of techniques for
interpreting the Laws of Motion, and of an understanding of the physical significance of the
properties of motion.
Force and Mass. The primary objective of the science of mechanics is the study of the interactions
which occur between material bodies. These interactions are of various types and might be, for
example, impacts, electrical or gravitational attractions, mechanical linkages, etc. Experience
shows that during these interactions the velocities of the interacting bodies are changed.
We define force, by Newton's first law, as an action which tends to change the motion
of a body. The fact that forces arise from mutual interactions and thus occur in equal and
opposite pairs forms the empirical content of Newton's third law. The concept of force
is made quantitatively precise by the definition that a unit force produces a unit
acceleration of a specified standard body.

* Read as follows: derivative of m times v with respect to t; or for constant m, F is directly
proportinal to m times a; whereas m is inversely proportional to a.


The mass of a body may now be defined by Newton' s second law as the ratio of
the force acting on the body to the resulting acceleration.
The force exerted upon a body by the earth's gravitational field is called the weight of the
body. The weight of a body is thus variable, depending upon the location of the body
wi t h r espect t o t he eart h. The magni t ude of t he earth's gravitational field is
specified by the acceleration of gravity* (g) which is the acceleration of an otherwise
unrestrained body attracted to the earth.
The gravitational acceleration has been determined experimentally and is given at a
latitude and by the empirical formula:
g = 9,780318 [1 + 0,0053024 sin
-0,0000059 sin
(2)] m/s

*The terms gravity and gravitation are mostly interchangeable in every day use, but a distinction may be
made in scientific usage. Gravitation is a general term describing the phenomenon responsible for
keeping the Earth and other planets in their orbits around the Sun, whereas gravitiy is the theoretical force
responsible for the apparent attraction between a mass and the Earth.

(From APPLIED MECHANICS, DYNAMICS by G. W. Housner, D. E. Hudson D.
Van Nostrand Company, inc., New York 1950)

1 Antonyms

with respect to, without regard/respect to
regarding/concerning regardless of
with reference to without reference to
referring to without referring to, consideration of
in/with relation to/related to without relation to
to be in a state of rest, at rest to be in a state of motion, in motion
directly proportional inversely proportional, reciprocal of
uniform motion non-uniform motion
attractions repulsions

2 How Gravity Works



1.1 Use the information from the text "The General Principles of Dynamics" to
complete the statements.
1. We define force, by Newton's ................................ .as an action which . ..
the motion of a body.
2. The science of mechanics has as its .................... the study of the
..... of material .
3. The principles of dynamics .......................... . . extensive
experimental ......................................................... .
4. Newton, ............................................... . a large number of
experiments, formulated the. which are now known as .
5. That portion of the ..................... . of mechanics which describes the . .
of bodies, without reference to the ... of the motion is called
6. The mass of a body may ......................................... by Newton's second law as
the of the force acting on the body to the
7. The motions . in nature are the result of ...........................
between the . bodies.
8. The first ............................... .. experiments .............. . by
. .

4.1 Write a summary of the text "The General Principles of Dynamics".



4. 2 In your own words try also to summarize the differences between the three
laws of motion which Newton defined.
The first law states that

The second law states that

The third law states that

4.3 Listening Comprehension
Why do we weigh less at the equator?
When we stand on a scale, we push down on it, and by Newtons third law, the scale
pushes back up on you. The number the scale gives for our weight is actually the force that
the scale is pushing up with.
If we werent accelerating, the net force on us would be zero, and the scale force would
exactly balance the force of gravitiy. But at the equator (or anywhere but at the North or
South Pole), you are in circular motion because Earth is rotating. There must be a net force
toward the center of that circular path. At the equator, the center of our circular path is
Earths center, and the direction toward that center is downward. In order that there be a
downward force on us, the force of gravity must be stronger than the scale force; thus, the
scale reads less than it would be at the pole (or elsewhere on Earth), and we weigh less.
Actually, we do not weigh less; weight is the force gravity exerts on us, and that stays the
same. But our apparent weight changes.

4.4. Cover up the text you have just read or listened to and write down what you
have read or heard. Then check your listening comprehension.


5.1 Match the terms below with their definitions:
a) acceleration 1.Anything that tends to change the state of
a body with respect to motion or the relative position
of the molecules composing the body.
b) dynamics
2. The inert material or matter composing a body.

c) force 3. The sci ence deal i ng wi t h t he effect of

forces upon t he form or motion of bodies.

d) kinematics 4. The science dealing with the motions of bodies
and systems without regard to the forces producing the
e) mass motions.

5. The subdi vi si on of mechani cs t hat deal s
f) mechani cs wi t h forces whi ch produce a change i n t he
motion of the body upon which they act.

g) mo me n t u m 6. The moment um of a movi ng body at any
i nst ant i s t he pr oduct of t he mass of t he body and
its velocity at the instant.

7. The rate at which velocity changes.

6 Speed and Velocity
The speed of a train is the distance it is travelling per unit of time. Its speed in a given
direction is called its velocity. If the velocity of the train changes with time, the train is said to
undergo acceleration or deceleration. The speed of an object is the rate of motion of the
object, or the rate at which the object changes its position. It is usually expressed as the distance
d travelled by the object per unit of time t. Speed is a scalar quantityit indicates how fast the
object is travelling, but not the direction in which it is travelling. Vehicles often have a
speedometer to measure their speed. When an object (such as an aircraft) is moving horizontally
as well as vertically, a distinction is made between its "forward speed" and its "climbing speed."

The term velocity on the other hand, is used when one combines the speed of a moving object
with the direction in which it is moving. Thus, velocity is a vector quantity, and speed may be
regarded as the magnitude component of velocity. For example, the phrase "five meters per
second" indicates the speed of the object, whereas the phrase "five meters per second east"
indicates the velocity of the object.

The term rate is used for a certain quantity or amount of one thing considered in relation
to unit of another thing and used as a standard or measure: at the rate of 60 miles an hour.

Measurement of speed and velocity

The speed or velocity of an object is calculated by a simple mathematical formula:



The average velocity (v) of an object moving, where d is the distance moved by the object (or
its "displacement") and t is the time it takes to move through that distance.
Both speed and velocity are measured in the same physical units, but speed does not contain the
element of direction that velocity has.

time rate koliina, brzina u jedinici vremena
at the rate of brzinom od
conversion rate brzina pretvaranja
reading rate brzina oitovanja
rating nazivna vrijednost

6. 1 Cover up the text you have just read or listened to and write down
what you have read or heard. Then check your dictation.





6. 2 Translate into English

Speed i velocity obino imaju isto znaenje. U fizici, speed i velocity imaju
odreena razliita znaenja. Speed jednog predmeta pokazuje kako se ono brzo
kree, t.j. udaljenost koju e predmet prijei u dato vrijeme. Ona nam meutim
nita ne kazuje o smjeru u kojem se predmet kree. Speed je skalarna kvantiteta
koja se odnosi na kako se brzo jedan objekt kree.

Kvantiteta u fizici koja kombinira brzinu tijela sa smjerom u kojem se kree
naziva se velocity. Velocity se definira kao relativna brzina (rate) premijetanja
sa mjesta, t.j. relativna brzina gibanja u posebnom smjeru.
Velocity je kvantiteta vektora koja se odnosi na brzinu kojom jedan objekt
mijenja poziciju.


6.3 Correct your translation

Speed and velocity are commonly given the same meaning. In physic s, speed and
velocity have definite separate meanings. The speed of an object indicates how fast it is
moving, that is, the distance the object will travel at a given time. It tells us nothing,
however, about the direction in which the object is moving. Speed is a scalar quantity that
refers to "how fast an object is moving

The quantity of physics which combines the speed of a body with the direction in which
it moves is called velocity. Velocity is defined as the rate of displacement, that is, the
rate of motion in a particular direction. Velocity is a vector quantity that refers to the
rate at which an object changes position.

6.4 Write singular forms of the following nouns:

axes data
formulamaxima media
phenomena criteria
bacteria strata
appendices trapezia

6.5 Write plural forms of the following nouns:

radius bacillus
stimulus nucleus
erratum curriculum
quantum abscissa
matrix analysis
basis crisis
diagnosis ellipsis
hypothes oasis
parenthesis thesis
formula (mathematical term)
formula (general term)
minimum (two plural forms)
maximum (two plural forms)
genius (two plural forms)

6. 6 Write the verb and adjective form of the following nouns:

variability, prediction,
result, validity,
acceleration, act,
behaviour, cause,
change, definition,
form, investigation,
motion, occurance,
performance, precision



verb forms: vary, predict, result, validate, accelerate, act, behave, cause, change,
define, form, investigate, move, occur, perform, state precisely
adjective forms: variable, predictive, resultative, valid, accelerative, active, behavioral,
causative, changeable, definite, formal, investigative, motional, occurent, performable, precise

7 CODE TRANSFER (English - Croatian)
7.1 Find the appropriate expressions in Croatian.
resulting acceleration ..
earth's gravitational field
applied mechanics .....................................................
observed facts ................................................... .
valid predictions ................................................... .
extensive experimental investigations
uniform motion .................................................... .
mutual actions ....................................................
electrical attraction ..................................................... ..
mechanical linkage .....................................................
interacting bodies ........................................................
specified standard body
unit force ...................................................... ..
gravitationa acceleration
velocity ....................................................... ..
time rate
directly proportional
inversely proportional
noteworthy experiments .

7.2 Are the nouns below in plural or singular form?
mathematics .................................... gymnastics ..
dynamics .................................... acoustics .
kinetics .............................................. ethics ..
physics ............................................... statistics ..


7.3 Complete the table

Noun Verb Adjective

7.4 Explain the following logic elements:

Proposition (pouak) is a statement which is capable of being believed or doubted, it
is an expression which is either true or false.

Statement (tvrdnja) is a sentence of a judgement, of presenting on paper.

Postulate (postulat, osnovna postavka) is a proposition which is taken for granted, or
put forth as axiomatic.


Principle (pouak) is a fundamental and general truth or a comprehensive law or
doctrine, from which others are derived; a principle ascertained by experience is a
generalization grounded on experience. E.g. Principle of the Conservation of Energy.

Axiom (aksiom) is an accepted maxim. It is axiomatic means that it is clear and
evident without needing to be proved.

Law (zakon) is an observed regularity in nature, the rule or formula according to
which anything comes into being. Newton's Laws, Lenz's Law.

7.5 Translate into English.

Te tri tvrdnje Newtonovog zakona interpretiraju se kao rezimiranje rezultata
eksperimentalnih istraivanja a njihova se valjanost zasniva na injenici da su sva
promatranja nakon Newtonovog vremena u skladu sa njima.
Studij dinamike se bavi razvojem naina interpretiranja Zakona Gibanja i
rarumijevanjem fizikog smisla karakteristika gibanja.

. ....................................................................................................................................

Correct your translation
These three statements of Newtons Law are interpreted as summing up the results of experimental
investigations, and their validity rests upon the fact that all observations subsequent to Newton's
time are in agreement with them.
The study of Dynamics consists of the development of techniques for interpreting the Laws of Motion,
and of an understanding of the physical significance of the properties of motion.


To prevent your car from spinning out of control on an icy roadway, you steer into a skid.
But how far and how fast a turn of the wheel is just right?

The question is more than theoretical in areas like the section of western New York just off
the Great Lakes. Buffalo, for instance, which sits on Lake Erie, averages more than 90 inches
of snowfall every year.

So it's appropriate that a group of mechanical engineers from the University at Buffalo has
set out to study winter driving, in the hope that they can develop new technologies to help
drivers steer safely through ice and snow.

Many drivers instinctively know that turning the steering wheel toward a skid can help
prevent a spinout, but the real trick to stabilizing a car is knowing how much and how fast to
turn the wheel and when to turn the wheel back, said Tarunraj Singh, an associate professor
of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Road conditions and the car's speed, tires, and
weight are important factors when stabilizing a skidding car. It's really impossible for drivers
to know how to react safely in every situation, given all these variables, Singh, an ASME
member, said.

He and a group of fellow researchers are studying winterweather questions using a virtual
reality simulator operated by human subjects.

The goal is to create tools and strategies that enhance the ability of a driver to cope with
inclement conditions, Singh said. Technology can supplement the natural instincs of
drivers, helping them take corrective action and stabilize their cars in worst-case scenarios.

In the university's virtual reality laboratory, drivers at the wheel of the simulator are
confronted with various driving conditions such as icy roads, poor visibility, inappropriate
speed, and locked brakes that, together or alone, might lead to a spin-out. A controller
developed by Singh and his team monitors the vehicle's slip angle as well as the driver's
reactions to various driving conditions.

As drivers in the simulator were confronted with spinout conditions, they were provided cues
to guide their maneuvers and help them stabilize the simulated car.

These cues in the form of audio tones and blinking lights instructed the driver on how
quickly to turn the wheel and in which direction.

The audio cues were particularly effective in helping drivers stabilize the car, even during
the most severe driving conditions, according to Singh.

With the audio cues, every driver we tested was able to stabilize the car with no problem,
he said. The visual cues proved less effective, possibly because the driver was overloaded
with other visual cues from the roadway and dashboard.
Based on the results, Singh and his co-researchers are considering the question of whether
cars could be equipped with alarms that alert and guide drivers when their car is in danger of
spinning out. And the researchers soon will begin testing the effectiveness of tactile cues,
such as a vibrating steering wheel, which would tell drivers what direcion to turn the wheel
to stabilize the car.

Tactile cues may be more effective than audio cues, and they also may be more acceptable
to the driver, Singh explained. Many drivers would be embarrassed if an alarm sounded
while they're driving especially if they have a passenger with them. The implication would
be that they're a bad driver because they put the car in a dangerous situation.

As Singh put it, It's very important to consider human factors when testing the effectiveness
of these technologies.
By Jean Thilmany taken from Mechanical Engineering, April 2005



8.1 The essential idea of the text:

Mechanical engineers hope to isolate the best winter driving techniques by studying
people while they operate a virtual-reality driving simulator; Moreover, researchers
are creating technology to help drivers take correct action and answer the question
in which direction one turns the steering wheel during a skid.

8.2 Vocabulary

to spin out of control to cause (wheels of a vehicle) to rotate freely and swiftly
without traction, as on ice or in sand
spin out conditions
steer into a skid
skid a sliding drag used to check the motion of a vehicle by
pressure against a wheel proklizavanje
locked brakes brakes which have become locked, fixed, immovable
skiddy having a slippery surface on which vehicles are liable to skid
inclement conditions (of the weather) severe, harsh, stormy, otri
cue to give one the cue , uputu za postupak
to alert to warn to be ready or watchful
audio cues of frequencies corresponding to sound waves hat can
usually be heard by the human ear
tactile cues perceived by the touch; tangible

8.3 Synonymous expressions

to skid to cause (a wheel, vehicle, etc) to slide or slip sideways and out of control
of a vehicle when not gripping an icy road, to slide sharply downward.
to slide implies easy movement, as over a smooth surface, and usually suggests
continuous contact with it (to slide on ice)
to slip more often implies that the surface is frictionless and the contact not
continuos, therefore suggesting an involuntary movement or an accident (to slip and
fall on the ice)
to glide suggests a flowing, smooth, easy, usually silent movement and continuous
or intermittent contact with a surface (gliding dancers)

8.4 Insert the following English equivalents into the wordlist:

steer safely, steer away, steer clear of, steering wheel, spin out of control, steer
into a skid, slip angle, skid, alert, to give one the cue

upravljati skrenuti
izbjei volan
izmaknuti se kontroli
proklizavanje skliznue, kut skliznua
dovesti u stanje pripravnost dati savjet, mig


8.5 Put questions and answer them a Role-Play

1 How can you prevent your car from spinning out of control on an icy roadway?

2 How far and how fast a turn of the wheel is just right?

3 For which areas must these questions be taken into consideration?

4 Why have mechanical engineers and researchers set out to develop new technologies?

5 What is the real trick to stabilizing a car?

6 What factors must be considered when stabilizing a skidding car?

7 Why is it almost impossible for drivers to know how to react safely in every situation?

8 How can winterweather questions be answered and studied?

9 What is the goal of creating a virtual reality simulator?

10 Can technology really supplement the natural instincts of drivers?

11 Can technology help drivers take corrective measures and stabilize their cars in worst-
case scenarios?

12 What conditions can drivers be confronted with in virtual reality laboratories?

13 What do researchers and controllers monitor?

14 Are drivers provided cues to guide their maneuvers?

15 What do audio cues instruct the driver and when are they effective and when less

16 What could be said on effectiveness of tactile cues and audio cues?

17 Are human factors important when testing the effectiveness of new technologies?


............................................... ..............................................................................



Section 1
Fourier - Additional Reading

Section 2
Mathematical Expressions

Section 3
Additional reading

Like father, like son.

Blood is thicker than water.

Is this mathematican the true father of modern engineering?
By Eugene F. Adiutori

oncepts that engi-
neers use ever y
dayas fundamental
as the homogeneity of
equations and the heat transfer
coefficientwere pioneered by
a French thinker who died in
1830. His name was Joseph
Fourier. He is better known
for his career in mathematics,
but his contributions to
engineering science are so
important that a case can be
made for calling him the father
of modern engineering.
Fourier's contributions to engineering
science, many of which were presented in his
1822 book, The Analytical Theory of Heat,
include the original view of dimensional
homogeneity. The heat transfer science it
presented has been handed down to us
virtually unchanged, and has served as a
model for other branches of engineering.
The book also presented his concept of
"flux" (that is, a flow of something per unit
area and time), his view of homogeneity, and
his original methods for solving engineering
problems, all of which are used today in
many branches of engineering and science.
In short, this treatise by Fourier
presented the groundwork, as well as
some of the finish work, for modern
engineering. Fourier conceived the view
that scientifically rigorous equations must be
dimensionally identicalthat is, each term
in an equation must have the same
dimension. For example, if the left side of an
equation is pounds per cubic foot, the
dimension of the right side must also be
pounds per cubic foot. If the left side is
measured in pounds per cubic foot and the
right side feet per second, the equation is
Fourier's view of homogeneity is now
considered almost self-evident, but in the
early 19th century, it was revolutionary. It
required the multiplication and division of
dimensions -mathematical operations that
had been deemed irrational for more than

2,000 years. For example, Hooke'
s law says that stress is proportional
to strain.
Newton's second law holds that the
change of motion is proportional to the
impressed force.
But Fourier was not satisfied with
proportional expressions. He wanted to
arrive at laws in the form of equations
that could be used quantitatively to
describe and predict natural behavior,
specifically of heat transfer. To do it,
Fourier had to create a new kind of
During his years at Grenoble, he conducted heat
transfer experiments. In the manner of his
predecessors, he could have considered his
work finished when he observed that
convective heat flux is proportional to tem-
perature difference and that conductive heat
flux is proportional to temperature gradient.
Neither expression will yield a homogeneous
The proportional expression for convective
heat transfer is q
a T, where a is a pure
number generally referred to as the constant of
proportionality. Fourier would not accept that
as a law because q and T have different
dimensions: The left side is energy flow per unit
time and area, and the right side is temperature.
He solved the dilemma by stating that a is a
parameter with the same dimension as q/T,
which makes the equation homogeneous.
Rather than retain a generic name and symbol
for the new parameter, he called it "heat
transfer coefficient" and gave it the symbol h.
The end result is Fourier's law of convective
heat transfer, q
h T. (American heat
transfer texts call this equation "Newton's law
of cooling," but it should be attributed to
By a similar process, Fourier arrived at the law
of conductive heat transfer, q
j k dT/dx,
where the constant of proportionality has been
assigned the name "thermal conductivity," the
symbol k, and the same dimension as q/(dT/dx).
Fourier's view of homogeneity makes it
necessary to create parameters such as
resistances and coefficients because without
them, engineering phenomena cannot be

Joseph Fourier


described by homogeneous equations.
Engineering phenomena are cause-and-
effect processes: electromotive force causes
electric current; temperature difference causes
heat flux; stress causes strain.
Because cause and effect generally have
different dimensions, a third parameter is
necessary to obtain a homogeneous equation.
Ohm's law underwent a transformation from its
original form to make it homogeneous. Georg
Ohm published his treatise, The Galvanic
Circuit Investigated Mathematically, in 1827.
He originally expressed his famous law as:
"The force of the current in a galvanic circuit is
directly as the sum of all the tensions, and
inversely as the entire reduced length of the
circuit." Reduced length is the equivalent
length of a copper wire of a standard diameter.
As an equation, it was I = E/L, which does
not conform to Fourier's view of
homogeneity. To render it homogeneous, a
parameter was later assigned the dimension
"ohm" (a synonym for volts per ampere), and
it is now called "electrical resistance." The
homogeneous form of the equation is E - IR.
Hooke's law, that "stress is proportional to strain,"
also was transformed into a homogeneous
equation in the manner pioneered by Fourier.
It was stated that the proportionality constant
between stress and strain was a parameter.
The parameter was assigned the same dimension
as stress, since that would make the equation
homogeneous. "This parameter is now called
"material modulus." The homogeneous equation
based on Hooke's law is called "Young's law.
Fourier's contemporaries forestalled the general
publication of his work for 15 years while they
claimed to find fault with it. For example,
they strongly objected to his concept of flux, a
concept that now seems so simple and
straightforward as to border on the obvious.
They ultimately accepted his revolutionary
view of homogeneity, solely because he was
able to solve many practical and theoretical
problems that had never been solved. He
attributed his success to the homogeneity in
his equations.
Is this French mathematician the true father of
modern engineering?

Editor's Note: A fuller discussion of Fourier, on which this
article is based, is available at
Eugene F. Adiutori is the author of The New Heat Transfer, which
was published in the 1970s in English and Russian. His article, "Ori-
gins of the Heat Transfer Coefficient," appeared in Mechanical Engi-
neering magazine in August 1990.

30 August 2005 mechanical engineering

homogeneity, composition from like parts
homogeneous and heterogeneous
homogeneous - composed of parts all of
the same kind or nature; essentially alike
not heterogeneous;
heat transfer coefficient - koeficient
pretvorbe topline
a case could be made that he is a father
mogli bi dokazati da je on otac moderne
to have a strong case imati jake
treatise rasprava
virtually- for the most part; almost wholly;
hand down transmit
flux - tok
conceive to form a notion, opinion
rational and irrational
deem judge, regarded as
stress - naprezanje
strain- napetost
predecessor- prethodnik

convection Physics, the transfer of heat by
the circulation or movement of the heated
parts of a liquid or gas; the act of conveying
or transmitting,
convective activity in Meteorology- any
manifestation of convection in the
atmosphere as hail, thunderstorms
it does not conform to nije usklaen sa
to undergo a transformation - biti
entire having all the parts or elements;
whole; complete
forestall osujetiti, sprijeiti
straightforward - direct, free from
crookedness, izravan
crookedness - iskrivljenost
attribute pripisivati
to find fault with sth criticize, to seek
and make known defects or flaws
He constantly finds fault with her cooking.
ultimately- konano, nakon svega
solely - merely
yield dati (rezultata)

Why is this French mathematician the true father of modern engineering?
The essential idea is
The supporting idea is

Explain the Fourier's law of convective heat transfer

Translate the following:
"The force of the current in a galvanic circuit is directly as the sum of all the tensions,
and inversely as the entire reduced length of the circuit."


In what way was Hooke's law, that "stress is proportional to strain," transformed into a
homogeneous equation in the manner pioneered by Fourier?



1 Mathematical Expressions

1 Reading Mathematical Expressions, Formulae and Symbols
1.1 Read out these numbers
Even numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8,...
Odd numbers: 1,3,5, 7, 9, . ..
-teen 13- 19 (fifteen)
-ty 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 (fifty)
Cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers
Roman numerals and Arabic numerals
The whole number 3 and 1/3 fraction
7893 A four-figure number. 3 units, 9 tens, 8 hundreds, 7 thousands
5,078,493 five million seventy-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-three
1,000,000,000 a milliard or a thousand million; US a billion (A comma
is used to separate groups of 000,)
24.621 twenty-four point six two one (In Britain the decimal is
always represented by a point).
0.47 nought point four seven
0,357 proper decimal fraction with decimal places, 3 tenths, 5 hundredths
and 7 thousandths
0, 77777 recurring decimal
0.001 nought point oh oh one (zero is not often used in reading
decimal values)
+ 90 F ninety degrees Fahrenheit above/plus zero
-7 C seven degrees Centigrade below/minus zero Temperature
508-209 five oh eight two oh nine (Telephone numbers)
3: 0 three nil (Football GB)
30: 0 thirty lov (Tennis)
, a third or one third, one fourth or a quarter
one over nine hundred and thirty seven
a/b a over b
Addition (to add)
7+ 9 = 16 seven plus nine equals (is, are) sixteen (sum)
Subtraction (to subtract)
8- 6 = 2 eight minus six equals two (difference, remainder)
Multiplication (to multiply)
4 x 7 = 28 four times (multiplied by) seven equals twenty-eight
Division (to divide)
27 : 3 = 9 twenty-seven divided by three equals nine (quotient)


Raising to the Power
= 9 three squared equals nine
= 5 y cubed equals five
= 64 two (to the) power (of) four equals sixty-four
x(to the) power(of) minus five
x(to the) power (of) n minus one

Finding the Root (Extraction of Root)
the square root of nine is three
the cube root of eight is two
the fourth root of sixteen is two

Solving Equations
(a + b) (a b) = c a plus b in brackets times a minus b inbrackets equals c.
x[(a+b) (a-b) + 6]=0 x open square brackets a plus b in brackets times a
minus b in brackets plus six close square brackets
equals nought.
(a + b)
= a
+ 2ab + b
= ? the square of the sum of two numbers is equal
to the square of the first number, plus twice the product of
the first and second, plus the square of the second.
(a b)
= a
2ab + b
= ? the square of the difference of two numbers is equal to the
square of the first number minus twice the product of the
first and second, plus the square of the second

B subscript 2
A' A prime
capital F equals small m small v squared; all over small r
O h two o
x y x is equivalent to y
x y x is not equal to y
x ~=10 x is approximately equal to ten
x >0 x tends to nought
x < 10 x is less than ten
x >10 x is greater than ten
X 10 x is much less than ten
x 10 x is much greater than ten
X 10 x is less than or equal to ten
x 10 x is greater than or equal to ten
x y x is proportional to y
x> x tends to infinity
x = 3 x equals plus or minus three
x = 0 therefore x equals nought
dx differential of x
dy/dx derivative of y with respect to x
(dx,dy: the differentials) d:differential sign

1.2 Write some mathematical expressions, formulae and symbols

. round brackets and square brackets
. bracket open ('open brackets') and bracket close ('close brackets')
. circle, circumference
. length of line from A to B
a (one) half, a (one) third and two thirds
. a (one) quarter, one fourth, three quarters and three fourths
. a (one) fifth and two fifths
. one and a half and one and a quarter
. three tenths or three over ten
. a multiplied by b
. a divided by b
.. a over b; a divided by b
. a times b over c times d or ab over cd
. m divided by a times b or m divided by ab
. a sub b or a subscript b
. eight point o two
. two point o o six or two point doubleo six
thirty four point seven 0 two
. a plus b and a minus b
. a multiplied by b
. a equals b or a is equal to b
. a is greater than b and a is less than b
. a equals or is greater than b
. a equals or is less than b
. a is identical to b
.. a to the n
(power); a exponent n
a sub b; a subscript b
a to the fourth; a to the fourth power; a exponent 4
five squared; five to the second (power)
five cubed; five to the third (power)
two to the power of six; two to the sixth (power)

1.3 Practise reading out these expressions:


1.4 Read and interprete the following formulas:


Reading: L equals u over di by dt
Interpretation: Inductance is the relationship of the voltage and the time derivative of the current.


Reading: X sub L equals two times (pai) times f times L
Interpretation: Inductive reactance (in ohms) equals two times (pai) times the frequency
(in cycles per second hertz) times the inductance of the coil (in henrys).


Reading: Z equals root of r squared plus X sub L squared
Interpretation: impedence equals the square root of resistance squared plus inductive
reactance squared.


Reading:I equals E over Z
Inerpretation: Current is the ratio of the voltage and impedance.

1.5 Practise reading out these expressions:


1.6 Here is the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder:

Although a cylinder is technically not a prism, it shares many of the properties of a prism.
Like prisms, the volume is found by multiplying the area of one end of the cylinder (base)
by its height. To find the volume of a cylinder, we must find the area of the base (end) and
multiply that by the height. Since the end (base) of a cylinder is a circle, the area of that
circle is given by the formula:
Multiplying by its height we get the volume of the cylinder:

This is a solid metal cylinder of height 10cm and diameter 5 cm. Calculate its volume.

1.7 If you have a solid metal cylinder of height 16,3 cm and diameter 6,7
cm, its volume is:


1.8 The names for the Greek letters with the accepted British English pronunciation:
alpha/ elf/ nu /nju/
beta / bit/ xi /ksl/
gamma/ gm/ omicron /'mkrn/
delta / delt/ pi /p/
epsilon/ep'sln/ rho /r/
zeta / zit/ sigma / 'sigm/
eta / ' it/ tau /ta/
theta / 'it/ upsilon /jup'slbn/
iota / t / phi /f/
kappa/ kp chi /k/
lambda/lmd/ psi /ps/
mu /mju/ omega / 'mig/

1.9 Exercises
A Read out these numbers.
1 3 8 1.053 15 15387
2 14 9 2,279 16 735
3 40 10 10.874 17 90005
4 93 11 1200 18 1931
5 10212 100.302 19 44829
6 23113 1,000.000 20 8075
7 99514 82 985
B Write down the names of these units: mm, m, cm, km.

C Use these patterns to ask and answer questions about objects in your classroom, eg window,
door, table, etc.
How high
is . . . ?

What is the height
of ... ?

of . . . is . . .

. . . is . . . in height,
... has a
of . . .
Height, width and length are all nouns High, wide and long are all
adjectives. The verbs are lengthen, weiden and heighten.

2 Describing objects

A is a solid wooden block 5c m high, 10cm long and 4 cm wide.
A is a solid wooden block. It has a height of 5 cm, a length of 10 cmand a
width of 4 cm.
There are three other ways of writing this description
A is a solid wooden block which has a height of 5 cm, a length of 10 cm and a
width of 4 cm. A is a solid wooden block having a height of 5 cm, a length of
10cm and a width of 4 cm. A is a solid wooden block of height 5 cm, length
1 0 cm and width 4 cm.

2.1 Now make similar statements about the following object:

h=10cm I =8 cm t
=1 cm d = 9 cm

2.2 Here are some shapes which you must learn the names of:


2.3 Now complete these descriptions of flat three-dimensional

1 Object A is a _______ plate of side ________
and _________ 001 cm.

2 Object B is a _______ plate of side ________
and ________ 1 2 cm.

2.4 Here are some important 3-dimensional shapes. Describe them.



2.5 Now describe the objects depicted
For example, cube: solid steel

E is a solid steel cube of side 5cm/having
side of 5 cm/which has a side of 5 cm.

A is a ........................................... ...........................................
B is a .................................................................. .....................
C is a................................................................. ........................
D is a ................................................................ .......................
F is a ........................................................................................
G is a .

3 Right triangle rule
One of the most famous relationships in all geometry concerns right triangles. It is
named after Pythagoras, a famous Greek mathematician. This is the relationship: the
square of the side opposite the right angle (hypotenuse) is equal to the sum of
the squares of the other two sides. If we know any two sides of a right triangle, we
may use the equation to find the third side. Write down this equation.


4 Draw the following shapes:
1 A square with rounded corners, ellipsoid of revolution, a sphere

2 A triangle with one rounded corner.

3 A semi-circle, a semi-sphere

4 A cone with a flat top i.e. truncated cone (frustum of a cone) (krnja

5 A cylinder with a point at one end.

6 Draw a curved line from a point A to a point B.

5 Inclined planes

We can hold a wooden board or two planes upright (plumb, vertical, perpendicular to
the ground).
When we tilt (naginjemo) the top over to the right, left, forward or backward, the
board (the plane) tilts (slants, inclines, slopes).
I can tilt the monitor a little bit forwards.

Two boards or planes can be put in such a way as to look like a roof. Each side of the
roof is an inclined plane. The sides rise to a ridge (apex) and from the ridge or apex
boards or planes slope down, incline or slant.

His handwriting slopes forward and yours backward. Hers slants also from right to
left. Our garden slopes down to the sea. If we tilt the table, the plates will slide off to
the floor!
5.1 Exercise
a) Translate into English the following:
nagnuti se, naginjati se .....................................
nagib, kosina .....................................
nagnut .....................................

6 Exercises

Describe the shapes of the parts of the following objects which are marked with
an arrow. For example, What shape is the end of P? It's pointed.


7 Exercise

Read the following text:
We can make general descriptions about things in the following way:
A pencil consists of a wooden bar. This bar contains a thin cylindrical rod
of graphite. It is pointed at one end.
A matchbox is a wooden or cardboard box in two parts. The two parts consist
of a hollow inner tray and an outer sleeve. It is used for holding matches.
These descriptions can be changed slightly in the following way:
A pencil consists of a wooden bar which contains a thin cylindrical rod of
graphite. It is pointed at one end.
A matchbox is a wooden or cardboard box in two parts which consist of a
hollow inner tray and an outer sleeve (vanjska omotnica). It is used for holding
Notice the way which is used to connect pieces of information. Notice also that
we say a pencil or a matchbox when we are making a statement about pencils
and matchboxes in general.
Study the following general descriptions, and then combine two of the sentences
together with which, as above.

Here are also some opposites which can be used in making general
Curved flat
hollow solid
long short
heavy light
Ask questions about these things. Give an answer using an
For example.
Is this full?
No, it isn't, it's nearly empty.
(rectangular, large, cylindrical, spherical, regular)
1 An eraser is a solid block of rubber. It is used for erasing pencil
marks. It can be either rectangular or round.

2 A ruler is a thin rectangular wooden or plastic strip. It is used for
drawing straight lines and measuring linear dimensions.

3 A standard mass is a solid cylindrical brass block. It is used for comparing
masses on a laboratory beam balance.


8 Drawing dictation

a) Draw the following shapes:
flat round thin
square oval pointed thick.

b) Draw the following lines:
1 a straight line 2 parallel lines 3 a curved line
4 a dotted line 5 a dashanddot line 6 a broken line
7a horizontal line 8 a vertical line 9 a transverse line
10 a slanting line (kos, nagnut) also called oblique i.e., straight lines neither
horizontal nor vertical 11 two mutually perpendicular lines (okomit)
12 intersecting lines (mark the point of intersection).

c) Study these triangles:

Equilateral Triangle

Equilateral triangles have all angles equal to 60, and all
sides equal length.
All equilateral triangles have 3 lines of symmetry.
Isoscles Triangle

Isosceles triangles have 2 angles equal and 2 sides of
equal length.
All isosceles triangles have a line of symmetry.
Scalene Triangle

Scalene triangles have no angles equal, and no sides of
equal length.
Right Triangle

Right triangles (or right angled triangles) have one right
angle (equal to 90).
Obtuse Triangle

Obtuse triangles have one obtuse angle (an angle greater
than 90). The other two angles are acute (less than 90).
Acute Triangle

Acute triangles have all angles acute.


d) Draw the following angles:
1 the right angle 2 the obtuse angle (tup)
3 the acute angle (iljat) and 4 adjacent angles.
Adjacent angles are two angles having the same vertex (vrh kuta) and
having a common side between them. Angles are measured with the

e) Draw solid figures threedimensional shapes!
Triangles may be classified according to the relative length of their sides.
1 If all three sides are of equal length, it is an equilateral triangle
(istostranian) also called equiangular triangle

2 If two sides (called the arms, legs krak kuta) are equal, it is called an
isosceles triangle (istokraan trokut). It has the base, the perpendicular, an
Draw its altitude and mark it with H;

3 Draw a right angled triangle. The side opposite to the right angle is the
Draw the interior angles and exterior angles.

4 Draw a scalene triangle (raznostranian trokut) , which has all three sides
of different lengths.

f) Draw plane figures!
Plane geometry deals with planes (plohe) which have two dimensions;
There are quadrilaterals which have both pairs of opposite sides parallel to
each other:
1 a parallelogram
2 a rectangle
3 a rhombus and
4 a rhomboid.
A trapezoid has only two sides parallel.
5 Draw an isosceles trapezoid
6 a regular polygon
7 concentric circles
8 circumferential angle
9 angle subtended by the arc at the centre
10 a square
11 a rectangle
12 a rhombus and 13 a rhomboid
14 a polygon
15 a circumcircle (circumscribed circle) and
16 an inscribed circle
17 a curved line and 18 a radius of curvature

g) Draw
1 a middle line plane

2 transverse plane and


3 water plane of a vessel and a square.

i) Draw a circle and all portions of a circle written in boldface! See page 157

Geometrically, a circle is a closed curved line, every point of which is the same
distance from a point within called the centre. All radii of a circle branch out
from the centre like the spokes of a wheel (bice kotaa).

1. The length of such a curve is called the circumference.
2. Any portion of the circle is called an arc.
3. A straight line which touches a circle at one point is called a tangent.
4. If straight line cuts a circle at two points, it is called a secant (sekanta),
5. if a line segment terminates in the circle, it is a chord (tetiva).
6. The portion of the circle passes through its centre and is called the
7. half of the diameter is a radius.
8. The area included by two radii and their subtended arc is called a sector of
the circle (isjeak kruga).
9. Draw an inscribed circle (upisan) and a circumscribed polygon (opisan
mnogokut) pentagon, and
10. 2 foci of the ellipse.

j) Draw solid figures threedimensional shapes!
Solid geometry (stereometry) deals with bodies geometrical bodies:

1 the sphere
2 the cone
3 the cylinder
4 the quadrilateral pyramid
5 the cube
6 the parallelepiped
7 the triangular prism
8 the quadratic prism with an edge and a corner.

Adjectives: spheric, conic, cylindric(al), cubic, octagonal, rectangular,
circular, oval, triangular, parallelogramic, trapezoid, square,

9 Drills
9.1 Describe

What is A? What is B? What is C?
A is a circle. B is a triangle. C is an oval.

Is F square? Is B cylindric(al)? Is E cylindrical?
No. It isn't square, it's cubic. No.It isnt cylindrical, its Yes. It is.


9.2 Describe.
What's the depth of M?
Thirty-two point four three centimetres.
What's the radius of O?
Twenty-two point three centimetres.



10 Geometric figures



What information arises from graphic presentation, a figure, a
graph or a sine wave? The symbolic language can be very operable
in engineering practice. Try to transform information from some figures
into a descriptive text. Here are some of the phrases you will need:

In todays world wide shipping industry, according to the graph there is ...
As you can see from the graph
This portion of the graph shows, reveals, indicates, illustrates
The bulge in profits was due to, caused by, this can be explained by
a slow gradual, rapid, sharp rise; an increase; a large increase; a great,
considerable, slight increase; a third consecutive year of growth, an
improvement, further substantial improvements are to be expected; a steady,
constant growth; a 12 % increase in orders; further developments can be
awaited; there have been some gains in commerce; we expect a reversal of this
situation; The upward trend is obvious; the rate of growth reflects; a long
awaited recovery

The pointrises, improves, grows, shoots up, goes up, takes off; increases
(slowly, gradually, rapidly, sharply, dramatically, substantially); it reached a
peak; it peaked; It rose steadily. It was on the rise. It exceeded 130,000. It
reflects an annual increase of 5%; to rise from 5$ to 6$; to increase by 50%. It
rose on average by a whopping 22% per year; to double, triple, quadruple;
Imports hit a peak of ; to upgrade the very old fleet of commercial marine
vessels; they will be near the top of the list for income growth

A fall, a drop, a decline, this overall trend reveals that it has reached a low point.
It has been in distress for most of this decade. Prices showed a downward
tendency. It has been in a free fall, dropping to ...

It almost halved. It plummeted. It was at its lowest. It was downward. It falls,
drops, declines, It is falling steeply. It went down rapidly, it fall off; to fall from
5$ to 2$, to drop by 10%. It bottomed at 1.3 billion. Prices tumbled further.
They slowed, edged down.

It remains roughly at the same level. Sustained prices demonstrate It levels
off, it remained stable, It stayed high. We continued to do well. In comparison
with In contrast to (as opposed to, unlike, as contrasted to) it remained
stable. Similarity can be seen between business has averaged 2.4 billion.

12 Defining Strength Terms and Describing a Graph.

Yield strength is the lowest stress that gives permanent deformation in a material. In
some materials, like aluminum alloys, the point of yielding is hard to define, thus it is
usually given as the required stress causing 0.2% plastic strain. If you look at a stress-
strain diagram, the difference becomes
clearer.The initial slope is where stress
is directly proportional to strain (like a
spring) and the material behaves like
this up to its elastic limit where it
reaches its yield strength. Beyond this
the material deforms permanently (like
an overstretched spring that won't
return to its original shape). The
material then becomes strain hardened
until you reach the ultimate strength
and necking starts to occur and the
material becomes weaker again until it
breaks apart.

Study the graph carefully and then answer the questions.

1 Which is the correct statement?
a) The wire continued to extend uniformly throughout the experiment.
b) The wire extended uniformly up to a certain point.
c) The wire did not extend uniformly at all during the experiment.

2 Which is the correct statement?
a) The upper yield point occurred at a higher load than the lower yield point.
b) The upper yield point occurred at a lower load than the lower yield point.
c) The lower yield point occurred before the upper yield point.

3 During the plastic behaviour,
a) a very large load produced a very small extension.
b) a fairly small load produced quite a large extension
c) a fairly small load produced a very small extension.

4 After the maximum load was applied,
a) the material continued to extend.
b) the material ceased to extend.
c) the material began to contract.

5 The necking region occurs
a) before the maximum load is applied.
b) after the plastic behaviour.
c) at the point of fracture.



Section 3
Additional reading
Seminar Work

New Scientific Ideas Can Never Be
Readily Accepted by Those Who Cling
to Old Beliefs

Two's a company, but three's a crowd.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Better to light the candle, than to curse
the darkness.


A successful scientist is full of curiosity he wants to
find out how and why the universe works. He is a good
observer, accurate, patient and objective and applies
persistent and logical thought to the observations he
makes. He utilizes the facts he observes to the fullest
extent. He is sceptical and he always checks
statements and makes experiments carefully and
objectively to verify them. He is also highly imaginative
since he often has to look for relationships in data.
Furthermore, he needs imagination to make
hypotheses of how processes work and how events
take place. Sure, there are strange scientific facts
gleaned from the natural world. So, we all know what
the Greek mathematician Archimedes was doing with a
bath full of dirty water and a gold crown. But very few
people know which scientific principles link the 19

century engineer Brunel with a bear who adores
marmalade sandwiches.
Recent developments in science seem to be governed
by two complementary processes: a steady increase in
disciplinary specialisation on the on hand and growing
transdisciplinary integration on the other. New
research approaches often emerge at the interface of
overlapping disciplines. They frequently call for
research efforts exceeding the scope of individual
projects and hence can be only realised through
cooperation of several research groups as joint
undertakings for example.

Read one of the following texts and afterwards watch
the film Visions of the Future

Write a SHORT composition on the following subject:

'New ideas can never be readily accepted by those who cling to
old beliefs.' Argue in favour of this statement.



1 Galileo Galilee, born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy, was the first modern
scientist to pioneer experimental scientific method and the first to use a refracting telescope
to make important astronomical discoveries. Galileo made a series of profound discoveries
using a new telescope, including the moons of the planet Jupiter and the phases of the planet
Venus (similar to those of Earth's moon). As a professor of astronomy at University of Pisa,
Galileo was required to teach the accepted theory of his time that the sun and all the planets
revolved around the Earth. Later at University of Padua he was exposed to a new theory,
proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus, that the Earth and all the other planets revolved around the
sun. Galileo's observations with his new telescope convinced him of the truth of Copernicus's
sun-centred or heliocentric theory.

2 Galileo's support for the heliocentric theory got him into trouble with the Roman
Catholic Church. In 1633 the Inquisition convicted him of heresy and forced him to recant
(publicly withdraw) his support of Copernicus. They sentenced him to life imprisonment, but
because of his advanced age allowed him serve his term under house arrest. In his own lifetime
Galileo was
the centre of violent controversy; but the scientific dust has long since settled, and today we
can see even his famous clash with the Inquisition in something like its proper perspective.
Galileo's originality as a scientist lay in his method of inquiry. First he reduced problems to a
simple set of terms on the basis of everyday experience and common-sense logic. Then he
analyzed and resolved them according to simple mathematical descriptions. The success with
which he applied this technique to the analysis of motion opened the way for modern
mathematical and experimental physics.

3 Galileo was the first to crystallise the ideas into a single theory. His theory of
kinematics was based upon four operational definitions, time, distance, velocity and
acceleration. From this beginning he developed the concepts of average or uniform velocity,
average acceleration and instantaneous velocity.
It is of vital importance that there is a frame of reference in order to define motion. The old
view of Galileo was delightfully uncomplicated. He was, above all, a man who experimented:
who despised the prejudices and book learning of the Aristotelians, who put his questions to
nature instead of to the ancients, and who drew his conclusions fearlessly.
As a professor of astronomy at University of Pisa, Galileo was required to teach the accepted
theory of his time that the sun and all the planets revolved around the Earth. Later at University
of Padua he was exposed to a new theory, proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus, that the Earth and
all the other planets revolved around the sun. Galileo's observations with his new telescope
convinced him of the truth of Copernicus's sun-centred or heliocentric theory.

4 He had been the first to turn a telescope to the sky, and he had seen there evidence
enough to overthrow Aristotle and Ptolemy together. He was the man who climbed the Leaning
Tower of Pisa and dropped various weights from the top, he was the man who rolled balls
down inclined planes, and then generalized the results of his many experiments into the famous
law of free fall. He abstracted from a moving body those qualities which he considered to be
secondary such as colour and odour and he thought of such a body as a moving mathematical
point. He thought of this motion as occurring in an idealized world, free from air friction. His
theory of kinematics was based on four operational definitions, time, distance, velocity and
His telescopic observations are justly immortal; they aroused great interest at the time, they had
important theoretical consequences, and they provided a striking demonstration of the
potentialities hidden in instruments and apparatus. But can we blame those who looked and
failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers
calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument?
Galileo died at Arcetri in 1642the year Isaac Newton was born.


5 While Galileo was concerned with an abstract system which he analysed in an
abstract world using algebra, Sir Isaac Newton studied a more concrete world and was
interested in kinetics, as he took mass and force into consideration as well as velocity and
acceleration. Newton's laws are applied to physical objects on or around the earth. Newton
formulated three laws of motion which describe the relationship between force and motion.
Isaac Newton used one of Galileo's mathematical descriptions, "The Law of Inertia," as the
foundation for his "First Law of Motion." Newton's Laws are applied to physical objects on
or around the earth. Newton formulated three laws of motion which describe the relationship
between force and motion.

The first law states that:
In the absence of a net force, a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will
continue in motion in a straight line at constant speed.

The second law of motion states that:
When a net force acts on a body it will be accelerated in the direction of the force with
acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force.

The third law of motion states that:
When a body exerts a force on another body the second body exerts a force on the first body
of the same magnitude but in the opposite direction.

6 If most of us were asked what we knew about Isaac Newton, we should probably
reply that he discovered the laws of gravity through watching an apple fall from a tree in his
garden. So far as it goes the answer would be true; for years after that charming story had
gone into circulation his niece, who was also his housekeeper, confirmed the truth of that
incident in the garden of the old house at Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire. His mind was one of
the most remarkable in the history of human thought; His discoveries marked the end of one
period of mankind and the beginning of another; and his genius in mathematics laid the
foundation for the scientific discoveries of the ages of mechanical triumph which followed.

7 Isaac Newton seems to have had no friends, no emotional life at all. He had a power
of concentrating his mind on any abstract problem with such intensity that he might almost
have been in a trance. In that state the answers to the most difficult problems of mathematics
were arrived at or at least the sure method of arriving at them was found. Newton reluctantly
published the results of his discoveries, and then as though by accident. The book which gave
to the world his great findings about gravitation was held up for twenty years after he had in
fact made those discoveries, and its appearance even then depended upon a chance visit of the
astronomer Halley. Strangest of all, for the last forty years of his life he took no further
interest in any of these subjects.

8 He was born on Christmas Day, 1642, the same year that Galileo died. Galileo had
himself been concerned with precisely the problems which were to occupy the mind of this
yeoman farmer's son in Lincolnshire. Galileo had been studying the force which caused balls
to run down sloped wooden planks, and calculating how far they would go up a plank
inclined the other way. Why do things move? What force is at work in each instance: the
wind moving the sails of a mill, the balls rolling down the boards, the stars swirling round the
sun? For Galileo knew that the stars did move through the heavens. Why do things move?

9 Young Isaac Newton seems to have taken up the quest. As a schoolboy there are
stories of his mechanical creations, kites and a little mill whose motive power was a mouse
on a treadmill inside. Record has it that he was not a particularly bright boy at school; and
just when his mind sprang into activity his mother took him away from school to run the
farm, for his father had died just before Isaac was born. He was a poor farmer, his mind never

on the farm work but invariably on some new "gadget" which intrigued him. After four years,
at the advice of friends, Mrs. Newton sent him to Cambridge. Isaac Newton was then

10 By the time he had just turned twenty, that astonishing mind was already set on its
task of the discovery of natural laws. In 1664, he made his famous experiment with a prism
which revealed to him the nature of light.* This had long puzzled the scientists. He used to
spend months in a darkened room doing experiments. Newton made a small hole in the
shutter of his room, allowed one beam of sunlight to strike through it on to a prism, and saw
that the rays of the different colours were bent at different angles, thus splitting up the pure
white light into the seven colours of the rainbow. So, something that appears green, such as
grass, looks green because it reflects the green light in the sun and absorbs most of the other
colors. Through another prism he was able to rejoin them into white light again. Some of his
experimenting was dangerous because he would look at the sun, (something his mother had
told him never to do), and stare at the reflection of the sun in a mirror until he lost his sight.
Then he shut himself up in a dark room for several days until his vision finally returned.

11 Dissatisfied with the type of telescope which had served Galileo, and using his new
knowledge of the nature of light and the laws of the bending of light rays through lenses,
Newton invented a telescope, the system of which governs its construction today. Out of
Newton's studies in the analysis of the spectrum has come the whole technique of modern
spectrum analysis which is the basis of research in present-day astronomy. One result of the
invention was that the young man was invited to become a Fellow of the recently formed
Royal Society. Another was his book on Optics.*

12 The next year Cambridge suffered from an epidemic and the twenty-three-year old
Newton went home to Woolsthorpe for nearly two years. It was during that period that he
made his greatest discoveries, his marvellous mind seeming to blossom into the utmost
brilliance. It was then that he established the mathematical laws of gravitation which
governed our knowledge until Einstein built upon them his superstructure of relativity.

*The Law of Reflection. Light is known to behave in a very predictable manner. If a ray of
light could be observed approaching and reflecting off of a flat mirror, then the behaviour of
the light as it reflects would follow a predictable law known as the law of reflection. The
diagram below illustrates the law of reflection.

In the diagram, the ray of light approaching the mirror is known as the incident ray (labeled I
in the diagram). The ray of light which leaves the mirror is known as the reflected ray
(labeled R in the diagram). At the point of incidence where the ray strikes the mirror, a line
can be drawn perpendicular to the surface of the mirror; this line is known as a normal line
(labeled N in the diagram). The normal line divides the angle between the incident ray and
the reflected ray into two equal angles. The angle between the incident ray and the normal is
known as the angle of incidence. The angle between the reflected ray and the normal is
known as the angle of reflection. (These two angles are labeled with the Greek letter "theta"
accompanied by a subscript; read as "theta-i" for angle of incidence and "theta-r" for angle of
reflection.) The law of reflection states that when a ray of light reflects off a surface, the
angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.



13 The rough fact of gravitation had already become a subject of investigation, as we
have seen, to such minds as that of Galileo. Newton reduced it to mathematical law. Indeed,
the particular contribution which Newton made to human progress was that he used
mathematics in every situation to solve every problem he found. Everything, he believed, had
a mathematically measurable cause which would give a mathematically predictable effect. It
was not, therefore, that he was- only concerned with an apple falling from the tree in his
sunlit Lincolnshire garden, but that he worked out exactly how quickly it fell; and from the
measurement of time and space deduced the whole law of measuring the movement between
bodies, which governs the movement of the earth, the moon, and the stars.

14 And also he showed us the fundamental fact of mechanics, in his passion for exact
measurement. For two hundred and fifty years since, the whole of science has accepted that
basis for its method. Newton stood at a parting of the ways: behind him was guesswork, the
acceptance of all manner of mystical explanations or evasions of problems; after him, along
the way he pointed, was the belief that Nature's laws were measurable and calculable. With
Newton, "the greatest genius that ever lived," we move into the age of mechanics.

15 It was during those years at Woolsthorpe, too, that he invented that complicated piece
of mathematics, the differential calculus, to give him power to make measurements of things
which could not have been measured before. He invented it, as he had invented his telescope,
because he wanted an instrument.

16 During those years in his early twenties Newton thus made three revolutionary
discoveries: the laws of optics and of the composition of light; the laws of dynamics and of
gravity; and the mathematical method of the differential calculus which enabled later
scientists to continue his vast work of exact measurement of speed and acceleration. It is part
of the strangeness of this man that he made no effort to exploit these discoveries or to gather
fame or reward by publishing them. None of them was revealed until many years afterwards.
He went back to Cambridge, continued his investigations and calculations, and put aside the
results for years.

17 In respect to gravitation, he was first put off by the false idea which existed about the
dimensions of the earth, for it was the essential basis of his theory that the size of one body in
relation to another governed its power of attraction. Many years later the correct diameter of
the earth was made known, and forthwith Newton's observed measurements of its pull upon
the moon were correct. Still he made no effort to publish his discovery.

18 In 1687, twenty years after Newton had made his calculation, Halley the astronomer
visited him to question him about the path of the planets round the sun. Newton assured him
that this path was an ellipse and not a circle. He had calculated it but had lost the papers, so
he worked it all out again for Halley's benefit. In that conversation he revealed his
manuscript, the Principia, which embodied his laws of gravity, and Halley determined that it
must be published.*

19 As the Royal Society had used all their available funds to issue a book on fish, Halley
himself paid the costs, for Newton had so often given large sums to assist the publication of
the work of other scientists that he had no money of his own. So, almost by chance, this
enormous discovery was made known to the world in 1687.

20 Newton, although he was still only forty-four years old, had almost lost interest in
this whole subject. In the quiet of Cambridge he pursued curious studies in biblical affairs.


For the second half of his long life he carried on his duties as Master of the Mint to which he
had been appointed, and wrote dull (and completely erroneous) studies of biblical chronology
based on the idea that the world was created in the year 4004 B.C. So this greatest genius in
the vast field of mathematics, this man whose concentrated thought as a youth of twenty-three
had altered the whole of our conceptions of the universe, turned his back on his own noble

21 Though familiar as a falling apple, gravity remains the least understood force in
nature. Dropping through a vacuum, a feather and an apple fulfil Galileo's bold prediction of
1638: All objects fall at the same rate of acceleration. Or do they? Gravity, in a sense
discovered by Newton is a cornerstone of modern science. Newton's Principia, often called
the greatest scientific book of all time, laid out the mechanics of gravity and, consequently, of
the entire known universe.

22 Of the four known natural forces, gravity was the first seen but is the least
understood. The others are electromagnetism, which we know as electricity, magnetism, and
light, the strong force binding atomic nuclei; and the weak force causing radioactive decay.

23 Though gravity rules the universe, the other forces are trillions of times stronger.
Earth's gravity field is so weak that when you pick up a rock, your muscles are easily
overcoming the pull of the planet's entire 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms (6.6
sextillion tons). Gravity, too, is the only force man cannot control. We can increase, decrease,
and sometimes even reverse the others. But not gravity. It cannot be reflected, stopped, or
slowed. It always attracts, never repels.

24 Gravity has always occupied the best minds, including Galileo Galilee, the extraordinary
17th-century Italian who was the first modern scientist. Before Galileo, it had been assumed
largely from a dictate of Aristotle that gravity causes a heavy object to fall faster than a
light one. Aristotle had confused the effects of gravity's pull with the distance something
could be propelled. You can throw a small rock farther than a big one, so the big one must
fall faster. Galileo decided to see what actually happens, but he probably never dropped
cannon balls or anything else from the tower of Pisa. Instead, he rolled balls of different
weights down and up inclined planes. Galileo found that all objects, no matter what they are
made of, fall at the same ever increasing rate. Thus, if air resistance is ignored, a cannonball
and a wooden ball dropped simultaneously will strike the ground at the same time.

Newton's law of gravitation, universally accepted by scientists showed that any two objects
attract each other at a rate directly proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the
square of their distance apart. An object ten times closer feels a pull not ten times but a
hundred times greater. And his mathematical invention, calculus, explained why the apple
falls straight down instead of, say, sideways toward a nearby mountain or building: All the
gravitational mass of the earth pulls toward a single point at the planet's centre,
overwhelming the minuscule pull of other objects.

25 The Etvs tests actually showed that objects fall at slightly different rates according
to their atomic makeup the more tightly packed the atomic nucleus, the slower the fall.


26 Every list of the 20th century's most outstanding figures must include Albert Einstein
because that eraand our ownis unimaginable without him and his influence. Even today,

a century after his earth-shaking 1905 papers on relativity, quantum theory and molecular
theory, the questions that preoccupied Einstein remain at the forefront of science. Albert
Einstein baffled people with his claims that both time and space are not absolute but relative.
He argued that space-time is curved: and that matter and energy are the same thing.

27 In 1905 Albert Einstein was developing his special relativity theory equating energy
and mass. That was also the year when he proposed that light was itself quantized, or particle-
like to explain how electrons were emitted when light hit certain metals. According to
Einsteins equation, E=mc
, where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the unvarying speed of
light, we have come closer to the inner world of an atom, to a world where matter and energy
are interchangeable, because this equation states that mass and energy are merely different
versions of the same thing. Energy is matter and matter is energy. Thus, our reality, material
life is relative or that relativity of the matter is reality. Gravity is overwhelmed by far stronger
forces that bind together matter.

28 In 1916 Einstein modified Newtons Principia with general relativity. While
Newton's universe was clocklike and stately, Einsteins was strange and unsettling. Gravity
was not a simple pull, but the very architecture of the universe itself.
According to Einstein, in a perfectly uniform universe one containing no matter
there would exist only time and a vast sheet of space, representing the possibility of gravity.
Gravity would not yet exist. But if you put matter, say a star, into this universe, you would
distort the sheet of space-time, like setting a cannonball on a taut sheet of canvas. This
dimpling effect is gravity.

29 From the point of Einsteins general relativity, it is easy to say that gravity is not a
force at all. It is simply the normal behaviour of matter in space-time. In terms of general
relativity, then, gravity is simply a curvature caused by material objects in space-time. The
universe itself, fuelled by gravity, is a consortium of the curvatures caused by all celestial
objects pushing against the canvas of space and time. It is a difficult mental image. According
to Einstein, gravity, when strong, slows time and bends space. In 1919 astronomers found
that the tremendous mass of the sun curves space just enough to slow light travelling through
it, thus accounting for the apparent displacement of a star on the far side of the sun as an oar
seems to bend in water.
Some physicists think gravity ultimately could cause the end of the universe, too, if
its current expansion eventually reverses itself in a massive gravitational contraction.

30 A black hole is a creation of gravity, says Stephen W. Hawking, a general
relativist who holds Newtons old chair at Cambridge University.
Newton first posited the idea of escape velocity, and a black hole is an object so
dense that the speed required to escape its gravity is greater than that of light. This was said
by Stephen W. Hawking, the Cambridge astrophysicist and author of A Brief History of Time
and also the author of "cosmic inflation," a theory that modifies the Big Bang explanation of
the creation of the universe. Hawking has Lou Gehrig's disease, a degenerative neurological
condition that has left him nearly paralyzed. He can speak only with the help of a computer
that he operates with minute finger motions. He doesn't claim to know the absolute truth.
Like other scientists, he collaborates with his peers to try to answer questions that seem to
defy human intelligence. He is living proof of the power of the human mind.

31 According to Einstein, during a cataclysmic event in space like the birth pangs of a
black hole, waves of gravity should swarm back and forth across the field of space-time as
an earthquake sends shock waves through the earth.
Because of Newton and Einstein, scientists today can measure gravitys effect with
precision. Still, nobody knows exactly what drives gravity what makes it happen, do they?
Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics because he felt that randomness could
not be the ultimate reality saying that God does not play dice and so he debated the

point with Danish physicist Niels Bohr. Although on this point Einstein has been
proved wrong today his special relativity theory is put to work in accelerators (CERN, and
others), where energy is transformed into short-lived subatomic particles that fly wildly in all

32 Western scientific viewpoints try to identify subatomic particles. Nearly all the
several hundred known subatomic particles are made of qurks, bound together by the torn
nuclear force.
Electrons can only show clouds od probability, where electrons are statistically
most likely to be. An electron could be anywhere in or near the cloud. Electrons do not orbit
the nucleus in a two-dimensional plane as planets orbit about the sun. Orbit is a term left over
from what has become an outdated view of atoms.


33 Niels Bohr stated that electrons behaved in quantum fashion. They remained in fixed
orbits and moved from one orbit to another in quantum leaps, jumps when they emitted or
absorbed energy. Niels Bohr was the first scientist to highlight the fact that the quantum
theory discovered the wholeness of nature and thereby its integrity, inseparability or

34 In 1925 Heisenberg created the new quantum mechanics, and in 1927 he formulated
the uncertainty principle: it is impossible and technically difficult to measure simultaneously
both the precise momentum and position of a subatomic particle. As described by the
Heisenberg unsertainty principle and the whole of quantum theory, the kind of objects they
seem to be depends on how we observe them. By our observation we alter their states. The
strangest of quantum reality has led us to speculate that reality is a meaningless idea.

35 In the exclusion principle that no two like electrons could occupy the same orbit,
Wolfgang Pauli proposed a theory necessary to understand the chemical bonds between
atoms. Erwin Scgrdinger suggested that electrons were actually waves. Pauli confirmed the
correctness of quantum mechanics by employing the theory of hydrogen atom. Taken
together, these aspects of quantum theory postulated that observation not only affects reality
but in a way creates it we can choose to measure light as particles or as waves. Learning
about the ultimate nature of matter is of utmost importance to the human race. The answer to
the question what the matter and energy is, gives us a vision of ourselves, the vision of the
universe, and man. It is a vision of who we are, where we are going to, and where we come
from. The understanding of the universes deepest secrets leads us to a new concept of reality,
a new period of human history.
Matter is bound energy, particles and waves are one, and reality is a kind of
unscertainty. Everything in the cosmos has been composed of these particles.

36 James Maxwell discovered that electricity and magnetism are two aspects of the
same force. The weak force, the strong force, the electromagnetic force and gravitational
force are just aspects or entities of a single underlying interaction, one grand unified theory,
all four forces may be unified as one. This unifying unity is obscured but however there is
one that can be felt in other fields such as philosophy, communications, physics, linguistics,
natural sciences and that is the inner force of communication, the inner law of
communication, the inner force called also spirit, Geist, dah, duh, the whole that exists in
everything. The visible world is the invisible organization of energy said physicist Heinz
Pagels .

37 Quantum mechanics merely makes statistical predictions for the behaviour of
subatomic matter. Einstein could not abide the randomness of quantum mechanics. God does
not play dice with the world, he declared. So, he spent his last 30 years trying to find a single
theoretical statement that would explain the behaviour of both subatomic particles and the
curved geometry of gravity.

38 The secret of this theory of everything, as physicists only half-jokingly call it, may
lie at the beginning of the universe. When it was just a point of infinite heat, density, and pure
energy, all four forces may have existed as one in a state of symmetry.
As the universe exploded outward, symmetry was broken and the forces split off
from one another. Three of the forces went to work inside atoms, employing tiny force
carriers known as bosons. These short-lived subatomic particles zip back and forth between
protons, neutrons, and electrons, binding them together or pushing them apart. Could
gravitons do the same job for gravity?
Albert Einstein baffled people with his claims that time and space are not absolute
but relative. He argued that space-time is curved: and that matter and energy are the same

39 Would you like to investigate the work of the scientists and inventors who helped to
establish the modern world?

Scientists claim they have broken the ultimate speed barrier: the
speed of light.

40 In research carried out in the United States, particle physicists have shown that light
pulses can be accelerated to up to 300 times their normal velocity of 186,000 miles per
Exact details of the findings remain confidential because they have been submitted
to Nature, the international scientific journal, for review prior to possible publication. The
work was carried out by Dr. Lijun Wang, of the NEC research institute in Princeton, who
transmitted a pulse of light towards a chamber filled with specially treated cesium gas.
Wang said he could not give details but confirmed: "Our light pulses did indeed travel faster
than the accepted speed of light. I hope it will give us a much better understanding of the
nature of light and how it behaves."

41 Dr. Raymond Chiao, professor of physics at the University of California at
Berkeley, who is familiar with Wang's work, said he was impressed by the findings. "This is
a fascinating experiment," he said.
"The most likely application for this is not in time travel but in speeding up the way
signals move through computer circuits," he said.
Wang's experiment is the latest and possibly the most important evidence that the
physical world may not operate according to any of the accepted conventions.
In the new world that modern science is beginning to perceive, sub-atomic particles can
apparently exist in two places at the same time making no distinction between space and
Wang emphasizes that his experiments are relevant only to light and may not apply
to other physical entities. But scientists are beginning to accept that man may eventually
exploit some of these characteristics for interstellar space travel.

42 David Bohm called the Implicate order: indivisible and mirror image of our reality.
This is the domain of the delta level: less than 4 Hz (vibrations per second) of the cortical


The spiritual aspect and the comprehension of what is happening is within every
human being. Each and everyone have access to it. Quantum physics has only brushed
experimentally the big question: has matter created mind or mind created matter? Even
though the later is strongly hinted at, the real proof is within the laboratory of one's own
mind. Not within an external technological laboratory apparatus. Although time and space
have been experimentally bridged within major research physics labs recently, the
implications have yet to seep through mankind's psyche.

43 Undoubtedly, the most important realization about the nature of reality in the
history of mankind was made and proven through a series of experiments conducted at the
University of Paris-south in 1982 by a team of optical physicists led by Alain Aspect. These
experiments, using high speed switching mechanisms and photons (particles of light)
produced by mercury vapour, proved without the shadow of a doubt that the famous
mathematical inequality of the theorem of John Bell published in 1964 had indeed been
violated. This expressed for the average person, not versed in the highly complex world of
quantum mechanics which gave us the transistor, computers , superconductivity etc...., that
space is "non-local" which means that it is illusory and the world is not composed of objects
that added together form the Universe. Rather, the "subject" viewing the "object" form an
indivisible whole where everything is related, and everyone influence everyone and
everything else. In other words, there exists a realm outside of space/time where all events of
the fundamental processes of nature and life per se operate outside of space/time but generate
perceived realities within space/time. Non-locality means that this domain is everywhere and
nowhere in particular, everywhen and nowhen. It is nowhere and now&here.


Who else is behind the new wind of change, where is it blowing,
who is standing against it? Watch the film Visions of the future
and research new scientific ideas! Watch these documentaries by
clicking the related links:
Episode 1 -The Intelligence Revolution: http://www.streaming-
Episode 2 -The Biotech Revolution: http://www.streaming-
Episode 3 -The Quantum Revolution: http://www.streaming-

This 2007 series by Michio Kaku is dedicated to the power that science will have into
molding the world around us conforming it to our expectations in different branches of
science and technology, and help the viewer understand Clarke's third law, realizing
that science fiction has a much higher probability of becoming science fact than the
majority of people think.
The quantum revolution could turn many ideas of science fiction into science fact - from
metamaterials with mind-boggling properties like invisibility through limitless quantum
energy and room temperature superconductors to Arthur C Clarke's space elevator.
Some scientists even forecast that in the latter half of the century everybody will have a
personal fabricator that re-arranges molecules to produce everything from almost
anything. Yet how will we ultimately use our mastery of matter? Like Samson, will we
use our strength to bring down the temple? Or, like Solomon, will we have the wisdom
to match our technology? Everything you see is strictly for the purpose of teaching
and/or enlightenment.


Episode 3 -The Quantum Revolution: http://www.streaming-


6.2 Quantum field theory
Is a body of physical principles designed to account for subatomic phenomena? The theory also
has found applications in other branches of physics. The theory arises from the attempt to
combine the principles of quantum mechanics with those of relativity in an effort to describe
processes such as high-energy collisions in which particles may be created or destroyed.
The prototype of quantum field theories is quantum electrodynamics (QED), which describes
the interaction of electrically charged particles via electromagnetic fields. Here, electric and
magnetic forces are regarded as arising from the emission and absorption of exchange particles
or photons. These can be represented as disturbances of electromagnetic fields, much as ripples
on a lake are disturbances of the water. Under suitable conditions, photons may become
entirely free of charged particles; they are then detectable as light and other forms of
electromagnetic radiation. Similarly, particles such as electrons are themselves regarded as
disturbances of their own quantized fields. Numerical predictions based on QED agree with
experimental data to within one part in 10,000,000 in some cases.
There is a widespread conviction among physicists that other forces in naturethe weak
force responsible for radioactive beta-decay; the strong force, which binds together the
constituents of atomic nuclei; and perhaps also gravitational forcescan be described by
theories similar to QED. These theories are known collectively as gauge theories. Each of
the forces is mediated by its own set of exchange particles, and differences between the
forces are reflected in the properties of these particles. For example, electromagnetic and
gravitational forces operate over long distances, and their exchange particles (the photon and
the graviton) have no mass. The weak and strong forces operate only over distances shorter
than the size of an atomic nucleus. They are mediated by massive particles, which can travel
only short distances during the exchange process.
It is also hoped that all the forces can be encompassed in a single gauge field theory. In such
a unified theory, all the forces would have a common origin and would be related by
mathematical symmetries. The simplest result would be that all the forces had identical
properties. A mechanism called spontaneous symmetry breaking is used to account for the
observed differences.
A unified theory of electromagnetic and weak forces already has considerable experimental
support; it is likely that this theory can be extended to include the strong force. There also
exist theories that include the gravitational force, but these are more speculative.
How about this one? Well, right now Scientists at Los Alamos have developed a new
unbreakable cryptography code that uses the "quantum entanglement " ( non-locality, i.e.
outside of space) property of twin photons to always follow instantly each other's polarization
direction, no matter how far they are separated from one another. This means that they
transcend any notion of space/time as they communicate with each other across infinite space
using the fabric of the Matrixwhich is thought. Remote Viewing par excellence! This is
what Alain Aspect proved experimentally in Paris in 1982. And this realization is being
applied in the year 2000 to cryptography. We are really now exploring and decoding the
world of the fabric of the Universe or the invisible "Matrix of Life."
Baff means puzzle, confuse so as to keep from understanding

6.3 Some points for discussion:

Why are new ideas resisted when they first make their appearance?

Why did the views of Aristotle and Ptolemy persist for such a long (Examples: The
observation of Copernicus that the earth goes round the sun; the views of Galileo: the
scientific method; Kepler's ideas on planetary motions; Freud's ideas on psychology ;)

There are, however, exceptions and some ideas have been accepted almost without
question: Newton's ideas on gravitation were acclaimed in the eighteenth century just
as Einstein's ideas on relativity were acclaimed in the twentieth.

And also you may investigate other issues, the invention of the jet engine, for example,
the greatest engineering achievement of the century. And yet its inventor, Frank Whittle
was initially met with hostility, indifference and dramatic struggle to get the first jet engine
built. No one would help him at first, and he had to found his own company and build test
engines himself. So dangerous was this that his team often had to flee for cover.

Investigate the work of the scientists and inventors who helped to establish the modern
world and research new scientific ideas!
Who else is behind the new wind of change, where is it blowing, who is standing against it?
Some of the names should be mentioned like:
Bakelite, the first totally synthetic plastic, was named after its inventor Leo Baekelend.
Mathematician Alan Turings ideas on thinking and logic helped to create some of the first
computers. They remain relevant to work on artificial intelligence today.
We could reveal how Ernest Rutherford discovered what atoms are alike inside and how
one element can change into another.

What do we know about Leonardo da Vinci?

What is the golden number? Why is our time too short even to say what Grahams
number is? It would be interesting to probe the nature of numbers whether they are old or
new, named or unnamed.

Have you known that every year thousands of researchers gather at the American
Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Atlanta to compare notes on the
most exciting discoveries of the previous 12 month? With almost 100 talks covering
everything from sub-atomic particles to life-threatening superbugs, there is bound to be
plenty interesting issues to discover. Every year a similar meeting is also organized in

There is a new field that is transforming material technology, in chemistry labs, architects
offices, hospitals and fashion houses across the world, the science of smart materials is
emerging. A smart material transforms its properties in response to changes in its
environment. Drawing on nature for inspiration, the smart technologists talk of aircraft
wings inspired by the flight patterns of the locust, energy-saving architecture based on the
properties of a sea cucumber and even of plans to make a biological brain by replacing
inanimate printed circuit boards of conventional computers with soft neural networks that
can think. Interesting?

Can you provide the science answers to some interesting questions that perplex you as for
example how cicadas make so much noise, and when we see the rainbow colours, and if
sneezing damage our heart?




Section 1

Section 2
Group Work/Presentation the Science
behind the Games

Section 3
Ing- Forms

Everything has its beauty, but not
everyone sees it.

A man is known by the company he keeps.

No friend at all is better than a cold one.


Core Text 1
Biomechanics is a blend of various areas of science. Applied mechanics, most notably
thermodynamics, continuum mechanics, and mechanical engineering. Disciplines such as fluid
mechanics and solid mechanics, play prominent roles in the study of biomechanics. By
applying the laws and concepts of physics, biomechanical mechanisms and structures can be
simulated and studied.
Graphical approaches in general mechanics can be applied to many problems of biomechanics.
These problems include features relating to postures, motions and force
relationships of the body and its parts. While it might seem that a system of solid-body mechanics
cannot be as rigorously applied in the biological world as it can be to machined parts and
structural materials, still there is no reason to suppose that the principles of mechanics developed
by Newton, Lagrange and others are not involved in both systems. Specialists in biomechanics
should not be able to apply instrumental techniques to biological materials, but should be able to
adopt the rigorous definitions and the analytical mode of thinking that students of practical
mechanics have developed over many years. One of the developments of prime importance is
the concept of the free-body diagram. This is a highly sophisticated way of viewing a body or
part of a body as an isolated entity in space. Since the free-body diagram has proven to be a
powerful analytical tool in the hands of engineers and physicists, it should have comparable
importance also in biomechanics.
Generally similar mathematical diagrams have proven their value as aids in mechanical thinking
from the middle ages to the present. Leonardo da Vincis mechanical and
engineering sketches are less mathematical in emphasis, and they show both pictorialized
constructions and the use of models. These approaches at times even carried into his
anatomical studies.
A body, to the physicist, is anything that occupies space and has inertia. A free body, as viewed in
relation to the mechanics of solids, is really an abstraction; it is a rigid unit, or collection of
interconnected parts regarded as a single rigid system, which is isolated except for force vectors
acting on it. The force vectors represent the sense, direction and magnitude of all applied
environmental forces such as those due to contacts with other bodies including support
forces, pulls, pushes, wind resistance, buoyancy effects, gravitational force or magnetism.
A free-body diagram is thus a special example of the vector diagrams. The size of the arrow in a
free-body diagram is reflective of the magnitude of the force. The direction of the arrow reveals
the direction in which the force is acting. Each force arrow in the diagram is labeled to indicate
the exact type of force. To construct free-body diagrams, it is extremely important to know
various types of forces. It is generally customary in a free-body diagram to represent the object
by a box and to draw the force arrow from the center of the box outward in the direction in which
the force is acting. The only rule for drawing free-body diagrams is to depeict all the forces
which exist for that object in the given situation.
The various vertical forces associated with the body masses have a resultant through the whole
body center of gravity; the center of gravity (quartered circle) is the weighted midpoint of the
whole system of parallel vertical weight-forces.The whole-body weight acts through the center of
support between the feet. The downward acting weight-force (heavy black arrow) is exactly
balanced by the upward force. The simplest free-body sketch for the two postures would be the
same as for a ball resting on a horizontal support.
C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield Illinois, 1961


Fig. 1 Free-body diagrams of the standing posture. The parallel vertical vectors at the several segmental centers of
gravity (black dots) have a resultant through the center of gravity of the body (heavy black arrow) which is opposed by
a colinear support vector at the feet (also heavy black arrow); the upper insert figure showing a ball resting on a
support is a comparable free-body diagram.

1 CODE TRANSFER (English - Croatian)

1.1 Find the appropriate expressions in Croatian for the
following compounds:

machined parts ...................................................................
structural materials ...................................................................
free-body diagram ..................................................................
highly sophisticated way .....................................................................
powerful analytical tool ............................................................
engineering sketches ...............................................................
pictorialized approach ............................................................
lower limb muscles .................................................................
interconnected parts ................................................................
applied environmental forces .........................................................
wind resistance ...................................................................
upward support force ..................................................................
reliable objective data ..................................................................


2.1 Match the terms below with their definitions:
a) biomechanics 1. A diagram in which are shown an
isolat ed (t r ee) body and al l t he f orces
exer ted on it by other bodies
b) center of gravity .
c) free body diagram 2. The r esul t ant of a f or ce syst em ( any
d) resul t ant number of forces t reat ed as a group) i s
the si mpl est equival ent syst em t o whi ch
the force syst em can be reduced.
3. The sci ence deal i ng wi t h t he ef f ect of
f or ces upon t he f or m or mot i on of
or ganic bodies.
4. The poi nt or cent er of mas s t hr ough
whi ch passes t he resul t ant of t he
gravi t ati onal forces acti ng upon t he
part i cl es
of t he body f or al l or i ent at i ons of t he
2.2 The following sentences are written at random. Arrange them
according to the logical order of the text development.
a) The whole body weight acts through the center of support between
the feet.
b) One of the developments of prime importance is the concept of the
free-body diagram.
c) The various vertical forces associated with the body masses have a
resultant through the whole body center of gravity.
d) This is a highly sophisticated way of viewing a body or part of a
body as an isolated entity in space.
e) Graphical approaches in general mechanics can be applied to many
problems of biomechanics.
f) Similar mathematical diagrams have proven their value as aids in
mechanical thinking from the middle ages to the present.


The image of Vitruvian Man exemplifies the blend of art and science during the
Renaissance and provides the perfect example of Leonardos keen interest in
proportion. In addition, this picture represents a cornerstone of Leonardos attempts to
relate man to nature. Encyclopaedia Britannica online states, Leonardo envisaged the
great picture chart of the human body he had produced through his anatomical
drawings and Vitruvian Man as a cosmografia del minor mondo (cosmography of the
microcosm). He believed the workings of the human body to be an analogy for the
workings of the universe. It is also believed by some that Leonardo symbolized the
material existence by the square and spiritual existence by the circle. Thus he
attempted to depict the correlation between these two aspects of human existence.

According to Leonardos notes in the accompanying text, written in mirror writing, it
was made as a study of the proportions of the (male) human body as described in



There is no such thing as a universal set of proportions for the human body. The field of
anthropometry was created in order to describe these individual variations. Vitruvius
statements may be interpreted as statements about average proportions. Vitruvius goes
through some trouble to give a precise mathematical definition of what he means by saying
that the navel is the center of the body, but other definitions lead to different results; for
example, the center of mass of the human body depends on the position of the limbs, and in a
standing posture is typically about 10 cm lower than the navel, near the top of the hip bones.
Note that Leonardos drawing combines a careful reading of the ancient text with his own
observation of actual human bodies. In drawing the circle and square he correctly observes
that the square cannot have the same center as the circle, the navel, but is somewhat lower in
the anatomy. This adjustment is the innovative part of Leonardos drawing and what
distinguishes it from earlier illustrations. He also departs from Vitruvius by drawing the arms
raised to a position in which the fingertips are level with the top of the head, rather than
Vitruviuss much lower angle, in which the arms form lines passing through the navel.The
drawing itself is often used as an implied symbol of the essential symmetry of the human
body, and by extension, to the universe as a whole.

Is the Vitruvian Man the first free body diagram?




Section 2 Presentations/Group

The Science behind the Games

When the speed skater whips through the turn, and the grand-
slalom skier attacks the mountain, and the ice ballerina nails the
triple axel, they are not just competing against extraordinary human
opponents. The athletes of the Winter Olympic Games are also
competing against the every laws of nature. Gravity, friction and air
resistance all inspire against grace, agility and strength. Physicists
like Peter Brancazio of Brooklyn College and Richard Brandt of New
York University have analyzed the forces that operate during athletic
events, deriving equations of motions for ski jumpers and force
vectors for speed skaters. Now the athletes are not powerless
against the equations of physics. At Albertville, sports science
means more than loading up on carbohydrates.
Science has proved to be a swimmers best training partner. For
years Australian and Russian coaches have been analyzing
computer data on turn rate, stroke efficiency and underwater
velocity. During the Olympics in Sydney, seven video cameras
trained on the pool produced computer readouts available to
competitors. Another study is analyzing whether the new bodysuit,
which has water-repellent fabric, really reduces drag or just
increases hype. One of the few sportsmen who wore the ankle-to-
wrist model swore by it. Speed in sport is contagious. Once
barriers are broken, it opens up peoples mind.
Newsweek, February 10, 1992

Soccer players can kick a ball that moves in one direction, then
bends in another. Scientists are looking at how they do it.
The research team specifically studied Bekham's legendary goal against Greece
that put england into the 2002 World Cup tournament.
High-speed cameras showed that Beckham accelerated the ball to 80 miles per
hour, after hitting it about 8 centimeters to the right of its center with the instep of
his right foot. The ball spun counterclockwise at about eight revolutions per second
and started swerving to the left. The ball rose into the air as if it would soar over
the goal's crossbar. Then, it slowed to 40mph, curved further to the left, and
dropped into the top left corner for the goal. The scientists discovered that when
airflow around Beckham's free kick changed from turbulent to laminar, the drag
on the ball increased 150 percent in about one second. That caused the ball to slow
down suddenly and to drop into the net. The imbalance of pressures produces the
magnus side force, which is quite pronounced at the ends of tha ball's flight.
Mechanical Engineering 2004




1.1 Write subtitles for each paragraph of the

The Americas Cup is the worlds oldest and most famous international sailing competition, the
longest and most expensive yachting regatta. It all began in 1851, at Cowes, England, when a
United States schooner named America first won the cup from Britain. Since then there had
been about 30 challenges usually one every three or four years-but no challenger had been
able to win the cup away from the United States. For 132 years it remained proudly displayed
at the New York Yacht Club. Then in 1983, by winning the elimination races in which boats
from many nations competed, the yacht Australia II earned the right to challenge the United
States yacht Liberty.

Although getting off to a slow start, and being behind 3-1 at one point (so that Liberty had to
win but one of the next three races, while Australia II had to win all three while losing none in
order to gain the victory), the Australian boat managed to win the next two races, so that the
yachts were tied at 3-3. The suspense and drama of the competition had been building to a
climax, and were further heightened when shifty winds postponed the final contest for several
days. At last, the race of the century, its start delayed an hour because of uncertain winds,
was under way. Liberty got off to a 29-second lead, and increased that lead to 57 seconds by
the end of the fourth leg of the six-leg race.

The outcome seemed certain. But then Australia IIs captain and crew skilfully and, as it
seemed, almost miraculously picked up some shifts of friendly wind, surged into the lead, and
accompanied by cheers from their compatriots and other well-wishers, crossed the invisible
finish line a full 41 seconds ahead of the American boat. At that moment Australia II, the yacht
with the mysterious winged keel, had accomplished what no other challenger had been able to
do throughout the 132 years of competition. That night the cup was unbolted from its pedestal
at the New York Yacht Club in Manhattan and taken to Newport, to be presented to its new owners.

Over the years, competition for the Americas Cup has meant people spending fes and has
brought about the creation of some of the most beautiful yachts ever to race the mighty J
class, 40 metres long. Today, in fact since 1958, the Americas Cup has competed for first
place in 12 metre class yachts and modern synthetics have replaced canvas for sails.

Until the early 1970s the yachts were made of wood. At that time the first of the aluminium
boats appeared. This was regarded as a breakthrough and soon all of the Americas Cup
contenders were built of aluminium. The next great breakthrough came with Australias
seventh challenge for the cup, its successful one. The Australians developed a keel with wings,
a new concept in yacht-design that even now is still experimental.

The latest breakthrough might be the innovation in this regatta of the New Zealand challenge,
which has built a 12-metre yacht in fibreglass. This plastic boat is said to have advantages

over its aluminium competitors, so much so that one of the American syndicates tried to have it
banned from the competition. The famous ship-surveying and insurance firm, Lloyds of
London, had supervised every step of construction of the New Zealand yacht. However, the
technical challenge to the yachts eligibility failed.

Although many things have changed about the yachts that compete for the Americas Cup, one
thing has remained constant: the vast amount of money it costs to take part. This may sound
straightforward, but there are actually millions of dollars at stake.

1.2 Vocabulary
the schooner is a fast sailing vessel with a foremast and mainmast and fore and aft
sails set along the length of the vessel
an away game is a game not played on the home teams field
an away win is not won on the home terrain
get off to start a race, to leave
suspense anxious uncertainty as in awaiting a decision
climax the decisive turning point of the race
six-leg race six portions of one course
the last leg of a voyage the last part of a voyage
outcome result, consequence, aftermath
to surge into the lead move to the front, take over the lead, go ahead
compatriots fellow countryman or country woman
unbolted unfastened with bolts
bring about to cause, give rise to
canvas sail cloth, closely woven heavy cloth of hemp (Cannabis sativa)
breakthrough significant and sudden advance, development or progress
contender person who tries to win in competition with others. Competitor is used
more as a business rival and combatant in battle.
eligibility being fit to be chosen
be at stake risked and hazarded, and in danger of being lost

1.3 Translate into English and Croatian
- utrka od 6 etapa i posljednja etapa puta
- preuzeti vodstvo
- igra i pobjeda na domaem i stranom terenu
- Sve je poelo 1851 a do tada niti jedan izaziva nije bio u stanju dobiti kup izvan Amerike
- Over the years, competition for the Americas Cup has meant people spending fortunes and
has brought about the creation of some of the most beautiful yachts ever to race.
- This plastic boat is said to have advantages over its aluminium competitors, so much so that
one of the American syndicates tried to have it banned from the competition.
- The Adriatic surged into the lead then fell behind and lost the lead.

1. 4 Write synonyms
start a race be at stake .
outcome contender .
compatriot breakthrough .
ring about be unsuccessful .
take over the lead .. lag behind .


2 How Do Skiers Go So Fast?

By minimizing air resistance. Friction between ski and snow is very small, so the main
drag on speed is the wall of air in front of the skier. Skiers can cut air resistance by
decreasing their frontal area: maintaining a tight tuck, having boot buckles flush with
the boot and using poles that curve around the body so the baskets hide behind the
back. Other factors being equal, a heavier skier is faster than a lighter one because his
air resistance is lower. So a skier can go faster by increasing mass becoming as
heavy as possible for his frame. Only at about 200 pounds does the advantage of extra
weight get wiped out by the increased friction with the snow.
Are longer skis faster? The length is a compromise between one that will exert the least
pressure on the snow and one that can still be turned. A longer ski exerts fewer pounds
per square inch of pressure, and so is less likely to wind up plowing rather than gliding.
But a longer ski is also more difficult to whip around for a downhill turn or a slalom
gate. Downhill racers are choosing 220- to 225-centimeter skis (about 87 inches);
slalom competitors, 204 to 207s (about 81 inches).


downhill racing downhill ski ski jumping slalom
cross-country downhill racing pole gate pole
cross-country stretch-suit racing suit ski jumping boots
skiing goggles crash halmet boots with safety binding (release binding)
whip through the turn move, pass quickly and suddenly jurnuti krozzavoj
conspire against work together against, urotiti se protiv
load up on carbohydrates to burden, supply carbohydrates in large quantities;
nabijanje ugljikohidratima
drag pull koenje, zatega, otpor koji zaustavlja
tight tuck to sew a fold or folds in a suit tightly
zategnuti, napeti naiveni nabor
boot buckles to fasten or join with a buckle
kope na skijakim cipelama
poles ski sticks tapovi
the pole or (ski stick) consists of the basket, grip and loop
flush with making an even or unbroken line or surface
u istoj razini, neizboen
get wiped out get removed , erased, cancelled out; ponitavati se
(get +past participle, i.e. get lost, get broken etc. izgubiti se, slomiti se))
exert the least pressure, the force, strength, influence etc. on
put into action or use on djelovati najmanjim pritiskom,
silom, snagom, utjecajem na neto
plough (AE plow ) orati, izbrazdati
wind up plowing rather than gliding zavriti tako da zaoija u snijegu a ne da klie
downhill spust kao skijaka disciplina
lean forward nagnuti se naprijed
train on, upon to aim at, usmjeriti na, naciljati na
contagious tending to spread easily from person to person;
zarazan, priljepiv
crouch to stoop or bend low with the limbs drawn close to the

3 How Do They Defy Gravity?

To maximize lift, jumpers can arch their backs to turn themselves into airplane
wings. The greater the curvature, the greater the difference in pressure at the belly
and the back, and the greater the lift. The same principle explains why airplanes
stay aloft. If you hit it right you feel a big suction into the air, says engineer Mike
Holden of Calspan, Inc., an aerospace company that lent its wind tunnel to the ski
team. In fact, ski suits that are pervious in front, but airtight behind, round the back
so much that the skiers are practically sucked into the stratosphere.
To maximize horizontal speed, jumpers lift out of the back of their bindings on
takeoff. They lean forward so that their bodies are almost parallel to their skis. That
minimizes the size of their frontal area and therefore air resistance, or drag,
enabling them to sustain much of their initial takeoff speed.
The position of the skis during a jump is controversial. Some jumpers swear by the
V position, which is thought to simulate a delta wing, in which swirling air coming
off the wing increases lift. Others believe in offsetting the skis relative to the body
to increase the effective wing area and increase lift. Holden says he has found
little difference between the two positions.


defy resist or oppose; opirati se
arch their backs to turn themselves into curve or bend;
saviti svoja lea tako da se
stay aloft stay in the air, flying; ostati u
zraku, u letu
pervious and airtight allowing passage through and too
tight for air to enter;
propustan i nepropustan za zrak
airtight too tight for air to enter
sucked into the stratosphere draw in by creating a partial
usisan u stratosferu
bindings the fastenings on a ski for the boot
sustain much of their initial speed maintain or prolong;
odrati dosta od svoje poetne
swear by the V position have great faith or confidance in
the V position; duboko vjerovati u
V poziciju
swirling air a swirling motion, whirl, eddy;
vrtloni zrak
offsetting counteracting, balancing,
compensating for; izravnavanje
relative to the body in proportion to, corresponding
u odnosu na tijelo


4 How Do You Build a Faster Luge?

By making it stay in contact with the ice. Engineers at 3M, whose contributions
ranged from research on the basics of ice friction to space-age materials for the
sled's suspension, mounted a high-speed camera on the luge. The thing was
practically bouncing down the course. This was bad. The luge runs fastest when it
is gliding on melt water, formed by friction between the leading edge of the blades
and the ice. The blades can melt ice only when they're touching it, and they melt ice
most efficiently when they've been warmed by friction. After every bounce, the
blades land cold (from exposure to the frigid air) and glide a few feet before they
can melt ice again, explains 3M's Mark Reeves.
Solution: get the athletes to relax so they absorb shocks and minimize pounding. A
relaxed luger can slice 7 seconds from his time. Second: then design the suspension
as a single system to damp bouncing.
Spike gloves provide for better traction during launch, and unbent wrists give the
strongest push-off. One tenth of a second saved at the top shaves 3 seconds off the
total time.


luge a racing sled for one or two persons, a
small toboggan; small toboggan; saonice
led AE or sledge BE saonice
sled's suspension a supporting device or framework upon or
from which something is suspended; the
system of springs, supporting a
vehicle; ovjes saonica
bounce, bouncing hit against a surface so as to spring back
(to bounce a ball); odskakivati, odskakivanje
blades the metal runner of an ice skate;
otrice saonica
shock the impact of forces; udar
pounding to strike or drive with repeated heavy
blow; sudaranje
damp bouncing to reduce the amplitude of oscillations,
waves, to deaden the vibrations;
prigueno odskakivanje
spike gloves rukavice sa iljcima
provide for better traction during launch osigurati bolju vunu silu na
traction a pulling or drawing of a load, vehicle
over a road, the state of being pulled or
drawn ; vuna sila


5 What Is the Slingshot Effect?

It's the extra push a speed skater gets coming out of a turn. Because ice has very
little friction, a skater can get traction only by pushing outward and backward with
the blades of the skate. The right skate pushes back and to the right, the left pushes
back and to the left; the right-left pushes cancel out and leave only the backward
push. Since every action provokes an equal and opposite reaction, the skater's body
goes forward.
On a turn, however, both skates push outwardto the right. The sideways pushes
do not cancel out, but add up, producing a net force inward. When the skater comes
out of the turn and barrels into the straightway, she/he can translate that net force
into an increase in forward speedthe slingshot.
Sideways and backwards forces are translated into a forward thrust on the


slingshot effect or AE catapult the effect of catapult; efekt katapulta
barrels into or along to go at high speed ; juriti
sling shot a Y-shaped piece of wood, metal, etc. with
an elastic band or bands atteched to the
upper tips for shooting stones, etc.
catapult a slingshot, a device for launching
something at very high speed
a forward thrust potisak prema naprijed
on the straight(a)way adv. ravno

6 Bioengineering


6.1 Summerize the text by answering the questions!

Why are the crash scenarios tested in computer simulations?
Why do manufacturers use crash test dummies?
What is the purpose of the virtual crash test dummy?
How are ideas tested?
Why do computer models mime dummies instead of trying to represent
a living human?




shove gurati
rebound effects efekti odskoka, odraza, odboja
heir oponaati, batinik
verterbra kraljenjak
damper priguiva
frailty krhkost, slabanost
approximate priblino iznositi
supplement nadopuniti
water cavity vodena trbuna upljina
mimic koji oponaa
mime oponaati
cut down on smanjiti, reducirati
rear end collision sudar stranjeg dijela

7.1 Translate the following into Croatian:
a crash test dummy
the dummys almost - human appearance
biofidelic rear impact dummy
pretension load on the neck
an articulated human-like spine with the requisite two dozen verterbree

8 Abstract





Section 1


Section 2

Renewables New Power Sources

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

One man's gravy is another man's poison.

Eat to live, not live to eat.



The long-term development of facilities and modern environmental
tech is now well underway.

The use of modern technology is an important prerequisite for
solving today's environmental problems. A primary goal here is the
complete integration of environmental protection into all phases of
the product cycle from assembly line to waste disposal. This
involves, for example, reducing the level of dangerous substances
used in the production process, increasing energy efficiency levels,
making effective use of raw materials, and the development of
environmentally friendly alternative materials. Progress here is
primarily the responsibility of scientists and engineers, working in
research institutes, in industry, and in public authorities.

Their work for the environment could also contribute towards making
people again see technical progress in a more positive light. The
development of environmental technology also represents a great
opportunity for industry: creativity and innovation are opening up
new economic prospects on the threshold of a new world.

Which state has a considerable lead over its international
competitors in the field of environmental technology?
It is Germany. Its high population density, high level of
industrialisation, limited availability of local raw materials, and high
traffic concentrations have meant that, here earlier than elsewhere,
solutions have had to be developed to make production and products
less harmful to the environment. As a result, environmental
technology has become one of Germany's most important markets.
Germany tops the world league table when it comes to exports of
environmental technology. This is also underlined by the fact that
twenty one per cent of all internationally registered patents originate
from Germany. This figure clearly puts Germany ahead of the
international competition well ahead of the USA, with a figure of
thirteen per cent, and Japan, with nine per cent. This unit will
examine examples of the possibilities offered by innovative
environmental technologies.



World energy demand has trebled over the last twenty-five years. Most of our energy
is obtained by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Electricity is one of the
commonest ways in which energy reaches our homes and factories and coal, oil and
gas are used to generate electricity. The future of society depends on supplies of
Supplies of oil may be exhausted within thirty years and coal may last till the end of
the twenty-first century, but no one knows for certain how long supplies will last.
We can use energy more efficiently. We can insulate our homes and factories more
effectively and we can waste less energy in over-powered motor cars. We can
improve our mining methods. We can extract oil from shales and tar sands on a large
scale. Such changes can provide us with fossil fuels for a few more years.
We use coal, oil and gas as raw materials in our factories. They are converted into
chemicals, plastics, fertilizers and artificial proteins. Should we waste these valuable
raw materials by burning them? Could we obtain our energy in other ways?
Nuclear power stations have generated electricity in Britain for more than fifty years.
Nuclear reactors expose us to risks. They provide energy but could also produce fuel
for nuclear bombs. Stolen nuclear fuel could be made into bombs by terrorists.
Experts say these risks are small, but accidents have happened in the U.S.A. and in
several European countries. Fire destroyed a nuclear reactor at Windscale in 1957. A
massive dose of radioactive iodine was released into the air and fell in the open
country. So far, most nuclear reactor disasters have been kept under control.
There are clearly some risks from nuclear power. How big are the risks? Are we
justified in taking them? If the risks are not justified, how will we obtain our future
energy? One answer is to harness natural forces.
We already do this in hydroelectric power stations which generate electricity by
harnessing the power of water flowing down to the sea. Mountainous countries like
Norway produce a high proportion of their energy like this, but only a small
proportion of world energy needs can be met by hydroelectric stations because of the
shortage of suitable sites.
Another possibility is to harness the tides. One site that is being considered is the
mouth of the River Severn. A vast dam would be built across the mouth of the river,
and the tide would flow freely through gates in the dam as the tide rose. At high tide
the gates would be closed and the ebbing tide would drive electric turbine-
generators. Construction costs would be high but the tide will ebb and flow long after
all the fossil fuels have been burned.
In the seas around our coasts, waves move with restless energy. Can we harness this
energy? Many people believe we can. Research is being done. More is needed.
The wind is full of energy. Windmills have provided energy for milling and irrigation
for over 2,000 years. Modern developments include the propeller mill and a device for
keeping the blades facing into the wind.
The largest source of natural energy is the sun. Every hour of the day, sixty times
more energy reaches the world from the sun than Britain consumes in a year.
Harnessing this energy is difficult. Solar energy is plentiful in tropical deserts but not
in the industrial towns of Europe. The suns energy does not reach us at night. Less
solar energy reaches us in winter than summer. The pattern of incoming solar energy
does not match the pattern of energy use. Energy is not easily stored.
Natural sources of energy offer us hope. Sea, wind and sun are free but it is costly to
harness them. They will not solve our energy problems over night. Much more
research and development is needed before we can exploit these sources of energy.


1 Study the following vocabulary :

We 've run out of oil.
're right out of
could do with some
need some
can't do without
're short of

The idea lacks a point.
Is without
is devoid of (also shame, sense =completely without)
has no point.
Is poinless.

To be in plentiful / short / inadequate supply.
To be plentiful / scarce.
The supply is plentiful. Land and labour are in plentiful supply.
Capital and management are in short supply.
There is a great scarcity of capital.
There is a great scarcity of water in some countries.

If I were abroad, I'd miss Dalmatian cuisine. (miss=nedostajati)
What might we lack (lack =oskudijevati) if we didn't have oil?

1.1 Complete the spaces using the following:
could do with
are short of
run out of
can't do without
use up all supplies

1 Oh, no! We of glasses. We've only got twelve.
2 We've only got two bottles of wine. We'll wine before two
3 Are these the only nuts we've got? I'd better go to the shop, we ..
some more.
4 The hi-fi! It's not working, and you music at a party!
5 The room looks wrong. It something. I know! We need
some baloons and decorations.
6 Oh, no! We have ............................... all our supplies of wine.


Natural gas is the most popular fuel for heating homes, and for cooking. It is piped all
over Britain and Europe from the gas fields below the North Sea. At the moment the
supply of natural gas is plentiful, but it will be running short soon, and will run out
during the 21st century unless new supplies are found. We could do without natural gas,
as coal gas can be used as a substitute.

Our life would change if the world ran out of oil.
Do you know what oil is used for, what percentage of world energy it represents, how long
it would last if it were the only source of energy, and what we would lack if we didn't have
oil. Think of the things made from oil and suggest what we might have to do if we didn't
have any.

The roofs of our homes are probably made waterproof by an oil product, bitumen. The
same product is used for the road surface outside our homes.
Oil, or electricity from oil-fed generators may be keeping us comfortably warm. If we are
comfortably cool, our air conditioning unit may also depend on oil-fed generators.
In the kitchin and the bathroom, we shall probably have some plastic fittings such as tiles
and working surfaces; polystyrene cups; curtains made from synthetic materials,
disinfectans and detergens. All owe their origin to the oil known as petroleum (latin/greek
petra, rock and latin oleum, oil) found deep in the earth. Look inside the medicine
cupboard for more petroleum products, medical paraffin and petroleum jelly. Cosmetics
such as face cream, lipsticks and hair preparations are often based on petroleum.
Notice the fields and gardens. Fertilizers and insecticides, chemical substances for killing
insects are made from petroleum. Recently protein feeds for animals have been
developed by growing yeast in a petroleum based stock, a soup-like liquid. Petroleum
products are used in the form of fuel or lubricants. What are we wearing today? A
polyester shirt or dress, nylon socks or stockings, an acrylic sweater a raincoat of PVC
(polyvinyl chloride)? Scientists predict that the world's known oil reserves will run out
soon. But long before then the world will have to decide on its priorities. Can we afford to
use so much of our limited petroleum supplies for private motoring? Should airlines
compete on similar routes allowing planes to fly long distances with empty passenger
seats? What alternative energy resources can be developed? There are some fascinating
solutions such sun ships, with a large enough surface area to carry the enormous
number of solar cells necessary to move any appreciable load, windmills, etc.

1.2 List three things our country hasn't got (but could do with), three things it
is short of, and three things it has got.
If you were going to live abroad, which things from your culture could you do
without? Which things couldn't you do without? Which things would you
notice the lack of? Which things would you miss?
Write a paragraph about our country's resources.



1.3 World Energy Consumption
This Graph shows the world
consumption of fuels by energy source,
since 1965. There is a shift in the trends
of energy consumption of coal for the
developed countries. The developing
countries are becoming more and more
dependent on coal. Consequently,
there are no shifts in the trends of
world energy consumption.

Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas Dominate Consumption
Last year, oil, coal, and natural gas comprised 87 percent of global energy consumption. Oil
accounted for 33.1 percent of energy consumption worldwide and remains the worlds
leading energy source. Coal made up 29.9 percent of world energy consumption, while
natural gas comprised 23.9 percent. Compared to the rest of the world, the U.S. consumes
slightly more natural gas, more nuclear power, less coal, and less hydroelectric power. The
following chart displays world energy consumption by source:

The Chart 2 shows world consumption of the
five most important sources of energy based
on the estimated consumption of energy.
It is assumed that the world will be consuming
the equivalent of .
Of course the world will be using a combination
of energy sources, including renewable sources
such as water, wind power and solar radiation.
It also measures the amount of time an energy
source would last if it were the only source of
energy in the world.
In 2012, the U.S. led the world with the largest oil and natural gas production
increases, and saw the largest gain in oil production in U.S. history.
Coal remains the fastest-growing fossil fuel in the world, even as U.S. coal
consumption declined by 11.9 percent. China was the driving force, consuming half of
the worlds coal last year and accounting for all of the net growth in global coal
2012 marked the largest year-to-year decline of global nuclear output in history, with
Japanese output falling by nearly 90 percent.
Renewable energy saw mixed results in 2012. Global biofuels production declined
for the first time since 2000, led by a 4.3 percent drop in the U.S. However, renewable
energy used in electrical generation grew by 15.2 percent, with wind accounting for
more than half of the growth.
Global growth in energy consumption slowed in 2012, partly due to continued
economic sluggishness but also because individuals and businesses adapted to higher
prices by becoming more energy efficient.


Core Text 1

Power plant is a means for converting stored energy to work.
Stationary power plants such as electric generating stations are located near sources of stored
energy, such as coal fields or river dams, or are located near the places where the work is to be
performed, as in cities or industrial sites. Mobile power plants for transportation service are
located in vehicles (gasoline, diesel engines in automobiles, diesel locomotives for railroads,
Most power plants convert part of the stored raw energy of fossil fuels into kinetic energy of a
spinning shaft. Some power plants harness nuclear energy. Other sources of energy, such as
winds, tides, waves, and solar radiation have not yet achieved greater commercial significance
in the generation of power despite their tremendous magnitudes.

Hydroelectric power is a renewable resource associated with solar energy input
and the resulting evaporation, rainfall, and runoff cycles. Hydroelectric plants generally do not
have as many adverse effects on the environment as thermal electric plants. Because of rapid
startup and loading capabilities and facility for altering the power output quickly,
hydroelectric plants are particularly suitable for satisfying peak electrical energy demands.
Hydroelectric plants are characterized by low operating and maintenance costs, long life times, and
low outage rates. Unscheduled outages in hydroelectric plants are less frequent than in thermal
electric plants because hydroelectric machinery operates at relatively low temperatures and
speeds. Overhaul downtimes are less because of the relative simplicity of hydroelectric
equipment. Hydroelectric plants are normally out of service about two days per year because
of forced outages and about one week per year for scheduled maintenance. This total outage
time of about 3 % per year is approximately one fourth of the average outage rate for modern
steam electric power plants.
Hydroelectric plants do have some disadvantages as compared with steam electric plants. These
disadvantages include high capital costs, remote locations and hence long distance energy
transmission requirements, dependence on variable stream and river flows, and alteration of water
quantity and quality. However, the favourable characteristics and frequent multiple use benefits
of hydroelectric projects provide strong incentives for developing the remaining, economically
viable hydroelectric potential in the world.
Solar energy utilization. The amount of solar energy that strikes the earth's
surface each day is equivalent to the energy in 684 billion tons of coal.
Every hour the sun beams onto Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs
for an entire year. Solar energy is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it
useable. Today, the technology produces less than one tenth of one percent of global energy
Many people are familiar with so-called photovoltaic cells, or solar panels, found on things like
spacecraft, rooftops, and handheld calculators. The cells are made of semiconductor materials
like those found in computer chips. When sunlight hits the cells, it knocks electrons loose from
their atoms. As the electrons flow through the cell, they generate electricity.
On a much larger scale, solar thermal power plants employ various techniques to concentrate
the sun's energy as a heat source. The heat is then used to boil water to drive a steam turbine
that generates electricity in much the same fashion as coal and nuclear power plants, supplying
electricity for thousands of people.
In one technique, long troughs of U-shaped mirrors focus sunlight on a pipe of oil that runs
through the middle. The hot oil then boils water for electricity generation. Another technique
uses moveable mirrors to focus the sun's rays on a collector tower, where a receiver sits. Molten
salt flowing through the receiver is heated to run a generator.

Other solar technologies are passive. For example, big windows placed on the sunny side of a
building allow sunlight to heat-absorbent materials on the floor and walls. These surfaces then
release the heat at night to keep the building warm. Similarly, absorbent plates on a roof can
heat liquid in tubes that supply a house with hot water.
Solar energy is lauded as an inexhaustible fuel source that is pollution and often noise free.
The technology is also versatile. For example, solar cells generate energy for far-out places
like satellites in Earth orbit and cabins deep in the Rocky Mountains as easily as they can
power downtown buildings and futuristic cars.
But solar energy doesn't work at night without a storage device such as a battery, and cloudy
weather can make the technology unreliable during the day. Solar technologies are also very
expensive and require a lot of land area to collect the sun's energy at rates useful to lots of
Despite the drawbacks, solar energy use has surged at about 20 percent a year over the past 15
years, thanks to rapidly falling prices and gains in efficiency. Japan, Germany, and the United
States are major markets for solar cells. With tax incentives, solar electricity can often pay for
itself in five to ten years.
Solar heating has been utilized in various forms since ancient times, when the focusing effects
of lens-like materials were first learned by man. Joseph Pristley used solar heating in 1774 to
decompose HgO (mercury oxide) into Hg and oxygen. A solar distillation unit producing up to
6,000 gallons per day of fresh water was built in 1872 and was used in the North Chilean
desert for 40 years to provide fresh water for miners recovering nitrate deposits. Solar heated
steam boilers were demonstrated as early as the 1878 Paris exhibition. Serious modern
technological development on solar energy utilization was not initiated until the early
nineteen fifties. A 1972 assessment of various energy costs for space heating shows that
solar heating was judged to be competitive with electrical heating.
According to the results of a mid-1973 evaluation, solar energy was expected to
provide between 8 and 26 % of the total required energy by the year 2020.

Wind is the movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. In
fact, wind exists because the sun unevenly heats the surface of the Earth. As hot air rises,
cooler air moves in to fill the void. As long as the sun shines, the wind will blow. And as long
as the wind blows, people will harness it to power their lives.
Ancient mariners used sails to capture the wind and explore the world. Farmers once used
windmills to grind their grains and pump water. Today, more and more people are using wind
turbines to wring electricity from the breeze. Over the past decade, wind turbine use has
increased at more than 25 percent a year. Still, it only provides a small fraction of the world's
Most wind energy comes from turbines that can be as tall as a 20-story building and have
three 200-foot-long (60-meter-long) blades. These contraptions look like giant airplane
propellers on a stick. The wind spins the blades, which turn a shaft connected to a generator
that produces electricity. Other turbines work the same way, but the turbine is on a vertical
axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater.
The biggest wind turbines generate enough electricity to supply about 600 U.S. homes. Wind
farms have tens and sometimes hundreds of these turbines lined up together in particularly
windy spots, like along a ridge. Smaller turbines erected in a backyard can produce enough
electricity for a single home or small business.
Wind is a clean source of renewable energy that produces no air or water pollution. And since
the wind is free, operational costs are nearly zero once a turbine is erected. Mass production
and technology advances are making turbines cheaper, and many governments offer tax
incentives to spur wind-energy development.
Some people think wind turbines are ugly and complain about the noise the machines make.
The slowly rotating blades can also kill birds and bats, but not nearly as many as cars, power
lines, and high-rise buildings do. The wind is also variable: If it's not blowing, there's no
electricity generated.

Nevertheless, the wind energy industry is booming. Globally, generation more than
quadrupled between 2000 and 2006. At the end of last year, global capacity was more than
recovering nitrate deposits. Solar heated steam boilers were demonstrated as early as
the 1878 Paris exhibition.
Serious modern technological development on solar energy utilization was not
initiated until the early nineteen fifties.
A 1972 assessment of various energy costs for space heating shows that solar
heating was judged to be competitive with electrical heating.
According to the results of a mid-1973 evaluation, solar energy was
expected to provide between 8 and 26 % of the total required energy by the
year 2020.

1 Study the difference between electrical and electric

electrical connected with the science or use of electricity; an electrical engineer

electric 1 charged with or coveying electricity, an electric wire , this car goes electric
2 producing or produced by electricity, an electric generator;
3 operated by electricity, an electric iron

2 Technical terminology

harness to control so as to use the power of
chiefly mainly
widely to a large or full extent; fully
to convert verb
conversion noun
convertible adjective
to have the access to, to be accessible to, to be available to
tidal motion includes low tides (oseke) and high tides (plime)
salt gradient Physics the rate of change of temperature, pressure etc. of salt water
adiabetically, i.e. without gain or lose of heat;
an adiabetic process
less visually distracting blades lopatice koje vizualno manje smetaju

3 English Croatian Code Transfer

low operating costs niski proizvodni trokovi
low maintenance costs niski trokovi odravanja
long life time dugi vijek trajanja
low outage rate niski postotak zastoja u radu
unscheduled outage neplaniran prekid rada
frequent, frequency uestao, uestalost, frekvencija
overhaul downtime prekid rada radi remonta
ovehaul remont, generalni remont; pregledati,
rastaviti na dijelove
downtime prekid rada
simplicity jednostavnost
simplify pojednostaviti
simple jednostavan

forced outage prisilan prekid rada
scheduled maintenance planirano odravanje, remont
total outage time cjelokupno vrijeme prekida rada
high capital costs visoki investicijski trokovi
surge bujati
tax incentives porezne olakice, poticaji
trough korito

N.B.overall (cjelokupni, sveukupni) Pronunciation \'-vro:l\
but overhaul (remont) - Pronunciation: verb \-vr-'ho:l\
and noun \'-vrho:l\

Word Families
operate raditi, funkcionirati, pogoniti, tjerati
operating instructions radne naredbe
operation rad
operational life vijek eksploatacije
to be out of service biti izvan pogona
service behaviour/service performance ponaanje, karakteristike pri
serviceability upotrebljivost
serviceable trajan, upotrebljiv

4 Translate the following compound into Croatian

long distance energy transmission requirements

5 English English Code Transfer

maintenance the work of keeping machinery in a state of good repair

outage an interruption, accidental suspension of operation of (electric
life time the length of time that something lasts, functions effect
downtime an interval or the time during which a machine or plant is
shut down for repairs or the like (during loading, maintenance,
repair or the like)
to break down 1 to go out of working order; 2 to separate into parts
breakdown 1 (of a machine) a failure to work or function properly; 2 a
separation into parts, analysis

6 Word Families

to overhaul verb to haul over as for examination; to check thoroughly for
needed repairs; to make the repairs, needed to restore to to
good working order; I got the engine overhauled.
overhaul noun an overhauling or thorough examination or restoration to good
working order
overhauling adjective remontni; an overhauling examination or thorough




Hydroelectric plants are characterized by low operating and
maintenance costs, long life times, and low outage rates.
Unscheduled outages in hydroelectric plants are less frequent than in
thermal electric plants because hydroelectric machinery operates at
relatively low temperatures and speeds. Overhaul downtimes are less
because of the relative simplicity of hydroelectric equipment.
Hydroelectric plants are normally out of service about two days per
year because of forced outages and about one week per year for
scheduled maintenance. This total outage time of about 3% per year
is approximately one fourth of the average outage rate for modern
steam power plants. However, hydroelectric plants have some
disadvantages as high capital costs, remote locations and hence long
distance energy transmission requirements.

8 Read the text "Hydroelectric and Solar Power Generation" and
find the answers to these questions:

1. Could you define a power plant?

2. What is hydroelectric power associated with?
3. When are hydroelectric power plants particularly convenient?
4. Give the amount of solar energy that strikes the earth's surface each day.

9 Using the information in the text, fill in the table.

Energy source




Solar power

Wind power

Nuclear power


10 CODE TRANSFER (English Croatian)
Find the appropriate expressions in Croatian by looking at the
examples in the text "Hydroelectric and Solar Power Generation".
power plant .............................................................................
electric generating
stations .............................................................................
coal fields .............................................................................
river dams .............................................................................
industrial sites .............................................................................
transportation service ..........................................................................
stored raw energy .............................................................................
spinning shaft .............................................................................
solar energy input ................................................................................
loading capabilities .................................................................................
power output ............................................................................
peak electrical energy
demands .............................................................................
operating costs .............................................................................
maintenance costs .................................................................................
life time .............................................................................
outage rates .............................................................................
unscheduled outages .................................................................................
overhaul downtimes ....................................................................................
forced outages ..........................................................................
average outage rate ...................................................................................
capital costs ...........................................................................
long distance energy
requirements ...........................................................................
multiple use benefits ..................................................................................
solar distillation unit ....................................................................................
solar heated steam
boilers .......................................................................... ..
11 Translate into English the following text: (see page 197)
Ininjeru uinkovitost znai izlazna vrijednost podijeljena sa ulaznom vrijednou.
Njegov posao je osigurati maksimalni output za dani input ili osigurati zadani output uz
minimalni input. Omjer se moe izraziti u smislu energije, materijala, novca, vremena ili
ljudstva. Najei denominator je novac; u stvari, veina tehnikih problema se rjeava u
konanici dolarima i centime. Uinkovita pretvorba se izvodi koristei uinkovite
metode, ureaje i oobne organizacije.

Write a summary of the texts "Energy" and "Hydroelectric, Solar and
Wind Power Generation".
Essential idea:

The most important supporting information:
(Count the words. You should not have more than 80.)

Use the verbs in brackets either in the Simple Past Active or the Passive form
according to the meaning of the sentence.
1. During the eleventh century tidal energy ......................................
(utilize) in tide mills located on the Atlantic Coast of France, Great Britain and
2. The practice of utilizing tidal energy in coastal regions which ex
perience large tidal ranges ................................................. (continue)
throughout the early part of the nineteenth century.
3. Tidal power installations .......................................... (operate) in Great Britain,
Germany, Italy, the U. S. S. R., and the United States during this period.

To the engineer, efficiency means output divided by input. His job is to secure a maximum output for given
input or to secure a given output with a minimum input. The ratio may be expressed in terms of energy,
materials, money, time, or men. Most commonly the denominator is money; in fact, most engineering
problems are answered ultimately in dollars and cents. Efficient conversion is accomplished by using efficient
methods, devices, and personnel organizations.



the ultimate green technology
far too expensive
tax subsides
venture capitalists
pure silicon wafers
ordinarily expensive
it exercerbates the problem
CIGS solar cells and CIGS layer
vacuum deposition technique
turn a profit

13.2 Translate the following sentences from the text:
1 The most cost effective conventional silicon solar cells cost about three times as

2 Other companies are also pursuing CIGS thin films.
3 Backed by hundreds of millions in investor capital, the solar cell industry may
be well on its way to transforming free sunlight into affordable electricity.

13.3 Write a short abstract of the text SOLAR CELLS AT $1 A


Section 2
Renewable energy
If we were to cover 3% of the Croatian teritory with solar panels we would get more than 8% of todays
Croatian energy consumption. Natko Urli
Renewable energy effectively utilizes natural resources such as sunlight, wind, tides and geothermal
heat, which are naturally replenished. Renewable energy technologies range from solar power, wind
power, and hydroelectricity to biomass and biofuels for transportation. About 13 percent of primary
energy comes from renewables, with most of this coming from traditional biomass like wood-burning.
Hydropower is the next largest source, providing 2-3%, and modern technologies like geothermal, wind,
solar, and marine energy together produce less than 1% of total world energy demand. The technical
potential for their use is very large, exceeding all other readily available sources.
Renewable energy technologies are sometimes criticised for being unreliable or unsightly, yet the market
is growing for many forms of renewable energy. Wind power has a worldwide installed capacity of
74,223 MW and is widely used in several European countries and the USA. The manufacturing output of
the photovoltaics industry reached more than 2,000 MW per year in 2006, and PV power plants are
particularly popular in Germany. Solar thermal power stations operate in the USA and Spain, and the
largest of these is the 354 MW SEGS power plant in the Mojave Desert. The world's largest geothermal
power installation is The Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW. Brazil has one of the
largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane,
and ethanol now provides 18 percent of the country's automotive fuel. Ethanol fuel is also widely
available in the USA.
While there are many large-scale renewable energy projects, renewable technologies are also suited to
small off-grid applications, sometimes in rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human
development. Kenya has the world's highest household solar ownership rate with roughly 30,000 small
(20-100 watt) solar power systems sold per year.
Climate change concerns coupled with high oil prices, peak oil and increasing government support are
driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. EU leaders reached
agreement in principle in March that 20 percent of the bloc's energy should be produced from renewable
fuels by 2020, as part of its drive to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, blamed in part for global warming.
Investment capital flowing into renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a record $100
billion in 2006.Some very large corporations such as BP, GE, Sharp, and Shell are investing in the
renewable energy sector.

1 Biofuel

Plants use photosynthesis to grow and produce biomass. Also known as biomatter, biomass can be used
directly as fuel or to produce liquid biofuel. Agriculturally produced biomass fuels, such as biodiesel,
ethanol and bagasse (often a by-product of sugar cane cultivation) can be burned in internal combustion
engines or boilers. Typically biofuel is burned to release its stored chemical energy. Research into more
efficient methods of converting biofuels and other fuels into electricity utilizing fuel cells is an area of
very active work.

Liquid biofuel is usually either a bioalcohol such as ethanol or a bio-oil such as biodiesel and straight
vegetable oil. Biodiesel can be used in modern diesel vehicles with little or no modification to the engine
and can be made from waste and virgin vegetable and animal oil and fats (lipids). Virgin vegetable oils
can be used in modified diesel engines. In fact the Diesel engine was originally designed to run on
vegetable oil rather than fossil fuel. A major benefit of biodiesel is lower emissions. The use of biodiesel
reduces emission of carbon monoxide and other hydrocarbons by 20 to 40%. In some areas corn,

cornstalks, sugarbeets, sugar cane, and switchgrasses are grown specifically to produce ethanol (also
known as grain alcohol) a liquid which can be used in internal combustion engines and fuel cells.
Ethanol is being phased into the current energy infrastructure. E85 is a fuel composed of 85% ethanol
and 15% gasoline that is sold to consumers. Biobutanol is being developed as an alternative to
In the future, there might be bio-synthetic liquid fuel available. It can be produced by the Fischer-
Tropsch process, also called Biomass-To-Liquids (BTL).
Direct use is usually in the form of combustible solids, either wood, the biogenic portion of municipal
solid waste or combustible field crops. Field crops may be grown specifically for combustion or may be
used for other purposes, and the processed plant waste then used for combustion. Most sorts of
biomatter, including dried manure, can actually be burnt to heat water and to drive turbines.
Sugar cane residue, wheat chaff, corn cobs and other plant matter can be, and are, burned quite
successfully. The net carbon dioxide emissions that are added to the atmosphere by this process are only
from the fossil fuel that is often currently consumed to plant, fertilize, harvest and transport the biomass.
Processes to harvest biomass from short-rotation poplars and willows, and perennial grasses such as
switchgrass, phalaris, and miscanthus, require less frequent cultivation and less nitrogen than from
typical annual crops. Pelletizing miscanthus and co-firing it with coal for generating electricity is being
studied and may be economically viable. The higher heating value of cellulose is about 17.4 MJ/kg. The
estimated yield of ethanol from dry cellulose is about 0.2 kg of ethanol per kg of cellulose (60 gal/ton).
Since the higher heating value of ethanol is 29.7 MJ/kg of ethanol it would be 5.94 MJ/kg of the
cellulose that it is made from. Thus the ethanol contains only about 1/3 as much energy as the cellulose
that it was made from. Co-firing cellulose with coal would replace about three times as much fossil fuel
as using the cellulose to make ethanol.


2 Biogas

Biogas can easily be produced from current waste streams, such as: paper production, sugar
production, sewage, animal waste and so forth. These various waste streams have to be slurried
together and allowed to naturally ferment, producing methane gas. This can be done by converting
current sewage plants into biogas plants. When a biogas plant has extracted all the methane it can,
the remains are sometimes better suitable as fertilizer than the original biomass.
Alternatively biogas can be produced via advanced waste processing systems such as mechanical
biological treatment. These systems recover the recyclable elements of household waste and
process the biodegradable fraction in anaerobic digesters.
Renewable natural gas is a biogas which has been upgraded to a quality similar to natural gas. By
upgrading the quality to that of natural gas, it becomes possible to distribute the gas to the mass
market via gas grid.
Is it all as good as it sounds? Could it be this simple? We just burn some corn and we get fuel?
This article explains why biofuel could be the downfall of humanity at this time
Shoud we really convert food into fuel while we have almost a billion starving people in the world?
Biofuel crime against humanity'
By Grant Ferrett
BBC News
Food prices have risen as more land is used to produce biofuels
A United Nations expert has condemned the growing use of crops to produce biofuels as a
replacement for petrol as a crime against humanity.
The UN special rapporteur on the right to food, Jean Ziegler, said he feared biofuels would bring
more hunger.
The growth in the production of biofuels has helped to push the price of some crops to record
Mr Ziegler's remarks, made at the UN headquarters in New York, are clearly designed to grab
He complained of an ill-conceived dash to convert foodstuffs such as maize and sugar into fuel,
which created a recipe for disaster.
It was, he said, a crime against humanity to divert arable land to the production of crops which are
then burned for fuel.

He called for a five-year ban on the practice.

Within that time, according to Mr Ziegler, technological advances would enable the use of
agricultural waste, such as corn cobs and banana leaves, rather than crops themselves to produce
The growth in the production of biofuels has been driven, in part, by the desire to find less
environmentally-damaging alternatives to oil.
The United States is also keen to reduce its reliance on oil imported from politically unstable
But the trend has contributed to a sharp rise in food prices as farmers, particularly in the US, switch
production from wheat and soya to corn, which is then turned into ethanol.
Mr Ziegler is not alone in warning of the problem...

3 Wind power

We've used the wind as an energy source for a long time. The Babylonians and Chinese were using
wind power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000 years ago, and sailing boats were around long
before that.

Wind power was used in the Middle Ages, in Europe, to grind corn, which is where the term
"windmill" comes from.
Airflows can be used to run wind turbines. Modern wind turbines range from around 600kW to
up to 5 MW of rated power, although turbines, with rated output of 1.5-3 MW, have become the
most common for commercial use; the power output of a turbine is a function of the cube of the
wind speed, so as wind speed increases, power output increases dramatically. Areas where winds
are stronger and more constant, such as offshore and high altitude sites, are preferred locations for
wind farms.
Wind power is the fastest growing of the renewable energy technologies, though it currently
provides less than 0.5% of global energy. Over the past decade, global installed maximum
capacity increased from 2,500 MW in 1992 to just over 40,000 MW at the end of 2003, at an
annual growth rate of near 30%.As wind power has become more prominent and viable, several
public schools are incorporating sustainable wind power into the energy grid of their school in
order to cut power costs. Due to the intermittency of wind resources, most deployed turbines in
the EU produce electricity an average of 25% of the hours in a year (a capacity factor of 25%),but
under favourable wind regimes some reach 35% or higher. Capacity factors are a function of
seasonal wind fluctuations and may be higher in winter. It would mean that a typical 5 MW
turbine in the EU would have an average output of 1.7 MW.
Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be five times total
current global energy production, or 40 times current electricity demand. This could require large
amounts of land to be utilized for wind turbines, particularly in areas of higher wind resources.
Offshore resources experience mean wind speeds of ~90% greater than that of land, so offshore
resources could contribute substantially more energy. This number could also increase with
higher altitude ground-based or airborne wind turbines.
Wind strengths near the Earth's surface vary and thus cannot guarantee continuous power unless
combined with other energy sources or storage systems. Some estimates suggest that 1,000 MW
of conventional wind generation capacity can be relied on for just 333 MW of continuous power.
While this might change as technology evolves, advocates have suggested incorporating wind
power with other power sources, or the use of energy storage techniques, with this in mind. It is
best used in the context of a system that has significant reserve capacity such as hydro, or reserve
load, such as a desalination plant, to mitigate the economic effects of resource variability.
Wind power is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases during operation, such as carbon
dioxide and methane.

How it works
The Sun heats our atmosphere unevenly, so some patches become warmer than others.
These warm patches of air rise, other air blows in to replace them - and we feel a wind blowing.
We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall tower, with a large propellor on the top.


The wind blows the propeller round, which turns a generator to produce electricity.
We tend to build many of these towers together, to make a "wind farm" and produce more
electricity. The more towers, the more wind, and the larger the propellors, the more
electricity we can make. It's only worth building wind farms in places that have strong,
steady winds, although boats and caravans increasingly have small wind generators to help
keep their batteries charged.
More details
The best places for wind farms are in coastal areas, at the tops of rounded hills, open plains
and gaps in mountains - places where the wind is strong and reliable. Isolated places such as
farms may have their own wind generators. In California, several "wind farms" supply
electricity to homes around Los Angeles.
A wind tower:
Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.
Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.
The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.
Wind farms can be tourist attractions.
The wind is not always predictable - some days have no wind.
Suitable areas for wind farms are often near the coast, where land is expensive.
Some people feel that covering the landscape with these towers is unsightly.
Wind farms can kill birds - migrating flocks tend to like strong winds. Splat!
Can affect television reception if you live nearby.

Wind Power in Croatia

If we observe the wind characteristics in Croatia we can conclude that our homeland has a great
potential, which doesn't mean that the entire Croatian landscape is suitable for Wind Turbines.
Croatia has a lot of windy areas and, even though the winds are not of constant strenght, they do
vary a lot. (For example the winds in Senj are a great example of this). That kind of wind is not
suitable for energetic usage. But the Croatian territory has a lot of suitable areas where we could
use this technology, the most suitable ones determined by scientists are the continental regions
of Jadran, so the first Croatian wind turbines were built in Pag and ibenik. There are hundreds
of other places where wind turbines could be placed, but what I personally don't understand is,
if scientists have determined hundreds of places where wind turbines could be built, why are we
constructing them in Senj where it has been determined not to be suitable?
The usage of wind energy has great potential in Croatia, we have the knowledge, we have
locations, and this is a chance we cannot allow not to explore.



4 Read the following text, underline the facts describing
how vertical-axis turbines may avoid the limitations of
today's standard propeller- like machines and report it to
your colleagues.

Vertical-Axis Turbines May Avoid the Limitations of Today's
Standard Propeller-Like Machines

THE IMAGE OF MODERN WIND TURBINES has finally crept into the public consciousness. At
long last, the Dutch windmill and the Great Plains wind-powered water pump have been
supplanted by something sleek and futuristic: a tower that is 10, 20, even 30 stories tall
with a rotor comprising two or three thin blades.
But the image does not fully account for the reality. Anyone not directly involved in the
wind turbine industry might be forgiven for thinking that all wind turbines face into the
wind, with a horizontal axis of rotation. But there is another, less familiar, type of wind
turbine, with a vertical axis. It has origins going back much farther in history than the
common propeller-type, horizontal-axis turbines.
Horizontal-axis wind turbine technology is likely to peak in the next few years, largely
because of the limitations of the blades and their effects on the machine. The power
output of a wind turbine is directly related to the swept area of its blades. The larger the
diameter, the more power it is capable of extracting from the wind. The larger the blades,
the stronger they need to be to withstand the higher levels of centrifugal force and stresses
caused by their additional size and weight.



The extra mass for strength adds further to the structure's weight and so compounds the
problem. Furthermore, the bending moments across the swept area of the blade can vary
considerably, with a possible difference of several meters a second in wind speeds
between the top and the bottom of the blade's rotation. This all adds up to a substantial-
increase in fatigue, not only in the blade structure, but also in the machine's hub, bearing,
driveshaft and support tower. With a 31-meter (100-foot) blade weighing around 4.5 tons
and a 54-meter (177-foot) blade weighing about 13 tons, the weight of the blade for a
horizontal-axis turbine is not proportional to the size and power rating, of the machine.

I believe that horizontal-axis machines will prove unable to

meet the growing demand for
larger, more cost-effective wind turbinesparticularly with the recent trend to build is on
more costly, but more productive sites offshore. We need to look back in history and
concentrate on further developing the simpler vertical-axis designs. Without the same
structural limitations, vertical-axis turbines can be produced much larger and so take
advantage of significant economies of scale.
Vertical-axis windmills are not some futuristic concept. There is evidence of their
existence dating back as far as the seventh century B.C. However, all the different designs
can be categorized into two basic principlespushed by the wind or pulled by the wind.
The push principle is the oldest by far, originally consisting of two or more vertical sails
or paddles that are blown around their vertical axis by the wind. A Persian vertical axis
design dating from about 200 B.C. channeled the wind with walls towards the paddles of
the machine, which were then pushed around by the wind. Finnish engineer S.J. Savonius
substantially updated this basic concept in 1922, when he replaced the sails with cups or
half oil drums with their open sides opposing each other and fixed to a central vertical
shaft. The cup in line with the wind flow catches the wind and so turns the shaft 180
degrees, bringing the opposing cup into the flow. This cup then repeats the process,
causing the shaft to rotate a further 180 degrees and complete a full rotation.
There have been numerous variations on the same theme, some with additional cups or
drums on the same shaft and some with their cups or drums set at different angles or
positions on the shaft. In recent years, this principle has undergone further significant
development, noticeably by two Finnish companies, Shield Oy and Windside Production
Ltd. Both of these companies produce small helical or fluted bladed machines, where the
drums of the Savonius rotor have evolved into spiral-formed vanes.
These machines are ideal for use on buoys, offshore platforms, buildings, signs, and posts,
where small amounts of power are required. They are often used to charge battery backup
systems or to supplement low-voltage photovoltaic solar panels, used to power signs,
public telephones, low-volt-age transmitters, and other small systems.
These devices benefit from being extremely rugged, quiet, and omnidirectional. They are
more efficient than the conventional Savonius machine and exert less stress on their
support structures. There are ambitions to scale up these types of machines to megawatt
size, but research and development funding for vertical -axis turbines is scarce.
The other option, using the pull principle, shows more promise. In 1931, a French
engineer, George J. M. Darrieus, invented a new type of vertical -axis wind turbine. The
Darrieus type of machine consists of two or more flexible airfoil blades, which are
attached to both the top and bottom of a rotating vertical shaft, giving the machine the
appearance of a giant egg whisk. The wind blowing over the airfoil contours of the blade
create aerodynamic lift, which actually pulls along the blades.
One such group, led by Peter Musgrove at Reading University of England hit upon
straightening out the blades of a Darrieus-type wind turbine. The hope was that this would
overcome the blade fatigue problem and improve performance. But at the time, it was
believed that the simplest solution-an H-shape blade configuration could over-speed and
become dangerously unstable under excessively windy conditions. To avoid this,
Musgrove proposed that a reefing mechanism be incorporated in the machines design,
thus allowing the blades to be feathered in high winds. These earlier machines with
feathering blades were known as "variable geometry vertical -axis wind turbines.



The research carried out on the VAWT 450 established that the elaborate mechanisms
used to feather the blades were unnecessary. Instead, the drag/stall effect created by a
blade leaving the wind flow would limit the speed at which a connected blade in the wind
flow could move forward. This led the way to a fixed straight -bladed design-the H rotor.
The developer of the Model 450, VAWT Ltd., went on to build a larger straight-bladed
machine at Carmarthen Bay, called the VAWT 850, which had a rated power output of
500 kW. The VAWT 850 was extensively tested and proved that the simplicity of the
basic H-blade configuration was practical.
The machine was not without its problems. Extremely high levels of torque created by the
rotation of the blades led to the failure of the power transmission arrangement on several
occasions. The machine's main generating plant was housed in the center of the support
tower and the blades' rotation was transferred via gearboxes and a torque tube. The high
stresses exerted on the torque tube caused it to fail and proved difficult to overcome.
The catastrophic failure of the main bearing, coupled with the withdrawal of government
research funding, signed the machine's death warrant. The VAWT 450 and VAWT 850
machines at Carmarthen Bay were both demolished at the turn of the century, in
accordance with the original plan.
Advances in horizontal-axis turbines in Europe have slowed of late, and governments and
industry have begun to reassess the promise of vertical-axis designs. Several vertical-axis
designs are currently available, among them a number of build-it-yourself kits for
conventional Savonius rotor wind turbines.


There are at least two new research and development programs into the design of Darrieus
machines, planned in the United States and Canada. These new machines will use the
latest composite materials to maximize the fatigue resistance of their blades and prolong
the overall useful life of the machine.
The Canadian Chinook 2000, manufactured by Sustainable Energy Technologies, is the
only large Darrieus type of machine currently in production, to my knowledge. It is rated
at 250 kW and the manufacturer claims that it can be erected in remote areas.
The H-rotor design has not disappeared, either. There are two companies currently
producing H-rotor type turbinesHeidelberg Motor GmbH of Germany and Solwind Ltd.
of New Zealand. Both companies offer a range of machines rated up to 300 kW. The
machines use a low-speed magnetic levitation alternator, which means that the turbines
have only one moving part, making them extremely quiet and reliable.
There are numerous patents issued for all sorts of variations of vertical axis turbines, but
the only radically different machines to reach the market are the Turby wind turbine from
the Netherlands and the Ropatec from Italy. The Turby machine is designed to be used in
the built environment, on posts, roofs of buildings, fixed to walls, etc. It uses an all-in-one
bearing hub/alternator, has a peak output of 3 kW, and is rated at 2.5 kW. The Ropatec
hybrid design is a mix of H-rotor and Savomus. These machines are very robust and are
suitable for isolated mountainous regions or for offshore platforms. Eurowind
Developments Ltd. is planning to introduce a modular turbine that will have power
outputs ranging from 1 MW to more than 10 MW. The concept combines the most up-to-
date but proven wind turbine, shipbuilding, and construction technology. The modular
design is intended for a number of applications, ranging from offshore to various land
installations, in wind farms or standing alone.

The machine can be mounted on certain types of industrial structures, such as chimneys
and other similar tall structures, without inhibiting their normal use. Rather than having a
wind turbine that exerts a specific load onto its support tower, Eurowinds modular system
is designed to tailor the wind turbine and therefore, its load-to the known reserve strength
of the host structure. The interface between structure and turbine would then absorb the
most significant stress loads produced by the rotation of the machines blades to prevent
excessive stressing of the structure.
Taken from Mechanical Engineering 28 June 2004,writen by BY STEVEN PEACE



5 Solar energy

We've used the Sun for drying clothes and food for thousands of years, but only recently have
we been able to use it for generating power. The Sun is 150 million kilometres away, and
amazingly powerful.
Just the tiny fraction of the Sun's energy that hits the Earth (around a hundredth of a millionth
of a percent) is enough to meet all our power needs many times over.
In fact, every minute, enough energy arrives at the Earth to meet our demands for a whole year
- if only we could harness it properly.
Solar energy is energy from the Sun. This energy drives the climate and weather and supports
virtually all life on Earth. Heat and light from the sun, along with solar-based resources such
as wind and wave power, hydroelectricity and biomass, account for over 99.9 percent of the
available flow of renewable energy.[
Solar energy technologies harness the sun's energy for practical ends. These technologies date
from the time of the early Greeks, Native Americans and Chinese, who warmed their buildings
by orienting them toward the sun. Modern solar technologies provide heating, lighting,
electricity and even flight.
Solar power is used synonymously with solar energy or more specifically to refer to the
conversion of sunlight into electricity. This can be done either through the photovoltaic effect
or by heating a transfer fluid to produce steam to run a generator.

Solar energy in Croatia
Solar energy is a very valuable natural resource. The applications of solar energy alter from
very simple black painted hot water tanks to photovoltaic concentrators with two axis solar
tracking. However, designers of the systems for conversions of solar energy need accurate
knowledge of this resource.
To determine the value and potential of Solar radiaton we need to measure the radiation
paramaters, which we began doing in Croatia after WW2, on the observatory in Zagreb with
the Robitzche actinograf. Later on, measurements were made in Sljeme, Split, Krizevci, etc.
Since 1957 we have had very regular measurements and processing of data about solar
However, since 1989 the complete Solar radiaton hasn't been measured in any meteorological
station in Croatia, thus the correct determination of our energy potential has been greatly
But he way I see it, we have a tremendous amount of sunny days, we should invest more
money and time into research and the implementaiton of solar energy into our homeland.
According to an estimation by EIHP [interner LINK administration, energy institute hrvoje
pozar], 12-15.000 m2 solar thermal collectors are in operation. Most of the PV systems in
place are off-grid. The three grid connected systems with a total capacity of 48,84 kW are all
located in the north of the country. There are two factories producing monocrystalline and
amorphous solar cells in Novigrad, and Split, resp. The solar thermal market is dominated by
imports from Germany and Turkey.



A solar field

How it works
There are three main ways that we use the Sun's energy:
Solar Cells (really called "photovoltaic" or "photoelectric"
cells) that convert light directly into electricity.
In a sunny climate, you can get enough power to run a 100W
light bulb from just one square metre of solar panel.

Solar water heating, where heat from the Sun is used to heat water in glass
panels on your roof.
This means you don't need to use so much gas or electricity to heat your
water at home.



Water is pumped through pipes in the panel.
The pipes are painted black, so they get hot when the Sun shines on them. This helps out
your central heating system, and cuts your fuel bills. Solar heating is worthwhile in
places like California and Australia, where you get lots of sunshine.
Solar Furnaces use a huge array of mirrors to concentrate the Sun's energy into a small
space and produce very high temperatures. There's one at Odellio, in France, used for
scientific experiments.
It can achieve temperatures up to 33,000 degrees Celsius.

6 Hydropower

Hydropower or hydraulic power is the force or energy of moving water. It may be captured for
some useful purpose.

Prior to the widespread availability of commercial electric power, hydropower was used for
irrigation, and operation of various machines, such as watermills, textile machines, and sawmills.
The energy of moving water has been exploited for millennia. In India, water wheels and
watermills were built; in Imperial Rome, water powered mills produced flour from grain, and in
China and the rest of the Far East, hydraulically operated "pot wheel" pumps that raised water
into irrigation canals. In the 1830s, at the peak of the canal-building era, hydropower was used to
transport barge traffic up and down steep hills using inclined plane railroads. Direct mechanical
power transmission required that industries using hydropower had to locate near the waterfall. For
example, during the last half of the 19th century, many grist mills were built at Saint Anthony
Falls, utilizing the 50 foot (15 metre) drop in the Mississippi River. The mills contributed to the
growth of Minneapolis. Today the largest use of hydropower is for electric power generation,
which allows low cost energy to be used at long distances from the water source. There are
several forms of water power:

-Waterwheels, used for hundreds of years to power mills and machinery
-Hydroelectricity, usually referring to hydroelectric dams or run-of-the-river setups.
-Tidal power, which captures energy from the tides in horizontal direction
-Tidal stream power, which does the same vertically
-Wave power, which uses the energy in waves

In the structure of the electricity system, hydro power plants account for more than a half of the
sources. Croatia is thus among the leading countries in energy production from renewable


There are 25 hydro power plants in operation in Croatia today, of reservoir or natural flow type,
grouped in three production areas (Dubrovnik HPP is an independent operational unit).

All of HEPs hydro power plants have issued certificate for electricity production from
renewable sources, and those of production areas North and West have additionally received
certificate for quality assurance (ISO 9001) and environmental protection (ISO 14001).

Hydro power plants in Croatia

Hydro power plant on the river Dobra:



7 Wave power
I ntroduction
Ocean waves are caused by the wind as it blows across the sea. Waves are a powerful source
of energy. The problem is that it is not easy to harness this energy and convert it into
electricity in large amounts. Thus, wave power stations are rare.

How it works
There are several methods of getting energy from waves, but one of the most
effective works like a swimming pool wave machine in reverse. At a swimming
pool, air is blown in and out of a chamber beside the pool, which makes the water
outside bob up and down, causing waves. At a wave power station, the waves
arriving cause the water in the chamber to rise and fall, which means that air is
forced in and out of the hole in the top of the chamber.

We place a turbine in this hole, which is turned by the air rushing in and out. The turbine turns
a generator. A problem with this design is that the rushing air can be very noisy, unless a
silencer is fitted to the turbine. The noise is not a huge problem anyway, as the waves make
quite a bit of noise themselves.
More details
Once you've built it, the energy is free, needs no fuel and produces no waste or pollution. One
big problem is that of building and anchoring something that can withstand the roughest
conditions at sea, yet can generate a reasonable amount of power from small waves. It's not
much use if it only works during storms!


As we realise more and more that fossil fuels are going to run out, we're trying harder to
develop other means of generating the electricity on which we depend. Renewable sources,
such as solar, wave and wind power are particularly attractive, although they do have

8 Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is energy obtained by tapping the heat of the earth itself, usually from
kilometers deep into the Earth's crust. It is expensive to build a power station but operating
costs are low resulting in low energy costs for suitable sites. Ultimately, this energy derives
from heat in the Earth's core. The government of Iceland states: "It should be stressed that
the geothermal resource is not strictly renewable in the same sense as the hydro resource." It
estimates that Iceland's geothermal energy could provide 1700 MW for over 100 years,
compared to the current production of 140 MW. The International Energy Agency classifies
geothermal power as renewable.
Three types of power plants are used to generate power from geothermal energy: dry steam,
flash, and binary. Dry steam plants take steam out of fractures in the ground and use it to
directly drive a turbine that spins a generator. Flash plants take hot water, usually at
temperatures over 200 C, out of the ground, and allows it to boil as it rises to the surface
then separates the steam phase in steam/water separators and then runs the steam through a
turbine. In binary plants, the hot water flows through heat exchangers, boiling an organic
fluid that spins the turbine. The condensed steam and remaining geothermal fluid from all
three types of plants are injected back into the hot rock to pick up more heat.
The geothermal energy from the core of the Earth is closer to the surface in some areas than
in others. Where hot underground steam or water can be tapped and brought to the surface it
may be used to generate electricity. Such geothermal power sources exist in certain
geologically unstable parts of the world such as Iceland, New Zealand, United States, the
Philippines and Italy. The two most prominent areas for this in the United States are in the
Yellowstone basin and in northern California. Iceland produced 170 MW geothermal power
and heated 86% of all houses in the year 2000 through geothermal energy. Some 8000 MW
of capacity is operational in total.
There is also the potential to generate geothermal energy from hot dry rocks. Holes at least 3
km deep are drilled into the earth. Some of these holes pump water into the earth, while other
holes pump hot water out. The heat resource consists of hot underground radiogenic granite
rocks, which heat up when there is enough sediment between the rock and the earths
surface. Several companies in Australia are exploring this technology.



Geothermal energy in Croatia. Croatia has geothermal reservoirs in the northern part of the
country, characterized by high value geothermal gradients. At present, thermal water is
used for space heating, heating of swimming pools, and in balneology. In 2000, the total
installed capacity was 36.7 MWt.

Geothermal Energy Resource Potential

According to National Energy Program GEOEN (see: Energy Institute "Hrvoje Pozar"
Ltd), total potential is estimated at 839 MWt. The potential of binary GeoPP constitutes
about 48 MWe.

9 Fossil fuels
Coal, Oil and Gas are called "fossil fuels" because they have been formed from the
fossilised remains of prehistoric plants and animals.
They provide around 66% of the world's electrical power, and 95% of the world's total
energy demands (including heating, transport, electricity generation and other uses).
How it works
Coal is crushed to a fine dust and burnt. Oil and gas can be burnt directly.



More Details
Coal provides around 28% of our energy, and oil provides 40%.
Burning coal produces sulphur dioxide, an acidic gas that contributes to the formation of
acid rain. This can be largely avoided using "flue gas desulphurisation" to clean up the
gases before they are released into the atmosphere. This method uses limestone, and
produces gypsum for the building industry as a by-product. However, it uses a lot of
Crude oil (called "petroleum") is easier to get out of the ground than coal,
as it can flow along pipes. This also makes it cheaper to transport.
Natural gas provides around 20% of the world's consumption of energy, and as well as
being burnt in power stations, is used by many people to heat their homes.
It is easy to transport along pipes, and gas power stations produce comparatively little
Other fossil fuels are being investigated, such as bituminous sands and oil shale. The
difficulty is that they need expensive processing before we can use them.
The steam that has passed through the power station's turbines has to be cooled, to
condense it back into water before it can be pumped round again. This is what happens in
the huge "cooling towers" seen at power stations.
Some power stations are built on the coast, so they can use sea water to cool the steam
instead. However, this warms the sea and can affect the environment, although the fish
seem to like it.
Very large amounts of electricity can be generated in one place using coal, fairly cheaply.
Transporting oil and gas to the power stations is easy.
Gas-fired power stations are very efficient.
A fossil-fuelled power station can be built almost anywhere, so long as you can get large
quantities of fuel to it. Didcot power station, in Oxfordshire, has it's own rail link to
supply the coal.
Basically, the main drawback of fossil fuels is pollution.
Burning any fossil fuel produces carbon dioxide, which contributes to the "greenhouse
effect", warming the Earth.
Burning coal produces more carbon dioxide than burning oil or gas.
It also produces sulphur dioxide, a gas that contributes to acid rain. We can reduce this
before releasing the waste gases into the atmosphere.
Mining coal can be difficult and dangerous. Strip mining destroys large areas of the

Coal-fired power stations need huge amounts of fuel, which means train-loads of coal
almost constantly. In order to cope with changing demands for power, the station needs
This means covering a large area of countryside next to the power station with piles of
10 Nuclear power
Nuclear power is generated using Uranium, which is a metal mined in various parts of the
The first large-scale nuclear power station opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England, in
Some military ships and submarines have nuclear power plants for engines.
Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's energy needs, and produces huge
amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel, without the pollution that you'd get from
burning fossil fuels.
How it works

Nuclear power stations work in pretty much the same way as fossil fuel-burning stations,
except that a "chain reaction" inside a nuclear reactor makes the heat instead.

The reactor uses Uranium rods as fuel, and the heat is generated by nuclear fission.
Neutrons smash into the nucleus of the uranium atoms, which split roughly in half and
release energy in the form of heat.

Carbon dioxide gas is pumped through the reactor to take the heat away, and the hot gas
then heats water to make steam. The steam drives turbines which drive generators.
Modern nuclear power stations use the same type of turbines and generators as
conventional power stations.
In Britain, nuclear power stations are built on the coast, and use sea water for cooling the
steam ready to be pumped round again. This means that they don't have the huge "cooling
towers" seen at other power stations.

The reactor is controlled with "control rods", made of boron, which absorb neutrons.
When the rods are lowered into the reactor, they absorb more neutrons and the fission
process slows down. To generate more power, the rods are raised and more neutrons can
crash into uranium atoms.
More details
Natural uranium is only 0.7% "uranium-235", which
is the type of uranium that undergoes fission in this
type of reactor. The rest is U-238, which just sits
there getting in the way. Modern reactors use
"enriched" uranium fuel, which has a higher proportion
of U-235.


The fuel arrives encased in metal tubes, which are lowered into the reactor whilst it is
running, using a special crane sealed onto the top of the reactor.
Carbon dioxide gas is blown through the reactor to carry the heat away. Carbon dioxide is
chosen because it stops the reactor catching fire (it is around 600 degrees Celsius in there)
and it doesn't turn into anything nasty when it is bombarded with neutrons.
You have to be very careful about the materials you use to build reactors - some materials
will turn into horrible things in that environment.
Uranium itself is not particularly radioactive, so when the fuel rods arrive at the power
station they can be handled using thin plastic gloves. A rod can last for several years before
it needs replacing.
It's when the "spent" fuel rods are taken out of the reactor that you need the full remote-
control robot arms and Homer Simpson equipment.
Nuclear power stations are not atomic bombs waiting to go off, and are not prone to
There is a lot of U-238 in there slowing things down - you need a high concentration of U-
235 to make a bomb.
If the reactor gets too hot, the control rods are lowered in it and it cools down.
If that doesn't work, there are sets of emergency control rods that automatically drop in and
shut the reactor down completely.
With reactors in this country, the engineers cannot stop the emergency systems from
shutting it down if things get out of hand - although at Chernobyl, in Ukraine, they turned
off this automatic system to try something out, got it wrong, and the whole thing
overheated, melted and blew up before they could stop it.

Nuclear power costs about the same as coal, so it's not expensive to make.
Does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the
greenhouse effect.
Produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel.
Produces small amounts of waste.
Nuclear power is reliable.

Although not much waste is produced, it is very, very dangerous.
It must be sealed up and buried for many years to allow the radioactivity to die
Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety - if it
does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major disaster. Poeple are
increasingly concerned about this - in the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest-
growing source of power in much of the world. Now, in 2005 it's the second




Section 1

Energy Conversion

Section 2
Listening Comprehension Accident at
Chernobyl Nuclear Plant

Section 3
Revision Presentations

The end justifies the means.

Hope for the best and prepare for the

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Core Text 1


Man mostly wants and needs energy to do work for him. Except for the heat required to
keep his homes and buildings comfortable and for some industrial processes, man uses
energy mostly as mechanical work to propel his various vehicles and power his many
machines. Unfortunately, it is not mechanical energy that man finds available to him in
quantity in nature. Instead he finds hydro, thermal, nuclear, and chemical energy resources
and he must convert these resource energy forms into the forms he wants.
Thermodynamics is thus the science which deals with the conversion of heat energy into
mechanical work, and vice-versa. The development of an apparatus which could convert
heat energy into mechanical work was an important milestone in industry. All
transformations between heat and mechanical energy occur in systems of some kind.
Different systems carry out these processes in different ways, but the principle of conversion
of energy holds in every case. In fact, the FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS is just
an expression of energy conversion:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but may be converted from one from into

THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS is the physical principle,
independent of the first law and not derivable from it, that supplements the first law in
limiting our choice of heat sources for our engines. It can be stated in a number of
equivalent ways, a common one being as follows:

It is impossible to construct an engine, operating in a cycle (that is,
continuously, which does nothing other than take heat from a source and
perform an equivalent amount of work.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, then, no engine can be completely
efficient some of its heat input MUST be ejected. The greatest efficiency any heat
engine is capable of depends upon the temperatures of its heat source and of the
reservoir to which it exhausts heat. The greater the difference between these
temperatures, the more efficient the engine. The second law is the consequence of the
empirical fact that we have already noted:

The natural direction of heat flow is from a reservoir of heat at a high
temperature to a reservoir of heat at a low temeperature, regardless of the
total heat content of each reservoir.

The latter statement, in fact, may be regarded as an alternative expression of the
second law.
We might summerize the laws of thermodynamics by saying that the first law
prohibits the work output of a heat engine from exceeding its heat input, while the
second law prohibits the engine from even doing this well.
Man has found electricity to be a most convenient intermediate form of energy between
his natural resources and his applications, except for transportation, and he may yet
require electricity somewhere in the transportation chain before long as oil reserves are
depleted and nuclear power becomes available. The table emphasizes the many conver-
sion steps required for our primary sources (chemical and nuclear) to reach their final


1. Look at the Table 1 containing some energy conversion chains, and

1. resource energy forms: .................................................................................................
2. primary converters: ......................................................................................................
3. intermediate energy forms:...........................................................................................
4. application energy form: ................................................................................. ...........
5. intermediate converters: ...............................................................................................
6. final converter: .................................................... .......................................................
Table 1, Some energy conversion chains

The conversion of energy along these chains from one form to another is neither easy nor cheap
and it cannot be done with an efficiency of 100%. Efficiency here means useful output divided
by the costly input, both expressed in energy units.. Thus, when it is said that a home oil furnace
is 70 % efficient, it means that 70 % of the total energy input of the fuel is actually used to
warm the air in the house and the other 30% goes up the chimney as waste.
In Table 1, the numbers shown in parentheses, after several of the converters, give approximate
efficiencies for large sizes. (In general, efficiencies improve with size. A small electric motor,
for example, can be made only 50 to 70 % efficient, whereas large motors are 90% or more
efficient.) To find the overall efficiency of a chain, one must multiply the efficiencies
along the chain. For example, from chemical energy to electricity by means of a steam
turbine, the efficiency is about 0.85 x 0.45 x 0.99 = 0.37.


There are, of course, transmission and other losses not explicitly dealt with in the
table, which is intended only to give readers aqualitative appreciation for the
length and efficiencies of the various chains. Also not shown in the table is the
fact that nuclear generated electricity is less efficient than enenergy from fossil
The efficiency of conversion devices has been increased significantly in the past
through scientific and engineering research, development, and design. More
of this can be expected but some diminishing returns are beginning to appear in
some important areas. In transportation, for example, apparently not much
more can be done about the relatively low (25 %) efficiency of the automobile
engine. The Wankelengine is even less efficient, though it may have other bene-
fits. Miles per gallon of gasoline (i. e., per unit of energy consumed) has
actually gone down since 1940. As noted, nuclear power plants also have a
lower efficiency than fossil fired plants. Two bright spots in the past have been
the fluorescent lamp and the diesel locomotive, both of which improved
the efficiency of their particular conversions.

New Jersey 1975)

1.1 Schematic diagrams of some energy conversion systems



2 Vocabulary practice
Find words or phrases in the text which mean the same as the following:

1 is concerned with 2 basic 3 piece of equipment
4 is true 5 environment 6 adds to
7 thrown out 8 result 9 prevents
10 keeping for future use 11 being greater than

3.1 Use the information from the text "Thermodynamics Energy
Conversion" to complete the statements below.

1. Man mostly .................................................................... to do work for him.
2. Man uses energy mostly as .....................................................................................
3. Instead of mechanical energy, man finds in nature ................................................
resources and he must .............................................................................................
4. The most convenient intermediate form of energy between ..................
, except for ........................ ,
5. The conversion of energy cannot be done with an efficiency of ..........%.
Efficiencies improve with .............................
6. Large motors are ............................. % or more ........................................
7. From ............................ energy to electricity by means of a ...................
turbine, the efficiency is about ...........
8. Nuclear ............................ electricity is ........... efficient than energy from
................... fuels.
9. The efficiency of conversion devices has been ......................................................
............................................................. through .................................................
10. The efficiency of the automobile engine is low, about ............................ %.

4 CODE TRANSFER English-Croatian and English -English

4.1 Translate the following expressions into Croatian by referring to the text.
Normally, you should start with the head-noun, i. e. the last noun on the right,
although the logical meaning of the expression may be the only general rule.

resource energy forms ..............................................................................
conversion steps .............................................................................
primary sources ..............................................................................
home oil furnace ..............................................................................
nuclear generated
electricity ..............................................................................
fossil fuels ..............................................................................
conversion devices ..............................................................................
nuclear power plant ..............................................................................
fossil fired plant ..............................................................................


to convert to change from one form to another
vice versa the other way round
milestone important stage or event in history
to transfer to convey, cause to pass from one surface to another
the principle holds the principle is true
derivable which has an origin in
to supplement to add to
to eject to throw out
to exhaust to let out, to blow out
empirical relying on observation or experiment, not on theory
to summerize to outline the main points
to prohibit to forbid, prevent

5 SUMMARIZING. Count the words. You should not have more than
80 words. Write a summary of the text THERMODYNAMICS
Essential idea
The most important supporting information


6 Phraseology (English Croatian)

before long ......................................
neither ... nor ......................................
by means of .......................................
of course .......................................
deal with ......................................

7 Note the following construction:

The + comparative, the + comparative

The thinner the wire, the more resistance you have.

Now fill in the blanks according to the model:
great; efficient

The greater the difference between the temperature of an engines heat source and that
of the reservoir to which it exhausts heat, the more efficient the engine.

1 little; efficient
The .................. energy input ejected, the ................................... the engine.

2 powerful; great
The .......................... the machine, the .................. the rate at which it performs work..

3 wide, great
The ............... the pipe, the ................... the volume of liquid able to flow through it.

4 hard; good
The ................. you study, the ............... marks you get.

5 old, great
The .............. the engine, the .................... its chances of breaking down.

6 little; fast
The ............... the wind resistance, the ................ a car can travel.


8.1 Fill in the table where possible using word families.
Noun Verb Adjective


Core Text 2
Accident at the Chernobyl Plant

2.1 Listen to the tape and jot down key words!
2.2 Write subtitles to the paragraphs!




On April 26, 1986, Unit 4 at Chernobyl, a nuclear power plant in the Ukraine, exploded, causing
the reactors 1,661 fuel rods to blast masses of radioactive material into the air. To date, the
human toll of the disaster has been approximately 6000 deaths and 30,000 injured.
This explosion at the Chernobyl plant was the worst accident ever at a nuclear power facility.
The accident occurred during a test to determine how long the turbines would continue to
produce electricity when cut off from the steam supply produced from the nuclear reactions in
the core. A comprehensive Soviet report of the disaster concluded that operator error was the
root cause of the disaster. Operator error led to violations of the established order in the
preparation of tests, violations of the testing program itself, and inadequate understanding
on the part of personnel of the operating processes in a nuclear reactor .

The plant used a type of reactor knovn as the RBMK-1000. In the reactor core, uranium fuel rods
produced a self-sustaining fission reaction that could create up to 3,200 megawatts of thermal
energy. Heat in the core turned water from the cooling system to steam which powered the
turbines. An unusual accumulation of steam around the fuel rods could quickly increase the
nuclear reaction to dangerously high levels. Clusters of control rods were lowered into the core to
slow the reaction or raised to increase it. These rods had tips made of graphite which caused the
reaction to increase slightly as they entered the core. Graphite blocks placed between the fuel rods
were also used to moderate the nuclear reaction.

At midnight on April 26, 1986 the number four reactor was scheduled for a partial shutdowm.
The operators were to test whether the turbines would continue to produce enough electricity to
run the cooling pumps in the event of a loss of the main power supply. The less-experienced night
shift was unaware that the design of the reactor made it unstable and difficult to control below
700 megawatts.

They started the test by slowly reducing power to about 500 megawatts using an automatic


system to lower control rods into the reactor. Due to an operator mistake or a failure of the
automatic system the power level suddenly dropped to around 30 megawatts making it difficult to
sustain the fission reaction. Startled by the loss in power the operators violated safety procedures
and removed nearly all of the control rods to restore power. Reactor power appeared to slowly
increase to 200 megawatts. At the same time, the instability of the reactor forced the operators to
take manual control of the cooling system and to shut down a number of automatic warning
systems in order to continue the test.

They did not know that steam was starting to form in the lower part of the core making the
reactor even harder to control. Returning to the test procedure the operators shut down steam to
the single operating turbine generator. As the generator slowed, so did the cooling pumps. Inside
the core, a buildup of steam was rapidly increasing the fission reaction. This generated yet more
steam which in turn generated more power. The reaction was now out of control.

Following an emergency shutdown procedure, the operators began lowering all the control rods
into the reactor to stop the nuclear reaction but as the rods were lowered the graphite tips briefly
increased the reaction and intensified it at the bottom of the core. Power instantly rose to 100
times the level for which the reactor was designed. The intense heat began to break up the fuel
rods at the bottom of the core.

Exactly what happened next is not clear but there were two recorded explosions. Probably a
steam explosion first blew off the lid of the reactor. (Explosion followed by steam hissing) Air
entering the reactor mixed with hydrogen from the superheated steam and vapor from the
overheated graphite blocks to create a second, bigger explosion. (Large explosion rumbles) The
graphite blocks also caught fire and the smoke sent radioactive particles from the damaged reactor
into the atmosphere. What was left of the core continued to heat melting the lower parts of the
building into a lava-like substance. The fires took about two weeks to put out. A concrete
containment building called the sarcophagus was constructed over the reactor site to prevent
additional radioactive materials from escaping.

Serious questions still remain, not only about the containment of the radioactive debris but about
the safety of the remaining three RBMK-1000.
The failure at Chernobyl demonstrates the complex interaction between operator error and other
In addition to obvious operator errors, three principal design defects of the RMBK (Russian
Graphite-moderated Reactor) greatly exacerbated the problem. They are:
(1) the fact that the reactor tends to gain power rather than slow down as water is lost or turned
to steam;
(2) inadequate containment surrounding the reactor core; and
(3) the design of the system does not provide protection against operator interference with the
safety systems.

As the SovietUnion was forced by the world community to release publications about
Chernobyl, ironically, this disaster had the unintended consequence of strengthening the
movement of glasnost (greater freedom of speech and information).
One final note to the Chernobyl disaster was the announcement by Russian officials that the
entire Chernobyl nuclear power plant was officially shut down as of December 15, 2000. The
total cost to shut down the plant was projected to be as high as $5 billion.

2.3 Complete the following:
The Chernobyl disaster may not have happened if




2.4 Read the following texts and comment on this.

The Chernobyl Sarcophagus

On April 26
1986 the Chernobyl nuclear reactor exploded, creating a huge radioactive plume
that contaminated large parts of Belorussia and Ukraine. To minimise the inevitable
contamination, a protective sarcophagus , the plutonium dust-filled tomb was built over a
period of three months during which a quarter of a million workers were exposed to their
lifetime radiation limit.

J ust imagine none of us will be here, not even our great-great-great
granchildren. All our cities will have gone Even the pyramids of Egypt
will be just a handful of dust, yet the sarcophagus around this reactor will
be standing. The pyramids of the Pharaohs have been there for a mere
five thousand years. But to contain the radiation, your nuclear pyramid
must remain for at least a hundred thousand years. Thats some
monument to leave our descendants, isnt it?
What an artistic monument to humanity!!! Some five years from the catastrophe at No 4
reactor of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, BBC World Service repeats this moving
play by Pravdas Science Editor Vladimir Gubarayev, the first journalist on the scene.
Set in an isolation clinic to which victims of the explosion were being sent, the two-part
play takes us to the heart of the disaster and terrible consequences of human error. What
else could be said?

2.5 Read the following article published in NOVI LIST, jot
down key words, write an abstract and report it to the




4 Read the following article and report to the class
5 Read the following article and report to the class



2.6 Grim Fallout from Chernobyl
Sooner than expected, cancer begins to hit children who were
ONE OF THE MOST DISTURBING PREDICTIONS following the near meltdown of the
Chernobyl nuclear power plant on April 26,1986, was that cancer cases would eventually begin
to rise in areas where fallout from the accident landed. What no one suspected was that it would
happen so soon, or that many of the first victims would be children. Two reports in Nature, one
by the World Health Organization and one by health officials in Belarus, the ex-Soviet republic
immediately downwind from Chernobyl, indicate that childhood thyroid cancer has iumped
from an average of four cases a year to about 60. [n the Gomel region, hit first by the radiation,
the thyroid cancer rate is now about 80 times the world average. 'The only reasonable
explanation," write the Belarus officials, "is that it is a direct consequence of the accident it
In retrospect, the phenomenon makes sense: the thyroid gland tends to concentrate iodine
ingested by the body, and radioactive iodine was released in bulk during the accident.

2.7 Despite A Mega-reaction to a planned reactor, it has
been built

Hong Kong's 5.5 million residents are alarmed by the news that a nuclear power plant is to be
built less than 20 miles away on the Chinese coast at Daya Bay. Chinese government officials
and their Hong Kong partners in the joint venture plan to spend $ 3.5 billion constructing two
French-designed reactors. Safety will be a priority, they claim, and Hong Kong will benefit
from power supplies, as well as the Chinese province of Guangdong.
The prospect of nuclear fallout enveloping Hong Kong within two to three hours has scared
more than 200,000 residents into signing a petition against the proposed scheme.


2.8 The Shadow of Hiroshima

Victims' children may have been spared

Use in your presentation/discussion the underlined bold

When the atomic bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki they killed some 150,000 people
instantly, literally vaporizing many of them. In the weeks immediately after, an estimated
60,000 others died from radiation sickness, which roasted their skin into a moonscape of
encrusted sores. The tragedy was only beginning, scientists thought. The legacy of exposure
to the bomb was believed to be radiation-induced mutations in eggs and sperm that would
condemn the survivors' childrennot even conceived at the time of the horrorto birth
defects, mental deficits and cancers. But if there is any bright spot in the fallout from
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is that not all the auments of the parents will be visited upon the
children. Tests on 72,216 children, who were not conceived at the time but whose parents felt
the bomb's radiation, have not found an increase in birth defects, in chromosomal
abnormalities in white blood cells or in cancers. There was one class of unborn children
badly scarred by the bomb: those already in their mothers' wombs. Many were born with
abnormally small heads. Others, particularly those irradiated during the eighth to the 15th
week of gestation, suffer mental retardation. It is during these critical eight weeks that
neurons proliferate and migrate to their rightful place in the brain's complex circuitry; any
disruption apparently can leave neurological scars that never fade. In addition, just as people
blasted by the bomb's radiation have an added risk of leukemia, even those who felt the rays
through the shelter of their mother's womb seem to run some extra cancer risk.

The stigma of being a bomb survivor is so great that thousands of them do not register for
the special government health benefits to which they're entitled. The new assessment of
radiation's effect may change that. "We know from animal studies that radiation does cause
heritable effects," says Boice. "Humans may simply have more effective repair mechanisms
that are able to undo the damage."

Genetic mark: But while the post-bomb generation seems to have escaped major genetic
injury, it cannot be sure that it has outrun the shadow of August 1945. They may indeed face
an increased cancer risk, but not until they are older.

The finding that radiation might not leave its mark on the genes has significance far
beyond the bomb survivors and their children. Over the last 40 years, epidemiology studies of
bomb survivors have provided the benchmark against which the consequences of all other
exposures to radiation are gauged. If the latest evaluation is correct, the children born to
Ukrainians more than nine months after Chernobyl might not face a lifetime of medical
problems. The new results might also shed light on less horrific cases of radiation exposure.
This year, for instance, British researchers reported that children of fathers working at the
Sellafield nuclear power plant in England suffer high rates of leukemia and non-Hodgkins
lymphoma. The scientists suggest that radiation of the sperm-producing cells six months
before conception can plant the seeds of cancer in a child-to-be. That theory is being tested at
other nuclear sites. But in light of the findings from Hiroshima and Nagasaki it appears that
in the realm of human health, at least, the legacy of the bomb does not last forever.


2.9 Write an abstract in English and discuss the idea
Povratak nuklearne energije
Sve vie zemalja kree u gradnju nuklearnih elektrana kao izvora jeftinije i iste
Globalno zatopljavanje i podivljale cijene nafte ponovno su u modu dovele nuklearnu
energiju, izvlaei nekad demoniziranu industriju iz sjene ernobilske katastrofe kao
mogueg viteza iste energije, pie Wired.

Zatakavanje i korupcija
Velika Britanija je posljednja u nizu drava koje su se ponovno okrenule tom izvoru energije
nakon to je tamonja vlada objavila potporu izgradnji novih nuklearnih elektrana. Postojee
nuklearke daju 20 posto britanske elektrine energije, ali sve osim jedne trebale bi se
zatvoriti do 2023. godine.
Meutim mnoge zemlje koje se ele ukljuiti u nuklearni vlak imaju problematinu sigurnost
i jaku korupciju, to mnoge zabrinjava.
Kina ve ima 11 nuklearnih elektrana i planira do 2020. pustiti u rad njih jo 30. Od nekih
100 nuklearnih reaktora koji se upravo grade, planiraju ili naruuju, otprilike polovica je u
Kini, Indiji i drugim zemljama u razvoju. Argentina, Brazil i Junoafrika Republika
planiraju proiriti postojee programe, a Vijetnam, Tajland, Egipat i Turska su meu
zemljama koje grade svoj prvi reaktor.

Premda bi novi reaktori trebali biti sigurniji, ak ni njihovi pobornici nisu
sigurni u to.
Zabrinutost nije rezervirana samo za zemlje u razvoju. Japanska nuklearna industrija jo
se mora oporaviti od otkria prije pet godina o desecima sluajeva krivotvorenja izvjea o
problemima nuklearnih reaktora. vedski upravitelj njemake elektrane prolog je ljeta
odugovlaio s obavijeu o poaru koji je izbio, a potencijalno razoran kvar nuklearke u
Bugarskoj 2006. dva je mjeseca uspjeno skrivan od javnosti.
Nuklearna transparentnost bit e jo problematinija za zemlje poput Kine koja ima vrstu
kontrolu informacija. Oni sumnjiavi prema oivljavanju nuklearne energije jo uvijek se
sjeaju ernobilske katastrofe i sovjetskih pokuaja da skriju razmjeri nesree, kao i kvara u
amerikoj nuklearki Three Mile Island u Pennsvlvaniji koji se dogodio jo 1979.
Ovaj revival, prema Meunarodnoj agenciji za atomsku energiju (IAEA), znai da bi se
nuklearna energija mogla udvostruiti u sljedea dva desetljea na 691 gigawatt ili 13,3
posto sve elektrine energije.

Renesansa i strah
Ovo je nuklearna renesansa. Nuklearno vie nije sotona. Sotona je sada ugljen - kae Anne
Lauvergeon, elnica francuske tvrtke za nuklearnu energiju Areva.
Zemlje u razvoju kau da su spremne za izazov, ali Philip Jamet, direktor za sigurnost
nuklearnih instalacija u IAEA-i strahuje da e one uiti na vlastitim grekama. Usto, i dalje
ostaje nerijeeno pitanje nuklearnog otpada i zatvaranja starih nuklearki. MEX





2.10 Discuss and write a short abstract

In Nukes We Trust
Public concerns haven't slowed the industry

WHEN TORU OGAWA WAS CALLED to a uranium-processing plant in Tokaimura, Japan, on
Sept. 30, 1999, the young firefighter assumed it was a minor emergency. According to the
initial call, a worker at the facility, located just outside Tokyo, had fainted. But what Ogawa
encountered was a major disasterthe worst nuclear accident in Japan's history. Workers at
the plant had mishandled uranium-235, causing high levels of radioactivity to spread
throughout the site and into the town itself. Two plant workers died from radiation
sicknessand Ogawa, among others, was exposed. Ogawa, 28, says he feels healthy, but
frets that the radiation may affect his healthand perhaps that of his familyin the future.
Japanese in general are growing uneasy about nuclear power. In a poll released last
February, 90 percent of the respondents said they were "anxious" about safety issues. But
such concerns have done little to slow Japan's commitment to nuclear technology. Japan has
51 nuclear plants that generate36.8 percent of the country's electricity. And with Japan's
energy needs on the rise, says Hajime Furuya, deputy director for nuclear energy at Japan's
Ministry of International Trade and Industry, "nuclear power will continue to play a role in
Japan's overall energy policy." A big role: four new plants are now under construction, and
an additional nine will be built by 2010.
Japan has a fairly good nuclear-safety record. Still, the government has moved to toughen
standards. After Tokaimura, the Nuclear Safety Division doubled the number of safety
inspectors and gave them more authority. Before last year's disaster, plant inspections took
place only with the consent of the power companies themselves, and they weren't very
thorough. "We assumed that the industry obeyed the rules," said Shigeaki Shiraishi, director
of the Nuclear Safety Division. "Now we don't."
Critics argue that Japan's nuclear fancy has more to do with pork-barrel politics than the
country's energy needs. For towns that don't mind the risk, the plants are an economic
bonanza. Tokyo spends heavily to subsidize community projectsa powerful incentive for
areas languishing in recession. In the remote coastal village of Higashidoori, in Aomori
prefecture, many of the fishermen used to leave town during the off season to find work. But
now a new nuclear plant is going up, and Higashidoori is flush with cash. The village is
currently receiving $50 million in development money from the governmenta huge sum
for a town with 8,000 residents. At the construction site, engineers say they've prepared for
anythingpotential leaks and also earthquakes. "We're very confident about the plant's
[safety]," says assistant manager Noboru Murakami. "Tokaimura doesn't apply to us."
Everyone in Higashidoori, and throughout Japan, hopes he's right.
Newsweek, October 2, 2000





2.11 Discuss waste depository and nuclear dump
Disposing of the Nuclear Age

The cold war has left the U.S. with mountains of hot garbage
and no permanent site for storing it

By the latest calculation, there are over 3,000 warheads headed for early retirement,
containing about 23 tons of enriched uranium and 9 tons of plutoniumboth radioactive
and both difficult to dispose of. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Energy's Pantex bomb-
assembly facility near Amarillo, Texas, which was expecting to build some 3,500
warheads over the next few years, suddenly has to reverse gears and begin dismantling
weapons. Technically speaking, the process of decommissioning nukes is not very
complicated and in fact some 40,000 of the 60,000 weapons built since 1945 have already
been retired, mostly because of obsolescence. After deactivation of their electronic
triggers, the warheads are loaded back into their original, customized packing crates and,
if overseas, flown back to the U.S. Under heavy guard, they are then shipped to Pantex by
truck or train, along routes that are constantly changed and always kept secret. The most
sensitive part of disassembly comes not in handling the uranium and highly toxic
plutonium, which are shielded in metal, but in dealing with the conventional explosives
needed to trigger a nuclear chain reaction. Disassembly therefore takes place in
underground bunkers known as "Gravel Gerties," whose roofs are mounded with gravel to
contain any accidental blasts.

Once disassembly is complete, the real question arises. What to do with the leftover
radioactive material from the bombs? When nuclear weapons were a growth industry,
their parts could be recycled into new nukes. Now, however, the most readily reusable
weapons ingredient is tritium, a radioactive gas used in some warheads to increase the
power of the nuclear reaction. Tritium decays rapidly, so existing bombs must be peri-
odically replenished. This tritium windfall may even keep the U.S. Department of Energy
from reactivating the accident-prone Savannah River plant near Aiken, South Carolina,
where the gas is manufactured. But aside from some uranium that will be recycled for use
in nuclear-powered submarines, most of the fuel will have to be stored or dumped as
waste. Unfortunately, the U.S. does not have a reliable, long-term plan for disposing of
this deadly material. Most will probably be stockpiled at weapons plants, but there is a
danger of loss, theft and environmental damage from mishandling.

A far bigger problem, from an environmental standpoint, is what to do with the tens of
thousands of tons of hot waste left over from 46 years of weapons productioneverything
from gloves to ball bearings. This material will remain radioactive for millenniums. The
U.S. has only one facility designed to store this production waste, but the opening of the
Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, 655 m underground in massive salt domes near Carlsbad, New
Mexico, has been stymied by political wrangling and safety concerns. Last week the U.S.
Department of Energy attempted to sidestep congressional deliberations on the matter and
ship the first load of waste to the plant. It was halted after New Mexico filed a federal
lawsuit, and the DOE agreed to postpone the shipment. For the time being, 1 million bbl. of
the deadly stuff continue to sit in temporary storage, as they have for decades.

By Michael D. Lemonick. Reported by Nancy Harbert/'Albuquerque and Bruce van Voorst/Washington

Vocabulary list
dispose of to get rid of, throw away
dismantle disassemble, to take apart
dismantlement disassembly
doable that can be done
decommission to put out of service
obsolete no longer in use; discarded, out of date; pass
mound to enclose or fortify with a heap of earth, sand, gravel
blast an explosion as of dynamite
replenish to make full or complete again
windfall any unexpected acquisition
stymie to block; impede
wrangle quarrel angrily, dispute
lawsuit tuba sudu, case before a civil court


ASSIGNMENT Forum Discussion

In this game, two people sit facing each other and present as many
arguments as possible in favour of their own point of view. At the same time,
they try to demolish each other's arguments. The rest of the class listens
and decides who is giving the best arguments.The game works best if the
people arguing are presenting the opposite point of view from the one they
really believe in. So, if you are a fitness fanatic and don't smoke or drink,
you should argue against this and in favour of smoking and sitting around
watching t.v. in the evenings.



3 CONTRA Arguments


With the price of oil and natural gas escalating, concerns about global
warming rising and electricity markets deregulating, these onetime white
elephants are starting to look more like cash cows and hotly debated
national energy plan.
Is nuclear energy a major component of any solution?
Is the comeback of this industry a step in the wrong direction that will
threaten the environment as well as public health and safety?
Despite the fact that no new plants have been ordered in almost a
qarter- century, the nuclear power sector still accounts for 20% of the
nations electricity supply. During the past decade, output has increased
25%, equivalent to building 23 new 1,000-megawatt plants. As for new
plants, Exelon is already working on the next generation, exemplified by
a helium-cooled, pebble- bed test reactor that, theoretically at least,
wouldnt ever need to be shut down for refuelling and is practically
meltdown-proof. Nuclear power plants may not emit greenhouse gases,
but they carry with them their own, very real environmental risks. Most
important, there is the matter of where to put all that spent fuel 40,000
metric tons that has to be stored for thousands of years. Radioactive
waste is still the Achilless heel of the industry. Nuclear power generated
in France accounts for 80% of the electricity and nuclear power plants
have so turned into gold mines.

3.1 Discuss the following argument:

Nuclear power plants have a lower efficiency than fossil
fired plants.

Include the following wordlist into your discussion:

low and high fuel, operating and maintenance costs
average investment costs
the annual maintenance expenses are significantly lower than those of
long and short life times
low or high outage rates
average outage rate
unscheduled, scheduled and forced outages and maintenance
fewer or more frequent overhaul downtimes
relative simplicity or delicacy of equipment
economically viable potential

3.2 There is no home for hot trash. Underline key words.
Where is a waste repository for nulear waste from the
nuclear power plant Krko?
Nuclear waste is nasty stuff. The inevitable by-product of all atomic-power plants remains
radioactive for up to 3 million years. The U.S. Congress believed it had conquered the problem of
where to put such waste when in 1987 it ordered the department of Energy to focus on building a
national dump site in Nevada. By 2003, the Government promised, spent fuel from the countrys
110 commercial nuclear reactors could be safely buried deep within Yucca Mountain, an isolated
peak about 100 miles nothwest of Las Vegas. It is evident that the revised schedule is necessary to
satisfy scientific and environmental concerns. But to critics, it is yet another sign of bureaucratic
bungling. Nevada citizens and scientists are adamantly opposed to the Yucca site. They contend
that the area is geologically insecure: Lathrop Wells volcano is twelve miles away, and Nevada
has relatively frequent earthquakes. As a result, Nevada has refused to issue the environmental
permits needed for a study of the site.

3.3 The Fukushima nuclear disaster

The Fukushima nuclear disaster showed us once again that nuclear reactors
are fundamentally dangerous. Not only do they cause significant damage to
the environment, the health of populations and to national economies, the
heavy financial cost of a meltdown is inevitably borne by the public, not by
the companies that designed, built, and operated the plants.
None of the worlds 436 nuclear reactors are immune to human errors,
natural disasters, or any of the many other serious incidents that could
cause a disaster.
Millions of people who live near nuclear reactors are at risk.
The lives of hundreds of thousands of people continue to be affected by the
Fukushima nuclear disaster, especially the 160,000 who fled their homes
because of radioactive contamination, and continue to live in limbo without
fair, just, and timely compensation. They have only a false hope of returning
home, yet the Japanese government is eagerly pushing to restart reactors,
against the will of its people, and without learning true lessons from
3.4 China Syndrome From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The China Syndrome is a hypothesis of a possible extreme result of a nuclear meltdown in which
molten reactor core products breach the barriers below them and flow downwards through the
floor of the containment building. The origin of the phrase is the concept that molten material
from an American reactor may melt through the crust of the Earth and reach China.
The large size of nuclear power plants ordered during the late 1960s raised new safety questions and created
fears of a severe reactor accident that would send large quantities of radiation into the environment. In
1971, nuclear physicist Ralph Lapp used the term "China Syndrome" to describe the burn-through of the
reactor vessel, the penetration of the concrete below it, and the emergence of a mass of hot fuel into the soil
below the reactor. He based his statements on the report of a task force of nuclear physicists headed by Dr.
W.K. Ergen, published in 1967.
The dangers of such a hypothetical accident were publicized by the 1979
film, The China Syndrome. Despite several meltdowns in both civilian and military reactors, such an
extreme meltdown has never taken place.

4 PRO Arguments
4.1 Safety of Nuclear Power Reactors
(Updated April 2014 by World Nuclear Association)

From the outset, there has been a strong awareness of the potential hazard of both
nuclear criticality and release of radioactive materials from generating electricity with
nuclear power.
As in other industries, the design and operation of nuclear power plants aims to
minimise the likelihood of accidents, and avoid major human consequences when they
There have been three major reactor accidents in the history of civil nuclear power -
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. One was contained without harm to anyone,
the next involved an intense fire without provision for containment, and the third severely
tested the containment, allowing some release of radioactivity.
These are the only major accidents to have occurred in over 15,000 cumulative reactor-
years of commercial nuclear power operation in 33 countries.
The evidence over six decades shows that nuclear power is a safe means of generating
electricity. The risk of accidents in nuclear power plants is low and declining. The
consequences of an accident or terrorist attack are minimal compared with other
commonly accepted risks. Radiological effects on people of any radioactive releases can
be avoided.

4.2 Context
In relation to nuclear power, Safety is closely linked with Security, and in the nuclear field also with
Safeguards. Some distinctions:

Safety focuses on unintended conditions or events leading to radiological releases from
authorised activities. It relates mainly to intrinsic problems or hazards.

Security focuses on the intentional misuse of nuclear or other radioactive materials by non-
state elements to cause harm. It relates mainly to external threats to materials or facilities.

Safeguards focus on restraining activities by states that could lead to acquisition of nuclear
weapons. It concerns mainly materials and equipment in relation to rogue governments.
The three significant accidents in the 50-year history of civil nuclear power generation are:
Three Mile Island (USA 1979) where the reactor was severely damaged but radiation was
contained and there were no adverse health or environmental consequences
Chernobyl (Ukraine 1986) where the destruction of the reactor by steam explosion and fire
killed 31 people and had significant health and environmental consequences. The death toll has
since increased to about 56.
Fukushima (Japan 2011) where three old reactors (together with a fourth) were written off and
the effects of loss of cooling due to a huge tsunami were inadequately contained.

The Three Mile Island accident in 1979 demonstrated the importance of the inherent safety
features. Despite the fact that about half of the reactor core melted, radionuclides released from
the melted fuel mostly plated out on the inside of the plant or dissolved in condensing steam. The
containment building which housed the reactor further prevented any significant release of
radioactivity. The accident was attributed to mechanical failure and operator confusion.


The reactor's other protection systems also functioned as designed. The emergency core cooling
system would have prevented any damage to the reactor but for the intervention of the operators.
Investigations following the accident led to a new focus on the human factors in nuclear safety. No
major design changes were called for in western reactors, but controls and instrumentation were
improved significantly and operator training was overhauled.

The April 1986 disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Ukraine was the result of major
design deficiencies in the RBMK type of reactor, the violation of operating procedures and the
absence of a safety culture. One peculiar feature of the RBMK design was that coolant failure could
lead to a strong increase in power output from the fission process ( positive void coefficient).
However, this was not the prime cause of the Chernobyl accident.
The accident destroyed the reactor and killed 56 people, 28 of whom died within weeks from
radiation exposure. It also caused radiation sickness in a further 200-300 staff and firefighters, and
contaminated large areas of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and beyond. It is estimated that at least 5% of
the total radioactive material in the Chernobyl-4 reactor core was released from the plant, due to
the lack of any containment structure. Most of this was deposited as dust close by. Some was
carried by wind over a wide area.
About 130,000 people received significant radiation doses (i.e. above internationally accepted ICRP
limits) and continue to be monitored. About 4000 cases of thyroid cancer in children have been
linked to the accident. Most of these were curable, though about nine were fatal. No increase in
leukaemia or other cancers have yet shown up, but some is expected. The World Health
Organisation is closely monitoring most of those affected.
The Chernobyl accident was a unique event and the only time in the history of commercial nuclear
power that radiation-related fatalities occurred.
The destroyed unit 4 was enclosed in a concrete shelter which now requires remedial work.

At Fukushima Daiichi in March 2011 the three operating reactors shut down automatically, and
were being cooled as designed by the normal residual heat removal system using power from the
back-up generators, until the tsunami swamped them an hour later. The emergency core cooling
systems then failed. Days later, a separate problem emerged as spent fuel ponds lost water.
Detailed analysis of the accident continues, but the main results include more attention being given
to siting criteria and the design of back-up power and post-shutdown cooling, as well as provision
for venting the containment of that kind of reactor and other emergency management procedures.

4.3 Nuclear safety
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia See also: Nuclear debate
Nuclear safety covers the actions taken to prevent nuclear and radiation accidents or to limit
their consequences. This covers nuclear power plants as well as all other nuclear facilities, the
transportation of nuclear materials, the use and storage of nuclear materials for medical,
power, industry, and military uses. In addition, there are safety issues involved in products
created with radioactive materials. Some of the products are legacy ones (such as watch
faces), others, like smoke detectors, are still being produced.
Nuclear power plants are some of the most complex systems ever devised.
Operating nuclear reactors contain large amounts of radioactive fission products which, if
dispersed, could pose a direct radiation hazard, contaminate soil and vegetation, and be
ingested by humans and animals. Human exposure to high enough levels can cause both
short-term illness and death, and longer-term deaths by cancer and other diseases.


Vicious Circle
of Ozone Depletion and the Greenhouse Effect

Jot down all the links that lead to a vicious circle of ozone depletion and
greenhouse effect and finally write an essay.

We could be reminded of Chief Seattle's words about the delicate
web of nature to the U.S. government in 1852:

This we know. The earth does not belong to man,
- man blongs to the earth. This we know. All things
connected like the blood which unites one family.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the
earth. Man did not weave the web of life; - he is
merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web,
he does to himself. Chief Seattle

Paraphrase or explain the following citation!

A human being is part of the whole, called by us the
Universe a part limited in time and space. He
experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as
something separated from the rest a kind of optical
delusion of consciousness*.
Albert Einstein




"The crash course to save the environment from the threat of ozone
destruction must begin NOW!"

Lorraine Lindahl-Constans Sebastopol, California

As a member of the younger generation, I feel scared when I think about
life in a world destroyed by war and pollution. We should all pause to
think about what each of us in our own way can do to help improve the
global situation. In the end, we are the ones with the power to decide
whether our world will survive or whether we will just continue to pollute
it for selfish economic reasons.

Henrike Thiemann Albersloh, Germany

The depletion of the ozone layer is just one of the many environmental
travesties that will be associated with this century. We Americans, as
members of the world community, must act swiftly to reverse the tide of
our destructive ways. Should we buy a cup of coffee from a vendor who
sells it in a foam container, or should we buy it from someone who
encourages people to bring their own coffee mugs? We do not have to
give up anything except some wasteful habits.
One impending tragedy: the possible blinding of almost all non-
nocturnal animals and insects outside the darkest jungles. While
humans can protect their eyes, most other forms of life cannot do so.

J ohnR. Watt Atlanta

Isn't there some smart scientist or enthusiastic entrepreneur out there
who can find a way to pump up massive quantities of ozone to plug the

Mary Bowden Dorval, Canada

The fact that "the best the world can hope for is to stabilize ozone loss
soon after the turn of the century" underscores our reliance on self-
destructive technology. When will wedeveloped and less developed
nations alikelearn that when it comes to the global environment, there
is no escaping the consequences of our actions?

McClellan Stevensville, Maryland
Time, March 9, 1992


1 We Must Combat Pollution

Is the Common market still bitterly divided over the problem of
automotive-exhaust standards?

It were West Germans, who wanted to adopt strict antipollution
requirements without delay. Some thirty years ago the West Germans
were also leading in assessing the threat to Europes environment.
Especially, they were leaders in adjusting their cars and their auto
industry to reduce pollution from exhaust fumes. The Dutch were a
close second, followed by the Danes, the Swiss and the Austrians. But
the French, Italian, and British auto industries used a high-
compression engine that was more difficult to adapt to new
antipollution standards. Heavy investment is required to retool
industries to combat pollution, and the French, Italian and British auto
industries were not doing so well. Has the situation changed? Do we
know, what is being done at present to tackle this problem of
automotive exhaust?

A lot of cars are turning to automobiles that have been tooled to use
unleaded fuel, which is cheaper than leaded fuel. The taxes on
automobiles that use unleaded fuel are being reduced. The emission
standards for nitrogen oxides have been strengthened, which forces
the European automobile industry to speed up the development of a
cheaper, low-energy engine. Within some short time lean-burn
technology will be in use all over Europe. The public realizes very
much what exhaust from cars is doing to our forests, our buildings
and now even our agriculture. We wonder what it will cost Europe to
solve the problem of acid rain. Billions? Maybe more. Most of the
damage is done by the emission of sulphur dioxide from the chimneys
of power stations, refineries, automotive exhaust and so on.

Obviously, it has to be solved in the steel mills, the power stations and
the refineries themselves. But the question is how much the
machinery needed to purify the emissions could cost for each unit. Is
there still time to keep our forests alive? For some forests it is almost
too late. The costs of desulfurization units are very high, but they
must be installed, there is no choice if we are to save the forests.

Additionally, we wonder what action can be taken in the field of
animal husbandry to reduce the output of ammonia that pollutes water

The crucial issue is to take combined measures against industrial
emissions. And although these antipollution devices are very costly,
we must afford them. There is no choice.



In 1994, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 16 September the International
Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating the date of the
signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
Ozone Layer.

The ozone layer is a belt of naturally occurring ozone gas that sits 9.3 to 18.6 miles
(15 to 30 kilometers) above Earth and serves as a shield from the harmful ultraviolet B
radiation emitted by the sun.

Ozone is a highly reactive molecule that contains three oxygen atoms. It is constantly
being formed and broken down in the high atmosphere, 6.2 to 31 miles (10 to 50
kilometers) above Earth, in the region called the stratosphere.

Today, there is widespread concern that the ozone layer is deteriorating due to the
release of pollution containing the chemicals chlorine and bromine. Such deterioration
allows large amounts of ultraviolet B rays to reach Earth, which can cause skin cancer
and cataracts in humans and harm animals as well.

Extra ultraviolet B radiation reaching Earth also inhibits the reproductive cycle of
phytoplankton, single-celled organisms such as algae that make up the bottom rung of
the food chain. Biologists fear that reductions in phytoplankton populations will in
turn lower the populations of other animals. Researchers also have documented
changes in the reproductive rates of young fish, shrimp, and crabs as well as frogs and
salamanders exposed to excess ultraviolet B.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), chemicals found mainly in spray aerosols heavily used
by industrialized nations for much of the past 50 years, are the primary culprits in
ozone layer breakdown. When CFCs reach the upper atmosphere, they are exposed to
ultraviolet rays, which causes them to break down into substances that include
chlorine. The chlorine reacts with the oxygen atoms in ozone and rips apart the ozone

One atom of chlorine can destroy more than a hundred thousand ozone molecules,
according to the the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The ozone layer above the Antarctic has been particularly impacted by pollution since
the mid-1980s. This regions low temperatures speed up the conversion of CFCs to
chlorine. In the southern spring and summer, when the sun shines for long periods of
the day, chlorine reacts with ultraviolet rays, destroying ozone on a massive scale, up
to 65 percent. This is what some people erroneously refer to as the "ozone hole." In
other regions, the ozone layer has deteriorated by about 20 percent.

About 90 percent of CFCs currently in the atmosphere were emitted by industrialized
countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including the United States and Europe. These
countries banned CFCs by 1996, and the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere is
falling now. But scientists estimate it will take another 50 years for chlorine levels to
return to their natural levels.
From National Geographic


3 The Process of Ozone Depletion

The ozone depletion process begins when CFCs and other ozone-
depleting substances (ODS) are emitted into the atmosphere(1).
Winds efficiently mix the troposphere and evenly distribute the
gases. CFCs are extremely stable, and they do not dissolve in
rain. After a period of several years, ODS molecules reach the
stratosphere, about 10 kilometers above the Earth's surface (2).
Strong UV light breaks apart the ODS molecule. CFCs, HCFCs,
carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and other gases release
chlorine atoms, and halons and methyl bromide release bromine
atoms (3). It is these atoms that actually destroy ozone, not the
intact ODS molecule. It is estimated that one chlorine atom can
destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from
the stratosphere (4).



Ozone is constantly produced and destroyed in a natural cycle, as shown in
the above picture, courtesy of NASA GSFC. However, the overall amount of
ozone is essentially stable. This balance can be thought of as a stream's
depth at a particular location. Although individual water molecules are
moving past the observer, the total depeth remains constant. Similarly,
while ozone production and destruction are balanced, ozone levels remain
stable. This was the situation until the past several decades.
Large increases in stratospheric chlorine and bromine, however, have upset
that balance. In effect, they have added a siphon downstream, removing
ozone faster than natural ozone creation reactions can keep up. Therefore,
ozone levels fall. Since ozone filters out harmful UVB radiation, less ozone
means higher UVB levels at the surface. The more the depletion, the larger
the increase in incoming UVB. UVB has been linked to skin cancer,
cataracts, damage to materials like plastics, and harm to certain crops and
marine organisms. Although some UVB reaches the surface even without
ozone depletion, its harmful effects will increase as a result of this problem.



For Earths climate to be stable, the solar energy input must be
balanced by energy Earth returns to outer space.
The build-up of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere leads to
global warming through the "'greenhouse effect". The ability of the
atmosphere to capture and recycle energy emitted by the Earth surface is the
defining characteristic of the greenouse effect.
4 Insert the subtitles

The Earth's surface absorbs the solar energy and releases it back to the atmosphere

Our Earth receives most of its energy, called radiation, from the Sun.
This energy is electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, with small amounts of IR
and UV radiation. The incoming solar energy has a very short wavelength and passes
through the atmospheric gases unaffected to reach the Earth's surface.
The Earth's surface absorbs the solar energy and releases it back to the atmosphere as
infrared (IR) radiation, some of which goes back into space.
Three main gases cause a warming known as the greenhouse effect

Some of the IR radiation emitted by the earth is absorbed by gases in the atmosphere that
re-emit the energy as heat back toward the earth's surface.
Three main gases in our atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effect are carbon
dioxide CO2, methane CH4, and water vapour. These gases absorb the infrared radiation
emitted by the earth and re-radiate the energy as heat back towards the Earth, causing a
warming known as the Greenhouse effect.

With increasing carbon dioxide emissions from humans, the greenhouse effect has become
drastically exaggerated. This has caused a dangerous global warming process that is
threatening our current environment by melting polar ice caps and raising sea levels around
the globe. The earth reflects about 30% of the incoming solar radiation. The remaining 70%
is absorbed, warming the land, atmosphere and oceans.

Wikipedia says that the Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of radiation. Most
of the energy is in visible wavelengths and in infrared wavelengths that are near the visible
range (often called "near infrared"). The Earth reflects about 30% of the incoming solar
radiation. The remaining 70% is absorbed, warming the land, atmosphere and oceans.

For the Earth's temperature to be in steady state so that the Earth does not rapidly heat or
cool, this absorbed solar radiation must be very closely balanced by energy radiated back to
space in the infrared wavelengths. Since the intensity of infrared radiation increases with
increasing temperature, one can think of the Earth's temperature as being determined by the
infrared flux needed to balance the absorbed solar flux. The visible solar radiation mostly
heats the surface, not the atmosphere, whereas most of the infrared radiation escaping to
space is emitted from the upper atmosphere, not the surface. The infrared photons emitted



by the surface are mostly absorbed in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases and clouds and
do not escape directly to space.

The reason why this warms the surface is most easily understood by starting with a
simplified model of a purely radiative greenhouse effect that ignores energy transfer in the
atmosphere by convection (sensible heat transport) and by the evaporation and
condensation of water vapor (latent heat transport). In this purely radiative case, one can
think of the atmosphere as emitting infrared radiation both upwards and downwards. The
upward infrared flux emitted by the surface must balance not only the absorbed solar flux
but also this downward infrared flux emitted by the atmosphere. The surface temperature
will rise until it generates thermal radiation equivalent to the sum of the incoming solar and
infrared radiation.

A more realistic picture taking into account the convective and latent heat fluxes is
somewhat more complex. But the following simple model captures the essence. The starting
point is to note that the opacity of the atmosphere to infrared radiation determines the height
in the atmosphere from which most of the photons are emitted into space. If the atmosphere
is more opaque, the typical photon escaping to space will be emitted from higher in the
atmosphere, because one then has to go to higher altitudes to see out to space in the
infrared. Since the emission of infrared radiation is a function of temperature, it is the
temperature of the atmosphere at this emission level that is effectively determined by the
requirement that the emitted flux balance the absorbed solar flux.

But the temperature of the atmosphere generally decreases with height above the surface, at
a rate of roughly 6.5 C per kilometer on average, until one reaches the stratosphere 10-15
km above the surface. (Most infrared photons escaping to space are emitted by the
troposphere, the region bounded by the surface and the stratosphere, so we can ignore the
stratosphere in this simple picture.) A very simple model, but one that proves to be
remarkably useful, involves the assumption that this temperature profile is simply fixed, by
the non-radiative energy fluxes. Given the temperature at the emission level of the infrared
flux escaping to space, one then computes the surface temperature by increasing
temperature at the rate of 6.5 C per kilometer, the environmental lapse rate, until one
reaches the surface. The more opaque the atmosphere, and the higher the emission level of
the escaping infrared radiation, the warmer the surface, since one then needs to follow this
lapse rate over a larger distance in the vertical. While less intuitive than the purely radiative
greenhouse effect, this less familiar radiative-convective picture is the starting point for
most discussions of the greenhouse effect in the climate modeling literature.

The Earth's atmosphere acts much like the glass panes of a greenhouse: it allows sunlight,
particularly its visible range, to reach and warm the Earth, but it largely inhibits the infrared
radiation emitted by the heated terrestrial surface from escaping into space. Since the
atmosphere becomes thinner and thinner with increasing altitude above the Earth, there is
less atmospheric absorption in the higher regions of the atmosphere. At an altitude of 100
kilometres, the fraction of atmosphere is one 10-millionth of that on the ground. Below 10
million hertz (107 Hz), the absorption is caused by the ionosphere, a layer in which atoms
and molecules in the atmosphere are ionized by the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. In the
infrared region, the absorption is caused by molecular vibrations and rotations.


In the ultraviolet and X-ray regions, the absorption is due to electronic excitations in atoms
and molecules.
Without water vapour and carbon dioxide (CO
), which are, together with certain industrial
pollutants, the main infrared-absorbing species in the atmosphere, the Earth would
experience the extreme temperature variations between night and day that occur on the
Moon. The Earth would then be a frozen planet, like Mars, with an average temperature of
200 K, and not be able to support life. Scientists believe that the Earth's temperature and
climate in general will be affected as the composition of the atmosphere is altered by an
increased release and accumulation of carbon dioxide and other gaseous pollutants.
The temperature of the terrestrial surface environment is controlled not only by the Sun's
electromagnetic radiation but also in a sensitive way by the Earth's atmosphere.

A few years ago, terms such as CFCs, ozone, rain forest, deforestation and climate control
would probably not be used frequently in the vocabulary of the common American
teenager. However, in recent years, due to the growing emphasis on environmental
awareness, words like these are being taken very seriously by both teens and adults.
High above the earth's atmosphere there is a thin veil in the stratosphere called the ozone
layer, which protects the earth from the sun's destructive ultraviolet (UV) rays. This
protective layer is being damaged by chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), one
of the greatest environmental concerns in present-day society. They are released into the
atmosphere by the daily use of such industrial and household products as refrigerators, air
conditioners, foam insulation, cleaning chemicals, and found in the forms of fast food
packages, refrigerator and air conditioning coolants, and especially aerosol spray cans. The
CFCs rise into the ozone layer where the sunlight decomposes them, releasing chlorine. The
chlorine attacks the ozone molecules, thinning or even making a "hole" in the ozone layer.
This "hole" allows more UV rays to penetrate to the earth.

These CFCs are 14,000 times more dangerous than excess carbon dioxide to the ozone
layer, because once in the atmosphere they break chemical bonds and tear apart the
molecules that form ozone. Ozone is a gas present in the protective layer of the Earth's
upper atmosphere. This layer of the atmosphere protects living things on the planet from the
sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. As ozone is slowly washed away by man-made products, it
becomes more

5 Read the text, underline key words, write notes and
then explain the relationship of ozone depletion and the
greenhouse effect by using your notes

The Relationship of Ozone Depletion and the Green-
house Effect
explained by Bruce E. Johansen
During the 1930s chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were marketed under the trade name Freon,
asbestos was used as a material for clothing and radium was being built into timepieces
without raising any environmental questions.



Only 40 years later these materials have been creatively and widely used throughout the USA
as propellants in aerosol sprays, solvents used to clean silicon chips, in automobile air
conditioning, and as blowing agents for polystyrene cups, egg cartons, and containers for fast
food. They were loved because they were useful, cheap, non-toxic, non-inflammable and for
many other reasons.

It was only after this industry had become a $28-billion-a-year industry, that scientists
discovered the harmful influence of CFCs. For forty years they have been thinning the ozone
layer over the Antarctic. They were used in 90 million car and truck air conditioners, 100
million refrigerators, 30 million freezers, and 45 million air conditioners in homes and other

However, banning them does not entirely solve the problem, since CFCs remain in the
stratosphere for up to 100 years and will deplete the ozone for a long time to come. The ozone
shield is important because it protects plant and animal life on land from sun's ultraviolet rays,
which can cause skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to the immune system. Thinning of the
ozone layer also may alter the DNA of plants and animals.

These human-created chemicals do more than destroy stratospheric ozone. They
also act as greenhouse gases, with several thousand times the per-molecule
greenhouse potential of carbon dioxide. What's more, the warming of the near-
surface atmosphere (the lower troposphere) seems to be related to the cooling of
the stratosphere, which accelerates depletion of ozone at that level. An increasing
level of carbon dioxide near the Earth's surface "acts as a blanket," said NASA
research scientist Katja Drdla. "It is trapping the heat. If the heat stays near the
surface, it is not getting up to these higher levels." (Borenstein).

During the middle 1990s, scientists were beginning to perceive a relationship between global
warming and ozone depletion. The first atmospheric simulation to include ozone chemistry
was created. Results proved that the greenhouse effect was responsible not only for heating
the lower atmosphere, but also for cooling the upper atmosphere. That poses problems for
ozone molecules, which are most unstable at low temperatures. Based on the team's model,
the buildup o f greenhouse gases could chill the high atmosphere near the poles by as much
as 8 degrees C. to 10 degrees C. The model predicted that maximum ozone loss would occur
between the years 2010 and 2019. (Shindell, et. al., 589)

At about the same time, scientists were wondering why the ozone layers over the
Arctic and Antarctic were failing to repair themselves as expected following the
international ban on production of CFCs. They began to suspect that global warming near the
surface might be related to ozone depletion in the stratosphere. In 1998, the Antarctic ozone
hole reached a new record size roughly the size of the continental United States. Some
researchers came to the conclusion that, as Richard A. Kerr describes in Science:

Unprecedented stratospheric cold is driving the extreme ozone destruction.... Some
of the high-altitude chill...may be a counterintuitive effect of the accumulating
greenhouse gases that seem to be warming the lower atmosphere. The colder the
stratosphere, the greater the destruction of ozone by CFCs. (Kerr, 1998, 291)
"The chemical reactions responsible for stratospheric ozone depletion are
extremely sensitive to temperature," Shindell, et. al. wrote in Nature. "Greenhouse
gases warm the Earth's surface but cool the stratosphere radiatively, and therefore
affect ozone depletion." (p. 589).

During the middle 1990s, ozone depletion in the Arctic was detected after a decade of
measuring a growing ozone "hole" over the Antarctic. By 2000, the ozone shield over the
Arctic had thinned to about half its previous density during March and April.


Ozone depletion over the Arctic reaches its height in late winter and early spring,
as the Sun rises after the midwinter night. Solar radiation triggers reactions
between ozone in the stratosphere and chemicals containing chlorine or bromine.
These chemical reactions occur most quickly on the surface of ice particles in
clouds, at temperatures less than minus 80 degrees C. (minus 107 degrees F.)

Space-based temperature measurements of the Earth's lower stratosphere, a layer of the
atmosphere from about 17 kilometers to 22 kilometers (roughly 10 to 14 miles) above the surface,
indicate record cold at that level as record surface warmth has been reported during the 1990s.
Clouds form more frequently in the stratosphere at lower temperatures. Ice crystals, which form
as part of polar stratospheric clouds, assist the chemical process by which ozone is destroyed.
CFCs' appetite for ozone molecules rises notably below minus 80 degrees C. (minus 107 degrees
F.), a level that was reached in the Arctic only rarely until the 1990s. During the winter of 1999-
2000, temperatures in the stratosphere over the Arctic were recorded at 118 degrees F. or lower
(the lowest on record), forming the necessary clouds to allow accelerated ozone depletion.
As Dennis L. Hartmann, et al. explain:

The pattern of climate trends during the past few decades is marked by rapid
cooling and ozone depletion in the polar lower stratosphere of both hemispheres,
coupled with an increasing strength of the wintertime westerly polar vortex and a
poleward shift of the westerly wind belt at the Earth's surface....[I]nternal
dynamical feedbacks within the climate system...can show a large response to
rather modest external forcing....Strong synergistic interactions between
stratospheric ozone depletion and greenhouse warming are possible. These
interactions may be responsible for the pronounced changes in tropospheric and
stratospheric climate observed during the past few decades. If these trends
continue, they could have important implications for the climate of the twenty-first
century. (Hartmann, et al., 1412)

Since ozone depletion has been measured only for a few decades, scientists are not completely
sure if rapid warming at the surface is caused by natural variations in climate, which is
powerfully influenced by the interactions of oceans and atmosphere. "However," they
conclude, "It seems quite likely that they are at least in part human-induced." (Hartmann, et
al.,1416) Hartmann and associates also raise the possibility that the poleward shift in westerly
winds may be accelerating melting of the arctic ice cap, part of what they contend may be a
"transition of the Arctic Ocean to an ice-free state during the twenty-first century." (Hartmann, et
al., 1416). A continued northward shift in these winds also could portend additional warming over
the land masses of North America and Eurasia, they write. (Hartmann, et al., 1416)

The connection between global warming, a cooling stratosphere, and depletion of stratospheric
ozone was confirmed in April, 2000, with release of a lengthy report by more than 300 NASA
researchers as well as several European, Japanese, and Canadian scientists. The report found that
while ozone depletion may have stabilized over the Antarctic, ozone
levels north of the Arctic circle were still falling, in large part because the stratosphere has cooled
as the troposphere has warmed. The ozone level over the some parts of the Arctic was 60 per cent
lower during the winter of 2000 than during the winter of 1999, measured year over year. In
addition, scientists learned that as winter ends, the ozone-depleted atmosphere tends to migrate
southward over heavily populated areas of North America and Eurasia.

"The largest ultraviolet increases from all of this are predicted to be in the mid-
latitudes of the United States," said University of Colorado atmospheric scientist
Brian Toon. "It affects us much more than the Antarctic [ozone `hole']."


Ross Salawitch, a research scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
said that if the pattern of extended cold temperatures in the Arctic stratosphere continues,
ozone loss over the region could become "pretty disastrous." (Scientists Report, 3-A)
Salawitch said that the new data has "really solidified our view" that the ozone layer is
sensitive not only to ozone-destroying chemicals, but also to temperature. (Stevens, A-19)

"The temperature of the stratosphere is controlled by the weather that will come up
from the lower atmosphere,"
said Paul Newman, another scientist who took part in the Arctic ozone project.

"If we have a very active stratosphere we tend to have warm years, when stratosphere
weather is quiescent we have cold years." (Connor, 5)
New research indicates that global warming will continue to cool the stratosphere, making
ozone destruction more prevalent even as the volume of CFCs in the stratosphere is slowly
reduced. "One year does not prove a case," said Paul Newman of NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "But we have seen quite a few years lately in which the
stratosphere has been colder than normal." (Aldhous, 531)

"We do know that if the temperatures in the stratosphere are lower, more clouds will
form and persist, and these conditions will lead to more ozone loss,"

said Michelle Santee, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena and co-author of a study on the subject in the May 26, 2000 issue of Science.
(McFarling, A-20)
The anticipated increase in cloudiness over the arctic could itself become a factor in ozone
depletion. The clouds, formed from condensed nitric acid and water, tend to increase snowfall,
which accelerates depletion of stratospheric nitrogen. The nitrogen (which would have acted to
stem some of the ozone loss had it remained in the stratosphere), is carried to the surface as

The ozone hole has been also explained in the way that whereas in most parts of the world
horizontal winds keep chemicals in the air well mixed, the air over the poles gets trapped every
winter in a freezing vortex. The vortex over the North Pole is warmed by currents from hotter
continents. But the comparative lack of land in the southern hemisphere leaves the Antarctic
vortex undisturbed. Every September, when spring arrives, up to 40 per cent of ozone
disappears. As winds from warmer latitudes gradually penetrate the vortex, ozone levels
recover - by around November.
Chlorine atoms released by UV radiation set off a chain reaction that destroys ozone




Section 1

Section 2
Seminar Group Work Questions

Christmas comes but once a year.

What has been will never be again.



What is a fluid? How does a fluid differ from what we call
a solid elastic substance such as a bar of steel? In simple
terms a fluid is a substance which cannot resist a shear force
or stress without moving as can a solid. Fluids are usually
classified as liquids or gases. A liquid has intermolecular
forces which hold it together so that it possesses volume but
no definite shape. A liquid poured into a container will fill the
container up to the volume of the liquid regardless of the
container's shape. Liquids have but slight compressibility and
the density varies little with temperature or pressure. A gas,
on the other hand, consists of molecules in motion which
collide with each other tending to disperse it so that a gas
has no set volume or shape. As gas will fill any container into
which it is placed. For a given mass or system of gas, the
pressure, temperature and enclosing volume are related by
the gas law, that is, the appropriate equation of state of the


Core Text 1
Jot down subtitles
Dynamics, the study of motion of matter, may be divided into
two parts dynamics of rigid bodies and dynamics of non-rigid
bodies. The latter is usually further divided into two general
classifications elasticity (solid elastic bodies) and fluid
mechanics. Since a large portion of the Earth is in the fluid state,
it is rather obvious that engineers and scientists have to know
something about fluids.
The many applications of fluid mechanics make it one of the
most vital and fundamental of all engineering and applied
scientific studies. The flow of fluids in pipes and channels makes
fluid mechanics of importance to civil engineers. The study of fluid
machinery such as pumps, compressors, heat exchangers, jet and
rocket engines, and the like, makes fluid mechanics of importance
to mechanical engineers. The flow of air over objects,
aerodynamics, is of fundamental interest to aeronautical and
space engineers in the design of aircraft, missiles and rockets. In
meteorology, hydrology and oceanography the study of fluids is
basic since the atmosphere and the ocean are fluids. And today in
modern engineering many new disciplines combine fluid
mechanics with classical disciplines. For example, fluid mechanics
and electromagnetic theory are studied together as
magnetohydrodynamics. In new types of energy conversion
devices and in the study of stellar and ionospheric phenomena,
magnetohydrodynamics is vital.

We see that a good familiarity with fluid mechanics is essential to
the modern engineer and scientist, and it is probably obvious that
fluid mechanics and its applications is a broad subject with far-
flung fields of specialization. The mathematical model.

In solid rigid body mechanics, we usually ask the question: what is
the position in space of a particle as a function of time? From
this information all other questions, such as what are the
velocity and acceleration, may be answered. If the position
vector r denotes the position of a particle, then r(t) is the important
parameter. Velocity and acceleration are simply dr/dt and d



However, in a fluid flow (both liquid and air) we are not dealing
with a single particle. We are concerned with a continuum. In
fact we don't have to keep track of individual particles or even
little blobs of fluid. Rather, it is convenient to ask a question: at
some point in space (relative to an arbitrary fixed coordinate sys-
tem) what is the velocity, acceleration and thermodynamic
properties at that point in space as a function of time? As time
proceeds the fluid at that point in space is being constantly
exchanged for new fluid as the fluid flows past, so that we keep
track not of any individual particle of fluid but of history at some
point in space regardless of what bit of fluid happens to be there
at any particular time. Such a description of the fluid is called an
Eulerian description named after Leonhard Euler, a famous
Swiss mathematician as opposed to a Lagrangian description,
named after the French mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange,
which is used to keep track of an individual particle as in rigid
body dynamics.

So, in the Lagrangian approach, one particle is chosen and is
followed as it moves through space with time. The line traced out
by that one particle is called a particle pathline. An example is
a transmitting ocean buoy that observes a set path over regular
intervals over a period of time. The path observed is the particle

An Eulerian approach is used to obtain a clearer idea of the
airflow at one particular instant. One can look at a photograph
of the flow of, for instance, surface ocean currents at a particular
fixed time. The entire flow field is easily visualized. The lines
comprising this flow field are called streamlines (see

Thus, a pathline refers to the trace of a single particle in time
and space whereas a streamline presents the line of motion of
many particles at a fixed time. We wonder whether particle
pathlines and streamlines are ever the same.

The concept of a steady flow is of basic importance in
understanding fluid movements about an object. On a windy day
a person calls the wind steady if, from where he/she stands, it
blows constantly from the same direction at a constant speed.
If, however, the speed or direction changes, the wind is gusty



or unsteady. In a similar manner, the flow of a fluid (both liquid
and air) about an object is steady if its velocity (speed and
direction) at each point in the flow remains constant this does
not necessarily require that the velocity be the same at all points
in the fluid.

This means that for unsteady flows, particle pathlines (the
Lagrangian point of view) and streamlines (the Eulerian
approach) are not equivalent. For a steady flow, however, a
particle pathline and streamline are equivalent, and the
Lagrangian point of view is the same as the Eulerian approach
for flow visualization.

Additionally, we have mentioned the word continuum. What does
this mean in a fluid sense? We assume that the distance between
fluid particles (or molecules), or more precisely the mean free
path, is very small. By small we mean small compared to any
physical dimensions of the problem to which we are applying the
principles of fluid mechanics. In aerodynamics, the thickness,
say, of a wing is many orders of magnitude greater than the
mean free path of the air flowing over the wing. Hence we assume
that all mathematical limiting processes (of the calculus) can be
taken in a meaningful sense and that any volume of fluid can be
continuously subdivided into smaller and smaller volumes while
retaining the fluid continuum character. Obviously this division
would break down eventually, but we assume that by the time it
does the dimensions are so small that they are microscopic and of
no concern to us.

However, if such is not the case, as in a rarefied gas flow where
the mean free path may be of the same order of magnitude as the
physical dimensions of the problem, then the fluid continuum
assumption breaks down and we must use a strictly microscopic
approach such as free molecule flow theory.

The number of basic variables in fluid mechanics is five: three
velocity components and two thermodynamic properties. Any two
of the thermodynamic properties, such as pressure, temperature,
density, enthalpy, entropy, etc., suffice to determine the state
and hence all the other properties. The fluid flow field is completely
determined once we specify the velocity vector V and two
thermodynamic properties as a function of space and time. Hence
we need five independent equations.


These are usually the three components of the equation of
motion, a continuity equation and an energy equation. Often an
equation of state is also introduced in order to allow the writing of
the energy equation in terms of three variables (temperature,
density and pressure) instead of just two. In that case we have
six variables and six equations. In turbulent flow, additional
unknowns appear for the same number of equations, which
prevents a complete theoretical formulation of the problem.

(From .FLUID DYNAMICS by W. F. Hughes and J. A. Brighton McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York 1967)

1.1 Use the information from the text "What Is a Fluid?" to do the
following tasks.
1. Define dynamics.
2. Dynamics may be divided into...

3. Dynamics of non-rigid bodies may be classified into...
4. Deine a fluid.
5. Fluids are classified as...
6. What holds a liquid together, and what does it result in?
7. State the fference between a liquid and a gas, regarding their
volume and shape.



8. Why is fluid mechanics important to civil engineers?
9. Why is fluid mechanics so important to mechanical engineers?
10. What is of fundamental interest to aeronautical and space engineers?
11. What disciplines does magnetohydrodynamics involve?
12. Which fields of study is magnetohydrodynamics essential for?

13. What kind of a description of the fluid is called an Eulerian
14. What does a Langrangian description keep track of?
15. State the basic variables in fluid mechanics
16. Enumerate some thermodynamics properties.


2 CODE TRANSFER (English - Croatian)
2.1 Translate the following expressions into Croatian referring to the
text "What Is a Fluid?"
fluid mechanics .......................................................................
fluid state .......................................................................
intermolecular forces .......................................................................
applied scientific studies .......................................................................
civil engineer .......................................................................
fluid machinery .......................................................................
energy conversion devices .......................................................................
far-flung fields of
specialization .......................................................................
solid rigid body
mechanics .......................................................................
mean free path .......................................................................
meaningful sense .......................................................................
fluid continuum character ......................................................................
fluid continuum assumption .
free molecule flow theory ......................................................................
fluid flow field ......................................................................

2.2 Translate the following text into Croatian

However, in a fluid flow (both liquid and air) we are not dealing with a single particle. We
are concerned with a continuum. In fact we don't have to keep track of individual
particles or even little blobs of fluid. Rather, it is convenient to ask a question: at some point
in space (relative to an arbitrary fixed coordinate system) what is the velocity, acceleration
and thermodynamic properties at that point in space as a function of time? As time proceeds
the fluid at that point in space is being constantly exchanged for new fluid as the fluid flows
past, so that we keep track not of any individual particle of fluid but of history at some point
in space regardless of what bit of fluid happens to be there at any particular time.



3.1 Write a summary of the text "What Is a Fluid?".
Essential idea:

The most important supporting information:

Turn the following sentences from the Passive Voice into the Active.
Reference - Grammar File I.
1. Dynamics may be divided into two parts.
2. Fluids are usually classified as liquids or gases.
3. A gas will fill any container into which it is placed.
4. Fluid mechanics and electromagnetic theory are studied together as magneto-
5. From this information all other questions, such as what are the velocity and
acceleration, may be answered.




5.1 Write down English words or expressions that can replace the ones
in italics.
a) Engineers and scientists have to know ..................................................
b) Liquids have but slight compressibility ...............................
c) Density varies .............................................
d) A gas has no set volume ...............................................
e) Any two of the thermodynamic properties suffice...
5.2 Word families
Fill in the table where possible.

Noun Verb Adjective




Read the texts concerning Fluid Mechanics, underline key words, cover
up the texts and write down what you have heard or read. Then check
your writing. Eventually discuss the topics.

Group 1


The term "fluid" in everyday language typically refers only to liquids, but in the realm of
physics, fluid describes any gas or liquid that conforms to the shape of its container. Fluid
mechanics is the study of gases and liquids at rest and in motion. This area of physics is
divided into fluid statics, the study of the behaviour of stationary fluids, and fluid dynamics,
the study of the behaviour of moving, or flowing fluids. Fluid dynamics makes up the larger
part of fluid mechanics and is further divided into hydrodynamics, or the study of water flow
or liquids in motion, and aerodynamics, the study of airflow or gases in motion.
Hydrodynamics is often used synonymously with fluid dynamics, since most of the results
from the study of liquids also apply to gases. A plasma is also a fluid (see states of matter)
and can be described by many of the principles of fluid mechanics, but its electromagnetic
properties must also be taken into account. The study of plasmas in motion is known as
magneto hydrodynamics and includes principles from several fields.
Applications of fluid mechanics include a variety of machines, ranging from the water-wheel
to the airplane. In addition, the study of fluids provides an understanding of a number of
everyday phenomena, such as why an open window and door together create a draft in a
room. Because of their ability to flow, liquids and gases have many properties in common
not shared by solids.
Relationship to continuum mechanics
Fluid mechanics is often considered a sub discipline of continuum mechanics, as illustrated
in the following table.

mechanics: the
study of the
physics of
Solid mechanics:
the study of the
physics of
materials with a
defined rest
Elasticity: which describes materials that
return to their rest shape after an applied
Plasticity: which
materials that
deform after a
large enough
applied stress.
Rheology: the
study of materials
with both solid
and fluid
Fluid mechanics:
the study of the
physics of
materials which
take the shape of
their container.
Newtonian fluids



In a mechanic view, a fluid is a substance that does not support tangential stress; that is why
a fluid at rest has the shape of their containing vessel.

Fluid mechanics

The engineering science concerned with the relation between the forces acting on fluids
(liquids and gases) and their motions, and with the forces caused by fluids on their
surroundings. It is distinct from solid mechanics by virtue of the different responses of fluids
and solids to applied forces. In an ideal elastic solid, the deflection or deformation is
proportional to the applied stress, whereas a fluid cannot support an applied shear stress
unless it is in motion. In most fluids, called simple or Newtonian fluids, it is the rate of
deformation of the fluid, as opposed to the amount of deformation in a solid that is
proportional to the applied stress.
Many substances of everyday experience and of engineering importance are found naturally
in the fluid state. These include water (liquid and vapour), air (gaseous and liquid), as well as
other liquids and gases of natural and industrial importance. The most common fluids are
Newtonian under most flow conditions.
Fluid mechanics treats the fluid as a continuum, ignoring the fact that it actually consists of
individual molecules that may be, in the case of gases, widely spaced compared to molecular
dimensions. Nevertheless, the continuum assumption is valid for almost all applications
down to the size of bacteria. An exception occurs with gases at very low densities, such as
exist in the uppermost regions of the atmosphere. At extremely high altitudes the mean free
paths of air moleculesthat is, the distances they travel between collisions in random
thermal motioncan become as large, or even larger than, the dimensions of a space
vehicle, making the assumption of a continuum invalid. (See also rarefied gas flow).
Fluid mechanics is of fundamental importance to a number of disciplines, including
aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical, and ocean engineering, as well as to
climatology, geology, meteorology, and oceanography. Applications in these fields include,
but are not limited to, the study of fluid forces acting on vehicles; flows in natural rivers and
artificial channels and the flow of ground water; the dispersion of pollutants in the
atmosphere, lakes, rivers, and oceans; the flows in the circulatory and pulmonary systems of
humans and animals; the flows in pipelines that carry crude oil and natural gas over many
hundreds, or even thousands of miles from the petroleum fields of their origin to deep-water
ports or refineries; the flow of molten plastics or metals filling moulds in the manufacture of
numerous solid parts; the flow in pumps for water distribution systems; and both hydraulic
and gas turbines for power generation and propulsion. Fluid mechanics forms the basis for
much of chemistry and physics, and is sometimes applied to such apparently remote fields as
cosmology. The fluid mechanical behaviour of gases and liquids plays an important role in
the dispersion of dissolved or entrained substances. (See also aerodynamic force;
Aerodynamics; Biomedical engineering; Hydraulics; Hydrodynamics).

The continuum hypothesis

It is often useful (and realistic) to assume a fluid is incompressible - that is, the density of
the fluid does not change. Liquids can often be modelled as incompressible fluids, whereas
gases cannot.
Similarly, it can sometimes be assumed that the viscosity of the fluid is zero (the fluid is
inviscous). Gases can often be assumed to be in viscous. If a fluid isn't inviscous, and its
flow contained in some way (e.g. in a pipe), then the flow at the boundary must have zero



For a viscous fluid, if the boundary is not porous, the shear forces between the fluid and the
boundary results also in a zero velocity for the fluid at the boundary. That is a slip
condition. For a porous media otherwise, in the frontier of the containing vessel, the slip
condition is not zero velocity, and the fluid has a discontinuous velocity field between the
free fluid and the fluid in the porous media (search for Beavers and Joseph condition).

Inviscous (ideal) flow around a stationary wing section

Fluids are composed of molecules that collide with one another and solid objects. The
continuum assumption, however, considers fluids to be continuous. That is, properties such
as density, pressure, temperature, and velocity are taken to be well-defined at "infinitely"
small points, defining a REV (Reference Element of Volume), at the geometric order of the
distance between to adjacent molecules of fluid. Properties are assumed to vary continuously
from one point to another, and are averaged values in the REV. The fact that the fluid is
made up of discrete molecules is ignored.

The continuum hypothesis is basically an approximation. Consequently, assumption of the
continuum hypothesis can lead to results which are not of desired accuracy. Namely, under
the right circumstances, the continuum hypothesis produces extremely accurate results.
Those problems for which the continuum hypothesis does not allow solutions of desired
accuracy are solved using statistical mechanics. To determine whether or not to use
conventional fluid dynamics or statistical mechanics, the Knudsen number is evaluated for
the problem. The Knudsen number is defined as the ratio of the molecular mean free path
length to a certain representative physical length scale. This length scale could be, for
example, the radius of a body in a fluid. (More simply, the Knudsen number is how many
times its own diameter a particle will travel on average before hitting another particle).
Problems with Knudsen numbers at or above unity are best evaluated using statistical
mechanics for reliable solutions.

Assignment 1:Write an auto-dictation



Group 2

How It Works - The Contrast Between Fluids and Solids

To understand fluids, it is best to begin by contrasting their behaviour with that of solids.
Whereas solids possess a definite volume and a definite shape, these physical characteristics
are not so clearly defined for fluids. Liquids, though they possess a definite volume, have no
definite shapea factor noted above as one of the defining characteristics of fluids. As for
gases, they have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.
One of several factors that distinguish fluids from solids is their response to compression, or
the application of pressure in such a way as to reduce the size or volume of an object. A
solid is highly non-compressible, meaning that it resists compression, and if compressed
with a sufficient force, its mechanical properties alter significantly.
Fluids vary with regard to compressibility, depending on whether the fluid in question is a
liquid or a gas. Most gases tend to be highly compressiblethough air, at low speeds at
least, is not among them. Thus, gases such as propane fuel can be placed under high
pressure. Liquids tend to be non-compressible: unlike a gas, a liquid can be compressed
significantly, yet its response to compression is quite different from that of a solid.
One way to describe a fluid is "anything that flows"behaviour explained in large part by
the interaction of molecules in fluids. If the surface of a solid is disturbed, it will resist, and
if the force of the disturbance is sufficiently strong, it will deformas for instance, when a
steel plate begins to bend under pressure. This deformation will be permanent if the force is
powerful enough. By contrast, when the surface of a liquid is disturbed, it tends to flow.

Molecular Behaviour of Fluids and Solids

At the molecular level, particles of solids tend to be definite in their arrangement and close
to one another. In the case of liquids, molecules are close in proximity, though not as much
so as solid molecules, and the arrangement is random.
As for gas molecules, these are both random in arrangement and far removed in proximity.
Whereas solid particles are slow-moving and have a strong attraction to one another, liquid
molecules move at moderate speeds and exert a moderate attraction on each other. Gas
molecules are extremely fast-moving and exert little or no attraction.
Thus, if a solid is released from a container pointed downward, so that the force of gravity
moves it, it will fall as one piece. Upon hitting a floor or other surface, it will rebound, come
to a stop, or deform permanently. A liquid, on the other hand, will disperse in response to
impact, its force determining the area over which the total volume of liquid is distributed.
But for a gas, assuming it is lighter than air, the downward pull of gravity is not even
required to disperse it: once the top on a container of gas is released, the molecules begin to
float outward.

Fluids Under Pressure

As suggested earlier, the response of fluids to pressure is one of the most significant aspects
of fluid behaviour and plays an important role within both the statics and dynamics sub
disciplines of fluid mechanics. A number of interesting principles describe the response to
pressure, on the part of both fluids at rest inside a container, and fluids which are in a state of
Within the realm of hydrostatics, among the most important of all statements describing the
behaviour of fluids is Pascal's principle. This law is named after Blaise Pascal (1623-1662),
a French mathematician and physicist who discovered that the external pressure applied on a
fluid is transmitted uniformly throughout its entire body. The understanding offered by



Pascal's principle later became the basis for one of the most important machines ever
developed the hydraulic press.

Hydrostatic Pressure and Buoyancy
Some nineteen centuries before Pascal, the Greek mathematician, physicist, and inventor
Archimedes (born in Syracuse in Sicily c. 287-212 B.C.) discovered a precept of fluid statics
that had implications at least as great as those of Pascal's principle. Archimedes was not only
the first "real" physicist he was also a superb mathematician following a long tradition of
Greek mathematics. In physics, Archimedes is celebrated for discovering the law of the lever
and the law of buoyancy, now part of any basic science education. This law also called
Archimedes's principle explains the buoyancy of an object immersed in fluid.
According to Archimedes's principle, the buoyant force exerted on the object is equal to the
weight of the fluid it displaces. Buoyancy explains both how a ship floats on water, and how
a balloon floats in the air. The pressures of water at the bottom of the ocean, and of air at the
surface of Earth, are both examples of hydrostatic pressurethe pressure that exists at any
place in a body of fluid due to the weight of the fluid above. In the case of air pressure, air is
pulled downward by the force of Earth's gravitation, and air along the planet's surface has
greater pressure due to the weight of the air above it. At great heights above Earth's surface,
however, the gravitational force is diminished, and thus the air pressure is much smaller.
Water, too, is pulled downward by gravity, and as with air, the fluid at the bottom of the
ocean has much greater pressure due to the weight of the fluid above it. Of course, water is
much heavier than air, and therefore, water at even a moderate depth in the ocean has
enormous pressure. This pressure, in turn, creates a buoyant force that pushes upward.
If an object immersed in fluida balloon in the air or a ship on the oceanweighs less that
the fluid it displaces, it will float. If it weighs more, it will sink or fall. The balloon itself
may be "heavier than air," but it is not as heavy as the air it has displaced. Similarly, an
aircraft carrier contains a vast weight in steel and other material, yet it floats, because its
weight is not as great as that of the displaced water.

The Law of Buoyancy - Archimedes' Principle

The ruler of Syracuse (King Hieron) had a new crown made. He instructed his
goldsmith that it be made of solid gold. When he received the crown he
developed a suspicion that the goldsmith was cheating him by incorporating
some silver into the crown. He called on Archimedes to work out whether the
crown was indeed pure goldBUT the crown was not to be damaged in any
way; no sample was to be removed. This was a tough assignment and
Archimedes did not know how to proceed. One day he finally went to the public
baths to clean up something he seldom did and only the very wealthy had
private baths. While he was reclining in the water he suddenly understood why
things floated and was so excited he jumped out of the bath and ran home
shouting "Eureka" which means "I have found it. He used his discovery to
show that the crown had indeed been adulterated.



Assignment 2: Write an auto-dictation

Group 3

Bernoulli's Principle

Archimedes and Pascal contributed greatly to what became known as fluid statics, but the
father of fluid mechanics, as a larger realm of study, was the Swiss mathematician and
physicist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782). While conducting experiments with liquids,
Bernoulli observed that when the diameter of a pipe is reduced, the water flows faster. This
suggested to him that some force must be acting upon the water; a force that he reasoned
must arise from differences in pressure.
Specifically, the slower-moving fluid in the wider area of pipe had a greater pressure than
the portion of the fluid moving through the narrower part of the pipe. As a result, he
concluded that pressure and velocity are inversely relatedin other words, as one increases,
the other decreases. Hence, he formulated Bernoulli's principle, which states that for all
changes in movement, the sum of static and dynamic pressure in a fluid remains the same.

A fluid at rest exerts pressurewhat Bernoulli called "static pressure"on its container. As
the fluid begins to move, however, a portion of the static pressureproportional to the speed
of the fluidis converted to what Bernoulli called dynamic pressure, or the pressure of
movement? In a cylindrical pipe, static pressure is exerted perpendicular to the surface of the
container, whereas dynamic pressure is parallel to it.

According to Bernoulli's principle, the greater the velocity of flow in a fluid, the
greater the dynamic pressure and the less the static pressure. In other words,
slower-moving fluid exerts greater pressure than faster-moving fluid. The
discovery of this principle ultimately made possible the development of the



Leonardo da Vinci

No further advances in the science of fluid mechanics were made after Archimedes until
Leonardo da Vinci started studying flowing water. He is the first to have written the law of
conservation of mass in a form suitable for use with fluids. In this context it is known as the
Principle of Continuity. This principle states that the narrower the channel fluid has to
flow through, the faster it must flow.( "Still waters run deep").He also observed the motion
of the water by throwing fine grass seeds into itas many others must have done. However
Leonardo did morehe made detailed records of his observations which included many
sketches. However, he did not express his ideas mathematically. Leonardo was a superb
artist and engineer with an insatiable curiosity about the world around him.
Newton's Law of Viscosity
Newton wrote all his published work in Latin as was the custom in those days. A translation
of his Law of Viscosity goes as follows: "The resistance which arises from the lack of
slipperiness originating in a fluid, other things being equal, is proportional to the velocity by
which the parts of the fluid are being separated from each other." Nowadays we call the
"resistance" the shear stress and the "velocity" the shear strain rate. Shearing in science is the
sort of motion you get when you slide the cards in a pack of cards over each other. To do this
you have to apply a force parallel to the cards. This is a shear force. Shear stress is this force
divided by the area over which it acts. Shear strain rate is a measure of the speed with which
the cards move relative to each other. The faster they move, the greater the strain rate. So
now we say that the shear stress in a fluid is proportional to the shear strain rate. The
constant of proportionality is called the viscosity of the fluid. Any fluid that obeys this law is
called a Newtonian Fluid. Air and water are Newtonian fluids but tomato sauce and paint do
not obey Newton's law of viscosity and so are called non-Newtonian fluids.
Daniel Bernoulli
Fluid dynamics as the scientific study of fluids that are moving started to develop rapidly in
the early 1700's. The most famous example of the discoveries made in that period is Daniel
Bernoulli's equation that underpins our understanding of why birds and aircraft can fly. With
this discovery scientists realized that Newton's laws of motion, previously thought to apply
only to solid objects, also applied to fluids.

Leonhard Euler
He was also Swiss, a contemporary of Bernoulli and a colleague of his for a while in St
Petersburg. Euler laid the foundations for our understanding of fluid flow when viscosity
plays only a very minor part in determining the flow characteristics.

Real-Life Applications
Bernoulli's Principle in Action

As fluid moves from a wider pipe to a narrower one, the volume of the fluid that moves a
given distance in a given time period does not change. But since the width of the narrower
pipe is smaller, the fluid must move faster (that is, with greater dynamic pressure) in order to
move the same amount of fluid the same distance in the same amount of time. Observe the
behaviour of a river: in a wide, unobstructed region, it flows slowly, but if its flow is
narrowed by canyon walls, it speeds up dramatically.



Bernoulli's principle ultimately became the basis for the airfoil, the design of an airplane's
wing when seen from the end. An airfoil is shaped like an asymmetrical teardrop laid on its
side, with the "fat" end toward the airflow. As air hits the front of the airfoil, the air stream
divides, part of it passing over the wing and part passing under. The upper surface of the
airfoil is curved, however, whereas the lower surface is much straighter.
As a result, the air flowing over the top has a greater distance to cover than the air flowing
under the wing. Since fluids have a tendency to compensate for all objects with which they
come into contact, the air at the top will flow faster to meet the other portion of the air
stream, the air flowing past the bottom of the wing, when both reach the rear end of the
airfoil. Faster airflow, as demonstrated by Bernoulli, indicates lower pressure, meaning that
the pressure on the bottom of the wing keeps the airplane aloft..

Assignment 3: Write an auto-dictation

Group 4

Creating a Draft

Among the most famous applications of Bernoulli's principle is its use in aerodynamics, and
this is discussed in the context of aerodynamics. Likewise, a number of other applications of
Bernoulli's principle are examined in an essay devoted to that topic. Bernoulli's principle, for
instance, explains why a shower curtain tends to billow inward when the water is turned on;
in addition, it shows why an open window and door together create a draft.
Suppose one is in a hotel room where the heat is on too high, and there is no way to adjust
the thermostat. Outside, however, the air is cold, and thus, by opening a window, one can
presumably cool down the room. But if one opens the window without opening the front
door of the room, there will be little temperature change. The only way to cool off will be by
standing next to the window: elsewhere in the room, the air will be every bit as stuffy as
before. But if the door leading to the hotel hallway is opened, a nice cool breeze will blow
through the room. Why?
With the door closed, the room constitutes an area of relatively high pressure compared to
the pressure of the air outside the window. Because air is a fluid, it will tend to flow into the
room, but once the pressure inside reaches a certain point, it will prevent additional air from
entering. The tendency of fluids is to move from high-pressure to low-pressure areas, not the
other way around. As soon as the door is opened, the relatively high-pressure air of the room
flows into the relatively low-pressure area of the hallway. As a result, the air pressure in the
room is reduced, and the air from outside can now enter. Soon a wind will begin to blow
through the room.



A Wind Tunnel

A wind tunnel is a chamber built for the purpose of examining the characteristics of airflow
in contact with solid objects, such as aircraft and automobiles. The wind tunnel represents a
safe use of the properties of fluid mechanics. Its purpose is to test the interaction of airflow
and solids in relative motion: in other words, either the aircraft has to be moving against the
airflow, as it does in flight, or the airflow can be moving against a stationary aircraft. The
first wind tunnel was built in England in 1871, and years later, aircraft pioneers Orville
(1871-1948) and Wilbur (1867-1912) Wright used a wind tunnel to improve their planes.
With the development of jet-powered flight, it became necessary to build wind tunnels
capable of simulating winds By the 1950s, wind tunnels were being used to simulate
hypersonic speeds.

Hydraulic Presses

The applications of Bernoulli's principle are among the most important examples of fluid
mechanics in operation. Pascal's principle, for instance, can be seen in the operation of a
number of machines that represent variations on the idea of a hydraulic press. Among these
is the hydraulic jack used to raise a car off the floor of an auto mechanic's shop.
Beneath the floor of the shop is a chamber containing a quantity of fluid, and at either end of
the chamber are two large cylinders side by side. Each cylinder holds a piston, and valves
control flow between the two cylinders through the channel of fluid that connects them. In
accordance with Pascal's principle, when one applies force by pressing down the piston in
one cylinder (the input cylinder), this yields a uniform pressure that causes output in the
second cylinder, pushing up a piston that raises the car.

Another example of a hydraulic press is the hydraulic ram. In a hydraulic ram, however, the
characteristics of the input and output cylinders are reversed from those of a car jack. For the
car jack, the input cylinder is long and narrow, while the output cylinder is wide and short.
This is because the purpose of a car jack is to raise a heavy object through a relatively short
vertical range of movementjust high enough so that the mechanic can stand comfortably
underneath the car.


A pump is a device made for moving fluid, and it does so by utilizing a pressure difference,
causing the fluid to move from an area of higher pressure to one of lower pressure. Its
operation is based on aspects both of Pascal's and Bernoulli's principlesthough, of course,
humans were using pumps thousands of years before either man was born.
A siphon hose used to draw gas from a car's fuel tank is a very simple pump. Sucking on one
end of the hose creates an area of low pressure compared to the relatively high-pressure area
of the gas tank. Eventually, the gasoline will come out of the low-pressure end of the hose.

The piston pump, slightly more complex, consists of a vertical cylinder along which a piston
rises and falls. Near the bottom of the cylinder are two valves, an inlet valve through which
fluid flows into the cylinder, and an outlet valve through which fluid flows out. As the piston
moves upward, the inlet valve opens and allows fluid to enter the cylinder. On the down
stroke, the inlet valve closes while the outlet valve opens, and the pressure provided by the
piston forces the fluid through the outlet valve.
One of the most obvious applications of the piston pump is in the engine of an automobile.
In this case, of course, the fluid being pumped is gasoline, which pushes the pistons up and
down by providing a series of controlled explosions created by the spark plug's ignition of
the gas. In another variety of piston pumpthe kind used to inflate a basketball or a bicycle



tireair is the fluid being pumped. Then there is a pump for water. Pumps for drawing
usable water from the ground are undoubtedly the oldest known variety, but there are also
pumps designed to remove water from areas where it is undesirable; for example, a bilge
pump, for removing water from a boat, or the sump pump used to pump flood water out of a

The application of fluid mechanics theories to treat environmental problems is becoming
increasingly important in the field of environmental engineering. To provide environmental
engineers with a comprehensive survey of recent developments, fluid mechanics covers
principles of fluid mechanics, followed by contemporary applications to environmental
problems involving river, lake, coastal, and ground water areas.

Weather is also all fluid mechanics, and the full Navier-Stokes equations have to be solved
to predict how the weather will change.
As you will have noticed, accurate prediction beyond 24 hours is often impossible. Accurate
prediction requires as much information about the current state of the weather at as many
points as possibleair and ocean temperatures, wind speed and direction, humidity, cloud
cover, amount of sunshine.
Fluid mechanics is a major concern of civil engineers who have to design bridges and
waterways. Mechanical engineers are also concerned with fluid mechanics, often with regard
to using fluids to move heat around (car cooling systems, for example) or to design other
machinery (jet units for boats, blades for windmills).

Food engineers have to move liquid foodstuffs through machinery so they need knowledge
of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics (i.e., rheology).

Blood flow through the heart and aorta have been studied extensively and work has been
done on the mechanics and heat flows of breathingwhat happens when you blow air
through the warm, wet, floppy tubes in the lung.

Fluid Power

One of the great engineering achievements of ancient times was the development of the
waterwheel, which included a series of buckets along the rim that made it possible to raise
water from the river below and disperse it to other points. By about 70 B.C., Roman
engineers recognized that they could use the power of water itself to turn wheels and grind
grain. Thus, the waterwheel became one of the first mechanisms in which an inanimate
source (as opposed to the effort of humans or animals) created power.
The water clock, too, was another ingenious use of water developed by the ancients. It did
not use water for power; rather, it relied on gravitya concept only dimly understood by
ancient peoplesto move water from one chamber of the clock to another, thus, marking a
specific interval of time. The hourglass used sand, a solid that in larger quantity exhibits the
behaviour of a fluid.
During the medieval period, fluids provided power to windmills and water mills, and at the
dawn of the Industrial Age, engineers began applying fluid principles to a number of
sophisticated machines. Among these was the turbine, a machine that converts the kinetic
energy (the energy of movement) in fluids to useable mechanical energy by passing the
stream of fluid through a series of fixed and moving fans or blades.
A common house fan is an example of a turbine in reverse: the fan adds energy to the
passing fluid (air), whereas a turbine extracts energy from fluids such as air and water.
The turbine was developed in the mid-eighteenth century, and later it was applied to the
extraction of power from hydroelectric dams, the first of which was constructed in 1894.


Today, hydroelectric dams provide electric power to millions of homes around the world.
Among the most dramatic examples of fluid mechanics in action, hydroelectric dams are
vast in size and equally impressive in the power they can generate using a completely
renewable resource: water.
A hydroelectric dam forms a huge steel-and-concrete curtain that holds back millions of tons
of water from a river or other body. The water nearest the topthe "head" of the damhas
enormous potential energy, or the energy that an object possesses by virtue of its position.
Hydroelectric power is created by allowing controlled streams of this water to flow
downward, gathering kinetic energy that is then transferred to powering turbines, which in
turn generate electric power.

Assignment 4: Write an auto-dictation

Group 5

Many of the fluids encountered in everyday life (such as water, air, gasoline, and honey) are
adequately described as being Newtonian, but there are even more that are not. Common
examples include mayonnaise, peanut butter, toothpaste, egg whites, liquid soaps, and
multigrade engine oils. Other examples such as molten polymers and slurries are of
considerable technological importance. A distinguishing feature of many non-Newtonian
fluids is that they have microscopic or molecular-level structures that can be rearranged
substantially in flow.

However, non-Newtonian fluids display a rich variety of behavior that is often in dramatic
contrast to these expectations. For example, an intuitive feel for the slipperiness of fluids can
be gained from rubbing them between the fingers. Furthermore, the slipperiness of water,
experienced in this way, is expected to be the same as the slipperiness of automobile tires on
a wet road. However, the slipperiness (viscosity) of many non-Newtonian fluids changes a
great deal depending on how fast they move or the forces applied to them.

Intuitive expectations for how the surface of a fluid will deform when the fluid is stirred
(with the fluid bunching up at the wall of the container) are also in marked contrast to the
behavior of non-Newtonian fluids. When a cylindrical rod is rotated inside a container of a
Newtonian fluid, centrifugal forces cause the fluid to be higher at the wall. However, for
non-Newtonian fluids, the normal stress differences cause the fluid to climb the rod; this is
called the Weissenberg effect. Intuitive understanding about the motion of material when the
flow of a fluid is suddenly stopped, for example, by turning off a water tap, is also notably at
odds with the behavior of non-Newtonian fluids. See also Centrifugal force.

A non-Newtonian fluid also displays counterintuitive behavior when it is extruded from an
opening. A Newtonian fluid tapers to a smaller cross section as it leaves the opening, but the

cross section for a non-Newtonian fluid first increases before it eventually tapers. This
phenomenon is called die swell. See also Nozzle.

When a Newtonian fluid is siphoned and the fluid level goes below the entrance to the
siphon tube, the siphoning action stops. For many non-Newtonian fluids, however, the
siphoning action continues as the fluid climbs from the surface and continues to enter the
tube. This phenomenon is called the tubeless siphon.

Perhaps the most striking behavior of non-Newtonian fluids is a consequence of their
viscoelasticity. Solids can be thought of as having perfect memory. If they are deformed
through the action of a force, they return to their original shape when the force is removed.
This happens when a rubber ball bounces; the ball is deformed as it hits a surface, but the
rubber remembers its undeformed spherical shape. Recovery of the shape causes the ball to
bounce back.

In contrast, Newtonian fluids have no memory; when a force is removed, they retain their
condition at the time the force is removed (or continue moving as the result of inertia). When
a Newtonian fluid is dropped onto a surface, it does not bounce. Non-Newtonian fluids are
viscoelastic in the sense that they have fading memory. If a force is removed shortly after it
is applied, the fluid will remember its undeformed shape and return toward it. However, if
the force is applied on the fluid for a long time, the fluid will eventually forget its
undeformed shape. If a sample of a non-Newtonian fluid is dropped onto a surface, it will
bounce like a ball. However, if the fluid is simply placed on the surface, it will flow
smoothly. Viscoelasticity is frequently the cause of many of the secondary flows that are
observed for non-Newtonian fluids. These are fluid motions that are small for Newtonian
fluids (for example, swirling motions) but can become dominant for non-Newtonian fluids.
See also Elasticity.

Analysis of fluid flow operations is typically performed by examining local conservation
relationsconservation of mass, momentum (Newton's second law), and energy. This
analysis requires material-specific information (for example, the relation between density,
pressure, and temperature) that is collectively known as constitutive relations. The science
devoted to obtaining suitable constitutive equations for description of the behavior of non-
Newtonian fluids is called rheology. The most important constitutive equation for fluid
mechanics is that relating the stress in the fluid to the kinematics of the motion (that is, the
velocity, the derivatives of the velocity with respect to position, and the time history of the

Although the non-Newtonian behavior of many fluids has been recognized for a long time,
the science of rheology is, in many respects, still in its infancy, and new phenomena are
constantly being discovered and new theories proposed.

Advancements in computational techniques are making possible much more detailed
analyses of complex flows and more sophisticated simulations of the structural and
molecular behavior that gives rise to non-Newtonian behavior. Engineers, chemists,
physicists, and mathematicians are actively pursuing research in rheology, particularly as
more technologically important materials are found to display non-Newtonian behavior. See
also Fluid flow; Rheology
A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose flow properties are not described by a single
constant value of viscosity. Many polymer solutions and molten polymers are non-

Newtonian fluids, as are many commonly found substances such as ketchup, starch
suspensions, paint, blood and shampoo. In a Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear
stress and the strain rate is linear, the constant of proportionality being the coefficient of
viscosity. In a non-Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the strain rate
is non-linear, and can even be time-dependent. Therefore a constant coefficient of viscosity



can not be defined. A ratio between shear stress and rate of strain (or shear-dependent
viscosity) can be defined, this concept being more useful for fluids without time-dependent

Although the concept of viscosity is commonly used to characterize a material, it can
be inadequate to describe the mechanical behavior of a substance, particularly non-
Newtonian fluids. They are best studied through several other rheological properties
which relate the relations between the stress and strain rate tensors under many
different flow conditions, such as oscillatory shear, or extensional flow which are
measured using different devices or rheometers.

Assignment 5: Write an auto-dictation

Group 6

Fluid Mechanics Questions

Q. Does shear stress vary linearly with shear strain when water flows between two
plates which are inclined?

A. In Newtonian fluids (such as water), shear stress is always proportional to shear strain
RATE, no matter what the geometry of the flow. For flow between inclined plates, the shear
strain rate will be different at different places between the plates and thus the shear stress
will also be different at different places. But the shear stress will always be proportional to
shear strain rate.
I note that you ask about a linear relationship. Shear stress and shear strain rate are linearly
related, but the requirement is stronger than this since the straight line must pass through the
origin (the two quantities are proportional).

Q. What are the assumptions of Newton's Law of Viscosity?

A. Newton's Law of Viscosity is a description of the way that many fluids behave. It is not
derived from theory. There are no assumptions. "A Newtonian fluid can be defined
rigorously as one in which the stress tensor and the rate-of-strain tensor are linearly related."


Q. What is the physical explanation for the resistance of a fluid to deformation caused
by Newton's lack of slipperiness of a fluid when the parts of the fluid as mentioned are
being separated due to elongation rather than by shear?

A. Close packed fluids like water still have quite strong bonds between the individual
molecules so that an attempt to compress or stretch water is met with very strong opposing
forces. Gases on the other hand may be easily stretched because the molecules are much
further apart and have zero or weak forces between them.

Q. What is Isaac Newton's law of viscosity?

A. Isaac Newton proposed that viscosity was produced by the diffusion of molecules
between two layers of fluid in relative motion. Each molecule carries with it the momentum
associated with its former layer and the acceleration produces a shear stress or force which is
proportional to the velocity difference. This is Newton's viscosity theory. (fluid
mechanics) A fluid whose flow behavior departs from that of a Newtonian fluid, so
that the rate of shear is not proportional to the corresponding stress. Also known as
non-Newtonian system.
A newtonian fluid is one whose mechanical behavior is characterized by a single
function of temperature, the viscosity, a measure of the slipperiness of the fluid.
For the example of Fig. 1, where a fluid is sheared between a fixed plate and a
moving plate, the viscosity is given by Eq. (1).

Thus, as the viscosity of a fluid increases, it requires a larger force to move the top
plate at a given velocity. For simple Newtonian fluids, the viscosity is a constantly
dependent on only temperature; but for non-Newtonian fluids, the viscosity can
change by many orders of magnitude as the shear rate (velocity/height in Fig. 1)
changes. Typically, the viscosity () of these fluids is given as a function of the shear
rate ( ).
A common dependence for this function is given in Fig. 2. For other non-Newtonian
fluids, the viscosity might increase as the shear rate increases (shear-thickening
fluids). See also Newtonian fluid; Viscosity.

Steady shear flow of a fluid between a fixed plate and a parallel plate, illustrating
the concept of viscosity.



(25 points)

Courtesy costs nothing.

He that makes himself a sheep,
will be eaten up by the wolf.

Haste makes waste.

They who have no other meat bread and
butter are glad to eat.

A thirsty man drinks any water.



- Explain various differences, advantages,
disadvantages, compare, give definitions etc.;

- Write an Abstract, a letter, answer the questions ...




I. Grammar and Terminology Revision
II. Expressing the Future

Going to

Future simple

Present continuous

Present Simple

Is to, About to/due to

Future continuous

Future perfect simple and Future perfect continuous

III. Write a short essay, express your
ideas using cohesion, coherence
and sentence linkers


FINAL EXAM (30 points)

I. Grammar Section (10 points)
- continuous, perfect and passive aspects of tenses
- modals, ing-forms, nouns and articles
- expressing the future

II. Technical Terminology (10 points)

- Explain various differences, advantages, disadvantages, compare,
give definitions etc.
- Write an Abstract, a letter

Answer these questions (10 points)

- What is engineering?
- Visions of Scientific Future and Engineering (FILM)
- Engineering Ethics
- Engineering, Technology and Science can be double-
edged if ........
- Disasters and Ethics
- British vs. American language
- England and America are two countries devided by a
common language
- Nuclear Energy vs. Renewables


Safety simulations - An auto-corrective test

Human behaviour is a key element in an evacuation simulation. Such a simulation has
to take into account ship heeling and movements, blackout and smokeincorridor situations,
panicking passengers, passengers returning to cabins to collect their luggage or carrying
luggage and thus blocking the corridors. Also, passenger age, intoxication, and mobility
impairment has to be included. Simulation can include combinations of human behaviour in
several conditions, random location of passengers, all passengers gathered into the same area,
and several whatif cases.
Some real situations have highlighted the critical significance of human behaviour in
a distress situation: for example, 15% of passengers will be unable to act at all and 60% will
not act without instructions from crew. With an evacuation simulation, it is also possible to
simulate situations with casualties.
The most valuable benefit of an evacuation simulation is more realistic results, the
most interesting being the total time required for evacuation under different conditions. With a
simulationcritical design, behaviour and environmental parameters can be found and
bottlenecks detected, which makes it an excellent design tool for safety improvements. An
evacuation simulation can also be used as an onboard training tool: a simulation can be run
before each departure, based on actual number of passengers and the correct occupancy of
cabins, and in this way a possible evacuation situation can be practised to establish the most
critical areas in a distress situation.



1 Hercezi Skalicki M.:Reading Technical English for Academic Purposes,
kolska knjiga, Zagreb 1993
2 Murphy R.: English Grammar in Use, Third Edition, Cambridge
University Press 2004
3 Vince M.: Intermediate Language Practice with key, Macmillan
Education Between Towns road, Oxford OX4 3PP, 2003
4 Caselli E. : In English, Please!, VII edizione, 1986, Stampa Officine
Grafiche La Scuola Brescia
5 Sue OConnell: Advanced English C.A.E., with additional Grammar and
Listening material by Mark Foley and Russel Whitehead, Longman 2006
6 Allen W.S,: Living English Structure, B.A. Longman 1959
7 Thomson A.J. and Martinet A.V.: A Practical English Grammar, London
Oxford University Press 1970
8 Hornby A.S. : A Guide to Patterns and Usage in English, Oxford
University Press 1970
9 Hashemi L. and Murphy R. : English Grammar in Use, Supplementary
Exercises, with, Cambridge University Press 1955
10 Alexander L.G.: Practise and Progress, Longman Group llmited, 1978
11 Alexander L.G. : Practice and Progress, Teachers book, Longman, 1977
12 OConnell, S.: Focus on Advanced English C.A.E., revised and updated,
Longman, 1999
13 Viney P.: Streamline English, Workbook A, Oxford University Press, 1985
14 A reference guide to commonly used English phrasal verbs. - Spremljeno u privremenu memoriju -
15 Basic English for Science; Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford
OX2 6DP; 1978
16 National Geographic Online
17 Speak up
18 English Teaching Forum Online
19 Encyclopedia Britannica on-line
20 Nasti D., Vukovi-Kosovac V.: Engleski jezik za elektrotehnike i
mainske fakultete, Svjetlost, Sarajevo 1984
21 Mechanical Engineering, April 2005
22 Bartoli Lj.:Technical English in Electronics and Electrical Power
Engineering, kolska knjiga, Zagreb 1990
23 Speak up, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana 1987

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