Safety Tying Wire PDF
Safety Tying Wire PDF
Safety Tying Wire PDF
In aviation there are three things that you can't be without; velcro, duct
tape and SAFETY WIRE. This article is about Safety Wire.
It comes in several different thickness and alloys for different applications.
It is very light, corrosion resistant, strong, and easy to install.
Wire .020 inch diameter is very thin, not very strong, but you can bend it
around just about anything. You use tie wire on light bolts or fittings where
you need to bend the wire around a lot of corners and where the wire does
not have a lot of pull on it.
Wire .032 inch diameter is easier to work with, and reasonably strong and should work on anything
you might need safety wire in aviation.
Wire .041 inch diameter is extremely strong, because it is twice as thick and is very stiff and difficult to
work with. It doesn't bend easily and will not tighten around a tight radius; when using it on wide
turns, extra strength will be needed to use the safety wire.
While there are different materials used to make safety wire; like Copper,
Brass and Aluminum, we don't recommend them. The type we
recommend is 302/304 soft temper stainless steel.
With the thicker wires a safety wire tool makes the job a lot faster and
easier. There are several different tools ranging from a unit that looks like
a screw driver, wire winder tool and safety wire pliers. These tools make a
beautiful finished job, with the right tightness and strength.
They are easy to use. You wrap the safety wire around whatever it is you are securing, bring both ends
back into the pliers mouth, close the mouth down on the wires, lock it (it has a little spring loaded
locking mechanism) then pull a round knob in the middle of the handle back. When you pull on the
knob of the pliers the handles turn and the wire wraps around itself.
Areas where you might use safety wire include around bolt heads, or nuts where there is no means of
locking them. Areas of special concern are propeller bolts, control system linkages, areas of
movement, Aircraft Engines or vibration. Another area of use is on turnbuckles to prevent them from
backing off in flight.
A bolt that is properly safety wired like that in the examples just doesn't hold the fastener in place; it
serves to pull it tighter. Each bolt holds the other and actually tightens the other if it starts to come
These units are used where a nut or bolt does not have a hole for safety wire. You install
them under the nut/bolt bend the tabs over the side of the nut/bolt and then safety
wire the tab with the hole in it.