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LGBTQ Inclusion

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By: Marisa Tanaka



LGBTQ+ stands for Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and
Q+ was just recently added
My survey results:
93% knew what LGBTQ+ (or
LGBT) stood for

LBGTQ+ has been around for

centuries documented in many
different cultures (Morris)
Because they are a part of the
LGBTQ+ community, they have
been on the receiving end of
harassment and ridicule for years

Todays LGBTQ+ students need safer school

Many of these students focus on things other
than academics due to bullying/harassment
Need for abolishment of LBGTQ+ adversity
esp . for youth
When asked how well they knew LGBTQ+
14% = very well; 50% = somewhat well;
29% = not very well; 7% = not at all

Exposed to more sexual

orientations and genders
Many LGBTQ+ youth are exposed
to incompetent legal protection

Anti-bullying policies
Some anti-bullying laws do not
protect LGBTQ+ youth
In my survey, 79% of them knew
someone in the LGBTQ+ community

Laws have been made to

dissuade aggression

Current Situation


Of LGBTQ+ students say their main concern in

school is acceptance, bullying at school, and
coming out versus a non-LGBTQ+ student who
said grades and exams

Statistics show an overwhelming

negative school experience for
many LGBTQ+ youth

My survey results:
79% think schools should
incorporate LGBTQ+


Make the environment more

LGBTQ+ inclusive
School curriculum to be
LGBTQ+ inclusive
Educate teachers and students
alike on the issue

Proposed Solution

Only 39% of LGBTQ+ students had

one or more supportive teacher

Clubs (Gay-Straight Alliance

Club) to publicize awareness

A study in California was

conducted w/ a LGBTQ+
inclusive curriculum

Inclusive curriculum such as:

Results = 78% of students

felt safe in school versus
68% of students who didnt
receive the curriculum
Learn about todays issues
regarding LGBTQ+

Including famous gay/transgender people in lessons

Views them as positive influences which reinforces a positive outlook on

LGBTQ+ people in general

While not all, a few religious people

assert that their religion or faith
does not allow homosexuality

I.e. A popular saying that alludes

to The Bible, Adam and Eve, Not
Adam and Steve

Not in their faith when in actuality,

they are deflecting their
homophobic and transphobic nature

Address Possible Objections

LGBTQ+ people affiliated with a

religion that does not support their
sexual orientation or gender is toxic

Go as far as to call it a sin

Call To Action

Why does this matter to you?

As someone who is not a part of the
LGBTQ+ community, you have
privilege and acceptance


Human rights are irrespective of

sexual orientation and gender

Denying someone the right to self

express reinforces that LGBTQ+
people do not have the same rights
straight people do
Make LGBTQ+ known:
Join clubs
Show support to the community
Stop using slurs
i.e . faggot
Showing awareness equates to safer
environment and experiences

Works Cited
"Combating Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation
and Gender Identity." Combating
Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender
Identity. N.p., n.d. Web. 04
Mar. 2016.
"Employment Non-Discrimination Act." American Civil
Liberties Union. ACLU, 11 Nov. 2013.
Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
"Inclusion and Respect: GLSEN Resources for Educators."
GLSEN. GLSEN, n.d. Web. 04 Mar.
Morris, Bonnie J. "American Psychological Association."
American Psychological
Association. American Psychological Association, n.d.
Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

Pino, Mark. "The Necessity of LGBT-Inclusive Curriculum."

The Huffington Post.
TheHuffingtonPost.com, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 04
Mar. 2016.
"Publication." The Religious Right's War On LGBT Americans.
N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
"Safe Schools Research Brief 4." (n.d.): n. pag. LGBT In School
Curriculum Promotes
School Safety. California Safe Schools Coalition. Web.
04 Mar. 2016.
"View and Share Statistics." Human Rights Campaign. HRC, n.
d. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.
"Zero Tolerance Zero Help | Advocate.com." Zero Tolerance
Zero Help | Advocate.com. N.p., 17
Nov. 2015. Web. 04 Mar. 2016.

How My Writing Improved

Through the lessons of writing a proposal I was able to further understand how to make it
New revision techniques

Eliminated unnecessary additions to my essay

Use citations efficiently and effectively

Different types of paragraphs (synthesis & summary)

Annotated bibliographies and citations


Should schools begin incorporating LGBTQ+ material in its curriculum?

How should schools deal with people against incorporating it?

Should there be a class specifically targeted toward the education of LGBTQ+?

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