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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X

PP 35-43

An Overview of the Properties of Self Compacting Concrete

Prof. Aijaz Ahmad Zende1, Dr R. B. Khadirnaikar2

(Department of Civil Engineering, BLDEAs V.P. Dr P.G Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology
Bijapur Karnataka, India)

(Department of Civil Engineering, Basaveshwar Engineering College Bagalkot Karnataka, India)

ABSTRACT: This Paper reviews the recent studies which were carried out on Self Compacting Concrete
(SCC) and compare it with Normal Concrete (NC). Almost all countries in the world are facing an acute decline
in the availability of skilled labor in the construction industry, and hence the need of Special Concretes becomes
very essential in this world where the use of concrete is just next to the water. The word Special Concrete
refers to the concrete which meets the special performance and requirements which may not be possible by
using conventional materials and normal methods of concreting. Self Compacting Concrete is one of the type of
a special concrete which flows and consolidates under its own weight thereby eliminates the problems of
placing concrete in difficult conditions and also reduces the time in placing large sections and at the same time
giving high strength and better durability characteristics as compared to the Normal Concrete. This paper
discusses the various aspects of SCC including the materials and mix design, different test methods such as Vfunnel test, L- Box test etc., and also its performance characteristics and properties in the fresh and hardened
Keywords Durability, SCC, Special Concrete, Superplasticizers, Viscosity.
The demand of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is growing rapidly due to the shortage of skilled labors for
which it was originally developed mainly due the work of Okamura [1], it is also proved to be more economical,
durable and termed as high performance concrete [2]. The advantages of SCC make this concrete more desirable
all over the world which includes faster construction, reduces manpower, better finishes, easier placement,
better durability, thinner concrete sections, lesser noise levels, no vibration, safer working environment [3]. The
Concept of SCC originates from Japan in 1980s and the early developed Super Plasticizers were the main reason
which made it possible to flow and self consolidate. The use of SCC is rising steadily over the years because of
their advantages and many scientists and organizations carried out research on properties of SCC [4].
The quality of concrete construction is of utmost importance in order to have a durable concrete structure
and one of the reasons to make a durable structure is proper compaction which requires skilled labors but due to
shortage of skilled labors full compaction cannot be done which is shown in Fig 1. The solution to this is the use
of self compacting concrete which compacts in every corner of formwork.

International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology 2014 (ICAET-2014) 35 | Page

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43

Figure -1 Necessity of SCC

In order to make this paper more reader friendly, it is divided into 4 parts namely materials and mix
proportion, test methods for self-compatibility, properties in the fresh state and hardened state.


The materials generally required for producing self compacting concrete differs from the ordinary
normal concrete as SCC uses more powder content and less coarse aggregate in addition to high range
water reducers (HRWR, superplasticisers) in a larger quantity and also frequently a viscosity modifying
agent (VMA) in small doses.
The factors which dominates the selection of materials arei.

Amount of aggregates used which are deviating from ideal shapes and sizes.
Type of superplastizer used.
Type of VMA.
Compatibility between cement, superplastizer, and VMA.

The shape and gradation of aggregates play an important role in producing a SCC. Much research has been
conducted in this area to produce SCC by using locally available aggregates. Rounded aggregates are much
preferred as they play an important role to achieve workability with lower cement content as compared to
angular aggregates, [5, 6, 7]. However, it is possible to produce a flowable concrete by using angular aggregates
by methods as suggested by OFlannery [8], and is tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1- Use of Shape Characterization of Aggregate
Conventional method


crushed (subjective
Flakiness index
Elongation index

Suggested method
Cubicity, sphericity, and roundness indices (based on
- Cubicity (Cubicity index Ic = 100XYZ/X3, where X, Y, and Z
are the dimensions of the aggregate) to indicate the likely
degree of potential compaction; values of index between 60 and
10 are cubic, between 30 and 60 indicate flakiness.
- Sphericity index to describe the polyhedral shape of the

International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology 2014 (ICAET-2014) 36 | Page

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43
- Roundness index to describe the degree of angularity;

Adjustment in water
content by type of
aggregate rounded
or crushed
No recommendation
for flaky aggregate

Use index value for adjustment of mixture

Poor gradation of aggregates is also one of the causes which may affect the flowability of SCC and
using fillers, both inert and reactive may solve this problem [9, 10]. Because of unavailability of sand in present
days due to the environmental impact of mining river sand in India, alternative to fine aggregates or
artificial sand is being used much as a filler to produce SCC, but not much research has been carried out
on the effects of artificial sand on SCC till date. D. W. S. Ho [11] in his paper indicated the various
advantages of Quarry dust instead of limestone to use as filler.
SuperplasticizersHigh range water reducing admixture plays an important role in the desirable flow at low water
contents. Many researches [12, 13, 14] have been conducted in order to know the role of different types of
Superplasticizers to achieve Self Compacting Concrete.
These researches indicate that those
Superplasticizers based on steric hindrance require a lower dosage than with those which based on
electrostatic repulsion. Thus in India, the sulfonated condensates of naphthalene (SNF) formaldehyde
[15] is much preferable because of its low cost as compared to others.
Viscosity modifying agents (VMA)
VMA helps in reducing bleeding and thereby improves the stability of the concrete mixture. An
effective VMA can also reduce the powder requirement, yet maintaining the required stability. And also,
SCC almost always incorporates mineral admixture, to improve the deformability and stability of
concrete. As it is a well known fact that the VMAs are in use since a long time (Ex- for underwater
concreting) [16], they contain polysaccharides as active ingredient which controls the viscosity [17].
The compatibility between the cement and superplasticizers is an important issue to be
considered as the gypsum present in the concrete having low water content and superplasticizers dosage
may precipitate out resulting in loss of slump [18].


The mix design of SCC should be done in such a way that it should have resistance to segregation, pass
through and around the reinforcement without blockage. Fig. 2 shows the principles of producing SCC.

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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43

Fig 2- Principles of Producing SCC

The water content of SCC was very high in the past because of more cementitious content, but with the
help of VMA, it is now possible to reduce the water content as same that of normal concrete yet giving a high
slump. The various ways to produce SCC can be broadly classified into 4 categories, namely (i) Empirical
methods (iii) Particle packing models, and (iv) Statistical methods.
Empirical methods
Okamura and Ozawa [19] have recommended a method in which 50 % of the solid volume is taken up
by coarse aggregate (CA), while 40 % of the mortar volume is a fine aggregate (FA). Flow tests on mortar is
then used to know the water to powder ratio and then adjustments are done with coarse and fine aggregates
contents. Many researchers now use this method as a start up in their investigations.
Edamatsu et al [20] have modified this method in which the ratio of CA is kept at 0.5 but the content of
FA is fixed using V- funnel test and the dosages of water to powder ratio and superplasticizers is then
determined by flow and funnel tests. EFNARC [21] recommends the same method as used by Okamura but
instead of fixing the CA content to 0.5, a higher amount of CA for rounded aggregates is allowed (0.6) and the
sand is varied between 0.4 to 0.5. The comparison of these methods is given in table 2.
Particle packing models- Many researchers have proposed particle packing methods to produce SCC [22,
23, 24, 25]. The particle packing method is based on the theory of ceramic industry where the void
contents of dry granular mixture of ingredients (cement and fly ash) is reduced by properly choosing the
sizes and gradation of concrete.
Table 2. Empirical mixture proportioning methods for SCC
Max CA
Maximum proportion of Paste composition
volume ratio sand in mortar, percent
(w/p ratio)
Okamura and
Mortar flow and VOriginally developed using
funnel tests
moderate heat or belite rich cement
Determined by V-funnel test
Mortar flow and V- Enables determination of stress
Edamatsu et al.
using standardised coarse
funnel tests
transferability of mortar
40 50 percent
Mortar flow and V- Allows more freedom in coarse
0.5 0.6
funnel tests
aggregate content
Proposed by

Discrete models- In this model, the bigger size aggregates acts as the base frame and the smaller size particles
fills the voids. The left over voids are filled with the finer particle and the chain goes on in decreasing order.

International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology 2014 (ICAET-2014) 38 | Page

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43
Sedran and de Larrard [26] used this model to produce SCC by entirely eliminating VMA and used the
results from rheology measurements on fresh SCC, filling ability (L-box test), and resistance to
segregation. By using the softwares, the mix proportion of SCC were then found optimizing the mixtures
with regard to the properties.
Statistical Methods- Statistical methods have many advantages which include carrying out minimum number
of experiments. Khayat [27] proposed a proportion method to produce SCC using different parameters such as
cement content, w/c ratio, Superplasticizers and VMA concentrations, and amount of coarse aggregate at five
dissimilar levels and measured slump, viscosity, V-funnel time, and filling ability. This method gives the
interrelationships among the ingredients for performance optimization.
The various methods for mix proportion to produce SCC are summarized in Table 3.
Table 3
Type of concrete

Empirical methods
Applicable; design tables
May be applicable

Particle packing
Applicable; validation
Applicable; validation

Statistical design
Applicable; not
widely used


The SCC in its fresh state is characterized by its abilities to fill, pass and its stability and not so in case
of conventional concrete and hence there are few special tests to measure the performance of ingredients. There
are various tests available and are given in Table 4 with their limiting values and some of them are discussed
Slump Flow Test- The slump flow test is shown in Figure 3-a, which is generally used to measure the
flowability of SCC. The test is performed in a similar way as that for conventional concrete but instead of
measuring vertical slump distance, the mean spread of concrete horizontally is measured. Measured
characteristic: Filling ability, viscosity, and stability.
J-Ring Test [28]- In the J-Ring (Figure 3-b) a ring of reinforcing bar is fitted around the base of a standard
slump cone. The slump flow is then measured with and without J-, and the difference calculated. The Visual
Blocking Index is used to rate the segregation of the mixture during the test. Measured characteristic: Passing
L-Box Test- The L-Box test is shown in Figure 3-c. This test evaluates the passing ability of SCC in which the
concrete is placed inside the testing apparatus and a grill accompanied with the testing apparatus simulates
reinforcement and the height of concrete in vertically and the end of the horizontal portion of the apparatus are
measured. The ratio of these two is then used to measure the passing ability. Measured characteristic: Passing

Figure 3- Various tests for SCC

International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology 2014 (ICAET-2014) 39 | Page

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43
V-Funnel Test- The V-Funnel test consists of a V-shaped apparatus as shown in Figure 3-d which consists of
an opening at the bottom. The viscosity of the mixture is measured by the time taken to empty the funnel. Using
the V-funnel test, the viscosity and the ability to parts through opening at bottom can be obtained. A number of
factors along with viscosity, slump flow, size distribution and amount and shape of coarse aggregate affects the
V-funnel flow time, [29]. Not much research has been done so far on the effects of shape of aggregates of SCC.
Measured characteristic: Viscosity.
Table- 4- Testing methods and limiting test values for SCC

Test method


Recommended values

Flowability /
Filling ability

Slump flow


V funnel


L box


J - ring


650 800 mm
Average flow diameter
6 12 sec
Time for emptying of funnel
0.8 1.0
Ratio of heights at the beginning and end of flow
0 10 mm
Difference in heights at beginning and end of flow

Passing ability


The higher flowability and a higher proportion of fine materials distinguishes the SCC from
Conventional concrete. Apart from this, Table 5 gives the properties of SCC based on the results of various
Table 5: Differences in performance of SCC and normally-vibrated concrete
Property of SCC
Variation in strength

Can take place

Creep and shrinkage

Early age shrinkage and cracking
Strength and elastic modulus

No difference for same
grade of concrete


No difference (between SCC and
compacted concrete)
No significant difference
No difference

Uniformity- Various researches have been conducted so far and many have reported that the performance of
SCC is not so different from a fully compacted conventional concrete. It was also observed that the in-situ
strengths from the cores of walls and columns were similar for the SCC and conventional mixes [29]. Zhu et al.
[30] studied further on this study by taking columns and beams on the uniformity.
Creep and shrinkage of SCC- The hydrated cement paste generally governs the creep and shrinkage of
concrete and because of more paste content (flyash), SCC have higher tendency to creep. However in a study B.
Persson [31], the strength, elastic modulus, creep and shrinkage of SCC and normal concrete does not differ
much except that the creep was more at the initial ages of SCC.
Keeping the cement content same as that of conventional concrete may reduce the creep and shrinkage.
It was also observed that SCC cracks more at time between (2-8 hours), [32]. Turcry et al. [33] reported that the
plastic shrinkage of SCC was two times higher than the normal concrete at the same evaporation rate. Thus with
low powder content, these cracks can be reduced.
Compressive and Flexural Strengths- Compressive strength was studied by Rols et al. [34]; Sari et al.[35];
Su,N., et al. [36]; Corinaldesi,V., et al. [37]; Nehdi & Ladanchuk,[38]; Sonebi,M.,[39, 40]; Persson, B., [41];
Kumar, P., et al. [42]. Compressive strength was reported at 1,7,28 and 90 days of cylinders 110 mm in dia and

International Conference on Advances in Engineering & Technology 2014 (ICAET-2014) 40 | Page

IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43
220 mm high with rate of loading as 5 KN/s by Rols et al [43]. Persson, B. [44] compared the mechanical
properties of SCC and the corresponding properties of conventional concrete and carried out the study on four
different stress to strength levels on 100 mm cubes at 2, 7, 28, 90 and 365 days. Corinaldesi,V. et al. [37]
studied compressive and flexural strength of cubic specimens 100 mm in size and prismatic specimens
(100*100*500mm). Fig 4 gives the compressive strength and flexural strength as function of curing time.
Nehdi, et al. [38] reported that the binary 50% - OPC 50% fly ash mixture had the lowest early age strength due
to the slower reactivity of class F fly ash. Studies have indicated that some of this strength decrease may also be
due to increase in the air content of mixture by 0.5 % when VMA was added.
Durability of hardened SCC
Many important structures such as bridges, dams are built using SCC and showing promising results
[45]. The durability of concrete can be best understood by its permeability characteristics. Zhu et al. [46] found
that SCC has lower water sorptivity and oxygen permeability compared to normal concrete. In one of the
research [47], the core samples were taken from bridges and retaining walls and tested for chloride penetration
and it was observed that the specimens had a higher resistance to chloride penetration as compared to
conventional concrete at the same water to cement ratio. Persson B. [48] did study of frost durability of SCC and
found that with the same air content the internal frost resistance of SCC was much superior to the reference
concrete, whereas the salt scaling was similar in the both the concretes.

Figure: 4 Compressive and Flexural Strengths of the concrete as a function of curing time from Corinaldesi et al.
Particularly in India, the use of Self-compacting concrete for routine construction is not much because
of the lack of awareness while in countries like Canada apart from Japan, SCC is used for the routine
construction and with research data available, an awareness can be spread in order to utilize the various benefits
of this material. It is not fully clear whether existing design codes for structural concrete can be practical in case
of self-compacting concrete. Use of viscosity modifying agents along with high-range water reducing agent are
very essential for flowability and segregation control. A better understanding of the rheology of SCC has made
it easier to know the functions of fines, superplasticizers, and VMA in SCC, and the compatibility between these
and gives the designers a clear understanding of the mechanical properties including stress strain characteristics
of SCC in its hardened state. No standard codes are available for the mix design of self compacting concrete
apart from few methods developed by the researchers and many institutions, RMC, companies are using their
own methods with one or other limitations. Thus some generalized method can be developed taking into the
consideration all the aspects.

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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43
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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X
PP 35-43
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