Self Compacting Concrete

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Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No.

3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

Properties of Self Compacting Concrete Containing Limestone Powder as Replacement of Sand

Hasan Mohammed Ahmed Assist. Lecturer Technical College of Mosul Rafal Naheth Wadie Assist. Lecturer Technical College of Mosul

In this paper the properties of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) was investigated using white cement and lime stone powder as fine aggregate instead of sand. All mixtures were proportioned with constant amount of (cement, lime stone powder, coarse aggregate and silica fume). While the glass powder, ceramic powder and glue were used as additives in different proportions from cement weight. The study focuses on comparison of fresh properties for self compacting concrete using two types of testing flow test and J-ring test. Whereas the hard concrete properties tests limited to compressive strength. The results leading to some developing in fresh properties and hard properties of self compacting concrete due to adding the additives. The best spread ability obtained at adding glue (4%) from cement weight. While the glass powder and ceramic powder affect to hard properties, adding ceramic powder increased the compressive strength at rates between (10-20) % from cement weight and adding glass powder modified the compressive strength at rates more than (20)% from cement weight.

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Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

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1. Introduction
Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC), also known as self compacting concrete, is a highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that can spread into place, fill the formwork and encapsulate the reinforcement without any mechanical consolidation. Some of the advantages of using SCC are; can be placed at a faster rate, improved and more uniform architectural surface finish, improved consolidation around reinforcement and reduction or elimination of vibrator noise potentially increasing construction hours in urban areas [1]. SCC, was first introduced in the late 1980s by Japanese researchers, is highly workable concrete that can flow under its own weight through restricted sections without segregation and bleeding. Such concrete should have a relatively low yield value to ensure high flow, a moderate viscosity to resist segregation and bleeding, and must maintain its homogeneity during transportation and placing to ensure adequate structural performance and long term durability. The successful development of SCC must ensure a good balance between deformability and stability. Researchers have set some guidelines for mixture proportioning of SCC, which include i) reducing the volume ratio of aggregate to cementitious material; (ii) increasing the paste volume and water-cement ratio; (iii) carefully controlling the maximum coarse aggregate particle size and total volume; and (iv) using various viscosity enhancing admixtures [2, 3]. For SCC, it is generally necessary to use super-plasticizers in order to obtain high mobility. Adding a large volume of powdered material or viscosity modifying admixture can eliminate segregation. The powdered materials that can be added are fly ash, silica fume, lime stone powder, glass filler and quartzite filler. Since, self-compatibility is largely affected by the characteristics of materials and the mix proportions, it becomes necessary to evolve a procedure for mix design of SCC [4&5]. Okamura and Ozawa have proposed a mix proportioning system for SCC. In this system, the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate contents are fixed and self-compactibility is to be achieved by adjusting the water /powder ratio and super plasticizer dosage. The coarse aggregate content in concrete is generally about 50 percent of the total solid volume, the fine aggregate content is about 40 percent of the mortar volume and the water /powder ratio is


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

assumed to be 0.9-1.0 by volume depending on the properties of the powder and the super plasticizer dosage. The required water /powder ratio is determined by conducting a number of trials. One of the limitations of SCC is that there is no established mix design procedure yet [6]. Several test procedures have been successfully employed to measure the plastic properties of SCC, such as slump flow, J-ring, V-funnel and L-Box are presented [7,8 ,9&10].

2. Experimental Work
2-1. Materials
2-1-1. Cement: The used cement was white Portland cement in order to product architectural purpose concrete; conform to standard Iraqi specifications, it produced in Adana factory in Turkey. The physical properties shown in table (2.1) and the chemical composition shown in table (2.2) 2-1-2. Gravel: Local river gravel was used, passing sieve (12.5 mm). It has specific gravity (2.65), density (1.64 g/cm3) and absorption ratio (2.2 %). Table (2.3) shows the gravel sieve analysis. 2-1-3. Lime stone: Lime stone powder passing sieve No. (2.36 mm) is used as fine aggregate and its available in Iraq widely. Also it has low cost comparing with sand. 2-1-4. Silica fume: Silica fume is an extremely fine, spherical powder, that was used as an additive for improving concrete performance. Gray colored un-deified silica fume was used percentage of Sio2 (98.5%).Table (2.2) shows it's chemical composition. 2-1-5. Viscocrete (super plasticizer): Sika viscocrete (5W) is a new technology product suitable for water impermeability, at rate of (30-40%) in SCC production. Dosage of using (1-2%) of the cement weight for SCC. It's color light brown and the density (1.11 kg/l). 2-1-6. Glass powder : Glass powder passing sieve No.(0.15 mm) was as additive to SCC mix. Waste glass is considered one of solid environmental pollution; it's crashed by Los Angeles Abrasion Machine. Table (2.2) shows glass chemical composition.


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

2-1-7. Ceramic Powder: Ceramic powder passing sieve No.(0.15 mm) was as additive to SCC mix. Construction actions waste ceramic crashed by Los Angeles Abrasion Machine. This material gives the concrete mix more strength and connection between its compound [11]. Table (2.2) shows ceramic chemical composition.

2-1-8. Glue: glue which used in wood works, From local markets. 2-1-9. water: drinking water .

Table (2.1) Physical Properties of Cement

Physical property Results obtained

Fineness (m /kg) Vicat initial setting time (minutes) Vicat final setting time (hours) Compressive strength 7-days (MPa) Compressive strength 28days(MPa) Specific gravity

245 55 6:45 17.1 27.3 3.15

IQS 5/1984 230 min 45 min. 10 max. 15 min 23 min

Table (2.2) Chemical composition of Cement, glass, ceramic and silica fume. Composition % Sio2 Al2o3 Fe2o3 Cao Mgo K2o Na2o So3 C3A Portland cement 21.2 6.5 2.5 63 2.75 0.45 0.24 3.1 13.6 Glass powder 70.4 1.9 1.2 10.3 0.19 0.46 14 ------Ceramic powder 82.7 8.53 4.88 0.36 0.58 1.4 0.02 ----Silica fume 98.5 0.01 0.01 0.25 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.24 ---


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

Table (2.3) Coarse aggregate grading

Cumulative Sieve size 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 Percentage Retained 0 0 53.8 44.8 1 Percentage Retained 0 0 53.8 98.6 99.6 Cumulative Percentage Passing 100 100 46.2 1.4 0.4 ASTM Range ((C33 (Size(12.5-2.36 100 90 -100 40-70 0-15 0-5

2-2: Mix design

Self-compactability can be largely affected by the characteristics of materials and the mix proportion. A rational mix-design method for self-compacting concrete using a variety of materials is necessary. The main content of concrete (coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, cement) contents are fixed so that SCC can be achieved easily by adjusting waste materials powders additives and the water powder ratio only. In this work, different mixtures of SCC were casted and tested to find out the fresh properties such as value of slump flow, J-ring and hardened concrete properties such as 28 days compressive strength. Fresh properties amount are in acceptable limited from European Specifications and Guidelines for Self Compacting Concrete [9]. For the experiments, the mixture proportions adopted and are reported in Tables [2.4]. Table[2.4] Experiment Mixes
Mixes A B C D E F G H I J K L Cement Kg/m3 470 470 470 = = = = = = = = = Lime stone powder Kg/m3 700 700 700 = = = = = = = = = Coarse Agg. Kg/m3 1070 1070 1070 = = = = = = = = = Silica -fume from % cement 15 15 15 = = = = = = = = = Viscocrete from % cement 2 2 2 = = = = = = = = = W/c 0.32 0.32 0.32 = = = = = = = = = Glue from % cement 0 (4%) (6%) (8%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Glasspowder from % cement 0 0 0 0 (10%) (20%) (30%) (40%) 0 0 0 0 Ceramicpowder from % cement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (10%) (20%) (30%) (40%)

2-3: Testing and specimens


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

2-3-1: Fresh concrete tests 2-3-1-1 Slump Flow Test: The slump flow test aims to investigate the filling ability of SCC. It measures two parameters: flow spread and flow time T50 (optional). The former indicates the free, unrestricted deformability and the latter indicates the rate of deformation within a defined flow distance. The equipments composed of: Base plate of size at least (900 900 mm), made of impermeable and rigid material (steel or plywood) with smooth and plane test surface, and clearly marked with circles of (200mm) and (500mm) at the centre, as shown in figure(1). Abrams cone with the internal upper/lower diameter equal to (100/200 mm) and the height of (300 mm). Stopwatch with the accuracy of (0.1) second for recording the flow time T50. Ruler (graduated in mm) for measuring the diameters of the flow spread.

The cone is then filled with concrete. No tamping is done. Any surplus concrete is removed from around the base of the concrete. After this, the cone is raised vertically and the concrete is allowed to flow out freely. The time of spread to (500 mm) circle measured T50 and the diameter of the concrete in two perpendicular directions is measured. The average of the two measured diameters is calculated. This is the slump flow in mm. This test according to European Research project Testing-SCC (GRD2-2000-30024/G6RD-CT-2001-00580)[9]. J-ring (Reference method for filling and/or passing [9 ability) ] Figure (1): Flow test apparatus


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

The J-ring test aims to investigating both the filling ability and the passing ability of SCC. It can also be used to investigate the resistance of SCC to segregation by comparing test results from two different portions of sample. J-ring with the dimensions and compositions as shown in Figure (2) , where the positions for the measurement of height differences are also given. Straight rod for aligning the reference line in the measurement, with a length of about (400 mm) and at least one flat side having the flexure less than 1 mm. This test according to European Research project Testing-SCC (GRD2-2000-30024/G6RD-CT-2001-00580)[9]

Figure(2) :J-ring Flow test apparatus [9

2-3-2: Hardened concrete tests In general, in national and international Codes concrete is classified on the base of its compressive strength, because compressive strength is the most important mechanical property of concrete for the most applications. Specimens (100100100 mm) were used to test compressive strength at two ages (7 and 28) days. This test according to (BS 1881:part 116:1983).


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

3: Results and Discussions

3-1: Fresh Concrete Test Results:
Table [3] presents the results of workability tests, conducted to achieve SCC. Preparation of the quantitative substances first is complete, which enters in forming of the concrete mixture, which includes (white cement, lime powder, course Aggregate, water, superplasticizers, silica fume and additive powders). Table (3) Fresh concrete test results
Slump test Mix T50 sec 3:43 2:32 4:02 4:41 3:44 4:17 4:05 3:23 5:46 6:31 5:44 5:02 (Max dia. (mm 700 700 730-680 720-760 670-630 690-640 680-650 700-670 690-690 680-700 670-700 680-700 T 50 .Sec 6:31 8:44 3:24 3 5:03 5:44 4:51 4:18 5:16 6:08 4:56 4:12 (Dia ( mm 700 710 720-680 700-670 600-640 660-670 680-640 670-640 680-660 670-650 660-660 680-660 Jring Center height ((mm 110 110 110 105 90 100 105 95 90 95 100 100 Average edge (mm) 130 130 130 130 125 135 135 120 120 125 135 125 BJ mm 20 20 20 25 35 35 30 25 30 30 35 25


3-1-1: Slump Test For the reference mix the slump flow time T50 was (3.43 sec) and the spread diameter (700 mm), the slump flow for all mixes Based on the inter laboratory test organized in the EUproject Testing-SCC (GRD2- 2000-30024/G6RD-CT-2001-00580) range of SCC represented in figures [3,4,5&6]. The results of slump flow show that the adding Glue increased flow ability at (4%) then decreased it for more dosages, while the spread ability increased clearly and gives more cohesion between the compounds of the concrete and it was increase the consistency. Adding Glass and ceramic powders in different percentages (10, 20, 30 and 40 %) besides the other materials decreased the flow ability and spread ability. 3-1-2: J-ring Test 124

Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

Compared to reference mix the figures [7,8,9&10] discern that the adding the glue and the waste powder (glass , ceramic) have the same effect to flow ability and spread ability that behavior during test by slump flow test, while at testing the passing ability which express aggregate segregation the glue pronounce a good behavior to prevent aggregate segregation.

3-2: Hardened Concrete Test Results (Compressive Strength):

Figure [11] shows the compressive strength for SCC with different dosages of glue (4,6 and 8 %) at two ages (7) days and (28) days. The mixtures containing glue are indicate lower compressive strength, at (7) days age the reduction in compressive strength around (10- 20%) of without glue mix SCC, but at (28) days age the reduction in compressive strength between (58%) only, this reduction may be caused due to blockage the porosity in the aggregate surface which deal to low cohesion between cement paste and gravel partials. Whereas, figure [12] shows the compressive strength for mixes containing ceramic powder at two ages (7&28) days, the ceramic powder added as percentage from cement weight with rates (10,20,30 and 40)%. The figure explain, adding ceramic powder 10 % increased the compressive strength about (25%) from the reference mix, but with more quantities until (40%) additive the compressive strength decreased in bout ages (7 &28) days. This behavior may be causes to ceramic powder ability to water absorption which lead to negative affect with large rate adding. Also the glass powder added as percentage from cement weight with rates (10,20,30 and 40)%). The figure [13] shows the effect of adding glass powder increased the compressive strength at (20%) or more rates, this increase in compressive strength arrived to (20%) when glass powder added (40%). This behavior may be causes to the low water absorption for glass powder.

4: Conclusions
1- SCC was produced from limestone powder as replacement of sand gives low cost SCC with good efficiency. 2- The results show that the adding Glue increased flow ability at (4%) then decreased it for more dosages, while the spread ability and consistency increased. Whereas, compressive 7 710 5 strength decreased with increasing glue dosages. 700 6 4.5 3- During flow test the results show that, adding Glass and ceramic powders in different 4 690 5 3.5 percentages (10,20,30 and 40%) as additives decreased the Diameter with and spread Spread flow ability 680 3 adding of glass T50 test with ability. 4 powder addition of glass 2.5 670 4- The results show that, the good added proportion for ceramic powder was (10%), this powder 2 3 660 proportion increased the compressive strength about (25%). T50 test with 1.5 5- The results show that, adding glass powder increased theSpread Diameter with compressive strength at (20%) 650 1 addition of ceramic 2 powder adding of ceramic or more 640 proportion, this increase in compressive strength arrived to (20%) when glass 0.5 powder 1 0 powder adding (40%). 630
0 620
1 2 3 4

Spread Diameter of Flow T50 Time T50 Flow test (mm) (Sec.) Flow Time T50 (Sec.)

0 00

10 4 10

20 20

30 6 30

40 8 40

Figure (( 3 ): Relationship between flow time of slump test and Figure 5 ): Relationship between spread diameter of flow of 4 slump test and (%)(%)addition of glass and ceramic powder (%) of addition of addition ofceramic powder of glass and glue

% addition of glass and ceramic powder ceramic powder % of glass of glue % addition additionand 125

Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

Spread Diameter of Flow Flow Spread Diameter of T50 test (mm) (mm) J ring test Flow Time J ring (Sec.)
7 720
760 6 700 740 720

5 680 4 660 700 3 640

660 680

J ring test with J ring test with addition of glass addition of glass powder powder J ring test with J ring test with addition of ceramic addition of ceramic powder powder

2 620 640
620 1 600

0 580 00 0


10 10

Figure ( 8 7 ): Relationship between flow time of J ringflow ofof (%) Figure ( ): Relationship between spread diameter ofoftest and J 6 spread diameter flow ring test and additionandglass and ceramic glue powder slump test of (%)of glass and ceramic of (%) of addition of addition of powder

ceramic %% addition of glass and126 addition % glass andof glue powder of addition ceramic powder

20 20


40 40 8

Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

5 4.5 4 3 2 1 0
1 2 3 4

ISSN 1813-7822

Flow Time J ring (Sec.)

3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5

% addition of glue

Figure ( 9 ): Relationship between flow time of J ring test and (%) of addition of glue

Spread Diameter of Flow Compressive strength (MPa) J ring (mm)


715 710 705 700 695 690 685 680 675

1 2 3 4

50 670 40

Figure (30 ): Relationship between spread diameter of flow of J 10 ring and (%) of addition of glue
20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10
)Age of Conc. (7Days )Age of Conc.(28Days

% addition of glue

Figure ( 11 ): Effect of addition of glue on the compressive strength for SCC at (7days)

% addition of glue 128

Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

Compressive strength (MPa)

days age 7 days age 28

50 45 40
Compressive strength (MPa)

35 30 0 10
% addition of ceramic powder





Figure ( 12 ): Effect of addition of ceramic powder on the compressive strength for SCC
60 55 50 45 40 35 30 days age 7 days age 28 0 10 20 30 40 50

% addition of glass powder

Figure ( 13 ): Effect of addition of glass powder on the compressive strength for SCC


Journal of Engineering and Development, Vol. 15, No. 3, September (2011)

ISSN 1813-7822

1Emerging Technology Series on Self-Consolidating Concrete, ACI 237, ACI International, Farmington Hills, MI, 2Nagamoto N., Ozawa K., Mixture properties of Self-Compacting, HighPerformance Concrete Proceedings, Third CANMET/ACI International Conferences on Design and Materials and Recent Advances in Concrete Technology, SP-172, V. M. Malhotra, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Mich. 1997, P. 623-637. 3Khayat K.H., Ghezal A., Utility of Statistical models in Proportioning SelfCompacting Concrete Proceedings, RILEM International symposium on SelfCompacting Concrete, Stockholm, 1999, P. 345-359. 4H.J.H. Brouwers , H.J. Radix, Self-Compacting Concrete: Theoretical and experimental study, Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005) ,P2116 2136. 5A. Yahiaa, , M. Tanimura, Y. Shimoyama, Rheological properties of highly flowable mortar containing limestone filler-effect of powder content and W/C ratio, Cement and Concrete Research 35 (2005),P532 539. Okamura H., Ozawa K., Mix Design for Self-Compacting Concrete, Concrete Library of Japanese Society of Civil Engineers, June 25, 1995, P. 107-120. 6Okamura H., Ozawa K., Mix Design for Self-Compacting Concrete, Concrete Library of Japanese Society of Civil Engineers, June 25, 1995, p. 107120. 7Dr. Hemant Sood, Dr.R.K.Khitoliya and S. S. Pathak, Incorporating European Standards for Testing Self Compacting Concrete in Indian Conditions International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 2009.P 41-54 8Petersson O., Billberg P., Van B.K., A model for Self-Compacting Concrete Proceedings of Production Methods and Workability of Concrete,1996, E & FN Span, London, p. 483-492. 9GRD2-2000-30024/G6RD-CT-2001-00580, Guidelines For Testing Fresh Self-Compacting Concrete, G. De Schutter, September 2005. 10Mohammed Sonebi, Steffen Grunewald, and Joost Walraven, Filling Ability and Passing Ability of Self-Consolidating Concrete, ACI Materials Journal, V. 104, No. 2, March-April 2007, P.142-170. 11Nadia S. Ismael, Properties of ultra high strength concrete using recycled ceramic powder, IMS/4 International concrete on the application of traditional & high strength materials in harsh environment, March 24-25, 2010. 12British standard, BS 1881:part 116:1983 1984 -(31 )5( "


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