Sony Corporation Assignment
Sony Corporation Assignment
Sony Corporation Assignment
Please provide photocopies of the relevant pages of the report that you used to answer the following
The principal activities of Sony Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries are engaged in
the development, design, manufacture, and sale of various kinds of electronic equipment,
instruments and devices for consumer and industrial markets. Sony also develops, produces,
manufactures, and markets home-use game consoles and software. (Sony Corporation, 2009)
p. F14
ii. State the accounting equation for the company in dollar figures at both
12,013,511 = 12,013,511
Year 2009:
iii. What is the basis for measurement of assets and liabilities for the company?
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The basis for measurement of assets and liabilities is in February 2007, the FASB issued FAS
No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities”. FAS No.
financial instruments and certain other items at fair value that are not currently required to be
measured at fair value. The fair value measurement election is irrevocable and subsequent
changes in fair value must be recorded in earnings. Sony adopted FAS No. 159 on April 1,
2008. Sony did not elect the fair value option for any assets or liabilities that were not
The financial millstones are cost reduction throughout the Sony Group of more than ¥ 250
billion in fiscal year 2009 compared to fiscal year 2008 through restructuring and other
initiatives. They now believe that these initiatives will reduce cost by more than ¥300 billion.
They have adjusted production, lowered inventory levels, reduced marketing and other
operational expenses, and curtailed or delayed portions of our investment plans. They will
continue these and other efforts to improve efficiency and will wage a continuous battle to
make this company leaner, quicker and stronger and therefore, better able to innovate, lead
and flexibly navigate in these increasingly competitive times. (Howard Stringer, 2009)
v. What was the consolidated net profit made for the 2009 financial year?
The Consolidate net profit was not recorded for the 2009 financial year because company
face losses and net loss was recorded (98,938) million yen. (Sony Corporation, 2009)P.F6
vi. How much was the consolidated cash flow from operating activities for the 2009 year?
The consolidated cash flow from operating activities was 407,153 million yen for the 2009
year. No, it didn’t increase because previous financial year operating activities was 757,684
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vii. What was entity’s accounting policy for revenue recognition? Why does the entity need
The entity’s accounting policy for revenue from electronics, game and music sales were
recognized upon delivery which is considered to have occurred when the customer has taken
title to the product and the risks and rewards of ownership has been substantively transferred.
If the sales contract contains a customer acceptance provision, then sales are recognized after
customer acceptance occurs or the acceptance provisions lapse. Revenues are recognized net
of anticipated returns and sales incentives. Revenue generally is recognized net of any taxes
viii.Explain the role of the directors’ report- illustrate from the report.
The Role of Directors’ Report is to provide a more detailed review of the activities of the
Company for shareholders, lenders, investors, potential investors, employees, trade unions,
suppliers, etc. (Advanced Higher Accounting and Finance Specimen Question Paper,
consumer electronics, entertainment and services. To do this, they must strength each of the
pillars of their core businesses and be coordinated in their efforts to innovate for further
growth. Innovation has always been one of Sony’s celebrated strengths, and it is through
innovation that they will continue to develop the unique products, content and services that
To let this innovation drive Sony to new heights, they need to challenge their engineers,
designers and producers to enhance our exciting hardware with a new focus on the software
and content that will help establish their differentiation going forward, nurture an Asset light
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corporate structure and efficiently use their capital so that it will generate sufficient returns
ix. Explain the role of the audit’s report. Who are the auditors of the company?
The role of an audit report has described corporate governed procedures and it has followed
NYSE standard. It ensures stakeholders interest. It enhances the credibility of the company.
The auditors are independent and qualified externals Yoshiaki Yamauchi and Fueo Sumita.
x. Illustrate how the financial report was influenced by the regulatory framework
discussed in Topic 1.
I do not understand this question but I will illustrate what should I understand.
Financial statements included trial balance, assets, liabilities, income, expenses, capital, profit
and loss accounts, balance sheet, cash flow statement, notes to the accounts, statement of
Regulatory framework can be user group, user needs, legislation and other regulations. User
potential investors, different needs from financial statements. User needs are profitability,
liquidity, gearing, cash flow, job security, ASB’s statement of principles and IASB’s
framework for the presentation of financial statement. Other regulations are Statements of
Standard Accounting Practice (SSAPs) and Financial Reporting Standards (FRSs), The
Financial report influence by user group and user needs. Because they need information to
help them determine whether they should buy, hold or sell. Shareholders are also interested in
information which enables them to assess the ability of the enterprise to pay dividends.
Employees and their representative groups are interested in information about the stability
and profitability of their employers. Lenders are interested in information that enables them
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to determine whether their loans, and the interest attaching to them, will be paid when due.
Suppliers and other creditors are interested in information that enables them to determine
whether amounts owing to them will be paid when due. Trade creditors are likely to be
interested in an enterprise over a shorter period than lenders unless they are dependent upon
information about the continuance of an enterprise, especially when they have a long-term
involvement with or are dependent on, the enterprise. Governments and their agencies are
interested in the allocation of resources and, therefore, the activities of enterprises. They also
policies and as the basis for national income and similar statistics. Enterprises affect members
of the public in a variety of ways. While all of the information needs of these users cannot be
met by financial statements, there are needs which are common to all users. As investors are
providers of risk capital to the enterprise, the provision of financial statements that meet their
The management of an enterprise has the primary responsibility for the preparation and
presentation of the financial statements of the enterprise. Management is also interested in the
information contained in the financial statements even though it has access to additional
management and financial information that helps it carry out its planning, decision-making
and control responsibilities. Nevertheless, published financial statements are based on the
information used by management about the financial position, performance and changes in
financial position of the enterprise. In short, it can say that the financial report was greatly
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Question #2: On 1 April 2008. Legal Services Ltd paid $6000 for a 12-month insurance, which
covers the period from 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009. The company is required to prepare financial
Using the appropriate Framework definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, revenues
and expenses:
a) Explain how the $6000 insurance payment on 1 April 2008 should be accounted for;
Cash $ 6,000
As the company has paid the $6,000 for the 12-month insurance policy and received this policy so
this payment should be accounted as Asset; as from framework definition of assets; this payment has
past transaction, current control and it is providing future benefit to the owner. Like here unexpired
insurance is assets it future benefit to flow cash in the enterprise it result from past transaction. Like
here one asset (unexpired assets) comes in a company while other asset (each) flows from company.
Liability is probable to future reliable sacrifices. It has present obligation. It has no liability incurred
As the transaction has occurred 3 months ago on 1 April 2008, so in the income statement on 30
June, it will be accounted as Expense as it is satisfying the criteria and framework definition. During
these 3 months, the firm has used this policy so by the definition of expenses; expenses
encompasses losses as well as those expanses that arise in the course of the ordinary activities of the
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enterprise. Losses represent decrease in economic benefits as in this case the economic benefit
duration has decreased from 12 months to 9 months. Therefore this transaction on the June 30, 2008
association between the cost incurred and the earning of benefits. Moreover, the remaining portion
of the policy will be accounted as asset for it satisfies all the conditions of assets.
Equity is residual interest/claim of assets but here is no reserve retained earning or contribution to
Revenue is inflow of business and its recognition criteria is that the process of share completed and
ownership transferred but on this no sales incurred, so it does not earned with revenue.
b) Explain the effect of the transaction on the 30 June 2008 financial statements.
Asset has effect the Balance Sheet because unexpired insurance is assets.
As for the paragraph 51 Financial Reporting Standard 1 (FRS1) the answer of the following
question will be the following standardized form.
Answer 3
Income statement
For the period 30 June 2008
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Sales $ 200,000
Less: Cost of Goods Sold 115,000
Gross Profit $ 85,000
Operating Expense:
Rent Expense $ 3,000
Electricity Expense 800
Deprecation Expense 4,000
Wages 25,000
Interest Expense 1,000 33,800
Balance Sheet
As AT 30 June 2008
Current assets:
Cash $ 14,200
Debtors 5,000
Inventory on hand 28,000
Owners’ Equity:
Capital $ 10,000
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Add: Net income (loss) 51,200
Subtotal 61,200
Less: Drawing (15,000)
As for the paragraph 51 Financial Reporting Standard 1 (FRS1) the answer of the following
Answer 4
Highlight Ltd
Statements of Cash Flows
For the period 30 June 2008
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Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash collected from customer $ 1,300,000
Cash paid to suppliers & employees (790,000)
Interest paid (20,000)
Taxes paid (40,000)
Question#5: Steve is a sole trader who runs “Accounting Services”. The following information
• The opening amount of Steve’s capital account was $100,000 and the closing balance was
a) Determine the profit of “Accounting Services” for the year ended 30 June 2008.
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Accounting Services
Statements of Equity
For the period 30 June 2008
$ 110,000
b) Briefly outline why “capital maintenance” is central to the measurement of profit and
which capital maintenance concept you have used in your answer (a) above.
the concepts of capital and the concepts of profit because it provides the point of reference by
In part (a) I have used the “Financial capital maintenance” concept as the amount of the net
assets at the end of the period exceeds the financial amount of net assets at the beginning of
the period after excluding any distribution to and contribution form owners during the period.
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Advanced Higher Accounting and Finance Specimen Question Paper, n.d, Retrieved April
Financial Reporting Standards, (n.d). Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of
Financial Statements.
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