s2 - Edma Unit Planner
s2 - Edma Unit Planner
s2 - Edma Unit Planner
Sarah Colson
Unit Overview
Unit title:
Exploring patterns in everyday contexts
Content maths area:
The content area explored in the mathematics unit is algebra.
Grade/year level:
This mathematics unit is for grade 6/ Level 6
Learning Focus (ideas extrapolated from AusVELS):
This unit focuses on building students knowledge and understanding of patterns, and
how we can generalise them. In this unit of work we will be focusing on the strand
patterns and algebra, and in particular the substrand; continue and create sequences
involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Describe the rule used to create the
sequence (ACMNA133)
The proficiency strands focused on in this unit of work are problem solving and
reasoning, and understanding.
The exploration of algebra and patterns within this unit is essential to the development
and learning of students, as Zazkis and Liljedahl (2002) explained, a deep
understanding of algebra equips students with the knowledge and skills essential to
understanding other mathematical concepts. Zazkis and Lijidahl (2002) believe that all
of mathematical is linked to the ability to generalise patterns, and so it is therefore
essential that students are given explicit time to explore and engage with patterns. This
unit promotes the development of students algebraic thinking, which supports the
development of problem solving skills, the ability to reason, adaptable ways of thinking,
and expressions of generalisations (Wilkie and Clark, 2014).
Assumed prior knowledge of students:
For this unit of work it is assumed that students have had experiences with patterns in
their earlier years of primary education. It is therefore assumed that students are able to
recognise and describe patterns, as well as continue simply repeating patterns (VCAA,
2012). It is also assumed that students have used number lines and diagrams to create
and represent patterns (VCAA, 2012).
Grouping strategies to support learning:
Within this unit of work there will be many opportunities in which the students a work
collaboratively in pairs and small groups. Research conducted by Day (2015) advocates
for collaborative work when engaging with algebra, as it provides students with the
opportunity to communicate mathematically, practicing appropriate use of mathematical
terms and expressions. Kasmer and Kim (2011) strongly supports this, as they believe
an essential part of developing a deep understanding of algebra involves opportunities
to explain and justify their work. There is however, opportunities for the students to think
and work mathematically independently before collaborating, as Brown (2008) explains
that this plays a crucial role in students development.
Within the unit there are also times in which the students are arranged in mixed ability
grouping. Research conducted by Linchevski and Kutscher (1998) found that by
grouping students by mixed-ability, both lower and higher achieving students are
provided with opportunities to develop and improve knowledge and skills.
Overview of assessment:
Throughout this unit of work formative methods of assessment will be used. The
predominant method will be the use of observations, supported by resources such as
rubrics and checklists.
Formative assessment focuses on enhancing students learning experiences, as well as
providing teachers with relevant information they can for to inform their instructional
decisions (Even, 2015). Even (2015) explains how rich information about a teachers
students, and their understandings can be obtain through the observation of their work
and listening to the conversations and thinking that they engage in. Even (2015) also
explained how the use of formative assessment such as observation, provides teachers
with the knowledge that will allow the to better understand their students responses, as
they have a deeper understanding of their mathematical thinking.
Brown, J. (2008). Structuring mathematical thinking in the primary years. In J. Vincent,
R. Pierce, & J. Dowsey (Eds.), Connected maths (Proceedings of the 45th annual
conference of the Mathematical Association of Victoria, pp. 40-53). Melbourne:
Day, L. (2015). Mathematically rich, investigative tasks for teaching algebra. The
Mathematics Teacher. 109(7), 512-518.
Even, R. (2005). Using assessment to inform instructional decisions: how hard can it
be?. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 17(3), 45-61.
Kasmer, A. K., & Kim, O. (2012). The nature of student predictions and learning
opportunities in middle school algebra. Educational Studies in Mathematics,
79(2), 175-191.
Linchevski, L., & Kutscher, B. (1998). Tell me whom youre learning with, and Ill tell you
how much youve learned: mixed-ability versus same-ability grouping in
mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 29(5), 533-55
Wilkie, J. K., & Clarke, M. D. (2015). Developing students functional thinking in algebra
through different visualisations of a growing patterns structure.
(Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the Mathematics Research Group
of Australasia, pp. 637-644).Sydney, NSW: MERGA
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority. (2012). The Australian curriculum in
Victoria (AusVELS). Melbourne, VIC: VCAA.
Zazkis, R., & Liljedahl, P. (2002). Generalisation of patterns: the tension between
algebraic thinking and algebraic notation. Educational Studies in Mathematics,
49(3), 379-402.
Year Level: 6
Term: 3
Week: 2
Statistics and Probability
Patterns and algebra
Level descriptions:
Continue and create sequences involving whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Describe the rule used to create
the sequence (ACMNA133).
Proficiency strand(s):
Problem Solving
Understanding: Making connections between patterns and generalisations using numerical and symbol systems.
Reasoning: Explain and justify using mathematical language, the relationship that exists between variables in a
Problem solving: Interpret and design patterns in order to describe and analyse relationships.
Interactive whiteboard
Considering options
(what you want the
children to come to
understand as a result of
this lesson short,
succinct statement)
(a short, sharp task relating to the focus
of the lesson; sets the scene/ context for
what students do in the independent
aspect. e.g., It may be a problem posed,
spider diagram, an open-ended question,
game, or reading a story)
Locating information
Making choices
Note taking
Ordering events
(extended opportunity for students to
work in pairs, small groups or
individually. Time for teacher to probe
childrens thinking or work with a small
group for part of the time and to also
conduct roving conferences)
Providing feedback
Recognising bias
Seeing patterns
Selecting information
Sharing ideas
- Enabling prompt
(to allow those experiencing difficulty to
engage in active experiences related to
the initial goal task)
- Extending prompt
(questions that extend students
thinking on the initial task)
Visually representing
Working independently
Working to a timetable
(should relate to objective. Includes
what the teacher will listen for,
observe, note or analyse; what
evidence of learning will be collected
and what criteria will be used to
analyse the evidence)
Session 1
Students will
explore and
develop an
understanding of
characteristics of
patterns and the
role they play in
everyday life.
Class brainstorms
patterns that they engage
with in everyday life?
Probing questions:
What type of routines do we
engage with daily? Are they
What patterns can we find on
our calendar? (Days of the
week, months ect.)
Are there any patterns in
nature? (Seasons, leaves,
Class engages in
brainstorm of words that
are associated with
Enabling prompt:
What could you add or
subtract from that number?
What if you used any
numbers? What pattern
could you create?
Observation of
correct use of
Observation of
understanding of
patterns, and the
attributes that they
Teacher questions:
(Using interactive
whiteboard to share
images if appropriate)
Probing questions:
What terms do we use to
describe patterns?
Extending prompt:
How could you make a
more complex pattern?
What other mathematical
operations could you use?
How can you check that
your pattern works with any
Enabling prompt:
Students will
develop an
understanding of
the relationship
between inputs
and outputs.
Discuss the role of input
and output in the story.
What happens to the items
placed in the pot?
Is there a reoccurring
Is there a relationship
between what goes into the
pot, and what comes out?
Discuss the role of the
magic pot plays.
What changes does it make?
guide assessment.
Observation of
understanding of
inputs and outputs in
Observation of the
understanding of the
role of operations in
numerical patterns
Probing Questions:
Are there similarities in the
changes that it makes?
What mathematical
operations are being used?
Enabling prompt:
Students will
develop skills and
knowledge that
will enable them
to create
expressions to
describe and
Observation of
understanding of the
relative operations
within algebraic
Observation of
understanding how
to represent
variables within a
algebraic expression
Teacher questions:
Students are encouraged
to test the validity of the
rule that they have created.
Probing questions:
What relationship can you
identify between the input
and output?
Can this relationship be
determined by a
mathematical operation?
How can you represent the
input and output in your
What mathematical signs
do you need to include?
What strategies did you
use to check if the thinking
was correct?
What strategies did you
use to help interpret their
What would this pattern
look like? Could you
represent it using
Session 4
Students will
become familiar
with growing
patterns, and
learn to
document and
express them
Engage in class
How is the problem different
to the Magic pot problem?
Teacher Questions:
What is changing?
Probing Questions:
Enabling prompt:
What did you add/subtract
when making the problem?
What does this tell you
about the pattern?
Observation of
understanding the
different elements of
a growing pattern
Observation of
correct mathematical
language when
describing patterns
Students responses
to class discussions,
and ability to
compare and
contrast strategies
Extending prompt:
Could you think of more
ways of representing this
How can you check to see
if your expression is
Session 5
Students will
develop skills and
knowledge that
will allow them
expressions, and
represent them in
Enabling Prompt:
Looking at the operations
within the expression, will
the pattern be getting
bigger or smaller?
Observation of
how to analyse
and interpret an
Evidence of
understanding of
growing patterns
in work sample
Students ability
to perceive other
Evidence of
understanding of
expressions, and
how that
relationship is
evident within
What will it be
increasing/decreasing by?
What if the pattern was just
2n? What would that look
Extending Prompt:
What could you change or
add to the expression to
create a more difficult
What are the different ways
that you could express
answers to your problem?
Why/why not?
What would Sallys
thinking look like?
Cangelosi, R., Madrid, S., Cooper, S., Olson, J., & Hartter, B. (2012). The negative sign and exponential expressions: unveiling students
persistent errors and misconceptions. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 32(1), 68-82.
Dowton, A, personal communication, September 9, 2015
Hewitt, D. (2012). Young students learning formal algebraic notation and solving linear equations: are commonly experienced
difficulties avoidable?. Educational Stuidies in Mathematics, 81(2), 139-159.
McNamara, J. (2010). Two of everything or the magic pot. CMC ComMuniCator, 34(3), 46-49.
Wilkie, J. K., & Clarke, M. D. (2015). Developing students functional thinking in algebra through different visualisations of a growing
patterns structure. (Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the Mathematics Research Group of Australasia, pp. 637-644).Sydney,
Zazkis, R., & Liljedahl, P. (2002). Generalisation of patterns: the tension between algebraic thinking and algebraic notation. Educational Studies
in Mathematics, 49(3), 379-402.