Malala Workshop

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Education in women

of Developing
Jennifer Morales

Essential Question

How can the global community place higher priority

on encouraging and empowering developing
countries to educate women?

Quick Facts
Women make up two thirds of the worlds 796 million illiterate people.
Even though young girls attend primary school, a majority of them
dont move on to secondary school because of early marriage.
Parents prefer to pay school fees for boys while girls stay at home
and assist with farm labor, housework, and often act as second
parents to siblings (Johannes).


Women and girls have often been the

worst victims of conflict. Under the Taliban,
women were forced to wear an allencompassing burqa in public and barred
from working outside the home. They were
also banned from attending schools, riding
bicycles, wearing brightly colored clothes,
or laughing loudly. As many as 1 million
women have been widowed by
Afghanistans wars and left with few
options for supporting themselves and their
families (Razias Ray of Sunshine).
An estimated 2,000 Afghan women and
girls attempt suicide by setting themselves
on fire each year, which is linked to
domestic violence and early or forced
marriages (Human Rights Watch).


Pupil drop out in Kwale peaks during the

later years of primary school, as stated
reflecting the withdrawal of children from
school due to early marriage or pregnancy

"One hundred and twenty-five girls will

never be mutilated...One hundred and
twenty-five girls will not be married when
they're 12 years old. One hundred and
twenty-five girls are creating and achieving
their dreams (Girl Effect).

Malala Yousafzai

Who is Malala?
Shes a teenage activist from Pakistan who along with her father
that founded a school
She secretly wrote blogs to BBC writing about the right to education
Taliban had a strong hate towards her and her father due to the fact
that they believed in the right to education.
She publicly made a speech called How dare the Taliban take away
by basic right to education
She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014

He named me Malala
This documentary is based on Malala Yousafzais
life and what she had to go through to bring
awareness to education. It talks about the biggest
scare she had to face but also how she became a
bigger activist because of it.

Senior Project
My project is to bring Malala to students. Not physically, but through her
documentary. Not everyone knows about the impact she had on the
countries not only in the Middle East but around the world. I feel like my
project, can have a huge impact not only to BACS students but students
around our community.

During the Film

I encourage you to take notes because it will be useful after the film is
Write down comments, opinions, etc. that would be helpful in a class
Write down how the director makes the scenes and how you think it
affects the audience

Discussion Questions
Pick 5 questions to answer individually
Pick 2 questions to answer with the person next to you
Prepare to share out loud to everyone
Keep in mind everyone has their own opinion, and thoughts so please
be respectful of your peers.

Exit Ticket
What will you take away from this film or Malala?

Show 2016

Purpose of the Fashion

To ensure equality not only in the school
but around our community
Incorporate pop culture into the topic of
We focused on student rights and the
right to education
We also used the money we raised that
night for the foster care of RI.

How did we bring Awareness?

By collaborating with student from our
community (Shea High School) we
ensured that the models wore what they
felt was comfortable without judgement
from staff, other models, students, or the
audience. For example, a Kevin Mira
(Junior at BACS) decided that he wanted
to wear a female dress as a shirt.

Thank You

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