Resignation of Maj Richard Rynearson

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TO-Hro.~jde p;o<;es~'_rt9 activities Z!(1d-approv~1 ,?uthority Inl~~inatfori'to <:!e~~rmine ifapplicarit meets ai I r.equitements,


31 October 2011


FROM: Major Richard L Rynearson

SUBJECT: Response to Letter of Reprimand (LOR)

1. I offer the following statement in response to the reprimand you gave me five days ago. I ask that
you consider this response before making fmal determination on the disposition of this document and
that it be filed with the original LOR and all copies made lAW Air Force Instructions.

2. I whole-heartedly agree with your assertion that I have no authority to decide unilaterally whether
or n()t to obey a lawfi.ll order. I further agree with you that that as a field grade officer, I have the
duty, both legal and moral, to execute the lawful orders given to me by superior officers.

3. I disagree, however, with your assertion that I refused to obey a lawful order. As I have indicated
in previous disc),lssions, I maintain that the specific portion of the order is not lawful. As Stich, I
cannot obey it as I have a duty to not obey any order which is unlawful. I understand that I make this
decision at my own peril if the order is determined by a competent authority to be lawful; however~ I
maintain my innocence in this matter. Additionally, I have not been provided any documentation or
evidence by any individual to dispute my position on this matter.

4. Previously, I was allowed to fly the majority of lawful missions, which do not engage in what I
deem illegal activity. Unfortunately, you have removed this arrangement. As a result, lam now
placed ina position to be regularly tasked with unlawful conduct, despite making it clear that I hold
those actions to be unlawful and that I cannot comply.

5. Because of the p()sition I have been placed in, I am forced to tender my resignation. Iwill be
providing you with an AF Fonn780 in an attempt to address thismat1er, After eighteen years as an
Air Force dependent and more than fifteen years as an Air F()rce officer, it saddens me greatly that
there is no resolution to this situation short ofmy resignation. I have detemrined, however, thatit is
the only solution that I can offer you to satisfy both of our concerns.


3 1 October 20 II

FROM: Major Richard L. Rynearson

SUBJECT: Supporting Documentation for .AF 780

1. I have been ordered to use lethal force against certain persons, in certain circumstances, in clear violation of the
Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I cannot with good conscience perform the actions that are ordered of
me. I have DO cboice but to tender my resignation.

2. I am not a conscientious objector. I bavc vigorously terminated many of our enemies. 1 have been shot: at and 1
have saved American lives. I have done things in combat I personally considered to be immoral, but I did them
wilhout hesitation, as I understood them to be legal. War is not pretty, but what I am being ordered to do now, in a
classified setting, is so clearly illegal, that I believe the words of Judge Quinn are appropriate: "Whether Lieutenant
CaUey was the most ignoranrperson in the United States Army ·in Vietnam, or the most intelligeot, he must be
presumed to know that he could not kill the people involved here." In my view, the illegality of the acts I am
ordered 10 do, eclipses even those ofLI Calley. Mile I may be the only person to resign over these actions, there
are numerous others who also consider them to be unlawful.

3. This is essentially a legal question, and it has not been argued on its merits in COur1. No proper authority has
ruled on the legaJityofthe order. I am DO lawyer. Nonetheless, I am bound to the Constinnion and not to any of the
multitude of differing non.judiciallawyerly opinions on what it says or means. As former Cbief Justice Joseph
Story states in his Commentaries on the Constitution, "The officers of eacb of these departme~ts are equa1ly bound
by their oaths of office to support the constitution of the. United States, and are therefore conscientiously bound to
abstain from all acts, whicb are inconsistent with it Whenever, therefore, they are required to act in a case, not
hitherto settled by any proper authority, these functionaries must, in the first instance, decide, each for himself,
wbether, consistently with the constitution. the Il(t can be done." I am equally bound by my oath and 1 have
determined that these acts cannot be done.

4. I volunteered for my CWTcot assignment Even today it remains my first choice. I have attempted to make
arrangements to allow me to cootinue to provide vitally needed airpower without conducting unlawful operations.
Arrangements were made and worked well for several months, but were later undone, leaving me with a legal and
moral dilemma that continues to torment my conscience. I therefore have no option but to resign and request
separarioo as soon as possible.

5. My release is in the financial interest of the Air Force. The service bas significant manning concerns and is
separating a great Dl8Dy officers who wisb to stay and serve. The loss of my potential retirement benefits, after more
than fiftocn years of service, is the service' s finaDciai It is with tremendous and sincere sadness that I ask the
Air Force to please accept my resignation.



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