Newman News June 2016 Edition

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PO Box 618, Newman WA 6753 |

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The objective of the Newman Mainstreet

Project is to involve the community
in projects or events that promote
community cohesion, development and
identity. The Newman Mainstreet Project
also encourages a community based
coordinated approach to improve the
economic, social & physical environment.
To get involved call: 9177 8290


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June 2016, Issue 165

Newman Triathlon 2016

Newman held its triathlon on 15 May
with full, short and junior courses
including teams, which attracted over 120
competitors aged six to 57 years of age.
The event was reportedly very well run
with many volunteers involved. Special
thanks to the Shire of East Pilbara, BHP
Billiton Iron Ore, and Woolworths Newman
for their on going sponsorship of this event.


Junior Course Boys: Luke Bourke

Junior Course Girls: Stella Wade
Short Course Males: Damon Jeffrey
Short Course Females: Janelle Fimmel
Full Course Males: Kevin May
Full Course Females: Denise Boreham
Junior course: Blue Bats
Short course: Lifeguards
Full course: Oakley/Dark/Oakley
All photographs by Sarah Stampfli, Serene
Bedlam Photography.

Above left: Kevin May, 1st place male in the full course
Above right: Denise Boreham (womens full course winner) with her son Luke Bourke (junior course
boys winner)
By Sarah Stampfli, Serene Bedlam Photography

Andrew Price (3rd place male full course) proudly carries his visiting niece, Winnie, across the
finishing line cheered on by Jamie Ross, Aquatic Officer

Set for the swim leg

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Supporting the People of the Pilbara since 2008
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Tel: 1300 335 262

Banners on the Terrace: Winning


Newman News, your independent

local community newspaper, would
be delighted to hear from you. Please
send us your stories, photos, events,
birth notices and the like. Published
monthly. You can submit your articles
via Newman Mainstreet Projects

Georgie McInerney has been chosen by the

Councillors of the Shire of East Pilbara as
the winning designer for the Banners on
the Terrace, representing this region. Her
banner will be displayed along St Georges
and Adelaide Terraces in Perth between 24
July and 6 August 2016. Her design is being
painted on the full sized banner with the
help of community members.

Community Contact Line

If the local community have a question

or concern relating to BHP Billiton Iron
Ores mining operations, it is encouraged
that they contact the 24 hour Community
Response Line on 1800 421 077.

RAAF Visit Newman

Proudly Supported by

The Newman airport was able to cater for

the Royal Australian Air Forces visit in May
when it decided to use the facilities for refuelling.

State Budget

A press release from the Department of the

Premier and Cabinet regarding the States
2016-2017 states that $49.7 million has
been allocated for the Newman Health
Service redevelopment project. $2 million
has also been allocated for the East Pilbara
Innovation Centre. $13.6 million for the
Pilbara wide Health Partnership.

Advertise with Newman News

Newmans independent community newspaper

Our advertising rates include G.S.T.
You can submit your advertisements to the editor in the following ways:
Phone / Fax: (08) 9177 8290
In Person: Mainstreet Office, Newman Community Hall (Mindarra Drive)
Email to:
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Inserts *







Please contact us for our full rates chart and sizes.

BHP Community Grants

BHP Billiton Iron Ores February 2016

Community Grant round will support
the following local community groups/
- Newman Vets Football Club: $15,000
to go towards supporting the annual
Celebrity Legends Game
- East Pilbara BMX Club: $15,000 to
support the construction of a new patio
seating area
- East Pilbara Independent Support
(EPIS): $41,715 to support the
implementation of a new service
delivery model and management
system for the organisation.
Three applications for the April 2016 round
were received and are currently going
through the approvals process.

Keeping Australia Beautiful

Partial extract from the Shire of East Pilbara

Newman and Marble Bar have been voted

state finalists by the Keep Australia Beautiful
Council in the 2016 Tidy Towns Sustainable
Communities program. Newman has also
received the accolade of being a finalist for
the overall state winners title for 2016.
Newman was voted as a state finalist in
an impressive three categories after being
short-listed from 57 entries:
Environmental Sustainability
Young Legends
Environmental Education
Tidy Towns Sustainable Communities
Awards is not just about the aesthetics of
a town as you drive through it. Certainly
litter prevention and waste management
are an important driving factor, however
these awards also recognise outstanding
community achievements in the use of
recycled waste water on our green space
said Shire President, Shire of East Pilbara,
Lynne Craigie.
The awards also recognise achievements
by younger members of our community;
examples of which include our Urban Art
workshops at the Newman Youth Centre as
well as environmental education programs
such as South Newman Primary Schools
fantastic garden complete with ducks
and geese and the amazing work in our
community by Greening Australia.
Our thanks are offered to our volunteers
who have played a critical role in these
many community activities, in particular
the volunteers from V-Swans and Greening
Australia, Lynne added.
The overall state winner for Western
Australia will be announced 23 September

NSHS Update
Newman Senior High Schools rebuilding
and significant landscaping works are
well underway. Landscaping is due for
completion mid this year.
In 2014 the West Wing, which housed the
science, maths and student services caught
fire. The building is being replaced with two
blocks; one will be for science and maths
with the other for student services. The
building is scheduled for opening in time
for the 2017 school year.
Newman Senior High School, an
Independent Public School, is extremely
proud of the results of its 2015 Year 12
students. In 2015, NSHS:
was ranked number one in the state by
maintaining 100% VET achievement,
outperforming the state average by 21%;
achieved 97% attainment, which
outperformed the Department of
Educations State average by 9%; and
improved the median ATAR score by 9
points (Australian Tertiary Admission
Rank), with every student who applied to
university receiving a place.

Architects image of completed building

Provided by Newman Senior High School

It is anticipated that with the completion of

the rebuild will come a broadening in the
range of programmes.

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Designer frames and sunnies - Oakley, Rayban, Maui Jim & many more.
Buy one pair, get one pair free*
Fully covered private health fund options available*

Appointments Available: Wednesday the 18th and Thursday the 19th of May,
9am to 5pm, Newman Shopping Centre (In the old Rockmans shop)
For appointments call our store based in Karratha on (08) 9185 2200.
WA Owned & Operated.

*Conditions apply, see in store for full details.




Thursday 30 June

Opening Ceremony Flag Raising and Community BBQ

Martumili NAIDOC activities

Shire offices

Monday 4 July

Elders Morning Tea

EPIS Day Centre

Tuesday 5 July

NAIDOC Youth event

Youth Centre

Tuesday 5 July

Morning Tea and Jumping Castle (To be confirmed)

Centrelink Office

Wednesday 6 July

Art in the Park

Kiripirna Park

Thursday 7 July

Indigenous story time/craft

Newman Library

Friday 8 July

Movie screening of Putuparri and the Rainmakers

Boomerang Oval

Sunday 10 July

Ochre Run - Sports Carnival - Live Band - Bush tucker

Cappy Oval

Sunday 3 to Sunday 10 July KJ films playing continuously at Boulevarde shopping centre

Program times to be announced

Shopping Centre


4 June

Councillors for the Shire of East Pilbara meet and greet at the shopping
centre between 10 am and 12 noon, available to discuss your questions,
queries, comments and concerns

4 June

Casino theme cheese and wine evening at Pioneers Football Club,

Boomerang Oval, from 19:30, dress is cocktail/formal, tickets $40 for
members and $50 for non-members, call 0409 203 694, tickets include
food and wine for the evening, part proceeds will be donated to the Breast
Cancer Foundation

4-12 June

Karlamilyi Walk, walk with Martu people to stop the uranium mining on their country, departing Newman on 4 June,
departing Parnngurr on 5 June, arrive at Karlamilyi River on 12 June, or

6 June

Western Australia Day public holiday

6 June

WA Day activities at the Newman Recreation Centre, free family fun and active programme, open to all ages and
abilities, no need to book
09:00 10:00 Konga
10:30 13:00 Hip Hop dance workshop by Brad Yogi
14:00 15:00 Les Mills Body Combat/Balance combo class

8-9 June

All in Newman will experience a 7-hour water supply interruption from 22:00 on Wednesday to 05:00 on Thursday.
Water Corporations 24-hour faults, emergencies and security line on 13 13 75

11 June

Philippines 118th Independence Day

12 June

Newman Netball Associations presentation for NWC players and coaches, 14:00-18:00

17 June

Newman Netball Association hosting the 2016 North-West NAIDOC Netball Carnival, Opening Ceremony,
17:30-18:00 with netball starting at 18:15

17 June

Upsyde to the Downsyde free youth rapper and djay workshop, 17:00-19:00 at the Newman Youth Centre,
9175 1963 or 0429 048 046

18 June

Newman Netball Association hosting the 2016 North-West NAIDOC Netball Carnival, fixtures to be announced

18 June

Upsyde to the Downsyde free youth rapper and djay workshop, 10:00-12:00 at the Newman Youth Centre,
9175 1963 or 0429 048 046

18 June

Newman Community Concert featuring Downsyde, hiphop legends, acts include Newman Dance Company, starts
17:30 at Boomerang Oval, free entry with food, soft drinks and snacks available, hosted by the Shire, thanks to BHP
Billiton funding, 9175 8062 or

22 June

Lifeboat, suicide prevention workshop that is for everyone and particularly those who are interested in keeping
others safe and connected, 08:00-12:00, free of charge please RSVP by 17 June, EPIC Training room on Kalgan Drive, or 1300 694 357

23 June

Lifeboat, suicide prevention workshop that is for everyone and particularly those who are interested in keeping
others safe and connected, 12:00-16:00, free of charge please RSVP by 17 June, EPIC Training room on Kalgan Drive, or 1300 694 357

24 June

Shire Council meeting, Nullagine at 10:00

25-26 June

Newman Motorcycle Club, hosting the round of the North West competition for Motorcross on 25&26/6, riders
from Paraburdoo, Tom Price, Wickham, Karratha, Port Hedland and Broome will come here to compete, juniors and
seniors, racing from 12:00 on Saturday and from 08:00 on Sunday, bar and canteen open, for further details please
contact Mandy Medlen on 0409 168 684

30 June

NAIDOC Opening ceremony, Welcome to Country flag raising and community breakfast, 07:00-08:00, Martumili
NAIDOC activities, Shire of East Pilbara offices

1 July

Hillview Speedway Clubs AGM at 19:00

1 July

Shire grants open

2 July

Councillors for the Shire of East Pilbara meet and greet at the shopping centre between 10 am and 12 noon

3-10 July

KJ films playing continuously at Boulevard shopping centre in honour of NAIDOC week

4 July

NAIDOC weeks Elders morning tea at the EPIS Day Centre

5 July

NAIDOC weeks Youth event at the youth centre

6 July

NAIDOC weeks Art in the Park, Kiripirna Park

7 July

NAIDOC weeks Indigenous story time and craft, Newman Library

8 July

NAIDOC weeks movie screening of Putuparri and the Rainmakers, Boomerang Oval

10 July

NAIDOC weeks Ochre run, sports carnival, live band, bush tucker, Capricorn Oval

31 July

Shire grants close

9 August

Australian Bureau of Statistics Census night

19-22 August

Fortescue Festival Weekend

20 August

Speed boat races

22 August

Newman Turf Clubs races it falls on the Fortescue Festival weekend only once every 7 years due to the race
season calendar

22 August

Newman Day Care Centres 30th anniversary, 10:00-14:00, everyone welcome including past and present children
and families

10 Tips for Keeping

Your Indoor Kitty
Happy: Part 1

By Dr Lucy van der Weide BScBVMS, Newman

Veterinary Hospital

Strategies to help satisfy your indoor cat

so that he or she does not become bored,
brain-dead or morbidly obese.
1. Proper socialisation is essential to help
prevent behavioural problems. The
key period is from 4-16 weeks of age.
Socialisation is your kitten learning to
interact appropriately with humans,
other animals and the environment.
Provide positive experiences and
expose your kitten to all sorts of

situations including interaction with

others, their travel crate, unfamiliar
noises and car rides.
2. Cats are quite fussy and benefit from
having designated living areas. This
means separated zones for sleeping
and napping, a safe haven for security
and hiding. For example hidey holes,
cheap cardboard boxes, hammocks,
and tunnels. Also high places to play,
explore and scratch, eating and drinking
stations. Provide choice and a separate
toileting area for privacy.
3. Food and Drink stations (plural) should
not be situated next to a noisy washing
machine or close to their litter tray,
with ideally 30cm between water and
food bowls.

4. Litterbox 101: Scoop out tray daily

or after each use. Clean the box with
warm water and detergent regularly.
Have at least one litter tray per cat plus
one additional tray.
5. Provide enrichment to mimic hunting
e.g. puzzle feeders or food dispensing
toys. If your cat doesnt eat kibble,
consider using freeze-dried treats. Plant
a mini indoor herb garden for a personal
safe grazing spot. Cats can safely graze
catnip, catgrass, lemongrass, catmint,
regular mint, wheatgrass, parsley,
thyme and rosemary.

Disclaimer of Liability: Newman Mainstreet Project undertakes to ensure that accurate information is disseminated through its community newspaper, Newman
News. Every care is taken to ensure accuracy and we will publish any corrections that are brought to our notice. However, Newman Mainstreet Project makes no
warranty, guarantee or promise expressed or implied concerning the content or accuracy of the information provided by this service. Newman Mainstreet Project
accepts no liability for any loss or damage a person may suffer because that person has directly or indirectly relied on any information presented in this publication. The
views expressed in the Newman News are not necessarily those of the editor or the Newman Mainstreet Project Coordinator or Committee.




The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Time Out session with crche until 11:30am, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Newman Girl Guides 5-7 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541
Anglican Church bible study, location to be advised, 0499 778 116








The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Time Out with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Newman Girl Guides 7-18 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541
Study the Bible with Jehovahs Witnesses, Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, Les Tutt Drive off Kurra Street,
Christian Minister John Wolak on 0412 991 551
Newman Lions Club, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Lions Park on Corwa Drive, Jessica Mclean-Middleton on 0415 699 991



The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Time Out with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 5:00pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Newman Community Baptist Churchs Teens Adopt a Nation until 18:00, Welsh Drive Youth Centre
Newman Scouts 10-14 y.o., Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Casual Futsal, enquire regarding charges, Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
Corporate bowls new players welcome, Newman Club, Nick 0419 192 691, Adelle 0418 860 364
Womens Darts, Newman Club



Anglican Church Young mums bible study, location to be advised, 0499 778 116
Time Out with crche, Newman Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Gumnuts story and nursery rhyme time 0-2 y.o., parent facilitated, free, Newman Library
Kids basketball drills and skills, 8-16 y.o., must pre-register, Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
Newman Joey Scouts until 17:30, Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Newman Cub Scouts until 19:30, Newman Youth Centre, 0417 178 624,
Mens Darts, Newman Club
Music practice, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Avenue, 9175 1350




The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 12.30pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Family fun craft until 10:30am, $5 for the family, no need to RSVP, Neighbourhood Centre, 2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516
Newman Playgroup, Moondoorow Street,
Story time and craft for 3-5 y.o. during school terms, parents to supervise, free, Newman Library
Funky Movement, 18 mnths-3 y.o., enquire at Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
Funky Movement, 3-5 y.o., enquire at Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
Casual Futsal, enquire regarding charges, Newman Rec Centre, 9177 8075
Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Jiu Jitsu, Newman Club, for other times and age groups contact Adam 0408 097 792, Dionne 0409 116 541



Mass / Eucharist Celebration 1st and 2nd weekend, St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue,
9175 2344, every 5th by rotation, Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 3rd and 4th weekend
Twilight session, bring a project of your own to start or complete, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,











Mass / Eucharist Celebration 1st and 2nd weekend, St Josephs Catholic Church, Warman Avenue,
9175 2344, every 5th by rotation, Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 3rd and 4th weekend
Worship, Vibrant evangelical, holding to biblical teaching, Anglican Church, 11 Hilditch Ave, 9175 1350
Including bubs and tots ministry and Sunday school
Newman Community Baptist Church Worship, Praise and Kids Church, Welsh Drive
Newman Community Baptist Churchs Teen Church, Welsh Drive
Study the Bible with Jehovahs Witnesses, Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses, Les Tutt Drive off Kurra Street,,
Christian Minister John Wolak on 0412 991 551
The Beach Indoor Play Centre open to 4pm, 9177 8290, Mindarra Drive, opposite Police Station
Freestyle craft, art, sewing, quilting etc. session until 16:30, Newman Neighbourhood Centre,
2 Mackay Street, 9175 1516,
Sunday Scroungers bowls new players welcome, $5 per player, bowls provided, Newman Club,
Nick 0419 192 691, Adelle 0418 860 364

Young Martu Mob

By Zan King, Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ)

A group of Sydney teenagers visited the

remote reaches of the Western Desert in
Australias Pilbara region recently for a
cultural exchange with the local Martu.
The eight Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander youth represented World Visions
Young Mob youth leadership program in
partnership with First Hand Aboriginal
The Martu were from World Visions
Martu Leadership Program; a program
run in partnership with local organisation
Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ). The visitors
went to local cultural sites and remote
communities. Along the way they met with
Elders, shared stories and learnt how to
care for the land, plants and animals.
The exchange is designed to help young
people develop their cultural learning in a
new and often challenging environment,

away from home and in a very remote part

of Australia. For many of them the sheer
remoteness and size of everything was
a complete culture shock; the distances,
scant services and limited internet and
mobile reception, said the Young Mob
Project Manager, Sophia Romano.
The idea for the exchange followed a visit
by members of the Martu Leadership
Program to a Young Mob camp in NSW
last year. There, the Martu visitors shared
stories about their country, their journey
and goals for themselves and communities.
Martu Leadership Mentor, Butler Landy,
said that he really enjoyed sharing stories
about the very different country in WA
and NSW. Sharing with them was one big
respect. We told those young fellas to look
after country, make themselves strong
and to listen to their elders. Butler hopes
that there will be further exchanges in the
future I would like to see more of them
and their country, and for them to see
more of ours. We have a lot more country
out there to show them.

The Martu are the traditional owners of

a large part of central Western Australia
which extends from the Great Sandy Desert
in the north to around Wiluna in the south.
Across this country, Martu share a common
law, culture and language.
The Martu were among the last of
Australias Indigenous people to make
contact with European Australians, with
many migrating from their desert lands
into neighbouring pastoral stations and
missions in the 1950s and 1960s.
Sometimes this migration followed the
Canning Stock Route north to the eastern
Kimberley or south to Wiluna and then east
to Warakuna and Warburton.
World Vision has been working with
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
communities since 1974. It currently
partners with 18 communities across
Australia to deliver early childhood,
leadership and development programs
designed and led by community members.

LEFT: Out on Martu country with the Martu leadership and ranger team
RIGHT: Some of the young visitors at the Whaleback mine
Photographs by Dave Wells, Prevailing Wind Productions

The end of an era ... Maybe?

Nicole Willis is known to many in the
community for her role at Newman
Mainstreet Project Inc. What many may
not know is that for the past five-and-a-half
years, Nic has been quietly plugging away
at her nursing degree, finally completing
her last placement in May.
So what now for her? Nic announced in
January that the family was expanding with
the impending arrival of baby number four.
Therefore, she will be indefinitely stepping
down from the helm at Mainstreet, with
her main role in events reverting to being
spearheaded by the Committee.

Alison McKenzie will be taking on the

administrative role at Mainstreet,
controlling all hire equipment, whilst still
running The Beach Indoor Play Centre.
This is not goodbye for Nic. She has agreed
to step into a position on the Committee,
keeping her commitment to Danielle
Cochrane when she employed her back in
March 2013 to keep Mainstreet running for
the benefit of the Newman community.
Ladies do not worry. International
Womens Day will still be a Mainstreet
coordinated event while.

Nic Willis with her supportive husband, Leigh

by Sarah Stampfli, Serene Bedlam Photography

Working together to
support the local community

BHP Billiton is proud to support the Newman St John Ambulance sub-centre.

Through our Community Development Program we have been working with the centre
to create a Remote Indigenous First Aid Training Course, designed to increase medical
awareness and improve safety in remote Indigenous communities.
We invested over A$22,000 to fund this pilot program over the last eighteen
months, to deliver First Aid courses to the Jigalong, Nullagine, Punmu, Parngurr and
Kunawarritji communities.
The courses were targeted towards Indigenous youth, with a focus on basic first
aid skills, airway management, bleeding and CPR. The aim of this program was to
empower community members and ensure they have the basic knowledge and skills
to assist local nurses with medical emergencies.
Ensuring the safety of everyone in our local communities is a core value of our
We are committed to supporting the development of vibrant, safe and sustainable
communities, with a focus on positive impacts in safety and health outcomes,
environmental welfare and cultural aspects.

Support for Sports Clubs Membership

Inform extracted from the Shire of East Pilbaras release

The number of kids joining sport and

recreation clubs in the Shire of East
Pilbara should soon increase, thanks
to a partnership between the State
Government and the Shire of East Pilbara
with an investment of over $17 million into
KidSport over six years.
KidSport aims to increase the number of
participating children and recruit more
volunteers to cope with the additional
members. KidSport offers subsidised
membership fees for kids aged 518 years
to join local sport or recreation clubs.
Children who previously may not have
been able to take part in sport and
recreation due to financial constraints will
be eligible for membership fee subsidies of
up to $200 per year. There is no limit to the
number of children per family. People with
Health Care Cards are eligible to access the
People who struggled to pay membership
fees will now be able to give their kids what
a lot of us take for granted the ability to
play sport and become more involved, said
Brendan Cullinan, the Department of Sport
and Recreations Pilbara Regional Manager.

And its not just the kids we are

encouraging. We also want to encourage
parents to join in and volunteer, maybe as
club members or helping out in the canteen,
coaching or being an administrator.
The process is simple. Parents/guardians
can simply approach their local sport or
recreation club or visit www.clubsonline. for eligibility criteria and
application forms. Completed application
forms can then be submitted to the
Newman Recreation Centre.
The Shire will also be working with local
referral agents so that disadvantaged
children who may not have a Health Care
Card or Pension Card do not miss out on
support. Similarly, families with three or
more children may struggle to pay club
fees on top of purchasing equipment so a
referral may be needed.
Referral agents can include, but are not
limited to, school teachers, doctors, police,
social workers, local area coordinators
and other community organisations and
agencies. Check with the Shire to find out
what your local ones are.

Newman Triathlon 2016

Photographs by Sarah Stampfli, Serene Bedlam Photography

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