Free CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015

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The document discusses the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct for CFA Institute members and candidates as well as security market indices and derivative markets/instruments.

Forwards, futures, options, swaps, and credit derivatives are some of the main types of derivatives discussed.

Covered calls and protective puts are two applications of option strategies discussed for risk management.

Way To CFA





All CFA Institute members and candidates are

required to comply with the Code and Standards
Basic structure for enforcing
the Code and Standards

The CFA Institute Bylaws

Based on two
primary principles

Rules of Procedure

Fair process to member and candidate

Confidentiality of proceedings

Maintains oversight and responsibility

The CFA Institute
Board of Governors

Structure of the CFA

Institute Professional
Conduct Program

Professional Conduct
program (PCP)
The CFA Designated

Is responsible for the

enforcement of the
Code and Standards

Through the Disciplinary

Review Committee (DRC)

Directs professional conduct staff

Conducts professional
conduct inquiries

An inquiry can be prompted
by several circumstances

Written complaints
Evidence of misconduct
Report by a CFA exam proctor
Analysis of exam materials and monitoring
of social media by CFA Insitute


The Professional
Conduct staff conducts
an investigation that
may include

Requesting a written explanation

from the member or candidate
The member or candidate

Complaining parties
Third parties

Collecting documents and records in support of its investigation

1. Code Of Ethics And

Standards Of
Professional Conduct

Conclude the inquiry with no disciplinary sanction

Process for the enforcement

of the Code and Standards

When an
inquiry is

Issue a cautionary letter

If finding that a violation of
the Code and Standards
occurred, the Designated
Officer proposes a
disciplinary sanction

Upon reviewing the

material obtained during
the investigation, the
Designated Officer may
Continue proceedings
to discipline the
member or candidate

Rejected by member

Integrity of investment profession &

interest of clients above personal interest

Six components of
the Code of Ethics

Care & judgment

Practice ethics & encourage others to practice
Integrity & viability of the global capital markets
Professional competence


Integrity of Capital markets
Duties of Clients

Seven Standards of
Professional Conduct

Duties to Employers
Investment analysis, Recommendations & Actions
Conflict of interest
Responsibilities as a CFA Institute
member or CFA Candidate

1. Code Of Ethics And Standards Of Professional Conduct - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

The matter is referred to a

hearing by a panel of CFA
Institute members

condemnation by the member's peers

If sanction is imposed

Act with integrity, competence, diligence,

respect and in an ethical manner

Accepted by member

suspension of candidate's continued

participant in the CFA program

Understand and comply with

applicable laws and regulations
Code and Standards vs. Local law

Follow stricter law and regulation

Responsible for violations in which they

knowingly participate or assist
Dissociate from illegal,
unethical activities


Leave employers (in extreme case)

Attempt to stop the behavior by bringing it to the attention of
employer through a supervisor or compliance department

Participation or association
with violations by others

May consider directly confronting

the involved individuals

Intermediate steps

If not successful,--> step away and

dissociate from the activity by

Removing their name from written reports

Asking for a different assignment

Inaction with continued association may be construed as knowing participation

A. Knowledge
of the law

Not required reporting violations to government, CFAI,

but advisable in some cases or required by laws in others
Stay informed
Review procedures
Members and

Maintain current files

When in doubt, seek advice of
compliance personnel or legal counsel
When dissociating from violations, --> Document
any violations and urge firms to stop them

procedures for
compliance (RPC)

Develop and/or adopt a code of ethics


Make available to employees info that

highlights applicable laws and regulations
Establish written procedures for reporting suspected
violation of laws, regulations or company policies

Maintain independence and
objectivity in professional activities


By benefits

Gifts, Invitations to lavish

functions, Tickets, Favors, Job referrals,
Allocation of shares in oversubscribed IPOs...

May try to pressure sellside analysts

From Buyside clients

From their
own firms
How to cope with external and
internal pressures

To issue favorable reports

From public companies

e.g. to issue favorable research reports/

recommendations for certain companies
to issue favorable research on current or
prospective investmentbanking clients


Conflicts of interest

Modest gifts and entertainment are

acceptable but special care must be taken

must disclose to employers

Best practice: reject any offer of gifts,

threatening independence and objectivity


convey true opinions


Recommendations must

B. Independence
and objectivity

free of bias from pressures

be stated in clear
and unambiguous language

Portfolio managers must respect and

foster honesty of sellside research
Is fraught with conflicts

2.1 Standard I

Must engage in thorough,

independent, and unbiased analysis
Must fully disclose potential conflicts,
including the nature of compensation
Issuerpaid research

Must strictly limit the type of compensation

they accept for conducting research


Accept only flat fee for their

work prior to writing the report
Best practice

Without regard to conclusions

or recommendations

Protect integrity of opinions

Create a restricted list
Restrict special cost arrangements
Limit gifts


Equity IPOs

Restrict employee investments

Private placements

Review procedures
Written policies on independence
and objectivity of research
Definition of

any untrue statement or omission of a fact

or any false or misleading statement

Must not knowingly make

misrepresentation or give
false impression in

oral representations, advertising

electronic communications
written materials
qualifications or credentials, services
performance record


Must not misrepresent

any aspect of practice, including

Without regard to conclusions or

characteristics of an investment
any misrepresentation relating to
member's professional activities

C. Misrepresentation

Must not guarantee clients specific return

on investments that are inherently volatile
Standard I(C) prohibits plagiarism in preparation
of material for distribution to employers, associates,
clients, prospects, general publish
Written list of available services, description of firm's qualification
Designate employees to speak on behalf of firm


Prepare summary of qualifications and experience,

list of services capable of performing
Maintain copies
To avoid plagiarism

Attribute quotations
Attribute summaries

Address conduct related to professional life

Any act involving lying, cheating, stealing, other dishonest conduct that
reflects adversely on member's professional activities would be violation


D. Misconduct


Conduct damaging trustworthiness or competence (include behaviour may

not be illegal but negatively affect a member to perform responsibility such
as abusing alcohol during lunch hours)
Abuse of the CFA Institute Professional Conduct Program
Involved in personal bankruptcy is not automatically assumed to be in violation but
bankruptcy involve fraudulent or deceitful business conduct may be a violation

Develop and/or adopt a code of ethics


Disseminate to all employee a list of potential violations

Check references of potential employees

2.1 Standard I PROFESSIONALISM - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

a1. Why were the GIPS Standards created?

a2. Who can claim compliance?

Fundamentals and Compliance

Consistency of input data is critical to
effective compliance with GIPS and
establish a foundation for full, fair and
comparable performance presentations
Uniformity in methods used to
calculate returns to achieve
comparability among firms

Note: GIPS standards are printed in their

entirety in the readings, but the Level I
candidate is required only to know the
material through the end of Section II.0
"Fundamental of Compliance."

Only investment management firms

that actually manage assets
Prospect clients and investment
management firms
A composite is an aggregation of discretionary
portfolios into a single group that represents a
particular investment objectives or strategy
A composite must include all actual, fee-paying
discretionary portfolios managed in accordance
with the same investment objective or strategy

Input data

Introduction to Global
Investment Performance
Standards (GIPS)

Calculation methodology

composite return is the

asset-weighted average of all the
portfolios' performance results

a3. Who benefit from Compliance?

b. Construction & purpose of Composites

Composite construction

Terminated portfolios must be included in the

historical returns of appropriate composites

No "negative assurance" is needed

for non-applicable disclosures


Presentation and reporting

Increase the level of confidence that a firm claiming

GIPS compliance did adhere to GIPS

Major sections of
GIPS standards

Improve a firm's internal policies and procedures with

regard to all aspects of complying with the GIPS standards.

Real estate

c. Verification
Private equity

is charged by a wrap fee sponsor for investment

management services and included trading
expenses that cannot be separately identified

To ensure consistence, accurate investment performance data

3+4 GIPS

GIPS Objectives

To promote fair competition among investment management firms

To promote global "self regulation"
To claim GIPS, investment management
firms must define its "firm"

Comply with local law or

regulation conflicts with GIPS
Make full disclosure of the conflict

If local/country specific law or

regulation conflicts with GIPS

Require Firms to include all actual fee paying,

discretionary portfolios in composites defined
according to similar strategy/investment objectives

How are GIPS standards

implemented in countries
with existing standards
for performance reporting

Rely on integrity of input data

Key characteristics

GIPS must be applied on the firm-wide basis. Firm must be defined as an investment
firm, subsidiary, or division held out to clients as a distinct business entity

Firms must initially show GIPS compliant history for a

since inception if the firm has been in existence for

minimum of 5 years,
less than 5 years.

Investment firm definition

Key features of the

GIPS standards &
fundamentals of


After 5-year compliant history has been achieved, firms must

add an additional year of performance each year until
10-year performance record is established, at a minimum
only GIPS compliant performance is
presented for periods after 1 Jan. 2000;
Firm discloses non-compliance period
and explain how it is not in compliance
with GIPS

A firm may link non-GIPS

compliant performance to its
compliant history as long as

If an investment firm applies GIPS in a performance situation that is

not addressed specifically by GIPS/ is open to interpretation,
disclosures other than those required by GIPS may be necessary
GIPS do not address every aspect of performance
measurement, valuation, attribution or cover all asset classes

Firms from any country may come into compliance with GIPS

Total firm assets must be the aggregate of the market value of

all discretionary and non-discretionary assets under management.
This includes both fee-paying and non-fee-paying assets

A single verification report is issued for the entire firm.

Verification cannot be carried out for a single composite

To obtain global acceptance of calculation and presentation

standards in a fair, comparable format with full disclosure

Wrap Fee/ Separately Managed

Account (SMA) portfolios.

A wrap fee portfolio is sometimes

referred to as a "separately managed
account (SMA) or "managed account"

Note: this differs from Standards of

Professional Conduct in which the
stricter of local laws or Standards of
Professional Conduct prevails

Firms are encouraged but not required

to undertake the verification process

Firms that have been verified are encouraged to add a disclosure to composite presentations or
advertisements stating they have been verified: "[name of firm] has been verified for the periods
[insert dates] by [name of verifier]. A copy of the verification report is available upon request."

Wrap fees are a type of bundle fee and are

specific to a particular investment product

can be all-inclusive, asset-based fees and may include

a combination of investment management fees, trading
expenses, custody fees and/or administration fees

Composites must include new portfolios on a

timely and consistent basis after the portfolio
comes under management
Firms may set minimum asset levels for inclusion in
a portfolio, but changes to a composite-specific
minimum asset level are not permitted retroactively.

allow firms to elaborate on the raw

numbers and give the end user the
proper context to understand

Refers to investments in non-public

companies that are in various stages of
development and venture investing,
buyout investing and mezzanie financing

The financial markets and

investment management industry
are becoming increasingly global

The scope of the GIPS

Historical performance record

Firms must meet full

compliance to claim GIPS

Effective date

Compliance cannot be achieved on a

single product, portfolio, or composite

The effective date of the revised Standards is 1 Jan 2011.

Presentations that include performance results for periods after 31
Dec. 2005 must meet all the requirements of the revised GIPS.
Performance presentations that include results through 31 Dec. 2005
maybe prepared in compliance with the 1999 version of GIPS.

Documents policies and procedures

Firms must document, in writing, their polices and

procedures used in establishing and maintaining
compliance with all requirements of GIPS

Once a firm has meet all the required requirements of GIPS , use this
statement to declare: "[Insert name of firm] has prepared and presented this
report in compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)."
If not meet all the requirements, cannot state:" compliance with GIPS except for..."

Firms previously claiming compliance with an Investment Performance

Council-endorsed Country Version of GIPS are granted reciprocity to
claim compliance with GIPS for historical periods prior to 1 Jan. 2006

Claims of compliance

Statements referring to the calculation methodology used in a composite

presentation as being "in accordance [or compliance] with the Global
Investment Performance Standards" are prohibited .
Statements referring to the performance of a single, existing client as being "calculated in
accordance with the Global Investment Performance Standards" are prohibited except when a
GIPS complaint firm reports the performance of an individual account to the existing client

provide a compliant presentation to all prospect clients, cannot

choose to whom they want to present compliant performance

Firm fundamental

3+4 GIPS - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

provide a complete list and description of all of the firms'

composites to any client that makes such a request

must list discontinued composites on

the firms' list of composites for at
least 5 years after discontinuation

To be continued
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to solve many types of time

value of money problems
Find PMT
Find N
Find I/Y

Loan payment
and Amortization

a. Interest rate,
considered as

Amortization table

Discount rate

f1. Use time line

Rate of compound growth

Number of periods for specific growth

Required rate of return

Opportunity cost

the sum of the present values of the cash Rows is the present value of the
series. The sum of the future values (at some future time = n) of a series of
cash flows is the future value of that series of cash flows.

Nominal risk-free rate = real risk-free rate

+ expected inflation rate
Connection between
PV, FV & series of CF

The cash flow additivity principle refers to the fact that present value of any
stream of cash flows equals the sum of the present values of the cash flows

default risk


Future value

b. Interest rate
Several risks of securities

Present value

occur at the beginning of each time period.

e. CF calculations

receiving less than fair value if an

investment must be sold for cash quickly
Longer-term bonds have more risk
than shorter-term bonds

Periodic rate = stated annual rate/m
= the number of compounding periods per year

c,d. EAR

PV of a Perpetuity
Discount each individual cash flows

5. TIME VALUE OF MONEY - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

a borrower will not make the promised

payments in timely manner

represents the annual rate of return actually being earned after

adjustments have been made for different compounding periods

Annuity Due

Use CF function in Calculator

real risk-free rate is a theoretical

rate on a single-period loan when
there is no expectation of inflation.

-->The required rate of return on a security = real risk-free rate + expected inflation rate
+ default risk premium + liquidity premium + maturity risk premium

Ordinary Annuity

FV of Annuity Due = FV of Ordinary

Annuity x (1+ I/Y)

liquidity risk

maturity risk

a series of equal cash flows that occurs

at evenly spaced intervals over time.

PV of Annuity Due = PV of Ordinary

Annuity x (1+ I/Y)

for calculating the present value of

future cash flows

Other applications

Funding a future obligation

occur at the end of each time period.

equilibrium interest rate for a

particular investment

Uneven CF

Non-annual time value of

money problems

divide the stated annual interest rate by the number of compounding

periods per year, m, and multiply the number of years by the number
of compounding periods per year

the PV of the cash flows less the initial (time = 0) outlay

CFt = the expected net cash flow at time t
N = the estimated life of the investment
r = the discount rare (opportunity cosr of capital)


Convert among these yields

Acce pt projects with a posi tive NPV

Decision rules

Reject projects with a negative NPV

Two mutually exclusive projects:
accept higher positive NPV

is the discount rate that make the

NPV of a project equal to zero
1. Based on face value, not price
2. Use 360-day
3. Use simple interest, ignore
reinvestment of interest

Decision rule

Not much meaningful

Conflict with
NPV due to

r BD = the annualized yield on a bank discount basis
D = the dollar discount, which is equal to the difference
between the face value of the bill and the purchase price
F = the face value (par value) of the bill
= number of days remaining until maturity
360 = bank convention of number of days in a year

Differen timing of cash flows

Multiple IRR or No IRR

When CFA pattern is unconventional


Bank discount yield


Unrealistic assumptions

IRR method: project cash flows are

assumed to reinvest at IRR while with NPV
it is assumed to reinvest at market rate

--> at the bottom lines: use NPV

Accept projects with an IRR > the firm's

(investor's) required rate of return.
Decision rules

Yields of T-bills
Po = initial price of the the instrument
P1 = price received for instrument at maturity
D1 = interest payment (distribution)

Different project size: the smaller projects may have

higher IRR but their contribution to the firm value
may be smaller compared to the larger projects

Reject projects with an IRR < the firm's

(investor's) required rate of return.

For single project, IRR and NPV

lead to exactly the same decision

Holding period yield


is the percentage change in an

investment over the period of holding

defined as the IRR

Money Weighted

Effective annual yield

rMM = HPY x (360/t)

BEY = 2 x

semi annual discount rate

Money market yield

Bond equivalent yield

More appropriate if manager has

complete control over cash in/out
measures compound growth
Not affected by cash in/out

rate of return

Preferred method

Time weighted

Value the investment immediately after

any withdrawals or deposits, divide the
overall investment horizon into subperiods

3 steps

Calculate HPR for each subpediod

Compute the geometric mean

6. DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW APPLICATIONS - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

Statistics is used to refer to

data and to the methods we
use to analyze date
Descriptive statistics

Statistical methods
Inferential statistics

to summarized the important

characteristics of large data sets
pertain to the procedures used to
make forecasts, estimates, or
judgement about a large set of data

A population is defined as the set of all

possible members of a stated group

Population parameters
Sample statistics

l. Kurtosis

Leptokurtic: more peaked, fatter tails

(excess kurtosis > 0) --> more risk
Mesokurtic: identical (excess kurtosis = 0)

mean (measures of central tendency)

which addresses return

The most frequently concerned


Excess kurtosis = sample kurtosis - 3

Platykurtic: less peaked (excess kurtosis < 0)

A sample is defined as a subset of

the populations of interest

Population vs. Sample

Nominal scales

Compared with
normal distribution
Ordinal scales

Var (measures of variation around

center) which addresses risk

Classify or count observations with no

particular or ranking
Specified characteristics are used to
categorize observations band involve ranking
no information on the difference among categories
Like ordinal scales + the differences
between scale values are equal -> scale
values can be added and subtracted

Types of measurement scales

Interval scales


Ratio scales

No true zero point

cannot build meaningful ratios

Provide ranking, equal differences

between scale values and true zero point


A parameter is a measure used to

describe a characteristic of a population

the frequency of experiencing

losses and gains are the same

A sample statistic is used to

measure a characteristic of a sample

Parameter vs. Sample statistic



A tabular presentation of statistical data

that aids the analysis of large data sets

j,k. Shape of distribution

Frequency distribution

Positively skewed (Sk>0)


3. Count the observations and then calculate

summing the absolute frequencies starting at the

lowest interval and progressing through the highest.

Cumulative absolute

Negatively skewed (Sk<0)

--> more risk

7. Statistical Concepts
and Market Returns

i. Relative dispersion

summing the relative frequencies starting at the

lowest interval and progressing through the highest.

Cumulative relative frequency


CV (Coefficient of Variation)


2. Tally the observations

calculated by dividing the absolute

frequency of each return interval by
the total number of observations.

Relative frequency

Negative Sharpe ratio

1. Define interval

3 steps

Absolute frequency

Nonsymmetrical (Skewness)
(because of outliers)


Not suitable with asymmetric return distribution

Construction of a
frequency distribution

bar chart


Frequency polygon

line chart

Sharpe Ratio / Reward-to-Variability ratio

Population mean

For any distribution with finite variance, the

percentage of observations lie within k standard
deviation of the mean is at least 1-1/(k^2)
36%: +/-1.25k
56%: +/-1.50k

Sample mean

h. Chebyshev's inequality

75%: +/-2k

Arithmetic mean

89%: +/-3k
94%: +/-4k


Easy to compute
affected by extreme value
no info on how data is distributed

Range = Max - Min

Weighted mean
(portfolio return)
Geometric mean

(compound growth)
(return data set)

e. Measures of
central tendency

better than range

less sophisticated than Var and Sd

Use of arithmetic or geometric mean

when determining investment returns

Harmonic mean
(cost of shares)

g. Dispersion
(measure of risk)


the measure of central tendency

for which the sum of the deviations
from the mean is zero

Harmonic < geometric < arithmetic

Variance & Standard deviation

value of middle item in a set of sorted items



not affected by extreme value but

more difficult to find out
No mode

Semivariance and


Unimodal, bimodal, trimodal

--> the only measure can be
used with nominal scale
Model interval -->
for continuous distribution

value at or below which a portion of the data distribution lies


f. Quantile


into quarters
into fifths
into tenths

Percentile (100)

7. Statistical Concepts and Market Rerurns - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

Ly =(n+1) x y /100

To be continued
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Financial Statement
Additional disclosures required by regulatory


Any commentary by management


Financial position
Role of FR

Roles of FR & FSA

Useful to a wide range of users in

making economic decisions

Firm's performance
Changes in financial position

> To evaluate past, current, and prospective

performance & fin position
> To make economic decisions

Use info in a company's Fin Statements

Roles of FSA

Use other relevant info


Income Statement

Gains and Losses

Balance Sheet (A=L+OE)

Role of key FS

Owners' equity


CF statement


Statement of changes in Owners' equity

disclose the basis of preparation for FS
(e.g: accounting methods, assumptions,...)

acquisitions or disposals
legal actions
employee benefit plans

FS notes (footnotes)

contingencies and commitments

Additional items:

significant customers
sales to related parties
segments of firm
are audited
not audited
operating income or sales by region
or business segments

Supplementary schedules

reserves for an oil and gas company

info about hedging activities and
financial instruments

Importance of

assessment of financial performance and condition of a

company from the perspective of its management

22. FSA

Results from operations, with trends

in sales and expenses
Capital resources and liquidity, with trends in CF

Publicly held companies in US

General business overview

discuss accounting policies that require

significant judgements by management

discuss significant effects of trends, events, uncertainties

liquidity and capital resource issues, transactions
or events with liquidity implications
Discontinued operations, extraordinary
items, unusual or infrequent events
Extensive disclosures in interim financial statements
disclosure of a segment's need for CF
or its contribution to revenues or profit

= independent review of an entity's FS

objective: auditor's opinion on fairness
and reliability of FS, "no material errors"
Independent review though FS prepared by mgmt and are its responsibility
3 parts

Reasonable assurance of no material errors (follow generally accepted auditing standards)

FS prepared in accordance with accepted accounting principles, reasonable accounting principles and estimates, consistency

Explanatory paragraph: when a material loss is probable but

amount cannot be reasonably estimated. Uncertainties
may relate to the going concern assumption --> signal serious
problems and need close examination by analyst

Audits of FS
Standard auditor's opinion

(under US GAAP): Opinion on internal controls

Unqualified opinion: auditor believes statements are free from material omissions and errors
3 types of Opinions

Qualified opinion: if statements make any exceptions to accounting principles --> explain these exceptions
Adverse opinion: if statements are not presented fairly or are materially nonconforming with accounting standards

Quarterly or semi- reports (NOT audited)

Interim reports

About election of board members, compensation, management and qualifications

and issuance of stock options

Other info sources

Proxy statements

Filed with SEC

Corporate reports and press releases

1. Articulate the Purpose & Context of analysis

2. Collect data

FSA framework

3. Process data
4. Analyze/interpret data
5. Report the conclusions or recommendations
6. Update the analysis

22. FSA Introduction - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

Viewed as PR or sales materials

Operating activity: activities that are part of the day-to-day business function of an entity


Investing activity: activities associated with acquisition & disposal of long-term asset
Financing activity: activities related to obtaining or repaying capital from shareholders or creditors


FS elements
& accounts

Account & financial




Chart of accounts : set forth the actual accounts used in a company's accounting system
Contra account: offset or deducted from other accounts

Accounting equation

Owners' equity

Contributed capital
Retained earning

Expanding: A = L + Contributed capital + BGN Retained earnings + Rev - Exp - Dividend

23. Financial reporting


Unearned (Deffered) revenue

Cash movement prior to Acct. recognition

Accruals & Valuation



Cash movement after Acct. recognition

Prepaid expense
Unbilled (Accrued) revenue

(when billing, Un.Rev decrease & Receivables increase)

Accrued expense

Valuation adjustment: made to company's A or L so that account records current market value (not

Relationships among IS,

BS and statement of CFs,
and of owners' equity

BS: show a company's financial position at a point in time

Changes in BS accounts during an accounting period are
reflected in IS, statement of CFs and owners' equity

1. Journal entries & Adjusting entries (record=time)

2. General ledger & T-accounts

Accounting system

Flow of information

3. Trial balance

(list account balances at a particular point in time)

4. Fin. statement

Debit & Credit

Using fin. statement

in security analysis

23. Financial reporting mechanics - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

Analyst uses FS to judge the fin. health of the company

Analyst can use his understanding to detect misrepresentation

Historical cost)

Overview FRS

Objective of FR: provide fin. info about the reporting entity

Importance of reporting standards in security analysis and valuation

Standard-setting bodies
(establishing standards)

IASB (International Accounting Standards Board)

US FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
IOSCO (international):

Standard setting &

Regulatory bodies

not a regulatory, but its members regulate significant portion

FSA (in UK)

Regulatory authorities
(enforcing standards)

1. Protect investors

SEC (in USA)

2. Ensure: market is fair, efficient, transparent

3. Reduce systematic risk

Status of global convergence of accounting standards



Barriers to developing one universally accepted set of financial reporting standards

standard setting bodies

regulatory authorities

political pressures from business groups and others




Faithful presentation

Trade off across Enhancing characteristics



(consistent among firms and time periods)


(complete, neutral, free from error)

(reliability and relevance: timely)

Non-quantifiable info: omitted
of Financial position: A, L, E


IFRS framework

of performance: Income, Expense

Accrual basis
Going concern
Cost can be reliable measured

Recognition principal

Probably future economic benefit will flow to entity

Elements of FS

Historical cost : amount originally paid for the asset

Current cost : would have to pay today for the same asset
Realizable value: amount for which firm could sell the asset

Measurement bases

Present value : discounted future cash flows

Fair value : 2 parties in an arm's length transaction would exchange the asset
BS, IS, CFS, OE, Explanatory notes (inclu. accounting policies)

Required financial statements

Fair presentation

24. Financial
Reporting Standards

Going concern basis

Accrual basis

General requirements
for FS under IFRS

Principles for PREPARING

No offsetting
Comparative information
Frequency of reporting

IASB requires mgmt to consider the

framework if no explicit standard exists

Purpose of framework

IASB same objective

Objectives of financial statements


FASB different objectives for biz and non-biz

IASB emphasizes going concern

FASB: relevance, reliability

Primary characteristics

IASB: comparability, understandability also

Qualitative characteristics

IFRS (by IASB) #


IASB: income+expenses

FASB: Revenues, Expenses, Gains,

Losses, comprehensive income

Asset definition

Financial statement elements


IASB: resource from which future

economic benefit is expected
FASB: future economic benefit

IASB: define criteria for recognition

FASB: define assets and liabilities

Values of assets to be
adjusted upward

IASB: allow
FASB: not allow

Characteristics of a coherent
financial reporting framework


Effective FR
Barriers to creating a coherent
financial reporting framework

Standard setting


24. Financial Reporting Standards - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

relies on broad framework

FASB in the past

specific guidance how to classify trx

Objectives oriented


FASB moving now

blend the other two

To be continued
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Issuing equity

Allow entities to

Main functions
of financial system

Risk management
Exchanging assets
Utilizing information
Equilibrium interest rate

Determine the returns that equate D &S

Allocate capital to most efficient uses

F.A: securities, currencies...

Financial A vs. Real A

Protect unsophisticated investors

R.A: commodities, real estate...

Establish minimum standard of competency

Public sec: trade on exchanges

Help investors evaluate performance

Objectives of
market regulation

Prevent insider

Public vs. Private securities


Promote commom FR requirements

Classification: Assets & Market

Require minimum level of capital

Complete market
Informational efficiency

Primary vs. Secondary market

Characteristics of
well-functioning fin. system

(Low cost)

Money vs. Capital market

Trades occur at specific times


Call market

dealer bid-ask quote

Price is set by

Mutual funds


of markets

Continuous market

Asset classes

3. Time precedence

Order-driven markets

sometimes refer as Depositories

Hedge funds
Fixed income

1. Price
Matching rules

ETFs and ETNs

Pooled investment vehicles


45. Market Organization

& Structure

Quote-driven markets (trade with dealers)

2. Display precedence

Preferred stock


Trade occur any time the market is open

auction process

Capital: for equity+debt securities> 1y

Common stock

All bids+asks are declared, and then one negotiated price is set for the stock
to set opening prices and prices after
trading halts on major exchanges

Secondary: subsequents sales of sec

Money: for debt securities < 1y

(at the best efficiency)

in smaller markets

Der contract: values depend on the values of other assets

Primary: for newly issued sec

(P reflects fundamental info)

Allocational efficiency


Debt vs. Equity vs. Derivative


Operational efficiency

Private sec: not trade on exchange

Convertible debt=F.I+Equity


Forward, Futures, Swap, Option


Brokered markets


Credit default swap

Real assets

IPO vs. Secondary issues

Public offerings vs. Private placements

Primary market

Securities trade after initial offerings

Importance: provide Liquidity+Price info

Primary vs.
Secondary markets

Block brokers

Secondary market

help large trades

Investment banks

Brokers,Dealers & Exchanges

M.O: execute at the best P

Market vs. Limit order


Alternative trading systems (ATS)







earn profit fr. bid-ask spread

Depository institutions


Insurance companies

Stop order


refer who buy A in 1 market & resell in another market

Clearinghouses: intermediaries between buyers & sellers

Clearinghouses & Custodians


Long =Buy

Long vs. Short

Short sales

Short =Sell
borrow securities & sell


borrow funds to buy A

Leveraged positions

45. Market Organization & Structure - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

Margin call P=P0

1 Initial margin

1 Maintenance margin

market index

used to present the performance of an asset

class, security market or segment of a market

Price index: calculate price only

Calculate an index

Return index: include P+Income

Which target market?
Which securities?

Index construction
& management

How weight?
Re-balancing frequency?
Re-examining when?

= Sum of stock prices / Number of stocks adjusted for splits

Adjust for stock split

Price-weighted index

Adv: simple
Adv & Disad

Equal-weighted index

Disad: % change in a high-priced stock will have a greater

effect on the index

Equivalent to a portfolio that has equal dollar

amounts invested in each index stock

Weighting methods

NOT adjust
Weights based on the market-cap of each index stock

Market-cap weighted index

Criticism: large company has greater impact
Float-adjusted market cap- weighted index

46. Security
Market Indices

Market float : (-) shares from Controlling shareholders

Free float: Market float - Not available to foreign investors

Fundamental weighting
(earnings, dividends, cash flow)

Rebalancing &

uses for Equal-weighted index

Rebalance: adjust the weights of securities

Reconstitution: add & delete securities that make up an index
Reflect market sentiment

Uses of securities
market indices

Proxy for measuring of market return & risk

Proxy of beta & risk-adjusted return
Benchmark of management performance
Model portfolio for index fund
Broad market equity
Multi-market vs. Multi-market with fundamental weghting

Types of equity indices

Sector index

Style index

Types of Fixed Income indices


Large universe
Dealer market & infrequent trading

Commodities index

Alternative investment indices

Hedge fund index

Real estate index

46. Security Market Indices - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

Illiquidity, transactions costs, high turnover of

constituent securities => Difficult & expensive
to replicate F.I index

based on future contract

may have upward-bias

Its return is based on another

instrument (underlying assets)

Underlying assets


The biggest trading volume

Organized market -> liquid
Standard terms

Buy an asset at one price

Concurrently sell it at higher price
-> Riskless profit without investment
NO arbitrage opportunities exist



Arbitrage & the law of one price

Daily settlement

Where derivatives are traded?

private between 2 parties -> illiquid

The law of one price

Difficult to understand
Zero-sum game

Information about underlying price

Control risk
Mispriced -> adjust quickly ->
market efficiency
Low tnx cost

No default risk

Customized terms



Legal gambling

default risk & legal risk

at the end of the contract: settlement

57. Derivative
Markets and

Firm and binding agreement -> obligation


Price discovery

Forward commitment

No premium paid up front

The long has the flexibility -> options

Contingent claims

Premium is paid up front by the long

Risk management

Purposes of derivatives market


Market efficiency


Trading efficiency


Types of derivatives


Exchange, OTC, Forward commitment

Exchange, Forward commitment
Exchange, OTC, Contingent Claims
OTC, Forward commitments
a contract that provides a bondholder
(lender) with protection against a
downgrade or a default by the borrower

Credit derivatives

57. Overview of derivatives - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA


Credit default swap (CDS) -> most common

Credit spread option

= Long stock + short call

Covered call = call is covered by a long stock

Covered call

Payoff diagram
Payoff (covered call) = Payoff (Long stock) + Payoff (short call)
= ST
- Max(0, S T - X)
Profit (Covered call) = Payoff (Covered call) - So + C
Max loss when payoff is min -> S

= 0 -> Max loss = So - C

Max profit when payoff is max -> ST > X

Payoff diagram (Covered call): similar to payoff diagram of short put

59. Risk Management

Applications of
Option Strategies

= Long stock + Long put

+ P
Protective put = Long put protects potential loss of a stock

Protective put

Payoff diagram
Payoff (Protective put) = payoff (Long stock) + Payoff (long put)
+ Max(0, X - S T)
Profit = Payoff - So - P
Max loss when payoff is min -> S

= 0 -> Max loss = So + P - X

Max profit when payoff is max -> ST > X -> Max profit is indefinite
Payoff diagram (protective put) is similar to that of long call
59. Risk management Appications of Option Strategies - CFA Mind Maps Level 1 - 2015 - Copyright by WAY TO CFA

To be continued
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